I i s DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL DY HOFER DR08., Publishers and Proprietors. JBLBOTTON DATBfl TO BBMEMBEtt. Registration books for primary elec tion oIom April 10. Primary oloctlon April 90. Kogtetratien book again openod April 96 and oloao May 18. Last day for filing name for stato nnd dtrtrlet offleos Marsh 30, Lat day for fUing names far Munty oflleea April 4, Oa&ramiiig vote for nominating stato and dbrtriat eandldaton May 5. Last day for filing aembuUttg petl VUtw for eetutty offleon May 10. Laat day fer filing eortifleatai of ttom lnatten May 6. Oonoral elocllen Juno 4. WORK roR nuRimiHM AJiHOOTATION. MON'8 Iwri iWPtJ"Jf awTHPfr 4arV94lav7n1 JmI jrT7flWWvjlBwll vrW? lw wWWtpMaf 1 fH It H !' 4lll for M prlvto Ia4t vttwM r Mrm to aMntor alt mom kw tor rtv4 ad the work prwfmriy In- hinmttnu wrttfnfc m)i , mi oh IkMgaMMbllialili 1. WW M lb popahtllo Of the twwf llw eM Im ll t I It a Maaay a.stf Im ft jftwiax m4dty imr, r llks to In Mm itoar rat are f I JftMMau af tb prlorlH I. Ik tow asmniaashy wlda iiwaha mm I. WkM iMthMMtsM pWloBpf ft. iMttsSM mt Ha, , WlMi kioal f SMOiy Hf A grit r(WoMf WK s on ditto Im H to) f. Mm iN railiwiflit Any not a mrtspbfct mnmwl It tm, flv m it. NasHmr f 4rr mmtm, shMmk twM, piioii'si i 'wtwdhsi otWM, haaiiK, imla r faajtwr IriM, phytd ! HUM, asks M UMI l WWi Utm mt mmV Imsi i a mImw mmmm) l ymr Imml IU ttNt am b aaxlt WlsH Mtrtf II. Wm m tw mimmI raiarallf At- UtMSVt II. IImkHIm. Us Hiaail. mt bj al lt. I'ncof IA U had Wh4 U.l mt hstl I tvtaMMVt Am MrWstati hMtan UiMu f WhM rwst for a ai tt aiaa- I II ou gtl oaior ami plea- Mf Whi klmtf Wtau aw tht iwtail lctai i; paid T" Spring Ailments IImuIm, boib, oes-mia and utWr eruptluM. kkM uf aiir4it, Uiat Uratl fealiMs. Mao( UltouatirM, indtft-MioM and hMMiarii, at aowo ul Ummu. Tltey m all rtulkMlly ad patma iMtitly ONrast by Hood's Karaawarilbt. Thia rtmU MadkrtMt UHHuttghly sImum IiLju1 ami ittaMM tlfaM w "rar "cf aasar Ma msveMeTYVSj opsnsjBjsjBv IumMmmU aatlvaty Ui Mm wmim ayaMM. It mhIim wauftM U. " I Imm baoM HatMg Hood's Ikmhim. rill a a afMitta: M-ltoi fur Mm ymt, ajtd liav evr m4 ayUtlM: baatar. " Johu bMMliiMi. CawuWII Hall. X. Y. Aeampt u MtbMtiuM for Hood's Sarsaparilla 1mm MtHAWMt; lloud'a. 1 ImM or ktbbM mjtm. Oai ItltMby. hMDaaMll. HVHRYTlMll ,.u mimhI , dwlhar aaaliciiily. aot b!v u iUi dalhw mmm far all tiMS but aba ih MSoroat a It fr lif. hmumm rVaailt pais it M. "Uahhai mms faar Itaaja am aaiy lamM that mm hat ail M aaMtfagaa that Mbjat ha amda hy titraia U la aa4iaf hmm a. ar bjm imm a ia Ua ThawWara. haw paetiac wiah thy M thM "M Mm4 UyMMh wm hhe habit of aaviag rHH we at Mtfil; ref) a golaVw Urret.' aHwrt av4a assaaat, eve If yM aaanaewt wwh Mea Mat l. Wa mr 3 P- t l4rt, som- peaadoj eaaaaHy. UVINOd URPARTMSNT OAKTAL NATIONAL BANK Mjl MM fflmaa uafaf Maaoy MU.U ' ' TW