DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1908. A i no YOU KNOW l That Dr, Plorco's Favorite Proscription Is i the onlr medicine sold through druggists I or woman's weaknesses and poeullar all "', thoiihtoa notcontAlnlanreauantl tr",0:a''ohol? It U also the only medicine, ritxi. nlv- pfpirod for the cure 01 tho i .iV aw dioaes poeullar to women, the miK r if whi h Is not afraid to take his oat cuts lnt hi full oonlHonee, by print Ira upon ea.h bottle wrapper all tho fnnre ed ni.t enteriiiK into .ue rneau'ine. ixsK l to r urucgK u win i no. .ru. r ii or to ProHTlptlon." too, Is tho only to"J' l f'r women, nil the Ingredients Ol Will II nave uie uiHiuniiueu oiiuuiir Imrnt 'f tl) le idlng medical wrlturs of the IL, ral ii-hools of urscMoe. recommend- llr them for the cur of the diseases for Kr, )i tim "PrrHu-rllillon" Is advised. fttr.titoDr It V Plow Buffalo. N. Y.. ;r a ' 'e oonkini, aim reau me nunwr 3 iir.irU I mm sUmlnni medical nu- ft', n x tir,illna the several Insn-tllenM Bj( w he h I)r Pierre's medicines are made. 111(1 duii't forget that no other medicines put up for sale tnrotign uruegisM ior uo- m''lH 11-lM ill "Jliun Bllf suvil miv""W"'H n i,,r.nif 'it. This, of lUeW. is of far itnoro w-ght and Importance than any iinoniit "I so-i'niieu "Misiimoiiiais" tv .ntt .-iniiiatv ft it tin ted before the tmblic. ill t i,vir'f he alcoliolli compound. 'lh ratorite rrewipMon - cure an to an peculiar wi-knei'i and de ing moiiM.unis nanismm penouicai Irs toiiderneM and draglug-donn ttt tciiNi urn n'c'Kit'nn. nranniiown ill"1 irtti"!! in louer aottomen. seeowpauuHi ir weaWeninr and disairreea bin catarrhal. hUi drains and kindred ymptom. pr riewi ami nis sum m skiiimi w plaints ma h-t consulted free by address ing tu above All mrresiMHHteiiee w tn'atei as sa miiy cniimiemini. iiy con lilting in this wav the tlwuwabin quesUoni ncs and personal "exawlnaUons" ireai.iei .. .. . The People's Common Heno .Meuieai tdir contains some vw Inter setliw land altiabl- chapters on tho dlees ! peculiar to women. It contains over one thousand pa$ It Is snt post paid. m receipt of suflli'innt In otw-cent stamp to pay cost of mailing only, or SI eenta for n copy in flexible paper covers, or ,11 cents for a chili iwimd copy. Address Dr. It. V. 'I'mrcrt as aixie tip iMorriv's Pellet reffulnto ami Invlir- oraln stmarh, liver ami bowel. Olio n laxative, two or uirwe eauiarus. PROFANITY IS WRONG TO WRIGHT The following clipping nave Just ap- ired la the paper aad they fan la Ibo with my Utter m tb ikjt I urn Irving to mpwrnM. The prs kai Its great power a ad abotiM t everv Effort to wipe et tkwe evils. TVrre nrt numbers of 4ays that are IworM tkaa ttapto that atteiilH M Railed to ia the psrajrrapk Uiow, tttat nave Ufa prodiieed ea the stage aid KSaeuId U treated ia tlta m way aa c&tpfao wa at ToUd. Oa tba ttvttMlaif f Oltf Xalkarttlf'l ljret pMfrwaae ef 8apk kr reet nfweat (a Toledo, 0 tk 1m Muaty federatloa CatkalU sUetle imihI the follow! ag rsolutUai 'Kolvd, tkat wt), tk m toaa- federation of CatWie sWetWs. do Per t y exprtw our def ngrt, dUgtwt Knd indignatloa at tk prfrwaae of mplay, tk ubot watte of wkiok U latlt tar eloaa and ekasi wlads, and llat w aiaeoroly koj that alt woU-U ifMitio4 pettple of Ue oUy wttl kol kS to trat tklt ontrtmeoiMi aUMMt at lung tb atage tkat the managst of our lal theatre will aver dare invite our Toledo publle to saek tlaeioua axbibltiotm. feoliag eoavioeod bat, as William W'iater. tho draMatie ritif , has put Hapko and Camille among ii putril plae that dlsgrae our ania i mw JtgelaUePreparalumfbrAs PrrwjwteaTlsUonXlhtful tvess nwl ItesLContalns ndther OpmmtMorpuixtf oorlfioeiaJ. Not Narcotic. mkv afoua-smcuEiicaca JmrimSmJ' SmkJUSJ- Aperfect Remedy forConslIpft tion,SourStoffiachJ3iaiTtiDca. Worms onvulsions.Fcvcrish- oess ondloss OF SLEEI?. T&cSurale Signature of NEW YOHK. 