15, 1006. Tins IS TID3 FLOUR THAT TOOK THE TWO MEDALS Coulson1 DTjarnes Withycombc n nrrn A T TATTD "MAT! V-nrl Hut hub lite work has UAlllI Uariliili ilUUlVimii N0T BEEN A FAILURE by any DAILY CAPITAL MMON. THUBSDAY, MABOH DY HOFER BROS., Publisher and Proprietor!. ELECTION DATES TO BEMEMBEB. RogtotraUeit book for primary eloo. Uen oieeo April 10. riimary oleotlon April SO. BegtotraMoH book again opened April 36 and lose May IS. Last day for filing names for state and dtotrlot offleen Marsh 30. Lftflt day for filing Barnes for oeuaty offleen April 4. OanvaofrfMg veto for nominating atoto and dtotriet oaadldates May S. Last day for filing nominating peti tion for eounty ofllees May 19. Lat day for filing eerUfloaton of nem inatlen May B. General olooiion Juno i. JUDOB WALDO'S OOOD POINT. TndfKi WMM NMlfH mm pwbrtl tlm Im vary liwpuiojmn thai n pobMe ManVwny In k Matney nMM otow WVh Oraffon WPS MWClrtlp IrtiWlW wwwpmwww tf- yu -L-j-jI aMJ AH Manl bbbbbb mu. Tip NV Yufk kw jhiI il Wet THE AllUTTnil PAYH ONLY ONB rOUKTIL a?VIIl WdlC IN lt "HWljr nW VtwWlwy rNaalanMaijar 4anaBl mlMiiiaju ant iaiaW IsmttI i in7TCTTn i spnn B"poj fiinwwT" w iTrn"i triB ITIw B UpTJT T"IvT1H MMfjMV Iwl IIWWI'lMNcHJ H "? M! r HWWw ijAflf JHPi HW,i 4a bbuO at ftjgjt yjuauMl fata u. J tja saw terror n H htim j in rBnoTO ww JVfl "rTvhT bo ofSmSsj WW oMojWS, "S WSja1 anB tainM 'lBananaanaa Bnafalw MMuM PMMotll ftMMftMT - jj i ; aOonnnBBBn onlBBaBnn ftaaShkar: TV OBBfOM, B" SSBB BS"Ft IO"B"a" C0 BBiHl WOULD DMT NO HHNUI'IT rOM T1UI IMl'XOVUMBNT IT WOULD MR TAXMD TO rAY. " Jw JTBiBiBW VBiPV BfJppBjB; VBV pBBBBBBBf f bwOBwn n jaw! ratHi Ui Miy part ftf IW) BBBBJBaBKB, fBaBBBI Wl lMPfW PtV IV FWiW tm fmMty m. itawai wiinnmiiiit. "TT BBBBBBb B'PIj BBB HBBBpBBBJB bbbbbbbbbbpv Wy Wfi W iifPWP WR L1K1IHLATIVX TIOICBT lMl'OR. TANT. tm a tfrU. aVal la W 4mm Im aaaw"! -aBBBajaji BBBBraaBBaBBBjBaBaav bbbbbbj aaaam BaajBBBBja bbj WUb to hi laaji irtnat tlaat IU a- wit, TII1IRH AKU OTItUK MATTHJOt TO MH IX0KU1) AITUK. TWw wtll m aaytMyfaatUaa far fuar jnatra, aa Uat fMia m alag to aa tola Ika naVaaanlaai ( taa ayaaa laaatkMi MH immpmI l ilw bmi laafUam Th hank W inmtrtoltaaa far UaV W MMiMPMI VfVH WIV Id Ml FMI0K m aaik TiUIK-K 1U HUNK TOO KUOlt MONWY AMKOPKIATU fr aHattv lUtMt A aai tola atol hi fclwMl, Tlaki b w aHia fauaa mt ataMtaaawk ImbV k i aii ii ii rta Lat m luuaaiiiiiw man wka wiM aj0tl mbA ai kWMM Mma hm to BtonKgr aM amrtajiii wtitat a 4a v4m( laHaM i ! nail ill imii DUATll Or M1JW ANTHONY. fW aapityn mi a Mtoi AhMmmk, tt4wj at W aaam t wav Mm toM t a Wmm; A Savings Bank Account Means Thrift; Thrift Means Success Success means IndepencN encc and ireedomfrom worry about the future. Put your name on our depositors' book