Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 13, 1906, Image 5

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    DAILY CgAirJOUftyAaAiaiM, OEEOOy, FEIDAY, APBII, 13, 1906.
re SB
mw s Jb1
Great Reduction
On National Biscuit Company 'a .pack
jo goods.
QnOuuu CrackcrB.
iTcre 13 now 10s
All 15c Gradca Now 10c.
t Meal Oraekors 10c
ld Timo Sugar Cookies 10c
cinl Tea Biscuit 10
rnnilla Wafers 10c
rotnna ... .....10
ivo O'clock Tea. 19
Pnnev Assortment 10c
eo.inut Dainties 19
Hcc30 panuwieaes ice
latter Thin Wafers IN
Mbcrt Biscuits 10
kbisco, in tin to" aad 10c
aceda Ginger Wafers 10c
necJa Biscuit ...ft
ulcm's Leading Grocers, Cenfectlen-
ra and Baker.
456-400 SUto Street.
Phonos 188-187
Caster Showing
il'VlMits and the breath ef spring
Some together," And we eaa supply
Sll the other dllfchtfw1 odors that are
sought after by tbe ladles la their
tier preperatioo.
Aui all the beet French perfume
' r in stork
roomer SUto and CommoroUl Streets,
Grand Opeta House
1 tooth Tnrkiagtoa aad toveiya
jA polish actor"-!. I. KzamU-
HIA eharmiat? uUr " . r. Chronicle.
iflfriM 84V 73r. sl. 00 and slJMi.
m. omV opens Saturday at a. m.
"if J'WFWi B "fWW JmV
U the leave, do act lajore
tbBt delloelo foliage, awl wblej
jcmIm effective aad efemlty against aU
ittag insects fur et not be
(fleeted by heavy rata.
Sor Sale By
Poultry aad Bee Supplies.
5 Com'! Phone 160
Tradc Mirks
Copyrights Ac.
I MB ding s tkateh u4 dtertytlua au?
t fi tilAftt UDfT tut I
: tc
t uMiu, vitbont cbrt, la
eti uua uioui miu
iMflfic JfmerKtiH.
sir Ostntl vetUr Vtsttmtttt.
.NM Co ,8 Hew Yw
See a Frenchman as Portray
ed by a Hoosier and Pre
sented by a Yankee
Abaerldag entertainment whleh also
is aa intellectual treat le the certain
ty at the Grand Opera House next Sat
urday, when that scholarly aetor, Cm
ton Clarke, reappears la Booth Turklag
ton's beautiful romantic remedy,
"Meauealre" a dramatic Myll ef a
eeutary age la whleh there Is a mlog
Una; of seatlmeat. ahlralry and heroism
The feme ef Mr. Clarke's portrayal f
the masquerading Preach prince of the
title rote has gone from one end ef the
country to another and has become sy
nonymous with eeurtlttaoM, grace, no
blllty nnd dramatic power. AH I
season Mr. Clarke wan triumph after
triumph as " ilea uca Ire, " a record
whleh be now Is mora than repeating.
Those who see him this year will enjoy
both him and bts production at its best
Manager J ale Murray last summer was
prodigal In the extreme In renewing
the eecuie and costume equipment so
that now, from a pictorial standpoint,
"Heaucuiro" surpasses Iteelf of biet
year. Mr. Clarke, from his greater fa
miliarity with the hero's role, has elab
orated the character this seamen la
many details which giro bis portrayal
greater potency and eloqoeuee. Un
doubtedly his "amnoealre," ae It
Hand today, marks the highest
achievement m alt his dlUngld ca
reer. Tbe literary merit of Mr. Tnrk
ington's play m impremdng lUeif deep
ly upon the Intellectual audience
which Invariably greet Mr. Clarke.
" HMMmlr ' M h1iu 4a mA auwli unaa
the Hternry tabic as before tbe foot
lights. Vet action to never sacrlaced
to diction nor climax to rhetoric. The
entire pwy paisca with movement, ha
mor and emotion.
HUtorloAl Boto and RoHgleu.
