w - f;"" -j t " ' v. "W ' wht,. "lT3t,"?ftf DAILY 0AFXTA1. JOUKNAIs SALEM, OKSaOX, MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1006. 1 -1 fij 1 s1 M, S'. 4jp Ji J - a1 'S Ss il ; . SUDDENLY OF HEART DISEASE. Frequently does a head lino slml u.n ghnvo trroot u In tho news- j ti.1. mail, nush and stronuous- the American people has a strong r to lead Up U vuivumr aim uiucr 3 of tho heart, attended by ir- "j SCUUUi pmiiijviji .....-, -0O sensavIODS mm uiuui uiauvss- 01 U JJIUUIIlitiiw u&.'.iu.ai. v. r. Pierce 9 uoiuon jhuuicbi uis m&do aro recommended by somo idlmj writers on jiucrKi,icucu tiro of Juet such cases. Golden t, for Instanco, is saia o tuo States DisrENSATonv, a stand- horlty, "to impart tone ana in rvuvnr to tho heart's action." ma other loading authorities rep- iGoldoit Seal a an unsurpassed r thu muscular systom in general, tho heart Is almost wholly com- of muscular tissue, it naturally that It must do greatly strength- this suporo. gnnerai wntc uut r thn most Imuortant Ineredlont I ilnn Medical i)iscovorv." so far Hffmarvolous euros of valvular and MrJaffoctlons of tho heart are con sume root, or LoHinsonui van., m. I'aine, auiuor oi raiues of Medlclno. says of it: Ion if alnrax. hid a tiatlent who was oppreiyl wtth'ralVular dlsoaio of t that his friends worn oblliroU to m up-stalr. Ho, Iiowuvor. gradually i unuur tue mnuenco oi uomiisomu A nrlnclulu extracted from btone jlbiI l nmr attandlti? to hit buftlnoss. feretoforo physicians knew of no remedy Jr the femoral of so dlitrosslnB and so dan- rerous a malady, with tnem u was an tfuess-work. and It foarfully warned tho afflicted that death was near at hand. Col llnsonln unquestionably affords relief In aucb cases, and in most instances offocts a ' Stonoroot Is alsn recommended by Drs, Ilalo and.'ElllngVood, of Chicago, for valvular and other diseases of tho heart. Tholatiec.says: "It Is a hoart tonic of direct and permanent Influonso." GoldenMcdlcal Discovery," not only cures serious heart affections, but Is a molt offlclont goneral tonic and lnyl?or ator.fstrengthonlng tho stomach, InlK oratlngnho liver, roBiilatlnR tho bowels and .curing catarrhal alloctions In all parts 'of. the system. , Dr.'Pjjr&'fPollats euro Constipation. " 7 jwc ' Launching a Big Cannon Boom, Washington, May 7. Speaker Jo seph oV.Cannon of tho houso of repre sentatives, is 70 yenrs old today nud Ms' birthday will be made the starting point of a big political boom, the ob jeetlof which is tho nomination of Mr uanBOnjior mo presidency oi mu uun od States!! The friends, porsonal as weilasTpolitical, have arranged' a big xoceptioaiano; dinner In honor of Speak er Caaaea.'s birthday, and it will bo at the dinaer tonight that tho boom will bo. formally launched. i'I&twithstanding his 70 years Speak rOaBBon is still halo and strong and shoWjaono of tho failings concomitant tor'oMTao. Tho proposition of starting a CanHon boom was suggested some timoMast year and' since then it has boon thoroughly dipcussed by th? friondsof Mr. Cannon and many of the political' leaders who aro not them selynaBpi rants to tho nomination. Tt , Igbeliavod by many friends of Mr. Can ij35jtfct, leaving President Roosovelt butjfoffconsidcration, Speaker Cannon is thoronly man who can savo tbo Re publicaa:party from defeat at tho next presidential election. The party leaders havo been much yrorriodfeby tho signs of radicalism un.l revoltJn tho political atmosphere, aul tUe.chances of a Bryan, a Hearst