'.fern wfip.?" ?" HflfJHT; FRIDAY, TWO KDITIONS DAILY AT' feat ' )ES. P. M. AMD, !K Tl H. LY a SAI3BH, WtaMMl, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 106. NO 113. -- . w "" ""' nfit1" "4 " f '' ' ? " JOTJBNAL v jtjlJl a XkrJLii ;tion (OWN IN TRISCO k m diful, Relief Plants id Vaccination f Compulsory eo. May 10. The finan- ,is growing brighter each Twety-ono million in cash, held l;tae'bls previous to the fire, has . 9b 'Wmffii-, larG additional &yaea0Miw&he daily deposits ex- ;llNrWprals. Fivo million is mint, for which there use. The discovery tttnonoy in tho. vault of NpsorfiaJwire intact leads t6 tho bo- vaults -will bo found in When tho banks open, -will have more money so in its history. Tho Assessor Dodge that Ik ml 'MM the assessments in tho ptWW'fsTMsstet;: to a nominal amount, w..te,reyised values of tho land, been melved with favor. This ' roll .-will probably show a do- o teo,coo,ooo. i INta iW:wpletion of five cooking jb-i8h dst'dErl WiVMm UTTT. lief that gooa -TUSaHSml BBP MwiiMi)SB?( ra n , mm -Jfl? v relief section from which ill bo served for 15 cents. 'of tho cost of rolief will it From fifteen to twon- ,11 bo fed at these places )1-lA'lPvlln the m0a ckot "J tors" wui do enminaiea encouraged to buy their iTwenty-six freo dlspensar- located by tho board of eh many refugees, are be in treated, ' All refugees In the Pro- alilo are wing vaccinated, and innoc M& wMl.be extended if health con- ant it. Thero were some V ' - ,v - fc.J2 a'flMMi.MiNMr M'UtMlHm . IKBm tea ami iiimglLi c wss own. ies have li With, at ; t.i I -it pswani eases of vaccination being performed at the point of tho bayonet. San Francisco, 'May 10. As a result of a careful census of refugees, the number fed today by tho relief com mittee was cut from 279,631 to 223,915 Today's rations consist only of meat vegetables and bread. 2?oxt week the distribution will bo mado every other day. .Employers aro being urged to pay their laborers part of their Tvages each day, to enablo them to buy food, instead of accepting charity. In caso of money being unobtainable, employ crs aro asked to givo their notes, which will bo usodi as a medium of oxchnge. Tho Brotherhood of Painters is un dertaking to build temporary four room cottages for their members. San Francisco, May 10. Tho police last night frustrated a daring attempt to rob the safe of Chung & Son, Chinese curio dealers, which .contained valu ables worth $10,000. Gus Junlan and Wm. Sherlocktwod'cspeatosafo crack ers, wcto nrrestod. Thoy were loading tho' safe into a wagon 'when caught. Washington, May 10. Secretary Taft, as president of tho American Red Cross accepted $50,000 from tho people of Japan for San Francisco, 's relief. Wants Moro Monoy. Washington, May 10. Secretary Motcalf has requested congress to ap propriate $66,000 additional for tho construction of an Immigration station at Angel Island, at San Francisco. TRUNK MURDER MYSTERY Trial Postponed on Account of Witnesses Being Scat tered by Earthquake (Four O'clock Edition.) Stocktbn, Cat, May 10. Tho trial of Emma Lcdoux, the alleged murderess of A. N. McVicar, tho trunk murder victim, was postponed today from May 22d to Juno 5th. Many of tho witness es hnvo disappeared since tho disaster at San Francisco. GORMAN IB SBAMKO'HIS' END. Maryland Senator Suffers 'Prom Several Diseases. --- tussu HAS NEW CREATION DiqA la Good Causo. - (Four O'clock Edition.) Santa Cruz, Cat, May 10. Tho body of L. E. Chapman, drowned in the San Lorenzo river yesterday, has not yet been recovered. His hat was found. Everything indicates that ho lost his life in attempting to. assist Miss Mc Kay. Parties aro still searching the river. Chicago Markets. Chicago, May lO.