DAILY CAPITAL JOUUKAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1000. S3 "to nr !t I A 'l toll net I fSS Bi ttK. t"m JsJavHaaU tft e Best Guaranty of Aierit Is Open Publicity. rcvnrv bottle ol Dr. Pierce's WOrld- lined medicines leaving tho great labo story at Buffalo, N. Y., has printed Unrlntf Intri IU COtTlIK .n it wrnnnor ail ur mi iuo niKiniiruB composition. This (aet 5nnn rjaeos Dr, I'iorco's Famllr Medl ln9 In a cln$n all by thencivf. They mnot bo clawed wun patent or secret odKlncs borauao they are neither. This whv so m&nv unnroludloed nhvMcUns troscrlbo them ami recommend them to heir patient, xnoy Know wnat tnsy compoeu oi, anu mm me ingrcuienis i thoso endorsed by the most eminent (icHiftl authorities. Ihn further fact that neither I)r. klrren's Itoldan Medical Dlscoverr. the Ereat htnn'ti'h tonic, liver Invlgonttor, .--Art rr-gtiiator and blood purifier, nor his Ifavunic rrscnptiou - ior weaic, oter Forked, It '.ten-down, nervous women, ontam nn niconoi, men cutuiM tuem a nlaco all tty tiiemsoives. Many year ago, Dr. Pierve discovered chemically pure niyccrlne. of proper Miflth. is a bolter solvent and nreserv tve o( tho medicinal principles resld a in our irtaigenooe, or name, tnet Sal plants than Is alcohel: and. further re, 1 1 tt it possesses vaiua we nmiieiiiai gperti' i of Its own, being demulcent, m i aiiiisopuc, nnu a ioimv eiaweiu Ifo-me-it, .'! r 'if the above medicines oon its all noi, or any harmful, habit- ilmr dm, as will be seen from a in-o a. t'i formula printed on each urn wrapixT. mey are sate to use ana tent to cure. ut utrv do physician preserlbo tho )i nou i 30 ms!. Hit Ulgettt people em pi it meuicnies inn ml emiilov people who vioiiki not think of using he ordit arv tmtenl. or secret medicines. Kvary In " Jleni entering InUi the com position i Dr. Pierce's medlelnes has the strm st kind of an endorsement from leai' k medical writers of the Jwvoral s, hools of practice. No other tuodlrlns nut up for like purposes has janjr snen ,rniinni endorsement. ur, rien.--. r.easant remits euro eon Una''ti Constlnallon Is the cause of ttrtnnyM! fuiM, Cure the cause and you 'Sura thi disease. One Pellet" Is a auntie Cixntiw and two a mild cathartic. wriig fcgltU soil them, and nothing i Just as fiood." Kasy to Uko as candy. .VALUABLE LIBRARY BOOKS. monted to Albany Oollego by Rov. Robltvsou of Saleia Complete Uban College m tbe recipient ef a M present Ik the nkape ef a library, gift of Ifev. WIUInm M. HMmoii Mew, a retired rrMylma mla- The library coneUis 0 t7S Wuad volumes, a hug aumWr of an a4 boks a ad manalae, In U iWr class are fotiiut tWe (traotkaUx 4ie flies of ta Cs)tnry aad rtbtters MafaalM from tho tlm of begipnlnic of pwhWoalloa to date, only a few stray awmbtrs mln- tBjr, Tito cut w a vaitMMa one a B.P' ... . m a represwits tho netttmwMiiOR a 11 to- trnt, during wbtok Kev. KoMnaoa ferve4 as a mialMsr In tke l'reebyte- rlait tburck, a ad It la aojwoslated by tko faulty and board of tmotoos IWv. ItoUTjHMm kas Iok bom a wurm friend ofjCnitaay t'ollefte, and bis Rift, for a MAWqta bis rlreuMMM, la a most rslwU and ac 11 table wMbany A TjuiVv Pattmlftreea. , Ij Urt. Alsxaadar of Gary, M wbo at Us-fous.l Dr King's Nw Ufo 11IU te uUl blko best remedy sbu ever tried for ufet Icieltsff the stomaeb, liver aad'beweJs T laperfet order. You'll agree wltk bor if jfa" try tkee f.laM ptiriflwa that (W new life. Ooaraateed by J, a Fcrfg drujicUt. Prise M. 