today. One dollar will start an. account. Sayfcigs Department O.pXtl Natloaal Bank 1!tw7 Ytomm Hh tw -woHd b fo!t bb HpWftkt iftmm awl the advlpd diprfty Of tar ow aaeoiMi of too wajjc f MW Artalwaf . WlWlwr wmaHi iwflfSffe AH prdVo a Imm or & bfeMftg. to imt oknlrs tfM dawthw f h rwJer for wwusr hmod in'mty He of tmmvor. WOMEN OOOUPY TODAY IN TID3 WOBLD TODAY PBEBLESS POSI TION MMmaVr. inwlaJly ad reilrhmrfy on Miwawt t We tamffafM of the iwf- fmffwtfl awnUly. MHatttHM pwd OMHtM I wWWW XOT pllJ maHy Brai9w wovK ww wai aaowiflaMww AJC WfllV5 m4Jfl IWrV'J UNI BiMlf tl9Hi m Mir0K h t1w ffkir urtd ki Ow NMMvL TflPUimm fhwhow iiijiWr vnn mr mton. ID3R BI01IT8 ABE BUT TBR BBTABLISimD, 1CBR WRONGS ABB MORB CLEARLY RBCOONIZBD hi aaw) awt of tfw MMriRrv of Smmm j, a4 Wrrj WBIOHTMAN IS RIOHT. (I'mbmM Nw Aga.) TKa pw lawra lmaiia to hurrah fnr Um laMlJMaey of Itoa. Pnuik T WrlatiBjiaaii tor Mm rniwtlwatlo for Marakary of ntoia aw Mm MavahNoan taaha TVy kawr UmI WnajrlitoMn U right. Thy Wwww Mmfc ha he hoaor 4K aapaltra, iarftMitOMM rmA honaM, KM4 by wltmaotm atwl ax)ar4M for Um rf (thai MMmriiftt affiaa. )toMhH havhw; a inriiBNal aaVaMnfM orir hh mumanwto, Mr WtajfhtaMM 'n aogmph ttal TlaaBLl aajMaMjAaaaalaja aaltalljMaaJ Ma 4 lB wt 4 bbbbj bbotBbpb Tafpaa)a " air Nl-VM MmmmMf IIm IcxMIom, iMitl iiimii bpimwii IIni IWi4c. T. Witfvbt MMMI HTM MlJWI NvMI fH Iww HfW IMtif Taaay aBnBBBBjaaB sOf aaaay aaaaBBB awjaT wfm " f"J PM9W aWwHJBB tU la waH lajw'nai tbnMtolwai tha aoaia bpbbbj vBBjBBvaa, VjBBaB) aBBjaBBBaaavaBBiaBBB aava Baavn bb filaaifci la ovary eaaaly who ara work- kimmmmimf for hat nmm ho- WFr DMVfT IMM Wt'Mt'' Mw 11 hMBMBBBaaBVBaa TaBaaa bi Aairaia aaaa fiiBJBTTI'S'jo"" T p tjBSBjarat bjob" I MaaHKaBBBBBaaaal Lot, laa aa Bta4akaJLaA - -fc-l-. -aJ -a..i i P M It IWrOTWft pVOHv VWWot 'Wflrl ObhT fta tg-bgBA aaaf aaatJaV BBwaBaVg. , aaaBBtoaA vBbbbi BaaaFTT' aaaj flBByaw IBBBBbaBBoaa. a ajraaa aw vanW "W BPaTy otbWotbV 1 1 V 1"JW FW SPiaay aaaaBBaBBBBBai alaa MLaBBaaatt bbbbbbv lafl aMWWflPaaW t"arTrP V'arV IPPIWW" IW iaaBBBBOBBB oaaOoaBBli aaaaH AaBBBBaaaaaf um m BBBBiaaBBMBW a Tvwbjbbbbbi ajBBBBjay TBjffS aaJVBl "' Faj" iaai waajarlty Colonist Rates OfHMmoodHK Khnary Kih. nn4 teHtlHMlMg ifelty U) HHt iHOiHlllHg Aatrtt Tth, nm4 from Saotombftr UUt MMUI Oetohor SI. 1KW. oohNtUt tlk- oia wtH Im aoM from tho Maot to all ootwla m Oroajoa Mooa via. lOft)ftiMl, rkCowiatf raloa from Omaha. NW., fit; Coktooil HImX la., fM; Kaoaaa City. hto.. M; Donvor. Ooto.; M; IV. Joaaatt. Mai. M; Si. IjmAn. Mov. IM; Chtomaa. lit. Iti. If yoM itomra yoM raa Mtoho aMoH with awooto aaul tynhala will ht ftMHitokMl viMtr Ma4i la too Mm. A. U OKAIC1. U Oaaoral taaiaaiwar Aot School News 1toL "---' btp raBaajraa