DAILT 0A2IXAL JOUBKAI. 8AISM, OBSOOIf, rEIPAY. APRIL 13, 190S. 9 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL l amawoi BY HOFER BROS, Publishers and Proprietor. T TVTy!Ct,ff lmJslF JVB'A BXBOTION DATES TO RBMKMBEB. Primary otecttoa April 20. Eegfetrlen book agate epeaed April 20 and etoeo Ma 18. Last day fer flllag bassos (or state And dlatrkt e&eos Maxell 99. last day f aBa name f eeaatgr ofaeeii April 1 OactTMntBg votes for Donlaattsg state and. district eaadidatQB May fi. Loot day far RUng BOs&uUag pott ttoa foe eoanty offUc May 19. IadC day far AUsff eettAaaatai of seat laatka May 5. Oeaersl eloctfoa Jbbo 4. Tim DINNER FAHi BRIOADB, Tb city f Bslcm Imh a few iaeeita ttaas thai give permaarat spkymoat taw lftr4 system, the mwmilk aad wka milk. THHRS M LB88 STRBBT IM PROVBMENTS AND PUBLIC IM PROYBMBNTS THAN ANY 0TTY Or Tins size on Tin: coast. Lei aay Mas wIm waat to see Ufa activity. elrprt4, go out oa Seat Ceaierkl street, aad see tb kbvren ompkyed lbre. THERE 0U0HT TO BE TUN SUCH STRBBT IMPROVEMENTS IN SALEM. ' The U baekt briaaaVt k what make it Mv Uwa. All 11m araUa! la th world would not d at without bjvast- MMa J4eajtMsTy MM4nirfVW)ff Mjrf9IM aaalaB , jaoj lea BjaaCt NPWI " aaBwBOBj mam la ai meh IisbsbH to any cam nm ally. TJIB NSW OANNBRY AND TICK PAINT FACTORY WILL BB 00D hbnd TO WORKING PBOPLB. Th naw eketri road t Portkad will be a MMan of pallia; new Ufa la to tk antry Half-Sick When your nerves are weak, when you are easily tired, when you feel all run down, then is the time you need a good strong tonic Aycs Sarsaparilla. Your doctor will tell you why it has such power over weak nerves, why it makes the blood rich, and why it gives courage and strength. Ask him if it is not just the medicine you need. We have no secrets! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. AIM MwriMHttli t Antra sits Twoa-ret tk uk. atkr'8 HUA-rtwtinUt. ATBR'a OKXBST PXOTRAt-rC M(ki. ATX&'S ASITB 0VKS-7K auUrta aal an oaord for bird shootiag dnriag tag yri 1W1. 1W, 1W aad 19W was 87 bird ia 1M1, la H1 SO im 1WI. aad 50 is JM, aaaklag a tal t tt Of this aawabar I sM S6, of wkWik 75 ww ok brd, Tals year aay klllif rrd Is N WrV I "WJ J wttk ta tztra avaiber ktltod oat of mum aad tke aaawax killed for BMrk . w bare fwr ktft for l thaa aay yoar prorioa. Skoold aoxt yoar ba a faroroMo aoa, we may aave a od crop, as norc depeoAs oa tb waatbtr thaa tbc lanbor of keas left rer. For oxaatpio, tb yoar 1W0 wai fsrorablo for taw Write, aad I am fe ia nyiat; tbat th average that yoar ia tkla pari of the eoaatry w tea bird to tb boa. Tba aoxt yoar the arerafe waa aot aioro thaa three birdf to the kea, da to bad waatbor. NOT U3INO "JOHN BROWN'S BODY" AS A OAMPA1QN BONO.1 That U the old Ropoblieaa taotie that; lb bora la bio aiarehed to. aad St ! aoaada faod ia Jtepablleaa oari today. What do tboy ear today for the ftrtaelato that Joha Krowa, Abrakaai Uaeola aad otbor foaadori of th party dlod for, eoMparod to