'" W"5'lFt,l91 v"1 3 vrvt i a. JAtj E a1 DAILY OAPXTAL JOURNAL, 8AXKM, OKBOON, TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1906. tate SHnl LISHMAN UNDERSTANDS . AMERICANS 20-MULE-TEAM PURE BORAX aace Rook Writes Frankly of His Experience in Visiting Uncle Samuel's Dominions ,.,-.... . ""iiTrrMmitiMBmiminii iiWiP1311131 y;l sgs nan oecni suowerea unon j ",, fossasiely by Americans in London. of thlo tonturea of tho eus- hoaoo, tho supercilious hotel clerk, Who would brain) mo ob stick If I asked him a "tho man in tho etroot -who . sfiirv mo into tho gutter arid! go ' asftor dollars. Americans, rocked security of Europe, rather kJHgliteaii me. Was I to encounter cit- ifeU of ruffaing -who woultf insult awl iphtei mo from pillar to Dostf 'trt.jM. . t..i! :; ,. . ; w9 ma iu iiuiwiu sirapiuiuu xn iiij misi&t.tfe you could pick up the so- language. I linked my arm with t tho apportioned customs of- njiaadi told him tho best and nowest Aay command, and waa tho first l,tho oxbortionato cab wrthi tho cabman. That method oan- ;ommenled to tho woman , trying to pas3 $2000 worth frocks oni tho ground that cost $200. To her tho of. insistent almost to tho point tesy and plunged into the ,to arcana of her wardrobe. official dismissed mo with fishes for my enjoyment, and glamcedi at tho contents of my trunk. .M? tho valuta of first imnres- tjfeyrh.cn it is a. question of tho Fef tlho surface I spent my first ys in Now York searching for men of downright discourtesy. of tho social language, ob- iyj British, retaining, it is to bo somo mminsrata of that d d pose that thb Univoreity of inculcates, I must havo been y provocativo aa I dragged tho aasl'bf nfy coat in' tho hopo that some would' tread on it Tho hotel clerk isf whom I had hopes did not respond t-o the shaUenge. lie gave mo the pre cise icrfownwtuon for which I askedt inf awsWSiUjsii that a Now York child jjjitrequiro and then stopped, MrigMMraio search for 'tho rude man im&gjjIggtAiQ policeman who stood near i tMHMIwy one.1 of wall street, and 4 - -"'P Ihh aa1,ih m h.a. T A li a h4A 0HMire-mi an oncoming car, turnod , and pointodi out tho stivot I , It included many hunrlod citi l aaaa, Mjtb9olutoly refused! dlseour- ieale: wf Postered them with, in j quiriaay bat.Tuslwd mo from tboir or bit, dfgd. me, talking all tho timo point for explanation, and -tiMiiMHted back again before liko tiio basic, brutal rudeness that the stranger is taught to expect. People woro nob polito as politeness is re garded ia moro leisurely countries that retain' tho traditions of feudalism. But tho man -who will tako. tho troublo to learn tho social languago of America need not fear any discourtesy that goes deeper than tho language. Certainly tho Englishman is conscious of another social atmosphere as soon as ho begins traveling in tho United States. Now an'd then tho stranger helped with tho air of offering an Insult, but that was my mistake. Even tho young woman who waited upon mo in tho railway WJ l'TUanite mii vA-Hair OL.ASSIPIBD MtMaMMtmaMHHimHiMlllHHMtMmlBtiUMtBlIMMIMIWiUMtilllUMlllUBUllMMT FOB 3AUB. ror Sale. Qmvel find comont business at No. 500 North Capital struct, Sa Iwu. G-15-2w ror Sale A fine Washburn guitar, cheap. Call at 440 Division street, Salem, Or. 5-20-3t. for Sale. DoLaval ' separator, nearly now. Bought for $90, will sell for $50 cash, Inquiro of A. W. Nuaosa, Gcrvala, Eouto 2, or phono Farm 60. ror Sola A a A. Stono equnro ptanj. Inquiro of W. Miller, Mission and Liberty streets. 