TWO EDITIONS DAILY AT S:3& F. M. AND 4:00 F. St AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL roL. xvl balem, oxeoon, raiDAY, april is, im. NO. 80. 41 JI kt 9- lOUNTAIN . GETTING DECENT Sruption Decreasing in Yh lence, But the Result Is Not a Mouse Nui'V iipnteh late yesterday af- ipofn tti .'hil.' iW news from Moaat Veen rim 5aj is reassuriag, the eouditioa bore Euro inch as to make it cttsaWatlt to re- Ice tnt fflot. The wiad k blowing rrorn the volr-nno ia the dlreotloa of spies, earning the aehee avor the TuwaM evening the fat lof aehes ant finders here was worse than at any Fmc t .nr the eruption began. 'The H'-enlf effects vary from hour to icur V.w in the north the sky 1 rMa'o colored, aow keavy, under ilck men and women with their hair land cl"thing rovered with ashes mots Huout like erar Kboste. For San tartmf, as It lower above the town, in only just le mm, while Caeiello dell ho is boldly marked la light, seem aglr Ilk silver against the browa sky. the sooth, beyond the smoke sane, lo smiling, sttany reailino and It primula, while far away glisten the a deep bine, on which the Islands Ppem to float la the glow of the sotting SMB. Adding lo Ike strange picture, oae of rto len'ri nn-ef.war which arrive-! r: v. mm store PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Spring Opening NEW GOODS The Chicago tora is ae longer a Ido street, HVerybedy knows its buying and selling and giving always the best values to Its euitemers, it has In a few years become oae of the LNADUfO T0HB8 Or SALHM, a store that the people of Balem can bo proud of. What has done all this In suck short timet Quick sale aad little profit, and a big volume of busi ness, our aim is to mane six saics t progress of this pregreeslTO store. We that money oaa buy, goods of high quarters and dollar have wonderful kBTOKK, ladies1 OOAT8. SUITS AND MILLINERY. All sparkle with newness aad are manufactured by the Wet artists la America la those lines. We baa die the some good as are sold by track famous merchants as Marsh aid Field k Co., and Handel lire. &, Co of t'lwcsj?. goods that will always stand the test when it oomes to etl, quality and workmanship. Yeu will always Sad the greatest attraotioa in oar store In the little neo we ask for fine goods. Trade hero you oaa do tbe beet. LADD2S' OOATS. a the latest Roman Maids, Band Uraye, ueverta aad Fancy Mix tare. 00 Pear Cavort Jacket. Sfl.-tS t M IVacr Covert Jaokets. . . . 11.50 $18 Bwell Covert Jaoketa, prise (8.50 $12 Sand dray Block Plaid Walk ing Jackets 7.ixj to $8.30 $1 Long Coats, eirenlar basks, the l&teet, pnee 87.90 18 8nd Gray Long Ceate, eireular wua, inni aiuipuii, price.... .S1U.VQ asl 13.W evfclty Coats at email prises. LADIES' BUTTS. 1 silk lined and beautifully trim- .mod with the latest Persian aad laney trimnung material. Pana mas in all tbo new shades. 15 Band Gray Suits, man tailored, naaaeosteiy tnmmea ana Jinea: price.... S-0.00 118 Bnl Gray Suits, la the new cneeks, nandsomeJy trimmed aad li&odt prieo $12.00 Afl6 Baits, iavisible checks and plaids, beautiful garments, hand comely trimmed and silk lined: priso - iM ttex eulto at small prteeo. MTTtT.TNBBY. t would bo k&rd to give an aeeur- aio description of thle depart oat the variety ia so great in trimmings, flower, feathers and ornaments and the prettiest kits in Salem at amall srieea. CUldrea'a Trimmed Hats, tbo kt ost, 36c 85a. 40c 75e. OSs Ladies Walking Hats, the latest. saie pnee 7&c, 5, $135 udU9 The New Trimmed Sailor HaU, the SALEM'S QSSATZST McEVOY BROS. in the bay of Naples today is so placed as to be half la the glow and half ob scured by the belt of fuHIng ashes. Prom th observatory of Mount Ve sarin, where Director