Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 18, 1906, Image 1

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P. M. AND 4:00 r. M.
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NO. 08.
H 1 1 1 1 J I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M I II II II 1 1 1 1 II I I 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I II I 1.1 I I I M I 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 II I M I 1 1 1 I 1 1 M I 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I H I It 1 1 M 1 1 M 1 1 1 Hi 1 1 1 1 1 j n 1 1 1 1 1 1 n t j,
Francisco,! Aptil J8.-Noon-Eveybody has desetted the Postal building eamg its im ;:
mediate collapse The Valencia hotel collapsed butying seventy-five persons. At j;
Eighteenth and Valencia streets thee is a ctevice six feet wi de. The street cat tracks
a.tc tWritv twisted
4il I M I M I I I I I I M I I M I I I I I I I I I M 1 1 I I I 1 1 n II M 1 1 I M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II M I I I I I I I I I IJ I M ''' 1 1 I I I I I M 1 1 1 I I I I I II I i M M 1 1 M ! 1 1 it t, I I II I H H 1 1 I II 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I'
&IH I Mill II I I I II I II I I 1 II II I MM III Ml Mil II lll-fM II Ml IIIIMI I IMI MIMI Mil I I M I 1 1 M M I H I I II I I I 1 III I It I II M I I I I I I I Ml II 1 1 H I IH II II II I 1 1 1 H U4I I 1 1 1 1 H I H
pfcicago, Apr. 1 8. Along Pine, Bush and Market Streets San Francisco, Fronts of the Buildings Fell Into the Street Ex- ;j
posing the Interior to View. At 9:30 the Dome of the City Hall Fell, and the Majestic Theatre Collapsed-
The Occidental HotelRoof Fell in and Huge Stones Rained Floors. Not a Window Is Left. Four Entire Blocks j j
Along Market from First, Second, and Third Streets are Burning Fiercely and Fifty Blocks Wrecked.
ggi I M M I M I M M M I M I M M M M I M M M M M I M I I M M M M M M I a II M H I M I M I I M t M M M M M M M M M II M I I M M I I I I M I II I M M M M I I M II II M M H I H M M 1 1 H M II 1 1 1 M
Dallas. Tex., April J 8. A Postal Telegraph Company message states there are 3000 dead in San Francisco. From an
EfSyation above, the city appears to be a seething furnace. The Call and Examiner buildings arc on fire and doomed.
The loss will be at least $40,000,000. It is reported that San Jose is rased, ninety-five per cent of the buildings de
stroyed. Santa Rosa is said to be in flames following the earthquake. The St Agnews Insane Asylum near San Jose was
Bestroyed, and nearly four hundred inmates killed.
KewiOrteans, April 18. Southern Pacific dispatches say the Palace Ho
tol lMn muiolKO U doomed. Martial Jaw nde Uio city. Tho entire
tetrmMftlrooat eerula to bo destroyed, jui tho firo U far beyond human con-
gap sevmtcea-ctory Spreoklei building la on fire. All the flro depart-
tho Faclflo cot hAYo been oalled upon for Bid. Moat of tho reel
ilUiMWMlpart or mo cuy u or weea. tro wina su uiroca ana inersaoca in
on. April IB. Tito war department U Informed that Berkeley U
desaeiiaaed. Thero hi reourr.noo of nhooka at 130 this afternoon. The
b&Udlig left standing after tho first ahock fell before Uili ono. rederal
tsoopi&re hurrying to tho devastated district. Tho National Rod Crow It
telegraphing immediate alii to all 1U branehea for assistance for tho ruf.
ttdeago, April 18. A report oaxnea through tho Santa. To headquarter
tidcffflernoon which estimated tho dead and Injured Southern California
Chicago, April 18. According to dli'
the entins olty of San Francis
being destroyed by fire and fro
wqWW toward the dock unmoleited
ko highest elevation in San JU-
mllea away, the olty can be
e. At li;0 It it eeumatoa
Uvea have been loot.
of tho dead vary as re-
ragoafuiac and conflicting-, but
hfir& at least 3000 are dead.
tip irtajawj taring at polloo headquarters
um nefiiWn. bat all are verified, Ap
jUeaufcalSui beeo made to tho govera
nwl fr WasporUi to take the bodies
to to toeje at sea.. So many are so
wMtatttil MVt It will bo iapodble to
itHiwMkM ashore Tho eltlea aoroas
itta-togWferad by Ixstnr badly shaken.
m swIhkInw departments are Agfeting
Tto UM afcock was felt st 8:17. The
'unfa im aM engaged in carrying poo.
