Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 30, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Stockton & Co.
Tint vnuraolf a liiovflp and oet out nnd rninv tmiM.ii r
The CMd White Corner
imall payment to Prank J. Moore you can Bwure a Itacvrle YalTJ
or Princeton blevtfle. Jot it down In your hat band. Iml i,. ... '.71
Wf Jf 'H0
Lace Jackets
Lace Boleros
Lace Reveres and Ctiffs
Lace Ties
Lace Collars
1 . .a . I r kdkdV A rm
eSQfls? juaue Vjinui;cn:
Norwich Union Fire Insur
ance Society.
FtmIc Meredith, Xlaftt Ageot.
Ofita with Wm. Brwa Ce, X.
Its) Cemwer Bern.
Wanted. A sefoad ka4 roller- fopp4
dek witk 4r mi one side. Cull Ht
Yew Park store. IN4t'
Tor rule GhMp Hereral geed farms;
U olty Rial mUrUn property. Cap
iUl National Hank. 3 Mra-
Wantod at Orwev A girl for gnrl
..housework, ltxperieoee mt required.
Mr. J. A. UareHn, MM High street,
south. lkR M. J Ht
Why Do Yen Irn green, wot w4,
when you mr get dry wood, mw4,
for M.W it eord. M. 1. Dennis.
Phone Mi. Mi-lwk'
later ta Amendment.
TW k mot Inter! Uk by tk
rotors in U VMrUm ameadmeeils be
Vt4 Upon nt tk Jnr iMliOa tkftR
HM Mtiipo44 nt if. WMMltkUK Uk
48.W pumphMV kv Um pmo4 at
tke aiifswl of Ik voter, m r bug
tW M Ik roort kovj. Mid R fioodjy
wwW knv nlr4y ba muc4
tkrougfcout tk Mttniy.
' h .i . , .
Dteneerata Tilt.
Two DnwooreU AM n4lM of Mt4i
4mu witk tk rry " t4ayi
Ogeneby Ymh, fTtUd. MMlt
Ut for Judg in UftMHlUt X. i of
(ke fourth jvilUiftl AMHet.
II. U, XUk, of Portlne. for Judge
In lpjrlmt X. 4W Ik fourth J
4M4 MUi.
Wit) BxrmIm KJC Rse.
Mw lVRk Kkr. T tU Omkm
MrIUimJ Uiuunl, ill U Vr MvRUy l
MmlM ( Wl ritK. wlk Ik Uw
of 4URr KUw m IW kxt 4r U
kM tk rrrurI tkoultRK Irtrnmnrmt.
Money to Loan
Orw li& k DtiV) Iktk, &!, Or.
WrW)4ni, Mrk M. Chmyf ,
r trf4l iiiw NMra rfw)(ve lkH
Iftrvy, ki iffwe m KriR4 f
tko lltR4 f Omrm tkt IMUtMtti
MS'urn U, . NH AttluR ctvMMr
f Ike Ul, kRt rtmm(4Ml th M'
UWUvkmMit f r kefIUl for tk !)
tlR of ike Hmmm, wklk la 111 v ml
fo U kl)kljr MHdRKi. A4mlrR)
Klxiy, MrKMR Korl f tke vy,
Ur Rrnrvnl tk rewmn4atR, rim!
It U Itkely r IW00 Litl for en mi
? tk RFtr 4lft will be ereetfel at
RRr the leper kMjl.
lUotttRNRt MNamio my tke dla-
itryi tke upiHkr part f tke
fae Uy inr ttlertlR rr4 U more
kMTible, U Wtk Ike vletlw rr4 kU
WWfW Jfw mWI HMI B ewff Jr
Ar for aw kRve R)rea4y 4wUil
IJHMMt MtKuwM nya iU Ih4r
tUa u tMNWRUv. Mival ntrt;eee kvo
iitv4iat4 tk diMM Ir parts ef
Bwlk AMerkM r4 tke Wt Ir4(m(
rmI tkeir refMrt I4leat4a tkat tkftre
mr U IlltU 4tki tUt It ti r dMiMt
nm!r4- r4 m wklek 4ea set yi14
U tke tMNtMteM vr tNbareitWoit,
Wtjr rh4 etker 4Ums eRRHRea In
ww i 9mtn, urm 1 g&m
kve Vm trmll In Kw Yerk, wklek
tUYl4 U UV M4M tow rkRU
Weather Bureau Ventures a
Guess But Makes no Of
ficial Forecast
If thrr wne RRJlkllf bl IfWRf'
wbick would Ril la foridUMg wwtker
for tbf routing woBtk. April will be a
warm. e!u.ly Mnath. wltk MMk rain.