tbo rarioaa pollt leal baa tboy mo ftaditlaa; frl Tboy woald aot booHalo to wipe the bop ladowtry oft tbo fa of the artn If It wool dproatoto tbo latoroat of th aMOhlao. A TALK ABOUT PHEASANTS NAWIJIY AND JOHN BROWN. Tba editor of thit papor ha aot at taokoi Prof. Hawloy for hk Utar oa Joha larowa, tbo Uttoaaaaa to th eoa trary aotwlthoiaadiag. It la doalod thai Prof Hawloy did attack th woav ory of Joba llrawa. A elrraku I bolaf ai to erory body, aad U Matoaaaaa had bottor Klv It radra th troth aboat th HwtUr, lat'l of paraoaalltU. LTtT IT OlVli ITS RBADIJKJi T1U1 rAOTH and Tim Tnunr. Tkla p4per baa kpt lh Joha Hre-wa watUr dwwa to a wiaiaiMai, aad ba no doidro to harrow ap tbo foollagt of lh oawaalty ovor It. It waa aa aa fortaaalo aiatr at lb tlaao, aad all triad to lot Hawky dowa aay. Tb ortflaal aeoaawt aad th taaat of iho Oraad Amy poota aad th Miller abool th Joha Brawa loclar appaarod ia the Koa papon aad did al rlanaau with lh Oapilal Joaraal. T JrM ihr editor of la Capital JMraal iai ike wattf to aoaoaa, aa bo ia aot eaUdat ftt roagr. aa f bad aoiklaf to ! ailh nakla aat ataa a eaadidate. JfAWIjrr OAKPA10N MANACBRS ATHAUaK RTARTR9 OVTTO OX OITY WAIVTam TOOCB by publtabiai a pa la Ik Newbvig tlraphie. a Ilawiv) Nti. Ihal Tuoe Uttak ia aiaa, reail a aaluoa, waa a gaai bier, at. Tbat hiad of high loaod apabiaia roartad, aad aw they parado UawUr aad Booioyak a aoMakur all to throw ao hriaha, Tbo brloka baaaa l oaaa froea th oihor ditoatioa, aad they ry ijail. OUf.4H.ao d Wapahlliaakai daoa ai eatar Mtto tb tbaaffct of lha Haw lay aaajpalga anaa)aii. Tboy thlak Moto of preklMtloa aad tbo aloeod loam pollt Uaa tbo do of protoatloa, aoaad aioaay at palrkUoav Ooa thiinr k aerlaia, TIFBY AKB LBT US BB TJlANXrUL. That w ar la pefal Oroaaa, aad al aaar to thai awful, Ire-roaltlat; ntoaalala. YoaaHai. WB NAYS VOLOOflO MOUN TAINS, BUT TKHY ARB BBAUTI ruL, psAourtrii, dombntio, wbll BBIIAVSD. A Game Lover Writes a Friend About China Pheasants and Other Things Mr. BU1I Taylor i Yoara of lb Hk lait to anad all 0. K. Waald bar aawworod ooaor bat bar ba axtra baay. Ia roaard to tb Chlaa pbaaaaat rakia two brood par yoar, will aa) that tbor k aot a ward of tratk la It. Th Chlaa boa will aaUk tbo aoaoad or third brood providod tb art aad aeeoad brood dl la lafaaey. bat If N oao kea t be hlowa ap. eorered ' tWtRB Uwom. that k all b wUI aoaeral Saaaaary. Th wKbor ia all eottioM wa dry aad Naohlay ap to Saturday, whoa eloadiaoe iaoreagd aad a few Matter- njt abowors fall ia th WillaaMtt ral ler aad th aortbora ooaot ooaatie. On tb foUowiat; day eaovror ooearred g-nrall.r ia all portloas of tb siat etrpt ia tb dry laterlor loalitlt Ob Tiieeday aad Wodaeaday moraiaft light froots were reported ia tb WH Umstt valley aad ia Doogrla, Jaka anl Joeophla coaatiM, aad freealag ticraturs oeaarred la the oaetera reetloB. Tkarsday moralafr was ako a froety moral a in a fow pkcoa wait of the Caoead awaatal, bat the froets oa this