Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 25, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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v. "
, .- wtV
is help, for every woman who suffers from headache, faint
iepression, backache and other ailments during those times
Nature makes a heavy demand on her strentrth and vitalitv.
woman should take
her through these trvihtr
lal and healthy condition.
rand those of maturer years,
iaKcn ai me nrsi sign 01 aerangement, tney give prompt
ince. Read the special directions for women with every box.
verywhere In Boxes,
Imo a fussy woman lets her
ivc his own way she does it
Lf way that it leaves a bad
5 111 9 mouth.
June bug disappears in June,
The lightning bug in May,
l?n Artttr tnl'np lite lAYinnt n(T
Ttio 'be
iUfe .U.W .- UW....V1, v..
i, "I've como to stay."
Novtfdoth the busy candidate
Improve each shining hour,
Andfgather votes where'er ho may
la sunshine and in shower.
The oyster is on his Inst legs, or
w6uldVieA$f ho had any legs, and wi
are ,tiowilU tnat peculiar portion or
the Mfvhcre the lemounde is still
teo wiftlo mako much" of a stir. Tho
foift ,wafer is as thin and fragrant ts
MFvnfMh of spring, and ho ice cream
Wwr kp.. ....
peea Mill dues service in the mustard
Krt.Tho boys, however, might as
wsljrpvido themselves with small
atuusge', for tho Salem girls will not
wit ap with this state of affairs for
iwjfjdong period of time.
! Jt has caused moro laughs and dried
jjSere ears, wiped awny diseases nnd
tftrlyea away moro fears than any oth
er medicine in tho world. Hollistcr's
XeeikyMountain1 Tea. 35 cents, tea or
tablfrtff, Dr. Stone's drug store.
Whltethe other territories are clam
oring for statehood Alnska would bo
if acifo
flu?. .
"I wrote you for advice," writes Lelia Hagood,
of Sylvia, Term., "about my terrible backache and
monthly pains in my abdomen and shoulders. I
had suffered this way nine years and five cfoctdrs
had failed to relieve me. On your advice I aook
Wine of Cardui, which at once relieved my pains
and now I am entirely cured. I am sure that
Cardui saved my life."
It is a safe and reliable remedy for all female
diseases, such as peri-
odical pains, irregulari
ty, dragging down sen
sations, headache, diz
ziness, backache, etc.
At Every Drug Store in
It's a
!w of the most desira-
Residences in Soulh
t$lem for sale. See
that is
S-Coro'lSt SAUEM,
Tidal Wave
rWill rra&ln two or three seasons at
l$Mviee of mares. Examine carefully
I vidua; examine hia raelng qualities
fmarea. Then u yoa find fault with
i him will be eheerfnllypaid by the
fte furnished good paainro free of charge. Due care and eautien will be
" given to prevent aeeideaU, bt will not
T the convenience ef ewsera of mares
peadenee Satnrdaya a4 8as4aya ot each week. Season service the low price
I of $M, wita zeixrs privilege. Owner S. 8. Bailey, Addreae 8. B. Iin3ey
: or A)W. 3taey, Pair Orevade, Oregon. 4-lf-Sat
oeriods and to k'vn 1 svctr-m in
The cirl iust cnterintr woman-
find equal benefit from Bcccham's
loo and 85c,
content to be simply treated with the
full rights of a territory. She hns been
trying to get an ordinary territorial
delegate in congress for v40 years.
Suro Cure. For Piles.
Itching pilQS produco moisture nnc!
causo itching; this form, as well as
blind, bleeding or protruding piles are
cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pilo Remedy.
Stops itching and bleeding. Absorbs
tumors. 50c a jar at druggists, or sent
by mail. Treatise free. "Write me
about your case. .Dr. Bosanko, Phlla..
A woman never loes 'interest in the
man sho might have married. If ho
fails sho is equally proud of tho fact
thnt she had foresight .enough to jurn
him down.
Roal'Estato Office." "
At 033 Stato street Messrs. WesHod
son nnd John Knight havo opened a
real estate office, where they will be
glad) to seo their friends who have
property to list. They will transact a
goncral real estato business, and al
ready havo somo good1 properties to of
fer. Call and eeo them at SG5 State
street. 4-23-3t
Extracts from the Russian govern
ment organ published to show how
amusingly ignorant the writers for that
organ nro of American affairs. It is
a moro serious matter that they arc
almost as ignorant f the real situa
tion in their own country.
