mi da i Ml i!i i: M I ! i I !i: . It I ; DAILY OAPrTAL JOURNAL, BALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1900. Ipj8u5 triyi'w-."'"Pi 40 Kinds Tall 27KlndsDwarf NASTURTIUM SEEDS 4 w On- l 44.1. FREEwJJi26 Oil FMcb1 Flower SEEDS I inn DM, c WoMl. Omm- r"iH I lMlHBf. H. r "' -H Alar, &?., Fotifo 4 ron.iim. itMltiHt niii. I., ZiMitt, ThMm, Vlultl. All the stove Set T- ulf ii will MO rntt in stiver or lumH i" toy b Inf. OLENOALENURSERr, DtpL Eterdl, Mia. wutri Wt, Hit. kim mm WEIRD SIGHTS OF THE SEA A Floasant Way to Travel. Tiio abevo is tbo usual verdict of the traveler using tbe MlMenri Pacific railway between tho Pnelfle ent and tho ami, and we believe that the serv ice ant) aeeemHio'latlena given raorlt this statement. Prom Denver, Colora do (Springs Mad Denver there are two through tralni dally to Khrhi Clt and Hi, IjouIs, carrying Ptillmnn's lat ret standard eleelrlc-llgbted sleeping earn, chair cor and Hp-to-data dining ears. The mm excellent write li operated from Kansas Clt anl Ht. Louis t Memphis, Little Heck and Hel Hprlngs. If jrem are going east or eutb, write er particulars and full la formation, W. a M'HKIDK, Oca. Agt, I Third HU, Portland, Ore, Div do Flaxy Sees Things in Sub- aqueous night Plunged to Depth Never Beforo Attained, and Foasta en Many Orim, Fantastic Vlslene Blob Old Galloons Lying la the Blaok Bottom of tho Oeo&a, Tbe dtcueter which buppened to the Prunou veesol Sully not long ays, when Ik went to the bottom net fur from Huinon, ha alfarded the divers en trpeted with rxmwimtitoo of the sub merged eklpa opportunities for making exhuuetlW aw) important explorations of tho bottom f the eon. In tkeoe Holds of wobaipicwu effptorottou spcrinl die- tinrtton hoe lieeu won by a yonon? mv vol snglmmt mmied u llury, who by the nbt of OH aoiratv of hie own Invention iiwHoU 1 roabl a oVpth of rn iowo than IN foot a depth whkb m iMver before boon td- oOo panneiy De liwry, Mjra tbe aVIentlAe Ainorl , bM himUwt h. IJntl of metal c mor wMoh nCortbf Mm erery Mfotee- tlon, wfcieb: by meemt of n eoeokl ebOMMVwl eoMbimtloe) reeoinitloii ( RNtm4lenJty nrortM for. Tbanka to tbU, he bao akewey m4o more than IIS mm 4arl: iKmewU with norfert imfiy. Ho mm Umm beem nWe m dm- eoirer a mmi MmrvotoM wwM, hith erto hw by no eye bet bkf the ima bml m a eeeno of nmrvoM eemMwud with no atnall nmoont of um hot- Talking Machines I carry n lArm etook of Inlklng iuaoitlRo-ll4lHri, Vlotor and Co lumbia. IteoenW Ih abtrndanoo tor all tboeo maebliHHi. I abw repair nil maboe of talk Init RMhlH4Mi and mnolaal liMtru MtfHta. Violin Strings lloot fMNty vkdln itriaet Import od dtreot I Wave a tompleto -ntook ef otriftK lor alt etringod latru mnii. CVmno nnd aeloot what yon Hood from my few atook, L T. SAVAGE oueetMer to A, Veroler. U (Vmmerelal HUeet, V. LcGall's Art Studies OtvWr tabtw for poHraHa In oil, tor tidam. panM and omjim. THoim raeio fntm fl and Hfu I. O. O H IVtwfdo. room 8 3-M-tf a1ilM 0W ' -- - '' - mmm. !,., , I If mM thie InWopid (Mvor at a reeee ln tonriow with an Ikntmn omeMt, "Is wHrndMnfc Wm Umt wkioh