day were aot so heavy or ga eral a they wore , tb two prodiag Hay. Tharoday aad Friday aftoraooa aneoaaosaMy klfrh tetaperatarot pre vailed aad ia a fow pis tby wrr higher tbaa aay prarlowoly aoted oa early ia tb ioaaoa darlaa; the lat SO year or more. Tb twoporatar dor lag th opoaiaf aad eloelau day of the week wore about Normal. Modor- NOURISH the body, don't dose it with medicine. Scott's Emulsion is the best nourishment in existence. It is more than a food; you may doubt it, but it digests perfectly easy and at the same time gets the digestive functions in a condition so that ordinary food can be easily di gested. Try it if you are run down and your food doesn't nourish you. SCOTT & nOW.HK. 4, P, Hte, Ntw Ywk. WgaaaB-F Proper food will h' ia buylag you had ! ; store that has the tf the beet quality , it . seaable prices. -w aen - Uff; ately high Northwest wiads orred Taelay aftraooa ia the aortkweot etloa, aad the wiads were gaety aad blaeteriat; from the soatkwost oa Sua day afteraooa aad Bight ia the lower portioa of tb WUiaaiett valley and ia tbo t oaitios, bat oa the re BMlaiaa; days ef the week the wiads ia all portloas of the state were gen rally Mgbt. Baker, Lawrence &Bau Sueecssors to Harritt & Lttnalf SICK ALL THE TIME TIIB YOUNO MAN WHO HAS A BANK AOOOUNT-Hm may advaaUKtM ovor Um oa who aarrlo bla aunty U hU pkt. II kataa ta imv U eataJl ia wkioh tb oUiar fellow epaad in bolaff a "81 fdkw." II Wild Hp a 004 hnractor aad a goad orodU at tbo aaw tlai. 'lbl( piv bka a ohaae to atak advaataifooM la vteati whaa apporkuilty oftate, whtk (b "aood fallow" If you bay aa bank aotuo ia aad w will start yaw riakt. You A apa a oboakiag aaoaaat. wkkh dea aot draw latoroet, ar ya aa opea a aavlag aoaoaat waiok draw ln.txvt at three per at per aaauM, oompauaded aeial-aBsualty. Oa dIUr wlU opoa aa aouat, S&viagst Department Capital National Bank with aebea, borled aa-ler rel-hol. melt d. aiaallBs; lara. It k aapkeoaat to thlak of, and let a all rojoke to bo la Orofoa. Thoro k a vokaak raptioa aktod aad do to tmaopir la Oroaaa April J tOlb, AND A LITTLB HARTHQUAKB JUNK ITU. Bat wo aro aeod to lhao I blag Thy ar banakoj aad blood loot, thoafb palafvl. Tboy lar lb air, aettk lb miad of ta pooplo to odaro aaotaor roaad f toronHaoat aMkttoa. Aaaerleaa raptioa aad oxploaloas ar roaaaod to hkjhly-oird boad Mao la tb aowaaaaer- 4ab of rod ialu Bo wo have great roaaoa to a thaak fal. allboagh aa raptioa of Ml. Hood or Ml. Jotferoua WOULD BB TlfB ORBATBAT ADVHRTISBM3KT ORB QON OOITLD KAVK. A eroeloaal eraptloa of Mt Yeeuviae k the great drawlig eard of Italy. OAXDIJUTBti POR SBOOXD TBRMS Tb edilw f this papor is' boiag mk repfetoated. baeaaao be refuses boost for sum eaadtJate who are opposing atr who ar aatitlod to a aoad term. It k a asaaral priaeipl in th pab lie aervie that if a ataa boMiag a po litical e baa doao at all wU KB IS JsNTITLBD TO RBNOaCIXATION AT TJCB HANDS OP THB PARTY. Tbo Capital Joaraal k