DAH.T OAPITAI, J0ITB2TAL, 8AUM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1000. W ' A I lit I !i ! ' J w. 8 Stockton & Co. I The Old White Corner I OARS-FRBE BOYS AND 0D2LS Merer realise tknt ptayiag a bands end knees or lUr door Is bard en stocking--. It ' Just fnn for thee. AJ1 yen m do k te let them play, a ad give them the most dur able stockings yen MB find. This It tfao Feny Stocking. MJ" gvif " maximum ef wear, It reduce meed log to a minimum. Pony Stockings for beys aad girls are durable, emetic, good loekiag and snug flttlag Exeeptloaal vnl dm at 36 seats a pair. wmmammmmammm A REAL BOT Or girl ! fall of Ufa aad fua We woulda't Wave Uiom differ! for all the dernlug la tko world tkewsk daratmr la a whan. Still K la possible te save moadlag, aad money, too, by buying Pony stock lag. They are wall made, with triple knees, keei and tee. Feny Stocking are startle, dor able aad dressy; made of soft fine yara, aad big values, at M eeata a pair. BETTER TRY THEM. Norwich Union Fire Insor- ance Society Frank MorediUi, Rel4t Agcot. Offlco with "Ww. Brews It Co, No. 199 Commercial Street. NEW TODAY WatttaL Logaa berry pleats. Phone Main 75, or call at the Oregon Nur sery Company' oAc. -i-tl-lwk iii GRAND CONCERT TONIGHT Musical and Social Event of the Season. Beautiful Music and Costumes Toaight will be eu long to be re membered by the musical people of Sa lem, for undoubtedly no better nor stronger combination of artlecs have erer been brought together before a galeiaf audience tkaa tba Ornbam Qear tat, sestet ed by Mrs. Aih Beatrice Skeldoa. Taat tk eoaeert is a4r tk direetioa of Wai. WalUee Crmbam roc ommeada it maaieally, aad tka pMroa ago atenred for it boafoaka iia aoelal imx)rt Tka raUroaoaoos are M. A. Hob, Mrs. J. R. WMtaey, Mrs. Claud Oatrh, Xrt. W. D. fytil, Ua. Tkoa. Hailry and Mr. Mr. J. F. Oklbraatk. Aamembar tka akapoi 1 Bt large, aad the aeats are goiag rapidly. So aeevro yours immliatrly. o Royal and Beieot Masters Moet. There ia in aeaaioa la our aity today repreeeatativfa of on of tka moot hon orable branches of tk Maeoala order, via., the grand lodge of tka Council of Moral and Select Maatars. liHolaoM I amnion ana eivciie mi nmeri were keld today, aad tkis evening the local louge, Jiooaoa mmn no, i, mil ovtar taia tka vieUiBg brotkrea with a baa quet at tka Maeoala kail. JUST KEEP STILL If You Haye Not Registered, Fess Up and Get Your Friends to Swear for and at You Tot SaIo Cheap ttererat good farm aW aity and mbwUui property. Cap ital NAtienU Baak. Bed rotatoea f er Balo rasey Orkm Barlntak and Barly Xo teed pota tea by Capital CommlMion Co., Sta Jew, Or. 4-4-tf- Ior Balo OnaplMa aad ap-to-date team tkreehiag atM, ready to raa. Apply t Ira JwgeeMea, 100 High etrret, Valam. 4 11f PaiuliJ, aiaaa and Oil We aarry a cempUto steak aad oan satisfy yon ia rrf way. aXoiaor St Ilergor, 4ld Btate sUeeC 4--0t- MotAtr 1'eoL-TV Yiotov leia mo kalr pool wtii V otforod for aak April 17Ul faM bMU wtii bo ro eeived a40 1 o'clock. Addr all 44a to W. X. Roger. Mlvcrta. Or- eoa. k. r. n. xa. . 4-)tat ""awMMi'ai a"-"s Is BUM ta BhMb-TV. acdor4tf4 ka not gone to week for tk Capt Ul lasace vem tat Ccw, aa repreMatad. II Is mswlag a wage, aad is siiU ia tk UnWor Wi, to all ar dttt a keeeioiore. lkoao 4M. lx erdfs at yorgecoa's roeaearaat. T. U. Hckkart. 4-tlw' 21g Ool rioM roiwd.