Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 28, 1906, Image 1

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P. J. AND 4:00 p. x,
AY, MAY 28, 1906.
renched while
ks in Beau
fib May 28. Tho heaviest
ML m tho history- of tho
torsosi at Fresno was 1.34
e ia ibe ea24 hours. Heavy
ge to the toy awl grain crops is
tM, gWor' Ansae go wig douo to
by npproprinto exercines at tho Moore
monument in tho Flower Garden, Pros
pect Park, this afternoon. There will
bo several addresses and a number of
songs. Tho -organizations participating
in the exercises will bo the Brooklyn
Gaelic Society, the Brooklyn JPh.il
Celtic Socioty, tho Qucenpoint dnelic
Society, the New York Philo-Celtlc
Society anil the Harlem Gaelic Society.
-ii i i,j
early f :.
L awt'ta
aoded' 0V4T-
river waters aTO
ite of tho county
erablo area.
Oallf en; Flooded.
'f(jur O'slock Edition.)
vftAi, Gal.,- Xy2S. Heavy snow
nitt itv
d the
tains last night
river to overflow
Considerable of
the river is iuun-
ning through Vis-
, and' a flood ia
highest water is ex-
'afternoon. Great dam-
been Asa to the hay and' grain
. 'i iMwrBilunie
t m i " -V WfOefJs-
--- - llCa J
el$ Oah, May28. Today tho
at a' stewfetill. Snow in tho
I earta Me morning prevented
wr but there is much concern
fety ' tho town, and mcr-
ave moved their stocks from
ar. The? water is within
' few iae'hes of its highest
In Mwry ef Tfcemas Moore.
iwjkljB, JST. Y, May 28. The sode-
beJonffiag to "tMj Gaelic League
i state of Wir Yark will celcbrat
126th, w).lfjnii?of tho birth of
mm ' Me WiCl 1ftlrfirTt Irish, poet,
Baltlmone, Md., May 28. The Hiber
nian Club of this city, composed of
members mainly of the Ancient Order
of Hibernians, will celebrato the birth
day of tho great Irish poet, Thomas
Moore, this evening by a banquet at
BJeilly'a hotel. Many leading Irishmen
of this city will bo present and some
interesting addresses will be delivered;
Tho musical program includes a num
ber of Mooro's songs.
Biot in Seattle.
(Four O 'Clock Edition.)
Seattle, May 28. tilovon bruised: and
battered1 men aio in jail, several pa
trolmen aro nursing minor injuries and
extra officers are on duty in the vicinity
of Second' nvonuo and' Washington
street, as the result of a small-sized riot
which was precipitated early last even
ing, when a policeman attempted to ap
prehend an escaped prisoner from the
city jniL.
Story That Wakes Meat Pro
ducts Have a Dark
Brown Taste
Expenses Must Bo Known.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Washington, May 28. By a party
voto tho house committee on the elec
tion of president ordered a favorable
report on tho Gains bill providing for
publicity as a preventative for fraudu-.
lent campaign; contributions, nn,di ille
gal expenditures in federal elections.
Illinois Stays Out.
s (Four O'Clock Edition.)
Chicago, May 28. The Illinois opera
tors withdrew from tho agreement with
tho miners.
Indianapolis, Mary 28. Tho Indiana
and: Ohio operators will sign the 1003
k00 Ya
Summer G
MR1HB IWrlsss
rv- i i '
m v
JQH tfj
utifal Persian
ty; yard... . 5c
Fancy Lawns;
a 5c
ncy Dimities,
jdN, f, tgpwtifal Sheer Or-
if.Tr 10c
., Dre Gingtaat;
HmtHy, yd ....gl-Zc
luad 18o iBported
Suit Zephyrs,
pattern; price,
hbk pallcoe;
yl J5c, lie,
500 yardn of White India Li nets;
great value, yard, 81-3e, 10c,
12'io and 18c
-1000 yards of Genuine Irish Ii&ens,
is white axd satural, yd 15e,
18c, cd 25e
500 yads White Badford Cord;
make beautiful dreMea, yd 15c,
18c awl .... 25e
500 yards of SUk Malls axd Madraa
Cloth correct for soaBerv de
asd waJsta; priee, yd, 15c, lSe, 25o
Dn't fail to visit ewr MHlfstry,
CeaB a4 SU DefrteU aad SEE
LEM. SMtifal TriaB
wertk afrnkra ap aa Ugk tm (ZM
mm H.J0 a 41.W; K.M Trfaaed
HU at 20, Spal Ladi'
Sit frw WM vyi Bjril La
m' JaakH from 4.4 p.