or :i BaUrlding tho popular wavo to pow r'iJiMjot them to scurrying for some aeacfoso to the people." They say Kepfywill not do. Fairbanks is out of the question. Even Tnft is now doubt ful, asd tho chances seem to favor his aewpttoff President Roosevelt's invl- w iaUoa to ascent the supremo court 'Tke Kind Yon Havo Always In uso for over SO years, and H TkkKm 'LflaaV 1 al LR 1 A B MM kU &rj??fcfA soaal supervision slnco Its Infancy. '"&&&" Allow no ono to deccivo you In tills. Vil Counterfeits, Imitations -njKfHrunents time trmo witu -'?il jwfcnts and Children Experience against Expori-ant. What is CASTORIA ,; Cton Is n harmless substltuto for Castor OH, Pare- fjtsriCi Drops .nd Booming Syrups, it ia X'leasanc ic Mtalus neither Opium, Morphlao nor other .Narcotfo ajwksUnce. Its ago is its guarantco. It destroys Worms attid allays Fuvcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind i"Ul(r.. Tr. rAlinvnn Tftthinsr Troubles, cures Const! natloa Tif -aiRd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tbe . 1 f KohukJi and Uowels, &lug neaitny anu nauirai sieop. f"ho Chlldreu's Panacea The Mother's Friend. iavJM Eknuine Bears the iT&e Kind You Have Always Bought In Ue For Over 30 Years- bench. Tho Illinois delegation In the houso is, naturally, for Cannon to a man. Illinois is his state. Tho Indi ana members of tho houso aro in an embarrassing position. Thero is scarce ly a man of them whoso heart is not -with Cannon, but so long as, they aro members of tho Fairbanks machine they feel that they cannot officially lino up their stato with 'Cannon until Fairbanks withdraws. Thero is a movement on foot to bring this result about. Tho Ohio members of the houso do not foci at liberty to declare for Can non at this time. Tho obstacle is Sen ator Foraker, who has tho presidential bee in his bonnet, although it is al most a foregone conclusion that his nomination would lead to a torrific de feat of tho Republican party. Foraker has come out as a candidate, however, and that will probably tio tho handa of the Ohio members. Speaker Cannon holds tho ago rec ord for speakers. When ho took his, seat as speaker tho first time Mr. Cau non was 67 years old. Even at that ago ho was two years older than his oldest predecessor at his retirement William Pennington of New Jersey, who was speaker of the 36th congross from 1S59 to 1S61 was 65 years old when ho stepped down. Ho died tho following year. Tho tendency of lato years seoms to have been toward selecting oldor speak ers. Previous to tho Civil War of 23 speakers only Pennington, Jonathan Trumbull, who was 51, and John Var num, who was 57, wero over 50 years when thoyt wero elected, and there were a number of rather youthful pto Biding officers. Counting Galusha A. Crow, who pro sided during tho struggle, thero have been eleven speakers sinco tho war and1 all wero men well advanced in life excopt Crow, who was only 3S when elected. Sohuylor Colfax was 40 when ho took tho chair first and 40 whoa he retired. Blaine was 45 when ho re tired; Kerr 49; Koifler 47, Carlislo 44, Reed was 50 when ho wos elected and just 'ton years older when ho retired and Henderson was 63 at tho ond of his second term. The baby speaker was Robert M. T. Hunter of Virginia, who was speaker of tho 26th congress ami was 30 years old when ho was elected. o A Mountain of Gold Could not bring as much happiness to Mm. Lucia Wilko of Caroline, Wis., as did one 25o box of Bucklen'a Arnica Salvo, when it complotoly cured a run ning soro on her leg, which had tortured her 23 long years. Greatest antiseptic healer of pUos, wounds and sores. 