4e iWaiK and other places of saf o
y. TMmmmmt are fleeing. In tho panic
nutr c w tho streeU. A Western
Hittm dbVtfatoh satyo tho Western Union
d fatal eslce sxo desUoyied. The
fate Kotsi haa been attacked by the
U la estimated that 3000 are
A oeaaBorclal dispatch aays the
buildings are all right,
or frame are completely
tho supply of dynamite was
Tho mayor telephoned Oak-
eacploslTOB. It is feared
will bo destroyed, if they
flju&M quiekly. Ooaeral
ordered oat tho satire
Jta Prosldio sad Fort Ma-
property and preserve or-
M 7t thero U Uttlo diserdec,
Sullhraa sad Polleoaua
were killed under the falling
'SaSoona hive beea dosed by
W mayor, ud all basbuaa Is
Howard sxd Uttirien
a bUrisg fttraac. Oa Sat
whoUaala ftrsas of Levy
payetto TTplum ft O. the
DlakelspieU, tho lUyman California
Oame Aasooiation are destroyed. Tho
Mutual Life Insurance building on
Market street, and tho Beala ft Boeca.
baunt clothing stont oa Saasoni street
are totally destroyed. Byron k Jack
s)n, pump dealers, Van Winkle, Alex
ander fit Yost, hardware merehaata, oa
Market and Baoramonto streets are
gone, t
Sao rranolsoe, April 18. 2 p. m.
Tho wrecked buildings are oa fire, sad
should the wind start from tho west, as
it usually does In tho afternoon, the
olty is doomed. Dynamite is being seat
from neighboring towns, and a Urge
portion of the bustaeea blocks may be
vlllen is used for a mr(e, and more
bodtea are arriving every minute.
The rwln of atmont the entire tastae!
teetlon Is Inevitable,
OKtlotif Utah A dtipatek says all
the t7ln l'aelfie wife from there
wett are town, Indtoatini; the quake
extended hundred of miles. There
were severe snooks for three lolmitHi
at frftsramente, but nobody was in
Jored. The oieetrie Uuktlnc 4ants at
Ban Prsneiioo failed nud the K
mains are broken.
Reoorded In Washington.
WMhlnKto, ApU 18. The ioIihmi
tofdi wontkor iMrona na rosordiMl
th Hh Hrsneisoo tnwtWmMtk, It wns
vMently s Rioted all nsorolng.
he fonndeil, he will do so as the head of
the enures. Votive, they say, will be
VainirtOR, Anril 18 In the
thki aftornoon Onhn, wKniMMn frow
CVliftKnla, whe family k in Sun rV
elseo, and from whow he In MMbU la
got word, with voioe tptvorlni; with
emotion, moved tlw wnr and navy 4o-
pnrtmonte be direoted to extend all aid
otible t sosTerers. Tho reeolutloo
was drawn as a Joint resolution, it
poMed, and the sssm ndjournod oot of
reopeet to tkooe who lost their Uvm.
ooowajst peeei
Chieago, Arri! IS. OommunioatJon
with San 1Vb1iwo was secured first
late this mornlag, telllog of the most
terrific earthquake i the history of
the Pacific eoait. Buildings fell in all
directions, and it is believed thero are
destroyed fifty blocks south and oast
of Market street to tho bay, including
Sassome, Mission, Battery, Frost, Da
vis and Drummond. Buildings are de
stroyed all along? Fremont, Beale, Mala,
Spear, Stuart, and East South streets.
Southern FaeMe operators say it is
known 1000 sro dead. Police are ejt
Ing tho dead from the ruins aa fast
as they can, but the fire is spreading
in all directions. Tho debris ignited is
a doaea places at once, the water mains
are broken, and the supply is shut off.
What few engines are aot rained are
inadequate and helpless oa account of
having ao water. All clocks were
stopped by tho earthquake. Three
mUes of ths ra&oad bed sunk from
sight between Saima and Bealola, sad
tho wires were taken with it. At
Fleas&ntea trains were turned over oa
the rails. Fire is approaching the
Palace Hotel.
Los Angeles, which is coaaooted with
Sea Fraaeisoe, sayo 300 bodies have
UUh rUATitfi TtlA rliiA T'a..'
