f xttSLfnmtrjm DAttY CAPITA!, JOTOMAI. SALEM, """" FBIDAT, AMH M, !. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL DY HOFER BR08., Publishers and Proprietor. ffiiMED ELECTION DATES TO BEMEMBEB. Registration books for primary elec tion cIom April 10, Primary election April 20. Eogirtratlon books Again opened April 96 and olosc May 15. Last day for filing name for state And district offices March 30. Last day for filing name for county office April 4. Oftnvassiiiff roloa for nominating stoto and dlirtriot oandldatos May 0. iAiit day for filing nominating poti Uons for county office May 10. last day for filing certifies t of nom ination May 0. Qenctral olootton Juno 4. r - Half-Sick When your nerves are weak, when you arc easily tired, when you feel all run down, then is the time you need a good strong tonic Aycr"s Sarsaparilla. Your doctor will tell you why it has such power over weak nerves, why it makes the blood rich, and why it gives courage and strength. Ask him if it is not just the medicine you need. THE LOWELL MBETINQ. Judge Lowell opening bis WHml for United States senator at Snlem Is a stgnlflsnal fuel In the political history ef Oregon. lie Is an Masters Orege" nn who lm leen before the esp)e n great deal and lift lrne pnldleplrlled part Is state affairs, We have no secrets! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. EDITOR FEELS SORE Madt fc tM 1. 0. Aft 0 , Lawttl, Mu: Ai Maara4ariri af ATSB'fl nAIR YIOOR-Pw tbt hair. ATltR'S PlLt-Pw etaillpatloa. ATBtt'fl0BBRRrrEOTOIUL-FreM(hl.ATSa'SA0nB0DUSrrsuUiUaa4cit. two eempanle of tnalnitrs with tbtlr appliances, will marsh to thePiatts Imrjr, tump, (treat Interest tkrof('0t the serrlre la takes 1m the President' Pear years si be was n saadldnte r tot a nenernl eoneentrntion ef tbe fer gowner, ami get no farther Urns s pnrMnl eaavnM ef bl eoanty with s Iwekbesril. The baek board eaeonniefed the barrel of another esndidete, and tbe barrel won tbe day. HUT T1EB IIAKIII1L DID NOT WIN THE aOVEIWOKHIUP. Tbe msm Uwe Is Involved In this ennspaiga for UMited KMm senator. It M brains against tbe barrels of tbe Portland Millionaire. Lying Is watt for tbe senntarahip nee several IHtrtlaad pi"0"- that tbe penpl- stay aat nesalaate awl sleet a seaalar. In tbe ereMle aod ooafaslea of a tle-efi la iao legtetwtar too awed lefta hmo of tbe barret will get la lea nya ierloaa work. Tbe Lowell rantpeiga seeeld bo wef oemed UY EVERY OLBAN, OONKOI MNTiouK, mouT-TinmciNa and TATUIOTIO AMTltrUOAN, wbo dues net wmhI to see our government further d graded aod dragged la the Mire of or rupllen Tbe downfall of t'nauaeey Ifepew re tails Moaroe t'eoklbi ruetinent oo the aily-teegeed efter-dineer talker, as TII1I MAN WHO HAYS 01111 AND HAW TO VANDHKHILT'M CATTLE." The men wbo aay gee aad haw to tbe rattle of the money kings are ea earth aod somo of thoto are la Oregon and they are trying to dictate aod stam pede the elerllea of the eeaatore frees Oregoa Hot a the Aeetrallaa ballot eaaie out of Ibo eerrepted pelltleel seedl tieoe prevailing la the mhmI eellalee of Australia, oo a better ayeteoi of eJeot lag areolars will eowe eot of Drogue. It Is tbe Urst gntherlNK of tbe sort ever bold In this rooatry on sh a Male, and It Is to be fotbtwed by moothly emaiwiwets of two Night each, after tbe troop retain to their respeetlve siatlofts, towtlaalag tbrongh aext wlater. The troooe will earry their foil kits with