5-21-3t amWKIO.ANBOTJS, Steloa Xrea Wortcs Touaawrs, aiae&la- lata and blacksmiths. MaaafMtarwa of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoTes, ete. MaBafaeturers of the Salem Iron "Work Hop Prow. ll-W-lm 20-MULE-TEAM BORAX x i. t , , aoncns water, makes tne skin restaurant at Buffalo and in answer to cIear by rcmovi; pj mv reouest for beer with mv mivil rn. -nt n j .. ... ., r joiutKiicaus, wnuens tne Mand3, Dogs for salo-Well brod, Scotch Collie and shepherd; call on, or address Mrs. Joshua Smith, Rt. 5. Salem, Oro gon. 5-31-3t For Salo. A two-story, six-room housa new, in Englewood, with two lots, barn, well and fenced. A bargain to a quick buyer. W. H, my request for beer with my meal re plied, "You'll not bo served with beer ho.no," was doubtless a stranger un awares, preaching tho gospel of total abstinence. Atfd the hotel clerk at Chicago who had been buzzing cigar smoke and tabloid information at mo as thougk I wero an offensive reptile was miTTCjy laiiung a languago I was trying to learn. As I went in to din ier au ann was linked! in mine. "Well, sonny, how aro you making out'?" It was tho hotel clerk. Of that particular fallacy I was 'cureM of in St, Louis within ten min-- utos of my arrival. Two strangers, inero Tailroad) acquaintances, had come out of their way to show me tlw oar that would tako mo past ray hotel. Bag In hand an obviously English bag I boarded tho car, and chin) t tho skirt of the crowd on tho platform be hind. Ten seconds later there was a wtii thank you. AfUr 'torn arid twenty hours of sus-1 stir at tho foremost ond of the car. and tlij conductor pusftied his way through tho crowd, shouting, "Where's that man with tho gripf" I thought my last moment bad como having been warned against street caT conductors. Should I tumblo off, abandon my grip, arid perish in tho roadwuhf, or should I dio for my par jamas and razor! I choso death, "Thai 'a my bag," I said in nggres- sivo British. "WUoro do you wairb to get off?" I named tho hotel. "I'll toll you when we got there," Threo minutes later tho car slowed dowu. With one hanM tho conductor heaved mo off tho car, with another ho threw tho grip, with anothor ho indi cated tho hotel, andi with anothor ho jerked tha bell, and I liad no time to thank him. StttnVling oi moment on tho sidewalk, grip in hand', I reflected that this man had noticed a stranger by tho shone of his grip or the cut of bt frees the Scalp from Dandruff and makes Beautiful Hair. SEW) FOrl FREE 32 PAGE BOOK Uyour dealer hin't 20-Mule-Ttm " Borax, take no aubttltute. Write m endoilng S centa, sivlng dealer'a name, and we will mall you a package, and Include booklet, contalnlntt many valuable reclpea for the Compleilon,l!and and Hair. Addrrta PACIFIC COAST BORAX CO, San Franclco,Cal. 20TMULE-TEAM BORAX SOAP cleans thoroughly but will not Injure the moat delicate fabric ; nor will It fade colors. All zro ccrs. Now Address: Bacon Building, Oakland California. O. box 242, Salem. Dalrymplo, P. 5-14-lm Farm for Salo S3 acres of tho bost land In Marion county, 1 nillos from Sa lem, 30 acres in cultivation, 1 aero In strawberries; largo now house and barn. A bargain at $50 per acre. Inquiro at this ofllco. 5-14-1 U For Salo, Now light and aoavy spring wagons, carriages, carts, now and old buggies, buckboarda and oao dollr ory wngon, at tho Salem Carriage and Wagon Factory. W. Fonnel, prop.. 801 to 805, North Liberty stroet. 