Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 26, 1906, Image 1

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tj I TW0 BDmo8 daily AT :-
wo. m.
5ai fflwcisco Is Putting
iUsrfJjetlier and Getting
L5Dtwn to Business
ywawwco, May 16.-Tho rail-
o,L. . uaMIr xntrmlnMlKf their
nam for tW removal of tho debris on
t lMMjSsaJsijasdi many tracks aro al
,fVMM$mjfc burned district, and
gigWemployes is being or-
netion of tho insuranco
mittinc policy holdfers
debris, together with
t of a $3 rato per car
at abstacle, for cleaning
i brings tho announce-
jposcd erection of many
in tho burned district.
r will erect a $500,000
corner of Grant and
Aloxander Russell will
'blocks of niodol homos
men, carrying out tue
(before tho firs, Tho num-
mnJ&iMf freo rations has been
UFf$ 0,000, a drop of 11,000 in
dp. tTB food stations have been
Mvi&g GO in operation. About
being fed at tho soup kitchens
, ARailroad Wreck.
man's, N. Y., May 26. Tho Now
C4Tal express was wrecked
ly., ,No lives wcro lost, hut
were killed. Tho locomo-
farn mw left the rails. Tho
ik'waa eaed by a misplaced fish-
supposedly dono by Italian
) ArtttSWm Is HI.
"TVieuBa, iSSBS'Ttoy 20.-Austrla's
. aak:dft5Bft: Joseph, is sorlously
1"'' "gaagw& intestinal inflnmma-
Severe Storm Yisits Califor
nia and Does Immense
(Four O'Clock Edition.)
Stockton. Cal., May 20. An inch of
rain, accompanied by a high wind, is
doing great damage to tho crops. The
chemrv crop Is destroyed, andi all fruits
in this county damaged 15 to 35 per
cent. Hay is nearly a comploto loss.
Old vineyard aro dlimagcd heavily.
lUvcrsido, Cal., May 26. Unless the
rain coast's within 24 hours, rover.il
hundred thousand dollars' worth of
hay, now dotal, will bo a. total loss.
Says Thoy Play Hookio.
(Four O'clock Eddtlon.) ,
Washington; May 26. Representa
tive Rucker, supporting a bill looking
to publicity in campaign contributions,
charged tho Republicans with insin
cerity in treating tho subject. Ho said:
"Tho action of tho elections committee
in voting against the Teport on the bill
justifies tho suspicion, at least, that
somo of tho majority, at hwirt, are re
ally opposed to tho proposed legislation."
To Tnt.flit Day Service.
Aurora, Or., May 26. Tho Aurora
Electric Company is making arrange
ments to ittWall a day service on its
entire syrtcm. Tho company now fur
nishies tho power for Aurora, Barlow,
Canby and Hubbard, and has Gervais
all wired. With tho day servlco the
company will put in InTge number of
fans in tho above cities, and a number
of contracts havo been made for the
Installation of motors and electric flat
Fierce Storm Drives Sacra
mento River Boat Into
' the Mud Hats
(rour O'clock Edition.)
San Francisco, May 26. In a fioreo
southeast storm last night tho rivc,r
stenmor Constance, ownod by tho Cali
fornia Transportation Company, with
13 passengow and a. full cargo of
freight from Stockton, went nshoro in
tho bay on a hidden roof, between
Red Rock and the Brothers. The
steamer Omebo (this morning took off
tho passenger"!, with, consldorablo diffi
cult, and lundedi them here. Tho Con
stance is leaking badly, mxl two tugs
havo cone to tho rescue. Tho Constance
is valued at $20,000, and nmy bo a to
tal loss.
Chinese Emperor HI.
(Four O'Clock Edition.)
PnrK MoV 26. A Pekln telegram
mentions that rcivorts bto out that tho
emperor of China, is ill, and it is ru
mored even that tho emperor is (Dead.
Wright All Eight.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Tokio May 26. Tho emporor re
ceived American Ambassador Wright
most formally, tho ladles of tho cm-
baey being present. Charge d 'Affaires
Wilson starts homo Tuesday.
