DAILY OAPIFAL JOUHNA1., SAlM, OHEOON, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1000. 4 I Our Saturday Sale Last Saturday we sold Pot Lids and sold lots of 'cm. Next Saturday we sell Lap Boards These useful articles are regularly sold at 50c but on Saturday we will sell them at 30 cents As a special Every woman should be on hand to secure one of these boards. Made of hard wood, oil finished with a yard measure printed into the wood. Only 30c on Sat urday. tVttMMMLC SONS OF VETERANS a IIIMIHIIIMIDUIMtllll I STATE SOCIAL NEWS J State News iHIMHIHIMMtHIMIK Weedburtt tfrwi. G. I kryder eklppod a carload of ekea p to twrili4 KrMny. Traeey Peanaea I eiek at tk Qeed aT. P) sWa eja. tfWW r Ja' WWaunwamnl H snMMBmnnil laawm am aaWanVanl KMi e fteaManma City Her I). II. Iaek aiwitatad In tke deaUeatUa of Ik IV M. K. akwrak Nt ntfTVTWf! tfrwfNMIjr, Tke eeiekmted "IWdoa Play" U ( be gi nt 11m Catkello ckurob In Waodborn Wedaawlay avoniNg, April ilk. Tke I li w of tk WMdkeara paktta " aakael Im v atiMaiaad a " Meekalar "Ohik' Tkay study flawem aatker'i work. Mm. Utltia Maker died at bar keen Im Weodkoru mat Monday, after a 4urt Ilia. Mm wm 11m oaly daagktor of Ur. awl Mm. W. W. Itngie, aad wc a aativ of Woadbare. leave ft few band mm! tfv cktldrea. ktertia tsatler, a pioaoar af Clark eeealy. Waek, wIm rloilad Patkor U veecme nasmjr. aa a la farm, but weald Ilk u Mil it aad mar t Weed bare, k eouaid II aa of IM beat Hum Iuhm ke aa mm. A double header bank kail gam wa played kara Im( Tkoraday ereaiag CkMMWft IM ftd MMttd team Vd. tke Weeduasrn kkjk sake anal pakU aceeots, Tk fNM knew Um Ckaenawa aad tke Weedbera aekeol wa la favor ef Ckataawa, Id ta t. TIm acker mum iaaild tft rava af VmAhi, W to IT. O. A. C. MM IM MMt tftrollMMt thU ytmt iUy Mr k4 la jftut, tkr total aarollMat bciaf SOI. Cm4mUt Sat VMtak, of Im Maik m tMiaa, waJI-kaawa Uraaffkaat Im raltai', la taklaf kla vMatloa la 0lt faraia. Mr. J. W. Oarlaa, a praatlMat Nm mt Ia4jr, la 4a4. Mm arM4 Im mIhImm at 'aa aarljr aff. aa4 Imm almift Ura4 la a4 aaar Mamkary. t lAMfcmaal I). I'. Qalalaa. of ta Ofv gaa AarMaltaral Oa liana, wko will mm Im ratta4 af tka 4t f arfa4r f Milltarjr hhmi aa4 tMilea f tka aal laM, aa aaaoaal f tka haaaat tMakw. aa Jaat raaiv4 ft lattar froat tka M aata af tka aa4at aarM, wkiak Ja Im taatlawaJal af tkalr raar4 far Wm. Tkara la a Rraat 4al af faalla atlmJ aa la tka mImm avar tkla aMTalr, a It U kaa4 kjr aU kla fria4a tkat ka will ka rtaiaa4. lr4 JaaMaaj, maawv ky fraat PHlaa4. waa aaftra4 at Naaakarf aa4 ka baaa Ukaa kaiM. Wkila at hWbara; ka Mat a trawa. aa4 tagatkar tky kir4 a raam Tka traaia riH4 tka baj' alatUaf, taklaf aft ta mmf aa4 a fal4 waik aa4 akala. Wkaa tka bay waka aact waraiac a4 4iavrl kla araaarty mm. ka Mtiia4 tka m Ha. aa4 tka tkiaf waa aaatatad t Utaata la aa4 tka ctolaa praaart fMB4. r'omroaa4r T. E Hill, 4partmat of Orfpaa, Omttd Army f the Kjti4b- lif, faaa Mat the follawlag latter ta a member f tk ar4er af Saas af Vetar aas. of tkM city: "Hefmrdiai; tka rMrpiaiaAiMB f tkf Swat of VetaniM la tbis 4epartmaat. ,roa will An4 no dm la tke raaks of tka Or ad Armr of tka RapaMla tkat h this at kaart mars tkaa I, aa4 tkU waa op af tka tkiafs tkat I ttaiad to tka meMbers af tka paat ia Saiam at oaa of air riaiu tkara om ytt ago. "The hlfkwater mark ta tke bfatary of tka 0. A. R. wm raaake4 la 1SX), wkaa we Mmkera4 4Mf49( aa4 slaae tkaa we kara 4eeliae4 with all tke r oraita w kave