'A iek"" in New York ia offering a I fr the blggst lie. (live us the r, Olua man kas jest r4gad Pittsburg Press. ffke nind You ITavo Always lu two for ovor 30 years, oud ftouol rJU4& Allow Kg afcaVlMI C 1HJMjlllBBJHijiii tJ R BrJt ixsk Br sH & r sfl Bn saV If a-i a WCs SW .SttZZZL & Jms 'All (Jounterfelta, Imitations and " Jufit-os-jfood" nrr butt Itcperimenta that trifle with and endanger tho heaau at Jamtuita and Ouidreu Experience against Kxpetidout "What is CASTORIA OastoriA ts a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paro- goric, Drops end Soothlngr Syrui, It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootia 4 9 JKtbtituuce. Its ase is its suarautee. it uestroys womw J - .J- -. CJpllc. It relieves Teeth Ing Troubles, cures Coustlpatloa &d Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the .ihIH MsnCSH wtwmm Stomach and Bowels, gltlng S?ho Children's Panacea rhe SlNUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the NaaW 'ii W skyfAcuci te Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. HMSUTMSsoeMirt, rr immu eraser. wwnin. REPORTER VISITS CHEMAWA Finds Great Govern ment School Well ' Managed How the Indian Boys and Girls Arc Learning Trades and Being Made Useful Citizens Sunoriatoadent Gke.kre.ft and As sisUat Svperinteadeat OanpbeU are is ebarg. of the eoheol and grounds. The olerks la tke oftloe are It, 0. Spiak and lMoy X. Job. Mies Hutobtsoa aad Miss .Tea ale Booth are tke stenographers at pres ent. There are 800 boys and girls in at tendance, and they are a superior lot of yoting people. All of them have no cess to tke superintendent, and ke seems to have their entire respect, eon fldeaee and good will. Tke water supply at Cbomawa eomos from n deep well, ) feet below the gravel, and there ks not la ton years originated here a oaee of typhoid fever, and only four cases brought In. 1), H Ilrewer w the third etteer of tke wheel dlselpllearbia and witkowt klm tke school would kardly ran as In a sense be is the fntbor of the sokool ble itrst conaeetlOM being m a stndent M years operlalendent Cbalcraft ka been la tke Indian servleo IS years, eorriogt at CWebalK liyallnp, anetrn. Wind Kiver, Wyoming, then Mvorvtoor of In dbt schools, aad then back to talem. Ho kas a natural talent for the Irnlbtn odsMatloiml work, greet tot and a groat oxeonUve ability. Ittt work shows nn beet in tko sensible, sebetantUl. prne Ileal, bealtky nnfeniiMg boy and glrb) at Ckemawa. Asemiant 8nperintondont Campbell will eolebrate bis silver wedding nnab vereary In tke employ of Uncle Ham on tke first of next tfentember. lie wna disciplinarian at Uurlielo for 11 year, and Mperintondont at 8Ueton, S. 1).. Wind Wver. Wyoming, Vnm Snringe, tben to ftabm. Ho baa always Ukea n great interest In athletic work and In tke social side of the life at government schools. He has seen Cke mawa grow from MM to MM psinibt. Tke motron of MeMride ball Is Mr. Mary K. Tketes, a woman who Is loved like a nsntker by tko hoodreds of Kfirls nnder her ear, ike kas a refutation in her mtoitton tbet woob onon to ber tke doors ef aay soaoai la Amerloa. Sao goes neat week oa bor anaanl bmve of abionee to Wnoblagtoa, P CH bor borne eity. lfer nlaee wUI bo tiled by Miso Pmaooe Howmaa darlaf ber ab- snee, a grade teacher of marked abtl- itr and who is a great favorite wun all The present teaching Tree .