Chicago, May 2S.-It is saldl tho
Xeill Beynolds' report on tho packing
houses consists of notes and aiuduvits
of employes and patrons. Ho has some
allegations, baeked by affidavits, it is
said, "that lard is made from hogs
which dio of cholera." Tho sanitary
conditions of tho packing houses is re
volting, and meat Europana rofuo H
sold in America. Oil from hogs dying
in transit is used for "sardino oil,"
lump jaw cattle are butchorod without
inspection, and trichonosls hogi aro
sold in this country. Tho so-called
"potted chicken" is composed of tho
flesh of bob veal anU, "leaf lard," ox
ploitied for its purity, contains 20 per
cent coMon seed oil. Ono concern has
a chemist to perfect a process for de
odorizing decayed hams. Tho meat ia
doctored with borax nnd other danger
ous chemicals, after having spoiled, and
dangerous chemicals aro used for
"smoked meats."
Many employes suffer from tubercu
losis, are unclean, spit on tho meat,
walk over it, nnd drag it on the filthy
Bubbly creek, into which tho offal
was dumped, was skimmed for the
greaso which flows on it. Animals
butchered for Europeans wcro inspected.
Meat in which trichina wcro disinte
grated were sold. Wliero the germs
wero found allvo in ham tho meat was
boiled before selling, though, not al
ways thoroughly, and tho inspection
servico was inadequate. An atNrmpt
was made to observe sanitary measures
in the slaughter houses. Canned' roast
beef wan made from porus parte of Old
cowh, so emaciated that tley had to bo
hauled to tho slaughter houses. Sau
sage was made from animals that died,
and was treated) with chemicals, and
presented in embalming fluid. Tho
Neill and Beynolds report lias been
handed to tho President, who threatens
to send it to eongreas unless Senator
Boveridgo's rldbr on tho agricultural
bill, regarding aantury conditions at
tho packing houses is passed.
no. lie.
Murja-res8 Is Insane.
Xew York, May 28. Josephine Tor-
rlvona, charged with tho murder of her
unclo and aunt, who has been on trial
tho part week, was declared' insane by
a commission which reports tomorrow.
It is said the trial will bo stopped, and
tho girl sent to an aity luin.
TWelve Killed and Twenty
jlnjured in a Kentucky
Smash Up
Ltiiswlle, Ky., May 28. A broken
fl&ngo on n LouiwMo & Nashville pas-
scRjer coach caused) a wreck this
moriing, nwB probably 12 Jives wero
lostnnd20 persons injured. Idontilca
tionjis difficult on account of tho man
glcdj bodies. Eight corpses aro In Uic
morgue, ami' tho injured aro in the
hospltaK Tho coach left tho track
anU crashed into a freight, Tlw coaches
were nhJuced to kindling wood.
5 Rain Brought Discomfort.
t Four O'Clock Edition.)
San Prandsco, May 28. After two
duys rain, the sun came out this morn
ing and brought cheer to tho thousands
of tent-dwellers encamped in tho parks,
and past dieeomforta wcro soon forgot
ton. Whllo tho rain brought dlscom
fort, and, in maiy cases, extwrno suffer
ing, tho tenters learned how to dig
trenches and protect themselves. An
other; rain will find them prepared. But
few bases of illness as a result of the
rain are reported. Owing to flooded
streets, tho car servico waa groatly im
podedi, but otherwiso tho city suffered
no ill effect from tho two-duyn' down-
Pntcr Still In California.
San Francisco, May 28. 8, A. T
Puter want(Sll in Portland for complici
ty In the government land frnud is
still In tho Alameda county jail. He
was to have been taken north Friday
evening, but owing to heavy storms
and tho train service being demoralise 1
tho prisoner is held in California until
normal servioo ia resumed.
Street Talr for Charily.
Bayonnc, N. J., May 28. Tho grrot
street fair arranged for tho benefit of
tho llayonnti hospital opens hero this
ufternooni, an judging from tlm en
thusinsnr slxwn nnd tho extensive prvj)-.
nriitions tnaxDo, it will bo ono of tlw
moft p'gantic cmtertninmentu of this
kind ever undertaken in tlm East. Tho
preparations ha-vo btvn going on for
more than a year. There will bo a pure
food show in connection with tho fair.
Court-Martial Convened.
