T"IMj. y-WTVWM JPWWw5l,PJ'!fPW,-'k' i'VT" 1,1 II ft I BJULT CJjgZAI. JOPgXAIc SAXS. QMKKHg. SATSSSAX. MAT 22, 33M. I- Stockton & Co, The Ok! White Corner 75c Parasols 75c Actual $1.50 to $5 Val. Special 75c each Black and Colors; Rtrfffed and Trimmed. mauoi iimimii v Committee on Raiboads AOOOSDISG TOAXODOX ADOFTS3 AT ZAST 3EIGHTS xsetixg or ths gsxateb saism coyyrr vi. cls3. a OOJOOXTXES Or FIVE HAS ZEES' XAMS3 ST FSSSHJECT BE23T TO -rfT, XT? THE KATES OF 2AI5EKG A 5U3SEDT ros xhs ookstecctxox of a sahstat psom st.v: to DAXIAS ASD TO COX2CECT "WITH THS XZS3 XSTO THS COAST 2AXGS A3C0 frrrr. COTSSTSY, AX3 TAQUTKA SAX. FOXL07T I2TG ASS THS GV.'i.ltt?TT SEX3CTS3 TO TAS3 IT? THIS XAT TSSa S. X HSKD2IC35, I 3L FAGS. J- H. aT.-rrT, C3AUD GATCH. I X FKT. 50c WAISTS White Waists, Actealy Worth $1.00 to $5.00. Sizes 32 to 44. 50c to close TRADE AT THE STORE THAT DOES THINGS raggBBlWiltMigl"!""!!!!!!""""' Personals ieii tor j-m -it- -reessacx a arsta ry iaoraip s5 ' "w tfctax ansae. Tie Stzatwcrs it : anst tieir rnrer ati xaixE Ti !. saxu re,jK lias Htlaasx ,T -tx Seanaey. isn zsstexsA ifrrpr A"t'W7-Grfai Cmrfwd ;nsu sstk tisy. iQ Asba 5trsc eae t Prttos4u. :x Isitai Ssxte bgbt Msrrsee. a iofey ! Tvis iiitoOf. X G. BQ ias leeeracsi sas a "ii ssf trip t Bapexe. Mas "Vers. Gsr&, T Stiver, is ndta; is si eity wby. xc .l eity to xsteaii tie fs&tsxl f tie U; JeSa Plseier, tt3 4ni it Partix. tsftcaix, recessty. He i swir cx ss xt &Ff Piaa, "rxibtxtx, wxici i tie 3te -wier tie Vslefcs - liew-fi fr r ytxrs x T2ixaiar B'.-i, "srliei 3 profaitly.tie ft j? C o fittim s ti Orfrs &asL OREGON HISTORY Pkwecr Days by S. A. CLARKE tfre BBT HtS TORY of eariy das of OREGOrt st pubfehed, M tVfO Vf&mMS. Price $3.00 Set PATT0N'S BOOK STORE. &W WjyrourJikar? Tbe most skillful cutters and tailors are to be found in the metropolitan cities. This is one of the many reasons why we can give better values than the local tailor can at a little more than half his price. You'll appreciate what the iasy fetl is in one of our suits. We'll show you an assort ment of 500 styles of wool ens to select from. Made to your meajure taken by us. K THE TOGGERY U R. STEELHAMMCR D. A. YANTK HAMMOCKS T4c U jx4tiiT tnlT xSxt tlt Buss! tit rr at - Jtir. TJDEY AXX IXT2TCW !T tio wi pjvUl fcJ. csatiari!! rc T4y re 4jS4i, dxraii hi wJ$s. Di-xl r trtti (tit Set Xixt lxtit3 ri Jt j- y Jrk. IfizHj&i