'VRAKTIB, Pin stage, all good eltiaeae of whatever be lief will withheld their potreaage from such plays and theaters." Miss Xethereote's oagageneat la- To ledo wae aaythiag Imt a Meets. Down On Profanity. Associated Preee: St. Louis, IT., Feb. 1. Reeeatly the Board of no! lee commlesioaers iemed an order prohlbitlag policemen from swearing while oa duty. Last night Chief of Police Kaliey issed aa order that polieemeat were to arrest all per sons using profane language la the streets, and in ptiWlie piaees. Slave the police board's order was ie-wed, one patrolman has Meed profanity while on duty and 1mm ben. fined 140. Frem the Halifax, Nova Soetia, Dally Bono. The following Is taken from the New York Daily Herald of December 25. 106: To the Hditer of tho Xew York Her ald-Among the grtiwing evile of thli age U the mm of profane language on the stage. A an InotAaoe, take "The Girl fro tho aMea West," In this piny there are all oUssos of profanity used in a moet oarels and degrading way. If sstsO an amount of profanity was ueod In the mining town of the west, where the heroine Is supposed to come from, I do not see why it should be reprodueed at the present day before a respectable audlenee in New York or any other elty. The Increase of pro fanity In met of the plays that are produced at the present time due to an attempt te obtain a lauftk, but why should the morals of the people suffer to Alt the pocket of piny writers and the producers of piers f Immoral plays are the order of the defy. I would like to see the minds of the play writer and producers of plays reer to something moral. There would be more money in it for them, as the beet m of peo ple are now driren from the theater George Wriffht, Voung Aveeme, Hull fax, Nova Seotla. Of late u4 language has been gain ing groat headway aa a laugh maker in all elaeees of theaters and plays, and It has been very noticeable, even in this city. Tula elan of language ap peals mortly to the gallery, and when it la need there U an ovation of ap planse and snouting from that section of the theater. This does not mean that It U amueing to the gallery, but It U on aeeount of such language com lug from the stage. Manager Medealfc deserve great credit In tho way he ha been trying to keep the academy free from the obscene or bad language that Is need In Iks piays nowadays, lie ka aim) gone aa far a to place a man in the gallery to prevent any bad lan guage that one often hear used by the audience In innt part of the theater. Mr. Medcnlfe, with the co-operation of the director, will ec tkat In the fu ture bad language will not be allowed nt the Academy, and that people can go there with their families and be no sored Inst the play will bo free from any t bin objectionable in any way. In tho 4tM nowadays moot of tho theatre have fallen into the hands of a trust, and that moans graft. So therefore anything that there if money in is produced regnrdlCM of reeneett bility. In New York in the pact few years there have been plays produced aufti as "Kapha" and