Write us a Inter derNrir all
your symptoms, and we lll stnl you
Free Advice, In plain sealrJ envelope.
Address: Ladles Advisory Department,
The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatta
nooga, Tenn. J 13
$1.00 bottles. Try it.
combination of "KNOW
and good materials that
what you are after, consult
OREGON Phono 1213
the Fair Ground, Oregon, for the
his breeding; examine him aa as In-
before choosing a stallion for your
him tne expense yon hare bees to to
owner, Mares front a diMaaee will
be responsible ah raid any occur.
TIDAL WAVE will be at Inde-
San. Francisco, Agril 23. Major II,
C. Tiltten, a member of Governor Par
dec's staff, ono ofthc,most prominent
members of tho general relief commit
tee, was shot and Instantly killed in
his automobile about 12 o'clock last
night while returning from Menlo Park
by nien supposed to be members of the
citizens' patrol.
Hugo Altschul, a coachman, who -was
in tho automobile, was cut in tho face
by a bullet, and nnother ball pierced
the seat and struck It. Q. Senmnn, act
ing lieutenant of tho Second company
of the signal corps, in tho back.
The force of the bullet had been spent
and Seaman, who had been detailed on
special duty with Yajor Tlldeu, pick
ed the ball out of his enrtridgo bolt.
Tho shooting occurred at Twenty
second and Guerrero streets. Three
men suspected of hnviug douo the
shooting are under arrest at tho polico
station at Twenty second nnd Miss'ion
Major Tilden is n prominent com
mission merchant of this oity, und was
one of tho foremost workers in the
general relief work. Ho had taken
his three children and n nurse from
the Fourteon-Milo house, whoro they
had been since tho earthquake, to
Menlo Park, where ho had a summer
His nutombilo had been used as an
nmbulnnco in conveying sick nud
wounded to the hospitals, and was ear
ning tho red cross flag prominently
displayed on his car. Besides this ho
had tho rots cro's insignia on his right
According to Acting Lieutenant Sen
man, Mnjor Tilden was llis own chauf
feur, and 1 ft Menlo Tark about 0
o'clock. At Twenty-eighth and Guer
rero streets they were challenged by
tho first of tho chain of patrols, and
upon calling out "Red Cross" wero al
lowed to pass.
At Twenty-flfth street a second
guard challenged them, and immediate
ly gave way upon recognizing tho red
cross Hag.
Crossing Twenty-second street, at
about 15 miles an hour, according to
Seaman, six men stood in the middlo of
tho road, separating when tho enr got
within GO feefc of them.
When within 10 feet of tho guards
Seaman claims they began shooting
kept up firing after the car pasted
without warning or challenge, ami
Shots from in front took no effect
with tho exception of a bullet graz
ing tho faco of Major Tilden 'a coach
man. ''Tlih TTllrtlitnA Vn.1 nnrA nl.n... Kfi
feot past tho patrol." said Seaman,
"when tho car stopped suddenly. Ma
jor Tilden fell over townrds me, saying
Well, they got mo they killed mo,'
and flopped back in the scat and rolled
out of tho car.
"I sprang up nnd fired fivo shots in
quick succession at tho man who was
still shooting behind us. About tho
samo timo that Major Tilden fell In
my lap a bullet struck mo in tho beck
and nearly knocked mo out of tho seat.
"I put my hand in my Webb car
tridge belt and picked out the bullet
which'has como through the scat. The
man who did the shooting was in
khaki uniform."
la the Moon Inhabited?
Science has proven that the moon has
an atmosphere, which make life in
soma form possible on that satellite;
but not for human beings who have a
hard enough time on this earth of ours;
especially tboee who don't know tbat
Electric Bitters cure headache, bilious
ness, malaria, chills and ivttx, Jaun
dice, dyspepsia, dizziness, torpid liver,
kidney complaints, general debility and
female weakness. Unequal ed as a
general tonic and appetizer for weak
persona, especially for the aged. It
induces sound sleep. Fully guaranteed
by J. C. Perry, Druggist Price only
Colonist Rates
Commencing February 16th, and
continuing dally to and including
April 7th, and from September )6tb
until October 31, 1906, colonist tick
ets will bo sold from tho East to all
point on Oregon Usee via, Portland,
Fol'owing rates from Omaha, Neb,
K; Council Bluffs, la.. 26; Kansas
City, Mo., 26; Denver, Colo.; 25;
84. Joseph, Ma, ?; .St Louis, Ma,
30; Chicago, III, $33. If you desire
yoa can make deposit with agents
and tickets wHJ be furnished roar
friends in the Beat A, L. CRAIO,
t4 General Passenger Agent
Any man who trutts (o his cunning
for sueeets In next door to a thief.
