DAILY OAMrAL JOUBNAIs SAEBM, OaBQON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 190S. Great Reduction Oa National Biscuit Company's pack age goods. Graham Crackers. Were 15c, now 10 All 15c Grades Now 10c. 0t Meal Crackers ...... .10c Old Tltno Sugar Cookies .... 10 Soial Tea Biscuit ...10c Vanilla Wafors 10c Pretoria ...... v...10 Firo O'clock Tea 10 Fancy Assortment 10 Cocoanut Dainties ...10 ( heese Handwiekas 10 Butter Thin Wafers 10 Albert Biscuit 10 Nabisco, In tin 6 and 10 Unccda Ginger Wafers 19 Vneeda Biseuit , 5 FULLER & DOUGLAS, Salem's Leading Grocers, Confection ers and Bakers. 4M-4C0 Stato Street, rbonoa 181-187 BEJOLLY But don't bo JOLLIED You are jolly wtion you buy and tuo tho kind of PIUNTIN'Q THAT UIIINOS lUJSULTB.you are Jollied when you are led to bellere tbat poor printing ia olieap printing, and that anali printing wy. The priiiliHg Elliott doe I good printing, and becauae It la good printhtg It la CHEAP. ELIXOXX 0nmrJl8t Pliona MnliiJlSWt During Uo Reoord Raoe. friio -lurk gaggled, leatker-jaakried EeurYeur lowered kis kd like a rata Id chuckled with gle. f'We are now going at 100 mile aa itV he shrieked. i'flrut ImaiBdl" tMHiiml tiut aerlee Iim side, 'lM't tber hno of aa Jdent!" rear not! Don't von mm tkat w wHMtr tlrest" I know, but I-l'd fed bettor If uriiaa a rw emergency arme dm mm ng" Bat i'ih. rtuuffVur Inngbed demonlno- lly ! turned tbe eurve aa one whori. -Columbus Ditpateh. How About "hat Cake? faa tbe last oae light, or did It faW rn muuh some oa waixea aereea kitekea floor? If yen used Bppi ey's Perfectioa Baking Powder ' Yeufead aa 111 luk. If yea kayea't I tried It, ask your ndgaber. Tbe sdf HeaUag glaas $ara are handy. SOLD BY AXIt OROOBBS. 4 A TERRIFIC HIT San Friaeiwo pays uaasual tribute "Monsieur What oae wellkaewa erltia says: uieaire' is oaiy eoaaiaa ny AiaasaeM'a 'seaa iiramwen.' ne tbe ... .- .... . ... ly other aetor who can ever touok that voce, the polWk, the eaae which mado skaeats. Be has a roaoii which is part bis ascamptioa of tbe PHwok I aadwaee last alght was very eataaatuUc Mr. Qkuke Is reeainieteat alwia Baetk, wHk a pair of merry eyes, where kis uaele had tho meeaa leboly. His veiee is magnetk; kis parseaality eyaa saoe so, Thore is His veiee is magnetk; kis parsenality Bjjht la tka face, and no other acer iter Sobiaaoa, ia Saa Fraaeiseo Ghreaiale. JQUESTIONABLY THE DSAMATZO EVENT OF THE SEASON. and Opera House, Saturday April CARE OF THE EYES If sekeel teaebers weald drill their pupils daily in ealSsibeaias fer the eyes, as welt aa tbe rest ef tbe bedy, tbe prepertkm of wheel children wearing glaeeee weald be greatly les sened. Take eare of year general health. Get plenty of sleep, and as regatarly aa possible. Remember, tbe eyes draw their nourishment frem tbe same source as the resi ef tbe body, vie, the Always eloee tbe eyes for a few see end when ebaaglag suddenly to a bright light. Da net faee a Hgkt to read, write er work by, Bo aet sleep faring a light; net ev en meenlighU When year eyes are uery tired, bathe them ia bet and oold water alteraataiy; first hot, then 4d Apply tbe bet and eeld water alee to the baek ef the bead and neck, at the baio ef tho brain. Tbe hot npplieatlen relieves congestion; tbe eeld stimulates the Weed and nerve vessels to renewed activity. Massage the baek ef the head and neck, and aleag the eplnc Notice tbe course ef the optla nerve. Cultivate a cheerful, happy frame ef mind j with klnduaes and leva la the heart. The eyes express tke emotion. They nre ladeed "tbe window of tk seal." Frem a pbreaoiogtoal riand point, this la readily understood. Hold some saiaU ebjeet la your baud (a pla will do); look at tbe bead of It aad ckaag the foeedag dleUaee by bringing It to yowr notes