lo foH on do MotMHnjc Into n neJno, bni yon eeon mH aeemdomed to U. At n depth of nbont aino feet lai'Hwmo bennn to be foond la hwM oomnUtUri. Seen throofi the vmlor, ovoryiblmr aptmnm mowelneit. I nnl (boy are nnparonOy of enormewa ( r.wn.fw rvemweiion or hm pwteotlon nnofded by the U front of tho hotmot m iWicotlon, and tho ftm ImproMton l that these mn-M of hor. Hd nM nnd etlm modmme wt ad- aero lo yonr fnoo, "Jm n MM4. bror down, and n MiNttllntinK moHltmftMMM ekMl t um.U U I. ... . . . I mm w"w w eweiiwinoroo, emwiHiMirwn nno m mnny etrtne of ahtnlnc oowtmr or other meUi, la a mnto of oontinemne wTW vWfoti M h oVpUi of nbont lit feet Ulk mnwea of eoawood nro toavorendt nemo of theoe nro baJrUke veetnble Krovrtba with arm from twenty to thirty ywrde in bjotoih. wWok with a kind of horrid vHneUy. wrap tbemtMivtM nroood orory port or urn ime. TV nlnno eonotl into n Mrre oVommt. m they mm mmUy pnMne tho rorS moromonta nnd by HoinK op Above nnd nomntd Mm. oan wjin Mm down vrttW a woijaM amonontno; to ooov4 hoadrod woJgfct onVoMt to beonk a rope or Mfo Itne wnon hnnlrnl on. "Mohm- IN foot thore are emaU onkoliko AeU. f nWot three foot In hmajib. and nmo oihor dontooM of the deep renmliMnt dpnino. Thwe lattor burl thoomorren vialontty na4n tho Kr If, mm eiMMuty MmniLed. ho U unwwhnl tiitg- nt the nrimr nnd hne ftfoite tb ,.iwuoe nfurded by hie hehnrt. k u .till nud with a mr tot hftnul kw I hey ahoubV mtoeeed m wnfMng tbe gm front ef the helmet, doeptte ie four Imtbefl of tWeknee. Of eooree, 9nHbt that eeenr, doktk would bo ntmeet InotontoneoOe. 9tiN otbor and woree menotem are thf potpi or oVHNIok, who wrap their olimjr teotoolos roond tbe bold ex ptorer; imt, thoonjh repOfptaBt theee monetoM are oewwrdly, ami immodi ntoly renoonoe their nttnok on eomtafr in eontnet w4ta the nninrntttar feel of the metal armor posting of my diving There nro awe emjnlly horrible nnd mock more Intrepid fpmnt embt, 9omo of theee l have seen hove mone nrod aa mooh ne three feet la diam eter. Dee to their mroof eboile and formldnbm omww, thoy oonotltnte a rontlnoni monoro to the mfoty of the diver, which Ie by no moono to be do opieodw "Thie m about nil that oan be mid on tho wore of tho dWp m fauna, Tho doformntiow of mm hi not rrrj notleeobie ni noon a mmll doothi bv dVformnttan I rnonn not only ebnnfe of form, bnt aloo of ennmoter. Thin tnkot hiaMo nt a dopth of abont 101 ynrdfei hero tnHr natare ennnnoo entirely, nnd they noiiomg tho fomm and oonetitn tlnnnl modtaVntlon neOOMory to enable them to Itenr tho enowmnmi prooaare to wMeh they ere enbjootod nt the depth whore they more and- hove their brtanv "Mltberto It hne boon oIU bnei ble to obtain HHaf tpeoimewt of thoee Mbmnrino erontnroa, n tboy renrhfxl tho mrfnoo with their voinme omvl- rnpiod, doe to tho rodWtloa of proemrre All theee erentnriHi re oaraivoroue nnd the mparlooo mnwa not Infreqomt ry MTvo aa tho tomb of nntortnnnte aniioro wheee etnVt bar none down. and their Imdlew irrndmOly rdnk 4e- or ami hepor, whlh tbe formidable ron'ojfo to wMeh they are mibjeolrd In an