Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 03, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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    BasMMCwjuMaw jj.,v-.,, -,-
Lace Curtains and Portieres
All this week wc will give special bargains in Lace
Curtains and Portieres.
This is the right season of the year to buy this kind
or house furnishings and now is the time to take advan
tage of the low prices.
Watch our ad for next Saturday's special sale.
Shown to Be Very Defective
by the State Grange
xtiwi ((vmitomv
Opponent ef Statement No. 1 Hay
Something Might Happen" Ev
Where tko Siatomoat Hindu Om
ItiUf of tfco LogiaUUire Possible for
Two or Three imwpoMlblo Men, Not
Bound By It, to (Ml the Settttomhip.
Tke Labor Pre of Portland reviews
tke peMUeel pewd Withies whlck might
eeme to pee under Htntement No. 1
In the ideeUe of tt United State sen
ator, m follows!
While Um OfpMMNU Of Statement
Ne, 1 of the primary lew are retting
ObjeetlWM t It OH tk ground always
of wklt "might happen." wky don't
they eleei l tk J( ef firearm, ImI
Imh hooim4inm, railway travel, deep
awlmmlag ( nwi everytklug else
Mint ItM IN It Ik elemOWt of "wkt
might happen."
NW It "might knpp" tlMt tk
peepi of tki Mit wM oloot to Ik
legmmtor 43 McpabltenM and 41 Doto
caret, and nt the same time eclcet n
ncwpdee for United Stele iCMtor
V MW mrily.
TtMH If MM Of Ik H ItfgfcfaUM mi
jeedfed to HtatoMMMt K 1 what
"might kpat" It In up u Um read
or to naewer. Yen kjtow what weald
happen, Tko eaaiemodp weald be mU
at Salami ptelmbty ta a tUfwMkiiHi
pwWbly to a DMWMnt. Ye weald
taea have tkU demaaatraiteui rNwty
tix lrrepeebl publl scrvanta-agonls
of H,m electors Mttiug aside tae ex
pre will af tko eaUre body of tk
stale' electorate, Wket tor!
T eempey ytk tk prayMcaa ef
Ue foilontl ooiutttMlfeot TMkNkMl
f. yo. INI to Uwtk (w wkittf TkU
it Mt f r fotokoa ohm. It kM i
oMt k4y kni U OrofS
poUtioMl kiktory.
Ut h- Mt tko "wkut iMlxkt Iwf.
rjon" pkM f tk mm U RMrtkor y.
fctrK tko MU toKUMlwo tuU W
i"l"l o U ItofNiWtoiiM aiul
mkw f vorloKu4 totUkl Mtot
M tk imh.,4 In Jhr (Mt Uj- 40.M4
mjrty a NMkUrii kft Wm
duty uowtiMtod at tko wiiwirr o)o
ilci.ftnlcnt t) tlto I nitel Htntei irn
In aurk m cm of "miglit bnptoa"
tk will of tko mrtjr amU tko will of
tko poopM wmM W vtoUtod Wy ( moa
cottUx tkolr own jtHlKMont njruliwrt.
Ikat of ftowo 8.000 -otoni of tko itato.
Tko wkolo point of okjootlo to
Wtolwoowt No. 1 of tk jlmary olo
Uom low U a oovort aoMmptlM tkut
18 Ntomkom of tko Mftfelatoro, or aay
otkor NMJority of tkmt W4y oltkor,
wltkla w wltlHHtt (Mirty Hrm, iImhiM
oxort a -to pnor vr tko ox
prMd will of tko poople of tko otoie
-la ofToot, tkat tko 4(1 orontorM aro
lalHMMloat of ami attporlor to tkolr
la tlto Mooa InhablUxt?
IMoo kai proroa tkat tke nmhm kaa
aa atHMMpboro, wklek makaa llf In
mnho form pm1M en tkat aatlt
Itot not for kMHtaa Mug wko bavo a
kani ooooRk Um an tkli oorth of ouri
MpoiaUy tki who tloa't kaow tkat
MooUfo HlttoM owro ka4eha, WIUi
mm, MMlarta. obllla aa4 fvor, Jonh-
Uoo. dyapopoU, dlaslaoM. UrpU Hvor,
VUtHty ootHplaiaU. Mooral 4eblUty aal
tmto wtkaw. UNOttwilorf m a
Ktrl toulo aa4 appotiaor for woak
porMtM, otfoolally for tko rrI. It
l4M0a aotuul iit. PSilly KMrato4
ky J. C. marry, DreintWt Prioo only
ttoa, h.t wko 1. Mt portly . IZJS JX TZ, 7'
aW to tko lUpibilm mmUn 77m, 2-2! iftfS S
JoUJaturu wko prooood to olnt aa la
-f -!
a tab siaicrao man
Kmwh ef tko wlioklevMia totogt
vrkloh aro U&kM to kkNk; kit patk
wjr, rty Wgliu t proparo t
Ajjaltt! tko aAUotioas o povorty
yu often Mad klm buttroMeJ wttk
a well flJM Wank eooouat. JIaay
ouok aooooata aro oa out; books.