aapportlag have I ral tbat yaar. Tkk ba booa provoa right her by taralag tb bird tow 1b a largo park with mm wiag oat off at grot Joint. A dooea ba war tront ed tbk way, aad In oaek aeo on brood we tb reaalt. I have In wiy boa tb toatiwway of Veraoa DoOalr a bird raker In Now Jersey. II kept n krgo pboaaaatry with II varkii'-a of phaanta aad b Hat poMtK-elv that tboy only ralso oao brood pr yoar that laot yoar, 1WM. a good April. May I eoald giro yaa mar proof bat it k uaaMeoaary. Howwr, I may rentaik tbat bud yoar, lfl, prorod tkk beyond a doabt. Yaa will roasomber tbat ia IfCM w bad a goad April and Mny aad Juao aad oaly oao rain ia July, well, oaly aboat If par at of last year a bird nor lat oa and the war tbo oao that wore broken np In Juao by tb orowu, aad also th baying, wbkh bogaa abaat tbo MHh of June oa tbo elovor aad oaaiod aboat tb 10th of Jaly oa tba otbor klad of hay. If lb Chlaa boa rakod two brood par yaar, w woald bar had a many lat as arly bird. A to tbo auk. will any that wo aboald allow that, prortdod w allow to a kJUad at alL W al low tbo gaaaot ta saoad ta may for th gaiao aad aa aat mor thaa oa la tweaty aa kill for laaauolvoa. w. bwald allow that slaaa, tbo aa-boot- r, to bay a faw moatafuk of th game wbkh tboy eaaaot kill, All w la tbk oao k ta make J vry eaadidal for a atato or a oualy w ho I asokiag a reaoatiaatloa. If ogtoiak aaaaot bo gtvoa a aoooad Urm. imply bssaas mmm oaa ak waau th aako, bath th paalk sorvlaa aad th party erpniaatio woald saJEat. If W. J. Clwka, af 0rrk, or WUlk Daaalway was asaia priatar tbk paaar would ladaia tbam far a satoad tarau W w 11 saaarsx a isad torn to ovary WopaaHM atat aad aaty otkial. Roaaua wo sUad for this priulpk w ar aaakoud to proaal rttkiasa. Bat tbat prlaalpl k atroaaor aad hot tor oalaMUhad thaa aay aua'a kim oa tbo Bapablkaa patty. TV Oapital Joaraal saaaark taarlsT Oalvr, auu Priatar Whitaay. AtUr aoy Ooaral Crawford, Labor Oamatk Uaor Uo nad Jaago Hank, aad all poaple who hav asrvod th popU woll aad waat sooaad tarau. It waM sappart tb Ka. Bilk Oaark ar tb Hoa. WUBs Daaiway if taoy kM a trm aad waatd a so oad. IT IS A PRBTTY OOOD PLAN IN Tina WORLD TO DO UNTO OTinXRS AS YOIT WOULD HKB THBM TO DO UNTO YOU IT YOU WEBB IN THEIR PLAOB. Ma wba o aat tk broad vfewt aad sUad bgr w)Uti.bl!ih4 aad time, ttd prlaolpks da aot get to th bjgh t atatlou la this wrU. kaavy peaaltia for kiUiag boyoad th Ikatt. any 100 aa f ar ak bird, than Iho uy aaortnmsa wUI boy th Uw as it i aaw. Nat oaa la twaaty pays aay aUoalioa ta tbo limit, ptfty dack par wook ta tbo saauaar will aot tala aat tao aaaka, bat aaa baadrod ta twa baaaVod par day k) ta gaa k daa aa tbo Oahuaak kVos aad stoagh wUI, aftoc a fow yaar, oxtarmiaat tbo daakm. A la th aaasbor af birds, phoasaats kUlod par yoar la thk vkiaity, wiU aay that ia Uakey praelaat It will av rag SOO par yaar. Tb aaasaat b gaUy aurkatad was abaat U pr at af tkk, aad dariac Iho pan four years ha avoragai abaat It