In the absence of tbe historical sense,
they could treat all the words of Jesus
as directed to tkomieive. Hat TMbllca)
taveetigatloa makes tbli Impossible. As
we have seen, Jetua knew nothing of
many of tbe moral and seel I tasks
which today we cannot escape, lie
sides, be bad a view of tbe world which
made him IndiaTereot to the groat bis
tortcal future of society. In bis opinion.
the end of the world wns at band,
lleace to accumulate capital, to ad
vance sdeuoo and art, to ameliorate
economic nod political conditions, to
improve tbe tools of our toll any, to
fulfil tbe lrt great commandment to
multiply nod roploubw the earthjhow
could ho fool moral obligation la any
of these direction with his thought of
a a Imminent caesnlc catastrophe f ills
ethlrc was "end ethics."
Aad so it ic Jesus' hletorleal hltua
tloa and has apprehension of tbe world
that separate him from as. We owe this
insight to historical laveetigatlon. We
are not confronted with the end of the
world, but with an luinltude of task
which tbe Ood of nature and of bhrtery
baa seat to us. Conceiving tbe situation
aa Jesus did, he acted veractoueiy la It;
cjMMoivtag the situation aa we do, it
would be self deeeption or worse to act
as be did. We can be like his character
only by being unlike his conduct. Vec
acloucaacs led him to have no lotetett
such as ears in tbe secular and social
life. Vers cicmii ins sock ae his leada u
to a life that is the apposite of hit.
Imitation ef Jesus oasVs la uuveraeiows
now. Subjection to bis prsoopis U sep
aration from himself. He who severs
bimsolf from tbe world sinks Into bar
barlm which is the delaite secularise
Uoa of a human being; that is precisely
oas of tbe evils from which Jesus would
save man. Jesus' staadpoiat was as far
removed from uafree subjeetlee. of the
j arsenal to the natural as to tbe tra
ditional. In bis situation he summousd
boik tbe traditional aad tbe natural be
fore the judgment seat of the morally
accessary; and bow that his words bare
in torn become traditional, obedience
to bis vriH requires us to apply bis owa
principle to his own words. To attempt
to Imitate Jesus ia the absence of aay
moral aseemity ia our situation for do
ing so bas long injured the cause of
Jesus; and we should be grateful that
bistorioal study bas exhibited the im
possibility ef suck a work ef tuperere
gatioa, aad effect our emaaoipatlea
from tbe yoke ef the leosl aad tbe tem
poral. Dr. George Borimaa Foster ia
the "Frivolity ef Ue Csricilaa Be
O ii
The booby prise for sheer gall is
awaitiajr the orders of the Harlem
burglar who garbed as a SalvaHoa
Army member, 4riHed a safe, aad
rubbed the baby 'a bank after starting
tbe family phonograph playing "On
ward Chrlstua Soldier " N Y Evea
lag Telegram.
Salem People Should Take Vliol.
Oar well kaown drwggisis, Q. W.
Pu4am Os sayt 'We do iM mit?
there is a man. woman or child hi Sh.
lem whom our famous cod Mver Ml
preparatton, Vlnol, will not beaoflt at
this seaeoa of the year.
We belioVe there is no nd for o
many people to drag around rnn-4owa
tired oat aad debilitated, or for od
leople to remain weak and inarm
when we guarantee Vlaol will rtotove
health and rifor."
Continued member of tbe abor
flrmt "IV centuries cod titer oil bat
been recognised as the grandest of all
body-building agents for wasted hu
man strength and vitality, but on no
reuntof the henry aaaeeatlng ami a
temlouiug oil which MvemmM Its
curat Ire properties few could Mtke y
with any benefit.
In Vlnol you get In a eoneeutratmJ
form every one of the eurnttv and
strength-creating elements of cod liver
oil actually takea from free eod'
livers, aad without a drop of oft to tip
set tbe stomach and returd its work.
Vlnol U not n pnlent mediotne And
yon Know what you are taking, ne
everything It contains Is named on the
back label of every bottle.
Vlnol Is guaranteed by ever two
thousand of tbe loading druggist of
the United States to create strength
for obi people, for the run-down, Ured.
and debilitated, weak, sickly women
aad children, and after a severe etok
aces. We ask every percoa in Salem who
hare hacking coughs, chronic colds,
throat and bronchial troubles to try
Vlnol on our guarantee It coeta
nothing If It falls." a. W. luam Co.
Druggists, Snlcm, Oregon.