Norfolk, Va,, May 28.-A court
martial, with Bear-Admiral Stgsbee as
president, convened today for the trial
of Captain Perry Garits, lieutenant
eommundez, anil Edward T. WithCr
Soon for grounding tho battleship
Bhodo IslaiM
The Idaho Trial.
Bolso, Ilaho, May 28. Dnrrow,
Richard Miller and Nugent Miller, at
tornoyp, representing Moyer, Haywood
and Petttibone, removed thehr ofllco
from BoImi this afternoon, establishing
lM-udquartera at Calihvell, wltero tho
case will b called tomororw morning.
Special Sewloa of the Legislature.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Waahicgton, May 28. A call has
been issued for a special eosslon of Ha
Delaware legislature Thursday, to elect
a United States aenator.
Lynched a White Man.
(Four O'Clock Edition.?
Wadosboro, N. a, May 28. John V.
Johauton, white,, charged with the wiur
W M bis brother-in-law. was lynched
J early tody. The mob rldUled Uls body
with bullets.
Eercaaa ia Revolt.
Tokio, May 28.Thcre Is an Incipient
wvolt at Hong Ju, In Korea, and the
rebela aro holdrag the town. JajianeM
troops are en routo to tbe acene.
i i
Ta AteohaTBtU FtMwd.
WMhingtOH, May 28. The hoiue Ui
ay OBeurr( is tb at ajaead
agents to tb ir alooUl bill. It sow
awaits tb PxeaVJt'ii sigatar.
Cm Mr ti Ciwwr
clM mi Cmt ftrtite
MlchaH DarMt Dytsjc
n.Jin IrluKl Mar- 28 MleWl
llDaviU UA t4ter iWag apfK to-
I dby, aau n i tuwgav m www awr-
Amu Caa Vim Ottt.
(Four O'clock S&tiaa.)
ParU Maw 28. Th Oaa&teM Aasa
D'CtitllABd had yti Mrved oa th
eouai in ser dirorc ut y -mb.
Tlio (school board of dlrectora mot In
special himwoti Satarday rerJng ft the
Ugh reboot hi rutpoao to a call issued
as follows!
SaJem, Or., May 25, 1005.
To W. H. Byrd, director of School DIs-
trlet Na 24, Salens, Or.t
You aro hereby notified' that pur
suant to request aignetl by W, II, ByTd,
A. A. Loo and IL C. Epley, for tha
erJllog for such; mo-ting, tUero will bo
a vjitCMl metiivg of diatriet oboe!
board of district) No. 24 in Marios couw
ty, OrSROB, aU tho Wgli school buUdlag
on foaturday eve ring, May 25, Hr05,
for tb pnrpoM of InstruetiDg the chair
man of nd bowrdl to pott Botlee of
(ho aneal aeoo,! election to be h!d
Juno 18, 1906, for tho purpoo of elect
rug ono director tvr tX.fi tna, of fiye
ytWs, asd tvt tho further pnrpoaa of
voting on tha queatioo of high) sehool,
or Ji hli ttchoui for aU district A.
O. TottUt, cfcAra-a of district aeheol
board No.. 24. AtUvt: G. C. Goodaki
Jr., elurk.
Tba mmting wan railed 4e orJsr by
DLreoter W. If. Byrd. Tha reH .call
bowed wo &tibW director freasat,
Mcwwc Jtyvf &4 L, Ltr ir Mm
MMdoB Mr. QtvUtm was a4so jirtmnl.
Dr. Byrd arpjid that thra w
femed thtaleid defact ia eomalyfatf
witij U kw is tU mllishMi of
tho Hjjk school ad tat is orAsr to
Wcfl, UqaMf, Aiplowaa ia tt ntA-
fce nawiim J! Uh t U rati-
fl hy y). fUmm. kaa hi
bub the coming vlectiou is mndo mmics
sary to comply with, tho ichool wvr,
Tlio following rofolution vas then
offered by Director Lee:
"Bo it rasolvw tlmt tho chnlrnran
and clerk be Instructed to "pot no
tJees of the annual school election to
bo held Junw 18, 1900, for tbo purpose
of electing one director for tho ttenn
of fivo years ami for tho further pur
pose of voting oiv tho questlow of e
tablishlng a Wglv school In ecliool1 dip
trict o. 24, Im Marlon county, Ore.
Tho resolution was passed unnnl
mously. At another meeting tlw plnces
for voting and tho officers will bo
This electiou, tho part pertaining to
tho high school, U a mere formality to
cover a technical dofect. Tlo high
school has coma to stay and there it
no opposition to It being continue!.