aawt t aa usasasimry artl aW if mmi vmU of iMaif hagai Tiic Ccst Guaranty of Alcrit Is Open Publicity. Bvaxy bottle of Dr. llcnse's world fumed medicine leaving the great labo ratory t hubhio, . ., ton printed upon im wrapper an me iiigreuiania etitoriiig Into Its composition. This (set the Ihgredlanta alone place Dr. l'l rieree s Family Medl- elm in n ft' iM Itv ti ! rw. Thar cannot i ciaei wiw wfth imfnt or socrst ?.. wwjiciiw ifw Mif-y an" iifimT. Ann H why o msnr Hhnffjurflcwd phynlciam i.-i i -:....i.i ili. trlrrlw irw-m attu rwrirtnmoiw mem to t ..!. hi:nU Tl.. know ukul iIuh. am omtMMMJ of. ami Uiat th Ingrodiotita a)iMvl)e t tb quoKfoft, awi i!I4m an th piilorvl br Umi mom ftmlnotit u. i- w - mwllcal autlKHltM. w M ,Be BH" Tb furibnr fsct that iHlbfir Dr. I o Hrc's Uobloti MhIIcbI DlMrcrT, tbo groat timh Untie. Ilvw titvignnitor. MMrt rrgMiaKH' ami bwxxl tHirinr. rnir hto i "ravonto rrtcrnitJOM " for niak. vir- wihumi. nnmnifiioHH. iitvimih worofi, ennUlm an; alcohol. sImi iiiUUw tbM to a plaeo all hr thmwlris. Wanr rmni aii. Ir. Plfrr H!noirrJ that rhomlrallr wnrr Klrmltt. of imrtwr sumgUi, is a wtur solwht and pmmtv atlro of the mllclnal priMlplm nW lux Ih our InrittteuiMis. ir natUrr. mll dnal planu than l slmhnl; aim. further MHMi. Hint H nwi'iwr vslnshlr mMilrlnal lrH'rtl" f IU own, hHng Iwmtilcnt, Niitrltivf. antliwtUc, and a most rtttokmt anUfirmnnt. Nmtlwr of tH abmrn mMilelKMS mtt tain alcohol. or anv barmiiii. babU- formlitg dntt. III tw swn frim a Kattro at tln lormiila rlntd i trnth HUr wramxr. Thor aro ( n dm and imUnil tn rum. Xot wMlr do phfitlflan ppMerth th ahnp. noii -rt mixllrlw Unr"ly, hut Uw MKmt Intolllanl iMtiph mnlor thw frnttfrn who would wt thlMk of unlwt Uh ohllnar) patent or iwirrri mdlrln-. Kmrr iiucrMNni nt rnUrl Into thf mm iMMMllotl of I lb trmjmt iHwHlon of Dr. OtiVs mHh'infHt had H kind of UH MMiof-MmMt inm miHm medical Miita id ths HVlHl school of practic. Xo ithr mIIHiM put itu for Ilk pwrt"" bat aiijr uch pmfmoimntl Pttdorsi'mtnit. Dr. I1arei'i lbaant i'Hht com urn HlpftUon. CXHtllMtkMi U th caw of manr dlw. run tho raiw and yoi otn th dlina On IVIbU" I a tmih htistlvr attdtwoamlM cathartic IHvit RtaU Mil them, and noihltwr U "Just as lutM." llaay to take a ouHtfjr. tr fdf4 gnwwrh-', mtck as Hour. W-, ,..itMM Hftjirm. uiiiw, mmm w aoaa. aotis H. l. Wt Homawdthw arc ph.alful aaH ohtMt,. R,r what ara blb prlasd " i. im m coaautar your tow. ai . pott enaa lilac your tow. ad abso wiilpa! 