braaakt la aatll tke re port for 1908. Juet reetve4, skaws oar memWnhip to be tlt.iM, ealy a ram aaat af a oaee Mlgktj- kaat, aa4 mw w Had the work ta be 4oae ae4 mare aad yoaaarr mea. aa4 w Ink la vala for raiaforeaMeata ta oar 4aplate4 ranke. aa4 eaa onlr tara ta tka Som an4 Daajrktera of VMeraas, aa4 iy ta them, eome aal kelp as la the wark thrtfi t fn An "In my maMarial or4r, wblak will be lal vary Moa, I wilt axtaa4 aa iaritatlaa ta tk Saaa aa4 DaagkMr af Vetaraaa ta,. arjfaala. aa ia tke fatare rellere as af mm t tke wark tkat wt are mw aaiag, aa4 will lastrMt tke fomawMVa t tka paais la the Mpart meat t kaa4 a aopy ta tkalr leant pa pen aa4 kara tkem pkUska4 ftfWr Mtk. "Tkaaklaa: yaa for Ik IntaraH ymi are Ukln ia tka mattar, na4 kapla; tkat m4 ramiha will fallow, I am yaar falker'fl aaaarada, ata." LOWELL SPEAKS TONIGHT Senatorial Campaign Opens Tonight at Grand Opera House Kew'a ThU7 Wa aaTar Om Iaa4re4 Delia r k war4 far aay oaae af OaUrrk tkat oaa- aat ka aar4 Wy Hall 'a OaUrrk Oar, r. J. CI!KBY & CO., TaleAa. 0. Wa, tka Ha4rirIKaaJ, kayo kaawa F. J. Ckaaay far tke last IS year a, aa4 Mleva Mm perfnUy UaraWe la all baWaaaa traaeellM aa4 fiaanalally W ta aarry aat aay eUlfcatleaa hmh Wy Ma Htm. WakaJajr, KlaMa & MarHa, Wkalaiale Drnm(lHi, Tela.!, 0. Hall 'a Oatarrk Oare Is taken la4r. Hy, naUatr 4lrety apen the Ua4 aa4 moaaaaa aarfaaaa af tke yta). Tatilmaalalt aaat tie. Irf 7 aaais tt katlla. SaM ky all 4racMU. Taka Hal rVwily MUs far m HlpnUaa. Hon. 8. A. Lowell, of PendletoB, ar rivi last nljfht on the overland train, ai is at the Willamette hotel tolay, where many people kave onlled on him. He Is a eaadldat fer the United State senate under tka direct primary law. and will hold tke ArM meet I at; under the law ia tkls elty at tke Oraad Opera House this evening. This is aa kletariaal event in tke ev olution of papular mvernment, and it is worthy of sepeelal notlee tkat Judge Loft'll, an Maetara Oregon man, opens bis campaign ia Salem laetead af Port land. He is tka aamUaata of tk in terior of the Hate, aad, while ke will hare quite a foliewiag among tke He- publicans of Portland, ka will get his largest support among tke Republicans of ta- great Iataad Umpire. Judge Lowell believe la the law, wat oaa of tka man wko helped draft tke law, and stand far tke prinalpie af direct election of senators, far tke en forcemeat of tka spirit and prinalpie af the law, rather tkaa far stickling over any of its technical feature ar the lat ter of tk Mt. A few af tke paUlianl bowel nt Sa lem have triad to preveat Judge Lowell from ha tin; aa nudlaaaa In this elty, bat indication nra tkat tke akamploa t popular rlgku and nt ft Republican water ky tka direct vote af tka Ke publleaa ma Mrs, instead of by a bow eorrapted lagielatore, will gat a hear lag far tk graataat reform ever under taken by tke paapie. Tk apera keua konld be packed la tk doors ta kaar tkls pollkd orator aepauae tka mw system of maklag United States waa ton. Ilia appeal ta tka people af West- ra Oregon ta stand by tke prlMlpi and el-cl a man Mt uader 4ltatloa by the Ponlaad amaklM will not go un heard. Tbis U tk not time n candidal for an Important aM man upon. tke plat form aad Makes kla appeal 4irt to tka peopw. Judge Lowell will dlaauas aa tloaal iMHaa nM fraat elaatlaa af taMtora. lie la tka rapraaeatailv af manhood In palitlaa rather tkaa moMy. Kvorybody tkoald m oat and kaar Judge Lowell this erealag. n