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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1906)
3T 8 DAILY CAPITAL JOUENAL, fiAMM. OREGON. SATURDAY, MABCH 17, 1906, School News South School, There tare been several eases of stoaales In Bonth dfstriet, bet tkey kare been kojH Mt of tb tekoel. Tho titodonte bave rctnraed OW with1 tbe doctor's permit. The eoeieiy la Mi. Fanltfng's rMt baa rgnmr meettoiM this term. At too meeting met JVIdoy the rpieeilon, "It solved, that tke Rrroy m more Hsefn than tke aejvy, " wes debated by tho fUwiag etwdeatwi Affirmative, itfmo flareee; Idoyd lAtmn, Jehu Prokawder. Aba Nye, Malrte ttosmwwen and IIht rj" OH. Negativ Kenneth Ilayne, JmU hrenlak, Itosa, Vlesli, .John Humphries, Nellie Melattre and Cntk- OTiRO (WfBIt Th JWugSO oonHreil IH favor of too negative. Aitkin Lewery noted a etmirMMn. High School. The kign eioet bad a rare treat Pri- j day Mt tint general aeenbiy. Tke ad rw m rendered by Mr. Prion, poo tor of tke ftienoV ekwrek He spoke on Ida rxperioaro in tk Clrll War and of Mm ooala-mnt lit IMAty priooa. He told Of a ISnwber tk NMNt ef kid aooghborhood getting together and d eldtog tlMt It mi UMr dnty to eaMet tit Urn servto of tketr eaaUy, and ef Ikoir trlf to tke army. Ho teid of mv oral engagement, end' of tko vfcdt ef kWflK ami ftorornl ether hMIwi to Mammoth envo sod how tkey were inv jnwwvl with tk ekemlxr ef rdteae. IIo loM of M.MO prlmnors, of whom fco wn oeo, being tkR prlsonor nt .Moqsys-ljero, awl f their trip to or, and) Ukea ro of till health re UirnCt. IIo ozpreaicd ht bellof that tbo good eonthern pooplo that ohBoed to tiko pity ob him savh1 hla life. Toara mm to tho ores of moro tkfui e student wkon ho tokl of tko eon flaemont is Libby prims, aad of bow tko UsJob wkHcTa died all aboat hlra for bo more than, tko kok of fooiX. IIo kM tko ffVdDmt8 spoMboHnd for 40 mtatitai, Mt4otoed amWt rotMtffj; p Tko rcsutnr Mgh Mkoal dobatlejj tm ksbted tko quartern to bo dobftt 1 at Itosebttrg with a pleloekl team tmm tko Mgh mtool, ooaiiltlBg of Prof. Smitk, Kom MtliKlra and liar voj (Mater. Tke rkr team oonntgta of lion TiKRor, Iioa UUor and Italpk Koorm. Tko jWkp team H4rMod tkotr qHeMfoH nt mado tke rpjjwW Ua got aWa to biwaaeoi. Xo JK wi wore fpolatdv that iwitkor loam wm awards tko victory. Tke oefllor okim kd a moilig Irl- ay cfvwiing t mWhm arraagamoato for tkw rBnnMinwiiwt wvk, aa4 tke fra4aatiaK atbor of tk Clariow. A row moatltor wao at the awoUag for tko arM tlato, MJaa Obrrle Magaoon. MW MaRM mm amvioady a Ntota Uor of tko alY Aca, Iwt Wy lklg etxtm work ako k a Me to a4vaaoo a aad graifciato wttk tkto year'i TUB VALUE OP OUAKCAOL. Few Pcoplo Know How Useful It la In Prcscnring Health and Beauty. Tko FaaotNR of an Anotont . OaravAn. Tko opoaJag of tko row rolkoad fTO IJorW, or tko Nile, to Port Son- Ub, mw RmMm, on tke Itod Boa, ie wribed by Ird Orowor aa tko bo gtaoWg of tko oortoaa dovoiomaoat of 4 Ooorgia to a rirttta Uwia, aad of kow t Soadaa It la one of tko met la tbo oakraof toakod at tkom, and toriUK aorprteoi aaywkoro In fcko nwdo MMk TONHwItM a, "Wto tkor tvorhi w tm foroR-," a ad "Tkoy look Tko ronta la akortor tkaa tke Mm-1 lika aabody i-l i" of Mg iak, aifl raoka. M a)owt tko kUitado of Kay bow kto aaiwradw took oaro of kirn. Waat i xilo Hmlwi a groat bond And of lotog ulww by a woaMky pkat- oaotwiwd tkai briaga It at Itorbor only ; HJ mfko a bf IIm from tko Mod rrt t-, , ,' !'" to Itorbor tkroagK X O JTCllCe JOUVCfS R w1'"11"'1 wwwmiberfa gooora. 