-Wheat 6282, corn 47, oats 3232. CHICAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE sif 19k L r 'g"L W i ' a Powerful Special Sale of ies and Children's Ready- Wear Summer Garments Millinery. IRgprKSSS, STYLE, WORKMANSHIP, QUALITY AND LOW PRICES THE MAIN FEATURES OF THE GARMENTS WB OFFER. TOR gPBOIAL SALE. OUR BUTTERS HAVE BEEN BUSY AWAY XAST THE PAST THREE MONTHS SECURING THE CORRECT AND GOODS FOR. OUR SUMMER. TRADE. THE WONDER- WTH OF THIS DEPARTMENT KEEPS US BUST MARKING DS AND GETTING THBM READY FOR, SALS. TRADE AT THAT DOES THE BUSINESS. aft " '' mszz VMBB - 's wlr 2 - JsL m mm ' AjflBEgMpM LADIES' SUITS. d take a whole page In this to describe fully the ortment of Ladiee' Wool keep in etoek, both in plain mixtures all nandsomeJy silk lined; prices from LTNBN SUITS. ally made and handsomely workmanship the beit; tJ.60 up. frra duok suits. MMOrtmeat; all told at ; $2.50, 3.50 and up. LINEN SUITS. ind assortment la all the rles; handsomely triaamed; 12.50 up. lawk surra. si aseermeat of faacj dMJg&sj colors fast; ilM ap. PSTTICOATS. rjpptt4 asoxtveat; ftlt item SHIRT WAISTS. watt to feast yer eye mi & grand assortment of beautiful enow-wbito Shirt Waists in LINEN SILK and LINEN LAWNS, come to the CHICAGO STORE; there you will see the beautiful SHIRT WAIST in all its lovliness; both ia losg and short sleeves; trimmed is every con ceivable way with beautiful laets and embroideries. Our low prices will Insure quick sales; prices 45c, 65e. 75c, 98e and up to I3.C0. LADLES' COATS AND JACKETS. Stylish ladies who have recently returned from Chicago and New York say our coats and jackets are just as handsome as anything they have sees east. They were surprised at our low prices. HANDSOME JACKETS, PRICE, $3.45, $5.00 a4 vj. SWELIi LONO $8.50 and up. COATS, W.00, MLLLXXBSY. Tfclj is the basiest plaee 1& Salem, Six aaletUaiea all the tlsne e the jossp waitlsg ea tra4e. If ye wast pretty hats at abevt kalf what yea pay elsewhere, eee to the Caitage Start. SALXK'S SEATBT WWXlNr KMO. V0Y BROS. cbi wU Cttrt StrMts Washington, May 10. Senator" Ar thur P. Gorman, of Maryland,iffSfit ically ill at his homo in 'this cltyrllo has not been in tho scnato for mnny months. Within tho last fow dnys he had a severo sinking spell, andhis'lifo was despaired of. His siekness began several months ago with an attack of tho grippe, with every indication that it would culmi nate in pneuAonin, but this was avert ed, and; it is now learned thnt ho Is suffering from a complication of ail ments, which givo no promiso o,f his recovery. Southern Baptist- Conference. Chattanooga, Teua, May lO.Bap tists from all parta of tho south aro asiembled htro by thousands to attend tho annual conierenco of tho Southern Baptist church and" the convention of tho Baptist Huxilllary organiiationa. Last year the confereaco was holdi In Knnsaa-City, Mo., and tho year boforo in Nashville, Tena. Jt is estlmatod that thero aro moro than 1000 more del egates in attendance at tho conference which opened hero today than at any previous conferenco of tho Southern Baptist church. Tho delegates to the conforenco represont nearly 2,000,000 adherents of' tho Baptist faith. Many important matters will como up for consideration in the conference, which will last six days, with scsiions evory morning, aftcroon and evening. Monster of the Sea Sails. Hamburg, May 10. Tho steamship Kaisorln Augusto Victoria, tho largest Btcams'hip afloat, started from Tiero this. morning for Newt York. Tho steamer, which belongs to the service of the Hambug-American Hn, carries a large numbor of passengers and full cargo of freight. It can, carry COO passongers in, tho first cabin, 3S0 in tho second, 300 In tho third, and:'230O in- the steerage Tho crew comprises 650 officers and, men. Tho slrip is equipped with evory modern convenlenco and has a largq restaurant where passengers may eat a la carte meals. The Douma Meets Today for the First Time, and . Marks New Era Tho Meeting of tho Douma. ft. Petersburg, May 10. To Doums we'ro sung this morning in all the churches at 11 o'clock. At 12:30 mem bers of tho Douma bureaucracy arrived atf tho winter palace. Tho doputles gathered in Nicholas' room, unti the peasant deputies were unuwed by view ing the palace rooms. Tho