Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 10, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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    ( xwtWKwwr bpttpj mwmtfw&w. '
Stockton & Co.
Its Better to Buy i
The Old White Corner
Accounts of Douglas County's
Occidental Hotel, Corner First
and Morrison, Goes Up
in Smoke
Treasurer Mixed by Care
less Bookkeeping
-' T
Never realise that playing oa
hand and leasee or cellar door i
hard on stocking. It's Juet fun for
tbem. All you wi do Is te li ibem
play, and gve tbem tits most dur
able stockings y "B find. This
la (he ry Stocking. By giving a
maximum of vmr, it reduces mend
lag to n minimum.
Pony Working for boys aad girls
lire durable, oletlr good looking
nnI snug fitting Exceptional vnl
UM At 25 cents a pair,
Or girt Is fall of lift tad fun
Wo woulda't kave tkeat different
for all the darning in tke world
tbeuetk oWnta Is a anion nee. Still
It Is poMtblc to Mtre meaellag. Bad
money, too, ly buying Pony stock
ing. Tkey are well made, with
triple kneea, keels aad low.
I'oar Stockings art elastic, dor
able aad dreaeyj made of soft itne I
yarn, aad big value, at M eeata
Norwich Union Fire Insur
ance Society
mak Meredith, KeeleVat Afreet
Oftee with, Wm, Brown & Oe, No,
339 CcHAfelal kHrft.
Tor gale. A Jenny row; freek. 1M,
Seutk liberty etreet. 410-St
Tor BaIo Choap florwal good trmi
pltn city and euburbaa property. Cap
ital Naoienal Bank.
Seed Oala for Sale Sid Oats aad
IrtM Banner eaia. Ckarles O'ltrtea,
Capital street. -MO-lt
Bead reuteea f or eUle PuaeyOreekam
Borbeek and Marly Ko mm! pota
toes by Capital Oamailiil Oil, abv
lem. Or. i-c-tf-
rr Bale dead kem aad buggy, usee
ee extra ft Kngtlek Shire celt,
yearling, W. M. Smith, 1T00 Watte
seat 4 I0-I4
miata, OUm and Oft We carry a
eeatpleio steak aad oaa enUefy you
la every way. Steiaer k Bergtir, iH
State acre. 4--0t
Mohair Peel-Toe TWtar ISiM
katr pool will Wo offered for
April ITU. teeM Uai will Vo r
wdvod aatU 1 e'eWeV. Addveea all
M4. U W. K. Ho, aUvoriwt, Or
a. K. r. D. Xo I. 4 ! -
Zx BtUi to HuaUcM-Tke aa4wtc(4
&a at goae la work for U CWpl
tl Iiaproveatwit 0u, m raprnwttwj.
II ti raaalaj a waKoa, aad U KM
la tko traaWor ImwUdmi, to ftU or
deft m kMotWofo. loao 4M. Loave
r4of at Pngm' roaUaraat. T.
W. HakkaH. 4-4-lia
Blf Oaal Hold roimd,Yoa, la Or
goa, aad aot ao far flow ftmlomi !
foai vela of eoai Uut aaaaya 4 per
oeeH locod oarWoa at grata roota. Ao
tire davalapraeata oaea day inoroaoo
valao of mU. WoaM yoti like aa la
lrot k oaok a atlaot Let a akow
k t ?. aaywagr- laveU 5, More
If yea oaa, aad wwtok year atoaey
work. UapiUMaMi at $100,000
84ek aow olUe at SO eat par
aUre. IVr fH partleaUra write I.
W. Iaho, N McKay Jtalkliag, Port
lawt. Or. 4-10-lat'-
TaUc About tko OwuUtuU&a.
WaabiaKtoa, April !. Tkre wa a
battle of eoaatllttifoaal lawyer la th
aeaato tkia aftoraooa, when Malloy ee
my4 ike Uk of dofoadiat; afalaet the
altaoka of Bpooaer, Xaor, ieraker aad
otbora lk oatatloa tkat eoajrrw waa
otapowerod l limit tko arindletloa of
tbo lower federal eoart. Ha dealer ed
eoairroa akouM aad oowld oaaet a rate
law proklhltlBK tko eoitia aM4 by
eoarta of tko doeMoaa of tko later
4a l eommerte eomailwdoa, poadlag an
appeal lo tko Mprome ooart. A a aaai
Mally tar aadioaoe board tko ailrriaK
debate. All tke raHoHoi wore filled
TIllmaM ka4a4 baok froat fotitk Oar
allaa, from aa antiatiked mlnlen to
"add a few not abt In aM of tka
abaatploaa of tko roetrleUd eowrta of
Moeobwg, Or., April 10. ttrperti
eatployvd to go ever tke conaty officore '
report akow a shortage of (WOO
aaela Covaty Troaooror 3. W. Dim-
aiiek, for wblk We 1mm otlag aboakc
to cover alt bat $TM. Tka Bkortage
will be made ap immediately. Tke
maddl k probably doe to looee book
keeplag. Hevr-aty-Ive tax reoeipts la
tke ekeriff's oMee(kave beoa kafO1
lo lower amount. Tke okaago wae not
made by tke gkerlflf, oay tko oxporta.