.Clarence Darrow the Great
Criminal Lawyer of Chi-
cago Joins the Defense
ri (Four O'Clock Edition.)
Hoive, Idaho. May C Clnrenco Bar-
row, tho great criminal lawyer of Chi
cago, has been employed by tho lnlnBrs
Moyer, Haywood and Pottibono, charged
with tho murder of Governor Stcunen
berg, arrived at Botao this morning. At
torneys on both sides say they nre
rW" fT l1 nt Caldwell Tuesday
morning. A stubborn fight Is expectwd
over the motion to change tho venue.
Humtovds of affidavits havo been taken
In support of and also ire resisting tho
motion. Three troops of United States
cavalry and two companies of stnto
mllttin will bo in Caldwell during tho
Hanged Himself.
Twin r.Aif Mtnlt.. Mnv 20. Frank
I Houghton, cashier of tho NnHouwl
liana, at iiaxiio vreoK, buieiuvu
morning by hanging Jia his bath room
Ill-health, prominent ofllclnls tiy, ac
counts for his action.
w 0
Would Not. Decorate.
Constantinople, May. 20. W. .T. Bdy
anld and wifo declined tho Sultan 'f offer
o confer decorations upon' them.
One of the Flerciest Fistic
Battles-That Was Never
is s
1 Little'Pf ices and Quick Selling
i 4olng business is to sell lots of goods. Wo want to make
Mr competitors' one. By doing that we can eell our goods
aiwaya havo new goods to show our customers. That Is tho
i built up such n enormous business in eucn a scon uw,
DRY GOODS offered ot prices you never heard of before on
dtMt. Read en:
' iiii yam
HUE T . mmi.
mmm0 HKi.11. fM
!h'' i9E-
,w.i mmr.
km. 'TJHH
miLm nriHabasi
&rW& Br
AA T 0 'l1B
Cjral Oord Bilk, yd 19c
SMb. Bilks, all colors,
,;&'. 23c
'Tteifek Bilks, all colors,
' ,X& 40e
MMMied Velveteens, yd
Panama Dress
. 35c
iy raaama ire a
)f .etfo
Dre Goods, yd
Dimities and
Calicoes, yd.. ..4e
DreM Goods ball
r. yd ..81-3e
Striped DreM
tlfciSr Striped Drmltlea
ikirting, all colors.
Cartaia Serim,
ob Sheetisg aad
'DaaiMk. vd M
i TaUe Damaak,
YlQt Tw4 tz;
'81-Se; 15Tw
t,U, yd,. ..t'U
TtwNuA yd
Kt yd
Ladies' 10c Black Stockings, pr Co
Ladies' 18c Fast Block Stockings
pr 10a
Ladfes' 25o Whlto Lace Stock-
lngs, pr 18c
Children's Stockings, 0c, 10c,
15c and 19e pr.
Best Darning Cotton, ball . ...lc
Best Sans Silk, ball 2c
Ladies' $3.50 Trimmed Sailor
Hats 1.83
Ladies' Swell Drew Salts $4.60,
$&50 and $9.90.
Ladles' S5o White Bfcirt Waists 49c
Ladies' $1.C0 WWta Skirt Waists
. We
Ladies' $1.50 White PK Drees
Skirts Sc
Ladies' 60 Covert Jackets,
price . $3.45
Salts, Jackets, Oeats and MlUi
aery, all at spesial prlssa.
Ladies' 50e Bfcepfiag Bags, ..25s
Swell Baits, :, 15, 19s, 25c,
aad Bf.
No. 40 raey JSe Nk Klbkew.
yj , 1
18e Fise Eleid4 Nek Cel
lars ..?.... .. ..
OUliksa's Je Pwaals !,
Children's 65e CkasaWsy Draws
K Lass Cwrtal pair 4U
$14 Lass OarteiM, f W
$LW Lass Cwtato, r,. ..$
Ladtss' WWts U4skrtt, 4,
7S a4 $.
IsuKss' Ossssi CTs, 9 1$,
1$ a iU.