7 'ttoao mt lowatoftdag eamoli Ure Ni davbt mm waM tko femvkiK awl earrM tawatolai of frotgkt, tko pao- lH a oaai bwy for your mty. ooawnrtog tow daya. JMkim W torn, ft, u, p, it M yoiM- iratoa are now atog It la to kor mUMaoti If jm lanM-v awa oaittog off KM inUm of tko Xlto Oht n4kh a kargr lk rvr ad mat to mH w(or. In llawt braaokoa wW bo raa to Abu Itoiaod, to KK to Korfaa. ltor kor. aUvo tko aatoraoU, HM booomo .a grilrirarport. Tko avttatlar oaatol WALTDR MOKLKY. am) too mmMtut tooomotlvo aad U t - - - - -" - m.. rwm, or. t J Ua boato wHW toU talk Mko ImiNit prto PW ami Uwa aad lVMHy PWoms Itorb WHro (latoa, Poa ad P. A B. roady rooaatc. Noarly everybody know that char coal ! the safest and most efficient disinfectant and purifier la nature, but few realize Its value when taken into the human system for tho same cleans ing purpose. Charcoal is a remedy that the more you take of it the better; it is not a drug nt all, but simply absorbs the gases and impurities always present in the stomach and intestines and ear rieo them out of tbe system. Charcoal sweetens the breath after smoking, drinking or after eating onions or odorous vegetables. Ohareoal effectually clears and ira proves tko complexion, It whitens the teeth and further acts as a natural and eminently safo cathartic. It absorbs the injurious gases whisk eollcet in tho stomach and bowols; it disinfects tho mouth and throat from the poison of catarrh. All druggists sell charcoal in one form or another, but probably the best eharsoal and tho most fer the money is it wart's Charcoal Lozenges) they are composed of tho finest pow dored willaw charcoal, and other harm loss antiseptics In tablet form or rather in the form of largo, pleasant tasting leeDgv tho charcoal being mixed with honey. Tko dally uso of theso lozenges will toll in n much improved condition of tho general health, better eomploxlon, sweetor breath and purer blood, and tho beauty of It is, that no possible harm can result from their continued uio, but on tho contrary, great benefit. A DaffAlo physician speaking of the benefits of charcoal, sayai "I adviso Btuart's Charcoal Lozenges to all patients suffering from gas in tho stomaek and bowels, and to dear the complexion Bnd purify tho breath, mouth and threat) I also believe the Mver ls greatly benefited by tho dally use of them they cost but twentjr Ave cents a box at drug stores, and although In seme soaoo a patent prep araUea, yet I believe I get moro and better ekarooal In Btuart's Charcoal Leccnges than In any of the ordinary charcoal tablets." PASSING OF SUSAN B. ANTHONY A Grand Woman, a Great Speaker, A Strong Advo cate, and a Born Leader CrsjPAj; .SjBjBaajBasjBjpajiy j A KIOHLY OOOK11D 8TUAK KoUdag M uMo so sMUfyiag as a property sUd. totoy ataak. It glvs n fiaMi to assy mmm! aad U otoyt4 j all My tmeUl HtftfU tko U trhsik. skofs or oa4 U4m. . a CKoiut, 8Uto St. Muket, .Pkono Ml. ahwftow's wtotft wIM grw atotmrny kn tko kort of AfrUs. A now mi k Urn UMl on tko H-d Boa faoliig NrwoH aHtrkMy ooW tkan ktoa. kam. Tkorn too wMto WraotM of too Arab onUMhos tko op)oran salt of ko IMttok Uador, and tko oldest raees iWaoo, (krok. Woniart, ltgyptMa, Cop. Uo, AbyoiiMtaM. moot aad kaMK vM rtM la a