nbk frot axI i aotk wl4 Uewiaft
with rondraliU fore. Tkn are tke
armifto con.litloen for April for a pe-
riot of 34 rmra, bt tke. MWiaiat sent
oat kr thr WMlktr Mire, Ir wkirk
tb flur are eeetalMwl, Mrriea tk
warninfc 'but In? are ( fo be ra
HfwtKl a a foretatt,
Th tnfan tmieitr ftr Aorll U
5S Uf(rFP. the Rvrrtfe jrlitRtio
3.12 iix-h-, the arrrate Mmlflr ef dari
or whi'h it rnlrnnl 1$ Tkr are ix
rlrnr la. partly ttmdf rm4 14
floud -. Tbr avetiif 4m U of the
Ut killing fr.mt Mareb 17tk, rmI tke
fhancM nrr more tkaa r$ tkat tkere
will hr non Ir Ike relK MVtitk.
rumt ifiRXlmnM r4ltfoM fr April
jrlvon in th report, ekow tkat If tke
wnrt biull bappea tkre tHlartit be al
Mio4i anv kinl ot wMtker. Ir April.
1S75. the trmienilttre f4l to 18 RWreef.
(la Ajril. 1M. tkere were M Iweket
of raiH. wkile Ir ISSi, tke Rttolk
nkowrd only 1.12 iMekee of rml. Tk
Itrralest raia Ir aajr oae day wm la
178. wWr I.M Imm foil oh April lu
April I,' 101. k4 tke kMvfeK mow
Mom, M laekee. Tke kixkeH wiad
wm 44 mII aa kor, April , ISPS.
Major L. S. French Buys the
Railroad With the An
serine Title
(Pour O'clock HdlUon.) i
fetttlo, MiMk N.-Xtw ka reooked
bore of tke mle of fke WU4 Oooee rail
war at Xomt to MRjor U. $. Freiiek,
repreerRtiifC tke Koagrwk Dltek M1r '
la CompoRy, ateo tke porfkaw or ta
None wbarf by tke smirf partkw from
J. H. Mexo. JokR MNRt, of tke
XortbwMtero 5aMeklp C'OMpaay, it
it uppoted, eRfiaotrtd tke ImI.
ii "
Arretted for RokkUtK a Bank.
New York, MRrek M. Joeepk 1.
Turner, Rote trilor of tke Xatloaa!
Bank of Xortk Aaierlea, and epHilH
la the XattoMl Onard, wai enrnmitted
to the Tonbe tkie motrIrk witkoot ball
nn tk karpre of tke tareta? of !, "
(Mjn darlair a prid of ire rnr., the
baak oftleerf boittf tke eompklMMti. i
No Favors Shown. ;
WaekiafrtOR, Mrek M. Oarfleid RMd
otker oMeUle dear abeeltttely tke San
Praacieeo ilory tkat tke department
iReperted California oil, M aa to x
elnd all but tke Standard. Xo teet
l required by tke rogwlatl!.
Racycles $40 and up
Yales $35
Cornell $30
Princeton $25
We are prepared to tlo anything and everything In tie w.it (f tnA
mg jour dikp, iiree, nmi, eoneter urnum anu tne best cf Cvcrjiuw;
me oirycip. jvt biock ib goou, cienn ana irriu, ana cur :. t
(Jive us r call or call up 308.
Best Work at Honest Prices
School News
High SokeeU
Tke kljfk Mkool reeeired a Ha pie
tare of AbrRkatM UaeolR, a gift froai
tk Una of IMue & ImlllR. It will
gmee tke AwImr kUtory room, ae
eooR m tker I on Tke ptetttre i a
large and exeelleat pie, from aa ar
ticle niaadpelat, and I all rMdy la a
rtek trMw and g44 fram I,t
appropriate tkat It ako44 be ghrM Rt
tkU partlankr lUm, kMn tk elanl
ii iH eowweRjoiRg apoetol etiMiy of I J a- J
TWrt lepkowtorw Imve orgaaleed a
dotible tNrtt. Tk Km RteeUag was
kold TkHr4Ny ovonIrx Ir tk Moiety
room. Tk foliowUg are k in It t
rloyd Uttor a4 Albert Kgati, taM
lkiHp XewRteyer rr4 Wr44r Alfred.