others of that GASTORIA For Infants and Chlldron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years ASTORIA VMS eTu OMnurr. om. AW r jii THREE FACTS For Sick Women To Consider FrnsT. That almost ovary operation in our hospitals performed upon woraon bceomea necessary through ncgleot of auah symptoms as baekaoho, irregular and painful periods, displacements of tho fetnalo organs, pain in the aldo, burning sensation In tho stomaoh, bearing'down pains, nervousness, du llness and sleeplessness. Sitcom Tho medlolno that holds tho record for tho largest number of absolute cures of female ills is Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound. It regulates, strengthens and oures diseases of the female organism as, nothing else can For thirty years It has been helping rr omen to bo strong, curing baokaohe, nerrousnesfl, kidney troubles, inflam mation of the fetnalo organs, weak ness and dlsplacomonts. regulating tho periods perfectly ana overcoming their pains. It has also proved ltsoli Invaluable In preparing women for childbirth and tho chango of llfo. Tmno. Tho great volume of unso licited and grateful testimonials on flic at tho Plnkunm Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., raauyof whioh arc from tltno to Utno published by permission, glvo ab solute ovldenco of tho value of Lydla It. Ilnkliams vegc tnlilo Compound niiu Mrs. Plnkhnm's advleo. MrA.PInklinm'sStnndlnglnvlUtlon to Womcn.-Vonien suffering from nuy form of female weaknees are invlUnl to promptly oommunloato with Mm Pink liam. nt Lynn, Maas. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women only. Phmii aymptoMM given, your trouble may be located and the quickest and an rest way of reeorery advised. Mrs. Pinkbam la daughter in-law of Lydla It. Pinkbam and for twenty-live years under her dlrectioti and ninoe bar deeeae she baa been ad vlslngaiolc women freeof charge. OHtof Urn vaet volume of experience In treat tug female Ilia Mrs Plitkbam probably haa Ute rry knowledge that will help your ease, Surely, any woman, rielt or poor, M very imnwni it siio noes not iako advantage of this gaueroua offer of aJuUtauec. nature, and they were really net Nt to be played in a reapeeUble theater, and put before n roepeetable audience. They went from bad to worse, until last year the authorities had to step in and close one of them up. The worst part of this Is, in New York and other large cities, the theaters are supported largely by tho ontaiaW public, and rctmectable pee pie going to the elty generally go te the theater, not knowing what the play eoaatet of. take their families there. and see some Immoral and degrading play, with all hinds of bad language used. These plays should be their limit now. and the authorities should take forth steps in the matter nnd leveetf gate The theater was net intended to teach Immorality and bad language. A Lucky PeetmlstreeH. Is Mr. Alexander of Gary, Me., who haa found Dr Kings Xew Ufo Pitts to be the beet remedy she ever tried for keeping the sSomaeh, liver and bowels in perfect order. Yon 11 agree with her if yon try those naiades pnrUote that Infuse new life. Ouamateed by J. C. Perry, drugiei. Price He XBIBHSOIW nttXT AT KAMBLA. Ofalbtreu a Jtaeee Said to Vc Host en Uslc for Pond. Trouble is raging at Kamela. an I from ine aeeounts that have been re reived from there fend Is raging I bat promisee to rival thcoo of the "Dark and Bloody tfcenad." Aroordiac te account, the