ImMm IU. Mss CstMta, K X
Sunday Chicken Dinner
Including Ice Cream 25 cents at
The Angelus Restaurant
St. Louis. May 26. According to tho
prosecutor, ft now information has beott
drawn, charging 31. Snyder, n capital
ist of Kawos CSty, with bribery. It
is charged thnt Snyder paid $150,000 to
certain coundlnwii for tho pawago of
tho traction bill in 1898.
Hoaoring tho Confederate Dead.
Louisville, Ky May 20. The Con
federato veterans of this city and the
other Confedcrato organisation tjie
Dauphters of the Confederacy and tho
Sons of the Confederacy, are observ- progreasiveww.
Kntr toiiiv as Confederate Memorial
day. A meeting will be held on Cave
TTtn i.t.mmv n.t 4 o'clock this after
noon at wbfch nearly all members of
the local Confederate organizations
will be present. The invocation will
be delivered by Prof. E. O. Dorgan and
the benediction by the Itev. William
Howard Faulkner. Miss Mary Law
rence Claxton will recite "The Con.
quered Banner." After tho'prlnclpal
address the meeting will seattcr and
the trraves of Confederate soldiers will
I be decorated with flowers.
Protest Agaiast XUmxntef.
Brooklyn. N. Y.. May . A mass
I meeting will be held at the Labor Ly
'cenm this evening to protest agalnit
the recent kidnapping of PretJdcat
Moyer Secretary Haywood aad Execu
tive Comitteaa Pettibone of tbt
Western Federation of Misers from
Colorado by the Idaho authorities. A
areiwes will be delivered by Heary B
Kearas, Job T. Tasghaa, and A. Lott,
scd rlntks wiU U adte4 to be
seat to Preldt Kooserelt, Oorsrsor
McDoaald of Colorado, aad Governor
Goodlag ot Idaho, protwtbg agaiast
the methods reortd to by the Mine
lOwaers' ajsoelatiea.
(Pour O'clock Edition.)
Washington, May 2a.-lteprcscntn-tivo
Smith, of Michigan, nttneked "tho
arbitrary govcrnmrat exorbitant tole-graph-
rate juild in this country,'-' and
trrjjitf that it wwi tho government's
duty to establish a postal telegraph
syirtcm, mt-ducing tho rated ono-half.
The only propMltlon nwv Is the tele
graph eorapnnit-u, which nro honey
combed with rust, inefficiency and
watcvd stock, and hampered with non-
Ho oaid macblncry
badi been invnied which would great
ry loww tlx cot of operating tele
graph compiuiJw, but tho companies ro
fuiad to we it.
Los Angeles, May 0. Thero was no
light! botwttw Battling Nelson, tho
Hghtwelghti champion, ami Aurelio
Horrere! last night as scheduled. After
an almost intermlnablo wait, more
than two nml a hnlf hours, the crowd
of 4500 fight fans -was dlnlsted nt) tou
minutes to 11 o'clock, becauw Her
rera reiufcd to weigh In. Beforo that
thero was u. squabble botween tho fight
or nndl their mnnngers over tlj
Botln sidSes made charges of sharp
practices on tho part of tho other
in tho mnttcr of weights. So far tin
can bo lenrned tonight tho situation
which led up to tho calling off pf tho
fight was as follews:
Tho articles of agreement called for
Hio weighing In at 0 p, m., both men
to scnlo 131 poumlh. Tho men wcro on
hand at tho stipulated hour. There
woro scales there, but Hem-m. claimed
they "wero out of oruVr and could uot
bo vl justed. After lialf an hour 'a ar
gument Jneobs sent Horrcra to dinner.