Tho pmaw law boam ajwvt fraaHho fbofaraa, waara at toood pravtoarfgr, to Mm laojiBW of Mat hall, Tha UX .! m Mt Mm IbjM'im K jmM. haao wary aarh, baat loo aawMOMbiB at all har Irlaada. ttha bVaWl iBMak kh Vk bbbm bbJ IauA tfjaaaBaV Mktl my ptahhM to too linaura. Mm Maaooao twr aoai ao4 will ojifl lao MaawMaiav of Mat ya at bar boot maoMM. No whoah pa oho rat Sal at lay. Mot Iniioor frtoooN aao woo to mo aw aw. hot wothajaal at oor aaaovory. ttoaar ataah, a atoWot of Uim UN bar' mo wMto Haytoir U tho Y. J, a m Mh Ml HMP Mo 9 ImWW flHRMM w& tow Mm hjom W 4M oot haahor him lBaaBBBBB OBB BBBBBBBBBBBB BBBB; OBBBB)BjaBBBJ pota Khi aaoMwr aaMotoai il. mmM tml olhior Mm maotor. It oaa Uaawd to ftv Ma toooaao aa4 Or. to. H vm fooaal ha4 iav aaa that W V(wBOaK TmbV koBM4l WrifeaiMMl af Mm bf lag ami sWo aai Uto hk araa, Ha hi bjaaoooaof oow. Mmnfh tor k Uaw hi aoao wo vary tartroa. IU b lha mi of a D. Saatfeh. who Mvm oa Wiator aauoa, aa! Vaa haoa toboa. oaoa Mum Noam's huM U taaaJlag ame Maao MtakrhM lfftvaA axtUta a tMr tn4c. lb Uv fiaJhoJ awar to lah AjaJb & in sow iak log MMloU Th fw) mm Ibm ojj, MM IHympAy afe4 a$ b4)ak f. mmaammmnSuSSTSSSSXBtHSk lHMBflBBBBBBBBBBBBVlBflSi W,4- iHWIBEHraBBBBBBBBBMBK k it 2? WL- HtmSHr'jSSoLaBW '"S' jSSSHOBBHBBESBPff' A' -" gfSBjBaMKSM ,i B" BBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBraf W BBBTOV SBBBBBEBBBBBBBaBBlSMKv'' 4 aBBBBB; BvflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUEfc.i& i TJ" ilBV'i f f laBBBaBBBBBBBMBMflvi' t V" ' bBBBBBBWSHL BaBBBBBBBBB ' I W9K ''' SIbbbMm bbBbbbbbbbbM 1 bbbbV JbbbbbLbbSPv tA" aaBHBrnT HLbbBLbbbO v BBSaVjaS JaBBBBnBBBBBBBWaBBWr' ' '' ' ' laBBvQi8f?alBlt BffiaMaBBBBBBBBB' BKinaVB&BnBK' ' wSoMBBBBBBBrk '' f BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm-PSuB&HHaBaaBBBBBBBBBBBTa bBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBhMW l&TBBESByan9lBBaBBBBBBBaBBBBBf! f ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWI8(R4BBHBBWBBVBBBBBBBe BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBOar VMW jBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrJ r HbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbIk BBmBBMaBBBllBBBS' ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbwl'' ' abbbbbbbhbbbbbbblbh (SbS&SbMbmbbVbbbbk vmbbIIPI9r JbMHbHjSHbbbbbbbbbbbhbkj BBBBvBBBTaBBBBBaKTaBTaBTaBBBBTaBBBBBTa7 aaBSBBBBBOBVBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBB& )41EBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBL IHBEffiMBnBBBLBVBBBBBLsBaBBBBBBBBPa REPUBLICAN CANDIDATD TOR GOVERNOR Ir. Wlihywrnlw to widoly and fav ' K-kfum tlnghnit thto mH. m hwMqih-ii of aooriy Ihirty-Ava ' '" irm Mw K ril "f1 an to Iho nod- of wary mdmOjrtoi Int-i. H. to a ebmonpto of boltor MatrtoiM