?-,. .,? f ". M DAH.V CAPITA!. JOUBNAI BAI35M, OBCaOK, rBTOAY, tfML 13, 1006. 8 .W I J' ftJU d i . ?f Is, ( tocfctoii & Co. IS I T,,c "JaSiHlK OW White Comer Tape Girdles 48c Hose Stppote;rs Attached 60 doaen pare wMte Wife girdles, ttoec 18 to U. It is better to get one bw tkaa to wait mtll yer sc i Ibc. e&L ws Mis f NEW HOSIERY The Good Ktad-the Kind Yotf Want JOc to $275 a pai Wkite Lace, plain white and embroidered wMte. I Embroidered Tans, Lhc Tans, Plain Tans. I Mmbroldered Macks, Mack Lace, Mala llwck. I Auk to see our famous I or 41 specials in plain MMk koto, put up i I pairs in a box. Norwich Union Fire Insur ance Society Frank MercMMi, Xeolde&t Ageat. Ofllcrj witk Wm. Btowb 4 Oo, Me. Ill Commercial tHre. NEW TODAY ! J r 1 ye m, and watek your money KMk. CapltallMd at 1100,000 Stock nw setting at SO teat per share. For fuM particulare write I. W. Una, tW McKay Building, Pert load, Or. 419-m- WMtaL K special orders for Bister. Capital bakery. 41Mt Tt Bale ObeapttaTeral good anaj; ab city ami mburbaa property. Cap ital National Hank. Seed Potatoes fer Hale Fancy Qresbsm Durbank and Marly Hen seed pota toes by Capital CemmlMlen Co., Ba Ism, Or. 4-4tf- Lwt, A kofie-sbeo stick pin, t with pearls, Ivo at this efllee ami re eolve reward. 4-13-31 rw Bate A good driving barn, weight 1100 pounds. Address J. W. Carton, M7 Okomeketa street, Salem, Oregon. i-lISC Tt Bale-fit tone a ekoler cheat bay at mj bru la Spring Valley, (7JHI per tow. V. U. Duncan Inec U. 4-lMt Hera Is Seme Mere. la addition to tke name published la yesterday's Journal tke ?ilw1K voUrn will ba him Ma b vte at tkt prinMry aUtttaaa m4m tkay awaar In, aa tbalr papM wera Ml rMatved by tke tanHly aiark vatil April Iti Oka tape k Jaka II. Vna4aJt, Wat. II. G4ll, Yim V4l, IawU lUky. (larval AateiNo lHrwar4 Maalaay Nawteu TkampMa, Hara- arU 8bafar. llafnb Patrltk J. I)ary. . 1mm1 . Mdht V. IlMyiarir. South Wlvarian-Wm. V. Iterak. far tUla OwapiU i4 (mun tkffklar aatdt, raa4y t ma. Ap4y l Ira JatKaawra, 1M Uifjk tt, IMw. -I U-M' Mekair Fe-Tka YbiUr MM ia kalr paal will ba a0fi far aaie Apifl 170.. Babv4 U4a wiU U r c4vf4 aaUt 1 a'tUak. A44rM all bMi u W. W. Xagara, HUrarUw, Or 0a. X. Y. D. Ke 1 4 -.- X fitill ba BwUtaTk ua4rttgae4 aa at Kaa to wrk far tk Oapi Ul lMprYMt Oa m rprat4. llo U maaiag a m(M, a4 m MM la tke traaWiw bnataM, U Ml ar iet aa kafetafare. Pkaaa 4M. Leava rW at Pargwaaa'a raiiaaraat. T. M. Mdtkkarl. 4 4-l 9i Ooal Iidd l"UR4.-y, in Or goB, aJ sat e far fraaa SaImbi 1 feat rata af aaal tkat awaja 4a par cat flz4 aarbaa at grata laata. Aa Ura lavalapaata eaak 4ay iMTMti value ef wise. WauW jm )ik an & torMt la auak a mlaef Bt h akaw it t yHi, aayway. JavMt t, laarc Oho Mora Day to Oct Millinery, MIm M. I). Jvmm f tbo Wklte Oar Mr Milliaary reparta tkat tka damaiHt far Natar kU (kit mwi kaa been vary lerga, a4 Mpeaially tkli lat weak kaa tka ba Wy praparlng ka4gr far ker aaMrt awitaumi, Towarraw U tka Uit 4y (a kaaara aaa af tka pt kara kail tkat are baiag aara4 at re 4a4 priaaa 4nrlag tka preltaitar w-tak. "Busier Maati. Wa kava aar4 Ke4 wpply llyatewtk ltoak akiakaaa aal axtra ftae aprtiig Uwb far BaUr4ayli taUtag. Oar Mak of atkar meats, laeUuliag vaal. park aa4 baaf, la bm apaaially aetU4 far MmUt feaatiag. Call aa at far tke a4 tklaga far Maatar 4iaaw. Dee & ttwpaaa, 177 Oaiannrckl Hmt, o Dt rorgat tbo Daiwa TaaJgkt. Tka Wai4wiiB af tke WarU are to ka!4 a aaalal 4b la tke Hakma