W aa ndapllaat aay leaaas pra arikod ky atkar aoaallMs, m mattar kaw aampUaalad. CImm. II. UiagaA, ep- uaiaa, m cowmraial rtreet. -It Five Reasons Why It Is to your Interest to have your Glasses made at Hinges, pirgt -We make aM examinations personally. gmlWe are the only establishment whlah dees ALL th right on the premises, even to the grinding ef tko Icnees. Third We have kad 85 years' experience, and just finished months' study with the best Oculists and OpMelans In New York, CkiJ!, and Philadelphia. Mfc "ft Fourth We are net new In Oregon. Our patients nutrler in ,J ....'.--. t.- IL.. -I. 11 .. 1 thousands, atMJ we are lauereeu o. m pByainmns in ana about S. Fifth Our prices are right, and our work Is guaranteed Mi'tt Salem's Leading Optician Chas. H. Hinges New Jewelry and Optical Store 1 23 Commercial St. Next to Capital National Bank SOUTH END OF COUNTY BOOMING tlM par aaek for Wild Baa Maw. Aat Baatar VaeatMN. Tlo SMtar reeatloa at tka U4s(ty klM U4ay. aad will eaaUaM aatll April Ittk A largo aaawar af ate- taMai tkair Swipad Moaay and Watak," ....w fmmj nwriHi aaq axrui -..!.. n... m, -- - ,-- j. . .i . .1 " " Ty jurat. m.ww mw.w IHIIW Ml VB UWU IMI - . .- tl..l T ctvk kotol iMi Prur alrtt a tkW'u, ..J, :,.,- J. .. r " T' watak and ekalM Im. v. v..i. '. .'' " w lMt Ml HiuMka Urowa, of tkla elty, will aat b wltk tka party, m ak la4eadi to roataia la OaJlforaU until tka Stk af Mxt maatk. Tk karoM of tka par ty. Jfr. Udltk Toalor-WoaUarrad, aw ftMpt4 paalliaa aa adrertWaj; man ftfar af tka Alaaka Btaamaklp Rxauraioa Coaspaay, wltk kaadmartora at Laa An gola, for wkUk aity ska left tkU week. Tke Mat hern end of Mnrioa county ia Juet mw tke scene of considerable ac tivity among the farmers and along tka line af tke Southern Pacific rail road. tare Mmforlable hemes, better farm bulkHam and jrood roads are tke rullnjf sfiirtt. At nil tka sidelraeka and spurs af tk railroad ar to be seen great pile C ties and plllnt;. wnltlnt; to be loaded aa tka earn for sklpmeat. At Jefferson tke raUroad ka n Mg crew excavating far the pier af tk new three-span Iron bridge, aad m aooa aa tk road can procur tka eemeat tk arew will be inereased and tka work rushed to completion. At Marlon tka Sid My Power 0. kai a steam akoval axaavaUag a new pow er dltek from tke Baatlam river. Tke naw-dltak U about tea feat wide and four feat deep, Tk drodge l mow working about tw mil south af Ma rlau. Soma naxlaty U fait by tke far men la tka TurMr and Marian neighbor kood for foar tk Santiam river wttt break through tkat oouutry during klgk water. It la atatad tkat Ik rivor If anting tkroagk Ik banks just below tk ferry aaat of Marlon, and If mm tklag ia aat 4m, aad tkat moh, it will b beyond repair. Is It kind consideration t:t IU W aeeni oiantmra uu cunpiny u, make people seem so indiffcrcal iUt Mviag aeap alcohol to substitott p, oiiaei o r I. .... won i iergci sununy utf meats nt Farrington's mirk'1 M a mm tMHMia wan, doat ka goM Tka SfMaMlatf kaajkar milk seal aag VaalU far narmadi f tie yaatarda;. eaa m.m. m im aanNii raaai. at tav Mo yM aaiM w M kfta. laW TZrrJ'T " TT. fc",h iHK r tu t . wall aad kaM yM w!L M aoais. Dr. fae' Drag Star. gua. two two katlara, Mk kaviag a caimeMy af IM kawapowf. aa ketag t uaatkal today ta ka kartalled a m raaeoaieat Property Okaagea UaMda. Nov. a A. Waataaa. af Partlaad, kaa aid Me ptaparty aa Oaart and Pour- teaatk atrorie la A. A. immediate viouarsr It m kV