23 conts at J. 0. Perry's drug store. o " Navy Pay Vacancies. Washington, Mny 7. Great interest is evidently taken in tho next examin ation, which will bo held for filling 12 vacancies in the grndo of assistant pay master of tho navy. This. examination will tako placo at the Washington navy yard on June 11 before a special board. Tho candidate who aro authorized to appear beforo tho board will bo an nounced) shortly by Assistant Secre tary Newborry, who has charge of the election of candidates. This appears to bo nn excellent opportunity for Bought and which has beca has borno tho 8trnatnro of has been mado under his pcr- and JuHt-as-good" nr bub anu cnuanger 1110 iie8at ot rtAfiTORIA ALWAYS Ilgnatura c STRANGE "ADVICE! niw'"t-,ylaA yv",1 'f llMr Dr. O. O. Oreen rirti alert pergonal atUutlon to Ms great humanitarian contract. (Jin our Almanac for many years past we have given unusual advice to those afflic ted with coughs, colds throat or lung troubles or consumption. We have told thetu if they did not receive any special benefit after the use of one 75-ccnt siie bottle of German Syrup, to consult their doctor. JVc did not nsk them or urge them to use a large number of bottles, as is tbe case in the advertising of many other remedies. Our confidence in Ger man Syrup makes it possible for us to give such advice. JWe know by he ex perience of over 35 years that one 75-ccnt bottle of German Syrup will speedily re lieve or cure the worst cougiis, colds, bronchial or lur.5 troubles and that, even in bad cases of consumption, one large bottle of German Syrup will work wonders. iJNew trial bottles, 35c; reg ular she, 75c. At all druggists. 4 Sold in Salem by S. O. Stone. young' men who can meet tho require ments, which nro not excessive. Tho general qualifications as to ago ani physical ability aro liberal enough to admit any young man to tho list of candidates, and it is hoped on tliis ex amination to fill any existing vacancies in tho corps. In this connection it is interesting to know that about the only personnel legislation which stands a chnnco of enactment this year is th.tt which will givo promotion to assistant paymasters to tho next higher grnilo after thoy have scrvedt three years in tho former position. This is dono in ordor to escapo stoppage of promotion on account of lack of "vacancies in the senior grade. Hoi bine. Will overcomo indigostion and dys pepsla; rogulato tho bowels and cure llvor and kidney complaints. It is tho best blood enricher anil in vigorator in tho world. It is purely vegotable, perfectly harmless, and should you bo a sufforer from disoaso you will uso it if you aro wise. R. N. Andcows, editor nndi manager Cocoa and Rockledge Nows, Cocoa, Fla., writes: "I havo used your Herb ino in my family, and find it a raot ex cellont medicine, lta effects upon my self havo been a marked benefit. D J. Fry. FULL OF RESOURCE. A Story of Jean Bart, an Old Time French Naval Officer. Jean Hart, a French naval com mander of tho Inst part of tho seven teenth centurv, was ut one timo or dered to convey the Princo do Contl, a rtindldnto for tho throno of Poland, to Dautr.ic, a voyago fraught with dan ger, as his vessel must pats through tho w liters where wero cruising the hos tilo fleets of tho Knglish and Dutch. During tho pnBsago tho littlo rqundron was chased by tho enemy, and