Matteueeb it continuing kit work Is thclnterest of science and humanity, the scene Is om of great ImprasrireaeM. To reueh the observatory one Must walk miles over hardened bat hot Urn. covered with mud, until he comas to a point where nothing can be teen but met gray ranches, sometimes Hat am sometime gathered In huge mauada, wMeh take en the semblance of human face A bore the hanvea are grey like the earth beneath, and seem Joot ae hard Mtd immovable. In all thle loaaly wane there ! no sigsSaf life or vegeta tloa, tad no souad it heard, except the low mattering of the volcano. Oae seems almost Impelled to stream aloud to break the horrible stillness of a load seemingly forsaken by both Ood and man. Every day that pa given new evi deueo of the magnitude of the entaetro- Pbe. Today's vMt of King Vletor manual to Ottajaau rerealed aow trage dies. At a certain point Ills Majesty wan obliged to abandon hii motor oar and went forward oa horseback amid constant danger, hit horse ttoundering through four foot of aehee, stumbling Into hole, blinded by the fall of largo cinders aad a target for falling basalt le Ia the presence of the king Its) more bodlat were extricated from the ruins, while aehee and red sand were falling a though determined not to reilnoolek their victim. The dead at Ottajano are said to number WO. The king was deathly pale. To n of Beautiful HlTn Infant In swaddling clothes on a history Through energy, knowledge of our competitors, one, watch the sell nothing but the newest goods elasa, merit aad quality. Your dimes, buying power at the CHICAGO Utott, IJ.4V. I1.7X. I1.W, $Mt, half what you have to pay esse- Ladies' lleautifully Trimmed Hats. $1.9. $1.98. WM and tM. All rare Imrgaias, Wo show the latest styles in Trimmed liata at swell prise. FINIS BILKS AND DRESS 000D8 There is no store ia the Willam ette Valley that ever built up such a trade ia eilka and dress goods ia suek a short time as tbo Ohiesgo Store. Wo cell silks all ever the state of Oregon and through ports of southern Washington and north ern California. We are Balemfe oilk and dreee goods sellers, and will always maintain that name by giving you values that eaan&t be boat by any house en tbe PasUe eoaat. FINS BILKfl. 30c Crystal Oord Wash Bilk, yd lSe 1000 yds ?8o Chiffon Taffeta Bilk. tlso heavy quality, tbo latest shades, yd 5Te WO yds 36 IJlaek Taffeta Silk, heavy quality, yd 80s DRESS GOODS. 05o Sand Gray Panama Suiting, the latest, yd 30c $1 Sand Gray Panama Suiting, a special, yd C5o Thousands of yards new dress goods at small prieeo. EASTER OLOVE& 75 811k Gloves, all the sew shades, pair .. .. ........,,,,,,.. ,,4oe $1.30 Kid GIgym, all the new shades A Pr 88e $3 84 in. Kid Oloves, prieo ..$2.45 BASTES RIBBONS. Thousands of yards to select from is all the new Persian and Paney Designs. Prices, U, 8e, 4c, 6c, 81-8c, 10c, 18c. ISo and 25c, BASTES LACES. In every kind and make, Vols, Or ientals, Chiffons, Baby, Irish Thread Laeee, and hundreds of others, le, 2c, 3c, 5c, CUe. 81-Se, lOe, 15o and S5 yd. BASTES NBOKWEAR Wo ahow the latest nor cities is this department. Gold and silver gauze neckwear, chiffon neckwear, and all kinds of fancy cellars: price 6c 10c, 15c, 35o and S5c - OEOWXNQ STOKE. Corner of Commer cial and Court Streets priest who came to him ho said: "How did you escape!" "I plaeed myself in safety," replied the priest. "What do you menu!" asked the king. "Keallalng the danger," was the price 's reply, "I bad left for KoUt." "Whatl" heeried. "You a mlaMer of Ood, wore not there te share the danger of your people aad administer the last saoramouist You did very wrong. Queen Helen was with the king when he started for Ottajauo, But she was