-ttitprtses Bought, ma which has heca has borne the alffnntnre of haa heen made under his per Hupervlsion since ifuinfltney. uo one to deceive you iu tills. - -r- healthy and natural sleep Mother's Friend Signature oi Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Clout ctr, Miss Mil ler, Miss Dohse, Miss Luedke, Miss Johnston. M. W. Ceoper is industrial teaeher and landscape gardenor in charge of tke groaads. Mrs. Oseper kes charge of the domestic seieaee etassos. Miso O'Here Is toaohlng the seamstress classes. Dr. Frank Sinter is the school physician Miss Qetohell is the trained nurse. Mrs. Teabe is the hospital eoek, a graduate ef Chetnawn. Miss PoMtner, Mrs. MeClolmnd and Mrs. Nowoomb are the assistant mat rons, Ckomnwn Is a station on the Sattth em Paelno system. It. 0. Henderson is the station agent, telegraph Operat or and poHmneier, sloe eeadmtlag a store that oarrles a stock of general groceries. Mr. Oamplieti kas set out between 4000 and IO0O rose bashes and rose euttlags. The walks are lined with them and bis new heme will -be A bower of roses. V ram Impravcnicnta. Tko two now barns, abewt 40 by 1M, with cement itoors, electrict lights and water, and with a fear inch main for ire protection, are models. The grnnndi are graded aad at preeeat there are 10 boys sleeping In these barns, while dormitories are being re-modelled. These buildings were erected by east era contractors, bat S. A. Mefttdden and ether Anient carpenters did most of tke work. Tke barnyard will be nr ranged to catch all the liquid manure In a cement basin and sm it on the farm. In tke entile barn are two large silo, wltk a ear truck and method of distri butive food. The alios are IS feet in diameter nad 4 feet high. Progres sive formers eoaM got valuable Ideas by vMUag Ohemawa. John 8. Swnrts U tke farmer of tk institution, handling a Urge force of boys, nad having charge of tke horses bona aad all straight farming work Ifo baa l acres aader him and aboal 1M aader tke plow, tie has held tke place two years, aad le aa iatelllgeat sebfaUNe. ngrlcaltariet. He took n coarse la tke ldako Agriealtaral ool lege Tkere are about 1M boys wbo take native part la the varies lines of farm work. ThU le n very praetloal portion of tkelr edMcatioa. Jokn Weetley U tko gnrdeaer and orcbardWt aad be hi one of lbs main stays of the eomialseary. Ho vrorki twenty U thirty boys aad grows tke fralta and vegetables. It takes ten basket of potatoes a dsty to feed tke PWotWee, Tko dairy U under tke management of Reajamla llobmader, wbo hue been here going oa three years. Tkere are 18 beys learaiag dalryiag, M eowo be lag worked, making about SO noaade of batter a week, besides aantdylag tke tables wltk milk. He le also aa ex perteaeed cheese maker. Joka Cox nad wife are tke people ia charge of the kltekea aad dialog room, sassotsd by AJox Voaaf, a One-mH-H boy, where iM are aoeosnmoaat ed at oao aittlag. Ho kas II boys wko are cooks, nod aa many waiters aader kiss. Tko cooking taake, steamers aad reago are all of tke moat modern apaliaaee. Tkere U eaoagk eaaaed fralt pat an to ssjooly taroe meole a week all tke year reaad. A Aae aew rYoack mnge, mado t tko state sieve work, baa Joot been not la Beef steak is terred twieo a week. Tkere are 470 poena of freak hoof eaaolied from Halsm daily. Tko laduatcial Sokeei. AJol.h Farrow, a gradsmio of Cko w w, te ia charge of tko ekoo makiag .i. i bttrasM shea, lie kas about la , .s learaiag tko trade, aad dee all the repair work aad tame oat many sets uf new harases one year. Wat. Lovelaoe le tko man ia chart of tke whole oagiaeer pleat, aad has about 10 boys aader Mm la (she boat iae. Uffktiac aad neuafdag work. He le a graduate of tko Cbomawa sekooL Ia tko bakery seven boys work aader Ckief Baker Joseph Teabe, wko la al at loader of the bead. The bakery ases ap tOO pounds of Soar a day aad the bead preetiees, every any. Mr Teabe U also a Obemawu graduate. Mas. D. H Drewer, a Ckemawa grad uate, la la charge of tke laaadry, aad works about M gaia aad tear boy Tke number bundled la a