H tajr TONiairr with licet "' .!, -fi IFEOST. WEDNESDAY, FAIE. TWO EDITIONS DAILY AT 2:29 P. M. AND 4! 00 I M. ' .! DAILY CAPITAL JOUENAL. X A M VOL. itvX SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1000. NO 80. I0LAN LAND FRAUDS BLOOM THE EARTH SHOOK AT ASHLAND TAC0MA HASAN ELECTION Hot Contest for the Offices In the Penumbra of Seattle and Shadow of Portland ELIJAH SECOND IS OUT :? A STAND " PATTER SENATOR BURTON CASE UP United States Senator Before the Supreme Court to De fend His "Honor" 1 Refuses to Let Go of Office, Though Bodily Fired by His Fellow Miners "Pittsburg, April 3. The dleirlel invention of miner met this morning. )o!an, the deposed president, aad rank Fethan, tke newly elected pre- lent, were botk prceent. Delaa pre eeedc1 to cull the convention te erder. ?ceban refuted to engage la tke strife nod. tke eonveatloa cboee 3. A. Wetsel chairman. Wetsel Had Dolan from op-1 posile itaads proceeded to preside, are directed toward tke punishment of ind tho meetlai; wue la tke utmiest'tue real benefleiorle of tke fraud, tke confusion The eonveatloa voted to expel Dolan from toe meeting mm memuerauip )clnn resisted ail altempe to eject kim from the ball. Aa adjournment was akcn until means of ejection without n open flgkt could be found. After holding bit position two hours )olan wag dragged from tkt reetrum ni forcibly ejected. Me will seek re- Iretn la the eoorts. Philadelphia, April 3. -The opera- ' agents, nore mm ew rem, , Ssleago, Pitteburg and St Louts, ntt' hk jrfe Hd nHew bl at f galng strike-breakers by tke bun-1 . pa-rfci. m. ii-- t, testify Itede, They are determined to work acir mine. j Wilkesburre, Pa., April 3,-Tbemi ' ,. ...i . .... tu.. ... ' leyed at tke ooWery, wore aMaulted IW Italian striker tkls morninc. Tkls the Urtt trouble alnee tke Mwpeneioa Tho Lut Oonferenoe. rXew York, Atw 3. The antkraelte Rperators' and miner' eonfereaee b Iran at noon, Tbere is little hope of poaj, CHICAGO STORE PA Bewildering Array of Beautiful New Spring "HOW ON EXHIBITION AND WILL BE OrTBRBD AT STAJITUNO low rRiOBa oxnuNQ Tins oioantio salh. you will not do JUSTICE TO YOUBXBLT OE TO YOUE POOKBTBOOK UNLESS YOU lY OUE STORE A VISIT AND Wins NEWEST THAT MONEY CAN .QNinCBNT. TNE BILKS AND DRESS GOODS 1HO STORKS IN LAMJE flTIB WOULD PKBL PROUD IF TJIBY UOILD 8BLL A MANY DRK8 OOOW AND SILKS AS WB DO TUB KIOHT GOODS AT TUB UHT PRIC'BS IS WHAT DOBS IE WOKK. 3000 YDS. 1 and 85 :avy c-hiptok tappkta LK ALL THE NEW SHADED JR'r'ECTS. epeeial mle priee. yd 3 100U yJe SS OXAKI POKQEE f'V HIK. wUl for tkls Mle, yd Wt 4900 yds 1U SILK P1NI8HED VEL,HTBBN8 in every iawgia. U shade a. Ineky Wy speeial. J yd ite WOOL PANAMA SUITING in rJMfnviwbte ekeeks aad plll a oky by-a yd 38 TU LUSTROUS BRILLIANTINHa, in all the aew eh&dee, yd 40 $1 BE.UTIPUL BRILUANTINES 46 in wide, speeial, yd die 76c CREAM WOQL PANAMA BITTINO. 41 ia. wide, speoial 48 COTTON PANAMA SUTTINa a invisible ekeeks and plaids I WHITE LINEN 8UITIWOS, a very fiae qaarlty, speeial, yd..8c vde PINK FANCY LAWN pretty patterns, speeial, yd . ...8 INDIAN HEAD 8UITIN0, lie e WHITE DIMITIBa. wd a- eortmeat.yd liVj FANCY CURTAIN SWISS. 3 iaeJi, yd 10c MT'SLINS, BLBAOHBD AND UN BLEACHED, 5c, 6Ue IVxt 81-3e GREAT VALUES IN TABLE LIN ENS, S6. , Mc asd 4Se epeeial 5c WHITE VK, epeeial yd.... 16c MTTJ.TNBEY. Ladies' Oo&ta asd Salts. NOTHING SHOWN IN THIS DE ASK FOE THE GOODS iUCEVOY BROS. Spring Breezes Cause the Old Lilac Anything Tree to Bud and Blossom Portland, April 8. Tke federal grand Jury this afternoon returned a secret indictment for land frauds, cov ering 36,000 Mree in tke Lukeview die triet, la Southern Oregon. It Involve! M people, Including millionaire Bnetern , lumbermen. The jury's findings will be kept wejet until arrests are made. Tke presout effort of tke goveraiaeat timber kings of tkt Muet, Oiwo Mere Uio Patriek Oese. Xew York, April I. Tke hearing of ! the motion for a aew trial In the eaee if Allwrt T. Fitrtok, who Is under sen- teoee of doatk for tke murder of WH Ham Mareh Kiee, wa began before He- eordor Golf today. Dietrtct Attorney Jerome will strongly oppose the motion for a new trial, maintaining that no now evidence baa been submitted to weaken tke eaee of tke Male, He wilt . ..