Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 21, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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d Blood
L0d? Bad blood to good blood ; poor
aw this applies to Ayers oarsapsmia, ana now it applies to you I Could
avthlng be more fair?
jw York, April 21. The sun sliono
and bright on Palm Sunday, so
of tho now styles in dresses and
began to mnko what might be
led "trial trips" In preparation for
ft1t Vmiln. nnvftrli. 1avh VttU n ...
KIUUI iaaiui 'uiauv uunu xiiMi i-
at which timo at tho fashionable
ches all tho dressmakers, less their
tions, wero thero in company with
others to take notes.
ily, it was tie "Feast of Flow
to judge from tho hats worn on
tor Sunday in "Tho Avenue," cost-
anywhere from tho two to the
fee figure total over to Grand street
lore a twenty-flvo cent straw was dec-
grated with a new ten cent red wreath
,to selebrato the lay. Both creations
rWerg marvelous, but in different senses.
Styles have now taken definite form
&R& Dame Fashion hns set her seal up
te9 . .
.certain maienais, moueis ana no-
jrics. voiles, a light weight can-
MM. is a most ncr&istont favoritn for
place tor spring costumes to be
ra without a coat, all of which cos-
imos should be made up over a silk
lag, which is often of a contrasting
r. .
Another favored material is the
iecked silks; and an attractive ex
ile of a dress made up in this ma-
ill was on exhibition last week. A
tall self checked Jove gray silk was
as mado up over an old rose taffeta
Ing. Tho skirt was circular in cut
a front panel of triple inverted
Its on tho left side of which was
.closing. Tho waist was of tho sur-
ordor, outlined with Jwo bands of
irror velvet. Tho short puffed sleeves
jvturned back at tho elbow with a
Jfof velvet and lace. Tho gloves
yj worn with this costume were long gray
EgJBCes; the parasol was covered with
Bihn unmo nititerlnl nq Hin rrnu-n nrnr
fc, "p " -.--
pink silk, with a big pink chou on the
Ilia&dlo; and tho hat was a much twist-
led plaque of gray crinoline lifted at
lis loft side, showing a long pink
rAnothcr material that is again to the
front is foulard, especially the variety
R&alled radiant foulard, and a more use-
I VT. .... .
tursmnteriai tor semi lrcss occasions
hsayot to be found. Most of tho foul-
(arda have small conventional designs,
pin dots, shadow spots, and numbers of
pin stripes aro seen.
Odd colors are more frequontly seen
wis spring than I can remember bnv-
lag seon for many seasons back pc-
Kiuliur blues, old rose, queer old 'fash
ioned browns, lilacs and greens, that
toko us back to tho cedar chests In our
a rl tf Tin r 'a 41 41 iff
KttUiUUtHWt v uv 1 ,
jSomo one has asked me if tho elbow
svo will again be worn all summer.
It, will. It is universally worn and ne
J'cficlabJcPrcparatioafor As
similating theTood mvdReg ula
Ung theStamflchs andBcwclsof
IOpumtMorpkine norlfiDeroL
1 mrfwf itrmcdv for Cora tin-
tinnCnitf-Qtnmarh Tlinrrhoca.
Worms onYulskns.Feverish
ties? mdLoss of Sleek
Yac Simile StfnaUjreof
exact copt or wuma.
Ci, 1 M!ljJi;ii;iiinj!liiJLl'llllMlte-'lLl
Good blood, good health; bad
blood, bad health; there you have
It. Why not help nature just a
little and chance the bad to the
blood to rich bloodl Ask your doctor
hT no ieoreti t W publlih
ftrainlM cf ll onrmdleln 1
J. CAytrCo.,
wwiii, n.
cessitates the wearing of long gloves
either of silk or glace. A rather novel
cuff of tho same material to bo insert
ed for morning wear; of course, when
these cuffs are worn only a short one
button glove is used.
While speaking of gloves I must tell
you of n new idea that was shown mo
the other day in the elbow length; the
glovo was in two parts and attached
by tiny fasteners at the wrist, which al
lowed tho hand portion to bo removed
while that which covered tho arm re
mained in place.