two moaiksM boom town. Twtmiyoo ymto ago Owdo was killod ai Kkortoww, Toayoaro ago all U kMid at-Mst It mm still to tk. rip r a MotfNMMH awtrsUitoa wUm aroa votortoaMd ksMod off morn tknn kaof Uh. ptpto awt V4ot4od out tkoir oado Uaiaoaorc ofewstoro. Tko smaok. tog of Mm M4M wm a ry M of tot Kiwi Usui ptdtoo work. Mow km gottoN work nd railwaya , oarrto.) to. Tko ossUvakto arm of Hgypi U Mag ifoHy totreaood. Tke vory otimrtto U stoHs ad rati faUs wImnw a gonurasiiiM ao ao llvtog mm hat ovw fok it. TW Wmiikw offom mm k mmmU favoawtow Mda fc ktook. mm of toiW ami MUrpri lu prvnro k4gk idoato of Gromor, Qarobto, BaUa, tko wof)-Xow York Worldv ' -o All smart vp'to-date women of today, Know bow to bake, waik, stag aad to Wltoetit these talonts a wife Is Nf. 0. Ualeos she takes Iteeky Moaataia Toa Btoae's Drag Btore. Colonist Rates CotWBoflelRfr Fwbruarr 16th. and oontinulNg daily to and taoludtog April 7th, and from September litk until Ootobor 31, IMC. ooloalit tlak eta wIM bo sold from the Hast to all polnta on Oregon lino via, Portland. FulVowing mtoa from Omaha, Neb IH; ComboU Bluffs, la,, Ki Kaasaal City, Me K; Donror, Ode,; fM: I &, Jusod, Mo. K; 8V IxhiIs, Mo I ISO; Chicago, III.. JJ, f you deotra yu ean mako deposit with agouti aad tlokota wKl bo furnUhed your friends In the Bast A. L. GIIA1Q. , td Oeooral Pasteagor Agent. lra-lor Juot paooed on. Make f)reoi'f froodom for usniien tko eor oft atono on kor momiiMont. Htenl: A ana. 11. Skaw. This wa tko purport of a telegram rweivod from Woekostor, Now York, at tko Oregon MntMi Swffmgo koad qimrtors at mMolgki, Marok IS. Xvory trn woman la tko world will bow in sorrow at tko pasotag of tko noble life that ha roaeked Ho elooo, Imt tko roc orl of H lofty alma, aad tko good it aTompllekod wilt eooilmo to Hvo ami gruw tbroumV tko nnsmmborod eeatnr im tot to eomo. In Mkw Anthony tho world rooogntofo tko groat sowl, tko Ugh pmrpooef, tko Inajdrod dovotkm winch are tko gifta of tkoos ekooon to mark oriooa In tko worM's kk-tory. " A gr-at man kas falloa la Israel, ' will bo tko MRoonoslomi ojepreaton of alt who loarn of tko dontk of Mies Annan It. Antkoayv Snblimo ia faltk aad mateklos Ma sowrage for tko prin otplea to wnlek so dovtHod kor Nfo, luvtlisod natloaa wikl Wr ia reverent at hr btor. WemaaMmt in tkla and every onligMoaed oottntry to tke worW nna a debt to tko ksroU ekamplon nko endnred' ponetntloa, privatloM and life time toil for tko recognition and deration of tkee of ker sex. MoMsir H, Anikony wao - lorn to AttaaW. Mnoo Pobmary IA, ISM. In luakor aaseHry, ako early moat fpatai) a ptrktt eonoeleosBeiw and aa io-lnndonoo of tkongntk cnamotorto-tU- of a seet wntok .MM Mnant for tko faltk that It eprefr4. Her rudi mentary edwentton wna resolved at a puMir sonooi wkore kor toaoker etntM no vmtorasiHrd wv eke, of any etker girl, tdmee drndro te tors anytktog in a.rvnneed no long -MriMon, and re fntr, to toaek kor imek mytorto wkoMy beyoml tko eemprekon4a of femiaiao IntoUeet. At tko ago of 10 Him Anthony beeame a tMkor la a privato Mkool. Uter aa a atodeni. eko antored) a asrl's Kemlaarv tr 1'kikMMpkto. I a 1SIT, bmdneM re- ver- ovorwaetme kor fntkor, awl Miw Aatko- atwto bus a toaoker. ko eontlaned la tko pfof4e until 1S0, A-tom. on4ig to tke ckaMonto koaktk of kor motkor. ako anunanj tko ko"haM onrea and tke entire maansje. mmt ef tke farm near