-.i OmmmL that Patriek , b- ftt, m to blm by Fat- rk wWh FMtioay tallied with tke HlHHuy of Charles P. Hones, tke vale. It Is not expected, kowever, that lHk will rtmk kit lawyer to tostl- f lMl mt In the olrettlt eourt tkls morning. In the oase of Jokn Pemberten vs, Mark lHoem, a mlt for recovery of real property, judgment waa given xor xae piainuii ae per nimiaiiun Goods. OBT OUR PRICES, OUR OOODB ARE BUY AND Tim ASSORTMENT PARTMENT HUT THE NICEST AND NEWEST 0001)8 AND AT LOWER PRICES THAN ANY WiHBEB ON PACIFIC COAST. f4j NTfiTpONY JACKETS (V.-ll 10 NEW PONT JACKETS (.9f $15 NEW PLAID AND F.NCY JACKETS, prioa ,t $lM LADIES' ENGLISH WALK ING COATS HM and t&M w LONG CIRCULAR BACK C0AT8 now abadea, gray, tan and mixed, tit valnet, pries..., T.0, tXS0, 104t LADIES' $U SWELL SUITS, bea UfaUy trimmed aad allk lined, Mle prioe $0f 18 FINE TAILORED SUITS )1JH) M FINE TAILORED SUITS 15.90 Still ner at amall prises. NEW TRIMMED SAILOR HATS $1.95 NEW TRIMMB SAILOR HATS $6.9i N.W FANCY TRIMMED HATS.. UM aad fM NEW STREET HATS OSe, $IM, tlM and VM Don't bo paying dooble prioe for yor aMHnery, NEW DRESS SKIRTS ft4, $1.80. H.S9 and HM All apeotal for this sale. LADIES' FINE SHIRT WAISTS.. , 73c, , $1M, $IA, LTf l.M. Great vakaes. DONT FORGET THE FOLLOW ING DEPARTMENTSTHEY ABE OVERFLOWING WTTH GRAND BARGAINS t LADIES' PINE SHOES. HOSIERY, UNDHBWEAR, RIBBONS. SILK and KID GLOVES, LA0B8. EMBROIDERY, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, LAOS CURTAINS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS. ADVERTISED. dTud CoBrtStreete Democratic Candidates Must Have Left the County and 'Got Off the Lid." Ashland. Or., April 3 A dlstlnet eboek of earthquake wag felt kere at :1Q laet night. Iluildinge were shaken aad windows rattled, it lasted several seconds. Celebrating Tall of Mukden. Toklo, April J. There is nearly as mnek entknelnem aad oxoltoment in this eity today as there waa during the exciting days of tke late war. The whole eity m deoorated, partly In koaer of tke anniversary of tke aoeemion of Emperor JImmnh Tenno, In tke year 000 11. C, aad partly In konor of tke eele bra I lea in memory of tke fall of Mnk- den, Me of tke greateet achievements of tke late war. Tke principal feature of tke day will be an enormoos parade of 100,000 men. Inelndlag vetoran of tke late war aad, especially, tbe prisonera of Mnkdon, wko have only recently returned to tkeir komes. Tke parade will atort from lilblya park, will pan tke Im perial palace, to ebeer tke emperor, aad will then proceed to Uyeno park, where commemorative oxeroJees win be held. Two Heart bat No Oottaolence, Xfttdo, April 3. The police of tkls city are looking for Oieaeppi do Mag- gie, a freak pemesssd of two koarts bH, evidently no conscience. Seme time ago n medical Institute of New York boogbt Maggiu'a body, te be de livered after kls deatk, for (8,000. With thla money Maggie settled down in Na ples and lived merrily on bis capital, which waa soon spent. Ho ingratiat ed klmeelf late th favor of n wealtky landowner, whose sister ko premised to marry. Ho protended ke was to re ceive n largo sm of money from Amer ica and supported bis