OaiMory Akottt OOMpUtcd.
At a Ntoottox of tko Ur4 of 4lmt
ton tko Safe Mutual OaaMcy,
koU atrX)-. tko follow mwihI
wro lotii 0. W. Wooka.
pfoWoat .N'oak WoWk, via pr44t
C A. H. PUaor. troaourori i. 1 Ktw
kail, oo.tory aad mmmmk. I. K.
Paao, Kak Walak a4 Ooa. W. Wooki.
aiaaatlvo oawatlttoo. Tm kaaH ooa
ttaU of tko (ottowtaK Matod woatkara
Oaa. V. Weak. Naak Wolok, C. A U,
Plakor. . . KUakaK, L K. Im, Ww
U, H. W. 8ava, T. J. tlark aa.l
kt liafor.
Tm HwaaaaaMwt b aow pooaar to
MUtaaaoa Uwt im f, wUl U
rj far tk atnwkarr' araa, tkat
tkoy kavo antoraa! tka awaalaary, aad
iai im oaaaera wUl ko la faJl apora
Uaa far tko aotwaaH bajlaoai. Tko
UhIWUk la aoariag oowpUtloa. U
will Im (MxlSt faot kt al. i l.
paw far wktok It b bolag bUt. Tko
fTalt graH-ara af tke trraaadiaK ooaa
Uy ra to In tilUd apaa tko
prattraM tkoy kava auiaa.
Salem State Bant
L K.PAGE. Pmktent""
Ei We HAZARD. CaslOef
Somewhat ExjgjsMt!.
A faatakaad ia tko form af a dk
patok ftaat Uakar City ka kooa aak
IkAad ia tko laadiar papar of Ora
fa ad Idako to tko eaToet tkat kay
b Vale aad violatty advaaood fraai
e to 4t a toa daria tka raoaat
cold eaap. Wkorr deard of kay kaiag
wartk m a taSa. Tke trutk b Uj ad
vaaoa raw U to akaat i0 a toa. aad
vary UtUo at tkat kigfc. sgara. It
w ito rMt( Uwt aak damage
to ittak -wa daaa, wkiak 1 alio falM.
Tkfi ttok waa ay tkat varv llttta dam
K Of itaek wa daaa.Nakalm Ga-
Do" Not TaU
T kaar Kov. Ilawaxd Aaaa Saaw,
aao af Uo aiat krlUlaat apeakars aa
the Ameriaaa platform at tka Pint
I it K. charea. Friday, April 6tb. Ai
wiMioa fri TM p. w CUootiaa.
1 3 It
This bill may be briefly atotod to be
an act to lay out aad improve eeuatry
roarie, by maeadnmlsdisg or otherwiee,
by epeelat aeeeeemeBto upon the adja
cent land owner. Tke body of the aat
gives the eouaty oourt pewor to eon
tribute an amount, not exceeding half
the cost of the road, from the eeunty
treasury. No eeh power ia set forth
in the title of the aot, and thia special
provision of the law la probably void
on that aceouat.
The county oourt acquire Jurisdic
tion to pre!1, under thla not, on pre-
witatlon of a potltion, attrned br a
majority of the reaidatit land ewnera
within two mllee on either side ef and
one mile boyoad the terminus of the
It is thus pftMtble that the majority
of these slgaera wilt reprenent bat n
ftMtnll portion of the noseesed oot of
the road. No a reeMent land ownen
have neither the right to petition Mr
to object. The petition may be dto-
mlMd if rwident land owners ropre
aenting two thirds of the assoaieA coot
fllo n romoaeiranoo.
Xow here oomos n peoallar pravMonl
If any one Imaker, or other eapttaiiet.
witk money waiting far a tafo invaot
moot In mom taxable bands em for
ward wltk n dttantlon af money, tko
oewnty Jadgo kM tko pawar, If "In bU
optnlaa" tka amaaat of klo daaation
oqaallaoc tko exponas and WeaoAt. to
overralo all ofajoottoao m to tko ex
pense of tka undertaking.