them on their sMSBMer tour, aod will adopt the ayeteM of regalar Held rtrorhdoalag. To this eod the eomails ary editors are preparing to Uoe the astoosary eifalpwtat for the tooklag of the food. At the barrack here there will bo ebooat 00 eowpaalet la add! tloa to the regalar garrbjoa. o largely llti-rat r they took kindly to rem m am srbenl educstios. Of Isle stl this has ! rhaaged. We are reeelv lag the balk of latmlgration from eona trios la which IIIUerHsy aboaads, and it Is only osadld to say that we have la reoMvat lllitersey a protdeat far greater lhaa Is geaernily sapposed. The eeasas of 1M0 showed that oat ef S7,lt,S. persoas la the United States 10 years of age and over, d.lSO.Od were elasei Red as Illiterates. Ilootoa Traaeerlpt. Oadlsge Men and the Ministry. Hartford, t.'oaa.. Mareh M. The eoeereaee nader the aaepleea of the stadeats of the three theologies! sent- laariea of Hartford, Yale aad Union Xew York, will opea at tbe Semin ary here this evening and will lat as- til Monday evealag. Maay rollega taea of New Ragtaad, Now- York aad Xew Jrrtey eollegee are here to attend the reoferetMO, whith has been tailed far the purpose of preaoatiag to eolleye aia now deriding on their Mo work aoete dedlaile laforaialloa regardlag the work aad elaiau of the Chrlstiaa mIb lotry. The apoakers will bo rreeldeat W. 1). XrKoaaie of Hartford seatfnar;, lreeldeat Wlleoa of lrlaeeton anlvor ally, iresident Knob Ithees of Roths ter naiveralty. trofeeaor rYanelt Hroaa of Union seminary. J O. U lb boa, IMntetoa seminary. K. V, Porter. YsU. aad C. T. WiaelMoter, Wealeyan aalverolly, Mlddleton. t'oan. The miaolonary eeletiee will bo rep reaentod by IWdeat 8. S, eaa of the Amorieaa board. Boetoa. aad tee rotary A. W. Maker of the Preebyter- Inn board. Haw York, aad tbe pastor- to ay tie Rev. X. t. MaeAHhnr. Xe YoHi the Rev. Dr. Kinaolvlnf af Brooklyn, reetor of L'hriet Charehi the aWv. aWhwell Potter of Hartford aad the Rev. O. . Bevit of Xev BHlala. Ceaa. TkU WIU RU11 De. . " "Is Oasy work la' beref " asked Ma aegaa, eateriag the itaarry shortly after a btaet. "He was, bat be jit wiat away," replietl Maaaagaa tbe foroesaa. "re ye expielln' bint bsekf" "Yes. I suppOM so. A anyway, they do say. what Ivor goes np mnsbt oome Iowa. "Philadelphia V Says Sap-Headed Young Stu dent Steered Him Into the Fence A sap hosdsrf, dense brained, grinning high sraool youth was tbe oaaw of aa accident to the city editor of this paper bis morning whleh might have repott ed seriously. This yonth, walkiag with two girls, was heading a oolumn of high school stttdonts on Bast ttteventh street on their way to the anlvermty. The editor was riding along High etreet on a Weyele. He reiteatedly rang bis bell as he approashed the stu dents and ealealated that the leadsr of the column weald stop a second to let him pass, hat Instead the youth paid n attention to the ringing of the bell, kept up his senseless shatter to the girls and continued on his way serenely oblivious to all sarreundtngs. The editor was compelled to run bis bieyels Iwto a fence to aroM injury to the girls. He was thrown fersitdy to the Heslk, receiving a number ef bruises aad the bicycle was ruined. It was almost a miracle that he was not ee verelv injured, ns be was riding at a eonsMerable speed. The youth pro ceeded on his way without even a word of apology. Rugene Oaard. e Have yoa weakness ef any kind