A. O. Condib's term has expired ami
Wio voters will lo called upon to olect
his suceesor.
New Christian Church.
Tho bldn for Uib building of tho new
Christian chireh will bo openwl some-
itlmo during tho week, Tho present
church building will be torn down, and
tho bricks will bo used' for tho bate
ment of tho new structure Tho new
cdifico will bo 80x105 feet nnd one of
t'ho hnnHsomest church buildings In tho
cltp It is to bo built on tho modern
mission) style, nndi tho appointments
aro to be of tho most approved sort.
Tlio auditorium wlU bo 00x00, with a
largo gallery overlooking it. Special
efforts aro being mad,o to bnvo the
Sunday ochool room well adapted to
tho needB of a room) for that particular
kind of church work. Thero will bo 14
clafs rconu), a baptistry, choir room, a
pastor' study arU several other rooms.
Tho church, when completed, will cost
about $11,000. The church itself han
already nultrtHl $7800, and thero will bo
no troublo in dedicating tho new
building freo of dl'bU
Open Air Treatment at Cheeuwa,
Dr. O. P. Fryer, tho school physician
of tho Indian school at Chenmwa, has
established, In connection with tho
school's hopltal aru oirt-door sanltarlmn
for tho care of pupils who aro Inclined
toward tuberculosis. Several tent a
haii) been located in tho school orchard
near tho hospital building, nnd more
will bo sot up as toon ns they can bo
Tlw outdoor treatmenb will bo
watched) closely by tho school mnilige
ment, who hope that it will result In
great good nnd in heading off thoso In
ellncd to contract this dread dlseaie,
Oroat Floods la Utah.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Salt Lake, Utah, May 28 -Tlio heavy
rains lit tho last 24 hours aro cuualng
great damage. There was n washout on
tho Southern Pacific nt Golcomki, Nov.,
caused by o cloudburst, drowning thwo
Mexican sheep herders. A eommltteo
la here from' Juab county, Utah, wult
lag on Salt Lake Bouto officials, nnd
asking hVlp for tho preservation of
tho Servlcr river dnrre. Volunteers nil
over tho country aro working at rais
ing tho darn. The water is now backed
eight miles along tho nillroiid truck
Tlio best effort of 250 teams care only
keep tho dam lx inches above tho
raising waters. Should tho Hm go
out 000 families of Mormon farmers
will bo swept awny. Snow Is rejKirted
in Southern Utuh, AU railroads kuvti
rock trains outf strengthening tho
weak places.
Oraat Daauge to Trait Crop.
(Four O'CJoek Edition.)
Sacramento, May 28. Ileports of or
chardiits form tho northern part of the
state say tho cherry crop not gathered
is abiolutely oVtroyod. Iatn eberriet,
peaches, plums and strawberries are
badly damaged, Hay and grain ait
down everywhero, and it Is feared it
will not rite. Four inches of rala i
m-ported In tbe Bierras, and nearly two
laches in this city, accompanied by
high winds, which hUtvr the frnlt from
the trees. The total lot in Northern
California will exceed a million.
NasMd La4 Ofteer.
WasUngton, May 28 Preslfleatlal
aomJ cations of reUtertf of the Uad-af-fices
are? J. M. Burllngame, Clareecs,
MoaUaa; Praak J). McCa!, HOesa,
Ma4aa; Um.tr VUla, SUita,
Moataaa; Ckrec X. MeJCari, Ltwis
te Idaha. Kscivars 'ef fU
eys: 0. O. OvrmA, HsUaSj Maataaaj
Ckaa Bever, Mllkys, Meato) W.
A. Hsdfff, LswUtes, 74ahy.
-.i a i .!
WlU Xavs a OssrfsssiMs.
(Fur O'elsck Xs0.), ,.
WsafeletfUw, May 2f,Titf muU
agr4 t m aofyna s tha rats WU
sshsl tvt by tfcs htn'sis -wiih MHtlas,
Sexton's Do? Leads Rescuers
to Bessie Bauer's Hiding
Tho Oregonlan this morning has thtj
following pitiful stery:
Hungry nnd thirsty, with lacerated"
feet nnd bniMa, ami clothing covered
with mud and slime, Miss Bole Bauer,
for whont her parents and tlw pollctf
ha-o lKon searching for fivo days, was
found at 7 o'clock last night through
tho wgacity f dog belonging to the
sorton of Biversido eiiinetery. Whea
discovered Miss Bairer ws In an rdmosfc
oxhnustcnl comlltion, nnd was uftorlng,
Intensely. Slo had concealed herself
In tho vicinity of tho cemotory after
her disappearance, and refuswl to re
spowr to tho calls of thu renrchors. She
aVlmitUHl to her mothor Vnst nlghb that
lier mlml must have been affected, for
elm know not wlwt she hMl leon doing.
