-r?TJlfir?'n' ' ' r!''WWpk 't I - l w DAHiT OAPIJCAIi JOUBKAIs gAlVEM, j i ...imi, ii. OBEOON, aATUKDAY, MAY 12, 1906. ,rf" ".j ' -n ' Prompt Delivery Free Delivery jlv f. & -5- . Business is Booming With Us. We Have Reason to be Proud of Oiir Success EVERY WEEK SHOWS AN INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF PSOPU1 PATEONTZINa OUR STORE. BUSINESS NEVER WAS BETTER. PEOPLE LIKE TO TRADE AT A SUCCESSFUL STORE. OUR NEW CUSTOMERS BECOME REGULAR BUYERS PROM US. ALL OUR CUSTOMERS SEND THEIR FRIENDS TO US. Prescriptions That Arc Reliable THE DOCTORS ABE OUR FRD3NDS. THEY KNOW FROM PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE THAT WE HANDLE NOTHINa BUT PURE DRUOS, SEVERAL OF THE MOST PROMINENT PHYSICIANS SEND ALL THEIR PATIENTS TO US TO OET THEIR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED. A REGISTERED MAN IS ON DUTY DAY AND NIGHT. Drug Sundries Are Complete In All Lines ALL THE LITTLE THINGS YOU NEEDRUBBER GOODS, BRUSHES, COMBS, ATOMIZERS, TOOTH BRUSHES, TOILET SOAPSWE SUPPLY AT EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES. OUR LINE OF PERFUMES BOTH PACKAGE AND BULK, D3 THE LARGEST AND BEST IN SALEM. Prescriptions Called for and Returned Promptly CHEMICALLY FUSE ICE CREAM. RED CROSS PHARMACY JERMAN & WARD, Props. Corner State and Commercial Sts. Salem, Or. SODA WITH PURE FRUIT SYRUPS Smiles Albany Demecrat: The Willamette is naW to be three inches too high for good bass fihlng. A dollar a vote i the cast of the primary in Linn county to the taxpay ers It cent tome of the candidates juoro than that. Girls who pet tired playing the plan half an hear stowM tM the. item about George Lla&u, af St. Loais, who recently perforated So boar sad 10 minutes wit boat slapping. The Drai Xersaal Saioal Htw to be a Bettor for siatanaec e aurVe only for polmmt. W C HawWy. IWpabltean eaaitate fe- ?. izl Frank Bcmoi. aai? ice serMry of atat. wre f n-tT at ii a t the Iwtitttj. -Ert oaari Prineville Review: Trickery and scullchiggcry seem to be a part of American politics a sort of win-by-any means policy, regardless of Jhe corns which may be' trod upon in the scuffle and while these are present the election will ever be open to crit icism. Crook County Jeurnal: Jonathan Bourne, after apparent defeat has won out far the nomination of United Sutes senator os the Republican ticket The sere: of Boarae's ssecess is due to the extensive advertising done in the ootsntry 3stnleU; and shows very ptaiaiy tia: adve-rUsing doe properly Eges X-ciKr: I: is satd : be a por rale tiac ww&t- work, bath ways. A Tnmttrit pfr lM suggested tiAt Dr "W.tiyroeW rest his oee Jmw i uut; a. raucn witkevt fov auke hi easapaiga. 'What awssa t Mi of 3r CVvr.beriaxs, then I He is taking a vacation as well, but bis pay goes on. The Original Oregon Ontario starts ftn copies out over the world. It asks people to read it, eomment about it plaee your name on it, and send it on. It asks the editor into vrfacxe hands r may come to seud bis paper wih the comment ho makes. "On the blank sheets enclosed plaee the head of vcr paper, the name of the proprietor and a clipping if yon comment on i:. Place that ia an envelope and nd It ou with this paper to some other paper ia a neighboring state. When 50 papers have seen it, read it, laughed- over it, s.sd it back to the Oregon Oriano at Vale and we will tell our neighbor all about it." 8 BslMWlM8iift8Me)i ! 'BBt1MM Best Otrt-oWoo Books rr KTTTTiat jr. xoxg. yearn wr a xxail8....$i.5o 341, 22 Sbxntitzs, by Charles C7iLxd. 4 dUU a Wk ....