0J OPOBBBJ SJBBaBBSlP 9m W tW of laoist to a htmilvrf M. Is lb cHmm bmUtaair What aw Ik f SI. II siitatia i ana ya laoalod. mm will IMn faM, I mm estloio. laiasars tha hirfPtM WM oiMAk if Kl. If thia asaltw k f h at-ab) latai'i to .vansr Msamaaity, kimMy MM mm af momio vMmt iwd soaan kMallty, r If MM ( HOt dWMSM lA pmW Mda AMMMuaicatio to lor atari party. li MOD1IRN 1MRAT1M. Tt ohttMM mm Mrar who was woM ha awoop .luw a M-rohawtMMi aasl hwi It ettrsm m laanroW by all M liaod MtllMM a a crimi! of th moat ly If ssMghk h was MMOjml, ao with Ma arew. I Mmmb mm paMMT! dtt the r aa)M anM navy a easMiMfe, htil ihaw ar far ham aaMflaf la Mm laMgi liow Ammhjt Hmm my h si Mil Mm "trahmaih sWar." au ha la tlasa aaMwt, what, oaatdia Ih haw. IMMasMM. laaMMl mt ImMm a badmt with amri'MiMltM, ha ataaak 4 ha loidMa of mm oUmt MasmfaatttMr. ml b ImltaMasj his rival bras!, Ih at.va ami awa? of la fsaaja I ara the war- at mm aad ah by hruMMi om to Mm Mthli the hast of a ehawr MM, ha divarte I ha of hia viorUa Ue his aw mt I A tea avMatfaMarar ara lag tho W aMMMtl hv which shaH iasiUaioa of tratwaaiaa a A Mil has haaa lMdaad whMh MMvidaa that ' mt fSMta waUh at artMhw a af Maar it. 000 ta r twa yaasM r hatk Tao waa asMwi Mm mmm by eu-aMartVtt iaaai ia aa briel Isss.lir If. . Ua M Mm MM smmM. H hIi ba portatl h;i th mmm aa cmmMmmmM. M imjhmVI ba mad. OaatMa to l to Ms oMHjM, aowavar, t aa Taa law of iaTa, kggMilggggiliaw w aeaMaaaaa hf the waad Mtat it iafrtamad - rap. af Mm atam. baa atatatw saaa- a Mimtaai of vary ta ah aa m hudy aafuread Mm ' May aaaaMtl Tbay aM aalM aat a saaatn thai avaa ia m a aaw aawrtdiaar Maat mm gaUay MM amy ba oaad Km a .. Jeow Yrk THbaa. Warn 0 Nat Hold OaUa. aMyajria? to Mm Mmv J. H. af mmm iaipaM i aaBmaaj Mm aajsejb) "Cu a wommsl asakoc sbaMa r iMyMa4ma UaaJhr too aatea af of MMaa bear alMhi m laasaMaa ho Ms bin I" CAPITAL JOURNAL DAILY i The atony general in M opinion cairn attenHoa to tft ease of Stato ex rot. ra. Stephen, 29 Or. 4M, page. 473, wbwr the court paose upoa this qao- tten imiV miw f it lit tbe Mgtir. l-SMtbr. tw oirfii ssws Th iwiniXMHm t tbta t )nm wot bn fttn-dt, m f im- M it rofcttw U ootiRtjr -l..i - - . - j-. j wtioti iniiimwCTFwinB. n" " jot. . iMthM of th fKmiMr iwoWwa, and .l -i ,i--i-j iBWOiOrw tM KWWBJOIIP? aCI9IW ksOQ Baseball Magnates. KtrM ! Ky MeDwll bnv lxi dhrwm nmptir9iy ejW m) maiwpfif of tb WUlamU Uid vwrwlnr .Jyiah iiiwtiaH wsm, iwoii Ms had aow4iml4i xfrhnt o tk dla moiwi. ami ars widt qns4lm4 to put owt a. nOfomx mMTstMr owimjr tbw oomiatf mmi, that will h roady to tmi tpmiiliy tmnw of ta olty and md ffhlmfi npj twws. Will Not Defeats oh Airy Nothing. Tim qmidtow! for iWdts wk4ek Wil wimHIu hnM mt)mitMid to l'aIA lot MPolrtk Twn4 hi its roosotmi wlta othT iowsfO torn iTMwd BtMa ahmsbl b mdih d by Um pHMl4s of tin Moa ro iootfimt4. Tho ImdltMllow ai Porwt Orore will bar the rhosco of 4oW, bt tb 4 Imtn H to Iff bH.I la Sakm. Diamoiubt Qe Up la Prlae. DhMNvmm hav noft nn t a mrM t. n. In. In laoath Africa, tmi It mamn ai ihaTinmi's to Oorn. Hm gW In aNac b ban a mrk for her owaaawaimrt rm If m bun Mt basr h half Ism of (tsW, pick bo m am ot fr kw ad - ihO oT at nHtdl fw wmst ttmy Iwf Ma. Tha DtWni d(amHHr trvat