then extend ing aa far a yea can reach; varying front right to leftt high to JW; and vie versa, describing irc la dif ferent dlroesie. While at UU ax rlee gtaaeo onward, lining up with come object at a ditUneo. Vary the dtstuuee aad dlreetle. Dr. M. W. Travl la Medical Talk for the Home. If you weald lee tkat dull etd head ache, Aad fed n lively a a Ilea, Make haste to yowr drnggtat Aad bay seme Kooky Mountain Tea. Dr. StenVs Drag Store. Sunday CBub riana. Laat erealag the ftaaday Club, of the local Young Men's Carta la a A1a tie held Ita tiM meeting, and organ bad for work. A eerie of 8aa4y af ternoon dWneeiean on the moral prob lews of the day will be iaaagarated next amnday. when the Mbjwt will be Tk- SUt Unhia Tfc- ait Mr. me will be laviled to be present ami eKpreaa their opinion on thU eabjoet and a nnmbor of timet ackatoaao will be gtvoa. Th meeihtcM will be of vital Hnsr'oams ow eVaP' eanarnji ujfi CacjoPomeej lloUUer' Kky Mountain Tea U a woaderfal spring tonic. It drive oat all Impurities. A good thing for the whole family. Keep yea well all am mor. M ceata. TeV or Tablets Dr. sHewi's Dfwg Store. vm Bstertaia Reform Sobeal. A eomiMltUe of the Y. M. a Bey Club mot at the re nw laai evening and arranged a program to be given at the reiorm school on April lOtk. Tho program will oeaetK of tumbliag, high dlviag, dumb bell work, feaoiag, readings, niuaorai 4 MOture, weaewgno aad a comic drill. Moaio will be provided by the reform Mho el band, aad people residing la the neighborhood of the seheel will be in vited to attend. to tke art ef Oeetoa Clarke ia Beaucaire" i "Create Clarke's porfemaaoe ef eld-faahieaed eemadgr- Ha baa the affeoUtioN of that aeeieiy aoaom rare amoag aoUes nowadays, aad ia auswor aad speeek is almost perf eot. kos pertaaslve power. 14th. Personals W. Hudeea Is voting in Peitlaad teday. Paul II. Sroat wmt to Portland tl merslng. Dr. J. W. Ransom, of Turner, wm a Salem visitor. Oswald West was a Portland beuad passenger this moralag. Mr. and Mrs, II. J. Ottenheimer went to Portland tkle morning. Dr. C. W. Lowe, ef Hugeae, arrived In the city this morning. Hon. J. B. Looaey, ef Jeffersea, eame dowa to Salem this morning. Mies Ida Haas, of Oakland, Califor nia, Is visiting her parents here. Basse Oatlin, tke hop buyer, was a aortkbouad paeeeager tkls moraiag Clyde' Langbead has returaed from Saa Fraaeleco, where be spent tke win ter. Mrs. J. C. Lee was among tbe Port land bound past angers yesterday after aoou. John Haas, who kae been visiting klc brother, the druggist, weat to Portland this moraiag. Mies Koee Fleming, ef Omaha, Neb., is visiting at tke home ef her Haale. It. B. Fleming. Mies Iittlu Stanley kas returned to her kome la Albany, after a brief viU with friend bore. Ml Mayme Crawford, ef Oervallls, wko has been tke guest of friends here, kas returned borne Mr. and MM. Frank Holme rotwrned ffOM frcyeral days' visit la Portland on tbe moraiag frtla, Mb Ndltk Chamberlain, of Oregon city, who has beoa visiting frieade here, returned home this morning. Mra. Anne Beatrice Sheldon, of Port land, arrived on th moraiag train, th will sing nt the masieale tbia evening. J. N. Loeuey. a prominent farmet redding near JenVtsea, returned bom today, after a brief bud no visit her. Mr. A. P. Farr, of Chicago, who ha been vUltlng ker parent, Mr, and Mr Fraak Nolle, of tbl city, left thi morning for bom. k K. Stineon went to Turner today. J. C. le. the mining broker, returned slWwW Sj'tJWj a IBSa c PfVbf WtsPB s,b' aw Portland aad other dtlo. AttorneyOeaeral Crawford went to Portbtnd yeeterday afternoon. In the Inter ew of aw eaanMaey. lie was aeeomnanled br Mm, Crawford, who will vlU friend. MIm Halle Cronse, wko ka charge of the primary grade at tbe re- iaMCmi