DAILY OAPI 'AL JOUANAL, SAXEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAECH 28, 1008. '8 J. R. WHITNEY SHft ssLH Jwnsl JO" f in.ii?ntP fr KenomlcBtion for Slate Print r at the Itepubllean Primary. APItrL SO. V mistaken Idea-prevails to some ex ent m to the emoluments of tke State rintvr Kcl tke practical workings of he ontee. It is not tke Wg "fat" fllee it t ueeused of being. In the first place tke upproprlatlou Jnr "printing1 conveys a wrong Imprrs- in. Thr biennial appropriation la rift for printing alone, but include nleo he rot of paper, ruling election sup- lies, and many smaller Items, nmeunt r.g for Ihe biennial period to about fc: i.ooo. The ti report of the Seere- ary of State to the Legislature will how tkeee figures to b correct. The. h rMste Printer moot provide M wn priotlng pUiit and pay alt Ring expenses of tko emoc. Tke pay olid alone for tke two years exceed 15.000, The Salem Typographical nton run bear ont tko accuracy of i statement. The cost of malerialV limited amount of work dona In out e union office during n rusk In tke tvo Printer's oBJoo, root, power, iks, ami a hundred ether expense. In fully 10.000 more. Tkli makes -' 000 of expenses wklek tke State writer does not get. Thus it will be readily seen tkat i n the cost of tke production ef ike rmtlng U token Into consideration. c State Printing OflUc Is net nil -fit It la Just like Any etker print g business. It costs something to n it CrlttciMM km for your been 4trttl the Hint Printing Ofllee nn4 It ems tknt it Hill continues. Tke pro t State Printor ki boon numoi of aft, of Uiviatne tk pronU of tke IVe vrtth polltienl bo( and of n rtkrr diviMan for tke tw of tke to printing plant. Tbere la ab f'lv no truth in tkoM HatwwenU, I v $100 pr montk rental for tke 4Dt anl no more, wkloa ia eenMder :vcry Cook Iceds This If she wants llgkt eake,pastry or (u ts she muet u good baking bwlcr. No impure baking powder is f iod Epplcy's I Bating Powder absolutely pure and very carefully ImpouBded. It is-put up in solf'seab jars that arc very 'convenient. is SOLD BY AU QROCEBS UtfC I.TJOK DON'T COUNT 3 en yu buy lumber from as. It's tertamty that you will get the yery It lumber on the market and at lees you can afford to pay. Don't to get our bid. Phone 52. Office a P, Dpot OOODAIX LTJMBEK CO. Phono 5a. rasoline Woodsaw io u&draigne4 So prepared to take sg ccDtraKts. Triej&oa. Mala 043. -oer, Pwr Ground Boad, North ra. S-SO-tf ol a renMnable rwUl. I knve a 1m duly rigne-l to tkia effett, and tbre has ben no diHoton of the ole with an.v person. The fees paid tke State Printr are fixe'l by law, and every item printnl Is measured by an expert printer, ap pointed by tke Gortt'ner, wbose dtatjrl it is to measure tke printing and affix the amount doe no provided by law. (kcrnor rkamberlain appointed to this position Mr Albert Tonler. a Dem ocrat, a praetleai printer, and secre tary of the OfOffna Press Assoelntlon. whoso integrity 1 nnqiieotioned and wh hns MefMfd all printing done anl approved all Mile therefor ia -triet aeeordone wltk law. Iffverj bill fr printing le also en rt fully audited l the Secretary of State, fr. Dun bar is acknowledged to be one of tke I est officers the state kas ever kad, and its auditing stamp of approval la suf ficient guarantee of koot accounting. The 9tnte Printing Qes Is a target of attack wUkoot juet reason. The keavy eoM of. printing In past years kas been ekleny due to tk large num Iwr of topis printed. Tkls kas been reduced by law, and tke prloe now paid by tke state for mom of tko public printing Is not above