story wltk a fraudulent cablegram. On tke strength of kia story he borrowed money rlbt and loft, inclodfag his prospective brother-la law, and then skipped. A war rant la out for his arrest. Mixed Up With a Burglar. (Pour O'clock Edition.) San Joe, Gal, April 8. -In a dospw- a to dNci with a Imrgbv, early this morning. Ooorgo Dongma, a wealthy mining man, was abot tkronissi the ab dome. The borsdar, wko givoa kic name aa Fred Iwl. waa wcmndd In tho rigbt leg by n ballet from Dong las' revolver,' and was captured by Sberin Rom at Bantu Clara, a fow Itoor-s ktr. Dongsas U sorlomdy wownded, and at the boonital, witb the ' cbanooe for kic recovery very dembtfol. Panl'a wosmd i not dangoronc About Cklseoo Bxoliudoa, (Fowr O'OJook Edition.) Waabingtoa, April L Secretary MeUalf today seat to tke senate foot ameculsnenta to the Chinese oxoJsMdoa bw wkick be said will have the sop port of tke administration, and whwih provido for the visaing of passports in China, for appeal te the courts by Obi nce oxoloded, for registration of all CMncfto now la the country, and for the removal of the roetriotioaa on tke Chinese who retnrn to China and the wUk to re-enter tke United Staio. Taken Thinks Easy. (Four O'clock Edition.) Btocktoa, Oat, April S. Whea u formed today that she bad boon ladtot ed for the mardor of Albert McVioar, Mrc Ehum LcDoox betrayed not the alightcot emotion. Sbe will probably bo arraignod bUe tkls afternoon. ' Stndeote lli.rn a. Tine 8nt Crux, OaL, April 3.-Tbc Pa eint students coafercaec at Capltcdn EcUncd te aa addras today from Rev R. C. Brown of Oakland. They weat on an exeeridea to the dig Tree tkt after soon Seo or Easter windows. We have over a, tbeowad Easter nevaltcc tbat cell tt Ave cents each. Ahte ovpecvstve enee. Wo knew our eggs an good, htanuse w made tbea ourself. THE SPA 382 State St Tneoma. April 1 The hottest elec tion la the kiatory of the city is on to day. There m a three-eoraered fight between the Ropnblioanc, headed by K. L. McGttmick, for mayor; tke Dome erats, km Uy Oeorge Wright- and Mu nicipal Owncrsklp, led by John Hart- Tnoema, Wank., April 3. At the ejection today an amendment to the charter k to be voted upon, giving the council the right to grant franchises for oroealng the city waterway between Ninth nnd Fifteenth streets. The Union Lucille la quite frank In raying It wsmik too adoption of that nmond moat. Mopyscitatlvos of that road say that If the amendment Is not pawed the whole railroad situation In Tneoma will be changed. Property new bought for the road's Interest on Pacific aven ue, bfsWeou Thirteenth nnd Fifteenth will be reoetd. It will not be needed. The line down Jefferson avenue oan tbon be nothing more tkan a spur Tke Unkeu PncMc does not put tkls forlk aa a threat, but etmply aa a plain state ment of the road presoat condition. Avowed Cnlen Pacific workers are at ike pella today, working openly nnd actively for Ike adoption of tkls amend meat. There is no secret now about tho matter. The chairmen of the Ikree .parties tonight gave out forecasts as to tke probabm result nt the municipal elec tion tomorrow. Ralph Meloalf, chair man of tke ItepubHoan committee, raNi "0r reports indicate that tkere Is everf probability of MoCormlak'a ejec tion. He will probably carry every ward In the city. Tbere are only two wards about which there can be any doubt, and unlaw there Is n very Urge Republican vote oaet for llartmaa, Me- Cermtek will have the largos t plurality over given aay Ropubllcaa candidate for mayor in Tneoma." Car) Ewbolman, manngor of the Wright campaign, predicts the re-aice-tloa of Mayor Wright by n plurality of WOO vote over MeCormick. S. A. Hoodie, chairman of the , mnnleipal owneroblp oosnmlttocvaaidi "On entorlng tkla aampaign the Mu nicipal Ownersblp party ws prnotionl ly plodgMi SMH v4o. Tbio numbur bas been rapidly 1 ner eased, nnd tdy we oan po4tlvoly sbow a strength of moro than mMO vote." VOTE TO MAKE HISTORY CFour O'clock Edition.) Llsieago. April 3. The municipal owneesblp fight ou today la tke meet spirited of fcbc year, aad In tbe ejection history of tbe city. The general opin ion Is tbat tbe vote lc largely in favor of municipal ownership. Itet tbe per sounl flgbt Harris. i making ua Dunne bo, effect tbe current toward the city 'a control of public utilities. J uunnc m canfMent that municipal ownersblp wiH win, and think it will pain at least six municipal ownership votes la tke council Bepebtieaa lead ers assert tbat municipal ownership cannot get the Teeeictte tbree-iftbs. Tke Socialists arc devoting their at tea tiea to tbe support of municipal owa erenlp. but dea't eaneot to elect tt aVderaien. Beferaa Oo Slaw la Enu4a. St. Peteeeburg. April 3. Today U a memorable day la tke history of Xas sia. It lc not eaey tke anniversary of the eaaxeipatlea of the serfs, but also tbe day for tke beginning of the elec tions for tke national assembly in SS provinces of Central Bussia. Borne Democratic Candidate. I The feOewtag Democratic candidates I for prcdnet committeemen fUed tkeir petkiees with the oouty clerk today i F X. CeleoMa, ef 6t. Paul; J. M Ba lamr, of East SeJea; Frank A Bell, of Sublimity A. if Dalrymple, of Sa lem ward No 0. (Four O'Cleck Edition.) Wueolugtou, April I. -Senator Loar. of Kansas, spoken on tke rate bill in tke oaate thla afternoon. Tit baa a presented kic dally report, "a request frum tke senator from West Virginia that ke be kept posted as to tke situ ation." Tltlmnn said ke mleht consid er It. liurten's argument before tke supreme court was keard today. Tho Oakland Btrlko. (FV)ur O'Oiook Edition.) Oakland, Cab, April 8. The first violence attendant on the threatened strike of the Oakland street oar em ploy occurred thta morning, when n crowd of school Jmys kurlod stones nt nn enclosure where 100 strike-breakers were camped. None wore Injured Moot nf the strike-breakers are from Loa Angolec It Is reported that many decamped during the night. The traf fic on tho company's ferry line baa fal len on, tbe people fearing to buy com mutation tickets, wklck are ueoiesc In tke event of a etrlko. OMotals of Ike union and tke company are in soeeiou lata morning, endeavoring to reach an agreement and nvert a struggle. PerutsylvaaiA Dentist Meet. Pittsburg, !., April 3. The aonual convention of tke Odontologloal society nf western Pennsylvania opens here to day for a two daya' serndpn. Between SOU and 300 dontlsta frW all parts of the state are In attendance, Resides the regular delegates to the convention there nre several hundred deuUetc from nil parte of tho Mate hero to attend the dental oxklbttioH hold In the labor atory of le S. Smith k Son. Seventy five manufaeturora of denial goods la all parts of the United State are rep resented In tke exhibition. Among the speakers wko will acMresa tke conven tion la Dr. J. Q. llyram nf Indtanap olio, n authority on porcelain work. '- o Operatora Have Lost. aVriuejAeid, 11L, April 3. Tbe mtn era' hendspmrlera announce that they have aigned agreemeuta with 100 ofser a tors in this sinte ou tbe 1MI ssmlo. Some are running today, and nil will be running within n week. Railroad Tied Up. ImkeceneM. CL, April 3. Tbe ceo dllmu at the Tubaobapi landslide to un changed. Urge gang are nt work clearing tbe tracks. It If reported tbe tunnel baa sblftod two foot from Hi original poeitbM, and It ta said to have boon dynamited. Both tho Santa Fr aad Southern Pacific arc truneftrriug pa se eager trains, over a day mle. U will probably be two days before tbe line are ale red. . RabWiu Plays rslr. MUbnoM. IE, April 3.