Bart, us soon as thoy wero roported, called hlr little ton to him aud gave him whis pered Instructions. Tho pursuit con tinued for olght hours, and at the end of that timo tho enemy was no longer in sight. Then Bart went down into tho cabin, whero tho princo had been sitting in ignorance of tho day's ox cltement "Yoir'vo had a narrow escape, mon seigneur," said he. "What do you mean!" asked tho prince. "Why," answered Bart, "that we've boon chased by three eight-gun ships and nine frigates. e've run them out of sight, and there's nothing to fear." "But, M. Bart, if they had taken usf" "Oh, monspigneur, that was quite impossible." ' "Ehf What? Why impossible!" "Became," answered Bart, "I had stationed my bravo son, my Cornll, in the gunroom with a lighted mntb and strict orders to put it into the powder if we ehonld- be overpowered," "What!" erled' tbo prince. "You would have dono such & thing!" "Certainly I would have done it," said) Bart. "It aball never te said that I allowed you to be taken when tbo king ordered) me to tako earo that you were not'" Perhaps tbo prince himself might have preferred prosaic surrender to the doubtful glory of being blown u;-. CASTORIA ?c Imitate aad CMUres. Tin KM Ym Kill AlwtjfS Bt-t m9W999999mwmtimmmm9m9mm9m9m9mw9mmmimemmiMmmm CLASS TOB SALS. For Salo. DoLaval separator, nearly now. Bought for" $90, will tell tor 50 cash. Inquiro of A. W. Kusom, Gervala, Routo 3, or phona Farm 59. For Salo. New light ami heavy spring wagons, carriages, carts, new and old buggies, buckboarda and ono deliv ery wagon, at tho Salem Carriage and Wagon Factory W. Fennel, prop.. 801 to 805, North Liberty street. 4-9-lm Farm for Salo S3 acres of tho best land in Marlon cojnty, 1 miles from 8a lorn, 30 acres in cultivation, 1 aero in strawberries; largo now houso, anJ barn. A bargain at $50 por aero. Inquiro at this office. 4-lS-tf FOR SALE Two-year-old filly; tire "Holmdel," dam from "Maugura tlon." Good driving mnro, wt, about 900 lbs., for $50. 3-inch Rushford wagon and wood rack, $25. J. R. Parvln, Jefferson road. For Salo or Trado Two lots and barn, toilet, woodshed, 'chicken houso, gool well, 2000 foot of lumber; oil in gar den and crop. Inquiro at Jnek Darr's blacksmith shop. Prlco $225. 5-Mwk FOR BENT. For Rent. Furnished and unfurnished rooms at 790 North Commercial street. M. A. Dlco, prop. 5-1-tf WANTED FEMALE ID3LP. Wanted Experienced girl for general housework. Highest wages. Inquire 1049 Court street. Salem. 4-12-tf WANTED MALE HELP. M.ci Wanted. Sawmill and lumber yard laborers; $2 por day. Woods men $2.25 to $3. Steady work. Apply to Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene, Oregon. 4-17-tf WANTED. Wanted "Destruction of San Francis co" Best book. Largo profits. Act quick". Samplo free. (Hebo Com pany, 723 Chestnut street, Philadel phia. 5-5-3f Wanted. Agonts for book on San Francisco disaster. Tromondous do- mand. Everybody buys. Big book COO pages. Hundreds of photo tographs. Stories by survivors. Fifty por cent. Premium extra. Credit given. Outfit froo. Writo today. Drop overythtng and mako $500 noxt 30 dayn. Standard Co., 325 Doarborn street", Chicago. 5-112t" WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE OITY HALL. 'For water service apply at ofllce Bills payable monthly in advance M'ako all complaints at tho ofllce. 