tkat okarged b tke printing firms of Portland, and t-om-of It is eoneiderably lose. For soni" elaesos of work, especially wkere n birgo number of copies are require 1 to be printed, tke prloe skowtd be re duced fromewkat. I kave given tkis subjeet careful stu H' and believe there are two metkoda 1 wbiek tko cost of printing can be kr t down to a mUImmm. One U to Urn t tko volume of printing and revise th" sekedule of prices upon an up-todatc baeie, tko eawe aa tkai of oommereial printing generally. Tke eiker Is for tko stat to own nod operate lie own printing plant, and to pay tke State Printer a rem suable liat, fixed salary miner of tkese plana, or similar plan along tkeae lino wklok tke Legistatwre might adopt for tko bet torment of tke service, would meet my kearty support My XHiblieaalm will be at lotted by tke people of Linn county, where I formerly edked tko Daily and Weekly Herald for twenty years. Aa a native Oregonlan, and a printer of twenty-five years' experience, I kave endeavored to conduct the Slate Printing OSttce In n clean, business like manner, and ns a candidate for a sooond term, am witling to stand upon my record. Tke book of tke office are open for Inspection. J. Jt. WIIITKKY. On Use rringo. Tka Manicure And you now kave tke Clymors lx eutewrt Pookl They don't out mo onougk to oktU a cook tall. Tko Hairdrier Indeed. How do you knowf Tko Manicure why, I used to have tkom coming Ve me, but I couldn't fM a single owe of tkuir utterances to City Toploa. Puck. Torture by Bay go. '8Hiaklng of the torture to wkic seme of tke savage tribes In the Phil ippines subject their captives, reminds me of tke intense suffering I endured fer tkree mentks frets inflammation of tke kldoeys," says W. M. Sherman, of Ousklng, Me. "Nothing helped me until I tried Kleotric Hitters, three battles of which completely oared me." Oures liver complaint, dyspepsia, bleed disorders sad malaria and re stores tke weak awl nervous to robust health. Guaranteed by J. a Perry, druggist, Salem, Oregon. Price, Mc. Perec of Habit, Charon mugned. ' ' Bet tkat tall chap was a senator or eeagreasman oa earth." ke wklepered. "Why Sot" asked the society report or of the Asbte Age. "Because when he stepped oa -the ferry he began to fumble about for a pass." Chicago News. i o OASTOIIIA. Buitks IMKMYMrUnAtanferit Blgastue CC ms&s of V. LeGall's Art Studies Orders taken far portraits in oil, water colors, pasUd and orayoo. Prices reago from 35 and up. L O. O P. Temple, room 8 2-26-tf 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trust Mara Designs Coswuohts Ac Asreae lendm a akctrti md dttcriptloa. mr olelr aMruta.esr hb1oji frs Mtkr ta hjTMUioo U pnbklr I Ues MrMur epasaw Me tn. OMca u rtflUr eoasaBtuTlMj . (HAaA AfMtT far a tEnxun Uuku AC I9cui tulitt, wHbol ebr, la Ue Sckniifk Htticrkan. A auiaantJr UlotrMt4 sstUr. !" T tmUUoa or cr scUcuSs JoataO. tnu, St a nui SarBeMki,(l. eOJ trail awr. jjJTjWH MNwi'tUaU b.neit JUDGE H. BlunnnnnnnWMBTyffiSiaanyJSgS?' 'SHaBnflmllBKBB&sAliBlnHBlBnBBflBlHBl TcVJ, 9 'BBUuuBauuuuBUBBnuBauuuuuuuLuuuLuua HIKPSf9mgBlMmTlirmwUKuKJ'i, 1j JeLaMnJiM roil UNITED BTATB8 aBNATOR TOR LONG TBRM 1L M. CAKH, Or PORTLAND, OANDIDATB TOE UNITIID gTATBU 8BNAT0R, 18 A STRONG, OONMISTUNT RIIPUBMOAN, A OLBAN MAN, AND HNTrTLKD TO T1D3 BUITORT Or T1I08I1 WHO WANT TO 8KB rURlTY" IN rOUTI08 AND A ORKAT AND MORE rROORBSSlVB STATU. "POUTIOAL CONDITION8 PRHVAILINO IN ORHOON TOR Tim PAST TWENTY YEARS ARE RESrONgEBLE TOR Tlffi DL REOT PRIMARY LAW,'1 BAYS MR. OA1CB. IT 18 TID3 LOOIOAL RESULT Or TimSE CONDITIONS. TIDI rEOPLE, 