Neoneator. r neet appeara pblle wao to l&J a mrtmry f tke Dangntor of Tontpoeanoe. Pnr ker IndnUeaey la peeaonetng kerdf m tko pkatforns. taV wna MHeriy aoMkWd r ,rttuM knlf simtonr asm uv Campaign Rates To new suhsctihets to the Daily and Week ly Capital Journal. Help sustain Republican National Policies and elect the ticket in Oregon by ci culating the Journal. Daily Journal 4 mos on tfial$l00. Weekly 4 mos on trial 25c One copy fee to person getting up the club. HOFER BROS. for n wow nnrew t nt to eaeh a poteton toeitotl Mnibtog and dennnoiatton. In ISA! at a eeaveattoa of eekoei toaeken, la No. M1m aowmm- imsus weitod tke imttonnat prtoto nf aowapaporn, mmw 4 ww. ty nor Maiirnaond InnasJ fnr a rigen to aaoak la pnUie. The topto of dtonaoH wno '"Wky la net tka mfeMto f toaoker aa mneh re Peto ao tknt of lawyor. doetor. er mtototerf" Itortor tk U.u i A Mem)' are aad addrsMd tae'eanUr. Too skniemMi aofced to tonoa f 4to apprnvNl. "Wkn wiU Ike lady kaeof Mm Asitonnj' rotdie4: wtok to apeak to too itMHwa" Too p-wiioot sosmser nattoa andi Mtrneto nerame nwsdlWt nmong tko dtoiMte. at tkw nimJj eoMnv iMVsMvMsvMsjesn VCajHpf t ffsjantstssadssl. 4 mottow Miw MMttk th4 oho be rarmtt ted to spoek. Aitor fiilv a kahf hanr'i .tobato. 1 a wntok tko iaspraprtoty uf a tvomon pooktos; to ankfU was froely and brvtajfy .ts.eaa,, tke mottoa oar .l and Maim Aanncnuy wUdi "It lmm U mo yon fuM to eomwrekimd tke an, of Uo dhroMpset f wnick y , ntoan, Ito nan o tJtot m toag a My soya wifMnms kno wr,iBl) enootttt to bo a dwotor. ssh -i- mtor, Imt ptoaty to U a toaonor.oeery snnm of yov wo nnjm ,d u toit4- adndto before nsl Iseaol and the awUMlwUiM r veatoa tto n womt" Tkongk visiaed and ma Hgsw4 for kor doaaaao af too soribedi mtoa tor nwma'a tanauit, u Uiis sfeo wno nrrcotod. Tbe Roe of tho United States ot America, vs. Sooan IJ. Antkoy won uniquo ami one of tho harttoet fought battlos la supremo eenrt reeente. Tho train of e-onta wWfh followed JUes Anthony's voUng wore so nnnoonl, dranmtk and' elgnifi rnot that tko eknotpion' of woman's righto beeame te center t of Bational attention. After a senoational trial bo fore a jwry. Jndom Hnnt, wltkont loar ing tke benek, doMvered R written opinion to tko effect that the 14th iMnendmeat noder wh'oh Mia Anthony claimed too" right to vote, "wna n proteotion, not to all or rights but to oor righto aa eitiaene only." IIo dlreetod tko .tor to bring In n veriWel of nwihrr. Tke verdtot wao brought aeorrftngtu Tko Judge ordored Mes Antkonr to Mand up wMIe he deUvered Biateac'e, wnlek woe that eke pay a fino of $100 and eoets of proeeentlon, Mies Antkoy In a rm veiee replledt "Mny It ptowe yonr Honor, I will never pay a doHnr of yonr najnet penalty AM tke stork in trad I poetess m a debt of rW.WO Inenred in publlaklag my paper. 'Tko Kovotottoa.' tko sole b jeet of wkiek wne to ednonto all wo men to do preetosiy as I nave done robot afastont yonr mnnmam?, nnjnet, ttneonetHntlonnl fotme of tow wkleh tnx. Aae, imprison and knng women, wnlle dona-tog tkom tko rigkt of repro entotion In tko goverameat, and I will work with mignt and main to pay every dtHmr of toat aoneet aeM bet not a penny sknM go to tMe najaat claim. And I seal 1 earnestly ami persistently 00a I lone to urge all women to tke prneUenl TStagnlUon ef toe eW revet.