lc Mm prodaoto f UH form ami factory; llor roadu nod opon rlvoiw. ... IU torn hm a NOmjmik KotmMtoan fmm lb tamo bo lmo eM ommgh to aaai hb rt boUot. lib ornoam tt hr immimhga to 'm homi mot fetrfem purAirommia of mtMb iy. a grmtor amt MaJbod Oroa,,, Tab to to aeaortr wlt lb nnatlmojit of "a ua W-4 to rvory parmm ami to ovary Imuml " II bolbvo- obtt ihto iwotlimoHi ohooM jrva4o 1a ton aibb form all potfeto af oar ttoio tnimtm. eopoamlty ao la nwiilarn of tomUoa ud for tho rntlomM roamtoltoa of poblb MMMUoa. Dr Wttobvmobo to a maw of aw.v aMMay. of ampMboabb latoovi tr, ami If rltod wiM nvo a mlmi.nintoa Mmt will 1 abtMOtriaol for IM morality, atrooglh ami m4p- miltor with Mm bo of Ihotr work. Tim motor toot aro bromjht to tho obm ovo toetoat ap in om ooraor of tto nwmw whoro Mm omi bo iKmUod iH aM hb anWiiaMan of pbiwrao. ami b m om tbmbwlto mi ovw. II had oooJMtoti aiitoiriiliajr to Utimttiilu Mm work la ilr !, aaxl ftowd Mm ami miry ptotor roodUy; rv won vary lalonmrlaa; to Mm nliidmilu. am mMod mvoh latoroot to thv MoltoMom Tho MMtoty la Mb Woooa'a mnaa, MoviaaibK" had im Irat mortiaai boi frbbay iftwuxw, ami fw4bb toraa Tho Mmwiaai i iraa iiawmy, I MaamH Uifor. virt inmbet ; Mvtfooi HoM. otoiototyi Mary KriJ.v. wrawao-ot anmy ami Jtato lv-m orilto. Tho fvabnoiaaT wr apMMnil aa a proajram aaaawiltoai IWah Htntr, (Imrtotto lliaaniti-aai atol Cbarl-. is.ir A proajroaa, eo-obtiag; of anntr ami aal a 'Mart hW)ll. Tliat Waalatomoja wa a bottor pr.Utn tUo Uaoubx' wbtob wmt woo b tl.r mr amoivo. Htjfh Sobool. Mo. aiooOtMJ BjtoN ooma lamnutfiiMW to tho poimV WoUaiby euaoiua; laodlaiaii to aton'iii Uorootor toaoh ara Witt mm a aoaord of aU Mu4ata toto, ami hao4 U to tho priaoipal oak torn oaoib who mtmoa moo b wmM b toiwitod to atoy ami OKObto to Mm tmbjmbiMl. U aambi wmm Mm aatomm boll Ha b to Mm iiiunialy hail or ia taoar lb ojba aaamacil tbmt wiM havo U bo a SUM atom gaattojr mu t4to to Mm mi mmk biM. or Iboy wM havo tho am may dwmbg iUw rbaaaoM aSF woVM v" "JTbPSw MSm to B04Bbh that oatiro atojliaw hoda aa ho box hml to d IWorc. but ooty Mm labrndmu Tho hotaaay atto ohml lb pri ikrav ot obtoaoaf to torn Bojaaw a 'Kum." by Aam Ulam mm imm ... ttl VMb." bar WUbaaa kmbor. Tho flb ohah ma TmonUv vwiw at T.JW M. aa toOho aahuoi baikita X pa) wot with obaw, ami. aftor am bao apoat ha imaooaoa, toc prtcmani a aoMoay, ohaoh Or. Kpi Urutmto with ham. Tho ootowbomo wu o4. T4v amVMBpa; worn b worhia; hard, imaamrwa? for tho Baaabrg dobato. wMah wiM. ooma off oj m mboffl. M ojoato a. amaar of Mm bba oto 4ato wMt aojaiiay Ii a lu trip. A prwMMi Mm tow b a47 vmMmm M bbWbI lBoa)Babl aaMatAaonlsaBBBV Tho Dbayiu avmlaby haj m mwbr MKMtig Taojkbf o'ab Si mamli n bjolo ptvtMac. Aitor x abort bwatotm