Dowle Stands Fat,
Chicago, April 17. All negotiation
looking toward a peaceful settlew
of the question ss to who sbsll control
zion city and Hs vast resources wet
broken off yesterday. John Alexander
Dowie, through his attorney, rejected
the preposition advanced by Oenwal
Overer W. O. Voliva yesterday to
the effect that the 11,000.000 estate
be turned ever to a board of centre), t
consist of nine members, four of whom
were to bo selected by Dowle and a lilw
number by Voliva, the ninth maa lo
be selected by the board as erected. It
was stipulated that tho actUu of U
members thereof bo final ia determining
whether or not the deposed "first apes
tie" or Voliva bo tho recognized head
of the Catholic Christian church.
Dowie rejected tho proposal oa the
ground that act only would he aot ac
qulcscs ia the appointment of Voliva
oa the beard, but that ho no longer rec
ognized tho new leader aa a member of
tho church. Ia speaking of the ulti
matum, P. C. Uawley, representing
Dowie, said
"As sooa as we eaa obtais. the acces
sary iaformatiea we will file a bill in
chancery ia tho eirouit court of Lake
county at Wauliegaa. This instrument
win bo a petition that the transfer of
the property of Zioa City executed by
General Overseer Voliva giving to Dea
con Alexander Granger full title there
of, bo declared vvM.'
Dr. Dowie, it is said, wffl go to Ziss
City ooine time this week. It is de
clared by tho DowieMea that, when the
'first apostle" caters the city which
, Celebrating Completion of Ilailrosd,
Mobile, Ata April 16-TbeMtndB of
vltitors and tixowrsioBtets from Ala
bama, MlMlwspid and Tonaewee have
lavadod this city to take part ifa the
eolobraU of the citiaoas in honor of
the oomdotln of the Mobile, Jsekten
Jt Kaaoaa City railway. The hotels
arc crowded and tho city, decorated
with Hags and baaMag, pmoaW n gay
nnd Itrllltaat spectacle. The ooisW'
(ton Vegan this moralog with aa ex
oar! oa the titvr and n game of
"ladtan ball" by a team of Indian
from XboH county, MIm It wa
followed by a (grand epoa air machine
at Mearoe park. Ia the afternoon
there wW bo a moos Mooting at the
epr kettie, when the gwveraors of the
three Mates will be Nroeoat and a num
ber of Interesting addroscos win be de
livered. In the evening there will be n
banquet and speeches by my praw
inent orators.
Was ia aTOandy Town.
Moporiatoadoat Aekormaa was at The
Dalles yesterday at an educational
meeting, at which President CampboM,
of the State University, wss nlto pros-
eat. Professor Aakormcn spoke oa the
general Maes of edaoaUen. Tho bay or
girl should be given particular training
in the line to which ho or she is adapt
ed. Latin weald be useful for the one
who has a Mtorary bent of mind, but
aot for the porsoa who would follow
ateobanism or commerce. He dwelt
with particular emphasis oa tho prac
tical side of education, adapting the
person to the porpese he is best fitted
to feUtnr. In this way education would
be aa adjaact to goo and ussful oiti
To Sanction 8800,009,000 Bead Issue.
Biehmond, Va., April 10.-The stock
holders of the Southern Railroad com
pany have beea called to meet here
this aftoraooa to vote oa tho preposi
tion of ths board of directors to auth
orize the issue of $100,000,000 develop
ment aad general mortgage per eent
bonds. Of this amount only 115,000,
OOo arc to be issued immediately, while
the rest ia to bo issued as tho neces
sity arise. Tho details of the plan
have been given ia these dispatches al
ready. It is understood that syndicate
headed by J. F. Morgan A Co. has
been fenced to purchase tho $15,000,-
000 bonds to be issued as sooa aa the
stockholders have given their consent.