-Yt la Or g aad act a far from IWoa; 10 foot vcia of aoal that aaya 4ft per eeat aVxcsl carkoa at gras rooVs, A tiv aavaiepmaaU eaok day iaraes v4o of wlac Wcatld yoa Uk ax m We4 la vcok a aaiaof Lot a akow H to yon. aaQrway. Iavosi t more if yoa oaa, 4 watch year money work. OcpHcJUod at 16000 kKock aow adttog at SO per nacre. PW fH pcriicoUra write I. ' W. Iajm, M4 MtKay Ucildiag, Port Uad. Or. 410-lm Money to Loon THOMAS K. FORD, Orer Ladd A BoaVo Beak, Salem, Or. rorUaMd Jeunul. Mnck waa expected of Mm. Sheldon aad tko Mpectatioaa were bcnatifally falllllcd. She retarnod froav JCaropc wltk a voice of aaaaamlly broad raagc of rarely eympathoeic ifoality. Hor Npper regiMar Is clear aad trite, kor low toMcc rick nod admirably controlled Mr. Hceldon 'a PVcack diction waa woil nigh perfect. Toaight at Ike Uaivorai Mr. Skoldon, la Paris, siwiied voice wltk one of the greatest teackora la tkc world. JacepjM licoky, aad also wltk Ike celebrated America a baritone ('baric W. dark. Ia ItorMa ahe ttwd led with th Jaatly famoaa Ijampcrti, aad alsc wltk Fraa Xlosccn Sioac, tke wcilkaowN Gorman Ucdar stager. Those arc few Name of the grcaleot ma4cal aotkority ia tkc world today. At Wil lamette Uaivarcity toaight, BveaiMg Tciegnuti. Mr. Shida pasis a voice of power aad beatity, rick la tone. mjaMty aad opriMwica. awe la gifted also with cdwclleat dramatic tempemmaat, which ww adsalrakly d4yed la the diMcwH "U Cld" aria of Massenet. Tkc group of old Preach aad Italian scagc waa rccidored wltk daiatlac aad charm that wac deiightM. Mrs, beidottSi soft work U exajamite. Old Oaawee There, Toe. ndUdtpkia, April 10,-The iater state commerce eommissiaa this after aooa had before it tke eoatraet aad by. law of tke Tidewater Steam Bttamsa mm Coal TraiKc AsmcUUcb, aigaed by Prckidaat Roberta, cf the Poaasyivaaia rod Receiver Oowaa, of tko B. ft O. I'residsat Iagalls, of tke Ckscapeake & Ohio Ckaoacoy Depew, of tkc New York Coated, aa lessee f the Beach Crook railroad, aad aa omctaJ cf tke Xorfolk & Weetcra, wklck divided amoag the coatracUag roade, aecordiag to a stated percentage tke toaacge of eft coal to bo removed to tidewator- Watoh Uio Wladcwc Will give to aay perccaa catching tke largest Uect a Carlton aad aotoaaatk reel Tke Ask mast bo eacgkt botweca Wednesday aaoraiag aad Sctarday ev caiag. Watt SUpp. There Is Little Real Trouble la tkia world meet uf it la lmagiaary. Wo allow ouraelvec to b eccoo uorvooa aad fretful. Woede cf care orerrua tko garden cf tko keart wdvod tkej aksuld aevor be tilowed to take root. A Great Deal of the Present Eye Trouble la a4 try people tdcetisvg Oiaasea vasalted for tko coaditiea of ebicr cyca. ws supply tub bsjbt Asd giro a tborocgk ozsjaiaatloo free of okaxge. State ana! Lfcerty Sis., Sakm, Of e Oat te Ged'a Uanaklno. Ooreraor Ckamberiaia pardoned two prisoners yeetcrday. They were. A. W. Uaacey, of Dooglac rocnty, aad John Xavicr, of Josephine county. The former wac nader a icaieaoe of two years for rmrglary, aad oa tke reeom mendatioa of tkc Jodgc who acatcaeed kirn aad of tkc district attorney, kc waa set free. Xavicr waa convicted of na an alt wltk Intent to commit rape, and was sentenced to nine year. A eetient doabt a to tkc maa's gnllt la eater taiacd, aa tkc girl whose teHimoay was the strong agalaot aim ks recently aeserted she bad been Indnccd to tecti if falsely against klm. Tkc petition proscated to U state's ekief caeca tlvc