obliged to tarn book, m the task was aot suitable for a woman. She spent most of tbo day In rititlag the Injured la Naples hospitals aad inspecting the Bousing provided for refugees. The Prlnceex of Sehleswig-lfoloUln sot oat ia her auto this morning lo tw it the hospitals In the Isolated towns but after a time the motor ear became disabled aad she whs forced to return on foot a dmtaaee of It miles, walking the distance through three feet of aeh ee, Tbo MfinooM' endurance surprised tbo Neapolitans, some of whom declare! that she must have been aided by the saints, for never before had a womnn accomplished such a task. Tboro have boon a large number of robberies of dosoriod bouses In mdto of effort of tbo authorities t protect property. Jn the exultod condition of tbo populace theru Is some dlftfeulty la preserving order. The eloeiag of n church at Torre AaaunolaU, which was considered to bo unsafe, precipi tated a small riot. Provision 1c being made for tbo food lag and sWeltorlng of people who have remained lu their towns. It in estimated that WOO houses have boon destroyed or roodered uninhabit able. Late distmsokos from Naples toot night say i Ashes nre fulling every where, bouses are coUapwiag and burying their ooou I nit. Xcwdi near the volcano are ha sooner opened than they are oleied again. The heavlwt fall Is now over BotMHta, femala Aaastasta, Pentlcetll and other villages la a station appetite and distant from the elty. The people have recovered from the panic of yesterday, and are less sullen and downhearted. It is largely due to the preseMe of the king aad queen. Ty are mingling freely with tbe pep- umoo, tfoing everything In their pew er to alleviate the condition of the in Jured and mingling their tears with those who have lost friends or relatives, i The Inhabitants of this ally are en during tbe yellow gray atmosphere of Jyestordny, which Is even more opprsa (slva than before. Tbo popular om lume of those who sua alford It ooa sets of automobile coat, sap aad gog gles, which enable the wearer to mala Uia a semblsuoe of oleaallaoes, but the people generally have to bo con tented with paper masks od raised umbrellas. The drivers of trolley oars are wearing masks of sow transparent material under the visors of their esps More shops were opened today, and the city is slowly resuming its normal life Extraordinary Bsoapeci Recorded. In spite of the fast that many gov orameat officials have arrived hero to roiaforoe tbo local e&eeri, the eesgee tioa of tbo telegraph bureaus is lade- soribable, Borne extraordinary esoapea from death have bees recorded. A man aad his four children were rescued after having been lost in tbo wilderness for N hours. They were terribly exhausted and ssomed more tike Ave skesetoos than human beings. Firemen have been sent from Pal ermo. Sicily, and ether places to the villages In this vicinity, which has suf fered the most from the fall of ashes, to assist in removing the ashoc from the roofs and relieve tbo exhausted soldiers Naples, Italy, April 11 Mstteaccl has telcgrapked mere assurances today. Ills observations are based upoa up riencea which lead to the ballef that the explosive period of tbe eraptiea ii ever, although bo Is unable to predict certainly on account of his limited knowledge of volcanic farces. Soiaa tists today ascended the meaaiaia far above the observatory. Naples, April 13,-etx thaaoand are engaged la clearing away tar debris. Perfect sunshine has restored the spir its of the people, and bright oalars have bees resumed. The air is clear an ia vigoratiag. Naples, Italy, April 13.