etomach, back, or nay organs of the body I Don't daps yourself with or diaary medicine. HoJIIrter'a Rocky Mountain Tea U the supreme ours live power. M cents. Dr. Stone's Drug Store. THIS IB THE FLOUB THAT TOOK THE TWO MEDAIS iHL Trademark. Bvery person should learn just what the red package look Hko and tho economy la using Allen's wlf tMag n. it. B. Flour. It Is the most nutrl- alstM blead of grains that eaa bo tuak. You know tlt easy digestion nnd perfect assimilation of food Is neces sary for good health. Any pea tott hot griddle oakes, Boston Muffins, Boston Brown Bread! er Fruit Pudding made from our Mead ef pure food flour, and tho stm plloity in making it up and tho assur anco of hftvlng it just right, every lime, should bo considered. Ask your gresor for it and if ho is out of it send bis name to us and wo will supply you with a sample pack age free. Grocers who study your wcl fare nnd their own profit, will supply you with these goods at all times. ALLEN'S B. B. B. TLOUIt 00. Paoiflo Coast rnctory, San Joso, 01. la- Patronise Yn tr- dcistr les and keep y0(it cy at home. Not a new business, bat the AA vi smith, wagon and paint U 0f 7 Se Arthur rory much enlarged w8 preparod to do all kinds of ft'at ' ing, aign painting and buggy, lT and wagon painting; repani pairing furniture and muril jJl ments. A flrst-clnss painter Light and heavy wagons and K on hand nnd made to order l iallod for la any part of the elw J returned free of charge by Q wjjT or William Cross. ' '' JACOB k ABTHUIL Phone 1483 MUn. 2228 N. Irtit 9-HM BATBN OUT Or HOUSE AND HOME Hew a CenftnuM Dyspeptic Devoleped ftH Appotito Llko n Oom-huiker'a ami OleanM Out Everything In Bigkt. Liberty Store rOR YOUR HBN8 Oyster saoibt, (Ml meal, Shorts, Hraa, and Wheat Always oa band. tin e e e e a a PrepaetNg far MnMMaattoa. inattakarf. N. Y Uareh M.-Tae army aamrtarmaaiora have already tak aa af the aajaaUaa af Uw rtaaapartatioa or all tbe cavalry, laid artillery aad lafaatry la thm eoaatry far maMllaa tloa at sevea osm la ditereot parts af tho eoaatry, iaeladlag Plattabarg barracaa. It will reajalro a vaat amaaal af prellmlaary work to got evotythlag la roadlaeaa far tbe treaafet af the lru..w, althoagh It is laleadod my the l'rrai4al to have tho aparatieae aad tUv earampatem) caadaeted aa la arar time, when there wUI ha the km pae aiblr dtpeadaace apaa the railroads or other aooommoaalsaaa For the moat part the traaaa asatga el to the earns. ttl march to tWir dtiiealiea The greatar dtetaata eov I sl by lao traa ardotod u PUite I y for the refresoatativra af the farg win ho rvam Waahiagtaa. A perl!" amivorsitwe wkiag part ia tho Xetr York. Marsh SU-The American iaiertelleguie foul ball rales commit tee is aaldiag aaothor seaaioa at lao Mnrray HUt hotel today aad. rai L b- uovog t no tc Inal meetlag. ia whleh lae near fatbatl code will bo laally adopted. The vara eras praetteallv eamaUtad oner in ua) mcetiag, bat it was ae tamasa. peotoaly VI 1 o ""mnammBBnmnaanmBammna I TJL WWnjre y- amt am hamd amV m ei Uau h) aa WP) JQH 3Uff r. U aeiamjfead In emr Mvaamj Daaart. mml It vaaald We aajidjig aetarest. bo nayeat M yaar aaj whj. MWwl 91 Savings Department Capital National Bant doJikaratiaM l report to their iaotlta Haas, before a rogelle aad settlcmeat toald bo reaeaad. The lath of the committee today maiali eoatista in m- inf over the whole ground, tskiag up tactioa after eecliea aad lo aaes