9105.00 to bo Olven Away, Who Want tho Money? Who will writo us tho bost story of personul oxporionco in using ALLEN'S SELF-RISING II. B. B, FLOUR! We want 100 testimonials, not to exceed 200 words oach, ami wo will pay for thorn, Writo and toll us why and whoro you first bought 3 11. FLOUR nnd how long you luivo usotl it. Toll us how you liko it anil whether you havo found H an agrceablo and wholesome addition tq tlw family menu. Toll us about tho PAN CAKES, tho BOSTON MUF FINS, tho FRUIT PUDDING and tho FAMOUS BOSTON BROWN BREAD. Now, to tho person sending us tho best recommendation and tho most ar tistic letter, wo will puy $5.00 in gold; and wo will pay $1.00 each for 100 oth er letters that wo use. Wo wish lo uso theo letters in our advertising, but no name will bo published without tho written coiwent of tho writer. If you havo sot used self-rising B II. B, Flour got a packago and begin now; w wilt givo you sufficient timo to take advantago of this offer. Every good-grocer sells it and you will find directions in every package. Uso tho four principal reclpo and, write us about it. We aro interested is your experience ALLEN'S B. B. II. FLOUR CO. Pacific Coast Factory, San Jose, Cal. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, J. B. Dulley, County Treasurer of Coos Coun ty, Oregon, will redeem on May 1, lOOfl, at the bank of tbs New York Security k Trust Company, New York City, N. Y, bonds No. Four, Five and Six (4, 6 ond 0) of School District No. 9, of Coo Coaaty, Oregoa. No intereit will bo allowed after May 1. 1900. J. B. DULLEY, Coos Coaaty Treasurer. MISCELLANEOUS. Balsa Iron Wortcs Feunasw, machin ists nad blacksmith. Manufacture of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stores, eto. Manufacturer of the Salem Iroa Work Hop Pres 11-29-lm Wanted. Turk-ej, geese, testa, eiiek- . eat and all farm produce, ulgbeat cash price ptid for &&. Capital Commission Company, 207 Commer cial street Telephona 179. Hotel Scott Newly furala&ea, erary thins cleaa and first class. Room at reaaoaabto prices. In Oottla block, Salem. A. Scott, prop, 7-64L At Your Stepmother 8be caa ateaan clean or dye thorn, and aaTO you a now suit, proas and repair, rallna, furnish buttons. Tbe most delicate fabrics can bo cleaned by hor dry cleaning method without Injury. It doos not shrink or change ita color. It la nox't to Tho Journal office, 221 Commorclal street, TONSORIAL Evans' Barber Shop. Everything new and up to da to. Finott poreelaia bath. Sharing, 15e haircutting25o batht 25c. First elat bootblack. O. W. ETans, Preprlator. YETBRINART 8TJR0E0N Dr, B. J. Young Veterinary surgeon and dentist, 33 ypara' exporienoe. All work guaranteed. Difficult surgical operations a ecialty. Phone 531. Offico at Club Stables. Phone 7, Ba lem, Oregon. 3-9-tf CONCRETE AND CEMENT WORK. J, P. Veatch, contractor and bulldor of cement walk. Boptio bow? tanks, foundation onxl floors. 828 Marion street. 3-5-tf MUSIC STUDIOS. WN Music Studio. Frank E. Churchill, Musical Studio. Associate teacher Western Conservatory, Chicago, Hi, representing Inter-Stats System at Salem, Oregon. In tbe Gray block, room 3. Studio hour 9 to 12 and 9 to 5. 8-10-tf LIVERY AND BALE STABLES. 73 IS TIIE PHONE NUMBER OF TIED RED FRONT STABLES M. L. IIARROD, PROPRIETOR, 271 CIEEMEKETA STREET. Food Barn. Upeelal attention to tra eient teams. Farmers' patfoaago so licited. Waiting rooms for ladie. We also carry a full line of feed. Located at Club Stables, corner Lib erty and Ferry- street. Phone Mala 7. Prunk & Darby. 