An odd and pretty' sloovo was noted
tho other day, which would be thank
fully received by tho stout womnn too
fleshy to bear much flufliness near her
waist lino. It was part of a dark blue
costumo trimmed in narrow black sou
tache and crochet buttons. Tho alcoves
were a largo puff to tho depth of four
inches on the top, and below this and
covering tho whole of tho under sleeve
portion was a close fitting straight
gauntlet sleeve ending nt the elbow
in a narrow braid bandi The 'waist has
a straight plastron front bordering on
each side with braid) and buttons, the
closing being mado on tho loft side
Tho neck is round, with n shallow turn
ed over collar, bordered with tho braid
above which was a laco chemisetto and
standing collar. Tho skirt was an ex
tremely plain circular mode, having
nn inverted) plait back and front and
mndc of cheviot; linen or mohair is es
pecially suited to tho office.
Tho separate waist is again to bo
worn; and tho shops are showing num
bers of beautiful ones for all sorts of
wear; hand embroidered linens, lace
insertions, and ribbons, Victoria lawns
India linens, Persian lawns, batistes
and organdies, which all may bo mad?
very plain or elaborate by tho lack or
addition of trimming. In laundering
these waists, do not put them through
a heavy starch which will givo them a
laundered unnatural look at once, but
put them through a thin starch water,
lot dry, then slowly dampen; first iron
on, tho wrong sido and then on the
right; and tho China waists should bo
Ironed immediately after putting
through tho starch water, as this gives
them a look of continued) newness.
Tho newest skirt is of tho circular
fivo gored variety. It Is lacking in
any fullness around tho hips, as tho
fullness begins only a little way above
tho knees, and is thus a boon to tho
full hipped woman, and by tho wny,
tho narrow width cloth Is tho better
material to sock, as it cuts to better
advantage. It has a senm nt tho cen
ter front, which is concealed under
plnlts and is closed nt tho back gore
under an applied box plait,
Tho new "college blouso" will be
liked for warm summer days. It Is
nude with two tucks on each sido of
tho front, stitched to tho bust, under
tho second of which there aro darts
which Inko up Hie unnecessary full
ness. Thi sleeves are of threo quarter
length, having pointed or rounded cuffs
and a low turned over collar with
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Thc motmhi amtntmt, w er.
' fO vSf
m m IsY w
rT Jft
rounded or pointed fronts to match the
cuffs. The waist is closod up at tho
front with button holes and pearl buti
tons. A fancy Windsor tlo completes
the waist. I saw a number of these
waists mado up of different colored
linens, stitched in a contrasting color
or white.
But I must tell you of some of tho
gowns worn at the wedding of Miss
Ruth Bacon last week. Tho bride
wore a soft, clinging robe of liberty
satin, flounced with filmy lace. The
bodico had a round yoko and unllncd
stock of tho lace, and tho sleeves wctc
full loco flounces over puffs. With
this was worn a draped veil, caught
with real orango blossoms, and a new
idea was the carrying of a single white
tulip blossom slipped between tho pages
of her prayer book. The gown of the
matron of honor was constructed of
a dull soft shndo of blue cloth deco
rated with whlto lace. The skirt trail
ed, slightly and had throe flounces laid
on flat. The bodice was made with a
coat effect, the skirts of which were
about IS inches deep and of tho same
length all around. Tho sleeves were
of olbow length, finished In flat flounce
effect, slightly puffed. The hat worn
with this costume was of tho narrow
rolled brim and pointed front style,
trimmed with great flat chous of chif
fon tullo and blue plumes. Tho two lit-,
tlo flower girls wero dressed iu white
mull over yellow silk, mndo In empire
style, with laco yokes and berthas, and
yellow sashes gave a potty color com
pletion to tho simple gowns. The
bridesmaids wore llcht blue cowns of
chiffon broadcloth and instead of bou
quets carried bluo parasols to match
tho gown.
Tho gowns had skirts that bnrely cs
caped the ground and Eton coats, both
skirt and coat being decorntod with
straps laid on In n key pattern. Tho
skirts had threo or four inch plaits,
stitched to beneath tho hip line. Thc
Etons enmo to tho top of tho belt and
left llttlo of tho blouso to bo seen,
which latter wero made of lnce with a
jabot of tho same showing whoro thc
coat opened nt tho neck. Tho hats
wero of a deep shado of cream leg
horu, with bluo tullo box plaitod in
nt tho back nnd trimmed in tho front
and sides with largo bluo wings. The
bride's mother woro a dress of gray
chiffon gauze trimmed in flat flounces
of black laco medallions, with which
she woro u white hat trimmed with
black and whito tips.