bird par yar to th gaaaar. ShatUag off the aak af birds kaa aaaad daaklo lb aaataar to a kUled oat af as Miaaarad to tb past four yoat. Tbo saatiiaeM ke k tbk. If w tut U th sarplas, w wtli at it aad thk yaar tbo aatUg bogan th 1st of Jaly. Th aaw gaa kw dattayd all ta ptotMtiaa that we bad karo. Xiat7 par at f th sbootsrs kr rktatad U kw aad killed aat af soasaa. How ever, tkre is a lpbale .ys, several of talm the preseat law, aad about a daaea fUwa ker ar oa to tha rask- at af taraiajj th birds lata swaey, aad xaay uw killed fow tkas u m&ay ahoAMats pr oaplta at hKetofore. ify UXTIL BIIB TOOK DR. WILLIAMg PINK FILLS. Thaa 8ko Ceasetl ta bo Aa laralld ami Has Be a Well Woaua Bver Bin, "I saffered all tba time, praotlaally, frm (kaM of th stoma, dkataen or swimmiag In tb koad aad pala In my bak. Now I am entirely free from dkeomfort of that sort, I am aot on ly able ta kp on my feet, bat to do my work as a thr, aad to oajor tho pleesaras tbat aam through the lp'BaBBBamau1 gpi, BJWgaaj rtpv 9 B) i Tbat k tb atatoasoat of Mrs. II. R, Pard af Pasbamtaba, Mke., who a Uaues as follows i "I am gkd to tU otbor tbat my troubles wr alt reme died by Dr. WUIkia' Plak IMUs. wkkk ara ladoed a worn a' frload. I board of tbam At from aa a'aaalataae la Arknaoaa, who bad foaad out tblr morlts by Mtaal a. What sh said prompted mo to try tbota la September af 1M, aad within tkra waeka I ax parkaaad eah raliaf that I know tkat tboy maet be adapted ta tbo Needs of my oa, Aftar aatag tkm far a short wbll laagar I ws thoroughly eoa rlaood t thair helpfaln. I eoa sod to ba hn lavalld, I luaama aad have lae rasaalaed a well wamaa, aad the roaaaa why k simply beoauM I took Dr. WlUka' Plak PUk." Tho pilk wkkk Mr. Fard so Justly prako ear tha kkf allwaU af wo- by tharaaghly roaovatlag the Tky maka fatlaaal ation tagakr aad palakaa, baakh hadahos kagaar, aarroewaasa, rat appetlu, proatoU dlgostloa, pat color ia the aeaalaxloa, build ap straagth aad la a ward eaabk waatoa ta rak aad nsalatala fall phyakal prftiea. Dr. Willkms' Piak Pilk actually maka aaw blood ana! give straagth aad tea to every part af th bdy. Ia this way they have ard aoriavs disorders af tke blood aad aorvea, each aa rkeu Muttkai, soiatka, aaaeaila. aervousaess, keadaekac, partial paralysis, )aamatr aUxia, St. Vitaa' daaee aad all farms af waakaos ia either sax. Kvery womaa should sad to the Dr. WilUam Medieiae Oa Sehaeetady, N. Y, far a valuable bklt, eaUUd Pkia Talks U Wamaa." It will be Htailad free la sealed envelope to tke addraas af aay applieaat. Dr. Willkau' Iiak Pilk an sold by all druggists or seat, postpaid, oa reeeipt of prioe. 