k&tt toaigkt. aa4 a ga4 tfaia it afr4. Braae' arakeitr wW fvraiik kka n- Weedaeo Wkirl Tealgkt. At JIaWfca'a kH tke Vaa4aa af tka warid will kabi a eaatal daaae U might, wkaa Bvaat' arakartra will far alak tka mttrit. Oe If ya west ge4 tiiae. There Is Little Real Trouble la ttU work nt uf it U imAgiaazy. Wo allow ouraelrea to bo eowe Borvoua aa4 fretfvl. Wele of aajo otwna tka ganlea of tk keut ta they akoold Mtar bo allewed to Uko root. A Great Deal of Uie Present Eye Trouble la e&aM4 by peopbe eleeti&g OUeoea uxulua for tke eoadiUea of obW oyoa. WH SUPPLY TUB BEST , , , .' Mai giro a tkoroagb azamiaatloo free of ettag, i State and Uhesty Sta., Salem, Ore r .p.-'sr x oF Vo feKaHMB?alBMKBanWWSvyrVBF NEIGHBOR WALTER L. TOOZE i ... i The Woodman Candidate for Congress Gaining Ground Every Day Orcg.n YooJmar, Dalite, ': fe-- .Hrr iBB. JHqBHH aaHnl' nLuav HBBII LbK? BaUafaMaal WaaHnaHHSRSSH laBHv - ' "' aHaT W Taflan&JklK&wBBMaBB liBc J' aBaWMSl K,m3Ma 1IbHbSIlv' $ aWaV'KrBBBnaSalBW' FJPivJ- JBBHBBHBBBaiBaWBBHL HaaaWaiO'VBlHBBBr j8afMai BHHbSwbIHBbbbbBH EtaaHZ!tfPBn '' riflJrlBWMBrlaWaaHBaaaaaB alaBBHBXBBBaaBBHf iHjHH bbHbIbHvbW ,j bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHI The aioet ircttiincnt can-lJ-la'c jd Co fo tf t fcc uUi'icnt utcr of tbiA iimtnct for I he C"ngrmionI . . i n bvtn.( nil tlf'iilt II on Walter U Toote, of Woodbttrn. Hm utrtnuflui 11km in behalf of our ooblo order all over tka etate a4 In two head eawp ronveHtloaa kave ea 4eared kirn to try aeigkber. We all know tkat kU roiee ki ever beea rnie4 la bekalf of low expeaditurt aad for tke eeeariag by tke Wood men of t ko World of lie Iwmranee at tke try ckeapeat ooet. Hie ole and vote kaa always been ftgalaet graft of ovary 4oeripUoa, and It ii eafe to proeame tkat In tke knibt of eoairree ke would eontlaae along thee line. Wknl work ko kaa 4e for tke order kae boon wltbowt py of y kind or kope or deeire for nay o4tee, fartker tkan tke beitormoHt of tke raft. TkU kae been fnlty ntteeted to by tke kead oOteere of our order In ooatradietlon of n report tkat kewae worklag or trying to work tka or4er for poiltleal pwrpeeea or for pereoBnl gala or proAt, or for any ftnan etal beneilti. Xe money ba ever been paid him from our treoevry for axjfeneee In t ko work, except when In attendance nt koad anmp eoMioa huk delegate to the fraternal eoagree. TkU paper kaa heretofore pnbMtked a fnll bletory af kU life nad work, and every render of tke Ore gon Woodman known Mm to be eelf-madw mnn who Imk neeNmHlMed n oompetenee by kit own ozertloM and who U fltted In ovary way to reproient tke people of thU eeatlon In tke kalla of eoBgreee. Vew there re who kave et koard him epeak en Important qneeUoiMi of tke dny and know tkat ke kaa tke brain and ability to eeefMlly eope witk nny eltnatlon tkat may urine, 11 bt platform, m given otit by tke dally pree nnd written by klmeelf, denote tkat kin labor wilt bo continually given to bett promoting tke intereot of tke atate wkiek kan given Mm kit atari in life, and tbat ke tkeroogkly Nnderttanda Ita need and the wiikee of tke people. The few of kit good polntn Indleated here are wftllent reaeon wky ke U o tirongly in tke load for tke nomination, tke majority f tke KepaMieaae being perfectly aware tkat tkey mwet lock to Mm for tke beet wbeervencc af their bftereeu In tke oJWe t wklck ke will in docbtedly be elected. In fact, ai tke campaign prcgreeece, It