trouble m the aeifktMrheed Is of long sum tag and started originally through srhool children enwrrew. Later a grew into family lfhu untU almost tho entire aeighberheod was involved Yesterday a geaeral melee occurreJ is whUh about a demon men. want's and children took part, rack aaJ other wlstmlos being freely need. This morning Mr. and Mr. U. J Nowoomlt appeared before Dimln At tornor Pttoliw for tho Msraese of mak lag a cesnpsaiat agaiaot some of their beUiuerent aeighboH. They oeeiarc that eae o Us MoCom aa4 been drsvlag some sheep on their lead, and thai whim they ordcron aim s. general IfsU followosL Their appear ance Indicated suck to the district at toraey. However, as the aaair was a aoifh berhoad enarrel sad cm la wMea he hold aU to bo ysuily at fanlt. Ute dm triet attorney tttd not ia any war rant. Ieetoad, he has wrist sever iettons to the varione parties involved, telling thorn that saasjld further trou ble rconlt ho will jweeecute aU ohteaeV er. Also, no broadly hiatod that Us eouaty iaansci would bo improved should he be Msmked to da te. It is said the trouble at XameU hat grown so bitter that should it eea tiatte blooaed may rosedt -Bast Ore-goaisa M9Km9mf9u9ktim9K9m9imii9M9m99nmtiM99m9K9mUM9999Mnwi9mm'mtimi CIASSIPIBD 3 M i MHttlMeM8BlBH3gtBMtt3BCBaM roil SAIiB. For Sale. Dirt, snitablo for lawns and ether purposes. Phoao 4 (MX 3.13-lm' For Sale. A pure bred Jersey eew, at lew prise, if taken aoen. A. F. Ilofer, eare Journal effice. 3-96-tf For Sale. 1W Plymouth Rock Pigeons, 0. F Willing, 144 Front street., Sa. lens, Orsgon. 4-!-3t For Sale. 10 sores, tn grain, or will out up Into 40-nere tracts. Addrees M. I. Oapps, Capital Improvement Co. tte Front street. llS-lm Tor Sale. Delaval separator, nearly sew. nougat for WJ, wlH pen ror 90 eeek Inquire of A. W. Nusom, Gervais, Kouto X, or phoao Farm 59. Paints, Olaas and Oils Wo carry a complete stock and can satisfy you in every way. Steiaer & Dcrger, 410 State r4reet. For SalO Dry second growth fir, 3.50 per cerri, delivered. Also Jumbo stump puller, In first ehvts condition. Inquire of Louts Lachraund k Co. corner of State anil Cemmorcial ntreels. Phono Main 72. llfl-ltn FOB BENT. For Bent, Three furnished rooms for bouseherping. Call at 454 Liberty street. Phone 1401. 3-M-at Per Rent. -Forty acres improved land. Will rent cheap. Call on or address X. W. Tucker. Awmsvitie, Oregon. J-14f WAKTBD. Agent Wanted To seii guaranteed article 100 per cent profit, eason et enmmonced. Kvery heose met IL Free out., Addret "K.." Journal. 4-Mt MUSIC STUDIOS. Mualo Studio.-Frank K. Churchill. Muirisal Btudlo, Associate teacher Western Ooneorvntory, Chicago, 11L, repreeontlng Inler-Btato Bystera at Balem. Oregon. In the Oray block, room 3. Btudlo hours 0 to IS ami t to 0. 8-ltVtf Tho Boloy Studios. Thorough instruc tion la music, Mr. and Mr. France ee Beley, specialists In Volee Prtxluc tlen, Interpretation and Harmony. Opera nous Building, rooms 0 and 10. Beeldenco phono Mala S74. 