sUftssldmBmt ibW sskteslA haiajl I sWci tMSmal ooJsl I OsTrnm amntcjmmmHj 4 VI nmmenrmj mmwt mi fpnnsFj nelH to iertlaud thU morning, to bscnia a nurse In one of the keepitala of that eity. J. B. Oimded. supreme medieal dire tor of the Felted Artioana' ledge. r turned to Portland tola morning. I4 evening he at tended an ArUann' gnth eriag at ladependonao. aad was aeoom pnnied by a seore of deiegat of Onp ttnl Aaaembly No. Si. from tide eity. e i i aruamar Sokeel iBasehall league. A meeting of the prlndpala ef the ally lehoeia and Secretary Farbea. of the Young Men's Christian Aaaoeiation. was held at th high arheol yesterday nfternoon to ergaala a bnaoball bmgn nmong th grammar seheel of tbe eity After a thorough disenaeion, th moot ing adjourned to meet at the aaoia tioa rooms oa Thuranay aftornooa, when delegation ef the boys from th diaTereot selsaoJs will be organisation completed. A Lucky Feetanistreaa. Ia Ms. Alexaader of Gary, Ma who kas found Dr. Kiag'a Kw Life PilU U be the beet remedy she ever tried fer keeping U stemaek, liver aad bowels in perfect order. Yea 11 agree with ker if ye try these palates purifiers tkat lafasa aew life. Guaranteed by J, C Perry, druggist. Prie He What Doet Tkou Herot" vFrom OoodwU's Salt Uk Weekly) Aad behold, th Lord aaoeed by aaJ a groai aad strong wiat roat th moun tain, and broke ia pieces th secka bo fa tke Loral) bntjtko Lord wh not la the wind; aad after th wind aa earth anaka; but the Lord wm ant la th And after tk earthquake a ire; but the Lord was not in the ire; and af tar tke fir a still staaM veio. And it was so, when BUjah heard it that ka wrapped kis fan In kis ntaaU. anjd want oat, stood in tke entering in of ike ava And beheld, there earn a veiee uat kirn aad saldi What dost then kare, BHjakf Ai tke sea pert ef XorddeUk ef tke Preslan Islands, a tower is being ereet- ed, to be oempleted ia tke earning sum saar, wkK is to be prebabiy tke meet important wireless telegraph station ia tbe world. Germany is alert to piae gataid about bar dominions. Frem U stoiioa she eaa talk to half tke world. Tkero may be wind to read tka maun tains and break la pleee tka recks; there may be earthquakes; there way be fire; but after ike winds, tke eartk I quakes aad tka ire, tka still sauu nO " vote will eeme to her, will tdl ker what I Wing done ia Maglaad, la Prune, In Holland, la Sweden and Nor way la Italy, la Aneirla, la Mneem In the Balnea, and, more Important Milt, how her great ship are fa Hag eat oa tbe North sea. out en th stormy Atlantic, out on th Mediterranean. Mnrrteane may roar, artbMaks amy tak up their marh and change th face ef eater, ire may convert dtlos Into srrap piles, but they eannot ititl that voire whleh. riding oa th wtrrieM air. a new Mercury, bring Its men sages. In whatever language they may be apoken, le tbe listener. It was not a igure of speech wklok told bow ef old tbe vote said to Mi ki "What deed tho here!" That voice ka beea riaging dowa tk ages riuee tke begianlng of tint, ealy mea'i ears were dalled and could not boar; only man's genln bad not Invented a way to arrest and Interpret that veto. Uow maay a gallant ship might bav been saved from eoitldea or from mere Hew breaker could tbat veiee have been heard t what wars might baa beea avoided eouM tbat vol Wax- been board I What message could bav beea forewarned that a hurricane was on Ita marekl What other rail are I th air that we eannot yet hear with our dulled eon, that wall until men's geaia ptokt ikew up and bring them to awl An those voire waiting to tell as of th myetorie of th beyond f Mow planeti ana: tun are peopled t ef the new lights thai ar shining Jnd beyond our vi de, of the eharaeter ef tbe mud thai w being performed In the realm where mud