Grr- 34ji -ra ascdbc l5-,r ift- 3ir. Heirssj- iras is as ARixy jsisj. Sn5cirtaw.t iastit. mf tie itst- jeifosL. vast z ?rnnkniA t4sj. Zi-GTfcrr l?i TTfcui t Petl2s :Ait t sut knl kts& lirii. Herrr J. OKrkfc3r is iz TcAt&i '.fihj : m&4 ti Atr. TV. P. Irl. IiHt 5a tie my traaewKiftr iairf yer:jisy. Titi- Lazx-. f ABwiiy, tidtftj Paiti- r 2Ere. f ti diitdii dismreh ire rci. Ammxy sai Mr. jIkm: C23 ires: i AHabt t4t7 ir 2s T-Hr-Sss- Pr-atajt J. H. Okau lIt tiaj ff-r Pnlt2s ia tie isttrir tie Ussrers&T. Mr. isfi Mrs. 3. P. Irrfr, f CsrraJ 2as. -irtre rgiKerrf at tie TSISrrr ette Ttriij. as Salfs: rij- zicai t trrswt ittii- s.Mss acatttra. Mrr. TV. A Ctntr. f GW' ESL is Cc sr btfere "Jzxe lit tie xer ni4 "f33 rf.rre Hi irrxtss tzi iti- dJsry bBSseta to 157 PrTTrcit3 ftrwi, i-est c&sr t Bsier & Iatt rsrtti" jrcterr it-art, reiriy eppocte st jeewrt Irxtiss. OJ3 rsd rnr ja.t ramr isritei t ie asy esltrtd flt-ci a bzriiMj tt lie .eir rttad. P2A2C2 Z. SHAPZ2, ..rT- Tt. "P c ". A PRETTY MATRON 0W& 1 M IB F a . - ntALiil 10 FE-RtuJ IHIHHHBHHLi S iK4iW I && W r" - "-;J. s i- - -tVjZ Syeciil atftetrr.sr. TCJ ie iM st ti-6 Gtrasiai Bsjtir: tlwrei. 2 X?ti Osttare street, tr SriEtEtfiFt 2. Siirxeaiexer Szzjos.j at 11 a. as 3p.- xai sli it p. aa. AH gaferraTwMrg ti1 Gtrasix laaraige k1 at fl te itteai tite aseet- Csil Ecfcsrx Dyt5. t Tri. May 1. Cirl Stiaai a: ex7frfj"2 to Bt tircri tie day. .. yy&zizD. 3Ln"STOX ST20UI At ti ixe w ti sffrotHsg dergyartTj Prioay. ly H. JS'I'S, 2t. Srartrd Ghti. aa Swai S2eaa. 3re Zlijie 3Jiiitoa t 3r. pTerett S. Streod, iti Tiaaarc i-er aatitr, 2ri. Ji Hsies. a Ssti Hiri ftrt-et. lie ZTesAasr Tl-rrac -wexa. a Prt isani tie jniZ' trziz. I. D. Drrrtc. Jr left tiis aaraasp f Prtli iri-ts i in reax.ai ft? """"""'"MMM' s. !: r teai iar Vanz-eM. Jilt it tt m t "inBiut Slii-MCL cut nrttt aaaa. wi uxuosx " lnaor- t. -i tasAayr tie PriitaiS-l.s : acgg OOCiety. jtfkpoeorea ai te aaeaiiaig taxia. tie iiizz$&zA x.1 tie iatsse s-fyCtat ttsstj t P4ctita4 mst a 2L-&MIZ. J. i. Lrr left M-itT H Till rearj.rn is PctUa rra.;'l Sny, ia tin xt&a&e idi: jwraiT I f r Si Oa SerenJ jtos xrr riCVH TTLl J- IS J"i o o s o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o i WJ?&B f-L4& -prr?ftttiF CI.." ncttM f-, iJ : - '. 