11-Mlm DDRMATOLOOIST. POf,eUTe,'S," mm m m -, - 1 Bumu B, Ashferd Oraduate derwwtoi agist andr scalp sj-eeUiW. livery hit! of the kumea face eradieat e.1. Itoicnilnc facial aad sealp nma eage. Ail work guaraateed. MW ridge Meek, B0tt OHemeroial street. S-l-l WANTBD rBMALB HBLP. Wantedi--XwlUoM at the 8t Oimrlei Hotel, Albany. Apply at once 3-8-tf WANTBD MALB HBLP. atscngitMenjisanigCtencninnn Wanted A man of nil work to look af' tor email place. For particulars ad dros "B. Q L." car Journal. tf WantooMen and boy wanted to learn, plumbing, brick laying and plaeioring trade nays InwM a day. If i sin I eter $10 1 two monta' eonrs fmort term only. Union card guaran teed. Coyne Bros. Co., Xew York, Chicago, St. Ioui. Free eaUleg. IMlyr. OASfTOIlZA. BMiitk TtiKn4YMhen)MiftB4t( Every Cook Needs This If the want light cake, nsvetxy or scttins shw nuntt mc god baking pewsjar. Xc Isnnjsso linking powder Is Epplcy's Baking Powder Is sJsiseutsAy ptite and very oaiaiy ssmfHinsVtsi It W pjt sm la sclf-tocl-tag Jars that arc very oewresieat, and is SOLD BY ALL 0200SRS MISCBLIANEOUa. Salem Iron Works rounders, machin ists and blacksmiths. Manufacturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stove, etc. Manufacturers of the Salem Iron Works Hop Press, ll-SO-lra Hotel Scott Newly furnished, every thing clean and first otasa. Rooms at reasonable price. In Oottlc block, BeJottu A. Boott, prop. 7--tt Bay Have you tried IL H. Pauls for moatst lie has tho beet eaosage la town. Come and try it, and be con vinced. 410 Cast BUte etrct. Wantod. Turlroye, geeee, fluoke, chick ens and aU farm produce. Highest Cash prlco ptid for earae. Capital Commiseton Company, 267 Commer cial street Telephone 170, A Oood Investment Somo ono withlDra. Lane and Otiflm Cure Dreg, $13S0 can loan that amount on first class ronl oetato security, at a good rato of Intorost. Addross "M, Q. F,M caro Journal t-t-Xt At Your Stepmother's Bho can stoam oloaa or dyo them, and vavo you n now suit, proas and repair, rollno, furnish buttons. Tho most dollcato fabric can bo olc&nod by hor dry olcanlng mothod without Injury. It doos not shrink or ohnngo its color. It Is noxt to Tho Journal offleo, 2S1 Commercial street .nu rail I 'TU JJil , ,'. LOST. swtatsntssM-i Lost A brown leather purse, eeuUia ine; money and other articles, either on South Commercial street or be tween High and Kearney street. Leave nt this eflUe. 4-t-3t PLUMBBXS. Theo. M. Barr Buecemer to Barr A Petael, tinner and plumber. Hot alt water and steam heating a specialty, Balem, Oregon. 8S Bernard! t Dunaford. Plumbers, steam ana gas niters, aii ainns or piumo Ing cuppllee. No. 09 Btate street Phono lio Main. 10-Stf aHuaMp-aiHBMaaMCMr T0N80B1AL , -- -- Bvana' Barber Shop, Hvtrythlng nsw and up to date. Fiaeet porcelain baths. Bhavlng, 18c, halreuttlaglsee hatha 90c First olsu bootblacka 0. W. Hvans, Proprietor. VBTBRINARY SUBQBON Dr. B. J, Yeung Veterinary surgeon and deaibrt, 30 ytMra' experience. AU work guaranteed. DiOieult aurgleal operations a reeialty. Iheae 081. Omee at Oiub fckaWes. Pbeao 7, fU tern, Offtgoa. 3 9-tf COHOKBTn AND OBMBNT WORK. JH VsYmVieSnV smtoameVpOLsmtmtr SlUal lltifUrr i I I e mmnmnmmj Vtim"pcmmsr o wtw o7Ww4mr 0C WH4-,e, TTol4co01i (Pjs9jtlwsl keeyvTvi iWeW"n fwun-mtiea and Oeore, 8S8 Mariea street. 3-0-tf UTIJ AND AOOTDBNT Tho Travel ore Inseraaee Oo Jeba Knight eel agent Ream 14, Moore block, Balem, Nothing better, safer or cheaper In this lias, for tho Wig character of this company. JMMf amjmjEFCBEXKSmVK7MnT LODOBS. Foresters of America Oeurt Sherwood Foreetef. N. IB. Meet Tuesday In Hurst hall, State street U. S. Rider, a R-j A. I Brews, F. 8. Central Ledge No. 18, K. of P. Cattls Halt In Hoimaa block, corner Stats and Liberty streets. Tuesday of ae week at 7:00 p. m. J. O. Orakew, 0. a W. L SUIey, K. of R. and H. Madera Woodmen of America Ore gen Cedar Camp, No. 0040. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 e 'sleek, Heiman HR. W. W. HIU, V. O.j F. A, Turner, Oleric. Woodman of Wertd.-Meet twf Fri day night at 7i30. la Heiman Hall. A. J. Boy, a a P. L. Fraaier, oierk. MOtf LIVBBY AND SALE 8TABLBS. Bed Front SUbles Flrst-eiaa livery, sNes-t-e beardJftft and sale sUblss. Bubber tired buggies aad fine driving etock. M, I Harrod, proprietor, 171 Che sasktU street. Phone Mala 73. U-ltVlyr Feed Bara-Special attestioa to tra sleat teams. Farmers' patronage so- Bsited. Waiting rooms for ladle We also earry a full Uao of feed. Located at Club Btables, comer Lib erty and Ferry streets. Phone Main 7. Prank k Darby. 12-14-Om OwA.1 ItPOXIZAi Sssnths nVgutare cf TNKYMKMJrtflM 'f&c&fc OSTEOPATIIS. Dr. W. X. Morcer, Oraduate of Kiifca- Tile, Mo., under founder or oetoo pathy. Booms 25-SO Breymaa bldg-, Cotacaerctal 0L, phone S10. Bees denee 419 N. Bummer et- phono 014. Treats acute and ehronic dlnosees. BxaminaUonc free. Dr. B. XL White. Oraduate of Klrkas vilel, Mo., under found or of octeo pathy. Boom 31 Breymaa Wdg, Commercial st phone 87. Beddeoot 600 Btate, cor. Church, phono 11 If. Treats acute and cnrealo dlseaooa. Hsamlaatlons free. pnrsioiAir and sirBOBON. Dr. Oartwrlgat Has resumed govern practice, aad will bo found in rooasa 10, over Ladd A Bash's bank, Office hour 11 s, m. to 4 p. m. Office phone Mala 10, reddenoe phosvsi Main 107. 12-SOtf Liquor and Tobacco habits la frees two to thrco days actual troatmeort Cures guaranteed. Their lnstltuto U st 001 Mill street Phono No. 047. Persons desiring Information can ob tain it at down-town office, room 0, Ilolman block, Balem S-20-tf 8ABIC AND DOOB FAOTOBIBS. & c cv,-e v.v. Fraik M. Brown Msnuf set nrer of rash, doors, mouldings. All kinds of house finish and hardwood work. Front street between Btate and Court WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OrnOB CITY HALL. For watsr isrvlee apply at omee. Bills payabls monthly In advance. Make all complaints at the eflteo. L -J .r nv tr - L, .v,ovvy When You Greet Your Best Girl Ymi should always be well groenied and well drosisd and have your linen Immaculate in It snowy whiteness and ex)uinite inieb. Yen can keep it that way eenetnnily, and nt small cost when you have i Ueadried at the HALBM 8TRAM LAUNDRY. Oetenei. J. Oini steed, Prop. Dent D. Oimetead, Mgr. pMeo 75 10O1M Ubesiy 6t. FOR SALE Fifteen acre, aU la cultivation, within eae mile of Salem. Houoe, Urn, aad 3 aa of fruit This is the A a cot kind of river bottom land aad an be had et very cosy terms for oa ry Jj?2000 Dea't forget cur 0008 BAY LOTS for $35,00. er mc and ia a few years it will make yen seme money. Derby and Willson BRICK Briek furaieaed ia huge or email auantilM. Pressed brick made to erdttr. Yard on Stab street, south of Penitentiary. 8ALBM BRIOK YARD. A. A. BURTON, Prof. The Fashion Stables Permerty Simpson's BtabU. Upto-date livery and eab line. Fu neral turnouts a specialty. TUy-ao for pisalts and oxeursleas. Phono 44, Oku, W. Yannko, Prop, 847 aad 049 High Street. ' NEW LANGE HOTEL When you visit Portland, Ore., bo euro aad step at The Now Lasge no te!, next doer to the Imperial. Bates 00c, 70o ana 01,00 per day. zneetrie lights, eau bells, elevator, steam beat, free bath -jm. free bus. All outside rooms with naslag water. 1JR FRENCH FEMALE SPILLS. lltM l k u hi h.mifcW tl,M,MUit i -, I I wi,... i ,.. wmM,M W. kV - ' UMirseucjicsice ,t. ii,. e 'I- ''-"' ,V r -v gold ia BUM try S, a BUns. Hi ll ) i