year U a wstttea pieces ef washing. Mrs. floor ?iaa Weeds la the aaslsUat, aad a aew ahifVef girls gees oa seen week. Charles II. Weeds sendees the ear peeler seep, where lastioottoa is giva la all kinds ef wood working, ooblast work, ataksag seek, dears, mantels aad boose triessetagt. About 80 beys work daring tke year, and Mr. Weeds kas been at tko Indian industrial week nearly, 04 years, lie tries to tarn eat boys who oan balkl a nieia bease or a good bra, sake a set of stairs, kaa eOe a weed lathe, aad eeastraet tablet aad ptaia heaie farnittue. I. Pataam, ia ebarga of the wagoa iasvop, ban abeet tea beys leaxaias; the traae. Kepair wotk ana naisauff tt bloles are earrled oa. Tits work is alt very aatisfaetory from aa edae tieaal otaadpoiat, the pupils wbo take manual work bait the time often oat iwaBttMBHattBiBrewnaMmM 5 CLASBIPIBD s s tBtaMBBarSH3MHy roa sale. ror Sole. Dirt. sulUblo for lawns aad WtMkewA other purposes. Phono 404X, a-lMm for Oslo, A pure bred Jersey cew, at lew pries, if token soon. A. F. liefer, care Journal office. 3-08-tf ror Sale. DoLavnl separator, nearly new. lleught for $60, will soil for $60 oaek. Inquire of A. W. Nosom, Oervals, Bouto 2, or phono Farm 69. ror SsJo, New light nnd heavy spring wagons, oarrlngee, oarts, now aad old buggies, backboards and one deliv ery wagon, at the Salem Carriage and Wagoa Factory. W. Fennel, prop.. S01 to 900, North Liberty street.' 4-9-1 m WAltTED. Wanted, Logan berry plants. Phone Mala 75, or call at the Oregon Nwr- serr Company's efttoe. 4-11-lwk MU8I0 UTUDIOS, Music Btudlo.-Kfank XX CAurcfcllL Musical Btudlo. Associate teacher Western Conservatory, Chicago, HL, repreecntlng Intor-Stato Syatem at Salem, Oregon. In tho Oroy blodc, room 3. Btudlo hours 0 to 18 and 0 to 5. 8-10-tf WANTED riJMAXB HELP. V.'anVed. A pesltloa as housekeeper by an experienced lady; or would do general honsework. Address "M. A D," saro Jenraal. 4191t Wanted Hxperieneed girt for general 'hensewetk. Highest wages. Inquire 10-10 Court street, Valem. 4-10 tf stripping those wko pat la nit tkelr time in tke class room Joka Heck U ia sharge of the tailor lag department, aad works 00 boys nt tke trade. Most of tke clothes worn by tke boy aad employes, aad evea people outside, are made hero. Mr Iteek m a eotored man and learned hU trade at Orangeburg. South Carolina Industrial school, lie Is a thoroughly good workman and gets along nil right wltk tke needle nnd sbears gaK Charles Payne, wbo graduated lent year baa stayed a year longer te eomplete tke taller trade. Tke printing oMee U In charge of Per taenia Jajrme, who wilt graduate this ymt, nnd dees all kinds ef job work, beeldee printing tke weekly Chemewn American, a vary nicely gotten up eol lege paper. Tkere are about M pub lieutloae In the United Mateo by In diana, all edited aad prioted by beys wko have learned Ike trade nt gev erayteat Indie schools. MatblM Urease is in charge ef tke milky. Ho has seven forgo, and about M boys take tbls eearee, ThU departmeat does repair work, horse asMeiag. nad veklele work. Oeerge Melee of abUem was la charge fr three mouths, and this I a popular trade with tbe ladiaa beys. Ckema wa kiaekemltbj are sea tiered all ever tke Pueiaa aortbwasi, Tko paint shop. In eoaaectloa wltk tke wagon nkep. ewploys seven beys, bat nil were oat palattag tke build lags. They da all tke ealeladalag aad laoMe painting. Tkere are a aumber of inUkad wagooa eoaetaatly kept o head. Cbarloa II. Woeaa aad Oeorse Itaasea are I ebargo of carpeater work, with about If boys workiag aader them. Tbe old building known aa tbe medium boys' balbilag Is being