Inoremdnt; Intmeity aoon Mnoohoa nM tbeii bomm nnd im ermdma the onrp-en onlte Mat. ttot onoMfth; oantee It to any that thin nwfwl apeetoolo la amrreiy vbdtnV nftor a depth of P foot. "One rortona foot Mtendimr theo aobnmrlno oypterntlone In affordod by tho UfAVt wbioh fwrM a atranoM blrail of green and vtotot, lU eotor beiatf a Ultle aimilnr to that of the oavernt wbirh are to be aoon In loebernn. At a oVptn of thlrtylmt ynrda Ibe Mot W-nio-t to got more nnd mor AiCTtHod, ami tbo awn, rlowed tbrooj-b the mnea of imperiimnmbent wator amteam like a reddlah opano etobo, bmV-and Udo Ie mmawmU arrano. whoa rdmetorml from the royo of the ana (behind a rook, for laotanoo) too nUm beoomo vbdido oven nt midday. "One 4ny ot about noon I tow a noror to U nriptton otxht at a depth of m foot, Tmmmwm rfobt nt Iho aonitk The bottom nnon wbioh I etoml ooo4to of nno white imnd. and tho ronootton of torn Mnjrt npon tho aoowy onrpot rmre mo tbo Improodon of otaadte tapon a plain of molten roM. At a depth of tM feet the oboonrlty la mmilmot nt W foot tho dorknoM la liojnanttoJilnlila, newt m hi nooomnry to bavo H'oowe to eleetrielty for pnr-po-oa of vfcdon. I .. tklttirit Umfm .f0 enndN power, bnt even then ojmmmK dtftnoe tholr Itobt Urond a m- o of nlnoty foot. A moot IraoU aoe toolo U then presented by onnkon -oa- eoio, brokon bent. opMniorod holla, wapta dorko nnd broken mnoio." X woneii f horror enn bo ierpul by the awful panornmn ot .Wath ami dWsir whir have boon -mlnojMd ny iwe)Mfr u nuir in in rtnirw M of hw profoMiodnl xporioaeo diver. "la the vicinity of Ostend" be re nte, "I woe requested once to ex amine tbe wteek of a romei whleh bad rank not mug before. Thie waa the oc casion npon wbiek I wne aeoailed by a vrritoWe horde of theee jrlant erabs f which, I have ohrendy apoken. They were at the time buoy devouring the corpe of tbe dead sailors. One of thee monetora seined me by the leg. wMeh would have been eruahed aa if squeeaed by a Jaw of steel had it not been protected by the powerful armor injr of my diver dVeoa. I had a kind of sword In my bond with whleh I eaereeded in killing two of thete moos ter-s tbe shelm of whkh I still poe- "AJI objooto at the bottom of the son are rovoreo) with a kind of onrlous powder, nnd a terrible nloom and eileoee prevail. Wbnt n scene of melnneholyl The floor of the oeona Is strewn with bonos, not a few of them of humnu orinln. A very slnmmr fart which l-bav oboorred is that the sen for oortain period of time keep hoiliet In n perfect state of proeervn tion. I one visited- tbo hull of a tea sel which bad gone down with nil hands. "The orew woro meetly asleep at tho moment who tho ihWotor occurred. and had thus practically pnosod In- stantanoouory from stoop to death. So far they had not boon bitten or gnawed by any Aon, no moot of the bntohwnyt) were eteocd. The men at III awteared a if mdoop. There they lay, wrapped in a eamt nnd myotoriooa Mnmbor. I approached; and climbing down to the hatchways, touched one of tke oorpsco with my knud. The lieok sssmsd lo dtomlve nnd vanish under my hand, leaving nothing but n grinning okeb?