Says the Supply of Drinking
Water is 'Gone-Milwaukee
and St. Louis, Take Notice
(By Woodworth Clunj.)
Oatun, Canal Zone, April 4. The
Panama ailroad company, ownod and
operated by the United States govern
ment, a few days ago issued tho follow
ing interesting notice
"Notice is hereby given to tho in
hnbitints of Colun in general that it
is of the utmost importance that they
shou d at tho present timo be very eco
nomical in the uso of water, and that
they i,ivo sj eclnl attention to this mat
ter, inasmuch as the water supply, ow
ing to the protracted dry season, Is got
ting very low, nnd unless tho greatest
economy is practiced by everybody, in
tho matter of handling and using the
water, wo will be out."
It developed very soon thnt the
warning issuod by Superintendent
Uiord was well founded far moro so
than oven ho or other government of
ficials had reason to beliovc. "Within
48 hours tho wntor fnmino predicted
by many prlvnto individuals, and con
sistently laughed at by tho authorities
began in earnest
Threo days after tho warning was
Issued tho town at night wns almost
in total darkness, owing to a scarcity
of water with which to operato tho
electric lighting plant. Tho two wntor
stations in Colou, from which tho na
tives were wont to eome for their flvo
gallons or moro of water per day, wore
closed. At tho third station a tiny
stream was trickling from tho exhaust,
a stream so small that It dwindled into
drops before it reached the buckets of
tho waiting water carriers.
Srooplng Up tho Muddy Water.
On Pront street, where n ditch had
been uttg in order to repair n broken
pipe, the naties wero busily engaged
in scooping tho muddy and otherwise
filthy water In tho hope of thus avert
ing an absolute famine.
Tho responsibility for this condition
seems to rest with tho canal adminis
tration. Tho President, Mr. Tnft and
I others in higher position at Washing
ton, havo been imposed upon by those
immediately in charge of tho alleged
water supply. Tho water in tho dam nt
Brnzoz Brook has been rapidly low
ering, and I was informed by tho chief
clerk of tho rnllrond that It was 354
Inches below tho intnkc. Tho two
pumps used for forcing the water luto
Colon wero stopped because tho pipes
woro void of water.
Then, with tho famine actually nt
hand, tho engineer in charge Mr.
Maltby announces that he will take
a tug loaded with piles to a certain
Bpot, several miles across tho bay,
drivo tho piles into the sand or coral
rock and thus endeavor to provldo n
mooring place, o that ships may come
alongaldo and fill their tanks with
water that ho believes to exist some
whero up in tho mountnlns. Quito n
definite supply for tho 12,000 peoplo in
Colon! And even at tbnt, the piles
cannot be driven in a day, nor is there
any probability thut water can bo ob
tained from this source before the ad
vent of the rainy season. .
Tank Oars Sent to Frijoles.
However, the Panama Railroad com
pany, acting with truo governmental
philanthropy, immediately dispatcher!
a train of five tank cars to Frijoles,
whero tho pure drinking water is flow
ing over tho dam in abundance, and
next morning the five cars returned,
bringig 15,000 gnllns of water. When
tho supply for tbo ico plant and the
lighting- plant and tho railroad and a
few other governmental enterprises hns
been deducted thero may have been
half a gallon each for the inhabitants.
The water was retailed at the reg
ular rnto of 2 cents (gold) per gallon.
Here wo again have the condition of
tbo people, through governmental care
lcsioeas and inefficiency, being forced
to buy governmental water at n price
that is unreasonable.
In support of tho charge that the
condition is due to n disposition on the
par.t of the canal administration to
withhold tbo truth, I may say that tho
reports that have been given tho pub
lic by the government havo looked
with much optimism upon the situa
tion. When I had received an inkling
of the impending famine, I went to
the office of Mr. Bicrd. I was told
tbat be was in Panama on railroad
business. I naked concerning the water
supply, but my informant knew noth
ing. Later, when tbo water stations
had been dosed, I asked another em
ploye what the troollo was.
