ov'nttfW' 'efl AND FRIDAY. -t TWO EDmONSJDAILY AT 2s?o P. M. AND 4:00 P. W. LY CAPITAL j i ' '.. j SALEM, OREGON; THURSDAY, WAY 3, 1906. NO. 107. J I HUNDRED MILLIONS fetf m r. J? . -. y WiTr" J OTJItN AXi , , T " ' ji o $ LBESPENT WITHIN A YEAR FOR NEW 'FRISCO .. ci n BEING CLEARED jStijcm Railways Being Used to off the Wreckage, and team Comes to the Aid of the Cars AFTER THE BIG GAME Garfield's Report Puts Offi cers of the Standard Oil Up Against It THE CAR LINES START San Fraaaieee,". Cal., May 3. Tho Harno" is arranging for a supply of streets .iaTkegburned district north water for tlio laundries. The inability iuiu. nounivOi.,i.irKei sireci are rapnuv in pcopio xo wasn ineir doming is being occupied by temporary tracks of cnusing fear that health will bo en ' tho steam -railroad1 for uso in carrying dangored. Thus far only two laundries (away tbeertbrM, and bringing in build png BMteriajSfiWith tho engines puff ting throufsTtke-Btreets, and thousands rof sea atHaaking tho debris this sec "Jtion will eeeisA present an animated jMone, out iichfhich will grow tho new :clty. Carefal. estimates show that s $300,000,000 ".will, bo available within tho next year for this great work of econstrneiieaC Health; Commissioner Burned In Jail. Stockton, Cal., May 3. An unknown tramp was burned to death last night in tho branch county jail, at Sutter creek, Amador county. It is believed he sot tiro to tho jail in an effort to escape. i .'.J CHICAGO STORE , PEOPLE? BARGAIN HOUSE m't UK You Appreciate ffhe Real Buying Power f Your Money ? OVER CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING PKIOB LIST YOIT THE SAME ADVA2JTAGES IN BUYING HONEST DRY GOODS AS IN NEW YORK CITY OR OHIOAaO. OUR BUSY AWAY BACK EAST SENDING TJB SNAPS TOR ON: t jR.!flHHBAD ( ifafnfgJMIM. TTir i mifJM 50 iJBlH 4ffmgMR9K K' v ,U1 A ,y Panama Suitings Uno wool drees goods like $1 cloth, yd. ...35a Wash Silk, yd 19e Taffeta Drew Silk in ebades, yd' 40c :d Velveteens, in. shadings, yd ....39c tho most beautiful t ever were shown about half what you elsewhere. "TaiTeta Ribbon, yd.. 3c i'NItaxj PersiaB Neck Rib Uf quality, yd 10 Maline Veiling, yd.... lie Chiffon, yd 25e !,Cover Eabreidey, yd 25e rBlack Darning Cotton, le ,2C tiSk- iStt&ffii" '''MIMHm Vii0t Wo are agonte.for tht Aack Cat and Buatcr Brown Hosiery, the best in the world. Ladies' Swiss Ribbed Summer Underwear, prico 0c, 12'4c, 18c in ! 25c Ladies' $16.50 Sand Gray Panama Cloth 6uit, Man-tailored and handsomely trimmed; price $9.00 Ladies' New Pony Jackets; sale price 3.45 Better. Jackets and Long Coats all at small prices. lbe Chicago Store 'does the busi ness in Millinery. We are agents for tho St&daxd Fat terns, the beet a earth, Lac'ies' buiBtifnl esew white SUrt Walnta ia lawn linen and silk, short and long sleeves. Prices 49c, 75c, OSe and $1.25. We rro agents for tie Warner's Burt Proof CorseU; try one; you will sever wear aay other; price, 49e, 75e,- Wt, $IM, $1.49 Cotton, epool. f'-cn. V... 11. oui, oa-u ....... .J73G ie aCse Mppertera, pr 10c Pareale asd Cilieo dreads, prfee ....25c Double Tfaread lEe 8tlag, pr...,10 Soiled Lace Curtain ....Half Price 50e Girdle Corsets, sale price.. We 50c Gold Belts, aw arrivals.. .We Silk Mitts, elbow leagtb, price 6fa ( UIJK'I kXATMT SSOWIlNr STORS. V0Y BROS. Gorier of Coer cial aid Cttrt Streets Washington, May 3. Stnndnrd Oil is about to go against something stronger than tho state of Missouri. Tho United States government has got around to tho point at last whore it has a caso against tho paront of all trusts, and, loss all the ndvnnce reports aro greatly cxaggorntod, magnate who havo heretofore defied tho authorities and the people will soon bo in. tho hardest corner thnt has ever fallen to their lot. Congress and tho country will know all about it when Commissioner of Cor porations Garfield's much-heralded re port on his investigation of tho oil combination is sent to tho senato and house on Friday. It will bo submitted by the President, who has received it from tho commissioner, nnd it will be accompanied by an executive) message. Greatest Conspiracy on Earth. The message in all probability will havo for its objective tho clinching of the effective rnllroad-rate regulation which the administration is determined to secure, as tho report Itself will show how favoritism in rates nnd rebates has built up the most stupendous polit-co-finnncifil industrial institution in tho world a power that not only con trols the output nnd the price of the commodity that gives its name, but which, through a handful of men, domi nates practically every branch of trade and commerce in tho country, nnd hold the transportation systems themselves within its grasp. Imprisonment for Somebody. Ofllcials of tho Standnrd Oil Com pany, moreover, have something more in store to worry about than an ex