ItRMI Joy Tnrar rr4 WIrom 8a rag.
MpniMi, and OrilU Switk and Clara
Har4wik, alt. Tk wNiber were
Mt all prMt, but tker kad mn4
tkera, m! 4M mr petiiaff.
Tke Uk4WU ky ri golag to Al
bany to play, probably lriday or Mat
Xev. r. E. Doll, Sunday.
Rer. F. B. Dell, of OraM Vally, Cat.,
wko kae kld tk paetorate of tke Com
grvgRtloRal tkvrek at tkat plaee for
More tkaa tkre yeans will Mppiy tke
pulpit of tk Plret OoHgregRtioMl
cbarek kr axt Swaday. lie kai been
reqveeted by tk ekarek to oom oh
trial for nrreral SttRdaytt, Mtk to tk
regret of kb boat fORgreptio, He
I about 10 year of age, and la Mid to
be r atrg fMkor a4 aetive mlali
ter, "a mm a tkat will bring tklage to
" m My tkoe wk knw klm.
Sutlrago Meeting,
MIm Devo. of CkUago, will fMk
or wotNRR Mtgrage oxt da4fly at t
wH at tke ItapUet ekerek. All oor
dially IrvH4.
A SoleoUHc Wonder.
Tk OMfft tkat eland to Its ertMt
make HoeUea'a AtrIm 81to a Im
tt w4r. It oored Jt R. Malford,
Ueforer for tke Fatreai of HRbaB4ry,
WayaMber, Pju, f r dUtreulag mm
of pit, It keU tko woret burn, eorea,
boila, Hleera, eott, wa4e, ekltblaUs,
and wit rketiai. 04y We at J. a
Powy'a 4tg tUre,
To r4 tke Elk.
WMRgtR, Marek JO Tkat a kord
of MK) lk my b property ptr4,
kgi4RUoR U 4o4ig fa.vr to Mt We
a large portioa of tke Otynpl forect
rrvati; ia tke Mate of Wnaklngten
There Is Little
Real Trouble
In tUa wiwW mt of It u iHMgiury. We allow ourtelyea to be
oast tKtwi and fiUL Ww4a of ura ovetru tke garden of tke krart
when they ahouM ever be aMowei U uke reet,
A Great Deal of the Present Eye Trouble
la ruk4 by ieple aeteeUng QUmi uun4te4 for tke ei4tta of
tkler eye.
Aad giro a, tkereugk esaalaatten free of ekarge.
State and
Liberty Sts.,
Salem, Ore
11. Kelly aod wife wore portlaad vii
lte today. v
jRMten Itate. of PVeark Prairr. if
Ir tk eity foday.
Mr. hh4 Mrv Hoary Mer. uf tkU
ity, bare rottimod frow a tour of ('all
J. lr4wR, of UUe oily, mi rgi
tered yt4y M tke Wiadior i.'tfto,
Ir OkUage,
I. A. ISIIiott. of Xewborg. timber la
ptor for tk Sootkera rSieiUe. U In
tk eity emeUl VtMineM.
Mm. CkorpeiiiRg hm! to Slm t
vMt kr dHgkter, Mt. Pummrr, wke
U tttite ftiek. HwgAoe ltgittr, Priday.
MiM tttlo Mailer, of 8pekaae. Waek-
iagtM, ia tke gveit f Slw frieada
Miw MhIIat formerly lived ia tkii eity.
AddrtMM tko Y. M, O. A.
l'red II. StHitk, RNtioMl Y. M. a A.
Mrtry, and a pekr of Mtiooal
ropNlRlioR. R44re4 tk memken of
to iomi r m, u. A. aw a banket glvM
Ir kU koaof lH evealag. About tM
of tk CkritlR worker of tke eity
RRtkored to Het tk dietlRgwUked mi
w. Mr. Swllk wa Ir Salem mm 4v
yan ago. at wklek time k made an
a.Mres (bat Inspired loeol btr4ne
men lo build Y MP A. kome kere.