Ia the Moea XHbabtte47
Science bas prove that the moea bas
an atmosphere, which makee llfo la
seme form pecttble en that satellite;
but act for human belaga who bnvo a
hard enough time en tali earth of ours;
especially these who don't knew that
Mectrlc Hitter euro headache, blllem
near, malaria, chills and fever,. Joun
dies, dyspepsia, dlulness, torpid liver,
kidney complaints, general doblllty and
femalo weakncM. Un)uaed aa a
general tonic and appetiser for weak
persons, eapoolally for tbe aged, It
Induces sound sleep. Fully guaranteed
by J. 0. Perry, Druggltt. Price only
Tbe two cent railroad fare promisee
to be a prominent plank la all state
platforms la 'the next campaign.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
' n . i..
The deed of Medicine,
People iMsistiag that medicine dees
no good, have one stubborn faot to ooa
tend with, that to, tbe people who do
believe are greatly la tbe majority. We
have boon so fortunate during toe past
M years aa to convince thousands of
euaTorera with weak, watery blood, who
bad all tbe symptoms of n general
breaking down of tbe system that one
medicine, at leaM, does good. Kervous
and unsteady people, weak, accede
people, pimply, pale or sallow people,
eaa have sireeg, steady nerves and solid
besHky Aaeb by Ue uee ef Dr. duau's
Mood and Xcrvc Tonic A tablet to
take at meal time, it turn the food
you oat Into rich, red blood, making
solid aeb at the rote of 1 to S lbs.
per week. Sold by alt druggists for
Tbe per box, or 1 boxes for It. Tail
medicine saves doctor bills aad inoaroi
health, giving the vary best treatment
A Kew York actress baa takea
bath ia brandy. Probably wanted tc
keep la good iplrKt.--Wahlagiea Poet
If you would lose tkat dull obi head
ache, Aad feel as Hveiy as a flea,
Make baste to your drsggist
Aad bu seme Becky Mountain Tea.
Dr. Stoac's Drug Store,
Tbe Cuban republic bas a siaaalag
army ef torn), but tbe smalt army of
grafters down there bas not yet b
enumerated. Jacksonville Citisea.
Ballard's Horeboaad Syrsp.
Immediately reUsvec hearse, creepy
cough; oppressed, rsttMag, raspiag aad
dimeult breathing. Hsnry a Stearas
druggist, Sbullsburg, Wis., writes, May
M. 19ei "I bave beca setting Bal
lard's Horcbouad Syrup for two years.
aad bave never had a preparation that
his given better eaUsfaetlcn, I notice
that when I sell a boitUi they come back
for mere. I eaa heaeetly recommend
it." , Mo and 1. Sold by D. J.
Dowa ia Bauaoai eeuaty there was
aa epidemic of buralag saw whisk
sorely troubled tbe doctor wthe was
also aJUetcd with Ue same malady. It
subsequently developed that on the
day the trouble appeared aa old faib
laned "sewing society" btd bees iu
cperat jb Hope, N D , Flcoecr
iuJge Burnett toft this morning for
Albany. i
J. It. Poaland hue game to Qervals for
tbe day.
Ilea aVtaire Parear m a lrtknel vis
itor lock.
C. If. Itlngoa wont to Portland on
hjulnsn today,
Mrs. PhMOOtt aad daughter weal to
Iortlnnd todaj.
Harry Kobcrtu wont to Portland yes
terUy nftoraoou,
W. P. Mmore, of Iwowns villa, was In
the rlty yesterday.
J. M. Howe, of Wugene, b traasaoMag
buslaes sin the city.
The Misses Curse have gone to Hub
bard for an outing.
J. M. Harban, of Mill City, has gone
to Ml. Angel for a visit.
Pellx thanks went to Wocdburn on
a buetneM trip this morning.
JeaorsoH Myers, our "Jeff," ar
rived from Portland on the lli? train.
Prank Derby was among tbe south
bound paouger oa the lliU train
C. W. l'ogue went to lertland this
morning to attend the Prohibition ooa
veutioa. J. K. tbepard. maaator of tbe cream
ery, went to Portland on a badnnu trip
talc morning.
Mrt, Thee. Jory has gone to Oorvais
to visit her daughter, Mm. Dr. Mllos.
for a f ow days,
Charles Dick, the trsveliag maa, woe
amoag tbe norUibouad pseoewgers oa
tbe morning train.
J. X. omepard, maangor of tbe Capi
tal Cream Company, boa foac to Nab
bard today on business. I
Mrs, . It Waters aad Mm. Oee. L
Mooe bave gone to Portland to speed
a few days with friends.