1.V -cXi .VZ &&M - -ft.y . -i. t . -.rtrri . lTrt :,.rfW!SSSfl Esssvssa 5 tSi &i Kfct I i 4 M HL'V Afcjf f y j V Jty IJBPBIJt 1 t r "T w s C o s o o o O MRS. ANNA H. KAISER. Bd Svfered Snxrefy -Frn Pthri? CsixrrlCswl IrmlJ 1 5f h - j ReerU tter C , Afser oesatla;ada:i: U. pew 2rt tiaae leader, Ma. Ijkw Hq ' bercre,;cQ5Tri: V "Iraatrtdrt-pjOTaaai,, xsonr tilt 1 xaa irtH ac:. ,-. piiats belcnr ay liwaider bUdcc, "btj j -srlili ycer raeditlz. lassie 5 MS S. ASKA 2f. KAIS22, Tiro .Bivers, Wit, trt & KiaTerer Xroas p2-risc.tXTJi 3o rsait ta exteatt tint tie oodd ecrroel y da ber cnrai "roxk. In detcri biaig ier ryzsploan, sis -wrote a "I hire rarh terrible hvrVvrbci xaad daws aay ba-tk said jcaxwi aayilpt, s.t tiaaf i psaaas ia tie ptlric orgtr.i, so tbit I i not able to lie denjra: or deep. I vlfo bTe pviau tirosb aay left tide lad &an n. I assy bs gettixz; bert troiie,B Alr taVlrg Perzaas. satd it&awir.g Ir. Htrta4s' isrtrsrakot for KTtrxl -wi, Mr. Eir reported aa taHc-sr: UI feel azxiti strcear tr.3 do sot iret :.ea-roj&c laaned to. Tbe pia is es- Mere2ati, BBiea.t OSes -wtti TTaa. Brswai 4 1J O L;y.iiI StreC Art. Ca, Xo. tirely gese, exoeptTrbeai I -Bret & litii tec bard. Tie sedieaaae bxs dose ae -vcoderfad xrood. I as tiri-i7: Prrzai said Msssliau My bortis ire slao lx C90dO0dltJC.n 2ra4i ForzsEiiw ''pier a.t2iier f Ttrt aiMr iirt m tf --. for tbe sdriae reennw. "Tberr.cdkazeliKSMgiit The rxL Ictsawlpniistt assist t01 good it ixs done fcr a ailt sasaaTotbeas-rn befeMiisBt k j "IbiTeidrLfdcjlimvCBwU izaj I did to ceanlt yx sU art; xre Uxixs ay vrrtt. L'mu asedidie sciir, 1 tser m rillbelp aae. he. nartBsaftJMt To ererj ttt ltt mat tei ixaepsoas xbrre tiiwf , k. & asxa eacteodt ss etraw seafct rrilelobiaaiacraadiaJ s lati C Pni Col JOT fraas . assitsravde of erxiefai fries, -airrirf tint Pe thei 1 t?ra4 iKiJg latxatare. qpsHty. I iTe i-a tsj-ai aeaatisic Ttati iKatrre K 5 5 caa i aeaai ca taaat, sa-a aw ZfH prttaifrf a 4xara a a Pe-m-si aiaa I isTe aacoaj.trxt'i -ati & Ethty aa tie aa-nScte itt asy rptaXitc eua oaiy taiaaee at Tr33-kzra !ae' J- -tiiritlei "5 31 HlOTiX.&,, sa. 5ai J s; NEW TODAY Btptsst acrti-rtri Vz. W. S. MM Ttemzs f raa Pr-lz.-1 er ai 13:13 trrfr. He it-f s-M-a ai st:e3iiM' aa tie seffcg f tie trj-ie 2Lai f n&ail e-n-rhrea-K P-er OaaTe, f tie PSrK i-cr-i TttsA to SDrtoke k-Sit. He jrirl is :ie Btacic iati tiere a aiucrrw. l.Ki aaeadatr laa eresasp. Att4cxey JLi A Crr?s i.T.i iiaa-Ir Itfa aiii aaeraiatr fr Xe-wyrt ! a y tie a bw-f rxafl Maiiy. Mr Cna L. s aje ti-tr list a aMf iuj m-totira, 2ds 2UitJ IVsre. itcsaoxV'i by itc aaiea; 5ft s aie aarxjxg" zriia iw i nt Trti5 riiit -irui tAtz&i ss. Tkemrii, 3. C Miw UTe a &e f ti 5jfcr cr.jTt7f f -i Jaagif. 