Tfcta Mt giro tko toanly Jadga vtty
arbitrary pawar nil Utraagk, aad
rm n aaeptelan in tka mind af tkf
fnmar, whose land are aasaaftod, tkat
tko act la mar aoliaitOMa far Ike safe
ty of tko man wko shall bay tko baadt
tkan far kis own.
Upon ramoaetrnnoo to tko ooarty
Ja4ga tkat tke aggregate oxponso of a
praposed raad Impravoment will axoeod
tko WaeflU, kU daolston la final. lrai
tkU mom af objootian tkore la m
rlgkt of appeal. Appaal U givon opaa
same mlaar olootloaa bat It It harden-
ad wltk n ooaditlan kltkarto unknawa
In this atnto.
Tkat la tknt If aa appoint fall to
rodaea kla aasMnont or laaraaaa kU
dnwaga M par oaat, ka maM pay oatit.
Kvaa If ka daas bring klmaalf wltkla
tko statutory ranwiromsat aad raoavar
eaata, tke oaart taraa raaad aad m
soasaa tko oaata ka recover apoa tk
laaan as. at mm lar aaaeau. nbt awn
awaag tko nambari Uke tka darkay'i
trap, tkl ptavMaaa aaTara a striking
lllaeimalea af aaukin' .H.
aad atrwiaa."
Aa aaaa no tko oaatraot far raad
wat k U lot. tka aaaaly troaaarar akall
iMMoaaalyoortinaateanaatoxablo aad
Waarlag Mk par aoat latorari, wklak
tka eaaaty oaart may at oaoo pat upon
tka mark. Tkaa tko laiaraM kaglai,
beare a siraka tt wark u daael Tkase
baad are traaaforaklo. and aro a Hoa
aaaa tae land, payabia at aay time,
bat drawa to ran toa year. pa)k4e la
lea aaaaul laainUmaaU. If aay aac
intaailwoat kaiouiw daliaqaeat, tk
whole amaaat kt tkaa dM aad may be
aolloetod. Tkla U stmiwr to tka klgk
kaadad aad aftaa raiaaaa matkad af Im
proving eity stroeto by taxing tko ad
Jaiaiag praporty. W boliave tk prln
dpi U wraag wkiek waald balld pab-
im aigawaya by aaaaial toxatiaa unan
Flvat praaartt. Tka faaadatian af
ika rlgkt af tka oaaaty oaart to aoa
atraat a road I tkat tka raad for
pablie baaaat. Tke eaart. kaa no Hgkt
to baild a raad far private baaaH..If
aay privata baaant InaldanUly oaavas
tk awauaar is Qe man to tax It wp
to iU valaatlan, upaa wklak tk owner
moat pay aotXttaaal tax aad so ka pays
aad eaaUautM to pay far tke aaaaial
baaant reaclvftd.
Tk pawar to tax in any ctkar man
aar far spaalal baaaAt, kawavatv It
may ka ia praatia la Ur statos, s4jaj
ipHoally prakikrtod ia tkl uu.
Oraaan aanoUtwtioa (arUale 4, wo-
tiaa ta, AgiMt Spoatal Logeetatlaa)
daalaraa "Tka togtslatare taall aat
pass paalal ar laeal laws in aay af tke
fattawiag aaamaratad easas sakdlvi
4aa T, "Par laying aat, apaniag and
working highway aad far aloatiaa ar
appeiatmeat af raad saparvUarei" sab
dtvisiaa 10. "Far tka assaumaat aad
aallootlaa af Uxas for state, oaaaty.
tawaaaip ar raad parpafas."
Naw tkU TuMlo not prasanU a olaar
oaa ef apodal toxatiaa tc raad par-
paaa. Js aat tais a raak aaaa walak
tke whale aat mart foaaderf
LikawU tko oaaaUtoUaa af Oraaa
maka no provision far lacutBg aoa-tax
abl boadi suck as this act would bur
It doclaroa (seotion 1, artiolo 0) that
alt property must bo listed for taxation
xeopting such only for municipal, ed
ucational, literary, scientific, religious
or charitable purposes as may be spe
cially oxompted by law. Tho Grangers
have always uphold out constitution and
they supported tho late Governor Pet
noyor in 1839 whoa he vetoed the Port
land water bill and its non-taxable
It is truo that several farmers, both
in the Grange and outside ef it, voted
for this Tuttle aet in the last legisla
ture. They had not time to examine
its provisions and they believed it just
aad constitutional because a conference
of county judges had endorsed it. The
county judges wish to make a record
for low taxes and economy and they
also wish to point with pride to long
lines of good roado built during their
terms of office, hence this hasty en
dorsement of tbis aet. This law is un
der tost aow, and in some places the
county eourt has ottered $WQ to 1000
a mile aid, from tho county treasury,
for local improvement.