0TRED OrTlOl AnusBS or conventions and tiqi star chamber r odu or roLrnoAL manipulations, insist uton Tim right to noaunad Timni own candidates tor oitice. Tim puei'ose or Tim PRIMARY law is to GIVE THEM TinH TOWER. UNDER Tim OLD SYSTEM Tim ELECTION Or SENA TORS ABSORBED Tim ENERGY Or Tim MAJORITY Or Tim LEGISLATURES UNTIL Tim TEOPLE HAVE DEMANDED Tim OHANOB. School News North School. Tko usual cheerful air still reigns In tko balk. Atteadanco is good, ns Is tke general conduct and work being Tko oarollmoot at tke beginning of tko montk of March waci Mice Oka pel, ll Mleu Clark, j MUc Starr, -iV) Miss Dayton. 4ft) Miss Bean, M Miss XeUrWwn, Mi Mrs. Wealger, 4 Mr. 1'nebles. W. The number remaining un til tke cad of tke moatk, to datei (Impel. Mt (lark, W( Starr, 4S Day toa. -tti Ibma, Mi Boberteoa, M; Wen leer Mi PeeUec M. Tke hot coat of attendance Is. reepeeilveljt W, W, . W. Bel, M and H. Tke number of kalf -U - - - r - kolidaya oaraod during tko moatk. H- Tko number tardy, . High Sokool. Tko hlgk sckool kad two rlsltws. this week, Mr. A. a COadlt ad Mrs Judge letter. Tko tatVtr is of Ku gene. . - .v Cau UuJuU mJ tka kigk, Paul Jokaeos. kaa returned te'qs1' ooosumptlon. Wo procured n ..ij u wt .'aa ef months ' belli a of Ballard e Hfrrekeuad Syrup, ago oa a trip to CaUfornia, ad kas W tWe uetil kia rotura rooently. He was accompanied by another kigk sckool student, Chester Meerec, who is expected to return soon. The freekmaa olaes mot Tuesday ev eaisg ia the society room. It wea the first regular meeting of the two ckus es since they Joined force. Tke meet ing was called to order by tke presi dent, Margarita Ostrandor, and im portant business transacted. "Cream and deep green" were adapted aa the claa solera. The constitution of tke second term otass was adopted with some few ska a gee. Discuaeioa was heard oa tke subject ef a class party or social, and It was decided to hevo a seoial two weeks from tke coming Friday. The accessary committees fer preparation were appointed. Tke chemistry class kad a lew on ia tke laboratory yesterday. Harvey Slat er and Harry isstanJey kad charge of tko demonstration. Tke physics class studied tke prieel pies f circular motion with tko gyro scope for Friday's recitation. Tke botany ckua kad the first regu lar work ia staiyisg from flowers yes terday. Several ef tko pupUa brought specimens to classify, asd all were re quired to examine them and wake drawings of tko parts. Tke baseball SBa&ager U busy mskisg out the schedule for the coming sea eon Mr Cxosiso has a good record as a business manager, and has bad a M. CAKE great deal of experience oa tke Otarlnn and will make the thing pay If anyonw can. Tkn students were all la a state of rotloing yesterday morning, at seeing tkelr euperiatendeut, Mr. Powers, at kU work all right after tke almost ser km accident tkat happened kirn. The teachers kave .been busy mark lag card for sometime. Tko cards wilt be given out today. MIm PktlUps W still working nt ar ranging tke circulating library. It is a Urge taak to prepare nod arrange tke large number of books. It Is gratifying to e tke way tke grade and klgo eheol got along to gotker. So for tomre kas not been tk burnt friction In am way. IcVery Iking im gone na swootkly a any one could i wWl, t, ..itiea tWat kave made y jmiVh aoo due to the good man agceiiout of tko priaelpatc, Mr. Mar latte ami Mbm Caspar. Cured Oonsttmptleu. i Mrs. Ii. V. Rvans, Clearwater, KaaH writes: My kusboad my sick for tkree mmmm, tmv hwi - aald J eured him. Tkat was al yeara I Hr. sd einee then we Uve always