Czarino and Empress Dowager, followed by tho court, army and church, official?, entered tho hall In tho paluce, Everything was arranged with tho idea. of) impressing tho doubt, which la tho glamor of strength with tho bureau craW. Tho ceremony began, with the TwDcum. Then camo tho regal proces' slon. Couriers carrlod tho diamond studded scepter, and tho Czar was seated on tho center of his ivory throne Tho scene rivaled anything over wit nessed in St. Petersburg. Tho peasant? wero undisturbed) by tho display. Tho bureaucrats and courtiers applauded tho Czar's address, but tho peasants wero undemonstrative. Tho Cznr ap pearcd in good health, but showed aging His advlret8 dealt with generalities. Tho deputies maintained a silent atti tude, which is considered an Insult to the Crar by tho courtiers. When Nicholas left tbe hall tho doputles showed no sign of homage. Luncheon, was served, and then tho deputies pro ceeded to tho Tcurlda palaco. CANADA HAS A CASE Kamloop's District Is in Chase of a Gang of Train Robbers (Four O'clock Edition.) Vancouver, B. C, May 10. Thero Is a ttnlquo clmso in tho Knmloops dis trict after tho Canadian Paclflo train robbers. Mnny blooded anlmnls ;ow boys and others aro entering tho race. A mult Undo of trails offer a chnuco of, escape, but by tho traces discovered It is expected tho robbers will bo run down, but it is not thought thoy will' bo taken nllvo. SUMMON ALL THE CLERKS Government Expects to Show One Man Paid Taxes for All ttie Companies Chlcugo, May 10. Subpoenacs have, been issued JL or nino Ohio county treas urers to nppoar and produce iloaumon tnry ovldenco during tho oil hearing, to show tho organization and operation of tho oil trust lit Ohio, It is charged thnt nil taxes for tho Stnndard'and Its subsidiary, though supposed indopond ont companies, wero paid by ono mail. Primitive Met&odist Conference. Methuen, Mass., May 10. The an nual conference of the Primitive Meth odist chuTch of the East opened) here this morning with a large attendance of delegates, representing every part of tho eastern and New England states. Operators Will Meet Miners. Chicago, May 10. The bituminous operators have agreed to meet the min ers in joint conference.' Miners Qo to Work. Wilkosbarre, P., May 10. Seventy per cent of the misers responded when the miners resumed operations today There was bo discrimination, and oM employes were re-hired. Strike ia OerauBy. Berlin, May 10. Three thoutana me will be affected in the strike of. the metal' Industries in Germany, bo ginning Friday. Opening tho Duoma. St. Petersburg, May 10. Tho ses sion of tho first parliamentary body in the hlmory of Russia was oponed at tho Taurldo palaco by tho crar toduy, It was tho occasion of a grand display of imperial splendor and nt tho snmo timo a demonstration of tho fact thnt tho government Is determined to nbro guto completely ita power of dictat ing to tho people. Many thoufamls of peoplo from nil parts of tho country had como to St. Petersburg to witness tho KCwnes accompanying tho opoiung of tho first national assembly, or du oma. Troops and police wero scattered all through tho city and had a watch' ful cy on everything of a suspicious nature, thnt might be going on in any part of tho city, particularly urouud tho impi-iiol palaco and tho Tnuride pulrteo, Tho streets betwocn- tho t two place wero carefully guurded by a largo forco of tTOopn and police, to pre vont any attempt upon tho Hfo of tho czar on his way to nod from tho parlia ment building. Outside of .the cordon of troope thouAitnds of people crowded the streets, eager to catch a glirrrpso of tho czar and his brilliant sulto. At an early hour this morning her alds, gorgeously attired, rodo through tbo streets on richly caparisoned horses and proclaimed tho opening of tho na tional assembly and, at tho eamo time, commanded poaco and order, It was high noon when the czar, surrounded by tbe members of tbe cabinet, the of ficials of the court and a brilliant