-AJ1 EMsmis properties of F. I Rbbias hev been netlSod tbat tbe scale baa been signed and tbe mine will start no soon a they are ready. Tke New Olympiad. Xw York, April 3. Thirty' two American, athlete sailed te day te par ticipate in tbe Olympian games at Ath ena. April 9S to May t. You Can't Make A Mistake If yon let me do your dental work. Mjs ahitftgr ba been tested aad hundreds ef people testify te tke ozocllenoc of the work, (be palnlew, up-to-date method used. I do net charge for examining your teeik. If you need werk dene, I charge only half wbat tke other dentist ask. IN tell you bew to get' a toM) diamond ring If you come in. t Dr. B. E. Wright, The Painless Dentist Oftee hour. 8 a, in. to 8 p. sa.j 7 p. m. te 8 p. m. Suadaya, a, u. to IS in. SteusU" Building, Court etroet, Zionists Now Say He Had No Divine Power, and Repu diate His Teachings Cbirngo, April 3. Voile and the other dlretoru of Hen bnve adopted a new creed, and a financial policy to nave the roeldonta from suffering for neeeetdtte. Votiva aayst "Hie church will bo conducted as n Ckrietlan ee-eperaltve eotnmHnltyt It will continue to respect Dowlo for tho good he bad done, lml we new seo he never peeseaeed divine pen or. Wo do not believe any man amnng ua la the direct authorised ngent of God, but all are humble workers fur tho eemmen good." It la (dunned to raise a million del bus Immediately. No word bat yet been received from Dowle In nncwer lo tke telegram sent yesterday. (Four O'clock Kdltlen.) Chicago. April 3-After a confer once tke overseers and deacons tkte morning announced tbnt a tetegrnm bad imeu received from Dewle, requesting Immediate and complete repotla of tke Sunday meeting It U aeeumed that he baa not received the official dtepaUk announcing kia dopeeitlon aa tke koad of Jtleu. A number of letters bavn revealed, It m enid Dowle 'a loose conduct, M alleged by bia wife and sen and, etber mouthers of Ike community. It la r& ported Uowie claimed last fall bo "had a revolution, from God to divorce hit wife, because she waa disobedient," and it is said tbnt the papers filed nt Waukegan, Michigan, were withdrawn when ke was forced to leave an account of hi koaltk. AUantia.PAblo Beaob lUces, Alsnntie-Pabm Ileaek, I'm.. April 3. Several thousand pefde, mostly from the various winter reserta ef Florida nnd other southern state, have come here to witnee the great Atlantlc-Pab lo Ileaek automobile tournament, which begin hero today As In Or mend-Day-toon, tbe race aro hAdd on the beach, which afford ideal Mndttloua for suck a purpose. Today Is devoted eieluilv ly lo speed eontoM of from nee to one hundred mile for motor sycieu. Tke automobile race will not begin until tomorrow and wIM elend ever three days, elceiog ou Friday. Will Now Work the Country Editors. Cbbmge, April L-The HHnoU coal operator have organised n bureau of publicity, to keep the public posted as I tbe opera ten' side of the controversy Miebard Henry Little, farmeriy war eorrespeadeot, lc at It head. It Is aa noun cad today tbnt only one etrntpasy bne deeertcd tbe make of tbe opeea tec. Dead Man ideatsfled. Pertlund, Or., April 3-The deeem posed body found on tbe brigbto at tM eity bave been Identlfed n tbesc of Win. K. Davl. a eon of tho termer gov ernor of Maine. Ha la n brother of tbe engineer in abarge of the Umatilla reclamation project, and came bare seeking work. e ii Torpedo Beat Sunk, Llbau. Kusata. April 3. -A torpedo beat waa soak today durlag tke man covers. All aboard wore naved. v :i MUm