Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 09, 1906, Image 3

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    IT! '
ht and Traction Co
JiIJllCJ 13
Announces a New Rate Fot Electeic Lighting
on Metfe Basis ,
You can have tie privilege of adopting the adventage of this new ate at any time afte 1
.ptil 1 2th, 1906, by calling at out office and allowing us to explain the details of this new
pate Fot those of out patrons who have an understanding with us before the 25th of this
month we will f igte April hills on this revised and advantageous rate
; Each sixteen candle power incandescent lamp burns fifty-six watt in one hour called f ifty-
ik watt hours i ''
15c per thousand watt hour, for the first hour's use of the number of lights connected, 5c per thousand watt
tours for all excess current used after the first hours consumption.
. Call and let us explain the workings of this new rate. We believe it to be well worth youf time and attention. Our
office is at
240 South Commercial Street
O JX & T O XI. X JX. m
nun ia tub rLoun
K. r
ytrerj person should learn Jest what
rod package took like and the
voaeaty is uiig Allea'a self rising
BUB. B. Flour, It ia the most autrl
iaa Mead of graiea that east bo made,
Yeu bmr that eaay digestion nod
perfaeA assimilatioa of food is neeea
aleWgood health.
Jbrjpereoa ia digest hot griddle
takes, "HeeLoxt Ifuffias, Bootes Brown
dread or IVuH Pudding made from our
dead of pare food floor, tad the (ta
tlieiif 1b making it sp and the aaaar.
Maie'of having it jut right, every
Em, should be eenaidored.
yonr graer far It asd if ha ia
it eesd bio same to as asd we
lappiy 70a with a sample paelo-
Bree. Grown who etady year vrw-
d thMr own profit, will eoppiy
those good at oil times.
Coast Factory, Saa Jose, CaL
Unwisely, But Too Well, and
in the Wrong Way
charge against him, and If ha had
made a igkt to ratals hia sebool, tusk
would probably have been does
The Daad af a Degenerate,
Rrnewwlek. April .-Tha trial far
murder af Ohariee ttrwake, whisk mi
mi with hi esavletlea aad the bpa4'
tioa of a leatanae to eight years af
tmprieaamaai, ww sae af tha
taamtieea 1 trial hold hr far
1 many yaara. Amiiha wa a baak aWc k
liM lUak, Of, ApHl Baama UH WMUfl ak
Jaiaa- A. Waaaa af UU , wh. wai T ", f W "4 M J"- ',
miwi . u ...u .-!.-. i, OaUhr af lat yaar.
niinuy WRagM ta waaa naiit ia .44ai4ing t th avMaaaa Jlraaka ia
Om diHriat jt aK af Pttat JUak. a tya af tha Oarwaa dagaaarata, aar-
aainmaitlv kaawa aa tha LitUa Xad raptad by daaadaat aad waiiiwiatU lit
tahaal Jltm, iaatatad aa aaldag lavi ! tara, laadiag U Magtoaiaaia aad
ta tha aldar giria ia his aahaal, tha di , worH of Ufa, Ta evidaaaa af th
raatara rallarad Wat af a)- fartaar waa raiaarkaUf. Ha aid ha
arviaa ia aaaaaaUaa wUh tha sahaal. , iitaitU atadaat af Kaat,
Althaagh ma fanaal ahargaa have boaa iahaaaahaaar, Sjdaau, NMwU aad
prafarrad agaiaat him aad aa aatiaa " ragardad aaiaMa at allaw
was Uka farthar thaa his dimiuaL '. W. aaalraWa. 11 had wrlttaa
a graat daal af axaitanaat has baaa thraa idays, ana aaUad 4,Tha
aroaaad ia this MigbVarhaad.
It ia aUaged that while ha was
tha a at af waking layo to aae af the tera statar that Braaka was aaae, bat,
girls, nakiag goa-goaayea, et and she M tha erawa praaaaatar aaJy daauad-
was aaaggUag up ta hlra like a siak l a & J inpriaaataaat,
kittaa ta & warm brisk, that a number e was apparently af tha opiaiaa that
of the ether pvpiia arrirad ea tha the priMnar'a miad waa Habawtaaad,
I tri," ia whiah he daliaaatad his awa
B ahafaatar aad aaraar. The prisoa aa
labcrfy Store
Pytr abeUa,
Kil maal
rSborto, Bras, aad
aya oa haad.
- : 70
Far Baok.