pUlajs af tkia kaaik to aowtiiM Ma Wrtltteae w akie knma 4kUa viaialty. I a iaUawtag tkis aoaam tko tmak t aaty eakaneq Ma owa ataUUts, Wat promuta 4m kifkvat wawctdH of tk Sainimaalfcy. Salem State Bant L. K. PAGE, President E.W. HAZARD, Caslilcr Tka Ladle af nH. Paul's I'hurrk Mill ka aauther roaked faad aala of bread, eakr. baaa aad alad at hriaasa' drag atara Matiiid, Marak Hot. OyaM at 10 a, m. u i i QbJakeM Tenwrrew. Nice PtyMaatk Moek kM far gun day aaiiag. Way tkam Satarday. AIm sir tea beef, pork, awtkaa aad vaaL Dm & aUapaoa, HIT Commaraial attoot Ok&aga of Time. TW DaUas stag new laa Satota at IS a'aUak. laaiaad af 1 a'akuk at renaarty. It mw makaa aaasMUaa wltk tka aartkkMad MMagr twin at Dairy, Patk eaaaty. VgTat Oar bmbI apaat SSMB.1SS far eaa Moaul laat year. WU1 Mr good mom laay af arieultu aall tail aaoikar vldaaa ef tamers' proaaerityt lRVlubla for BieuaiaUiai, I kave kea eufferiag far tke past 6wp years wltk a severe ftttak of raaawMtkat aad faand tkat B&tt&rtl's Snaw Ualtaaat waa tk only thing Mat gave me satltfaeti and teaded to allevaaU my pains. Mare , W. Jaka a Degeax, Klaeajia, lib. SM, SO, aad ll.M. Par sale ky D. J Yy. walek aad tkala frees ilr. Marrwaa. waa alM laat H U aaak, Mr. Soul' loan kolag atS. Mr. Karri feel tk loaa of tka watak kaaaly. a It wu a gradaatioa preMat from ki BMtkor. Tkat i a Im to tk thief. -Wood-kara Ia4pa4Mt. Mt. MorriMa 1 tk tan of J. A. ifor rloaa of tkb oitjr. Tk stka Bteot ODUm, 1 e- .- .i . ... L .. . . 1 w fwnws, mm laat va l far tka aaiew ladg. Xo. SSf. B. p. a K, reeahed a follew: C. L. Mc Nary, culled raUr; U. K. Aloart, a tMed laadiag kaifkti H. O. SakMklag. ealoeaiad loyal kaifkti J. A. Hamay. aataNaad leetariag kalgkti R. braak Maradltk, traatoai Artkar S. aa, crelaryi i. Maker, traaaareri A. U. Malaer. ruroaUtiv af grand lodgoi rraon t. wrlgktMaa, aheraale New Atkletie TieW. A now and tosaporary athletic field W kalag pat lata akap aa tka Uaivar ty mmmm, at af tk mala bulwing. Moaw kava baaa ixed dtjHag wklak tka atkletie taaat will kav alUrnaU aa of kotk Ml4 far peMtiM. Tk mw ground were nsad UMomary t ra uova oioMrd froat amaag tk baMkall aad traak do vat as. IKual Rlgkta MeoUag. All ettlaoaa, wkaikar keiiaviag in wotuMi aulTrapa ar not, aardiaUy ia vltad ta ooma aat aad kaar aM af tka gifted plead for wacaaa'a eaiua. Mr. Huaa SaaitklMvaM. af Ckiaaga. wm apeak at Q. A. K. kail, Tarnor iaaJc kauarcavy avMlag (Marak 31) aa waaaaa soft. Sm U m af tke meat takMted SMaka m Ik Amartoaa paat farm- l-X-tt Making -Hew KUa. Tk mw klla wkiak is t ke kaHi m tk Math aaraar a tka SfaakJIng lam War yarda 1 M We Mtxt fat. aad wUl v a eaaaolty t kara aat U.M) ft f lawbar par day. Work kas Wn to atr tka graawaV, ktUnuW .-i .... ' i larwgat MMf Mtaal wark a tke aula South galea Box Faotery. Say4r 1 Maaaa kava tkoir mrg mw box factory u4 wao4-warklag akap. JmI oa ateatk UowmareMl streat, mw ia full ruaaiag order, aad nra turning Mt baocea aad wood work very rapidly. Itarry em tea of all deMrlptiM are tkair wecUlty, aad tk aaodlag tkew t4toul4 order early, aa tkara will b a largo rua aa, tkla kind of work tkls year. Tkoy kav a twtry faatary SOxTS feat, iulpt4 with ap-U-dat Htaaklaory, aad a. Sf karMpawar motor Mr. MuMa kaa devatod tka bast years af kla Ufa to maatariag tke details af tkls UwalaaM, and la Mr. Snyder ke kas a wariky partner aad a first-alas bai noea man. Tkla now firm is a great addition to Salem industries, and