-Order is be ing rapidly restored. The government has ruhed to the aid of the suffering with vrny facility of military organi sation. Clothes and food have been berried into tbo etriekea district aj fast aa the still crippled lines wiU per mit. The king is personally directing operations. The skies are clear this morning The fall of finders aad ashes has eeastd for a time at least. The number of bodies foand Is constantly IncrOM lag. AaimaM ia the stricken district are dying by thousands, their decaying araarse addtag to tbo horror, aad tbe unhealthy conditio. American Team Hurt, OtbraJtar, Sfaia, April II. A Wg wave struck the rteamer Barbaroeei. which it earring the American Olympic team to Athens. Six mofiMrs barely eean4t betes; washed Orifboard, Me was Injured, aad six may be unable to eOMpctc, N Olbraltar, mIb. April 1S.-B. L, tlllrman, ouartecmaeter, baa a tana led bei J. 8. MrttkcU, the weJfkt-Utfow-er, ayiMocaUd sbouidor, and.lturvty Oobn, the loaf dlounuoe rnnr, aad P. A. Horuemaa, tbe swimmer, have sorer Olbraltar. Hpaia, April It. Kerrigan, the high jumper i Sheridan, the diktat thrower are injured, aad MHobeil aad Illllmati mar be uuabl ta compete deadT COLD BLUFF Waohlagioo, April It. A statement submitted to tbo bouse committee today by Alfred Wiator, president of the Itos ton JHoamehlp Company, operating from SetsHIc to tbe Orient, says that anlews goeaminsnt aid Is oxtonded bis company wfJt be eawpullod to haul down tbe Mag ga lata tbe dryeWek or eeU lo Voreiga ore. "Amorioaa skip owners," be said "who try. without aararawoat aid, tr eomaeto with sabeidlsed faroiga oraft ommlt Mnaaotal suicide. Parmer Can grrsmaH loud declared that the 8Hecklos Hue from Van Prsncssco to Auitralla would be abandoned and be placed under Japanese management If the subsidy bill falls. s Killed or Captured. Xw York, April 11 Her wan Miller, seceatly a snldlor. aad his wife wore awatanod this moral ng by a knock at their door. The woman arose to upon tbe door, and was attacked by a burg Is r. A second thief attempted ta stran gle Miller, who fired a shot. The bul let wan Aodooted by a button, and kit bis wife's kg. Ills necoilaat ran. .Mil ler killed too man struggling with bis wife, aad tbo polls captured the sec ond. Miller reoogaiaed the dead man us Hd. fsaauJaa aad the arleaaor as Put Denavaa. lie said they know be bad mane? In the kaa. Vtotlm of TftBgH. Cincinnati, Aaril II -Of, M. WlVtan agad SS, of Sua Praacisea, U dying at the city hospital from a fractured shall He was evidently asooaHed, bat is un conscious .sad all is mystery ss ta the clrauHwtauooc of his iajary. His skull wss broke by seen blaat Instrument JkuUaa Indicate that he bad been In a light, bat be was not robbed. The pa lice are laveetlaatlag aa they beard of a tgbt of three moa aa Piadiay avoaaa 0 Swore Out. Savannah, Oa., April It. Oaynar and Greene each took the pauper's oath, swearing they ware not warth ovar ISO, aad were rotter d af their noes of arf,7.f aoah. o lie Drowsed, Htaektaa, Cal., April lS-Lstor W Pease, an epileptic patient at Btacktan Asylum, fell into a eiirn at that In- stisutlan kst night and drowned in eight laches of water, in Ban Pranoisoe. His borne was Most Serve Four Yean, Savannah, Oa., April 13. Orsone anj ffaynor this morning were seatenaed U four years In tko federal prison at At laata, and Sued aT8,oo, the total amount af their ombeaalomeat, A Bright Oray Negro. rVsam, Cal., April 13. Wm. Oray, a negro, who murdered a Chinaman In sworamoato, was banged at Poiiem prison today, lie wauniod tkc gollowi aaally, and had nothing to cay. 0 After tho abroepsaa. Washington, April 13-The Indians on the UmntllU reservation in Oregon demand $1 per bead for all sheep driven across. Tho sUckmea are protesting to tko Prcotdeat and Boorotary Hitch