wt- arataly apaa each iadividnal rule. It a eel ecpaeted that aay farther ehaa as will bo made at today's meeting. Waaaaa's Pnri Mamlaiisry Mootdag. Newark, N. J, Uareh U The asi aual apriac meatiag af th Wemea'a rNreiia Mlaaioaary laotaty af the New ark Psamvtery agod have this mora Uf al tho South Park Presbyterian f' I do! eaaloa were woUomod hf tao nor. Dr. Lyama Whltaay Alls i taa Soaah P,k tears. Sayj prambmat apaakare will addtats Um matt lag. Those will bo n mnfsftaxi ftsr yaaag paaala. Alien niiterates. Ua waa whoa Us aaasttaa af deal. Maa lUttacey dajaped una. ar aUtas wa ao)i aeuiag. MaH of tao immlgtmati taea aaate af stook sympathetic with our Ueas. Thty were The wife of a loading druggist of Dea Maiaas tails how her brother was changed from a dyapeptla without ap petite to a prodlgioas eater. 'ily brother, wha la a lawyer in Chi sago, name ta visit me nnl I hardly kaew him aa his arrival, he wsi to Ibla nnd ran dawn, I had nut n him for years aad was much aUrmI at his appesraaee. lie told me not Ia worry an ha had beaa la this condition far years as n rsaalt af ehroale dytprp sia I aaked him what ha had done for it, aad he said ha had daae evert thing tanea every remedy be had ever heard af aad eeaealted deetare without nambor, aeae af tham helped him. I ashed him if ha ever took Stenrt'i Dyspepsia Tablets, aad he aald ha hadn't aad what was mare he woald NX If a had swora aaT taking meJIelae af aay klad. "I had my haabaad briag aame a box from tho store aad I setaally made him take oao ar two ot the tablets after ho had aatoa. They made him feel so much batter that he etfered no further ebjcetlta. Ha had aat takea the oae box before he was greatly Improved aad three ar faar bexre eared him of d anopsia aad gave him a waadarful ppetlto. He came near eatiag as aat of house aad home. ilv. bat it did m goad to toe him eat. He gained flftcea pound before ha returned home, aad ha writes mo that he has not beta troubled with dyapeaaia alaee." Ittuart's Dyspepsia Tablet actually do the work, aaaignod ta thorn. They relievo weak aad everbardeaed stom aeh af thair work af digestive action. Their eampaaeat parts are ldeatieal with thene of the digastfve Hui.ta and seeretioaa af the ataataah and they simply take ap tka grind and carry on tha work jat the same as a good, ttreaf. healthy stamaah would do it. Oa tab) aaaaaat aHaart's Dyspspaia Tablais are perfectly natural ia thair aetlaa aad affaeU. They do not eauts aay anas tare I ar vlaleat dUturbaaee la tho stamaah ar bowels. They them telvea digatt tha faad and sappiy the astem with all tha aaarithment eon Uiaod in what is sate and aarry out Ka tare's plans far the sasteaanee and malateaaaee af the body. Staart's Dyspepsia Tablets, by thus reltevlag the staaweh af its work, ea able It ta reaaparate and ragain its aarawl health and strength. Nature repairs the warn and wasted tissues tat as she heals and knits the bono of a brakoa Mmb, whiah is of aaarte aat sd during the prasesi af rapair. Staart's Dytpeptta Tablets are far uw Hy alt druggists at M ataU a bar. Oae box will free,ecatly esTeot a per feet cure. f)) .. ..70d Per Bask. E. W. SMITH, Prop Look at These Prices S mat asm l"-.