4s,LS tie lfii uiej-isx CiaAt Mxtaieirf. Praii3. ir ix li y s: bxticaieet. He atiily re tanai frmc Pxi Afcr. -iee be x eresiuaxf t4xsrStasxfc thtrrercty H iy tie a-rtLfatii in. xa jrieiit be "acS aK Ttxat t j tl3,isri srtix. Me?r3 Tjjyr vi ia aea cm f tie laiiwHr it ai aatwcJ Ittai, 3ttf t 1m.t ia ftc Pn- itski, -uiurn. be is A;ced s ttt. maaa(!L. Mr. EajdoLaa' fratsA re Ft ia ejmr frsat ti esty, bt wrsii iaar ratttt ax ii fxaxrt .iu.T (ITS. Assort ti Jrfremna ;jle ax Ss Sro ti pwA tl: -wc Mr. 13 Mxs, Jisi Sari. Mrs. P. A Eey, Mr. A A MBEus-, Max. Axzo. Ttj-ix. Mam Ktcs Vxxjix, E. A Mams, Mrs. X P JssatiWiE, Mtrw- Ixcsy, C M. y-ti. J. "W. Pxrrsii sa3 Mr. C CStJ- ftfces. I TKaStra H. ITartx, yt x5a.. per acLx. Ptrwc Gtct. as si ty tasr. Mr. "Wartx Trs3 Ata re PsaELt I7xarnary is Jaau d s w easy editor f ti 'K'Mlixctxx S3y Ken. S ir ex Timrnwi d eity xd oharbxx property. Oep Usl XstussI Bsaac. Per Si2ft. We isT f r iiit eielr iip jj lie "RallsaEette- CxtTeriiiy fer tie caia: ytir. Se-e Iteiy i: "WEiisa- S-12-3t P3o far Ssie Psx-rr Gresisa Bsrfcxxi xa4 Psrry 2e need jrt toei bj Otatsl Opasaaiwicx Co, Ss Jeaa. Or. -t-tf "Wsased Cacpetaa Seaaea to n Tttxt Z9tj- x tie rraiL Pauatk- j-eracsxext. Aedrent IH5C 43, 11 AtTrft2 3xDia.i CiariiNi. 5-lU Mooey to Loan TE0MA3 X. P03D, Orer Ls5d & Bs t Stlt. Or P5 TO THE LADIES Our Canvas Oxfords Have Arrived AI sizes f r al f eel-f rom the Bttk stfs to tlie grown-ups. The finest tet of C Oxfords you e-er saw. E. L IRV1N & COT . PRACTICAL SHOE Mm-Ackjiowkdgerf Learfos 326StateSL RtPAIRK5 A SPECIAL ill 1 NEW STORE We feave purchase! tfe entire stock of groceries, crockery and cfishes of U " nan Bre. To make room for a more complete stock of groceries, we wK Sacrifice all Profits On the entire Sue of Ashes, glassware and temps. frerytK" thse GO AT COST And evea iess m many cases. Come early ami gel fiWt choke in this great rt, sale. Remomfcen A Mar save k a oolar marfe. We have several oiects of Haami Chin" that wS abo go at cost w Ol Mti a -wiiiei i3 V IvtoJ ir Jss. ti SttiWht Tfcra nana t tiii 90C JTrw aoWWapPC w MviT VRCflV :s0Mi BRANSON & PISHER, M?& cay, Mtna Vm fraK Sus HTMrfTI k iM