acck. pj,er Hj the start out aerets saves a drive of 160 miles. Senator Pulton talked ta tko President this morning. Tko Presideat kopea to ad just matters satisfactorily to all parties interested. A VICTIM OF NUMBER THIRTEEN Yet After AH, as Telegraph and Newspaper Men Know. ItWas"30"TliatHnrt 4- Walln Walla, April 1,-Number IS played a myatertoue part la tbo fate of Bimoa Brooks, who woe banged at the pan I teat lory this morning for the mar dor of Adolpa Milter, at RblgaaoM November SOth, mat. Tbo' trap was sprung at Silt oa (taod Friday, the lath of the mouth. His cell was No. It, aad bo was eoavtcted oa the ltth of tbo month. Ue was dlvaread II years sua lie died apparently ludleroul, doaliuiug ta say aaylblag ar shako hands with the prison ofJeiale, nis neck was broken. Qeuld Adepts a OaHyH. Ogdaa. UUk, April IS.-It le a aaaneod that maraiag that tbo ltla Oraaaa o Weotoru, a QcmM road, bad taken options an valuable property la Ogdan oaayoa, tbe euty remaining ua occupied past through tbo Waoatub rago, nad will eaaeiraet a lino ta this city through Northern Utah, and with a branch lata Wyoming tbo lataailaa hi ta tap tbo risk coal ragioa af Urn "Jack sua Nolo" eoantry, which baa yet boon untouched. Tbo now Hoc will SOO miles. Teddy SIxN Ilia "Wash." (Puar O'Otoak Hditlon.) Waablagtaa, D. t ApfU It. Tau tVcaidaat today nominated WUImm V Ilaynos, of (mle City, Waabiagtaa, la be ragietar of tbe laud eWoe at Water villa, Washington, and I. A. Nichols, af Wle!nrg, U be raoatvar af moaoy nt Narth Vaklma, Waklaglu W. A. Umry, af Spelean, la be r so error af paldte maaey nt Watervlllo. Walking- Road Again Open, (Pour O'clock Mdltton.) ieult Uko, April it-lt is aMatalty aanaunoed that the blockade on the Mult LMka real will b raised awacbg. aad the tret through train U Iac An geles leaves lamaeraw night. The raad ha bffoa tied up siaeo March Sith, an aeoaaat af wasaaale tkraaga Meadow Valley, Nevada. Tweivu Old Men and au Ass. Vienna, April It. ttmporor Hraaols Joseph yesterday, aa ueaal, oarriod out tbo ancient aeremaay af Maundy Thursday, by washing the foot of IS nged man, who wore on this occasion all noaagenarians, their united ages bring 1WHJ years. The aeremaay took idaee In the Urge hall of the lief borg before a large gathering of arabduket, diplo mats and state ofllciaU. After Land Orabbern. Washington, April 13. -The Prece dent, after repeated ooaferenoos with his cabinet, has determined ta Inaug urate a vigorous campaign ta reclaim tbe government land unlawfully feaaed by large cattle owners. So far these man have escaped through teakniosU ties. Oyolosa ia Toxin. Dallas, Toias, April It. Jt is re ported today that six wore kitted and maay Injured la a ayaiane which swept lirlggs. Taxes, yostorday. The dead named are: Mrs. Kx Hickman and daughter, Arnot Tabor and wife nnd I'. A. Patterson nnd wife. Many build ings wore destroyed. p Sonata 0 riotously Ooaoedec. (Four O'clock Edition.) Washington, April 13. The house nmonslmeat ta the bill estnbHsblng a life saving station aa the coast af Washington, was concurred In by the Ifti til tAA.V e Adjourned Again. (Ftw O'Oiook Bditioa) At. Petofsburg. April 13-It is oiaVy announced that the secaad Hague peace conference has adjourned until September. Eooiag SUbles Bora. Lexington, Ky April 18-ilro late this afternoon is burning tho race track stables. Its origin is unknown, Bfforts aro being m&do to remove tko racers. Appolatnoot Confirmed, Tho appointment af Squire Farrar for postmaster of this elty was can firmed ssterday by the ataxic. NOW GO AND GET MARRIED If You Dare, and Face the Problem of Buying Your Onllest the Little Trifles Chicago, April It.