wo bomf Who oaa trilf mat -; ft obi there earn a voice and aaidi "What deed then her!" I today's work bettor than yesterday's! Snap Moountiag war to be asked for; I every thing done In honor aad In trnlkf I tbe work performed koneet aad tke bod you aan dot Tk aoeonnt that tdl of the build ing of tbia station at Norddoiah toil of the different countries from which meamga will eem. the different lan guage la wklak those message will me. It will b doing here what pray er kj boon ddng thronga all tk ages. They aaeend in all league, the viewless ma binary receive thorn all, at the further end of the line U tho great central scat ion la th stars they ar ail resolved and translated. The bed work that mortal saa perform 1 after all but to now and then ataal a srt which nature baa bad worklag due bf ore the morning stars saag together. Cures Ooogha and Colds. Mrs. a Petersea, M Lake ri., To- pka, Ka,, says "Of all eugk rem edies Balhud'a Uorekouad Syrup la taj favorite; it baa doae aad will da all that Is daimed far It U speedily ear all eagh aad soMs -and it Is so sweet aad pleasant to tke taste. Sld by D. J. Fry. OJBLSrPOXlZA. Bsustkt yymiMln HM AMf "4fd ?ntKMYliMttftfl BaUws ef Oetting Back at Mm. 'I rfned this pem not over dx rnoatha ago," said the editor. "Why do yw again submit lit" "I tkoagbt tbat posdbly your ta4 had. developed by this timo," replied the poet, with a gleam of soibMtiaa in ki eyes. Milwaukee SeniinrL CASTOR I A ?or Iafanti and Children. Tfes KW Yw Have Always Bwgkt Signature of C&i&z7&2&U Easte Clothing Every man likes to be attired welt on Easter San day. Now is a splendid time to select the new spring salt, top coat, and many other dress accessories Salts and top coats. $ J 2.50, $5.00, $20.00, to $25.00 Spring Shapes in Hats m In the very latest ulcolors-blacfc, pearl, tan-fancy bands, made of the highest qualities. Roberts $3.00 Hat and the, John B. Stetson make. 1 EASTER NECKWEAR A splendid showing of Easter cravats At 50c i Salem Woolen Mill Stote GOVERNOR v PRESENTS AWARDS ? r-fi Tbe prosentaUoH of tk awards to the expert Harmon of Company M, 0. K. 0, we witnessed by a Urge num ber of friend hut evening. Only two member of the aompany were abeant and tbe drill whleh tbe man were put through wn ea of tke best ever eean at tbe crmory. Tke rail of boner wn read by Oovernor Chamberlain, and th M militia man stepped forward to re edv tke deeoraUoas. Tke governor, made aa address, la wkkk ho paid a high compliment to tka Oregon Nation al Oward, In general, aad to Company M. In partwular. Tbe men then rtrad to tke ranks nad war addressed by AdJutaatOear al lluar, who urged tke men to pre ps re tbemedve for tb tournament t b bdd nt ska (Brt, Kw Jersey, and xprd the bopa that the loeal mm psay would send mor than two men to take part In this year's seated. As soon aa diailcd the militia mea gave three roaring obaar for tk vWt leas ssMssaaMekM t4Vma sat If ana? tftAAJanJ tuamamnl Vnaat ea-l Vvp( lPmiJinjsj " ! mmj smsensi taprnrnansa nans mm partioninriy well picas! wltk Salem oontiagont of tbe Oregon Kotlnnal Onard. The man decaratod war a follow t Bxpert Bifletaeu. Corporal U. S. lebsnr, Betgnant Hulpb Whito. Sbarpahaater. lrivnt Waiter Pearmina. Markamou, Corporal Chester Abrama, PrivaU Karl MaNeynoioH Private Kay BaUey, Privat Clyde Knmbaugb. Sargoaat K M. Dnnaaa. Ueutenaat Cart Abrnm, Privaie Arable Humpbras4, Private Floyd MoKoynobis Brgt Karl J. perry. Private Otareaa If. Koberta. Sergeant IwU M. Judson, Privat Her man Oloaa, Cnpialn Cha. A. Murphy, Private Herbert KutUr. Privat nVet II, Private Kei Sndlon. Ierey C. Knlifsea. Parry W. Jones, Idea tenant Webard W. Hoiman, Private Bnberl Judeea, 0rg W. Hsrnn, Frank Jory Sergeant Fred Kr, Sergeant Harry H. Luoaa, PrivaU