tamed el ed aad made ae good as aew. f FAMOUS R.EMEDY T ant 4 UV couch with Omsssb Brrunr Aa1 se lnr flrtlyoi. osttar lesr Tm fcraW taw tlua ef IT User eJTbe poor csMteumpuve sbonbl not be tbe viciian al exDerMNent. a be oftesi M. but the tsMMsmnt ttc dread disease aseai feeUlUjKeeesieebesboMbl b give Jse scaec's Gemsaa Syrup a pore, wm-n bobc aiesbnae tbat ia made ftpeoaUy Mr Ikr ruit at mKHUnaUun. Mid bS a Warbi- widc faase as a certain rsssWy for ealarrhL eoldc C9uebs. croup, sote throat aad all braeu bud af ccuoaa ui c Id and yosMag. Cflt is sold in all avilued ooojitnea, and has been famous as a ooaeasnpwoa outc fisr mltualt bid a CttBtUTV. OTrul kotile. 2a. Mtif bottle. 75- At all druggists throughout tbe wvrbX s Bold ia Balea by 8. a Stone. Mv v Jlw maalr' Yaf 1 I lsaaf r Mnm I I lnH T nHsU I MISOKLLANEOTIB. Balem Iron Works rounaers, maebin lata and blacksmiths. Manufacturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. ITop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of tho Balem Iron Work Hop Press. ll-M-lm Sb Hotel Ooott Nowly rarnlsnod, eTery thing clean aad sret ckao, Itoonn at roftsoaablo prtoos. In Cottle block, Satan. A. Scott, prop. 7-0-tf. Clean ObimDOyn. Qcorso 8 tough ia in tho olty, ready to olcan out chim neys, stove pipes and f urnacec. Avoid tho danger of tiro by having your ehimneye leaned now. Leave orders nt Meyers' barber shop. 4 7lw Wanted, Turkic, geeeo, dneae, ohlek ens aad aU farm produce, Ilighcei cash price pcid for eamo. Capital Commlselcn Ooropaay, 207 Oommer olal etroot. Telcpbene 170. At Your Btepmother'o Boo can otonm clean or dye thorn, and save you a now suit, prooa and ropalr, rellno, furnish button. Tho moat dolloato fnbrioa can bo cleaned by her dry cleaning rnothod without Injury. It dooa not shrink or change Its color. It ia noxt to Tho Journal omco, Sll Oommorolal atroet TOKSOItlAL sskrfk4sseasssh B vans' Darbor Bhop. Gverythlng now aad up to date. Finest poreslaln batha. Shaving, 15v, balreuttlngSfie batka c First class bootblacks, 0. W, Wvane, Proprietor. VXTBRINARY SUROBOK Dr. E. J. Young-Veterinary enrgcon and ttatlet, 33 yiars' oxperieneo. All work guaranteed. Dlffleult surgical epcraUone a eelalty. Phono 081. Office at Club Stables. Phono 7, Ba lorn, Oregon. 3-0-tf CONCRBTn AND OBMENT WORK. J. P. Voatea, eontraetor ami builder of oemeot wnlka, SopUo sower tanks, funMUoM ami fieore,' 80S Marlon street. 3-S-tf LODOUS. roreeters of America Court Bherwoed Foresters, No. 10. Mseta Tuesday in Hurst hall, State street. U. 8. Ulder, a U.) A. L. Drown, F. 8, Central Lodge No, 18, K. of P.-Csrtlt Hall In Helwan blesk, corner Stats and Liberty streets. Tuesday of oach wook at 7i30 p. m. J. O. Orahani, 0. aj W. L Btaley, K. of IU and H. Modern Woodmeo of Aaertes- Ore- gen Csdar Camp, No, 0040. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, Ilolmaa HaH. W. W. HIM, V. C. F. A, Turner, Clerk. Woodaixa ef World. Meet wtf Fri day night at 7:30. In Ilolman Hall. A. J. lWuwy, a a P. U Frailer, elerk. 110-tf IJVEHY AND BALD 8TABLHB. Bed rroot BUblee llret-elsee IWsry, boarding aad sale atablss. ltubber tired buggies and fine driving eteek. M, h. Ilarrod, propriotor, t71 Che meketa etroot. Phono Mala 73. 