50 at per box. six boxes for $iJO, by tho Dr. "Williams Medieiae Oo, She aeetody, N. Y. Suro Ouro For Piles. Itching piles produeo metsture anJ eauso Itehlng; tkk form, as woll as blind, bleeding or protruding piles are cared by Dr. Bo-ean-ko'a Pllo Remedy, Steps Itching and blooding Absorbs tumors. AOti a jar at druggists, or ent by mall. Treatise txe. Writ me about your eoee. Dr. Ifewuke, Phllart Pa. A Plesjiaot Way w TntTel. Ike above ia the usual rordiet of the traveler using the Missouri PatlAe railway between the Paetne eoast and tke east, an! wo believe tbat the serv ice and aeeemaodAtlens given merit this statement. Freta Denver, Colora do Springs and Denver there aro twe through trains daily to Kansas City and St. Louis, carrying Pullman's lat eat standard electric-lighted sleeping cars, ehalr ear and up-te-datv dining ears. The same excellent servise is operated from Kansas City and Bt, Louis to Memphis, Little Reek aad Hot Bpring. If you are gelng east or seutb, write fer particulars and full In formation. W. a M'nitlDE, Oen. ARt 134 Third St.. PertUnd. Ore, LUCK DON'T COUKT When you buy lumber ff h It, a certainty tkat yea will gn hi, best lumber on the mirktt m t prices you oar auorj to par h, fail to get cur bid. Pbtae 5t 4i sear B. P. Depot. OOODALX LUMBBetl Phono BS. -ietaaj "" "JJ3nlr,' JhK !' T fBtyiaBM SHOE SALE My atook of vkoM duood la priea. Ing out ladiaa' ehaaeo. for won re- No old etoek. Cloa aiioa. Nov'a your An appetising dtnnu can bs toal If tke meat Is secure frm u tl have the finest sWk of meiti all lew aad ean suppiy you with M Veal, Mutloa. Perk, or Smoked &( of the beet aualit. W deliver to all parts ef thai Phone your or ler H. 0. 0R08H. JACOB VOQT, Oppo(t PaUoa Bros. BEST OP EVERYTHING Properly Cooked Properly Served at the White House Restaurant GEORGE BROS. Proprs. Phono Mala IM Atat Street i Fruit Growers TAKE NOTICE NOW IS TID3 TIME TO WDQ BBRRY CTRATBS BBRRY B0XB8 OROHABD BOXBS FRUIT TBAYS Aad all kiad of box. & u Salem Bex Factory Pboae Mt. SositSd Liberty Store FOR YOUR HENS Qjrstar sheik, Ott saoal, Boa saasj. Short, Bcaa, aal Wheat AVway oa hand. Short Baaa .... .... , Far Saok. E. W. SMITH, Prop -tod Patronise Yoar Home In dustries and keep your mon ey at home Not a new business, bat tke old black smith, wagon and paint akop of Jaaob & Arthur very taaeh enlarged. Wo ixo prepared to do all kind of fancy point ing, alga painting aad buggy, carriage and1 wagea painting; repainting aad re pairing furniture and musiesi instru ment, A flret-claee painter employed, Light and heavy wagoaa aad buggies oa hand aad made to order. Work sailed fer 1b any part of tho eity .jd returned freo of charge by Q.W. John or WUBam Crosa. JACOB & ABTHTJB. Pboae 1163 Msin. Said N. Front St. -S2-tf Barley WE HAVE A FEW TONS N ' FINEST SEED BARLEY TO BB1 IF YOU NEED ANY GET QUIOKLY, AS FT WILL NOT WM MUOII LONaBR. WE ALSO OAEBY A FULL U& OF FIELD AND GARDEN 8B HAY. FEED. FLOUB AND W TOES. WE ARB SOLB AQENT8 FOr OELEBBATED OOULSON'S OBXCK AND FOOD. OBT OUE PRIOES BBrORB 1 INO ELSEWHERE. Tillson & Co. 151. 1fi1 HiPhSfrpet Phone Main 0 A. L FRASER PLUMBING TINNING AND ROOfll. Cornice Work, Heating and Building Work of all Kiwfc Estimates Made and Work Guaranteed Murphy Blk State St. Salem, Oregon phone 1 51 1 L.