waa signed, among others, by nine of the jwrors who convicted Mm, aad all tke oacem of Joeepklac coaaty ' 0 Organlxed New Lodge. A number of Artisan from Capital Aecembly Nfl. Sd weat to Independence Tnosday afternoon to assist in tkc or gaalaatioa of na Artisan lodge. Among tkem weret Mr. aad Mrs, D. P. Carnca, Mr. acm Mrs. W. W. Hail. Mr. and Mn. J. ML Godfrey, Mr. aad Mrs. A. M. Oioagk, Mrs. Nellie Knox, Mr. 0. C. (Hvoa, Mr. Col. J. CMmatcad, Mrs. Paaaic Hrixoa, Mrs. Hackee, Mr. Wl Watt, Mrs. M. J. Mowrer, Mis Ollle KeUy, Misc Bcrtaa I. Cloogk, Mlsc Ndaa )tog) Mr. Ivaa Martia, Mr, Rax Bishop, Mr, Roy Bean. All enjoyed themecivos to tkc fallcst ex teat aad re taracd home this moraiag at t o'clock, safe aad happy. "The eovsty clerk shall close all books of registration for tke period pf 14 days at S o'clock p. m on the Ntk day before tkc general election ia lfthJ." Tkaa roads tkc primary law under wklck tke aomlmttlng election of April 20th to to be bold. At S o'clock last evening County Clerk Roland closed kls ottlce. regtetered all voters wkc kad en tered tke room before tbat time, aad catered on tke bock all acmes received from outside precincts, fad tkca de clared tke rogietratioa closed. Tkis moraiag nt 9 o'clock he received from tke pootofllce a batch of registra tions from outside precincts, to tke camber of ever 100. Under kic Inter relation of tke law tkese names can not be regietored until they are ngnin opened on April Sfitk, and all voters whose registrations were thsts received will be refneed a vote nt the primary lection nalces they swear In. Tke precinct from wklck tkc Mames come Inclnde Weedbtira, Aurora, Ma rion, Mekama, Tumor, Uabbard, fill vcrtoa, Scott Milt and Howell. le Now County Judge. Jtsdgo If. A. Jobasoa, cf Salem, has retaraed from attoadiag the meeting of tkc McMiaavtlie Fire Relief As ciatiea, aad say Coaaty Jadgo Rkoad has boon elected president of that com pany, vice Ckarlea Grissca, lately de ceased. Jadge Rhonda has tendered kls roslgMtiea a coaaty jodgc, aad tke governor wilt bo asked to appoint Vine Pearee, a brother of tkc Pearee Wett er of Salem. lie Must Go Back. Governor Ckambrelaia honored tke rfrtptiMtic papers Isoaed by Governor Mead, of Wasaiagtoa, for tke return of Prank BvereUs, charged witli horse stscRng ia tc eooaty cf Asctla. Robert IT. Rickardc is appdated to return tke fagitlve. lUxdwuro Men TJaitc. Tke hardware mea of tke state formed aa organisation ia Portland yesterday, kaewn as the State Retail Hardware aad Implement Dealers' As sociation. Tke ergalaatie& started with S members, aid Freak Spencer, of tkis city, was chosen a member of tke ex utlve committee. ADDITIONAIi PESSONAXS. a L. Dick was an Albany visiter yes terday. Watt Sklpp, tko bicycle sain, went to Portland tkis morning. Dr. W. B. Morse wac ia Albany yes terday, tke gnset of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Oosiak. Rev. M. X Rattantyae, of tke United BvcjsgeRcal ekerck, wtii go U PortUnd tomorrow te attend tke annual confer ence of that denominatien- ClUcago Markets. Chteago, April 11 Wheat 78479 PROGRESS MADE IN 50 YEARS Dnggieto O. W. Putuaa Go, Say Oho of tkc Most Noted Example Ia ,1m Medicie. "While elcctricliy has scpplantod tkc oid-faehivned tallow candle for llghtiag pitrposf, almost tnraing night into day i while It has opened np ear groat country by a network of electric