From Our Religion Bxekaflgee.
Over-aaxioty for tko faltk, wkotber
laveetigatloa, doubt, or evea deaial of
it la roaeeraed, k a siga of woakaeaa.
It laevitably leade to extremee of foar
and ivepieioa. Tke bkmope of tke Lam
betk ronfereaee of 1107 admirably de
scribed eok a Mate of mladi "Tkat
faitk ie already la eorloM danger
wkiek refoeos to faeo iraeetiowi that
may tie raited, oltkor on tko aatkority
or tko getiataoaoM of aay part of tke
Sorlpturee tkat Wave tome down to a.
Sk refweal erealoe paiafal ewepleioa
la tke miadft of many whom wo kavt
to ieaek, aad will woakoei tko etreagtk
of oar own ooaviettoa of tko trutk
tkat Ood kae reveald to aa. A faltk
wklek m always or oftoa aHoaoW by
a aeeret f oar tkat we dara not larairr
loat laa,airy eooaM load mo lo reealti
laeoaelMeat wlik wkat we betlavo, la
already lafeotod witk a dteeaoo wkick
may eooa deeitoy a.'1 Tke Okartk
Supremo Court Oplnles
Tko aaproMO ooart paod oa tke fol
lowiag oaeoo tedayi
la tko maktor of tko ptHIa of Jt,
D. IlNMmy for wnt of kakoa eorpaa
otato of Orogoa, retpeadeat, Hd. llaa
toy, appeUaaii appeal from tko elroult
ooort of Cooe ooowty. J. W. Ilamillo,
Judge; Jadtrmeat la aao at bar mat be
revoteed aad omm romaadod witk dl
reotloa to dkakargo tko priioaar aad it
ia o ordered.
M. a JtwMoy wa ooavloted ia tkr
teeerdar'a ooem of Xortk Head of vlo-
latiag tko ptorietoaa of tke looal opOoa,
aoi, aad we loalaaetd to pay a fiae of
. aad to be laoaroeratad waUl tke
aawmat wao paid,
la tko eaae of Mard vt. Harloekor
it waa dooldad tko looal optloa aat la
Ooaa eoaaty waa void, Uaot tke judge
meat la rovanod aad eaaae rmaadad,
witk dimetioM to dlaekatgo tke prw
oaer. Tkeeo two miH aroMM oat of tko
attempted tidapUaa of prokiUlUa la
Cooa eoaaty aador tko looal optioa et
Mandw toagkt to ettjola tko oaavaee
lag of tko vote tke aoMloa, aad
tko Mjweeae ooart graatod tko roJUf,
boeaaae tko eoaaty aoart fatted U oow
ply witk tke rlroMt of tke looal
optta aet. aad make aa order for tke
aloettoa, la eeatequoaee of wklek all
votee eai tkereat wore void.
BmrtU yeTVtimtrUwllayBarM
There Is Little
Real Trouble
la tU world mM o It U iaugiaary Y0 aMeW ounelveo to b.
oomo aortwa aaJ f rotfal. YTeede of ear overrun tke gardea of tke keart
-nkoa tkey akeultl sever bo aHewed. to Uko root.
A Great Deal of the Present Eye Trouble
la cusl by jvoople tle&g OUeeea uaauited for tk condition of
tkUr oyea.
JjuS giro tkorotigk oxaalaatlea free of oharge.