Mrs. C. M. Saettea, one of tbe score
Uiice la the governor's earns, toft to
day for a brief visit la Pertlaad.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hooves, of
Porttoad, were bore for a vfctt yester
day, aad returned homo this moralag.
Mrs. H Snook aad family left today
for Tillamook to spend tbe summer,
whore Mr. Snook has a Urge eeatraoi.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John C. KnowUnd re
turned yeaiorday from a long vUU la
CaUforam for Mr. Kaowlaad 's bosltb
Archie Jormaa, who has boon taking
treatment nt on of the PocUaad seal
teriams, baa kstpiovad soimoiontly to
be bouM agala,
A. U. Thorn as and wife, of Kewport,
returned borne today,' after attending
tec funeral ef Mr. Thomas' father, the
lata It. A Thomas.
Mrs. Wommaiidoef aud daughters,
stcr nice aad Jtoxaaa, have goes to Port'
land for aa Hester visit with Mr. Worn
BMatntorf, who is la bueiaeee there
K. A. Beak, of this city, wfao is la
Portkad aUeadlag the aaaaal coafer
coos of tbe BvangoHoal AMooiaUon,
boea eboeen soorotary ef thai
Mr. aad Mrs. J. If. Aokcrmaa aad
dasgbtor went to Hood River today to
atiead tbe golden weddlag of Mrs. Aok
crmaa 's paroats, Mr. aad Mrs. Wm,
Dr. Clarence Hartley aad wife, for
morty of Juaotioa. who bave boea vis
iting bore, will leave this afternoon for
Waoca, awcrmaa aooaty, wbore they
will reside.
Mies Soataioe Webb, of Albany.
petted taroumt Salem yesterday oa bar
way to Pertlaad, to make her home
during tbe summer with her aaat, Mrs.
II. J. Faulk aor.
D. X. Swank, a prominent racjdeat ef
AamsviUc. icturasd ysstsrdsy from a
twe-montba' visit ia Calif eraia. Mr.
Swaak was la Salem today aad made
this ettee a eall
Joba 0 Waelsy, the great ProM
b Uis. st, and tditor of tbe "New
Baste Gloiiikig
Every maa Ilfccs to be attir ed well on Easter Sun
day. Now Is a splendid time to select the new spring
soft, top coat, and many other dress accessories.
Suits and top coats.
$12.50, $15.00, $20.00, to $25.00
I'Sptiog Shapes ia Hats
jQ if-In the very latest colors-blacfc, pearl, tan-fancy
bands, made of the highest qualities.
SeM Roberts $3.00 Hat and the John B. Stetson, make
A splendid showing of Easter cravats at 50c
Salem Woolen Mill Store
Velee," went to Pertlaad this morning
to attend tbe state ecnvcntlea of this
party, whleh Is to be held there to
rHJTe e
Tbe marriage ef Miss Maggie llrun
dridge and Mr. Dante) (tiger, both of
Itreoks, was setemHlsed by Judge Tur
ner yesterday afternoon. Immediately
after the ceremony the couple left for
llroeks, where they will make their
David Haned, a bright young a ens
pa per maa, nt present employed oa the
Portland Journal, was In the city yes
terday. He called, with bis friend, H.
U. M or eland, en the horse editor, who
was so glad to see hint that he forgot
to mention thn fast.
Superintendent Aekerman will be In
Pendleton April 17th, to deliver an ed
ucational address President Oampbell.
of the Stato University, will also be
present. This gathering bas been
planned by Prof, h. It. Trover, former
ly superintendent at the rklem schools
but new boldtng a similar position in
thn Pendleton schools.
9100 Reward, 10O.
Tbe readers ef this paper will be pleas
ed to team that thero U at least eac
dread disease that science has been able
to cure ia alt Ha stages, and that Is
OaUrrh. Hall's Catarrh Ours is the
only positive euro new knewn to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
eeaetltotleaal disease, teOjUlree a con
stitutional troatwoat. Hall's OsUrrh
Oure Is taken Internally, aotlag direct
y upon tbe bleed and mucous seefsee
ef the system, thereby destroying tbe
foundation of the disease, aad giviag
the patient strength by building up
toe constitution nnd aislstlag nature
la dolag Its owa work. Tits preprint'
ors have so much faith la Its curative
powers "that they offer One Hundred
Dellorc for any esse that It falls to
cure Scad for list ef testimealsls.