"Lm" for tie Natives.
"Ob," replied be, "Mr, Bierd diseov
ered that the people were waiting as
much water aa they were using, and he
thought ho would tacit them n lesson
by shutting off tho water."
In tho first placo, no one hero can
conceive of tho natives wasting much
wnt,c"r when it is remembered that they
havo to carry it from a quarter of a
ratio to nmllosartd a quarter upon their
heads in fivegallon tins. And at tho wa
tcr stations thero are attendants nnd
policemen nnd others to see that each
applicant for wnter docs net quite fill
his bucket, nnd that no water is wast
ed at tho station,
Bearing these things in mind, thero Is
no ground-for the chnrgo of wasto, nnd
a trip through tho poorer sections of
the city will convince any one that the
water is being used with economy In
fact, the economy is oft-Hmes -distressing.
In this connection I may mentiou
thnt all tho exhausts from tho principal
wnter main 20 inches in diameter are
on tho upper half of tho pipe. When
no water could bo obtained, nnd tho
natives wero returning to their homes
with gmpty buckets, I was informed by
ono of tho officials in tho wntor de
partment that thero waa at that time
ten inches of water in tho 20 inch pipo
but that it was inaccessiblo because
thero wero no exhausts in tho bottom
Had thero been cxhnusts from tho bot
tom, enough water could havo been
drained from tho plpo to tldo nnother
21 hours, nccordlng to this same of
ficial. Rainy Season Is Par Off.
Tho condition would; appear serious
as tho rainy sensou Is some time away
nnd wnter is in great demand. Tho
railroad could avert any real disaster
by running half a dozen or a dozen long
water trains to tho dam at Prljoles.
Barrels andi buckets could bo placed ou
flat cars and tho peoplo supplied cither
freo or nt a very nominal rato per gal
The officials aro somcwhnt ombnrrassed
and evidently do not know just what
to do. But tho fact remains that thero
exists crlntlnnl negligence somowhero
nnd thnt Mr. Tnft nnd the President
havo not been correctly advised con
cerning the truo condition's.
Now, if I may bo indulged for a mo
ment, I will quoto from tho widely-circulated
stntemont mado by Socretary
Taft January 8 last, in reply to an nr
tlclo written by Poultnoy Blgelow, con
cerning Colon's water supply. I havo
referred to this statement before, but
it is so nppropos at this timo that I
will quote it nt tho risk of tiring my
renders. Mr. Taft Bays:
"In a dlspntch from Governor Ma
goon, tin January 8, 1000, I nm advised
that of tho two temporary reservoirs
for Colon and Chrlstobnl wntor supply,
ono was completed ou November 1 and
the other in tho lattor part of Decern
bor; that tho total capacity is that of
80,000,000 gallons, amply sufficient for
the present dry season; tlipt 7000 feet
of permanent mains havo already been
laid anl thnt tho remaining 0000 feet
arc being laid at tho rato of -100 to 500
feet dally; that thero nro six tnnks,
with n total capacity of 05,000 gallons
held in reserve at Chrlstobnl in case
of accident; thnt a comploto permanent
distribution system will bo completed
by tho 1st of May; that tho present
Panama railroad water systom, which
is now furnishing water for Colon from
a reservoir nt BrazoN Brook, will be
conoctcd with the permanent feed
mains boforo January 15, and freo pub
lic distributing stations will bo opened
then, rupplying all of Colon; that the
Colon peoplo nro now securing water
from tunkn, as in years past, and from
tho public hydrants In Cliristobal, and
that permanent water mains, including
flro service, will bo completed on tho
principal streets in Colon by tho end
of tho dry scnBon, April 10, supplying
tho cntiro city; that thero is no scar-
i GOOD for OLD and YOUNG
ang-utt newer keep the thlWien heiltby o4
Fall cf vigor nl frolic tbc whole iUy loos ,
So when Momma peed more they ruth tf la
high glee,
Ad4 kitout to the dnijcguts "J'teeie five It (o
5 Inability to get up brisk and fresh in
te morning, 'ck of appetite, pallor,
muddy complexion nud poor spirits
these all indicate a disordered stomach
and bad digestion in adultsand children,
too. They also indicate the urgent aecq
of taking Green's August Plower regu
larly for a few day.