Aftea" thnt ho rcfusotl to allow tho Mex
ican to weigh In, Nelson offered to go
the Bath to weigh In, but Jacobs uV
Los Angeles, May 0. Tho sporting
public wwoko thin morning wltli a
dark brown tntfto in its mouth as tho
result of lnet night's fight fiasco. It
will bo many days beforo tho followers
of tho boxing gamo will recover from
tho shock. Tho condemnation- of Her
rcra's action la ccnc-rnl, and a move
ment how boon started to havo him
blackdhvted In every reputable boxing
club In tho country. Nelson and Nolan
are tho sorest pair of men In town to
day, but tho almost unanimous Sipprov
a) given to (ho ttnnd taken by them is
somo balm to their wounded footings
and pockx-tbooks. Jeffries publishes n
Ktatemont this morning, In which ho
lauds Nelson to tho kles. It Im par
ticularly pleasing to tho little Dune,
who, ou account of his rofumtt lo ien
mlt Jeffrie to referee tho Britt-NeUou
fight, lmd not irtocnl m11 with tho ex-
champion. Nolan toduy- maide a. demand
for tho $1000 forfeit deposited by Her-
rora to mnka wtioht. It Is likely Her-
rora will meet this with Nelson's $1Q00
forfeit for hia appearance. Nolnn Is
preparing to go with Neltwn to New
York whore ho believes a numbeip of
good ten-round matches await the
Dane. Nolnn ndmlttod this morning
thnt hhil tho fight gono on under tho
terms orTerod hb would undoubtedly bo
beaten. Under normal eonditVons Nel
son can whip Hcrrera even If tho Mexl-
fiin weighs 140 pound but he could
not have dono it last night after he
had worked hltnrt-lf to sueh a pitch of
Will Be 'Unveiled May 30 it
Portland With Elabotv
ate Ceremonies
Portland, '.Ore, May 2d (Spoelil
Correspondence.) Tho unveiling of tlu
monument erected in tho Plata block
in honor of tho soldiers of tho Span-
lsli-Amorlcun war will ho an ovonfc of
extraordinary importance.
Tho principal speaker of tho day will
bo General Thomas M. Anderson. There
will also bo nddroMOB by Hon. Harvey
W. Scott, Hon. Harry Lane, mayor of
tho city, am! others. In discussing this
monument Gonoral Anderson sayB that
ho considers it ono of tho flnost in the
United States, and creditable to the
Oregon volunteers.
Tho chairman of tho invitation com
mitten, Chaplain Gordon A. Peel of
tho Spnnlsh-Amcrlcau War vetoraas,
savs that tho vcterana of Portland! are
moro than anxious to have tholr co
rniloj from nil portions of Oregon at
tend, and ,thoy can Test assured of a
most cordial welcome.
Tho Fourtcontb regiment baad from
Vancouver Barracks will bo ia attead
auco, and othor features of the musteal
program will bo of extraordinary U
tercst. Tho railroads have raado spe
cially low rates from all points, and
it is suggostod that tho details caa be
secured from local ngentn at all Sta
tions. Tho parade will brgln at lt45 a?
will culmlnnto In tho unveiling of the
monument at 3 on tho aftcrnoou of
Mny no. (
We We tafcM tfce agiacy
aUte sflr-f aOftsst. Fntfe
Dfecovered TypJfceid Omm.
El Paso. Tex., May 0. Dr. Ignaelo
Poleto of Mexico City bo made a dls .
eovery that will make his same famous
In the annals of medicine, for ho has
found the germ of typhoid fever.
He has icceceded In establUUsg be
yond a doubt that there is a germ of
typhus and that the disease can be
communicated to healthy persons and
stimsls by iaoeulatloa of this germ,
but he says thwe are still a number
of things to be cleared) up, for Is-
ttanee, a specific for (he germ, lie
thinks he has discovered this aa(J li
experimenting with sueeess. His de-
ontratloss have bees gives In tbe
pretest of the medical fraternity of
Mexico City and tho doctors are en
thusiastic over Its success.
gA to QaartnthM.
(Tow O'clock tio.)
Saa IVdsco, May S. Ths trans
port Laartow arrived this sgraie after
Si trio of 23 dayi) frou Saasos, aU sev
en days item HowJnlH, with aevsfsl
dSteU- bloejaekwUl aad Kas,
utA wan sea4 to Ael Iald. TUs
setl u the resin e the vsssl's
ttmeWsg 4 Btela, wImsts bsbonlc
pUgae is in twm.
-.- "' s
i-ago and erxcltwment which completely
upset blra.
i a
BIm Must Get Hy.