- . o '
A card has beea received from Mr.
and Mrs. E. Cocke PaUoa, who are aow
at Long &, Col, aad they are sot
tied ia a cottage at that resort, aad
witt spend several months there. '
"IvMMkoe, liko an honorable gontl
Man rark ass pm4ou for Kobeoca,
aad Is twe. to Koweaa. ikowgk wc see
that the memory f Hcbcosn aever
leaven hie heart. Jvaabee bobaves as,
In bis slroamitnwooi, Scott would hove
behaved, in place of giving way to
pauloa. Nevelc of the moit potgaant
hrtoreet ar constantly beginning in
private Ufa, and tboa break off, bo
rnaoc the living charsctors nrs persoai
of honor and self control Ivaakoc
would have bew marc to the taste of
today If tho bore bad olopod with the
fair Hebrow but, the Ivanhoo and
Mowoau arc persons f honor nnd ief-
oscttrol. I found in Scott's papers n
letter from aa eatbastatiic schoolboy,
a etewngor 'O, Mr WnHor, now could
you kin the gallcnt cavalier and give
tho mdy to the ropoarcd Whlgf This
wsm the remark of the natural maa,
Scott kept tho natural men In oahiae
Mr. Ing sposkf roondly as I what
Ike W verier novses arc not. Vet la
"They arc aot the work of n pac
sionato. a wfwclld or n tolslly wncda
cs ted geaiuc Tboy arc not the work
of any Peeping Tom who studio
womoa in her dreseing room nnd trie
to spy or small oat the secrets of the
eternally fawdidae. We have 'novels
today nov4s by mat fall of clover
sayings and deaetienc of womsnksnd,
wide Scott would have thrown into
tho fire ! think,' writes Mr. Hot
ton, 'that the dedeJeecy of his pic
tures of wosaea should be greatly
attributed to bit natural oblvslry. He
hardly ventured, as it wecc, In his lea
deraess for them, to look aeedly Into
their Iktlc woakaeseec aad Intricacies
of character.' "
This oplaioa Is shared by Mr Lang,
as the following quote ties wfH show.
"As Moliero never had the heart to
draw a jealous woman, among all his
picture of mea who knew, like him
ctlf, tho tormente of jealousy, so Scott
never had the heart to draw a yousg
and beaatlful woman who la wicked.
This aacie&t familiar source of poig
aant Interest ho posse by out of bis
great chivalry. Thero was nothing -to
prevent him from writing a romance
oa tho passiesatc, wretched tale of the
ease beautiful Ulrica, la 'Ivaa&oe,' a
fair traltrscv drive oa tho wind of
revenge, treachery, patricide aad U
eosL Here was a thsmo for a 'roaUctie'
bevel of Bagiasd after the Conquest,
but Scott sketches it lightly, a
Thycslean horror In the background.
In bis work aueh a pleco of realism'
stand nlene, Hko the story of Phosnlx
in Homer 'a work (In tho ninth beck or
HotuM, had a unit of reverence of
the 'Iliad). Heth artists, Bcott and
human things they uld net Usk the
Imagination necessary fer the por
trayal of tho evil nnd terrible, but
they dM aot seek suocsis In that popu
Jar region. Scott yit no prude, but he
held the young in reverence, knowing
that among them be must have many
"I nm uasWs to think the worse of
him because he imposed open himself
limitations whlsh Ilyren triumphantly
broke through, though Scott's limits
new militate againet a high apprecia
tion of his work by the admirers of
(luy do Maupassant and Catull
Msndec." Andrew Lasg la his Life
of Mr Walter Beett.
it. Uais, Me., April a -At a Com
mttrsawl dnb baaqeot lust night, refer
ig to tho SpringaoM lynching, Gov
ernor rwtk sold
"Wo have reeeaUy Ud aa occur
roaoe la ear s4al that has shocked tho
civilised world. Stwngc l say. there
are men, gd men, too, who approve
f torn mob's doing lost aUtfoVy,
whoa thro acgro prlsoneoa war lynched
by hanging them to in emstretehed
arm of the status of lihoruy. holdiair
aloft the torch of olvclicatioa.
"Whatever may have been the crime
of the wretches, irrespective of their
gent, It was murder for the mob to kill
them. They may have deserved etfa,
but it was death at the hands of the
law, aad not by a web. Wo have a
government by law, and aot by mobc
Murder aad criminal assault are aunish
able by death la this stats, and a do-
rauK of justice In the ease of the lat
ter crime is unknown."
A Hatural Conclusion.
MJetress (severely) How did It hap
pea that I oaw a pellsemsa with you
ia tho kltehea at night f
Maid il suppose, madams, you must
have locked through tho keyhole.
Translated for Talc from Strekoaa.
The besioes men of Bugcae have or
ganised tho lasgoao Merchants' Protec
tive AcU!ioa, which 1 or the pur
pose of protecting the members, and for
fostering aad eneeoraglar maaofetu-
lag enterprises.