A gown soon at a Into reception was
of whito batisto cloth with open
work embroidery over pink taffota. It
was cut as n princess robe, fitted to
tho flguro nbovo and at tho -waist line,
with a big pink bow decorating the
front of tho bust at tho center. TVom
this bow streamers woro carried round
under tlm arm and up to the contor of
the back, nnd thero tied with 11 bow
and allowed to fall in great strenmem,
Tho elbows wero of tho puffed variety
with capes of embroidery, falling over
them at tho shoulders.
Dosolatfon Crcatod and Much Property
Destroyed by Vesuvius.
In tho light of Sun Frnnclsco's des
truction, tho following from tho Chron
iclc Is interesting:
Tho latest eruption of Mount Vesu
vius hns produced results similar to
thogo which nccompitnted tho sudden
outburst of Mout Pcleo on tho Island
of Martinique, only on a much vnster
scdlcv Populous towns and villages
clustering nround the bnso of the fa
mous volcano have bcoq, depopulated
and destroyed. Many of them hne
been buried In tho nshes which have
been omitted for days from the throat
of tho crater. And streams of lata
havo paured down the monntaln's
flanks on all sides, burying vineyards
and orchar'ds in their destructive
The latest eruption of Vesuvius hat
been equaled in tho recorded hlstor.
of tho mountnin only by that which
buried Pompeii and Herculaneum. In
deed, It is asserted that Is effects, a
in tho loss of human life, havo been
moro disastrous than tho eruption of
A. D. 79, which destroyed thoso two
cities. Tho mortality in the present
catastrophe is, in fact, much less than
that of 1031, when 18,000 persons are
reported to havo lost their llvss. But
tho destruction of property is held to
bo greater' than that which followed
nny previous eruption, because tho
lava streams and the showers of ashes
havo spread over a larger area. It is
estimated that the property loss wdl
reach 120,000,000.
It may prove later, howovcr, tbal
tho present estimato of actual damage
Ik excessive, as was the case in Martin
ique and in Central America. Vine
yards and orchards in the West Indian
island wero supposed to have been
completely destroyed by tho awes
which burled! them. And the coffee
plantations in Oautemala on another
ocelsaon were at first reported to have
suffered a similar fato. Subsequently
It proved that many properties in both
dountrlfi survived and that the volran-
For Salo.One buggy and slnglo har
ness. Call foronoons at No. 407 19th
street, Salem, Or. 4-19-3t
For Sale, DoLaval separator, nearly
new. Bought for $00, will sell for
$50 cash. Imjulro of A. W. Nubobi,
Qcrvcla, Routo a, or phono Farm 59.
For Sale. Cows and helforaj top bug
gy and single harness. Inquire of
Paul Kloppin, Ostnokctn and 21st
streets, or address P. O. box 220, Sx
lorn. 4-ld-lwk
For Sale, Now light ami heavy spring
wagons, carriages, carts, now and old
buggies, buckboards and ono deliv
ery 'wagon, at tho Salem Carrlago and
"Wagon Factory. W. Fennol, prop..
801 to S03, North Liberty stroet.
Farm for Sale S3 acres of tho bost land
In Marlon county, 1& miles from Sa
eom. 30 acres in cultivation, 1 acre In
strawborrles; largo now house and
barn. A bargain at $50 por acre.
Inquire nt this office 4-18-tf
Wanted Experloncod girl for gonoral
housework. Highest wagos. Inquire
10-19 Court stroot, Salem. 4-12-tf
Help Wantod.Wo want girls to train
hops and mon to work in hop Hold,
near city. Inquiro at 492 stato street
or on ranch. George Swegle. 4-19-3t
Men Wanted. Sawmill and lumber
yard laborers; $2 por day. Woods
men $2.25 to $3. Steady work. Apply
to Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene,
Oregon. 4-17-tf
Wanted. Mon and boyB to plow and
train hops. Call at 195 High strot.