State and
Ub9tty Sts.,
Salem, Ore
Muk of tke preeoat aaroet U duo
lo tka eeokla after reality, witk In
abaadaaiaeat of tko waroal; And tke
ayoa of kope are taraod to tke day
wkaa rollgioa akall be aadoriKood to
eomdot la a gonatae life la tko roalitlo
tkat are otoraal. Tke Okrittlaa
Uy of tka twentlotk ooaiary muat be
a working Ckriotiaalty, devoting 1M
latolllgeaeo aad roligiowf power to tkt
vaot aad oomplax proeoat proWom of
kamaaity. Tkia li tke eomiag twt of
tko faltk ia Ita largo formo aad opera-
Uoao wkatovor laya kold of tko jtrob
lorn f kamaalty, or aay part of it, ia
tko apirit of Ckriat la Ckriotiaa, aad
wkatovor data aot ia not. And tda
vpirit of Ckriot ia woa will prove It-
tolf largo aad Ug eaougk to take
kold of tko problem of kamaalty, aad
tko ooiwiag tlrno wilt be a period of
CkrUUan powor. PrW. William N
Otarke, D, D., la Tko Ooagregatioiial
Aad tkU waa tke CkrivVway U re
veal tko reaMUaa of tke klgkor Ufa of
parity aad love aad GoeVeoalored faltk,
tkat r atlgk f4 1U iaoomparable
xttraoUoa aad gravitate to it by tke
law of tkeir owa boiag. lrt waa tke
Hteret of tke laflwoaoe of WU owa groat
life. Wkat did Jomm do tkat wea
akouM be m enamored af bia apiritt
Wkat 444 ke do to eae tkat aaddea
eklftiiig of oadoHvor from tko eartkly
prlaea af oartk to keavoaly aaalitiee
of ekaraetor tkat okrotoriaod early
ChriaiiaaHyf lie elmply Mvad. Hero
vealod tko life, ke maalfottod tke
apiriti d, me saw It, tko kMigiag
a to Uve tkomielvoa wai kiadl4.
Kov. J. WareWy AaoOa, la Tka Cbrlet
iaa Xogietor.
Tkia la tke day af waioa. Tke ekarok
w ar oowiag togotkor. NVkete It ia
at oorporate valoa it la federation.
Hat we do not aik for tke Imporfaet
federaUoa tkere, bat for fail hbIob.
Peduratiea is good oaly wkare we oaa
ot got mtklBg batter. Wo beliave
tke graeo k oemlng, If it baa at yet
aaie,wkea tkeee deaielvo aotkiaga ob
pr)io like tke totems af savage
trikoe, will be eaat aaide aad ekarekea
will eo feel tke Warden of tkeir work
for tbo world about tkm aad beyond
tkem tk4t tkejr will ao loagar etaad in
eaeh atkor's way.-Tke Iadopoadast.
I w4ar U any aae aould bottor pro
pare kiwsalf for a wiee vm of a saered
aeaeoB like Loat tkaa by oadeavor te
eo a4. feel tkat ke Is a ekikl of Gedj
tkat be Uvea aow ia a tpiritual worldj
tkat ke Is to keep mlad and keart op
aa oa tke side towanla God, aad so to
fl4 obttvioa of all tkisgs tkat are not
of 04 aad keavea; aa4 above all it
aay be. to maka real tke tkoagkt t'kat
deUap ea&s a eal at eae witk
trutk aad gooOaeaat Kev. Ckarles H.
Leoaard, D. D 1&. TX, ia Ualvowaltst
After etaadiag the siege of laanmer
abl ftree tko Oetidoatal kotel, oae of
tbe old laadmarks of Portland, wblok
la tko early days wm famous tkrough
Oregon aad tke I'aelft eooet aa ene
of the beet koateiries of tke West,
waa visited by Karnes shortly before I
o'clock yewterday afternoon, aad noth
ing of tke oaee famous kotol remains
but a pibj of blackened rulae.
Fire broke out ia aa old kltekeu
whirk kad beoa oecupied by fid.
grhmeer, aad to suppoeod to kave been
taused by a dofoetlve Hoe. Wkoa irat
lierovered tkr were but a few
sparks, but by tko time aa alarm was
turned ia from box 12, at First and
Xorrlsoa streets, tke bulMiag was a
aes of name. Tke old ketol was un
occupied, tke teaaat Waving bees giv
ea notice several weeks ago to move
Tke building waa to kave been torn
dowa to make room for a tkrec story
modern brick building.
BlAekoned Hoard RonwlncJ.
By tke time tke Are department ar
rived tke roar of he building waa a
maas of names aad tkouearde of pro
pie kad gatkerod to witaeos tke spec
tacle. Fire aad aeke poured from tke
windows, aad tke keat was latouse.
Stream were turned oa irulekly and
kalf aa kour after tke alarm tkerc
was aotklag left of tke Occidental but
a rata of bwekeaofl uoarus.