10-14-lyr rood Barnv Special attention to trw stent teama. Farmers' patroasge ee lleltod. Waiting rooms for iadlen Wo also carry a full line of feed, Located at Club Stables, eorasr Lib erty aad Ferry street. Phono Main 7. Prunk Darby. M-li-Om Tko girls' lavatory baa bona rebuilt, give a cement Hear nad loMeied per fectly sanitary. Tbe ah eel raised IU own potatoes last, year, aad dried 10,000 pounds of prunes, aad carries oa other farming operatic en a large sonic. Cnlvta A. Heaser, recently of Seattle baa reeeetiy bee Installed as plumber for Use whole plant. He if an iatellb tpet young American from IlHneis., w4m) hopes to became a permeeeal fix ture, fits wife arrived today. Tho poultry yard Is stocked wltk 150 Plymouth Keek aad White Wyandotte eblekeee, an incubator and five black (all deer. Tbey are alt I nor easing la the mild Orcgea climate, aad several fawns are dao to arrive teen. Assistant Buperiatoadeat Campbell's aew footage has bad tke greutd grad ed aad planted with rosea. A now baseball ground has been grad ed, with a quarter of a wile track and atkletle field oss of the best la the state. Zee Cream Booial At Ue Kaiser eobael bouse, three miles north of Balem, Saturday oven lag. April 14th. All are invited. A good musical and literary program will bo given. st OSTEOPATHS. Dr. W. Ik Meroer, Graduate of Kkbo vile, Mo, nnder founder of oeteo pnthy. Itooma 86-20 Drey man bld, Commercial Bt, phono 019. Beel dence 410 N. Bummer st... phono 014. Treats acute aad chronic disease. Bxaainattono free. Dr. B. XL White, Oraduate of Ekko vilsl, Mo,, under founder of osteo pathy. ltoom 21 Breyman bldf Ooraaierclal st phono 87, IUaldcneo 500 State, eor. Church, phono Hit. Treats acute nnd ehronie dlaeaaea, Bxaatlnatlona free. rmrsioiAK and stjrqbok. Dr. Oartwrlght llaa resumed general practice, aad will bo found la roots 10, over LadJ t Push's bank. Offlee hours 11 a, m. to 4 p. m. OJQee phono Main 10, residence pfceaej Main 107. 12-WW Dra. Lane and ariffln Cure Drng, Liquor and Tobacco habits la free two to three dayo actual treatment. Cures guaranteed. Their Institute Is at 001 Mill street. Phono No. 047. Persons desiring information oan ob tain it at down-town ofllec, room 0, ITolman block, Balem 3-30-tf BASK AND DOOtt rAOTOREBII. rraTarnT?fironMInaeTut stsh, doora, mouldings. All kinds of house finish and hardwood work. Front street between Blnle and Court WATflfl COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OmOH OTIT XIALL. For water service apply nt fate, mils payable monthly in advance. Make all complaints at the ofllec 61"' " i ' is i i ihlJ When You Greet Your Best Girl You should always be well groomed aad well dressed and have your Itaea Immaeulat ia Us snowy whiteness aad exquisite Onlsh. You sau keep It that way seaelaniiy, nnd nt small cost when yea have it laaadrled at tbe HALBM 8TBAM LAUNDRY. Colonel, J. Olmateed, Prop. Derm D. Olmateed, Mjrr. lhoae M. 1M-104 Uberty flt. fast Arrived One ear af woven wire field fcaec Special dlseouat till April Ktk. We have large stock af field, Uwa and poultry feaoiagj sbtagles, pests, gate aad P. k B, ready reeaag, AH at lew- aanf ff'Stfefl Sesj SsScsjU WALTER MORLEY, 000 Ceort St. aulem, Or. BRICK ltriek furnished la Urge or small quantities. Prewed brick made tJ order. Yard oa State strset, seutb of Peelteaitary. BALEM BRICK YARD. A, A. 11URTON, Prop, Tie Fashion Stables Formerly Simpson's BtabUe. Up-to-date livery ami eab llae, Fa neral turnouts a epeolalty. Tnlly& for plenlee aad exearslaaa, Phono 44. Obaa. W. Yaanka, Prop, 247 and 040 High Street. " " " ' '" "" NEW LANGE HOTEL When you visit Portland, Ore., bo euro and atop at Tbe Now Lange Ho tel, next door to tho Imperial. Bate 60s, 75e aad OLOO per day. Hoc trio light, call bells, elevator, steam beat, free bath ad free baa, All outsldo rooBut with running water. Sold to Saleas by S. a aHoae. mmmmammanvwmmmymmmmmtmmmm pHiEftSI 1 ass a!iu'c I 3) Mil Mr- n.iuMiin.liHlll SWOMI71MlM.l M m umnesnBtCAtco..TS. ! ; W ! I 1 toiti' .!'