-It m up to tho rlrrult eoart, divorce breath, of Chtea ga, ta aacida.tao mameataas ipractlou of haw maay and what sari af clothes a man avail buy far Ma wife, and be on the safe ride. Mrs. Anna It Cuble. wife af ttwin Oubicy, a real estate owaar nasi denier In the swell suburb af Unraucwaod. wba was sued for dl raroo on the grwind af desertion, has aaaatarod la a oross-biU, In which she charges aaa-aappart. Incidentally Mrs CaUey la 80 years the Junior of her haahaad. Am la la charge af aaa-sappwri, Mrs MaeMl Oaaiay. a daughter-in-law, says Mr. Coblay provided handsamely for alt yaaag wifa. Mm swears that the followlag ariiolas, all la good eemll slaa, are now In the iosession of Mrs CuWey. aad taat lMwia J. parebsie.' all of thorn, aad many more, which have soaped tbe inratee. LUt of Wetaaa'a Oletaec. Oaa btaek voile skirt and tho drop that gaos with lit two or thro silk uottloaatoi throe drosser drawers full af lingerie with Pramta embroidery aa It; oae tan salts an branaalalh salt, a very slagnat thing, lined with taffeta alt the way through one dark blue tailor made salt, lined with eilki four or five China silk wake, very pretty and with real laoe In Ibemj twa or three little dotted Swiss wattttianc evening gown t while net over while sllki one lltllr tan nppllpj three fealhor Has that some ta the bottom af her dre) more astrieh fealharai right ar nine bats tulle n few little drowning sasquss oae walking tkirtt aloul two down pairs of glares two summer drssieii throe palm af saaosi ana tlmmaad ring tot with a dmmaud taardrnpi one ring, set with opals and dUmoinlsj one gold braaalot maaaled wfth amtdhysts aad dtotaaaoai ana talld gold pin sot with diamonds! over sa maay odd pieces. ITeblewu for Judge and Jury. Whoa the divaree oo oomos on for trial, If ovar It does, two problems manifestly will ecu front the court or the Jury i Wrst Did Mrs. Oublay get all those thinga from bar husband to have aad la hold, la wear and ta ehewi iseoud If so, oan that bo considered a ease of non-support! Ia tho settlement af this delicate awosiiaa of how many aiothea a wo moa should have, much will depend up on the personality and eenaubillty of tbo Judge, provided it Iv left ta the Jadgo ta deoldo. Hut. if tbs cevs goes ta a Jary, wall almost any IS moa ooull pass aa tbo Hat submitted above. e P "tally at ibis season of the year. i i I, Dr. Thou. MeCraekea Crushed. Taooma, Wasa. April ML Dr. The MaOraakaa wan kiNad at Puyaiiup Woduosday by a Northern IVoitc pas. scagor trasa, whiab bo wan trying to eaiea. As bo orosesd Ue track ho was scon ta real and falL A moment later tbe train was aa blm. The body was her ribi mangsod. Ha had praotteed mod laiu in PuyaUap 18 years. ' - 0" Osar Ooou Droko. Ouohow, Hcotland, April 1. A Her aid ocvraofMmaWat at 8t. Peteasburg say Use complete bankruptcy f Xus sla is approaching. Loan negoicaiions are at a deadlock, nnd only a few ml Iton dollar nre left in the Imperial treasury. Maybe Smoking Ilia Ooal. North Yakima, Wash., Apr1 18. A latter resolved here yoriorday from Jack Campbell, who is guarding coal calms It Yaktmn people at the oast era base of Rainier, mys the mountain has boon snaking since Tuesday night, nnd that on Wednesday is belched ash ss and cinders. Tho summit has ticca shrouded in eUmds, but on Tuesday morning muttered rumbling was hearj byMr.OampbelL It was net till Wcdnsi day morning, however, that bo paid any attention to the noise, when a win brought nshes from the mountain peak to th locality where bo was working i ii U .. i Made Brnria Glad. Washington, April 19.-Attornoy Ocaoral Moody seat to Attorney lamia, who conducted the prosecution of flay nor and Greene, tho congratulations, of himself and tho President, H r 'M fl i