posure of tho rebates on which their corporation has fattened at tho expense of the vast multitude of shippers, who have had to pay the freight on which tho railroads in turn pay dividends. Criminal prosecution for conspiracy un der the provisions of tho Sherman anti trust law stares them in the face. Rebating, when tho offenders arc caught at it nnd brought to justice, means fines. Conspiracy, when appre hended, means imprisonment for some body, if duty is performed fully. It U asserted on the best of authority that Mr. Garfield, in the language thnt is best understood, 'bas the goods" on the Standard Oil Company, tne Mine as he hnd them on the beef trust, with the essential difference that immunity baths havo not been administered in j tho present instance. o Charges Dismissed. New York, May 3. The board of re view of the National Trotting Associa tion dismissed tho charges mado by Murray Howe, secretary of the Mem phis Trottintr Association, that Lon j Dillon had been tampered with jmt prior to the raco for tho gold cup ut , Memphis in October, 1904, when Majcr Delinar defeated her. And Situation in San Fran- Cisco Grows Steadily Better jSan Francisco, May 3. With tho rapid extension of tho street car ser vice,nnd tho increase in tho number of men at work in tho ruins, tho situation grows stendily better. Each day sees more lines in operation. Owing to tho fact thnt the cnblo clots aro badly twisted, tho -cable roads will bo nbol isfied and overhead trolleys substituted inj most cases. Tho commercial banks opened at 10 o'clock this morning to reecivo deposit, which will bo classed n special, and subject to withdrawal by! check in any amount. This plan will bo followed until the vaults aro opened nn'd regular business resumed. Owing to the Influx of drunkards from Oak land, where tho pnloonn arc open, tho police authorities aro giving speedy trial to offondiers, and putting thenv to work on tho ruins tinder bnll and chain, thero being no prison available. FIRE AT THE PRESIDIO WILL VOTE T0 STRIKE Laundry Burns Back of the Hospital in San Francis co This Morning SJan Francisco, May 3. Fire threat ened tho general hospital at tho Presi dio at 4 o'clock this morning, and tor rifled n thousand or more inmates. It started in the laundry back of the mnin building. By hard work tho flames wero confined to tho laundry, which was totally destroyed. Ever sinco tho lire, .tho department hns had an cngino stationed at tho hospital, and it waH this additional holp which saved tho hospital from destruction. WIDOW CAPTURED WILLIE Will Moot at St. Louis, i Now York, May 3. Tho executive council of tho American bankers' as sociation has decided to hold its annual convention at St. Louis. Turkey Loses a Boss. London, May 3. It is reported that tho heir to tho throno of Turkey is dead. Scranton, Pa., May 3. Tho district convention of anthracite miners met this morning. Tho day was occupied in tho formalities of organization. Tho situation is uncertain, although mem bers of tho scalo committee nnsort the convention will voto to strike. Mount Cnrmcl is enraged at most of tho delegates. BERKELEY LOBT $1,500,000. Damage to California University Greater Than Estimated. In Big Foreet Fire. Pcstigo, Wis., May 3. Hundreds of men are fighting fire in the forests at Jerald, in Boone county. Vat itorei of eordwood ore doomed, and it if feared the great fire of 1871 ii to be repeated. We have taken tie agency foe the U-ALL-NO after dlntt afiats. Fretfc ifafpment jiwt r echreJ. THE SPA . , , 0AXDY TACTOXY 9M gute Atrttt. Berkeley, Cal., May 3. Jt was re ported at first that tho University of California had cscapod losn by tho earth quake and fire. This was a mistake. President Benjamin Ide Wheeler is nuthority for the statement that tho University of California was a loser to tho extent of $1,500,000. The losses of tho university from tho tiro include the lots of annual income of $00,000, derived from the two build ings in tho city, tho prospective loss of $50,000 in the 2-cent tax, the destruc tion of th equipment of tho clinic of the department of dentistry, and tho destruction of Mark Hopkins Art In stitute. The affiliated collcgo buildings and equipment havo been damaged to the extent of about $25,000, The insurance upon tho two Income producing buildings in tie city woi $170,000. SENT SPECIAL , MESSAGE And Dad Couldn't Go to the Wedding on Account of His Big Toe London, May 3.