railways, while nil kind of machinery have been Invented to do the work of hosts of people, we have Jat as noted na example la the add of medicine, said tke G. W, Pntnam On. "Fifty years ago every one knew of tke latent medical properties con tained In cod liver eit physician everywhere prescribed It, bat thou sand eoald act take It on aeeoaat of tke oil aad grease which enveloped tke cwrawtvc, strengthening properties it contained, and In many en where they eocld take It weald upset tke stomach so It eoald do no good. "New all thi i changed," ceatln nod a member of the above am. "Science bee ebown a a way to separ ate the ewrative medicinal elements wklck exist la the cod liver from the ell or wselees part aad given w Ylaol. It contains every one of these medic leal elements, actually Ukoa from tkc fresh cods' II vera, bet without a drop of ell or grease to nauseate and upset the stomach aad retard its work. Vinci contain no sickening drug, everything in it ia printed on every bottle, "We have never sold in our stare a medicine equal to Vlnol te give strength and renewed vitality to tke aged, build up tke run down, tired and debilitated, make tko weak strong, euro chronic cough, colds and build' up tke convalescent. "It Is because we know we sell tke medicinal power of taia new eed liver ell preparation that we freely offer to return tkc money in every' case wkere it falls to give aatUf action." G. W. Putnam Oc, Druggists, Baleen, Or, Dog Oollar la Sausage, At last tke eeaetiUeney f tke saus age has been proven in tke eating, and a dog tag has been found therein. While eating frankfurters tke ether night, Speelal Officer Bora Warner of the General Blectrie company, of Soke neetady, N. Y., etrnck something hard with hie knife, and upon investigation found a dog tag bearing the legend, "Beheneelady dog tax SidO." Warner immediately interviewed Sup erintendent Abbott of tke Hamane so eiety, but failed te find out hew tke tag get in tke sausage. It is still a mystery to eesae, but to those who reg nlarly stop at the sight wagon for a "hot dog" it ia as plain as day. Of ficer Warner has registered a eolema vew hereafter and forever to eschew frankfurter. Tke Silver Tea Te be given by tke Junior Guild of St. Paul's parrish. at tke residence ef Mrs. EaJley, has feeea changed from Wednesday. April IStk, to Tuesday April 17th. O JL. & P o n. x jA. . Rausth .IMkMTHtUaJtoftfagtt; Its Better to Buy a Racyc Than to Wish You Had. Come in and take a ride on one and be convcnccd.j R a cycles $40 and up. Oilier makes $25 and up, It's a Good Time To have your wheel overhauled. Let us do it for you. Ve do the best work and have the best of evcrytfenj Tor me mcycie. mi kiiius or ures, nms, etc iiitcu. Best Work at Honest Prices FRANK J. MOORE Phoat 368 SINGS WITH GERARDX. Anne Ileatnefa Sheldon, New Prima Donna, Signally Honored. A marked compliment wac won yes terday, says the Oregoalaa of April , by Anne Beatrice Sheldon, the prima deana soprano of this city, la being en gaged to eias; ia three Pacific coast eoa eertc wltk Jean Gerardi, tke great llei giaa collect, tke ether aselntlng artiste being Andre Ileaoist, tho eminent French pianist. Tke three concerts arc at Victoria, II. C, April S0 Vancouver, II. C, April SI, and llelilngbam, Wash., April M. This Is nn honor never wen before by any Portland singer to ap pear oa the Pacific coast en