Lt evening ke invoke of tke remark
able progree of tko aaeoelRtloR in for
elg land, wkero ke ka-i trvole4 xtea
eively. lie eUted tkat tk great oK mm
Ir oor KorerRment wore Rmontr tke
leadra Ir toe Y, M. 0. A., and tkat
tk lnllenee of tke aolatlon wa a
gfMt faetor Ir tke Mtloir'a progroe.
Mr. Smltk made an Mrneet appeal for
rr IntoR Ckrlktlan life on tke part of
all member of tke Y. M. C A. Tke
addreM waa IWened lo witk grMt In
tereK and profit by tkoee wko am
bld at tke Mtpuf.
i i .ii
Unolo Billy Vrght.
Tke veteran kerio rndiih dealer, Ii
witk h again. Hverybedy knew klm,
and woleowea klm. Tko kora radUh ke
mIU la tke boat mudo, and onee tteed
a 1 way i uhhI. He la ot wltk kit Uuek
et from kv to kovie, and kl Mlei
are nwmoroRt.
A New Switch,
Tke CiilMM' IJgkt & TratlR Com
paay U today pHtting Ir r rw iwluk
k front of tke brick store, on South
CommerelRl tret.
Wk mr My IS U an titl J
ber ailer tke reoeue ia l,rMi1
A Condon paper ert4 Rbttefiri
foeien la it town by ptVMari
folKewing netleei 'UearrM-Uni
ally. Hubby baa diaeovrtri aV"
la mid tkat tke next notth t
all tke men kad left town. HfU
old baekelor. Arlington K.
Waking Him Up.
Tke Widew Now, gtlUn'rljUM
tek iftld. kftkd faet. Mw, Mt
y' prope'T
Tke Suitor Mak .leak. I'h PI
good Job a maMgk cb a iawkrl
Tko Widow Well. y' f
4at out ob algkt an' fo'git M MU
kuaband bad dat M kU
but de ladr wko promlfd
koRek and obey him peiturly t
tek be de laundryl Puk
Oaa Rogiater Saturday HUM.
Tke eountv elerk'a oflUe
U M YSfe Dcrfk, ' I 8tur.Uy evening unUl U
r ' to enable tke workiRgwen of W
vielatty to regUter,
Bmitk im mm tw urn mnri
Tko Reason Why.
lie was a big wan. witk buky wkis
kera, Tke grMt skip k4 just paeeed
out botween tke Mpea and was plung
ing through the waves tkat were too
klgk to Wmb aver. All but & few
I tbe passenger kad gone inside. He
swallowed several times witk consider
able empbasis atnj then hurried to the
mil. After ke bad ben iMnlng over
it for a little while another man p
praeb4 km, and in aympathetle tones
"Are you elekf"
'W'kon ke eul4 find time to do so tke
mnn with tke whiskers asked and
tkore w a. twinge of reproaek ia ker
Hde as ke did set
You feel, J ye, think Im
doing thlo to keep Lent! ' OhUago
A Uvoly TtuBde
With an oM enemy of tke race. Con.
etipation, often enda ia AppeaUeltla.
To avoid alt aeriena trenble with
Stemaeh. Liver and Bowels, take Di-
King's New Life Pills. Tier perfeeUr
regulate these orgM without pju or
diaeemfMt. 5o at J (, Perry's drag
What Cafe Yo
If Fishing Tackle la oor HOBBY or otir SIDE LINE,
And that is lust what we can do, and more than that, we can deliver fresh V,
stock. That ia worth something. Oar stock of Rods, Reels, Bafts, Flys, Etc, ij
complete-in fact we are told it is the most complete show in the city.
65c up to $30
I A guaranteed steel rod for $2.25. How
i1ijm tfi4 Cffft ren
A line of 50 to select from, with prices
from 25c up to $9.00.
are all fresh. You stand no chance to
lose any fish.1
We handle the celebrated hnptfWJ
ALLCOCKFLYin 60 different patter
Call in and see but fly case and yotf rf I
be convinced we keep our flies rig&
for all kinds of iishing. 30 dtuWj
qualities to choose from. We think w
have what you want
Spoons' and Baits in all sites
Don't consider yourself equipped until you see our line of Fishing Tackle. 0
goods are right, our prices right. Droo in anvwavt r ri.f. f f,w votf &
finest SIDE LINE ? of Tackle in the city.
rWrrrTbTmIT iTiMi anuisM mi
wore, o em, wegon.