suite of officers of tbe army, started from the Imperial palace to the Taurldo pal ace, wbero tho members of tbe nationul assembly, who had boon recently elect ed, were already assembled awaiting the arrival of tbe emperor. Count Witto was abttmt and his place near the emperor was taken by the new pre mier, Ooremykro, wboto appearaneo was the tdgtstf for LoUllo demonstra tioaa In the crowd, which, however, were quickly eupprewed by tho poUee- When the gorgeous procession reach' ed tho portal of tho Taurldo palace, the military escort formed la double lines, between which the czar and the membe of his suite entered. At tbe portal the emperor was received by a delegation of tbo duoma and escorted to the grand hall, where tbe national assembly was awaiting the arrival of We hm taken tbe agencyi ;etuAl opeBln(? tmaM(By WM tot ike brief. The czar delivered a afcort ad- UA T T TIT sf"Vk' ' irb!ek ho """"'H aatctesty - Xb. JU JLs "" IN V'fr pHleal prieoseru and the abell , ' , ItUwof jaartkllaw. After ft brief re after rfkMtf flftJata. FrCS,. U t etimenti wMek hii prewpUd Mm te &y to kU pef4 a PMm1 MeesaUy axd (after haviag petMtdat tho 4bUm ef the 4eH pr tUasesiury) Vody t tie esspke, 3u sV eUred tU sessaoa fonuuiy mmsmO. JHwVFV "WeMs wtWs fWW'WWi WWW wKr until tho czar had withdrawn and re turned to tho Imperial pnlnco. Tho opening session of tbo duoma was qulto short. President Pctrunko vltch delivered an nddrosf and submit ted a number of communications from tho imperial government, lucludlng a plan for tho reorganization of tho fin n'necs of tho country. Soon after that tho first meeting was adjournod. Tho Taurldo palnco, whore, nt least for tho present, tho sessions of tho du omn will bo held, was built in 17S3, and was presented by tho Empresu Ca therlno II. to Prlnco Potemkln, tho "hero of tho Taurus," nftor tho con quest of tho .Crimea. Whon tho jirlneo died in 17M it bocamo crowa proporty and has elnco been used as nn 'exhibi tion building. It wub completely ro modolled for tho purpoSo of mnklnR it suitable as parliament building. Tito wholo central portion of tho palaco will bo occupied! for tho purposes of tho national assembly. Tho hall In which tho memborn meet Is about as largo as tho houso of representatives in Wash ington, is ontlroly decorated In white. and adorned with frescoes from Po- temkln's time. Behind tho president's seat and facing tho representatives I a largo window looking out on a gar den. Tho seats and dwsks of tho rep resentatives hnvo been arranged around tho hall, tier on tier, us In n thenter( Tho tribune, from which the member will addr ss tho houso, Is In tho cantor, and on each sldo of It nro two seats for tho secretaries of tbo duonui. Tho president's chair Is behind tho tribune, as aro also tho places for the ministers and their assistant and tho prcta. Thoro aro C04 sitn for representatives and undur eaoh Is a ventilator. The desk have sliding -tops which will thus do away with tho banging of lids, to which turbulent imrlinmcntarltts might report to to givo expression to their displeanum No place has bcon mado for ink wells, which aro not to bo permitted, and tho representatives will hnvo to make pencil notes. The object of this is, probably, to prevent tbe throwing of ink wells by dis gruntled members, ono of tho favorito methods of parliamentary warfare in como parliamentary bodies of Europe, The Now Role In Xusela, St. Petersburg, May 10. Hunk's new national assembly of the Douma was formally opened in the winter pal ace. Tho emperor greeted the deputies And proclaimed the Douma In session and read on ad drees. Tbe deputies re paired to tho Taurida palaco after tho address. Tho populace cheered the procession of dleputlos. It Is tho first timo In 15 months that tho Czar bus been in tho capita). Jcromo acttdng Busy, Now York, May lO.