$1.50 a 400 papa, ICO EhsatratJca. A LXTTUR 2&OTXXK TO TKX SXUt SL50 S00 NM. 191 muniaxa aatAmrs or txs itjkld si.75 rowm or tot Ant $1.75 3 page. TtOtwims Vui ZfcNC 1-36 Mt $00 fagM. Way f WM4 XHA .... . wt W84nMMi Ways . ...M.fjQ H Wl rOka a SAmI 60 anro w m mw no m Wrt fw Owe GINN & COMPANY, TfMW XJBfMtfJRHHMKy 39 JBC'AMft r mmtmmmmm&mammm&mmmmm&mmmmmmmimmiii Fortanite MtssocmnA 'When I was a droggirt at Livonia, Mo," writes T. J. Dwycr, now ef GraysTilk, Mo., "tkxee of my castors era were permanently enred of eon sumpdos by Dr. King's New Discovery and ore well aid strong today. One was crying to sell his property and rsov to Aiiwn, bat after using Dr. King's New Discovery a short time he foand it cnnWeoaary to do so. I re gard Dr Kir; 'a New Discovery as the most woederfnl medieino in existence." Sorest conga aad edd core and throat asd lnnj beaJr. Gnarastetd by J. C Perry, cbrngjirt. 50e ad $L Trial bot Ht 1 re. Yienza Hyjieaic Exposlf.cn. Yietta, May 12. Tifi cniversal hygienic exposition opened here today. It U of nnnsnal interest and shows the xnct ntodera sanitary oatfts for all elass of bcildings, working men's aodel loses, refrigerating, sargieal. optical and pharmaceutical apparatus sanitary "clothing, sport and gam cat- Its. There- is also a interesting exhib it of the food and drink industry and of equipments for the- prevention, of accidents ia aures, factories, ships, rail ways, theaters, etc The United Sutes ia well repneseated ia maay depart zncnts. Don't bo fooled and sad to beliere that rheaaatSssa a k rd with local applieatiwM. XeHistsr'a Rocky MotMital T is the ly tiT rare I far rtUL M tutte. T 'TaWU. Dr. StsMt'a in Ksrt. sniiroinK Sheep for Profit. A dispatch from Pendleton Thurs day says: Before the end of May over 100 carloads of sheep will be shipped from Pendleton over the Washington L Columbia Kner and Northern Pacific railroads. The first large shipment will be that of the Hunter Bros., who ate tikinir 12,000 lambs to Everts, Mich.t where they expect to range them for a vear or so. and then market the an! mals en the Atlantic seaboard or in Chicago. Fifteen carloads will be startel Sunday by the Hunter Conn pnn. and Pope & Howard will ship 15 c.rloads on the iSth. These ani mals will be fed for the market at Medina, X. D. The largest individual shipment of sheep will start from Pendleton on the 25th. Fifty carloads in all will leave the yards for points Ii Wisconsin. Bay Bro are shipping 25 cars on this con signment, and Tubbs, of Ladysmith, W.. is shipping 25 carloads. Heretofore Umatilla sheepmen have b.n selling their stock to Eastern buy er, who take them to feeding grounds near the Eastern markets, and clear a hac'some profit. Hunter Bros, havo lee. making a study of conditions for t-: jat year, and concluded that they wtu'.u save the buyer's profit on sheep by taking them East, ranging the herds near some convenient market and selling at times when the market is fa v. rat'.e, thus realizing growers' and buyer" ' profits combined. Saturday 4000 head of sheep will be dipped near Pendleton, preparatory to te.rg shipped by Hunter Bros. Shuffle Mixes Thirteen Babies. (North American.) Among the hundreds of San Francis co refugees who arrived at Denver, OIo.. and were cared) for by the relief committee were 13 young babies. While their mothers were at supper last night a woman in charge of the im provised nursery bathed the infants as dressed them in new clothes, pro vided by the relief committee. She had just completed her task when the mothers came back. They thought they had lost their children, and there was a bedlam of lamentation until they had sorted over the babies, and- all were identified and claimed. Minnesota's