Hewitt, Oarporal At franoe, Mndaian K. D. Ooedwia. Pri vate Frank M. Map, Privat Ulyd Laaguead. la tke Maes Inhabited? Bdeaee ka prvea tkat tke taoea ka aa atauMpbere, wklak mak life la ewae form peeeibl ea that aatdtit; bat aet for human being who have a bard eaougb time ea this earth ef ears; Imperially thee who dea't kaaw tkat Hteatri Bitter cur keadoaks, bllieus n, malaria, chills and tvrtr, jaun dice, dyspepsia, diadaeas, torpid liver, kidney eemplalata, general debility and female weakae. Uaequaled aa a general teal aad appdiser for weak per, especially for tke aged. It ladnoe senad deep. Fully guaranteed by J. 0. Ferry, Draggid. Price only H. i . i , i.ib i, i.i Tr tka Biha' lUmt. A crew of men Is employed getsiag tav ground la aoadiUea for tk sxeava tioa U be made fer tbe new Bit balld lag. Some of tbe apple tree planted wboa Salem was In its infaaoy, aad Meant Hoed was a kde In the ground, ar briag out down to make ream for th atatdy kerne of tho leaal hard. Taken Pledge One. WtUiam Marbeldt, a ubjet of tk emperor ef Germany, kaa declared hi intention to beam a ritt&ea of tke United States. X-RAYS Virgil's iery lake of Averaus era probably located on Vesuvius, e Th two thing tbat remain and said wHh a man are a dog aad a Jg Might s wdl bugia nraatedag an that sample ballot yon vritl need tk NMllsndMsU Ann ibaw' not b analous to vote, if aba could sec tkat It weald hardly be daseed as bad tact, whn on think af tbe mas of duJor and ash being vomited by Vesuvius to ea that the aid vale. no wa Jnit miring bail. J. 0. Kdley yesterday Aled a claim on Marion lake. II want tka water for mnnwlpal, demottl ami Irrigating purpa. Tk lake dea not bdang to tke XHy rnaa, Init wky skeabl Kelley; or an,- oa U have It f Ballard's Jlarehouad flyrnp. Immediately rdteves kearse, ereupy cougk; apprd, rattling, rasping and dlnwnlt brsatblag. Henry 0, Bteara draggid. Skullsburg, WIs writes, May l. IfHMi "I have beea idling Bal lard 'a HTbud flyrup fer two years, and have asvrr had a preparatlaa that kas given better aatiifaetioa. I notice that when I edl a battle they cam back for mora. I can honestly recommend it." SSa, I aad $1. Odd by D. J. Pry. Donated SoWM. Ptoddent Coleman, at tk fled cbapri gnthering of the now term, whih begun yedorday, mad t aa nnnciniint of a gift of MM m U Ualverdty. Tbe name of tk donaf li withhold, but 1000 1 U peortda a lean fund for the needy ana derving etudont. while the other 1IM is U erv a a undone for tho esUMnk meat of an eesotrleal agiaeeriag da pnrtsaent. It leak aa tnongb tk at tendance for the term would b mueji burger than that of a year ago, a i i Sure Oaro For Pile. Itching piles preduea motd-ur aad anna Itahlng; this form, as well a bilad, bieediag er pretrudlng pile ar mired by Dr. Bo-aaako' PU Bemedy. Steps itoblag and bieediag. Abarh tumara. SO a Jar at druggists, er seat by mail. Treatise tf. Write a about your ess. Dr. Beaaako, Phlla, Pa. nmmmaaasaawMnsanjmmsimnaHBssasamsmBsssm) Slimmer School Tk iret term of tke Capital SumMjr Kormal open on May Id, to continue right week. Tutitioa li. awasmjr School of Primary Methods. Opens June Utk, to eeaUnne throe wekr. AV draes J. J. Kraps, or Couatv amnerW tondeat K. T. Mnere. Salem Or. if Dr. Stone's iDttsg Store dee a atrletly eaab budae, owe no oa, aad no oae owe it; earrle iasgn deeli) it abalv, eountera ami nbom esst are Ioaled with drag, modidnea, betloB, toilet arUelea, wlu nad liquor of all Uada lor aaedseai ptsr petfes. Dt. 8toao I a regular grada ia ntadidno suM baa bad saasgr yenst) 4 xperieaeo la the prnddoa. QvunM' tloa ar free. Preaariptien if, and ealy regular fri4 tt miMwix Dr. Steao oaa bj UwaA aft nil drag Iriora, Salaai, Orafea, frem 0 in sJh aaorning naWl M nighti. t J. V k I