4-0-lm Wasted. Turkeys, geese, taeka, shiek eaa ad att f&rm prodae. Hlgfcet cash pries pdd for was. CapMal CoAeaiesba Oomeajw", H7 Oomaw- dal street. Tolepkoae 179. OfVTflOPATKl. Hotel Seatt Newly fural4, tott thing 0m aad flrrt ukw. Room t reatooibld rks. la Oottk block, 81. A. Soott, prep. 7-&UL At Your Stepmother's 8ba oca steam dea or dye them, and Mva yea a new suit, preM ami cepalr, rlla, furclBh buttons. The taott delicate fabrics can ba cleaned by hor dry cleaning method without Injury. It does aot shrink or chang lta color. It la next to The Journal oce, 231 Oomraerclal atreeti jtle&M awwralj it vvua necessary to I clothes, concludied that ho might We liopo of finding anything ' wnn Information, and hail given it iJMIIMfc. UK ffiSQ KKBBI smu sJSCSSSCSkNXSSN IWS51I Kind Yon Havo Always Bought, aud which haa bcea. uo for over 30 years, has home the signature of and has heca made uadcr his per sonal supervision since lta infancy Allow ae one to deceive yoa la this. Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good "ar hub imeata that trifle with and endanger the noai or te aad ChUdrcn Experience against JUxperiMmt hat is CASTOR IA la a harmless substitute far Castor Oil, Pare- 1TV-, , 1 Onnl.l... am..na T- lj Plaoumt T". V, J-1WI UI1U OUVIB1BS jjija era -. k.iwK tins neither Opium, Morphine ner other Narcotic nwlnjlance. Its ago Is its guaraatoc It destroys Worms allays Feverishaess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind It relieves Teething Trouhlcs, cures CoHstlpatloa Flatuleacy. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the ich and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep Children's Panacea- The Mother's Friend. NUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears tk Signature of 4Zk with ft whiz bangl It is tho elabor ation of tho formulao of polito resig nation and polito acceptance that makes tho chief dlfforoiwo between tho man ners of tho two continents. A French man is immonsely proud of a courtesy, ciad makes tho most of it with phraso and gesture. Tho Aworlcau, being hu man, gives tho samo servlco and some thing more, andi is rathor ashamed of himself. Thcro wan ono point tho mannor in which tho ohubby man took mo into Ids confidence that suggests a re markable differonco in tho surface manners of Americans and Britishers. Iii tho two countries tho attitudci of strangor to strangor whon thoy meet casually for mn lwur or so In nurpri Ingly different. Now my chubby ac quaintance within an hour of convenn tion bad crosi exjimlnwl mo n to my family, my incomo, nly reasna for visiting America, tlw sunv of money I had put tviido for the trip; ho liad learned nA" profession and knew what I had paid for the clothe I wau wear ing. Again and again In railway cars, In hotel lounges, T found inyaclf inaler tho samo firo of questions. Suddenly it flashed upon mo that on each occasion my questioner liad freoly given mo ft much Information about himself w he had dragged from myself. Mutual rctl eenee; mutual frankness, these aro our opposite nwtliodw of expressing our selves'. But as far as the amenities of traveling are concerned I must confe-M that ho soon aa I had learned tho lan guago tho ytem of mutual frankness seemed tho jollier. When you call a street swapper In Paris "mormleur" and a street smpor in Mvjscow a plj you aro saying the tmme thing in differ ont languages. Ami tho Englishman who, priding himself on his reticence n-sents tho frank inqutsitivenets of the casual American acquaintance it no linguist. For Salo or Rent A ten-acro ranch and everything on toh plnco for salo; a good drivng horso for $05, 13 years old, weight 1250 lbs.; a fino fresh cow for $35; 1 cultivator for $2; 1 buggy for $10; 150-ogg Incubator ami broodor for ,$20; leaving state Beo H. Klendcr, 1L miles duo cast of Pen. ClS-lw FOR BENT. For Rent. Furnished and unfurnished