E. W. SM7H, Prop
I aatiaa aad aaafed than ta1 Braake thriMad a Basked eaart by
aeata aparatiaas, ealmly dwarJbiag his shaatiag af tha
The matter was at aaae reported ta tera as they aat aide by aide ia arm
the beard af dlreetars, who preieated ahairi, at their iastigatiea aad with
him with aa order af dismissal. This. , their fall eeaseat. The father af the
the toaaher with amareas praaUvitias, girls, a marehaat, gave his daaghtats
aeeeptad with the beat graaa possible axeelleat abaraatars, as amiable, aaiat,
aad hied Usaeolf t other pastmrea. jiaBaaeat girls. It traaapiree that tha
It is also rep art ad aa good aatfcerlty mother of the girls has sJaee eommitted
saiaida throagh grief.
that this is tha soooad sahaal that Mr.
Wasaas baa last witaia a maatb far
the sama raaaa aad It is saw very
doabtfal if ha erer has a ahaaae ta
teaea aaather saaool U Umatilla eoaa-ty.
A few weeks ago be waa teaehiag ia
Hoaltti la Tooth.
Disoasu and Btcknew Bring Old A.
HerUu, takes evory Btoralag bafare
breakfast, will luoep you ia robust
DUiriat Ka. S, whiah Ja below Hob .hoalik, fit yon to ward off disease. It
man, whoa eompJaiot waa made aad be ourea eonatipatioa, bUioBaaeaa, dyapep
was pramptly disaabsed. It waa also aia, torvr akin, Hrer and kldaey eoav
ramerad that atier ebargea of a more plaiata. It porlflea Ute blood aod alears
seriaas aatare might bare bees pre-. the cocsplexkro.
f erred agaiaat him, bat ha eaaaeeded Mra. W. D. Bmitfa, Wtitaoy, Tax,
ia hariag ovary tbiag bashed ap aad wriUe April 3, 3D08j UJ aato oed
kept oat af the papers. Herbise, aad Had it tha boss medicia
The eltizeae of this distriat, however, far eesatlpatien axd Urer troablos. It
are aot so charitable, and say that ha does U yea elalsa forit I atua Ugbly
doaenroa so mercy whatever. Borne reeomznead H." Me. Sold by "D. J.
ara ia favor of preferring erimisal Fry,
WaaUagtaa, . Aprti f.-Ia reply ta
tha ebelleag; af peakar Caaaoa ta,
the DaaarN ta maka tha tariff tha
ieeae 1st the aamiag eaanratwiaaal
aaMfmlam, Hnpfanaatiittve Jaha Sharp
WiUiama. tha miaarity leader, has
waeaptad tha "deA" aad pfadiaUd aa
early raviaiaa af the tariK. Ma mada
it plaia that tha baetaaea iaaiability
dariag the eaaetiaeat of tariff lagiia
Uaa waa daa to tha laflaaeee af tha
apesial iataroaia aad aarparatiaas
whiah iplaW tha Bainwltteea ia fraiaiag
tariff lawa aad eaagret ia paaaiag
taam. Ilia rawedy is ta divaraa
tha gavaramaat from private baataaaa
aad make tha tariff reeetpta meet the
af Ua paUia. Mr. WDtlams
freatlaK lawa aad wharaby eoagreaa la
gaidad ia aaaattae; tham.
"Tha tariff ia aa4sT t be ravlaad,
Ih aaae tbera is aa tariff rariaioa at
this tltea, thara wilt be, ia my apialoa,
a DMMurratie hoaaa aad taaa will ba
a Uiiiarraiia tariff bilL Tkare wilt
aot ba aa Ideal Dasaaaratia tariff, be
ad bv aatwal aoaditlaa Mtrrawadia; aa,
ana we maat ta saaaa axeawt W raid
whiah will Mtaka aa awarva ta saaaa
extaat trim tha Meal, bat It will ba
aa aaairariinntlaa ta iL"
"Tha tariff ia gaiag ta be revised. Jf
tha KepabUaaa party baa seaso aaaagh
aad aaarago aaaagh ta revise It an
right Uaee It wlH vary materially aid
them ia staying ia power. They mav
aot stay avea thee, beeaaae it is fait
that there ia a aheak seeded apea tham
ia ether direatiaaa.
Soviaion Up to BepublloaoB,
"If they da aot revise It oa other
liaea sama other party will. It is lm
partaat ia the iojareet of the sUbillty
af tariff rataa that the proper priael
pes f tariff ravistea ahoald be tmg
aiaad aad aeted apaa. The proper
priaejpal 1 the adapUag af tariff re
eelptSp Nke other revaaae, ta tha aaeda
af the pabtie, aad sot ta tha seeds af
traeia aad epeeial iatereets. Aa long
aa there ia a elash batweaa ladividaali
or iadaatriea, eaah atrivlag for some
advantage eoaferred by tariff law
tkaro cab, la the very aataro of thiaga,
be so esd of tariff agitation.