aife, Mm foV4i5 rfra woo t 4rjiB Tb'bnaiatof IboM. Um ftrti- m Md Miianriirito Kloia; origiaal onry. Aboam Moor; roiwbiatCi WMIbm taWa aaaVBMBi lAAaJ Mahal l4axl iBhaoMal. foosaampaj Bapajovaa Tromrrai m IBaaBB, S"BBo BBaaa ial uatoU lijaatBBBAaBJ amh aaaaVM LbbobH aaBTB if ioPtBI aTT'oBraj f aavfoo Bjaamaaji Uilo." by Mm foMowiog mjmloamt Af- omi fblr obbortt Moawtlvo Chaoooy ObmomOa Am Altootaj ami Joob Mf mm, Tho Jmhat woro William Mott, Marl Myoo ana) 1Mb Savago. Tho d obtoa woo amaaianiaa la favor of tho iMjmtioo. Th prtariml bonl tho boy ia a fw mlawtn. nftr Utit nr4av n- bat, mat ipixn lli.-m iMMrurlWM ainit a.injf in. .r.- irt kUhiI that IhiiI.Iiu,j CT lis easy MoriGy Thousand of boys all over this country, who never had much money to call their own, are happy now at the merry jingle of cash in their pocket., made by selling THE SA TURVA Y EVENING POST Friday afteraooM tad Saturdays. They ktve mo bettor cmmcm. they are mo bright tbm yoo Ii'tjutt tltit MHid of draammt boot t be good too to coaw. they got njht down to butmoM aad bottled (or what they uttd. You ct do the hoc. Don't lot My time Wt it. Writ a totter to-dty atling ut to Mod you oar hd. aoate beoUet aboat boy who nuke moaey. ako the cmopletc outfit for ttrtmg m bttui. With this wtW come ta free coptas of The Post, whtch you cm tell at 5c omK. After tbu you buy u auay ptM it you ad at whole, tale pneee At m bdueeat to do good work give, aaaoag other pmt. wcht. watn. c(c . to bcoi who tU a eeruw Mutator of coptet. Aadtaaddtttoa $251 in Extra Cash Prizes EACU MONTH a-.. THg tURTIS rUBU$mQ COUf AHt Mltrt ttrttt, Piouj.ljAU, ra. jt3,j imiS H-ta VMVST'A nh BBVaM) fr "rJ pi Sn'fl Trademark. fcvorv person should' learn just what .I red package looka like and the economy ia wing Allen's self rising II B. II. Ploar. It to tho most nutri tious blood of il thatawtbowmw. i I.,., kt air dloefltlon ami perfect aMlmllatlon of food ia -aary for pood hoalth. Any perw- dlgt hot griddle cake, Iwrtoa Mar Hoatoa Brown Dread) or Frail Padding mado from our Ll-nd of para food floor, ami t "" nllMLv (a maViaW it Ut Bftd the MUr- ne of harlaf it Jot right, every hm shoaW b eoaotaor-o. Ask vtmr grow for It an " .. r ii mI Ma aama to t and we will oupply yo with a sample pk- Bgc irea. uroeors wao vuwq- ywni far and tholr own proC will aopply j oil with Iheoe gomto at all Unto. ALLBN'B B. B. B. TLOUR CO. Pacifl Ooaat raotory, San Joao, Oal. OIVB BAR UNTO WIM COUNSEL. If aavlag dollar to a hobby of yowrs, bay groeorloo here, and let trn eaeour-j aa tho hobby. Thoot prtooe would not ordinarily bay w qoallty they ropre sonl. Baker, Lawrence & Baker RuaeoeMrs to Il&rrltt Jc Lawrenee, SHOE SALE My atock of akooa for won re dttod la prico. No old ttock. Clos ing out lad lee' ahON, Now'i your cnanco. JACOB V0QT, Oppotlto Patton Droi 44 f " Shortlink Three Tratoi to the Baat Daily. Through Pullman standard and Umn alalia oars daily to Olympla, Catoage. MpoWaae; tourlH sleepJog oars dally to Kaaat Cltyj through Pattawa tourtot atoopiag ears (per soaally eoadaeted) woekly to Chlea go; roelialng thair ears (seats free) to the Kail dally. 