I never knew our bankers to exhibit
each a lively interest in road improve
ment before. They express themselves
a ready to buy up the county nontax
side six per seat certificate as soon as
Oae pioneer citlaen ef Marion county
wna asked what he would do, if he
owned n qua-tor section on either side
of n road to be improved under this
Mt. "Why," he replied, "I would
give om piece to the county court and
try to save the other."
8oppe a man owm a farm, adjoin
ing a road to bo so improved, which
he rente. Ho will be taxed his share
without a word to y, because h Is
n noa-retldeat. If this rood improve
ment benefits hU mnd as the law do
ctor It will, the nssosisr comas along
and raises kis vnluaUan and ko la tkui
taxed again. Then If tkU man livos In
a city witkln n mile af tke raad term-
lua ko will bo taxed oa bi boa and
lot. If tho city canotudM to aid tkl
road by levying a five mill tax, ko
mast pay again. And whoa tke ooanty
oaart give $1000 n mil, to tk wark,
from tka ooanty fundi, ke Is again pay
lag bis proportion and ka may tkac
oaant up five epeclal'rand tax besides
ki regular annual allotment.
Dr. Tattle, wko I tko author of tbU
bit), ka bn an koMred oitlaoa and
practicing pkystolan of Astoria for over
M years. Wo are not advieed tkat ko
owm farm ar lands wklek may bo aa
044 far read purposes under kis aet.
Nor tkaa It seem tkat Clatsop ooanty
wm argittg tka imaoiment of seek n
meaaara, sine i has, aa yet. made m
two of It. Nor have the farmers any
whra In tk mat asked for tuck a
In wkataver way yea look at tkl net.
It it n deaanUlem batter tkaa a- free
state. It makes n few pay far what
atkara are to mm and Mjay, aad tk
beet tklag oaa ean say af it U tkat it
mlgkt nave been werl
"0 '
Our Repair Department
Is just aching to get a chance to be of service to you.
Wo repair tho hichest trades of watches that are made, wltfc -..
ige of tho enre thor should receive. Wo repair classes, nn .-...
what tho break or part missing may
repair glasses, no tojWo
Chas. H. Hinges
New Jewelry and Optical Store
1 23 Commercial St. Next to Capital National Rnn.l
nisnannanr 1
An Interesting Anniversary.
Queenstown, April 3.-Altnougii no
special oelebratloa was held, It was
recalled at the chamber of commerce
and among tho veterans of tho shipping
district that 08 yoars ago today, on
April 3, 1838, the Sirius, the first steam
ship that made tho western trip acrosi
tho Atlantic, sailed from here for Now
York, which trip it completed in IS
days. On Juno 10, 189", the Sirius
was lost oil tho couth coast of Ire
land. In May of last year the wreck
was raised, aad now most of tho metal
has been made over into steam fittm,
and taps. Her crank shaft, Wni.i J
- WB
of solid brass, has been
wd its
small disks, which havo bom miukj,
engraved and distributed as totrt
Cures Cougkn and Coidj,
Sirs. C. Peterson, K Lak, $ -peka,
Kas., says "Of alt fcsft
odles Ballard's Ilorchound S;nIjtt
favorite; It baa dono and wffl rj
that is claimed for It to speeiB.,.,.
all coughs and colds and it li nM
and pleasant to the taste. Soldi;)
J. Fry.
1100 Howard, 1M.
The reader af tkU paper will be pleas
4 to leara tkat taere 1 at !eat one
dread dlseaac tkat acloM kaa been able
to oar in all Its ttoget, aad tkat It
Catorrk. Unit 'a Oatarrk Car is tke
eely pesiUve ear mw kMwn to tk
medical fraternity, Oatarrk being a
oeesUtotieMl disease, require a eon
stitotiaaal treatment. Hall's Oatarrk
Our is takea IntorMlly, aatlng direct
ly apaa tk bleed aad maeaas sarfaces
af tk system, thereby destreyiag tke
faaedatlea af tke dUeo, and giving
tke peUMt etreagtk by betiding up
tk eaaatitatiaa aad aHletlag aator
ia daiag its own wark. Tke praprlet
era have se mak faith in it curative
power tkat they offer One Hundred
Delta far aay om itkat it fall to
care Bead far llet af tetttmeaMls.