- 4HeHSIlIBSeKt"lMWiMJI,,sHBaI I ANNOUNCEMENTS OF CANDlDATes i Before the Direct Primary, April 20 -tfitHegtBftBtfgazaBtMeaaMSMCMeBtagiEaiwsegeHffMftmnj i inn ni inn i ni mi mil -------- POLITICAL COLUMN AnnouBcemcnta of candidate for office wiH bo published in tbk slums at rcofionoblo rates for men of all tmrtiea. Ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FOB GOVERNOR. VmtibHeAM of Oregon are heroby informed that I am a eantHdnto for tke nomination of governor at tbo primar ies to be held April SOth. JAMB8 WITUYCOMDB. FOR 8B0RBTARY OF STATE. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the eUce ef secretary ef state, and aek the support of all ftepublt can. P. T. WK1GHTMAN. "And toe broa nurse of tbe ocnol Mil lloun alone nro ongubfod not for from Vigo, Ptroonnlla' 1 have noror been there, but one of my men onec went down there omd in tbe old diving dm. Tho unnnppy mnn died almost directly ho reached tbe surfnee aunin. but he had bod Urn? to aoe erverul gnUoonc lying at tbo bottom, with tho masts etiU standing and the Umber work still oound. These, of eouroe, were no of tbo fnmouo treueuro skips, but I oV not think K would bo poMibte to recover tbem. All metabt wouM bavo been Aootroyed bv nmt by now. no they have boon below water ever Htnoo 170T. "t have seen perMunily the ros-el whbh. about laog, wno convoying Xa poison 'a trenmaro to Holmnd, but It wo wreokod reroute ami snak with f.l0O.oo,0 of njold on board. Of Home J.ftMMO.000 bar been recovered, but Urn remainder, no I hare mid. m at ill In tbo bottom of tbo ocean. Tho IVinee of Monaco mat that ho baa fouad near Cypruo a gnltoy still full of ob ject of art at tbe bottom tho tho sea. Tbie hi waoro submarine boat will hare mtok a groat future before thorn aa, by their aid. w snail one day bo able to rptor wskwnwn ee son nrotoc rich in unknown) forma of life, vaults full of untold wvnlth and the tomb of mnny a poor sailor.'' o FOR STATE TREASURER. The undersigned nnneuasos himself as a candidate for tke office of state treasurer, subject to tke decision of tke Xcpubtleaa veters at tho forth coming primaries. J. II. A1TKBN. FOR STATE PRINTER. Tho iindoraienod annmineao klmanlf aa a Republican candidate for ronotn- InaUon for state printer, aubjoot to the deoiakm of tbe Republican TOtera at tke primary election April 20. Now aorring first tern. Tho moo rourtecy that ban been accorded to tAte ofHoera gonorally, that of a re- nomjMtlon, wouM bo greatly appro- elated. J. R. WIIITNUY. Aibany, Cronoa. rOX SUFRRINTBNDRirr OF TUB- LIO XNSTRUOTION. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for rMomlnaticn fer tbo office of Superintendent of Public Tnttruc tiea, and solicit tho support of all Ite publicftM at tko primaries April 20th J. II. ACKHIIMAN. FOR STATE SENATOR Tbe Uadorolgnotl is n Rpf-itl .!.. i. ii . '"mi .. , ..u. . . .l. ine prinwry vieonoir, April Otk '3toi,( Ed. T. Judd for RcprcBeoUUti, To ItopuWIeaa Votera: If I not elected to the trxt sure, X oooeis Ao boforet Support tho NMk oootee lor