M rl,nm,,lwty riymiri ta mtr Km orya tBW tta Mp H sn, Af m y, I MtOararsta mo tak mm MmnV omsi. Tfco wu i- nw. kk. Mi ml , , -. , . -- -,.. ,""-. , mm atowty so cNatb, Mm dtamoad ttova propoaiaf o fomrtwal ay pN4bb or any dlaonl maJkn of aMiclchU d poambSM dsMwoTwry of oth-f IcMa. XXttDLDM ALARM. Mar'M a poor mm eoughlag away ht laasjs at lom. m Us relative tMak. It'i eaagh, roughs baek, haak, hack; II dr awl mhsmUmm all night. "Mm Im coamtmptioa," thiak the Aad af eoarae thara la alws a mm -dblllty that tboy may ba rtgtth, Ht I maat aaooa Mmy- wraagj ha causa DynBafMia Is m maah mora earn mo Mia OoMMMwUaa. Aad Dyaaauaia aaiM ebroie (gh, jttot Ilka PaasMMpMoa. The dysajeaile aaafh, It Is well la re member, mm ba qalealr eared br Mt Mart's Oyapepeia Tablets. Xo mmI to ba aianaa about ll MtlaM yoa make up yaar mlad ia aaglact il. Thaa. ladaad, yoa maat look out for daagers far lha Pyysptta Ooagh oftea grawa lata a ('oaaamMiva Ooagh if agUeled. by lha eaaataat luag irrita Mob which It mmom. lha haat way la ia waate aa time bat bagi at aaea lha m of thaae fa mmm littU lahMta, lha timely m af whirl has Mvad maay a sick praa frem aadiag ta a aaaaaaiaUva's grave. MMBMaber. hawarar, If yoa please, thai ataart'a Pyi-ss-ish Tablet, will pMsMvelr NOT euro Oaaaampiiaa. bat praraat It. Of eaana, I hay oaa always be da paadad aa ta oar all the other ivmp- af laatoaajilaa. They ara a aaivamal eara, for oaa aaivaraal mVomm. They aara aMhiag ohoi hat what they 0o, they taaraafaly aasl waU. Maart'a Dyifiials TahiM. ara the re-alt of the hmM that lavaatt tatUa lata the Immim aaaear aad taa are, af ladtfaallaa. thai has over boa They have solved a problem, the aaewer la whieh a hundred thoaeaad phyaielaas la America are today grop tag fM ia vala. Taay eaM lha maat Mvere, loag eoaUaaed, ehraaia, oaaaalieated rasas of lsdagaatlaa hhai aaa b fad. They ara far ahead af the maat Madera d leal araeltaa, beeaaM the mmm aaeeeM fal ryaiaiaa. of the aay. ia the rare af dwMM af tha eXaaativ argaas. ara aatag aart -s Pyspiysia Tablets as far toeir sassaas. Thay ataaa I ataart ta aaaaaar. Aad ataart's Hft thaa , aat af ia rat If, Metacare, yam are a victim af that a, wMh aaaato ita by lha Millie, braa a aad tk mmmn, .or ywm MM lali M MMM yr MMteM M U mfy pat yav aOU tm laM groat raM. txaarfs Ma Tahlato. tr Maativay, twaiOy, traiy, a ra aad MatMaaawt raUaf. Try Mmu Baah: aa Djmn fraa. Aadraas V. A. aaaart Oa., Marshall, Mm. o BmtM Vutrs tf - T iXV.S-.aV- RilMrisKewlhlaBMt oz&mz& SALEM, OBEQON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1006. MO'IIIIiR AND CHILD. Let the mother take Scott's Emulsion for the two; it never fails to benefit them both. One can eat for two, but nour ishing two is a different thing. It calls for a de gree of internal strength that the average woman lacks. People of luxury arc not very strong