kept a botue in sue neuse. vvc can net do without it, Fer coughs and eeldc it has no equal, Me, 80 and $1. Per sale by D. J. Fry. New Orleans Pure rood Show. Xw Orleans, La.. March 3. Tke frst pure food' show held In this city under tke auspices of tke New Orleans HeMit OreowV aeeociation will open kere this evening nt Washington Ar tillery kaU. Tke eaUUtloa Is very large aad premises to be a great sue rose ia every respect. How's Thla7 We offer One Hundred Dollars Ke ward fer any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall 'a Catarrh Cure. F. J. CTIBNBY & CO., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tke last IS years, aad believe kia perfectly honorable la all busiaess transactions aad financially able to carry out any obligations made by his 'fira. 1 1 ii i o Fiivflecoe. "Has wealth any special privileges ia this aoaotryt" ssked tke tenrwt. "Certainly," answered the American citizen, "Wealth eatitlea a man to wear a silk bat trr day in the week and also gives hiin a Uecue for the use of light colored gamers and ie whik era. "-WashiDgtcn Par NOT A TAX BUT POLICE REGULATION Attorney General Holds That State May Fix Terras on Which Foregn Sheep May Graze In Oregon Iu answer to nn Inquiry from Messrs. MrConrt & Pkolps of Pendleton no to the meaning of tke act of tke met leg islative assembly of IMS, relative to taxing or llceuslag fereigu ekoep com ing into tko state of Oregon, tko at torney general holds tkat wklte tke law reads, "Tko following tax upon each and every koad of sheep." and while tko title says, "An act to tax alt foreign sheep," wo are of tke opla ion, tkat k le la tke nature of a li cense for sheep coming Into tke state, whether it is called a tax or licence, and tkat it comes wilkln tke police Kwers ef Ike date. Tkat kas always ben our Idea of tko rine!pM upon which a law f that kind could bo sus tained, and wo refsr you to tke ease of BjHmeer vA Morgan, nn Idaho case found in 7V, Pacific Beporter, page 45t). linker, tko opinion states, "Tke question ns to wketker It is equitable or wketker It is not Intended no a tax for tko raising of revenue for state purposes, as are general taxes, and consequently muet bo equal and uai form, but Is simply a peilec regulation, providing tko terms upon wkick for etga sheep may be allowed to come la to tke state and be pastured fur a while sad tkea return. I would also call your aileatlea to tko ease of County of Tuayo vs. ttrro, found In 119 Cat. at page 11. Wklie tkls cose does net squarely touch tke matter, still It upholds tke position tkat tko state kas n rlgkt to license or regulate tke manner of keep ing stock or pasturing stock wit kin its boundaries, and I do net tklnk there Is anything In tke doctrine of tke com ity of states tkat will permit the In habitants of one slate to drive tkelr stock Into tke adjoining etto and pasture tkent on tka lands of the lat ter against tkn consent and statute of il.a laiiae slalii ' ,m. Jli u .-... l. 'T.7. 7.Z..TL :::r .7; ;...:: trouble brewing between the Oregon and Wnskington sheepman in the Hie of Weaakat reserve as trasine lands. Have you pains In the back, I arts hi mat lea of any Mad, rheumatism, faint Ing spells, Rocky Mountain Tea makes you well and keeps you well. 341 cents. Dr. Stone's Drug Store. An appetiaing dtustr can be assured if tke meat is serured from ns. Ws kave tke gaest stoek of meats la am lew and caa supply you wltk Iteef Veal. Muttoa, Pork, or Smoked Meat of tke beet quality. We deliver to all parU of tke city Pkoee our order B. a CROSS. Dr, Stone's Drag Store docs a strictly cash business, owes no one, and no one owes It, carries huge atseki Its shelves, counters sad aheie- cases ars loadsd with drugs, medielaco, notions, tolls! artislee, wises aad liquors of all kinds for medical ptir - poses. D, Btsnc is ft regular gradoaul ia mcdlelBc and kaa had many years ef erperleaco in tko practice. Consult.' tions sro free PreaoriptioBS ars free,, and only rsgulax prices for medila.