Divorco aoranaeat aad Bnslaesa.
"ItiaoslywhoB baaiaesa is di vareed
fioea goverameat that govsramest will
bo diyoreed from baaiaeas aad from
eeaatast laterforeaao with it. BaaUeaa
will sever bo diverted from govera
meat so leeg aj the baafaaaa iateraais
of jsdtviduala or eerperatieas is tha
rule whereby coxudttees aro guided ta
1100 Howard, 1100.
The readers of this paper will be pleas
ed to learn that there Is at least oaa
dread disease that salease haa beea able
ta owe ia all ita stages, aad that If
OaUrrh. Hall's Catarrh Oare 1. the
only positive euro sow kaowa to the
medieal fraternity. Catarrh being a
eoMt4tatloaal disease reaaires a eon
stitatloaal treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Ouro is take Internally, aetiag direet
ly upon the blood and Huieous aurfaees
of the system, thereby deeireylsg the
fowndatlen of tha dlee&ae, and giving
the patient strength by ballding up
tha eosatitaUon aad aMlatlag satars
ia doing ita own work. The propriet
ore have ao maah fakb ia ita aarativa
pewera that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any oase that it fails to
eare Bend for list of tMtimosUl.
AUreM P. J. OUmntY k CO Ta
lodo, O.
Bold by all druggist, lit.
Take Hall's Family PI Ma tt eaattb
About Railway rrasahisoa.
Ta fwiaa goverameat will sot grant
a frasahlfo to any pabUa enterprise ox
eept with the ptovisUa that after a
lapse of years the etato may parahase
the Ksdertakisg if it seo it. Ia
this way most of the street ear Uses is
Bwiss oities have gone to tha munici
palities, and those still ia private haads
will evaataally pans lata pablia owner
snip. I have opekaa of the admirable
traetloa system of Zarleh. The linos
aompriso ia all tweaty-flvo and a half
milea of tratkaga. The receipts ia 1CXH
were W3,80, oa wbiab tha oity proits
ware lM,fW. Of these profits 19,00Q
went to a mrpka fand for renewal.
10,000 to a slaking fund to meet the
parskxso bonds, OeSB to pay the is
toreat oa these obligations, aad $io",837
waa ttuxed isto tha general fuada of
the flty 'for tha eoHUHOM good," al
tha Xarieh paopla esproM it. Tha llas
earriod. la 1WM, HtT.WO paraoaa aa
iaareaaa af 1.000,000 over liOt. Tha
total earn paid for daman reaaltleg
from aarldaata la others than employs
waa (tJT. Ta iajeved workmen oa its
llaaa the ally paid 4M0O. Mo tatti
Mara assasinry ta aafaraa those elaiM)
they wota paid lmeawsij they ware yast
V pattllae aatarad lata the eaadaat af
tha road. All the details af Its eper
allows, the reeetpta aad tgrpeadltMraa
U litem ssmaml Bmaaflmmmaamaa Wsaom .IUA 0 Ipj
aav sans Bsajvavaa; vv VI w gnavsavosvaal
pampbiata. Every elUaoH af Xarieh
aoaM know aa mae aa the manager
about the ftaaaoea af Ua Mao Rv
ery body's Maaaaiao.
NeUao Bend Oall.
Kotioa la horaby givea that I, J. B.
Dalloy, eoaaty Uwmhm af Ooas oean-
ty, Orogaa, wilt redeem aa Hay 1, 19M,
at the nk af the Mow York Seeurity
k Trust Company, Xow York Olty, N.
Y, bonds Mas. 4, t and fl, (Na. faar,
Ave and six) sekaal diitrlct Mo. 0 of
Coos soasty, Oregoa. No Interist will
be altowed after Way 1, im.
Coos County Treasurer
Dated April 9, IrOO, Cequltle City,
Oregon. 4 03t
Tan BoeUty Tradlddle,
Jailer Sir, there's a reporter otoide
waata ta interview yaw.
Mated Prisoner-Toll him I'm sot ia.
Traselated far Tales from I,e Jean
aliiW sa-msmaiii'BViawaami snaml aiiisminismmti maWi aaasriml
ZfraLkJ WiVfif iTji.a.iW.iW
Cuts, Bruises wjp
jji fc j affjUamamL jfjmaBmaw!amf
! '