by habit; overworked people are weak in some func tions from exhaustion or thcirstirroundings. Scott's Kmulsion can be depend ed upon to overcome such conditions. It is a won derful food for a mother and child. SCOTT A MOWKE, 4 Vtktl fcrttt. Xtw Yotlu No Mere fer Orandpap. A wt'ro Most hl mffor in la. Mm habit of nVlvortMn; rrecablr got a rrrrr ad-wrllor to Ix Hp a fow am for it, amr Mm ruwiilt wan a grmi imtraaoa of bnoiaoM. Tha adrwrftor axprxUtl to be compismoMsd on bis mteaort, bttt ttm torch ysr mddi "Tbls adrwtk ing mimt Mop. Wo ara all boi; work oil to dtMtk Mi Mm atora, aad I for om haw hal awoairk of It." Kbodw laland AffrarMaar, o You foal tks llfo-girlag aarrsat the miauta yoa lake It. A gaatta aootklag warmik ills lk aarvas ad Ma4 witk Hf. It's a raal ptaaaars ta tabs Xfol lidsr'a Hoeky Maiala Toa. M eat. I -a or labmta. Dr. Momi'a Drag Stora. Cheap Hay W bar a faw Utaa af slaver hy to abeH oat, aad wiH Ilea hi par ehvr, ami It move, rN ami mi rmspaayaaBT a aaay eeaSVTp Mill Feed H leialur w are tho btrgeot deal at ia tho city in tho food lia. By bayinsj ia tho hargaot laM wa Meure Mm mwom aaah price, aad our cue tamani got Mat baaaelt. Who rdy to order taa axt timo, eM aad sea us. We eaa .. ytt my aad giva you the t food oa lha market. D.A.WHITE&SON rtCDMEN and SCCDMtN Tuulur anil IW. SuppllM. 255Com'l Phone 160 Liberty Store FOR YOUR HBNI Oyatar sheila. Oil Braa, aad lbaat Arwaa ba4. 05r Par aaak. r E. W. SMITH, Prop Low Prices Fot Good Gtoczties I box W bars good soa jjq-, 7 ea loaMtoM 50( f aaaaaara 5Q4 1 ca a oil gaed skeaol.u. .5 I eaw ad ifilin 25 1 ia srniaMs 50( I a aattb) (Maw, as, ataaa. 15 htoas) asaU rtoa, par paaad . . . . 5 T HMM MMd bM 26 A. L. Harvey Flaa Oroecrls. CORNBR COURT AND mOH ST4 Tins IS TID3 FLOUR THAT TOOK THE TWO MEDALS SSSw Trademark. Ererr per-on shoulA leara jttst wkat the red paekatc looka like and the eooHowy la ttslns; Alloa's wlf rising 11. II. B. JTonr. It U the most mitri-Urn)- blad of ! that on ba nr4e. Yon know that oaay dlgostloa aad perfect asetmilathjn of food Is neces sary for food health. Any per oaa dageat hot griddle cake Boat Manias, Boston Brow Breadi or Fmll Podding mado from otir blend of para food Hoar, and the slat plMty la maklag It tip aad the Mxwr. AHee of having it jast right, every time, should ba eonaidarad. Ask yew grocer for it an If he Is out of it sead his name to us and we will supply yott witk a sample pack as ttf. Grocer who study your wel fare and their own profit, will supply you with these goods at all times. ALLBN'H B. B. B. FLOUK CO. raciflc Coast Factory, San Joeo, Oal. OIVB BAR UXTO WIB COUNSRL. If sarlog daltars la a hobby of yours, buy groeerie hero, aad let a eacour- ago the hobby. Thaae price would not ordinarily buy the quality they reprs seat. Baker. Lawrence & Baker HtMCMMrs to Harrltt k Lawronaa