rooms at 700 North Commercial strcot. M. A. Dlco, prop, S-l-tf $2.00 a Day Earned soiling our now ' book, "Story of Ban Francisco Hor rors," largest book, best commis sions and premiums, soiling at sight, biggest monoy-makcr ovor offered to agontf, only book publishers who are on tho coast and saw tho disaster, banco most reliable Send lOo for mailing Xreo outfit. National Educa tional Union, Pasadena, Cal. Ml-lOt TONSORIAL hwi SvaM' Barbar Sho EverTBhlna- sow and up to dato. Finest poreekla baths. Shaving, 15a, haireuttlag Z&o bathe 25c, First elaas boetblaeks, C. 'VT, Erasa, Proprietor. Dr. W. Ik M-rear. OraduaU of KhiMK wild. j. .jia. .uji.k -a - -. - v, ,, uauar xiranusr es ! mthy, Sm 8&-M Bwymaa U.' CoBsssrehd St., phase 91. )MSP. deaM 418 N. Sflsmer ti... pioe .! Treats m( ad ahraale Utrnm.: BraisJaattoM jrs. Dr. B. H. WWt.Ors4t of Kkhf! tilel, Me,, wader feuasr c pathy. Seeat 21 BreyiMa U., CeaaMttiftl st phono 87. XtsMMM 689 Btate, eer. Ohursis, idM lilt., Treato uts sad ehroala ikmmm. EramlaatioBS freo. ' i SAJUK AND DOOX FAOTOXXSH auh, doors, moaldlags. All khtte 4 houM Aaiaa vti hardwood wwK,! FrtMrt tWMt'btwa State ti 0w4 ' LODWS. FereaVjcs sf Aawrioa-Ooart Shrwo4 ForHtars, No, IB. Masts Taaa.y ia; Hurst hall, SUU straet. U. 8. SMar O. K. A. L. Brswsv F. 8, f Oaatrsl X4jf Ne. 18, X. sf P. Csstki Hsil U Hehaaa block, eorsar StaAtM & Llbarty skaats. Tuasday af ak waek at 7:S0 p. m. J. O, GreAiM, ci a W. L Btalay, K, of , aad & MUSIO STUDIOS. Muflto Stadia. Frank JS. CburehiU, MsUal Studio. Aoseciata taaeher Wartara Ooaaervatory, Chicago, HI, repraiMstlffg Iatar-JsHatc Syataaa at Salem, Oregon. Ia tha Gray bloak, room 3. Studio hours 9 to 12 ad I to S. 8-18-tf For Rent, Five-room modorn cottnge, also first-class piano for salo cheap, Inquiro of Mro. F. B. Forrell, 1789 Stato street. 5-10-lwk WANTED FEMALE TTKT.P. Wanted Experienced girl for genoral housework. Highest wages. Inquire 1040 Court itroef, Salem. 4-12-tf WANTED. Wanted. Branch managers wanted, $20 cash weekly. Llvo at home. Experi ence unnecessary. Aluminum Hang er Company, Chatfiold, Minn. 6-11-lm LOST. LOST A gold watch fob; leave at this ofllco and receive reward; 5-10-13 Lost. On Turner road) from Salem to tho inuto school, a pair of gold mount cd rimlew glasses, in a case. Case marked 8. W. Thompson. Sultablo reward offered, Leavo at Journal,' ofllco. 5-21-St LIVERY AND 8ALB STABLES. 7fc IS TUB rilONB NUMBE OF ' THE BED FBONT STABLES. M. L. IIABBOD, PROPRD5TOB, 271 OIXEMEKETA STREET. Feea Barn, Mpeol&l attention to tra aieat teans. Farmers' patroaaga so licited. Waiting rooms for ladle. Wa also carry a full Una of feed. Located at Club Stabler corner Lib- Madera Wemhnaa sf Aaartetu Ors gon Cedar Cassp, No. SS4. Maetc every Thursday araalBg at 8 o'eleek, Holssaa HaU, W. Yf. HU1, V. C.f F. A. Turaar, Clark. ! Weedsua of World.-Mt every Fri day aJgat at 7 30, ia HehMs Hatt. A. J. Dasey, a C. P. L. Fraier, elerk. 1-10-WE, VBTBRINAB7 SUBOXOK Dr. B. J. Youag-Vatarisary swrgeea aad deattat, S3 ysars' experfeaea. All work guaranteed, DiSeult swfgiaal oporatloaa a eaialty. Phaaa 61, OGlco at CTub Btablas. Pksae 7, 8k lom, Oregoa. $.-tc OONORBTS AND CSMXXT WCHUL J. P. Veatea, aaaimstar aaVi VkMar of cenuBt walka, mh atwer Stales. f'undatloas aad Sewa, fU Isaris street, ..Mr' S-f-s . i i -i ""- RBAL BTAT. "3j i arty and Ferry straata. 