-William Waldorf Astor nnd Mrs. Nnnnlo Longhorne Shaw woro married this afternoon n All Souls church, only relatives being present. Tho groom's father was ab sent on account of gout, Walsh Is Held. Chicago, May ,3 John 16. Walsh, president of tho defunct Chicago Na tional nnd Home Saving Bank, waived examination before Commissioner Footo this morning, und was hold to tho fod oral grand jury, under -$50,000 boutk, whfch woro furnished. Tho indict ment charges several violations of the national banking laws, Chicago Markets, Chicago, May 3. Whoat Si,. corn 47,,440,)ij oats, 32j32Vi. COULD NOT SEE STAIRS Washington, May U. Tho President this afternoon sent a special message to congress, recommending tho expres sion of gratltudo of tho nation for tho condolonccs extended by foreign 'gov ernments, municipalities nnd individu als upon the occasion of tho San Fran cisco disaster. TREATED LIKE rntATES. American Fishermen Cast Into Mexi can Prison. Galveston, Ter,k May 3, Manager Mqnn, of tho Gulf Fisheries Company, of this city, yesterday received di' patches from tho Wurren Fish Company of Pensacola, Fin,, stating that tho firm had just received word from their fishing smack Hilas 1'. Stearns, seized by a Mexican gunboat Thursday last, stating that ten men from tho schooner wero held in prison and communication was absolutely dented them. Tho cargo of fish, in the meantime, is rotting. Manager Munn sent a cablegram to the captain of his company's detained smack at tho aamo time tho l'ensncoln and Mobile lpats wero selecd, but noth ing can be learned from that officer, and it is feared thnt his crew have ben thrown into prison und denied communication with tho American con sul. Manager Munn communicated with Senator Culberson and requested him to report to tho state department and secure action. Newark, N. J., May 3. Tho Duko divorco case continues today, wltnoss es testifying that it was impossible to hco anybody ascend tho stairs to Mrs, Duke's room from tho point whoro tho maid said sho saw ltimtou accompany tho woman to hor chamber. Thtaka 1500 Were KlUed. San Francisco, May 3. Coroner Walsh Js still of the opinion that tho remains of hundreds of earthquake Voa Buelow's Birthday. victim lie under the rujns in the burnt Berlin, May 3. Von Buolow cole district. bratod his 57th birthday today. Ho wa "When the debris is cleared away." visited by tho emperor. Tho cbuncel be said, "there will beat least 1000 ad- )r 1 unable to resume his duties be dritions to the dtath roll. I would not toro October, and perhaps may never be surprised if the number reuehed 1500. "Great numbers of persons perished in the cheap lodging-houses that col lapsed. ''Down, in 'the fish market district, where "hundreds of men were at work at the time of tho earthquake, several trueturest collapsed, And the worker bad bo tisse to save themselves. "Ftvr victims are being found bow, because the debris in the places of dfatfe is s yet vstonehed. We csneot excavate the ruiw, or thnt work wouU rehire 1000 deputies. "We eaa osly wait for what we be a terrible larvt."' return to official life. A Hard Natae for JaeUee. St. Petersburg, yLny 9r-Following the resignation of Wit to and the ap pointment of Coremykin, It is an nounced Stolypln wM be Minister of the interior and Hcbeglovouloff wlnis terof justice, Biscuit King's Daughter Married. Greenwich, Conn., May 3. St. Mary's Iloimin. Catholic Church was tho scene of u brilliant wedding this morn ing, when Miss Jono Green, ono of the four daughters of A, W. Green, tho "biscuit king," and president of tho National Blttcuit company, became the wifo of OrvJIlo Browning Carrott, of Qutncy, 111,, a trusted employe of the company. Archbishop Biordnn of San Francisco, who married Mr. nnd Mrs Green, officiated at tho nuptial masi ttiin morning, assisted by his brother tho Itov. Daniel ltiordun of Chicago und tho Jtev, J. J, Pllsftgcruld, pastor of St, Mury'. A eclal train from New York will bring a largo number of prominent society people to this city to attend tho reception, which will bf given at Bcllo Hi won-, tho beautiful country cuit of the Greens near this city, Outwitted staiU, Milwaukee, "Wis., May 9.-Krak Fowler, supervisor, Jndietsd sir IImm ca charge ot, graft, eomttltic wfeide bykaeilsg kitfittlf 1b tat furM of his wife today, i Gathering of Oklahoma Germans, El Kcno, Okla., May 3.Tbo annual mooting of tho Geruiun-Aincricnn Soci ety of Oklahoma opened hero today and nearly two thousand mmnbers from all part of the territory ure In attendance, An elaborate and interesting program, including an outing and games, has been prepared for the occasion, ' e ' i Will Defeat on Tla. Washington, May. 3. Consideration of tho amendment of the rate bill In tho' senate, under the rulo limiting speeches to 15 mlsutea each, will begin tomorrow. Sixty-two ameadaents have been offered. Tho amendment intended to bring under supervision the opera tlons of the Standard Oil will be the first to be voted upon, rani ana Owwl, Washington, May 8. -The scaate earn mltteo has practically decided ea a lock canal. Lexington, Ky., May 3.-H, W. a(. son, of Loulavlilty ak for a reeelyer, declaring tW.UveBtlgatlosa ja Chisago show the fy to I istolveat to the extcat ef $,,. ' i .