Tho sexton- noticed several tlmms yes
terday tho peeullar Ucs of his dog,
but paid llttM attntlom Drv TIIIiaar
who was imsidng tlio cemetory, also no
ticed tho notioaa of tho dumb brute,
nml rcquestHll tlm eeoeton to follow ibe
dog, Tho taxs tmwh to tho gratifica
tion of tho animal, foWowd it to
clump of bushe, vrbtre tie young wo
man was found stttfntf on a log In a
Imlf-fnlntlitg eosUitloa.
Recognljed from Pktsrss.
IVom publisliod uX'serlptlons of MIsm
Ilauer, Dr. Tilhaan recognised lor as
tho missing; girl, Hb notlfled tho police
at oiH-c, and Cajrtuin Slover sent Potcc
tlvcs Snow aiKb Beislng to tho comotory
Deforo tlioir arrival, M-tsa Bauer'H
mother nrl her brother lmd bewa noti
fied, nn8 tho brother bU: gone to bring
Ids alwter home.
''Tho deteotlveo iuUe"l tho ferry, but
arrived In tlimi to see tho young woiimH
taken in a boat row tho rlvor by sov
oral iiion, whoto er-ice wero volun
teered. So oxhojiKted had sho beooinv
through hunger nmll thirst that's had ,
to bo carried! bonto. She ws liwmedl
ntelo' put lo bcxli and a physician callod.
to attend hw,
Foobly but okitrly Miss Bauar wnr
able to tell her terrible experiences to.
her mother, who was herself nlnioct
ovorcome at hier hiughtcr's return.
Miss Unwr stated) that her mind, wns
ualmbinced when hho wandered away
from home, and tlmt at different tlm
slio had heard wurehers railing her
"I ftMimsi to know what they
wanted," h said, "bul It was not la
my power to answer, I became fright
ened at tho approach of any ono, and,
Instead of seeking uafoty by making
known mjy presence, I ran from them
nnd concealed myself In tho bushes."
Slept Amid Tetabstsae.
Exposed; to Tains, which drenched
her to tho sWn, nixA suffering from
tho cold, Miss Bauer slept la tho brufh
nnd urah'r logs for fivo nights with wlhl
bensttf, birds and tombstones for her
only company. Through contact with
briers hwr clothing was dornt and her
bandta wero covcrd with cuts and
scratches, while her feet wero a mass
of bruises. Her foco 1ms bocotas
plneluMl awl wan. nnd her figure, which
ordinarily Is alight, is now greatly
Although- her tains was a fee ted dur
ing her nbsoaee, It la bow believed that
sl will recover her reason, bt It will
bo somo time beforo h regains her
Councilman A'. N. Wills, wacla ot
MUs Bauer, l-sft fop A "tola yestrfcty
mwaiB, brJItrving that hla ataca had
8m tiers, ( , Ixtfkll
The yousg womaw who has e&uei
hr xoothw atu) the poli saeli warry,
dawppeariAr row her hosw last Wsd
Msday Borala. Wia toK her mother
that she was sttfttriaff t rewf heaikche
a ad would waik areuod ia the opes, ale
la an effort t mtm It Sho did net r-
tarn, a ad at tstgat the folic were se-tliad.
They sarehd all quarUrs of the
city, hut eeald l4 ao tru ef her. Ik
ws bMeysdl ttr a Um that yi
wore serioas hansr had- WfaH her.
m it i i i i
Ooreraor CksbeeWa teds-y lnte
a rwfuWtloa e the geveraer ef 'Wash
lagton for the JsHysry ef J. Q. AdesM
charged with krseay eeauisHted at the
Likl ote Im Pertlesu May 2, 1W.
Hs is tow 4? f sa a, !,WwhJayt ss. T,
O. CrjUrf mt PwUsa, J Muff
aated as the assk to wNnt the l
i -
! j
CUa; May M.-What &,
r wmmk "- i
ttiJ Ik iu it kaf 10 oHka.
KjMSjsjufSM m AUliBBH! aS Ull BHfefliBsHL
live tio