become more and mere evident tkat none of tke other eaiuHdatoe are 1b tke race witk kim. Ilia many friend tkrongkont tke diet riot are working etronn oJy in Ma bekalf and are logically eonvlnelag tke public mind tkat Walter U Tooac ekotild be aad will be tke neat Republican oundldate for coagrew. He U a vote gcttn of great nMiity for the ronton tkat ke greatly lacreaeet Me Net of friendi wherever ha it able to vitit, nil being eapUire4 by kit manlfoet iBtctllgcnco and ability tr t be petition ke aeeka to fill. Hit pbataat ptnenality, ditiinctlve ckarnetorittica f koart and mind, end kit well known probity and sincerity, etamp blm at onee in tke ftyee of all aa pee-eminently tke man tt tke place. Yew will net vote wrong If at tke primarioa tkt maatk yew eaK yoor 4o for Walter U Tooao for- OBBgreet, Of all t ke variewi candidates to tke ftetd for t ke Republican Bomin tioa for oengretteMn from tke ftret diet riot, there it not tke tilgkteet dowbi tbat it ability and general Ulnete for tkls Important pocttioa Hon. Walter h. Tootc, of Marion ecnty, ttondo kead end tkevldori above any f bit opponentt, lie It one of Oregon "a meet brilliant tUteement U clean and koneet, and bat tke energy aad IntUeaee to tMoeettfiilly aoeom plitk anytkiag ke go after. Mr. Tooao kas made a complete tcccetd of kit private WtiBCtt, wklck it & eure tign tkat ke weald abm make an ideal eoagretemaa. LOST HIS HEAD Tracy, OaU, April lt.-Wblle under tke IsJlsenee of liquor as unknown man, at moon today, stack kit kead be tweea tke drive wkeebt of a twitek en gine tad kit kead waa levered from kls body aad picked tip aeveral feet away, A largo crowd witBeeeed tke in cident, Tke dead xaa, wkeee first acme was "Nat," had been employed Sb tke Pinole pew4er works. WHAT IS AT ALL ABOUT ? ADJmONAIi PB&SOH AXS. Mrs. Walter Agererter and Miss Jessie Daley returned last nlgkt from Taeema, where tkey have been visiting Miss Mamie Quirk, of CUmix, Minn, wko kaa beea visiting ker eoutiB. Mr. Jobs Quiry, la tkta eity, left tkls rncraUg for Tmeoas, aecompsaied by ker ecatin. to attend tke funeral of 'a friend. (Four O'clock Edition.) Saa Fraaolsoo, April 13. The steara sMp Mongolia, bearing Governor-General Smitk, cf the Philippines, was sight ed shortly before 1 o'clock teday. The eteamsklp igas met by local committees oa tug, aad tke skips In tke barber were decorated in konor of kls return. Tke Smith party disembarked at 2:30 aad were escorted to tke Palace Hotel A big reception it planned for tomor row. Ditkep Baskferd, of tbo Metho dist Bpiseepal okureb, was also a pas senger for Okiaa. Oraxy Soldiers. Ogdea, Utah, April 13. -Tbemas Cele. one of a party of 15 insane soldiers and tailors, ca route from Mare Island to Washington, last nlgkt stabbed himself times witk a pocket kaife, aad will die. One of bis eempaaiea leaped through tke ear wiadew aad escaped to tke kills, aad was eaptured only after a despers,te fight t fourth Advantage and Featureof the Racycle Is In having tke erank-kangerDust or Dirt proof, that Jg, JB jt the bearings so constructed tbat the dust cannot got Into the ball oM ntoorh th lubricant nnd finallr rain tke oner, smooth rnnmro .... " "H"iiru the bearing. la tke Recycle the cranks are reeoeeed o as to pj benrlngo eat la the cranks, nnd nt tle entrance of tkls recess f?)t Wt). are placed for tke purpeee of prevenklBg tke dt or dirt from erii( the bearings. Tkecc felt wnskers hog