Address F. J. OlImtfHY & CO, To
Isdo, 0.
Bold by all druggists, 1ft.
Take Hall's Family Pills for eeeetf.
pa ties.
ricaeers meet Officers.
TWo board of directors of the Oregon
oVmMs)9Vr Cr'S'm'o'4"jsdgoBJe) olsmnmPo SwSesao
tag sleeted earners and made arraage
moats for tbe Wth annuel reunion, to
bo bold Thursday, June 14th, in Pert
sand. The speaker selected for that
day was Allen Weir, of Olympic, ex
president of the Waibiagtoa pioaeers
Kov. A. J. Huasaeker, of MoMinnville,
was caosoa abaulaia, aad Joseph Itueb
t-cl grand marshal
The woman's axilliary will be under
tbe direction of Mrs. Charlotte Oart
wright. Tbe cAUers obesea srei
John W Mlaco, president (l&it);
George H. Ilimes. secretary (1MI); dl
rooters, M. Magors (Mot). Kobcrt A.
Miller (1H), Judge William Galloway
essemsmsMiiiU cm
Dr. Bergio, Paaa, III, wrlteet "I
bave used Ballard's Baow Llslmsntj
always rscommeaded it to my frlsads,
as I am eoaadsat there Is ao better
made. 'It is a daady for bsras.' Those
whe live oa farma are especially liable
to many acoUental outs, burns, bruises,
wblob heal rapidly whea BaUard'a
Snow Liniment is applied. It should
always be kept ia the bouse for eases
of emergency." Sffc, We and 91. Sold
by D J. Fry.
in i
A Pleasant Evening.
At tbe homo ef Mrs. Lewis, coraer of
Trade aad Winter streets, a most pleas
ant party was given la boner of Mr. C.
A. Mason by a somber of University
students from smstera Washington last
Wsdaecday evening. The time passed
quickly, tbe ovealsg being spent in
playing games aad story telling, fie
freabaents were served.
Our VUlsgo Clerk.
That many have net heard ef the
greater rklem, the thriving and thrifty
city of which we are the proud rest
dents, was shown the other day by" a
communication Intended for the city
recorder, and which was uddreesed to
"The VWsge OtcelC" The Incident
only empbattsec tbe fact that the
0 renter Salem Commercial Club can. do
a little more advertltlag with profit
Its equal as a euratlva agent dftoi
not exist. So perfect Is the medUlaal
no to challenge tho admiration of the
me Meat profession. Hook Ic HallUter's
Keky Mountain Tea. W seats, Tea
er Tablets, Dr. B tone's Drug Store.
The Beotttsh Kite Mnsene ef this olty
held their annual MauHdy.Thureday
bnmiuet at the Hotel Willamette last
evening. Judge Moore, of the supreme
court, presided, and made a short ad
HoMUtor'a Hetky Mountain Tea Is
a wonderful spring teals. It drives out
nil Imperil!. A good thing for the
whotc family. Keeps you well all sum
mcr. M osnts. Tea or Tablets, Dr.
sHojhiNi Drug Store,
$20 CUT
The Sharpies
Cream Separator
The meet interesting aotM that tbe
dairymen have bad la taajty a 4f Is
tbe cat la the ptloc of tho Sharpies.
It Is stimulating trade wonderfully,
aad separatees ate seltteg right aad
There's ao reason far aay one pur
chasing aay ether make ef maahlae
whoa the Sharpies earn bo bad at these
$80 for the No. 4
$65 for the No. 3
$55 for the No. 2
These arc juet (fie) loss than the old
Kern ember that the Sharpies supply
eaa is just waist high, no straining the
book or ommbtng oa abalr to reach it.
The operator ana pour la the milk while
continuing to turn she crank.
Remember that the bowl is a smooth,
tube with but one thin shell latide at
the upper cad to remove aad wash
Others have alt sorts ef "fixia's" In
side, all of wblob most be thoroughly
cleaned, or you will have tainted cream.
Remember that ta gears are entirely
ea closed from the dust, aad run la oil,
beaoe do aot wear out, and there is sot
tho constant worry about turalsg oa
the ell enp and turning it oa again.
Ceil aad inspect or scad for catalog
F. A. Wiggins
2$-M7 Liberty aUroet.
Farm. I6fJcfttv Wkeele, Aatosao-
RrwUx Mtoftlaesi aad Be&BtU
ma smmmfnT