Chicago, May 20. -A dispatch to the
Record-Herald from Bt, Ionls mysj
The will of Mrs, Julia Lemp, the
widow of William J, Lemp, millionaire
brewer, was Uledi for probate yester.
day. The value of her estate is esti
mated at $10,000,000, Miss EJia Lemp
Ii left) OBO-ievrntb of the estate, which
Is to be held In trust' until she la 30
yews old, by her brothors, WIlHaw J,
Lemp, Jr., ami Charles A, Leap. She
is to get $1,000,000 on the day of her
marriage, ankl if she goes wlthoat
Wue until she is 30 years old her share
will revert o her heirs. Iwh of the
othec six children l"t equal shtrea of
the estate, but torn of the bequests
oa conditional.
CthsrfS HTM
(Tsar O'Cfesk BsUUm.)
St!. AW.. Mr M. Cawtaa VmU4,
riim U 7WM 3iJ Mk,
Utlcn, N. Y., Mny 20. The city
court wns ftlliMt with wild wailing whom
J. O. O'Connor took n flat legal nlo
mailo of hard wood) and In tho good
old fashioned wny tpnnked seven unulfc
boys, tvIio had stolen rubber boots. Thsv
bojs yellod vociferously as the Judgs
npplled his interpretation of what, is
good for thorn. They were allowed to
go ot tho cms of tho treatment.
"Every ono of you will get n worM
spanking than that If you ever are
brought hero again," the jndgo warned
The mothers of tho boys wore wlt
nesscs to the spanking and all of them
applnuded excopt one, who pruyed aud
ibly whlto tho boys made the air hid
eous with yells,
i a ' ""
Jury rinds 8wrtx U Xet Oailtr f
Baker City, May 2fl, After dollber
sting less thai ouo hour the jury In
tho r-nso of tho Mo against WHUaw
Swortz, cluirgetl with jmirdei in- tho
second degwe, returned . vwdlct of
not guilty IViday, Swart, in a altr
cation wltK Preu Neuhaus, m contractor
over a dog, struck Neubaus on th
bridge of tho nose. The blow was
struck with tho back of the open haad,
but "blood lowed to fnwiy that Ne.
haus die.i a few hours later. It ras
shown tbt NVuWs had- Wfh drUklag
bjvllv for several etbs aau that
his blood was so frM that it was iw
pOHHble to to) the Bow,
Hv Ye LH ,
Washington. May 26. The Califorak
mombers frf efyrs havo practlesllj
abaudoae their eort to secure legl ,
latlon allowiag Callfernla to Import
balldlsg NMtsrlal free. Democrats st!
KepuWlcas tariff revliIorUsts rsfassA
to commit thenselves against oterlsg
MHs4ieats ta efisaisg up Us eattrs
UrlrV revWo. Othws are isaiy wu
Aarara Xa4 Ketsc,
Aurora. Or, Mar 20r-TU w bwml
iMtrume for the Aurora ba
rivei Fridar. aad; tWW boys hTS heeis
a S AS .k .f-.&. aTll . 1 Sa b m A
mt of IWtos TOfMtwe, a4 w- fltf f ths Khwse cfMtU
sIsm bt this seertM aad PertUm ars u twta,
ttaAv. to ksow how tits jBttreiasaVi
M4 up tve tow, eanmf yswer aa4
workauaoAif), cs rwy are w issfrv
BMais e the coast.
It Wm Daft, .
Ma4rtd, fefis, May U.Tdiy
kvuun& yssyls issftt to xaivUto
1'9'bHIt w BMMss I WWaJfaTpa APt'
Tft Worth, T.,-Kjr M. A
tk4 Is rfsttis fMsa itMgf aht
aaidsilght Mk pwjsMl? Is rforU4
dkoyea In 3WU wa4y J. D, 3k,
hi wife asM sight tUMyssr -wet i
frtA, ths VVy kiU4 toft th towto
ipll ttmlM wws-tb. Has- w4ss.
miiiiisiHst f Um Us4t fwfa.
fterr rf
WM BSr Twmw m jmmmwj,i Vl'wl.' ZT. . Mju.
I to jafl si-isr !,$ to await