Address P. J. CnnCTOY k CO, Ta
leoa. O.
Said by all druggists, Tfc
Take llall-j Family Pitts far aaasU
patien. a
The raaisoa Play.
Owing to eme treakie witk tka alec
trio light last night, tke Peeelae Flay
waving plat, wkiek wer to have
been pfejoatod at St. Jceepk's ckurek,
ceaid aet be shewn ArraageaacUs
have been made far carrying Mt tke
program toaiget aad tomorrow night
It ia perhaps cae af tke straageet aad
weirdest represeaUtiaas ever pat apaa
tke stage, er eadeavared ta be repre
seated by aay Mtars. Tke PawUa
Play, a predaeed at Oberamergaa, kai
become wartd famaas, and tke meviag
pietores give M a reallaik idea ef Hi
ge4ear. Taaigat aad tomorrow night
at St. Jeeepk's ekerca.
"Around The
Camp Fire,
ah nmqne vmeruiiameat io no given in tne gym. By tbe Y. M, r i,
Boys' Club
Friday, April 6th, 8 P. M.
Ticket for sale by all Ike club member or at tho Y M t A,
Pr.?-UirU under 13. 10c otbvr. 15e
Kid unUr 15, 10.
Numbered reserved chairs, S extra.
Idea as with.
Do Yob Like Good Tkiaga?
BveryaM wko likes goad tkiagc
ahauld vuK Kagaa's graeery taes
owgat aay -iW Ceart sueet. aaaa
Maay rreah Looklsg Salt.
Ar aew seen oa tko streets. And
they are aot alt new. I renovated
uny Albert Shaw, 4S9 Court street
Sliatples Tisbtsl&t Cream Sep
abators. Cat in Pfice
Tk following later frem tke KertkweH distributer af tke SkarplM Hf
arators la seifaxplaMtory. We kave already aaaeaaecd tke big out wr!
times, all neeaies to My it b bearing fruit. Tkeca will ke mar splJ"
Mid tal seasaa tux over ia in aiiory or lee aetelaeM.
If yM kavea't yet beea lateretd new ia a geed time to lavestigat
Free literature far tk asking. Pellawiag I the letter.
Oeaeral AgeSto for tke Sharpies Tubular Cream Separators.
TOltTLAeVQ, Ore., Marck 20. IM
Mr. r. A. Wtggia. Salem, Ore.t
Dear Sin Wo are ia receipt ef neeJicattaa from the Sharpies Septum
oa, taat taey lavs pat into effect aa aU-reaad ledaatiaa la price of r
atM ar Tasmler Dairy Separator.
This kas been done to meet tke out made by MmpeUtor wko have kw
reread into a pest Ilea wherein their sales had m fallen off tkat they v
nmw rural tnetr ractortes wit eeflietoat work to keep them goiftf
a sausraotory manMr. One ar the best kuvri makes started a cut. k
speedily followed by the tkird largest factory The Tubular was the U
reuew salt, although beiag tke real cause ef tke cut In etker wrJ "
waaderfal popularity af tke Tubular had reaped for ltjuh aa imml" !
veet ef sales, that ether makers, beeamlag alarmed at the Wg f alluj I
seies. Md recourse to tae Mtting af prices. Par actaal capacity tk Tt
wr wm m wm rar jewer In priM than any etker make, viz:
No. 1 Tabalar (ha ad power) Capacity S00 ma '..t...
Na. 8 Tabalar (hand power) Capacity $)0 las ..
Ne. 3-Tubalar (band power) Oapaelty 400 lb
Na. 4 Tabalar (hand- power) Capacity MK) m
N. I-Tabalar (kand power) Capacity TOO ms
Na. Tabalar (kaad power) Capacity 10O ttvs
Tkeea priaea will dMbiy iMreae tke Taaalar sales, as no one wc
aaTard to erdar aay etker make. In order to provide for this increase I
nets w nave daaUod oar asaal factory ardora, and yn kad better place J
ow a mm ic lasare prompt akipmeaj. reajs tcay
vm aifAS. H. ULLT CO.
We sell separators m eaay meaihj JtJ9, y oaa pay as tx t I
tt erm aataKX.
CaH aad see tke machines.
F.A. Wiggins
Para Machinery of all eorts, Velilelea, Bicycles aad Sewing Haehin