12-1 l-6m The Fashion Stables Formerly Blmpson's Stablda. Upto-dato livery and cab lino, Fu neral turnouts a specialty. Tally-Jo for picnics and excursions. Phone 44. OLas. W, Yaunke, Prop. 247 and 249 High Street. NEW LANGt HOTEL When you visit Portland, Ore., be sure you stop at Tbo New Lange Hotel, noxt door to tho Imperial. Rates, 60e, 75c, and $1.00 per day. Electric llghto, call bells, elevator, steam heat, free bath and freo but. All out side rooms with running water. GOiljiuEIiiT nniQQir I HAVE just received a flue assortment of Commence ment Announce ments. You are invited to call aud look tliem over , . ELMOTT PK1NTER. I O i Sir reeas heaso Or OalQ ia gettth Salea mr a fm IIMltlltitllBtWlBlWwJMtWWMWMWP ' OSTEOPATHS. ? iL Dr. W. L, Mercer, Graduate t Kfcrl Tile, Mo.t nade feuader f patbY. Roosm 25-26 BreyBSa Coatasereial St.. phone tl9. deaoe 410 N. Sammer it., paeaa Treat acuta and earoalo oaM BxaBslaatleM free, , ' ' Dr. B.H. Waite, Graduate of Kirk rilel, Mes, nader founder of acta nathy. Ream 21 Brepaaa kUm Cesaaerclal tt, phone 87. RetlaVtaaa 590 State, eer. Ckurch, phoa lilt. Treat aoute and ehroala ditOMWt, Examiaatloaa free, : ' . , .3 PITYSXOIAH A20 8UTMJ10X. Dr. OartwrlgBt Hat returned gcaiawJ praetiea, aadi will fee fooad ia re 10, ever L&44 A'Buah'e bank. OAaa hour 11 a. m. t 4 p. m. OA phone Mala 10, retldeaee pkeJ Jtain 107. ' 12-20 vf SASH AND DOOR FACTORIES. rraTTr'aiwmHa? aah, door, moulding. All kladt M houea finish and hardwood worft Front street between State and Ctarl LODOK8. Forester of America Court Shenro4 Foresters, No. 10. Meet Tuesday hi Hunt hall, State street. U. 8. Rider, O. B.) A. L. Brown, F. 8, Oeaaral Lodge No. 18, K. er P. Oaatk Hall la Holmaa block, corner Bfafa and Liberty streets. Tuesday of eatU week at 7:30 p. m. J. Q. (kabsja, G, a; W. L Staler, K. of S. aai 8. i Modern Woodmea of Ajaerteav Ore gon Cedar Camp, No. 5240. lltm every Thursday evening at 8 o'oloekj Hotevaa nail. W.' W. Hill, V. O. F. A. Turner, Clerki WW . I I I w . Woodman of World. Meet vry Fri day night at 7;30, la Hokaaa Hall. A. J. Baaoy, a 0. P. b! Frasier, clerk. . laO-ti REAL ESTATS. 300 acres land, 1 mllo iron railrosi sta tlon, 150 ncros cholco meadow land. ( bnlnnco cholco timber, good1 houso, barn and' orchard on placo. Prlfl') $20 por aero. 40-acro tract cholco gardon land, with good houso, ono mllo from city, $140 por acre, 400-acra farm, 170 in gt,aln, -275 til lable, balance pasture land, "This plncp is well improVod'and goes at $20 por acre. Ono 0-room houso audi good barn, an abundnnco of fruit, very large lot, for only $1100. This placo is worth $1500. Largo houso and bam, l'l acres of ground, close to business soctlon of city. $2500. Also some choice locations la St. Joust, Oregon. All to bo bad through 8WEOEL tt SMITH, the real esiat dcalors, '402 State etroot. ,Pt 'O m.i K k.V .umL f v W t&5!WS i! wvro i '"""tBPb1m f rS$ M THE Whole Famfly In Interested whoa moat from my star goes on the tablo. They know they will havo tonder juicy ujoat that wilt bo a dollgbt to eut. Just try us wltk your next order E. C. CROSS, State Street Market. Ftuit Gjrowcfcs TAX3 NOTIOal NOW 18 TXS TTM8 TO 0RDKR I SaUUaY CRATES BKRRY OXK ORCHARD SOX ' FRUIT TRAY8 ' Asd all kinds of boxes. See us. N j Salem Box Factory MASON k 8KYDXX. Phone 303. South tMmt SHOE SALE My stock ot sfeoas for mm te duced la price. Jag at U4le' caJK. No old tock. C shear New' 7K u2L Stars tk fMgastwaef tZ&ffi&S&e 6, JM, Coqullle City JAOOi VOT , aBsaaBsjp aj a s wa an-rBN intni AfiM Vf TV. &...1 A .tl OftfM. HK I T ,.U' 2. c