umtu awnum senator As boferet Bo In f,vtr of taxatlon- Afi beforot Bo in favor of , ffCorVlfTWs A loforet 9tn4 for ad itTionl, BWWVRo I bobkra Unmt tbo ''Tuttle Rj Iiaw" can bo nmoiHlod no that muob bosimbip wiH be worked spas aV ownora of UHttig ITOporty. l-15-lwk K. T JJDD. . TOR COUNTY REC0BDBB. I horeby nnnwinco myself as a u didnto for tho oOlco of county recorsY and solicit tho support of Repubtttu veters fer that nomination at the fU coming prlranry election. W. L. JONHl 1 naa Campaigti Rates To new subset ibets to the DaHy and Week ly Capital Journal Help sustain Republican National Policies and elect tie ticket in Oregon by circulating the Journal Daily Journal 4 mos. on trial $1.00. Weekly " 4 mos. on trial 25c One copy feee to pet son getting up the cltb. HOFER BROS. Twenty Yearn' Trial. There are lets of good thine tho doe. tors know nothing about We fro- eoooUy euro people of dtonuo nftor tho doctors have given thorn no. If tbe disease cornea from orerwnck au. at ton or wtmeuro. eaunta mv and wutory Mood and tow of neon and strength, wo have the one sure remedy in Dr. duuH's Rloed and Nerve Tonic. Those tablets token with meal turn the food into rich red blood, mnklot; strong, steady nerve nnd inoroaitag tke strcagtk. producing redid eh at tho rate of 1 to t Iks per week. This moons kceJtk. rWnmiii. aii n. Ounn's Uloed and Xerve Tonic for lie per box or X boxoo for ML PW ,vihi pwvsimtion, mac or memory, or a pale, aUow eomploKtoa, a better r-moe.lv was never mndo. Doetasi know nothing abont this romody only o root that we make on, wkUh wo have been doing fer jenr i c Teacaa aa4oJecao Meet. Deibw, To., Unrch It, CnttoWtnea from oil pnnn of this state arc ommnu bied hero to antand tbo tog of the Otodo smhissu' '-Trt-lJjii, of Tojomj. whifk titMem ito ntmiinn ' today. Tho nmrtnaau will ho hold at TOR ATTORNBYIENintAL. Tho undersigned hereby announces himself aa a caadldato fer roelectlon to the eflleo ef attorney-usaeral. sub- jtet to tbe approval ef Republican votora at the ptlmaties, A. M. CRAWFORD. TOR STATR SENATOR, I hereby nnaeoaoo myoolf aa a ean- 4Motc for state senator ef this dis trict, subject to tbo nomimiUeu at the bands of two Kepublioaa. votora ef ba rton county at the forthcoming prf- ALBX, LA F0LLRTT. FOR JOINT SENATOR. The Hndondrated veubl respectful. ly announee klwsolf aa a Itepublleaa eandtoate for Joint senator from tbe Unn-.Marton aonatorial dlstrlot. aub Joet to tke direct primary nominating mw. PRANK J. MILLim. Albany, Oregon. FOR STATE SENATOR. I koroby anoeunae myself an a oan dldate for tke nomiRBttoa fer atate soualor for tbU dlatrlot, subject to tie daelaion of the RepubWcon voters at tbo coming primary election. J. N. SMITH. FOR RBFRBSBNTATrVE. The uadoroinmod hereby anuannnna ktawotr a oandtdata for representative ror Mnnon county, on tbe Reoubliaan tioUt, onbjoct to the choice of Ropub- uona totera at the primariec. I40YD T. REVN0LD8. FOR RBFRDHENTATIVE. 