tear with suck a celebrated Iturepean mucical celebrity a Gerardi. Tke engagement waa made at Victor ia, It. C, through Manager C. II. Gib bona, GerardH'a traveling representa tive. In addition te her concert ap pearance at Victoria with Gerardi, Mrs. Sheldon will be the soloist wltk tke Victoria Mucical Club In Cowen'i "Rose Maiden.' She will also slag at a concert la Seattle, ia conjunction wltk PraH Itoyd Well, and Raster Sunday moraiag Mr. Shddea wilt stag at Trinity Protestant Mpieoepa! church the solo, "I Know That My Redeemer Uveth." from llaadel's "Messiah." At the latter part ef tko last week Mrs. Sheldon was summoned by Man ager Gibbons to Victoria, II. C, for a eeaference, end she had n very pleas aat Interview with him. lie kad heard of her Paris and Berlin musical work and ef the very euecacsful concert in which ahe recently made ker debut at tke Marquam Grand theatre, this city. And from personal friends there came flattering reports of tke market talent of tke new Portland prima deana. In this engagement musical Portland ir signally honored. Gerardi U in tke front rank ef tke worldr's cellists. Ho last appeared in concert in tkis city about ten years age, wken ke had tke assistance ef Yeaye, the violinist, and Lackumb, tke pianist. Gerardi is bow in the height of his groat popularity, It is under stood, however, that he is not te appear in concert in this city daring his ap proaching Pacific coast tour, Mrs, Sheldon's musical numbers at iL. rt .Jil. ... -....!- ,i ... . iho vtrmruin cvnrrin nitj roiCCr! groups of Magtish and Prtitk She arrived borne yesterday rea M teria, 1). C, after making tk I arraugemeatc connected wits iw tl Mere Money Subscribed Ue. In addition totk list mm d another column, tkc follonisfnWJ tie) to tke swimming potihrnve reported thin afternoon. TVwul ported la new oiP3.r30. Itatuf good many ef the larger flrsMMM represented en the Hit, and in i mlttee will see them this wees G. A. Forbes ,..o,. II Gee. F, Rodger Dr. II. a Kplcy Dr. C. G. Grlftlth ........ H Aue. lluekescin. Jr .- s ll i. ..... ..t. ..( TUc Good of MeiUolne. People Insisting tknt wedidw. no good, have one stubborn farlfs' tend with, that is, the peep! th believe are greatly in the mjmtf have been ee fortunate dumr tWj tO year as te convince isesuscii euffererc with weak, water; Wsei ! kad all the oymptomo M ifHrrc breaklag down of tke evt taU medicine, at least, dee geeC and uncteadr neeele, wfk. Ui people, pimply, pale or ealiev can have strong, ateady ncrvM' kenltky fieeh by tho use of I" Bleed aiul Nerve Tonic A tj Uko nt meal time, it turw WH eat into rick, red bleed, eolid tleah at tke rate of IK ! per week. Sold by all drsflu8 7c per box, or 8 boxec for It medicine eaves doctor bu ai4 1 kealth, giving the very beet possible. o A Good Coieh. Virgil Garvin, whe is cowMf high school baseball pUveis, PJ the seuad throueh atroag prsro"' evening, and getting the wet "J for the contest with Dcliu which will be pulled off to next Saturday. "Grim dt and streng resolve to beat PM the slogan of the high eel' The defeat sustained by tM Dallas last Saturdsy is to bs i intoa victory. nV cHsla'BHBBBr 'ill! Jmf Play Ball! The old welcome cry Is novTi tfiroifglioat the land. Remem&tf' yoti need Baseball Supplies tRt nave a foil and complete stock of Gloves, Mitso Uniforms. Slioeso Bd Etc Bicycle Stmdrles com 45,, oata Sl2. UZ&ZMSk