Anniversary. S:. Paul, Minn., May 11. Nearly 2000 old settlers from all parts of the state are assembled in this city to take part in the celebration of the 47th an n.versary of the admission of Minne sota to the Union. There will be a parade in the afternoon, and a large meeting In the evening, with addresses and telling of reminiscent 6tories by some of the oldest settlers. OASTOniA. Esgstrsrs V m Shed Music We carry a fall line of sheet music, as well as all the newest productions for Victor, Columbia, or Edison. Talking Machines And don't forget that we repair musical instruments and sell violins, guitars, mandolins, etc. L F. SAVAGE At J. Wenger'a Old stand 247 Commercial St, Salem, Oregoa. A Weak Heart Seldom gets strong again with out help. Awake or asleep, it never stops, and consequently has no period of rest or relaxa tion in which to regain lost vig or. You should avoid exertion, excitement and worry as much as possible, to relax the strain, and take Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, which is a heart tonic, to strengthen and restore vigor to the-heart nerves and muscles. iThe symptoms of a weak heart are shortness of breath, palpi tation, feeble or too rapid pulse, hungry spells, hot flashes, diz ziness, smothering spells, pain in heart or side, etc. 1 had been treated for heart disease by different physicians -without any Improvement. Finally my doctor In formed tne that thero was IHUe hope of my ever belns able to do a day's work again. About that Ume a gcnUe rnan called upon me, and said. 1 heard of your condition, and have com. to tell you that Dr. Miles' Heart Cure saved my life, and I want you. to try It. I did so, and after a week or so I went to my physician and told him I had been taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. Ke examined me and said, 'God bless Miles' Heart Cure, it has made you better In a few days than I ever ex pected to see you again.' I am now well, having fully regained my health by the use of this remedy." B. K. LANSING, Rensselaer. N. T. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure I sold by your drugglrt. who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If It falls he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind 2ew Tuberculosis Antitoxin. Paris, May 12. It has just been an nounced that Dr. Fiogey of this city and Don Uno Yelesquez, a Spanish scientist, have 'discovered a new tuber culosis antitoxin, the composition and mode of preparation of which they have decided to keep secret until all doubt as to its efficiency have been removed. The discoverers declare that the antitoxin is harmless to human be ing and animals, but presents the de velopment of the Koch bacilli. After experimenting on themselves and finding that the Inoculation did not produce paid, local inflamation or febril reaction, they innoculated 30 pa tionets, suffering from different forms of tuberculosis, and an improvement was always noticed, particularly in the cases of osteo periostitis and lupus. Dr. Piogey and his colleague, who have hopes of effecting complete cures. will communicate the results of their oxperiments and observations to tbt scientific world. Buy on Credit! this $60 Machine for $25 nnssrr swmib It U i Mih-rm, dro ttltefc. doable lti, H threading tbuttl: has .ntoaHe bobbin vfxiay aad other lktectlrapror. saent. Thltii thaAKTS rarer machine, itu th uai BehlB aetata art uklagyea fS for. AU atuehSBtsu f with teas sacaln. Sold tor aly XS eaih and U aoathlT. Write TMT tor free msTM UTUB9R UscnrUr elegaat houcbold foods we will (hlv IFnHM rrtsaM) on Emt fTtt our new CttKT pUa. Omvurtx Fmm!tmPB Oamgmmy 173-175 First St, POHTLAKD. OB. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Dcs tens Copyrights c ABfcae iaaiWK tkKrti kdA toqrtyOoa Kuy Talctty Mccrtala cwr oiio tr wbetker xa tDTtaUO u ftotUlf MUMtMf. Cmbh UocaMTteUf eoafetciiUal. MMMMtOBpausss rot frea. Ohm aftocy f cr Bacam eaueta. Patrsu taata taroac b ilvm A Co. recetra ifteiM nMite, wttfcoat cfiarre. to tie Scientific Jlmrkai, I A. naxaaenaiy iimzmea weur. jariM r- Trt fottrtDoette.ll. Sca bja aawxiaalai a, HUNK Co."1-. New TQrt Srascft OSca. SB T St- TTattkteEtoe. XX C. DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESE DCKTOR TTiU tret yon witi OriecUl kerbs sxd car any disease witicnt operation or pais. Dr. sa is ksown everywhere ia Salem, d hu cured maxy proadaeat people here. He baa lived in Ssleaa for 0 yeraa, and can ba trusted. He tsa Kaxy stedieines enknowa ta white doctors, aad with thtsa can ears cUnk, aatksa, lsag treabl, rhea Katisaa, staici, liver, aad kidaey dia- Dr. Em sake a specialty of droMT aad ttmaU trouble. His resaediea era jrirata dLaeaaaa wa rrerytkia la fail. Hs kaa kmaela f taaMt wwair1, axl jtrea aaamltaiiaa. frca. Prwaa far aseMiiats raej sadexaia. rwmiM tka caaatry caa writ far Uaak. Si ataxa. Ifyoa waai aaaaa axtn ta tea, got k fraaa aa. JBwv W OSte 1W SMik Kt sswat, SalciB, Orsffas. OtaaadH XaM Skkmu' P. a Base IK, Chas. V. Galloway ef Yamhill Cewity DEUOCKATJO XOJaTXXX. FOR RSlatSOnrATIVa: C0N6W5S rN r rHa iviftKrlCI QlJi UWTOty "Make Salem a i Poultry-At Eggs-Per ? S Chickens lli2t Frys 16lgc DuckB 10c. Poultry. Ega. r, Butter, reUll-JOc. Hens 10lic rry!-12c Geese Sc. Ducks 9c. miite, Vegetii k Potatoes-2530e. Onions 2& to 3e. Topical iT Bananas 5c per ptaj. Oranges .OtXgflo Lemons-$4.50 Livo Stock Hste Steers-3U3ie. Cows 3c Sheep-4c. Dresed Teal 56e. Fat Hogs 6ij6;e. Grain and Feel Baled clover ?8. Cheat $7.00. Timothy $9$9.S0. Oats 4546e. Bran $20. Shorts 22. Salem rionrlniJg "Wheat 60c. Flour $3.60. "Wheat-Valley- Portland Mute -Club, 7172t -C69c ( Blustem 72c Oats Choice white, & Millstuff Bran $17. Hay Timothy, 12ttJ. Potatoes 5O60c Poultry Averare tt!J Is 15c; mixed chieken, JJUSi ers, 2230c; youterecsa chickens, 1616; tclji, ISc; turkeys, iitmi, da, 22iAc; geese, live, pc ifc rfTAtCA1 Tusr Twnil IrVSTIs i 1,1S; pigeons, $lf!;.pS agftln8t $3' utes wit Pork-Dressed, TgTfct hiv&n ijeer iessec, oaet Mutton Dressed, J42fc Taxat To the of Inde A WT Hops-Oregon-lSllifTv defonJJ clip, sontatie tau 5"c, "Wool 1905 medium, SXase; Z-vdSrU 1621c Sf Butter Fatty Crio?t3 BOmeS3' 20c; store, 12Hgl3c would"") .Hohair S30c men " " bus'iue Hertfat den tf "Wm overcome bZpsxt d better; peps; regulate kii ownb. thrnl RS lim and iidneT eCSESl t t. -v . i l iij Wei ;. - well It r eljjelj yegetable, perfec J--' should yon be a tdrs t Whea yoa wffl use it i!?t P'0' E.X. Andrew & Cocoa and EosP IS tne in my family, S - rSLIk cellent medicine. A J. If ka.v been a xaAti i. -J J. Fry. VvM B Tillli Ba Notice is hereby Pm holding bonds 1, 5, 3. Jv soiool district Xa . CJ" Oregon, that the fJJ in.andwillbeF of this date, at the treasurer, 559-KS Ce' Astoria, Orego- , Dated Astoria, Orrrex, v of Mar. 1S06, - ' CEASLA-X County Tressstf, CW? 5-2-30t Snra Cre f j Itciing P2m ! ""S cause itching, tils 1-jl Slind, B1J53R jiDaorDs & -a'",J or ft by bJ. iJZlLm m about yozr cut. . adtlpiiajFa. - flkA ' A Ka w - i The abT " "iraM Ua fcraveler "VjZ,.' t Wst. aad wt "TL ' a.atfcA !" . . tkii staustea. & m al SC Li, " lJ W ' l.daaP" ? ri aa li aaaar 7- , i arc xs. Taa -rt. TM a .wl' . -.- . m .aJI f L.fc,wiar -.J ,w. a JM-iii jCXUHl" J- a -. aS.ir - -