- m obedtonee to Ood.' '" Mm Antkoy kept ker word; see la IMS Mies Anthony and Mre, Mlaa betn Cadr Stnnton Isanod a sail for an internattonnl connoil of women, wkick woenld laotode ail depnrtsnonU of wo men a work. Tko fund reanlredwwe mleed largely tkrongk Mtos Anthony's pereonni offorto, and tke eeepe of tke eonaoil wan enlarged nnttl today it roneneo tke rivHIaed eeiwtrtot of Bn rope. Amerien and Anetmlla. la IMt tko IntornnttonnI Wonmn affrnge Aeeoeintton wna effected wltk reprepontotivoa present from aim d(f reront eenntrie, and MUe Aatkony wna eleeted Ito Aret preeMent. U wna MJm Antkoy, wHk tke asetot. nneo of a few frlendN, who seenred tne pnwngo of tko amendment to tke world n Mr bill proridlng for tke a. polMmeni of women eontmiestonerc. nftorwnrda known aa toe beard of tody mnangern. CTw preoentod to eongreei n petition ntamd by Ike wives of m peome Jodnaat, Mentors. ropreoatotivo nr' and mevy onleere, wklek aottoa re mdtod to tko congcaa of rcpreeoU live women, tke kwyeet and moM to dnentinl gntkering of women erer kenl to nny part of tko world. tr " Antkony preeontod to ke rongriaoinnnl library ker votonbfe eoUeetlon of booka wktok kna boon a tdod a nportol aloove and de4nntod n. too .. n. AMktT ceiloetto" k only prnwaind by a woman. To tko proMni generation Mtos Am tnoy kna boon n destooror uwdlu. nd tneee of kor en-workofo, wnmcV. and tnMo of kr oo-workouL wa. - -- - - n, tl JVTl T . . m "ondnatlon for toeanuror k te , , mj xm onsatoll. i- ... ,.. ... . --v hh i miin v f EASTERN ADCffArVlf CANDIDATE PorManVl., Maroh ".-(ypc, SmltJi nt rtrm.t Tit . . k- u lvur ;0 tccomeRtev irkfete for tho U. 8. eonatc, i governor, haa lmprowd, tho ehaajj I)r. Withj-oonibo for getUng t J; publloan nominntJon. It Los m oraWy nffeotcd the proepute of j. R. Aitkin of Huntington to eewHl ttrer. As tho motr now stmnlt, era Oregon hne about one chancATlt of tbrea of soouring too nvimnaUoj L governor, nwl Ifopublkaus gwj reeognlao tlw neooemty of giTu- J era Oregon ono pkco on tc stt j oV-tho offloo of Biato bttimtr. n. faot that Aitkin in Mm onjy et4u in enetorn Oregon for that oflt there are fifty eanVlUWcs itt Orejson for otnto krenonrir, makes H moro pknn HMy that ho Will gt bwi votort tbnn nM of bis competitors. Mv Aitkin baa boon for mnDv nn nmangor of tho Jorge nweaatile tea. lny at Hnntlngton. II has m Istt mate acquoinUuwja with tho peopfe f oaetorn Oregon, 1mm bandioil' tnolr bst- inoes on n kwco eonlo. and !& u Mcong fnotor In tho tkrveeopmest of tb Inland empire. Ho to a represenkUre okJaon of Mmt neotion, and will r oeive praoWonily urwnbrous espeett et tke ItemlMeniHt ooei of kko menckUi. In kto ptotformv ho eomoo out streig and specifie on tko dtol reform tfet mnet bo eotobetoked nndor the new atote trenenrer. That office has torn pot on a Ant mtorjr of H5X a ye, bok Mto kw kno not been chnnril tl- ntwtog tko trenmirer to pocket all tie interest ko onn got from loaning Mk no fwndH. It in west known that it dlfforenv simen of t4 year, there an mm of kMo money boiongiag to the stoto, metog nH tfco wny from 100, 000 to a mJtMon dostorn, wkien U d peeked in the Imnkn of tko etate, sad moro or km of It ia drawing tnrert Mr, AtoMn proponed that a brJ eonetotlntf of tOto tkreo principal of nototo knvo tko plnotoi; f thia money nt tko betC rnto of Iwtcreet obtoirall. and that nil tho Intoreot from I'le etolo money bo eonvtrtal into the at?e treamry. Tide ia a etrong jwint