-Dlstrlcl Attor noy Joronio has subpoenaed! President Peabody, of tho Mutual Llfo, to appear boforO a special grand jury. It is un derstood that Peabody will bo a will4 lug witness. THE SPA iy mm ouivr rAOMKY Tho MeVropolltan Handicap. New York, May 10. Tho spring meotlng of tho Weatchrstor Pacing as soclation opens this nftornoon at Del mont park. Tho meeting will only last nino days, but somo good sport is prom- Ased. Tho chief event of tho opening day will bo tho Metropolitan handi cap, for which) many famous horses havo boon ontwed, James R. Kooao's" inmous Syaonby is top wotgbt with 131 pounds and K, II, Thomas' aged e- pnignoT, Horuils, again has seeoad plnco with 1S!0 pounds Ort Wells rates uoxt with 125 pound Thotv follow Delhi, 124 Stalwart and Artful, 128 pounds onchj Hamburg Bello, 122; Rosoben, 131. (luldlng Star is only weighted with 03 pounds. Baco King wall also bo among, tho etnrtors and will carry only DO pounds. Last year tho Metropolitan resulted in. a dead hent botweon. Sysonltyt and ltaeo KI.Hg. ' NotwlthstnnkVing tho lieavy, handicap Syaonby seoms to bo tho general tav-orlto. After the Standard Oil Co. (Four O'Clock Edition,) Chicago, May 10. E. M. Wilholt, of Topekn ,a former Standard OH agent, in tbo interstate commerce commission hearing toduy, testified that the Stand ard had ordered him to pay for infor mation concerning competitiors. The Standard maintained an espionage sys tem throughout the country. "Water White," "Perfection," llead Light" and threo other grades were sold from the same tarJc He saidi "I know I cheated, but they instructed me. The Standard values a man only by the dirty work be does. Self-respect pelled. we to quit. The cosipasy wed cheeks to bribe railway employes." I tolfl tbe eommlieleBer that the Santa Fe and other rallreaAs had re duced their tariffs as gifts to tbe Standard. Pi Phi Fraternity Meets. Schenectady, N.' Y., May 10.Tho I'l Phi friitornlty oponed ita 28tb auuual convention under the nusplcei of Bot chapter nt tho YsliHxm hotel this mofi iug. Tho nttondhnco was large, Tha opening seiwion was devoted to prollin. inary routine business. This nfternooHt tho delegated will bo entertained by ni tally-ho rldo to points of Interest In tho- vicinity. In tho ovewlag a reception will bo given by tho active chapter to tho delegates nt tho now Pi Phi chaptot rooms in tho Doimhuo building. Tho'convcntlon will lnt threo days and nn interesting program has beoa prepared for tho entortainmest of tho visiting delegates. Tho great ball will bo hold at tbo Mohawk Cfolf club. The ftocond buslncm cessiou will bo held Saturday morning, am; tbo convention will oloto on Saturday afternoon with tho election of tho ofllcers for tho com ing year. Tho annual banquet will be held in tlto evening. Werej Well Received. Upon Invitation of frcsldcnt Cole man, H. Jiorer n( Jiai u, i-anou, iwb well-known Sulern business men, ap peared ut the general assembly of stu dents of Willamette University this, morning, and were given a vtry cordial reception by tho students and faculty. They wero Introduced by tho chairman, and mado brief talks for tho progress of tho school, and both Incidentally mado complimentary remarks about W. 0, llutvloy, as tho Republican eandldatq for congress, which wero very Well re ceived by all present. Great enthusi asm was created, A IUadiKM Xtlm. Work on I)r, W. H; Byrd's new resi dence is progressing nicely. Tbo ex cavation is completed, preparatory to tho boAemeat walls, A concrete baso ment will be jdaeed below ground and a "brick foundation from tho grade up. When iV;A it will be one of the handsomest residences in the city.' '' WW MaJtry, Arth&r W, Haw s4 Jlva Mr Wal te, f Salew , T. S, Ke, i, were CaapaiB Whm Up, A big Republican raUy is arrsaged fer Saturday evening la the' UbIok Khool hosse we of Jeffe rsea-Tbe e dldatce for (he iegUlatere aad ewaty oe will be ft went aad will' Bfail themselves of the eppartaalty to Mteec the voters f tUt seiua, ef (he i'l 1 1 i. a i ' I', M. ftith 1mv ey la a tew days1 OHilag at Crttta' SjNtis U U CaKSiie pwwjUlas, tSlL. . I i')ii,. j. ,H (-L..V . - . ' &. JfclAfe