SHOE SALE y raw ih anoas tor man ra in arte. No old Mock. Cloa. lag oat ktdlM' tho. Now'a your caaaca. JACOI VOQT, OpiHMlt Pattoa Bros OREGON SHOJrTlilNg am UNION PACIHE ThiM Tralas ta Ua B&H Dally. Through ltUmaa standard and tohrtst aleepiag ears daily to Olympla, CUmro, Spokaaai tourist sieepiao Mrs daUy to Kas Cltyj through PallMaa touriat sWtfdag aars (per. Uy soadweted) weekly U Chlea gl recltaiag shair aars (seats free) t the Katt dally. 70"" HOUR! , 7ft VeLAcLV.eft60U BW1 TIME SCilBDULM rrom Am' mwvt,or. 1 Lk it. Dmitw. Vt gnt w sa ttmh. twiUiJ iU9 "TSiaUe" sUkm a- u tUrtooT mtea V l-U, ?ana. o-. ft, iLu.a... T:Us,b uU'SMt TTKaT uu w eekuic. Wu J Sff! "Matt.vrtlwiakeJ I "ww, in ni IVf ' lafomatiaa ask or writs yar BMrstt tieket agent, or A. L. CRAIQ, , Qeaeral PsMeagcr AgeaU Tha Orsgaa R.Ura.d k Narigatloa C, PorUaad, Oregaa. If lif el J Htmai-lanea LoiCIT L aaa A. L. FRASER Cornice Work, Heating and Estimates Made and Murphy Blk Salem, Oregon Couison's Egg Food Is a combination of the bt f for hens, oarofully put to-MW' mako a properly balancej rati, J effcot of feeding this food ont t r will bo a material lnprM. t- .. ' - M. output. You should get 200 Eggs from Each Hen Hvery year If you have the right h$ of hens and use Couison's Egg j. No matter what kind of Lns, tlJ!i they will soon lay more prs ttitku food, " Tillson & Co. 151,161 High Street Phone Main 139 Patronise Your Home la dtfstflcs and keep your moa ey at home. Not a now business, but the old bli smith, wagon and paint atop of Jag k Arthur vory much onlarged. We i prepared to do all kinds of fancy pilat. lag, slfrn painting and buggy, eirritgi and wagon painting; repainting aad . pairing furnituro and musleal Iiutrs ments, A flrst-clnoo painter employ!. Light and heavy wagons and bsfgfM on hand and undo to order. Work Mllod for la any part of the city &4 returned free of ebargobyO. W.JoVu or William Crow. JACOB A ARTHUR. I'bono 14t3 Mdn. 2t3 N. Freat 8'- OMtf YOUR MEALS Will always be right if you get them at the White House Restaurant GEORGE BROS. Proprs. Phena Main 2421. Btits Btreet 9awawmtimmaM4 Gold Dtist Flotir . . . Mado by THE SIDNEY P0W En COMPANY, Sidney, Oro gon, Mado for family use, Aik your groeer for It Draa and horta tlwayi on hand, P. B. Wallace AGENT 9m99m TifBRB'S SOMETIIIN, DOIN" Alway ai oar yard ia eupp'j btuldara wihk blah erada lumtrr i all purposM. We oarry at all times fail Moak of the best kiln dried 1vd bM, Moariag, laths, shingles, etc 0rl M ftUad Msantir at tulaaa that . oompMliMa. Near S. P. depot, Phoaa 52. QOODATJ5 T.TTMBER C Wm rr,-g:;-J m FRENCH FEMALE OPILLS. ItiHisiOrfiTerAii. iwt 1 u & 1 , j , UiJtfit Mf1 umnimcici co.. t. imcti. p- Sold la Salest by S, a Stone. PLUMBING TINNING AND ROOFING, I Building Work of all Kinds; Work Guaranteed State St. Phone 1511 'MaaglW -- " a9- PHONE 218. mm