1 hereby wmsm n- candtoocy for tho uniienU.m M ropieoontaUve on the wotmlillean ticket, JAM H8 MeCOWN, eWe, Ore, FOR COUNTY OLERK. Tke undersigBcd kere.br ibku.m. nlmoelf a candidate for uBti- U,V of Marlon county, and asks the votes of RopubUoau for tkat position, at the lorsaaonung prtmarics. K. D. ALLBN FOR COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce myoolf uim didnto fer re-election to the office ti county treasurer, subject to notalttUtt by tho Itepublleana of Marlon cocstt at tke forth ftoming primaries. XT. Y. UIOUARD60K. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Tke undersigned Is n. caadUale fet Juatke of tbe peaoo for Salem pro ciROto, tubjeot to Ropublltfttt prV mnrlaiL t N. I.ATI1HOP Salem Ne. T. If TOR JUSTICB OF TUB FEACE. I deotro tbo nomination of the Br publlean party for tho oftlro of Jertkt of tbe peace of Balem district, A. B. M'INTIBR. Excunilona Xrorv Honr. In order to give the peoplo of Bilus 1 an opportunity to see the bMBtlftll country south ef 8!ra, and to f ttt I dcreiopment being made by too to pany, tbe CI t Uona' Light & Tractlt Comjny will run czeurelon cars to Ut rook quarry, ooutb of Odd FellrVt' etery, leaving tbe Willamette Utd en even hour. Hajoy a ploioaat rU, and sco for yourself. tf (nRRnf JBpWyjJ lLMmY VcL i i l yCwatbtejajjjnnjMMMaS m . 7KSmnWmnsSw A NTOBLY COOKED STEAK Netkiug eloe m quite so satisfyui a nropmiy cooked, Juicy stack. It grf n nnlek to nse mool and la enjoy 1 by all. My market suntdloa tke best atonko, cbopo or roaata in Salem. E. a CROSS, SUta St. Market Phone U opera kou. Tbo otal tXb nnd hW eHtaeosr f jy,, m gonerai hne mndo extamdro propa- MmVodMlft fisT cRJM) VJaRoWifSfcsnnnnnnyejgennt dhnf Swm tdostUHj; mwnbssw of tbo -i srtntinn. nod Nryauou wH bo done to nmk. ik. Joumi of too guta to tkic nity an nkne anc no k cam bo mndo. Tfco sonwMHse wdB mUU. i nbro daps, and, ns tho cactio oieuhattoa It Wornk botaao ThoW the wiitolwusn wool bnvo ao. oomortnv .. gH awoy from hero enough to take U ho otaok ohow ni JVsrt Worok without rnrneh) toouU. Tho iwxmtan .l. oatienuoa now auasboro more than 1700 aomtwri. and u stoaddy gaanug m mimboru nikl uupoct&aca FOR OOUNTY OLERK. Tbo nndQPoisjnad wiX be a can, dtdato for Counta- Owtr r .r.j " i tbo RopubUcaa primariojt Apr J. ROBT. A. QROSSAN FOR OOUNTY TREABUREB, I hereby announce mrir ,. dote for tko OfBco Of eannt-r (muw 1 ak tke support of all Bepubli- J. N. WITZELL. rt)R REPRESENTATIVE I to omnounoo wy candidacy Martosi eoswty, a tb prw&ry eleeUou r. . USUl r KODQERS. To Fence Buyers No dowbe you want tko IwrvmH! au-l bebt fase vnu ua Kiiv far nvirmiMkn. Wo km it tut ma prove it to yo j aktiotaottoa if you will in-eoUflata. OHr aafca nro kwgor tbaa ovor sou nro fodrteatsB? aosstantly. Lowest prieo e iVid ootd Lawn ami Pwdory PVc, Barb Wire Ootas, Pea and P Jb B ready roofing. WALTER MORLBY, 960 Court St.. Salem Ot. CO YEARS' EXPERIENCE IjmTjra Trade Marks DrmiaNB Cocvhjomts Ac Abvob MtuSlaf a sketeb ul dtttctlKlm but lateklr utwut Mr ctaalon fr wbUr to MM tr. OUt mb7 tor rtBP"- . Ikiau tAkMa nWMUlttot SckNiifk jfMrfcaM. A KaaJMiaslr HtiuUmtad wtlf, ttmt Mn wum ai aay ionima ukul p i row BwaUii, it, sou n&tn d"-