Jit a reliable old remedy for all stoeiscli
trpublcs, never alia te cure indigestion,
dyspepsia and chronic constipation, and
Is a natural tonic for body ana mind, it
JTwo sUas, 35c and 75c All druggists.
Sold in Mew by 8. O. Btese.
i in in'r In
It almost makes you
sick to think of it, but it
isn't nearly as bad as it
used to be. The improved
method of refining1 it
makes it much easier to
take, and when made into
Scott's Emulsion almost
every one can take it.
Most children like it and
all children that are not
robust are benefited by it.
When the doctor says
"Take cod liver oil," he
generally means Scott's
Emulsion; ask him if he
doesn't. They know it is
more easily digested and
better than the plain oil.
SCOTT ft I10WNE, og Teatl Street, New York,
ctty of water in Colon; that a perman
ent reservoir capacity of 000,000,000
gallon Is under construction, with two
permanent standpipes, ono of 100,000
and tho other of 000t000 gallons capa
city, under contract to bo completed by
April 1."
Tooplo of Colon Aetomnlod.
Mr. Tuft Is lu "Washington; Mr.
Blerd Is In I'oluu, and is in nctlvo
charge of tho alTalrs of the Panama rail
road. Tho peoplo of Colon nro thund
erstruck. Belying on Mr. Tnft 'a in
formation, they had not dreamed of
a water fnmino, and hnd boliovod that
an ample supply would come from
somewhere, merely becauso Govornut
Morgan nnd Mr. Taft eald so. Truo
enough, the residents hnd seen Httlo or
no active progress townrd thnt water
supply, but they arc. sltnplo folk, these
natives, and trust in a groat degroo in
Provldcneo and their superiors.
Tho officials in chnrgo of tho wator
supply (prospective) nlso bxecutod
whnt might havo been n clever ruso,
had not tho water supply given out be
fore tho end of tho dry sensonj they
displayed conslderablo energy In lny
ing wnter plpo In Colon, Tho simple
and confiding residents, saw tho pipes
going into the ground, nnd, they straight
way bollovcdi thero was wator to, go In
to tho pipes.
Good Wntor doing to Waste.
What is tho result! Bathing has to
bo accomplished on tho Installment
plnn, if at nU. The only drinking wn
ter that can bo procured nt tho prl
vnto houses and hotclH lin a very bad
odor. IVr bo it from mo to say that
the drinking wntor Is not honlthful,
for Dr. Coollgo has declared that ntoncly
1h no indication of nnhcnlthful quali
ties, But it smells bad.
I mado a trip to Prljoles, whero tho
Panama railroad him built four small
tanks, from which Jt gets water for Its
engines, .1 havo mentioned tho IMjolcs
wnter before, an tho water which tho
railroad for a short -.vhllo uold to tha
peoplo of Colon at tho rato of 2 cents
per gallon. I found a beautiful stroma
flowing recklessly over a tiny dam, Its,
shores below tho dam thronged with
washer-women, scrubbing anl beating
tho clothes and singing tbo songs of
their far away Jamaica.
Tho water ban been tested and pro
nounced absolutely pure tho best wa
ter for drinking purposes on tho on
tiro isthmuH. Yet it is permittod to
flow away, a million gallons or moro
per day,
Steamers Pomona ami Alton lenvo
for Portland Monday, Wcdsesday and
Friday, at 10 a. m. Tuesday, Thurs
day nnd Saturday at 0 a. m. L6v
for Oorvallla Tuesday, Thswday and
Saturday about 0:30 p. ra. Tor Albany
daily except Sandfly about 0:80 p. m. )
M. P. Baldwin, Agt
Original and only genuine, Put np in
yellow wrapper with Grown trade ark.
Fer sale by leading drugglets. Price $2
per box,
mmmmtmmKmmmmmmwn mm
?.! ArUlifl rflUVWKNCH FEMALE j
1 tfinin vid nnfiH a
A&iN.'C.mli'luiikl MlwnwaVnnMiiiM.
k r:Ci4 1w,lnriM, llni44ttw4 J
kH Uca -4 , W4.lt U It
UNITffMtDICLCO.,ojlT..UMATia. r. 1
Sold to Sate by B. O. Wens
Gasoline Yjfaodsjiw
The undersigned to prepared to take
sawing ewtraata. Telej M1b W.
O. Meier, Pair twd Jled, North
Balm. 3-W-tf
' 1