( Dr. Btonc can be found at his drug' store, Salens, Oregon, from 3 ia the morning natil I at Bight, ft V tf mtWMi -tfdfc CORVALLIS ft EASTER B. B. TIME fABLE NO. 3?. y Tralna From and To Vaqulna. No. 1- Lcaves Yaqnlna 7:00 ft. m. Arrives nt Cormlll 11:18 a. m. Arrives at Albany 12; 1C p. m. No. 2- Le&ves Albany ....12:45 p. m. Leaves Corval)l8 1:46 p. m. ArriTee &i Taqulnn 6:00 p. m. Trains To and From Detroit No; 3 Loaves Albany 7130 a. m. Arrlvoe at Detroit 12:30 p4 m. No. 4- ' ' Ieavea Detroit 1100 p. nx Arrives at Albany -6:40 p. m. Tralna for Oorvallls. No. 8- Leavoc Albany 7:C a, m. Arrives at Corvallli 8:36 a. m. No. 10- Ioftvot Albany 2:30 p. m. Arrive at Oorvallls ...... 3tl8 p, n. No. 6 Le(.Vea Albany .......... 7:3 p. m. Arrives nt Oorvallls 8: IB p, m. Tralna for Albany. . No. I- Lccve Corvallls 0t30 n. m. Arrives nt Albany 710 a. in. No. 0 Lcnves CorvalHn 12t40 p. m. Arrives nt Albany 1:3 p. m. No. 7 Loavos Corvallli 000 p. m. Arrives at Albany ........ 040 p. m. tleaular Sunday Trains. No. & Ieftves CxKvallla 0:3 n. tn. Arrives nt Albany 7:M a. w. No. 11- Ieaveo ConrnlUa , Hi30 n. m. Arrives at Albany ........ 121C p. m. Na 7- Loavoi Corvallls GtM p. ta. Arrives nt Albany OHO p. m No. 8 Iaves Albany .......... 7:66 a. tn. Arrlres at OorralMs 8tSG a. ta No. 12- LeAves Albany 13:45 p. m. Arrlvea at ConraIMn 1:3 J p. m. No. 6 IxV(t Albany 735 p. tu Arrlvcm at Oorvallls SUB p. m. All of thu abovo oonnoot with Bouth orn Paolfio company trains, both at Albany and Corvallls, an rroll an train for Detroit, giving direct sonrieo to Newport and adjacent beaohos, aa woll as Droltonbuih Hot flpringe. For further Information apply to J. a MAYO, (len. Pats, Agt U0LB8, Aront, Albany. H. H. OnONISK aireot, OorraUla. HOLUSTCr.S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Ssit MtdMs ht Vm (. (Mset t4M Hmiih sl lUeJ Vlr A m taeferOHitMMie lirftewimii. Un ea4 sUfrjr T ciMtUe. Itnuit . Iuwmisju inipurs s" si ncMi. Nwims w hit Hk MuMlem Tee Im W Ui toim m - M.Mmm WU. ix-wia nui ev MHnu M-mtfTO ' "OrV PflOP Upholstering audi ' Repairing We kave opened up a sow shop ox elimively for upkoletoring and ftsrai 'tare repairing. Our entire atWanUoa will be givea to tkls work. Hvery thing dene when promised. Ours will be tke Q j ExcIaave Shop ' Salem tt tblc purpose. We are w- P Pk i'dtre for skip- et - , All gods oalsd for and delivered free. U WAGNER & CO. ,... Liberty SU Phone 4M. We have aa azscllent violin, man eiln and guitar Tcpairar, if you need vis services. Jewelty Goodness We buy from the beat manufac turers. It Is our intention to sell the highest grade of jewelry. It a ring, a pin, a wateh or any or Hole of Jewelry whatever goes froa here ralon Isn't as repre sented, -wo axe here to give satio faotloa to make amenla. Wo want your Jewelry trade we shall try to deserve It C. T. POMEROY Jeweler and Optleian, 318 State 8U I SBuvlBBVnnsnnmnmUBsjsBjuPBVeV ameSMonsVvssnsaSBBSSBlVBSJssn M A S.i. f.. Mmw.ViwatMi H BiyiiiNewsisriii MiMik lkMU: 1 MIINf i m4Mmm,'4, kkhIM J uft-4 -m&,-I'm tQg, .4,..4. M BJ UhiUkvi i.WihiU I uetT metcstso . o ts. Uw. r. IJ I Hold tn Salsa hy tt O. Stone. ' .. . . Tiwrr""'T i MAT