Can board at tho ranch. 4-19-3t
Music Studio. Frank E. Churchill,
Musical Studio. Associate teacher
Western Conservatory, Chicago, 111,
representing Intor-Stato System at
Salem, Oregon, In tho Grny block,
room 3. Studio hours 9 to 12 and S
to 5. 8-19-tf
ic ashes which descended on them fer
tilized lite soil and woro, thoroforo, a
gonuino benefit. Porhaps it will turn
out Intor that tho samo results havo
boon obtained! along tho flanks of Ve
suvius whero tho ground hns boon cov
ered by iishes only.
A Dandy for Burns.
Dr. Bergln, Pana, 111., writes: "I
havo used Ballard's Snow Liniment;
always recommended it to my friends
as I am confident thero is no hotter
mado. 'It is a dandy for burns.' Thoso
who livo on farms aro espocially liable
to many accidental cuts, burns, bruises,
which heal rapidly when Ballard's
Snow Liniment is applied. It should
always be kopt in tho house for cases
of emergency." 25c, GOc and 11. Sold
by D J. Fry.
HI II I llll
I Gold Dust Flou? I
ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore
gon. Made for family use. Ask
your grocer for it Bran and
shorts Always on kand.
P. B. Wallace
o. r. & n. rnas saves.
Chicago 17 Hoars Nearer via this Pop
ular Columbia Elver Eouts,
Franklin. was right when he said
"Lost time is never found again,"
The O, B. k N., in addition to giving
you 200 miles along the matchless Co
lumbia river, saves you 17 hours to
Chicago. It is tho
Short lino to Lewlston,
Short line to tho Palouse country.
Short lino to Spokane.
Short line to the Coeur d'Alene coun
ty. Short line to Salt Lake City.
Short line to Denver.
Short lino to Kansas City.
Short line to Omsha.
Short line to Chicago,
8hort Use to all points east
Three trains dally, 9;1B s. ra., 8(15
p. at. and 8:15 p. m. Tho "Chicago.
Portland Speelal" is as fins as the fin
est. Every eorafort of home.
For particulars ask t.xy agent of the
Southern Pacific company, or write
galea Zroa Works Sunders, aaachla
isti and blacksmiths, TJanufaoturers
of all kinds of tawsilU machinery.
Hop nnd fruit drying stoves, eta.
Manufacturer of the Salem Iron
Worki Hop Press, H-80-l
Hotel Scstt Newly rumlsked, Try
thins clean and first class. Rooms
at raeonablo prfess. In Oottls
block, Balm. A Scott, prop, 7-S-tt
Wanted, Turkojs, geese, Oucka, chick
ens and all farm produot. Highest
cash price pxdd for same. Capital
Commission Company, 267 Comsoor
elal street. Telephone 179.
At Your Stepmother's She c&a steam
clean or dyo them, and save you a
now suit, press and repair, rellne,
furnish buttons, Tho most dollcate
fabrics can bo cleaned by her dry
cleaning method without injury. It
dooa not shrink or change its color.
It Is noxt to The Journal office, 221
Commercial stroot.
Evans' Barber Shop, Everything now
and up to date. Finest porcelain
baths. Shaving, 15o, halrcuttlngSSe
baths 25c, First class bootblacks'.
C. W, Evans, Proprietor.
Dr. E. J. Young Votorlnary surgoon
and dentist, 33 years' experienoo.
All work guaranteed. Difficult surgical
operations a octal ty. Phone 681.
Olllco at Club Stables. Phono 7, Sa
eom, Oregon. 3-9-tf
J. P. Voaich, contractor and builder
of content walks. Septic sewer tanks,
foundations and floors, 828 Marlon
stroot, 3-5-tf
Foresters of America Court Sherwood
Foresters. No. 19. Meets Tuesday in
Hurst hall, Stato street. U. 8. Rider,,
O. B. A. L. Brown, F. S,
Central Lodge No. 18, S. of P. Castls
Hall In Holmaa block, corner Stats
and Liberty streets. Tuesday of sack
wook at 7:30 p. m. J. G. Graham, C,
O.; W. I. Btaley, K. of B. and S,
Modern Woodmen of America, Ore
gon Cedar Camp, No. C240. Meet
every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.
Ilolmnn Hall. W. W. Hill, V. C.j
F. A. Tumor, Clork.
Woodman of World. Moot ovory Ft'
day night at 7:30, in Holman nail.