around -the ball rups, a, impossible for nny foreign substance to get Into the bearish g. dust or dirt got pact tke felt wnekerc He farther progress is t, . Jip oil-ennrged magaalse. Racycles $40 and up Other Bicycles $25 and u VE DO BHPAIIUNQ AS IT SHOULD BE DONE. All (lasers of repairs Kims, tires, etc., replaced on i ! r! notice Best Work at Honest Prices FRANK J. MOORE j? Llvo Ohlokena. Tke Jteil Crose Pbarmney has A unique window diepUy. Tkey obtained from Ira Hamilton n brooder nnd nearly 60 newly-batcked Illaek Mlsorea, chickens nnd kave set tke coming egg-preduseti scratcklng In tke corner window of tkeir etore. A border of nenly-lald eggs completes tke Kas tor Idea of tkt display. Tke nertk window Is given up to a display of Use perfumes. WANTS ALL THE MEAI To Hoar John O. Woolcy. II. W, Stone, general secretary of tke Portland Young Men's Christian Asso ciation, earn to Salem yesterday to at ted tke meeting nt (ke First Ilaptlti church last evening, when John (J. Wodey spoke to a large nudlonte. lie fore leaving for Portland bo bad a con ference witk 0. A. Forbes, of the local RMcelatlen, and suggested several plans for the future work kern. A SnuOl niaxe. A small bwM occurred at the rest denoo af Mrs. Kawrigbt, on Liberty sireot, wklck did some damage to tke roof. Tke eklmnty bad a burn-out In tke forenoon, but a little before 11 o'clock, qui te h blase manifested Itself on tke roof. Chief Savage and nttitt ant rucked to the seee with a Jltb cock oxtinguiekcr and subdued tke dAlt&ankl efeTiBac Baaeball Team. Tke Dallas college aine arrived in tka city tkis morning. Here la tke personnel of tke toamt Reynolds, c; Meyer, pj C Jteydstou, Ibj J. Jleyd tton, ib; Pent en, 3b; Craven, ts; Teats, rf Shaw, If j Sibley, of. Manager Mor ton accompanies tbo team. Tkey play Willamette tkls afternoon and the bigk school tomorrow. Bun Away From School. Chief of Police Cornelius was noti fied nt S o'clock tkat two male students of tke Okomawa eekeel ran away on a frolgkt train, and. to take tke necessary steps to intercept them at tke depot wkea tke train arrived here. BMntk IkilOtdYwHrwtfwrtBM Hfuttre c&&m&&t Elijah HI Refuses Ulih Any Compromise rut Would " Feed." Chisago, April . VoliTilupl posed to Dowle that a boar J W tlve to be apolBted by DUm( by Vellvn, bo named to direettk fairs of Xlen. After a eonfertm le's attorney, Wetten annot Dewlo would agree to notibf would deprive blm In any bl temporal or spiritual tigu. X-RAYS Kerrigan, one of tbt km ftern compete In tke Olympic fum, kek to "MultBomah." He hubtVpaj nnd kaa beon put out of Voumm Ic tMal wave. It takes loamiufm. tbat else to Jar a Portltsd ut . Sunday Club, Tke Sunday Club of tleTXU bad nrranged to have tke ji tary, I. n. Itbedee, adlrws mB meeting en Sunday af terse'' will be special music for tbi nj This will bo the first mUU t! direction of tbo newly erruud and will be largely it(tilV young men of tbe city, -. u A Dark Bed- W'.V- an ti nM- tKT' Mkd raaldlv. Theroessf' tleally all laid, and today ! in receiving its first ei wr . . . ., .. M a brtltlant mtniaiea, tnw - i i dine coat of dope witk Ngj laaio ib tia mwnto. i sR NLomv to Loai THOMAS K i Over Ladd & Boab'c DtA V VHsbssbs 0 i m B Play Ball! Tne old welcome cry Is now1 tfiforrofinrrt fto fanrl. Rememt yoti need Baseball StfppUes tW liave a foil and complete stock of Gloves, Mits J Unif otms, Sioes, B Etc. Bicycle Sundries '' .90S, HqB