skeal.l meat vritk hearty laaal aupport, aad it ia ealy by building up kam iadustnes tkat Salem eaa be made a manufactur ing elty. j building begins. IFYOU'RETIRED weak and run down, or tk blood is Impure, there's nothing will do you m mack good tkls Spring as a few 4m af Hetettor-i Stomaok Bitten. TkooMad m it exclusively witk grat ifyiag rosults. Bcaolre today to got & bottle of HOSTETTER'S SrOMACH BITTERS and you mak tk irat atea toward good health. It euros Grippe, Spring Fever, Impure Bload. SleeplasaBesa. la. digostMB, DjMMia, OattveB, F. IJU aad Malaria, Fever aad 8ht euro far riles. Itakiag pile pr4us moisture and anus I taking; tkis form, ns well as blind, Weeding or protruding plies arc wrad by Dr. Batan-ko's Ml Kamedy. Stops itakiag and Weeding. Abierbs tumors. SO a Jar at druggists, or tent by mall. Trsatu free Write me about your oaa. Dr. BoMRka, PklJa daipkla, Pa. Ague, Batokall a awe Arranged Fer. MaMgor Hugh W. Sparkx, af tk Pa eiSa UnivorUty baMball team, ka ar ranged for a game wltk tke Willamette aggragattoa. to be played ia Salam an Daoarattoa Dy. IHwdfi will kav a goad team tkla yr. and wkoa tka two oliioat oaUegmto la-iltullaa la tk tint roa WaU tkara will ka tklag doing." . a- Torture by Savages, "gptaklng of tke torture to wkksa nwi of tke Mvage tribes ia tke Phil. Ippinea sukjeet tkelr captives, resaiads ma af tke latenM suffering I endured far tkree WMths from iaMmmatlaa af tke ktdaaye," saya W, M. Sherman, af Ouaklag, Me. "Nothing helped me until I tried Electric Bitters, tkree bottles af wkiak Mmpletely oared me." Cure liver complaint, dyspepsia, Weed disorders and malaria; and re stores tke weak and nervous to robust health. Guaranteed by J, 0. Perry, druggist, Salem, Oregon, Price, 50c ' U i Colonist Rates Commencing February 15th, aad continuing dairy to aad laoJudiag April 7tfl, aad from September 16th until October 31. IMS. oolonlst tick- oU will ka sold from tke But to all polaU oa Oregon llaea via, Portland. FoVowing ratos from Omaaa. Neb lf; Council Bluffs, la.. ?W; Kaaaaa City, Mo.. JK; Denver. Cola; J6; St. Joseph. Ma. U; St Louis, Mo., W; Ckioago, III, J33. If you deslr you eaa aaake deposit with agents aad tkkets wHl be furalshod your fHaads la tke Bast A. L. CRAIO. W Geaoral Passenger Agent Jtist Attived One ear ef woven wire a!l fntl Special discount till April 5tk K have large stock ef Mi, laws ig poultry fewlng, sklnglei, potts, pit and P. & B. ready roofing, All it Ut BV lWVWe v WALTBR MOWT. tM Ctmrt i!,8slaa, Garden Seeds IN BULK Garden tlm Is here J wis il good garden, so must iUt 8 " Our stock 1 tke beat in lie r our udao ara rlgkt 1V ei' -'M for tkwf aklng. Bcc Supplies W kav tk Urgect tra-l n !!" la be Mtpplle aad shouM I e f ""H ill vour ordr wken vou ftr rM'' buy. W kaow tkat our g r- pM jou. and our prc-i are ', eat in tk city. D.A,WHITE&S0N PEEDMCN and SEEDMEN Poultry and Bee 8uppHea, 255Com'l Phone 160 GOOD NEWS FOR THE DAIRYMAN THE SHARPLES TUBUIAS Beduced la Price, Prom .W n ha Sharr'-I - i said at $S0 las tkaa tke old rwM.1 factory kas at tk sUn.'' W ' folio wat No. 4, formerly $100, 5 No. 3, formerly $85, $6 No. 2, formerly $75, $5- Matkiaoa said oa wont."v u"- meats so tkat yoa can pay as ,T'af j yoar cream kMka. Oot la your order aow at: ' ''I roam tkat's going to waste Btks IiwKMVMA)usBest Bigauer ef m&u F. A: Wiggins IMPLEMENT HOUSE. SW-967 Liberty Street. Farm Implements, "Wie!, -A! bUea, Sewing Maakiae aad 8Pr