-. - -. w , otajatan t9 , ,, f tt S sans Oarn , , 1 doc anaa Oarn Daytoa Creamery Jtattar .... m package Palsoa Paaeake ,...25f P . Pr doaoa 15 A. L. Harvey Tine Groceries. CORNER OOUBT AND mOR BTa PHONE 216, OIVB BAR UNTO WISE COUNSEL. If saving dollars Is a hobby ef yours, buy groceries here, nnd let us enaeur age the hobby. Those prises weald neb ordinarily buy the quality they repre teat, Baker, Lawrence & Baker Huecossors to H&rrltt k Lawrence. SHOE SALE My itook of shoes for men ro dned In price. No old ttook. Clos ing out ladles' flkoas. Now'a your oae. JACOO VOQT, Opposite I'atton IJros, r YOUR MEALS Will always be right if you get tlicm at the White House Restaurant GEORGE BROS. Prop Phone Main 2421. Bttte Blrnt f Gold Dust Flou Mado by THE GIDNEY POW ER COMPANY, Bldnty, 0r gotu Mado for family nit, li your grocer for It Oran ui shorts always on hand, P. B. Wallace AGENT 99f99mmm99)99m94Mti Fruit Growers TA1CB NOTICE NOW 18 TUB TIME TO 0RD13 BEnttY ORATBS BERRY BOXES ORCHARD BOXES murr trays And nil kinds of box - i- Salem Btx Factor) Phone JkW. k Mj Ksbsl 25r mmjki jjy i V. LcGall's Art Studies Orders takea for portrait la oil, water colore, pastel and crayon. Prices raage from S aad up. I. O. O P Temple, room 8 M6-tf JUtUUKtWSlOfA't-h -ai-. iSm lj MIKi - --4" u V NwlN J UHlU'-'-""'lMlU u ji UWITrMfBICtCO..oT4. Uwnn. rA. C iaUNIOHPAC I HIS Thro Trains to tao East Dally. Through Pullman atandard and tourist sleeping ears dsily to Olymple, Ohleage, 8pakano tourlat aloeplng ears dally to Kansas City through rullman teurlst sleeping ears (per sonally conducted) weokly to Chic got reellning ehalr ears (seats free) te the Hast dally. HOUR! 70 v PORTLAND TO CHI ".AGO M hq Ctusit of Cm 70 DKI'AttT roff Bald in Balsra by a O. Btons. gi Oblti PertUa4 eiwiu s u a. a Has i uutea AtUaUc t:U p. m. tUHwh tngtoa "STKST FutUsU s ir p. m. Spoksat TIMK SOIBDULtiS Ftms PenUoJ, Or ult Lkc. parv. ft AiMtfe OttkSi. Kuuul Clly. St Leak CntsuoJ 1 Ul 4aH Lkks. Lmtu rt. Worth, umtbt, Einm; ww. w. um Vkt "IOM.1. SpskftSt. Wallace. HiJl-J sua, uumearoat Si ltl rtntntk vn.. Otitease, aaUMi. VI V iMp c 7Ua, a Chick Food t ouleon's Wpisl t bt"k V Little (hick and Turk-a u f rt fxtd o wake th fli.kt c Do not ase a food that eon!arsl II U M mt seat writ. We w Hal yoa tha irrlt cheaper separately. COULSON'S EGG FOOD We will have aaetktr car loa-i CoMlsoa't Celebrated ltt and t l'tod ia a lew ay At tut is Ik itsi direct from the Manufacturer, y not hare to pay tbre or Ui.re jr l Tillson & Co. 151,161 High Street Phone Main 139 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IjmTJH An appetiuag diaaw ean be auared if the meat is secured frcia us. We hare the Saest stuek of Meats ia S lew aad ean supply you with Besf. Veal. Xuttea. lork. or Satoked Vests of tha boat aaaUty. We delirer to all parte of the city Phiat your order. e. o. ososa For fuller information ask or writs year nsarest ticket agent, or A. Ii. CRAIO, ueneral PaseeBger Agent. The Oregon Ballroad t Nayigation Co., Portland, Oregen. Trade Mai DtaiQNi AtlvATIA BJUlfKniF aViK mnii Am -IIAV" 4nlklr aicrin.a our oixuiaa fro .? UiTMtloa ItprubablrpAtraUbl. C s2 UxuitntfireoniKlMitKL HANDBOOt ' RS iwt ItM. OMMt asener (orcoit P1" Pateau taken tbrousb ilunn , v .. r tfUlntli, without ebargt, lutna Scicniiiic HinericaK. AhasdtolrUlaitraltMkir " eulaUea ut aar adeaUSo touroaJ. v ffr raari roar bumiIij, L BoMbfall ret MUNIf & CoBlfcM- Newlgl A. L. FRASER PLUMBING TINNING AND ROOFING. Cornice Work, Heating and Building Work of all Kinds; Estimates Made and Work Guaranteed Murphy Blk State St. Salem, Oregon Phone 15111 mww