A. J. Basoy, O. O. P. L. Fraider,
clork. 1-10-tf
Feed Barn. bpoclal attention to tran.
stent teams, Farmors' patronago so
licited. Waiting rooms for ladles.
Wo also carry a full line of feed.
Located at Club Stables, corner Lib
erty and Forry stroets. Phono Main
7. Prunk & Darby. 12-14-Cra
Every person should learn Just what
the red package looks like and the
economy in using Allen's self rising
B. B, B. Flour. It is tho most nutri
tious blend "of gralnM that eaa be made.
You know that easy digestion and
perfect assimilation of food is aese
sary for (rood health.
Any person can digest hot griddle
cakes, Boston Muffins, Boston Brown
Bread or Fruit Pudding made from oar
blend of pure food flour, sbmI the sim
plicity In makisg it up and the www.
ance of having it just right, every
time, should bo considered.
Ask your grocer for it and If he is
out of it send his name to us and we
will supply you with a sample pack
age free. Grocers who study your wel
fare sad their own profit, will supply
70a with these good at all times.
rsstte Coast raetery, (fa 7fte, OsJL
Dr. W. L. Mercer. Graduate of XklnK
vile, Mo., under founder of ostets
pathy. Rooms 25-26 Breymaa M4fL
Commercial St., phone 919. Best
donee 419 N. Summer St. phoae'9M,
Treats acute and ehronle diseases.
Examinations free. '
Dr. B, H. Whit Graduate of Kir
vilel, Ma, under founder of octee
pathy. Room SL Breymaa feldf
Commercial et, phone 87. es!dM
690 State, eer. Churchy phone lilt.
Treats acute and chronic disease
Examinations free.
Dr. Osrtwrigat Has resumed geseVa
practice, and will be found la roeaj
10, over Ladd & Bush's bank. Ofiee
hours 11 a. m. to 4 p. m, Offlee
phone Lfaia 10, residence phoa
Mala 107. ' 12-80-tf '
Drs, Lane and Griffin Cure Draff,
Liquor and Tobacco habits la from
two to three days actual treatment.
Cures guaranteed. Tholr institute is
at 901 Mill street. Phono No. 647V
Persons desiring Information eaa eV
tain it nt down-town office, room, ,'
Holman block, Salem 3-25-tf
srowu Manuisiturer '
sash, doors, mouldings. All kinds of
house finish and hardwood work.
Front street between State and Gewrf
For water sorvlco apply at ofllco,
Bills payahlo monthly la advance.
Mnko nil complaints at tho office.
When You Greet
Your Best Girl
You should always bo well groomed
and well drostod and havo your line
Immaculate la its snowy whiteness and
oxqulalto finish, You can keep it that
wny constantly, nnd at small cost wbea
you havo It laundrled at -the
Colonel, J, Olmstoad, 'Prop,
Dorus D, Olmstead, Mgr,
Phono 25. 130.100 Liberty St.
Ftait Growers
And all kinds of boxes. See us.
Salem Box Factory
Phono 808.
South Salem
Brick furnished In largo or small
quantities, Preaiod brick made te
ordor, Yard on Stato street, south or
A. A. BURTON, Prep.
1 he r asm on, otablci f
Formerly Simpson's BtaWas.
Upto-doto livery snd eab line. T?
oeral turnouts a specialty. -TaUy-Tie
for plcnlos and exeurslesti Fhsael.
Okas, W. Yannke, Pro.
247 and 249 High Street.
When you vlsk Portland, Ore,, be
sure you stop at The New Laoge Hotel,
next door to the Imperial. Bates, 60s,
76c, and $1.00 per day. Electric UghttV
call bells, elevator, stiam heat, free
bath and ttet but. All out sido xoomi
with running water.
w ma nut 111 m mw
Rocky Mountain Tea Nugget
A Bir MdfWa Cm But FwU.
Brfaji Gallia Haw 4 Rwm-1 Vfew.
A ilfli fir Compilation, lD'llfllofl, Lira,
ml I
Kiunvr irnunwn, nmp
1! 1UJ Drentli. Hluititltj
tUtt BoweU, KuaiUcas
04 HAtkdcbo. It's Kooky Mouefctta ' M WV
lot forirt. 81 ests it Lor. Ursula Mi W
Hoixitka f)va Coxmht. MaJlfou, WV
mUH NUMET8 ftfl SAIL9W rWi