to kin ptoifonn on wbieb bo makes bm- eelf more olenr thnn any of his r-m. letltorn for tko nomination. Tax j-ay-era wne wtok to no tkie form esUb ids i ekonldi fnWo tlwdr vote nt the pn rnnsft. etoetitoH to Jnimn II. AitVm tor tote treamtrer. Prom tiw etnnd pnmt of tko totentft of the people in hc a we dUtofbnted tlokot, tnnt run U eleoto.X it to vory Important that ll tke etote ofllalala bo not eleotex from weeUm Oren. Umler the dWft pn mnry. tke dutj- VtaYelvea Hm the Br imbkieann to not) oaty nno the bt man bnt to ao nrmngo tho t4fV--t of tkeir part- that k mny not bo weaken ed by improp' goegraphienl thetr Ion. Thin mnken Mr, Aitldn'a nvn- matton nimoot a loetoai aeeoseitv. aavo MtMi fun 1 1 i-...-!..! nvosm hay, boon nprnmck nod wimea have baa, rniaed- to a ntano of ktok. nwidtong ovor ifni reenK of Mto Anchnay's not wna Ua , bnfro tko eoneontton etooed wo w. jtoVtona wveo ins re la sod. Ono m,lw (nMndin UM mma be ajo a veiee m an fwCTnepotioao f tko toaokoM' nsoeotocton aad toe etW oailtog um tton to nko toofoaisty of wago for moa nnd we. The neat f w rt- i.ti...i. u.. . ...ot . w wre eovntont to work in tempeeanee, nntikveny and woman nuffrago mnvemonta In ISftfc afto. soonVtog the artaeau of men endnnet tostoto as Beaton. P. ltutlor, J4g IniddK and vnetow euiremw eonrs dAsisiona wktok eato elded that nder tike litk asnoadaseat eresaen ( onftoaoktowd. Ulu i. ! of ntofekr rt nnd dtondty. .N, nan ane inswprou hi ar atmaitood tank of reeo Atswr ana ker vntoa mom! to ..1 for woamnkiad. Tri tko otoSaatot aJ t...i: tton. kewtog oi rw klgnwny pnrtuaMy, breaking tkm ebnim, of 1Zj eatonstoking indntortol f re- m for wonwnx o aMMaar the ' y f tko nwkJ utt,w. iMmif4 Urn rovHto too rtdketo trnZZ. no imcoU toto ntotory'e Wvan5 nnd kiek i iao wcm uui .l. 1.. wm i'f -7 rg nnnmaUy wiH gtoaa ntowK ktotnra too name of 6eaa neaany. wnito tko rrtondn and emrtoi !w 7? riito. J kne knnaor of tko ftp , 0n. yet eeon f stomto mm, ojMwato 1 n to sopmtto 8o kntk kont ', ne Jkmokt tko good fij -" r to emu STimS no atonemed of antv ao i wdl W toyalkr m d lW, n took toon wiH fitow mriia -rtotmm aJ T ."""' ww ememksj with Wrijag pmtH,,, her devote, to an '..UMCH. TW womea af Orogol 1e at etoivtog to oniu i..i roeijtoeUua will iMm tk. w llMrn of Mi AL. .... ,r? Jry in Jnae MiM be a Bttlag Uo ro wntok mo.a.,7! J -"- " p"e4 taadvr. Ood ia B. rts of her ate toenwluuii n to tko great replen monntolna. east of Ojsa.anf-VOaR.X'A.. Bntis llPsdYwHiWJihniBBsBt V. LcGaH's Art Starlit JV portrnlto la tdl. water tkov restored and cant ker veto. fw'P Tosnpto. "". F&fifjEd b.ji Prion, maaje ft J5 lU room 3 ernTocx. UO. x-se-tf Wheat and Oat Chop Wo made.' a great buy in some ""eat and at chop and mU give yen tke benefit. A straight, olean W at a prise that makes it the only feoJ. Try a iaBt RBd see the differenoe in yonr feed bilt HAY Our epeelalty is hay, and wo oer telaly do the busiacea of tho town in that Mne, Tho next time you are in need of any call and so ua. D.A.WHITE&SON FEEDMEN and SEEDMEN Poultry and Bee 8appliea. 255 Com! Phoflel60 fh Most Reliable Brand Known. The Old Government, the perfection of whlalcy, used In tho medical de partment ot tho U. 8, array and navy ervloe, also In hospitals, recom mended by the highest medical au thorities M the paroct stimulant fr family use. Sold exclusively at n Willamette bar. MO-eod-lm