7. Pruak S Darby. Phone Mais U-lt-flm Advertisingf Creates Value Republican Rally at Turner. Tho Republican candidates held i rousing rally at Turner last evening It was one of the largest political gath erlngs ever -assembled In that town Tho Turner band furnished Inspiring music for tho occasion. The speeches mado by Dr. Smith, Frank Davey, 0o F. Rodg T. B. Kay and Lloyd Hev wlds and R, D. Allen wero replet with gol, sound Republican doctrlna and tho remarks of the speakers were enthusiastically cheered. If eothon asm means anything tha Bepubll'sn candidate- rUl receive a specially Urge vote at Turner and the surrounding precincts. te Kind You Haie Always Bought In Use For Ovtr 30 Yar. Suit on U09 Oeaaract. Tor Ihe purpojo of recovering the sum of $1000, alleged to be due oa a bop contract, sn action has been eon meneed in department No. 1 of the cir I cult court by the Kreba Hop Company against T. A, wvesiey uo. ioo pm tiff allege that, according to the terms of the contract, $2000 became due April 35, HKXJ, aad $2000 additional oa Ifay 15, 1WXJ, which SBseaatt, it Ji SBHafci2tftii l H Ose of tha receivers of the National Salt company testified la court that s certain trademark was considered "a vilusWs asset," ss it was tha fcraaa t salt that brewjst Use bigkwt prlae sb4 bad a jfeed tearkat. Asked bow this salt was dlffereal from other salts sold by the eeapauy, the receiver, beeUatiRg, admitted thai there was w AWereaset that tasr SB esme at of the sae kettle, Whes the eeurt Uses Ia4ilra4 wbat'ssuse4 the high pries ss4 se4 ssarket fa tMs partkuUr preeluet the wttsess re plied: Stve advartlalaa tk nsS veU One thoBgfet ssggested by tats erf- aftasui - Am t ha tsvtiaiAciy U Was eWHFfWn Mm UvfJ lesFUessW art bean as ts the eflseacy of sdrsrUstaff (s ersate "a rshtsMs asset," rea where, as is tbls let m fee? sxsetv tteaal iastaace, ts saverUeer was set ita esadUl abt ttss asafcHy 4 te 4c-New Ysrk HeraM. Xm Uhsm alia rale ot rt sWsa was aal ba4as mrr tUmf SwsBSaMsay Sss SBBcsap PPvT9 PURITY FIRST Purity is tho first consideration- ofter that tho prlco. When with low price you got a homo-mado artlelo that is absolutely ptiro, then you get the best. Eppley's Perfection Baking; Powde Is put up in glaiu Jars, sultablo when empty for fruit, jolUct, etc. Ytty grocer who soils pur goods, Sells Enoley's. SO ASK YOUR OROOXR LTrigated Farmiag Lands 25,000 ares of choice farming land,- which wjll bo umlor the United- States gQvera meat ditchss oajLest vr Tattey, in Klamalh ceifety, Oregon, ff.tin sold ou easy torma; $10 to $35 per aero, Wrlto us for a printed descrip tive prlco Hsf. 'Biitlor & Co., lasdJ agents, lionanui, Klamath Co., , Ore Roh. s5.18-tf-dw Soma of Our Bargains. Obo new room cottage, modern, only $1250, Good1, now tf-room house sad two lots, only $830. Furniture and fixture is largo rooming house very cheap. Thla jropor.ty must bo sold. If you wast ito'bsy, see im, We hare the gus, If you, wast te'sell, list your prep erty with us. We sell It. Swegle & Smith, phono 450, No, -102 Stats street. GOOTffEPlEU RHODHWIS I HAVE jiist 1 received a fine assortment of Commence ment Announce ments. You are invited to call and look them over. , ELLIOTT PR1NTKR For Sal?JS fMix rese Imhms M ssaAUtkk WUllMmMt WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFIOB OTTY HALL. For water service apply at oacet Bills payable monthly Is advisee Make all complaints at the office. WW KM Gpld Dust Fiatir I .i ... i as Made by THE SIDNEY OYV ER COMPANY, Ms?, Ore- J sea. Mss fr fassiiy uss, Ask 1 yor grocer for it Bru sas art always ma tuuttV -; P. B. Wafkce i AGENT fHIIIIIMIIIHIIHIIIHM t i f 'r .: n mvmit "'n " -w AS ptnnmw GOOD ROAST BSsF ShouM be )vly, iaater ssvl fcsys jwai aoousa fat. Jttsy a rtfietm. ss ' aa4 see if y eWt ' fs again. jl a mom tated, the dftadBts have failed to ry A lrt f