A small amouat of laouraueo was
carried oa tko buildiag, but tke loos,
at present value, will be greater tkaa
tke amouat for wkirk it was insured.
w . m -jk. . w jmm-w-jr ' ia m
(Oontlaited from first page.)
from tke earMueora aad soldiers,
Tkoee are Ike koroea of tke day
They seem never to sleep or lie tired.
aad where tkerc U danger tkey are eool,
atroag aad alert '
MeuaUln Cone rails In.
Ia tke course of tke tour a point was
reached from wklek Yotuvlas eouM be
neon uadar Ita cloud of smoke, Tke
klgk ooae of tke volcano baa gone al
moot aatiroly, kaviag been swallowed
up to tkat tke keigkt of tko mountain
Is nearly 000 feet lees tkaa formerly.
Oa tke aortk side of tke mountain now
craters kave been formed,
Kofugeea from tke tares toned vil
lage are coming Into Naples by every
dosariptloft of eoaveyanee and oa foot
Tko roads are crowded witk precHient
of men aad women, carrying orostes
aud erylag plteeualy, Speeial railway
traiaa, warWji and steamers are tak
ing tkouaanda of kernelem people to
Naples, Kerne and CaoteUamare, wkile
large number of people, are Hoeing
ovrlan4 ia tko directieu of Caserta.
Not 1cm tkaa 15,000 refugee kave
reaekod OastalMmare, wkere tke atoam
r PrlaeoM Mafalda. Is aaekared. Tkia
veol left tke iaUad of Capri witk
100 paeagr$, including many for
eigaoru oa board, but ska waa unable
to reach War dociiaatioa owing to tke
stlilng clouds of ashes aa4 tke fumes
af gases from tke volcano which envoi
oped bar a mile from tke coast.
Naples, April 10. p. .) Fear
more bodies kave beau takes from tke
market rota. Many aktldreu, are
among tke dead. More towns have
been deserted. Tbe day Is clear here,
aad tbe bay ia uarippled.
Than to Wish You Had.
Come in and take a ride on one and be convu
Recycles $40 and up. Other makes $25 and up,
It's a Good
To have your wheel overhauled. Let us do it for
VYc do the best work and nave llie best of evenfl
r-ll. 1.!....-.! Alll,!-.l. .f l! .- -., 7;u
iui iiiu uiiyi.it:. mi riinua wi uico, iiiii, etc lined,
Best Work at Honest Prict
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 m i it I iMim .
SUvertoa Itrac,
Mr. Oirt Coc4ey wm In tke city laet
4toc Ida KAIaoa wm In Ml, Angel
osFctctiB'X3 e
Mr. Arthur Malta c waa In tke city
last week.
Xev. Wugoer went lo Mariruam last
.Mis JCate Freemaawas la .Ml. An
Rel laet Waturday.
Mies Myrtle Duaaeila waa oa tke
sick list laet week.
MIm Btkal Davla was la the city
Saturday aad Sunday.
Mr. aa4 Mrs. I. 0. Ituetell wore 1
PortMad laet "Wednesday,
Mr, Frank Wray made a budneec
trip to Portland met week.
Mies Minnie Ik eelg returned U Salem
Monday, after a few days at heme.
Don't mWe ike dance at tke opera
kouee Monday evening, April lOtk,
MIm Hooelta Woodiagtoa, visited at
tke kerne of Mrs. A
Sau Diego, Cat, Ar-rl )-
uoounoii, K was annoteM
will bo traaef erred from thei
of tke Padkc etdron is JUptl
waa also nanouMcd hie scbjtftil
lmncHt to U given him by ml
nobs April 171k would Is "
alralilllty of a naral siatina r'
Ooronade laksd." The aJmirnl
tku4aetic over the prpeeltics,
When Threatened VUi 1
rrem Drawlsg Room o( 0r I
rays Ills Tare,
Savannah, 0a, April If-fcOj
mom are toiling a story ftt
lag through tke city of Jlc.
akalmtan of tke eaasi
tke way to Florid e4
Skoats, aa president of tk
M'stete, was truveliag oa a p
was anproaeked by a eea4v
arhhrst Jsst tut aa hueky a epemta ef
aa Sheata Is, aa4 wae h"
There will be a Mcial ball given at 'would kave to pay extra fur
tke opera kouee Monday evening, April occupying tke drawinf "
ltb. iHirlor oar.