70 HTTRT 70 POhTLAWD TO CJMU80 ne CUiit f Cats or w Br5SSiB LB8 'S8S1 Sb? ltfi? ItaataJ rt sua. at Ma4. mtoa -r AUU IIMH tJi.. tUUmi taitoa "STK3T rut Hall I'P. m. Sfokaaa u lata, Datr rx. fektaa. WaUa. ruil Til a. i a. 'ja, UN SIM IVr faUer laferButien aak or write year nearest tieket agent, or A. L. CEAIO, General Panenger Ageat. The Oregon KaUroad-A Narlgatlea Ceu, Portland, Oregon. Cornice Work, Heating and mm Ia. l. fraser Estimates Made and Work Guaranteed Murphy Blk State St Salem, Oregon Egg Food Is a combination of the best fivj ' for hens, oarofulty put togetherJ mnko a proporly balanced ratUa. Tvj effectrif feedine this foo,? ... 1HI will llo n nmterial inereaso in tat outnuL fi You should got 200 Eees from Farh H. Hvery year If you havo tho rigiJV, of hons and uso Coulson 's E . . No matter what kind of hens, ft they wilt soon lay moro eg ltl food. Tillson & Co. 151,161 High Street Phone Main 139 PatronJse"Yoor Home Iq. dustrfes and keep your ao cy at home. Not a now business, bat the old bkd smith, wagon nnd paint shop of Jil & Arthur vory much onlarged. W ji prepared to do all klnde of fancy ptbt. lag, sign paintitJjr and buggy, arrUp and wagon painting; repainting tad :f pairing furnlturo and musical Isrto ments. A first-elooa painter emplojed, Light and hoa.vy wagons and burM on hand and mado to order, Wort inllel for 'ia nny part of the city a4 returned free of cltargebyO.W.Joltt or Wllllnm Croos. JACOB k ABTOUB. Phono 141)3 Mdn, 2210 N. Frost 8. 9-M-U YOUR MEALS Will always be right if you get them at the White House Restaurant GEORGE BROS. Proprs. Phono Main 2121. (Jtate Street (MIoMM iseeoTaWal ! Gold Dust Flow 1 Mado by THE SIDNEY P0W ER COMPANY, Sidney, Oro t gon. Mado for family use Aik your grooor for it Dran and thorti clwaya on hand. P. B. Wallace AGENT tMr4B4etHseeWa3 TIDIEB'S 80MBTIN, DOW AlwavM a.L mii- var iVi 1b tT " buildoM wihk bigb grade 1 r f all Murpotos. Wo earry at aU '''Ef4 fall atoek of tho beat Vila drtel Ivil bar, flooring, laths, ahinglee, etc, U"J are fiHed nromntlv at prleoa v- lOomfoUttoa. Noar 8. P. depo -, lhoao SS OOODALU LUMBER uunflflnw French fium JiLnafiwaaapiLLb t4TCt ITt a UtBICAL CO.. IOI T- taf". 'M Sold la Sales by S. O. Btona. PLUMBING TIMMIMf AND ROOPlNCl Building Work of all Kind phone 1 51 JftfcH mMMStWTaWafloBBji . - - wti'mliKto-'aaWrtiTaTMM