MiH Mattie Oabbitk aad Mlse Maude gata nrodased bia ), X
Ladewitke made a visit to Mt, Angel eea4aeter eald tka agree
kst 8ua4ay. ' the Atlantic Coast Line
Mr T. lladley, of Ooldeadala, tke PoaaeylvaBU syetem vuus!
Wask vMtod at Mr. U. lladley 's aear hablera could net occupy an1
tke city last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Bdwln Hebard went to
Alhaay last Thursday, vrbore tkey will
wake their future home.
There will be a seelal ball given at
the U U. 0. ball next Saturday evea
lag. Bverybedy invited to attend.
Miea Faye Klbbard asd Misa Anna
Hammaacl visited at the heme of MIm
Oaa Smith la Howell Saturday aad
There will be a "basdkerekief so
cial" given at tke heme of Mr. aad
Mrs, J. D. Drake's WedBcsday evea
iBg, April 11th.
Anno Beatrice Sheldon.
Mrs. Abbo Beatrice Sheldon, of Pert
land, will be heard ia eoBcert with the
Graham String Quartet tomorrow
(Wednesday, April 11th) at the Uni
versity chapel. Mrs, Skelden has jastj
returned from Burepe, where she stud
ied with Buhy ia Paris, aud later with
Lamport!, ia Berlin. Salem people are
indeed fortunate la kaviag this oppor
tunity of hearing Mrs. SheVdoa. as
eke leaves shortly for a concert tour
tkrough Canada witk Oerardi, tke fa
mous Belgian cellist. This engage-
meat itself is a great musical triumph,
but Mrs. Sheldon kas met oaly eueoeu
since her return. Ia Leaden she re
fused aa operatic, engagement, and In
New York concert work. Speaking of
her work witk the Graham Quartet, the
Oregonlaa eayat "The reappearance
of Mrs. A&ae Beatrice Sheldon, was the
signal for aa ovation, and she oaly add
ed te tke laurels which she earned at
her recent concert."
Tko TUga said: "Mrs, Anne Be
atrice Sheldoa, ia her soprano solos,
sBg witk, expresctos aad grace, and
received a well merited ovation." At
tke Willamette University chapel Wed
acsday evening, April 11th.
nanrested Bill Anderson's Crop,
Cleaning the streets is perhaps a ne
cessity, but the olty dado should have
seme regards fer the rights of property
owners. Bill Anderson, with that keen
internees instinct ana rar-ceetsg eye
tkat baa made him a rival of Rockefel
ler and Alfred Bolt, thinking to profit
by tke condition of the streets, had
planted aa onion patch in front of hie
place of business. What ha objects to
ia the street eeaiUeiener's running a
scraper over the bed and taking the
young aad fragrant erep all off at one
Mrs. Hinges Will Not Sing.
Owing te a. very tivz cold, Mrs.
Hallie Farrisk-Hinges is unable to ful
fill her engagement with the Graham
String Quartet, and the services of
Mrs. Anne Beatrice 8heldon, soprano
of Portland, who has recently returned
from Burepe, has been eeoured.
unless they paid extra ft
remarked tkat ke would net pi'
fare. Tke eoaductor deelm'
would pay or be put out.
Shenta managed to eoaeeiie
tags well enough to laouw
show af oalmaeos, who weak
the ejectment. Tbe eoadsotfl
answered that be would u4eej ,
job. Shouts eald be did actbjL
could do it. The conduct T
Shouts to produce the mctcj
minutes or be ejected. TV ,
went away and returned a'
time, and Mr. Stents paii-
Ballard'a Hereaooad WJ
Immediately relieves htfM
cough; oppressed. rattliogJ
difficult breathincr. Hear'
dm f pint Rl.uU.OmwT. WiLl,
80, 1002: "I have bees'1
lard 'a TTnTKMiTwl Rmn "
asA rinv Tutvar fcnil m. nrtf" I
has civea bettr satlsfaetMC-
that ip1ia T haU m. wtls tiey"
for more. I can heaectly
it." Sc, 50e nnd L &1 ?
C. Matleck: and M. VaaValkenberg.
of Sdvertoa, and J "W. MeOown, oi
Scott 'a Mille, were Salem visiters: today.
Presented Fine Cb
Tka aionlAPAf nt the !
a. .... v.v. nresestrc
Scott, -who recently reei81
oi agent at tno agcej. "i
some Masonic charm, eW"
OZiQ. UegTCf) Oi a - (
is of solid geld, st1!
.-. TV,1..1, fMlBn.1 "
u.... o... ..ul Mrs. 6f '
j" """ .wirl
to thia city to nT-
OTooey to ho