WWWWWMCM'fl j paff TT?""?!P',i",f."il "W ',fmifi cs'w"?""1' 'f l " 1 - jut. i nr-v DAILY OAPITAI. JOTONAIs .8AU3M, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAllOH 7, 1900. EECHAM'S PILLS are the best remedy for a deranged ctomach. They arc a safe and gentle laxative; a reliable cure for obstinate Constipation, Bilious Attacks, Sick Headache and all disorders arising from a weak Di gestion, sluggish Liver or clogged Bowels. Bcccham's Pills Give Quick Relief and are a world-famous medicine for the cure of these prevalent complaints. Their cost is a trifle; their usea duty. For your health's sake, insist on Bcccham's Pills. They do more for your body than any other remedy. Known and used by hundreds of thousands all over the globe. Sold Everywhere In Doxtt, 10c and Sflo. CHEAP LABOR IN ITALY I th women of M years and under ekow ) a hlyker averaa. Taking 100 per cent of W(Mhn worker In tambardy In all Hues, 41.lt per crnt are between 16 sad 20 year of atfe. 44.5 per cent between 20 and M, 12 per rent between 86 And 58 and l.P per rent over 66. Cental Dunning of Milan. PRINCESS PAULINE 1HETTERNICH Letter to Mothers All Salem Women Should Bo Interested In This Letter. Mr. C. W. Stump, of Cautea, Okie, write "I wfwk I eeuld Induce every mother who kas a weak, sickly eklld to try tkat delieieue eed liver prepare lion, Vled. Our little daugkter wm pale, thin and aiekly. SkV bad no ap petite and no ambition. Tnktnjr. for example, girls under 18 years of age, it appears that in facto iU In Lotnbir5y outplaying 80 eper ih a or 1m they number M per cent ti the total numlK? of persons oh the pAj roll and rer Ive ar average wag f 11 Amerlmn oott m day. In fac- twirs employing from M to 100 opw Mrru the per eentage of girls wader 15 jwirs of nge Ia J7, wltk an nvarage nily wage silgktly 1m than the other awe a little over 10 rent. In fee terii employing front 104 te 000 ap Mature Pr cat are girU under 18 tiers old, wltk an average wnga of early IS aents per day. Where more tsan BOO opera tlvea are employed the umber of tkeee Wing, of coarse, naslt the percentage of girls under tfjrsrs U 31; and their average, eara lafpt are 14 cauls a day, Tkue In Italy tt terms that tke larger factories offer ike let eoaditlona for yanng girls and fite steadier lalor and are not skut nra to many daya in a year aa tke nuilfr skopa. Incidentally, tke eel tea adt ay bolter wagoa to girU tkan wevaii ta me UK HMtaurasiHring in-. dauqutjir Of a "W. stuvii. mf l'er mature women tke eat- nWe ttA various Medtelae. Ma nulla y from SO to Ml eeata perlWu-t aatv benefit whatever, aad ike Air, tkeee beta tke beet prl fr ' could not take cod Hvor ell or emul aal lsber la factories. Tke average !, m tkey nauseated ker and upset BttNttar of daya of labor for wkiak her dtomaok, "wnea m LembarUy are paid la a yearl Learning that Vlael contains all MSiS for tke textile laduetrlee wker o, medicinal and atreeetk areatlng h or taem are engage, northern properties f eed liver all, bat wltk hfcy glve ateadler employment tkaa t tke naueaatlaff a ml system-eleg. lie Koutk, Women tobaeee workers la j. W0 deeded' to try It, aaA tka reealta wero man'Oleaa. We loved to Utlce and It save ker a kearty appetite Wwiv bat lnlardy get aboat S00 days a yenr an average wage of aat mask ever V reals a day. an to tke average dayj's wages, 111 fetwt of wemea workers earn sama to tka eqaal of 18 aaata a day; 30.4 r seat earn from 18 U SO eeataj 48.7 K eont earn from SO U M eeata, and HI per eeot eara from 90 ta 40 eeata. IV rpareaatege of women wka eara ah tkaa 40 reals a iny U only S.I i domeate ervaata are klred at S3 to f5 per maatk. German girls faewQ s Npariar eoaks aad1 wlds --ra as mueb ulf i maatk. .Ml sluve iigMrea apptj' to Imbrdy I' Migatiup, I sw informed. Ml- au M.at m the kirae faetaries tke ar art of tke women are not over where tkey H - wh ile in the enwtller fnrtories Free Pre. tko eeWr retaraed ta ker akeeka aad k) Is atroagr aa4 la better keidtk than eke has been tor years. A member of tke 0. W. Pataam Oa. Myst "We have never sold a medfaiae In ear atore, ewal to Ylaol far paay ektbWea, weak etd feepta, alakly wa ma aad ekitdre. AVky dea't yew try it aa ar gvaraateef" 0. W, Pataam Oo DraggMa, Salem, Oregoa. e- ' ' Ilia Taste. "Whet la tke real eearet of tke art ef hanging ptetareet" naked tke wdy with tke lorgnette. "Tke real terret,' said tke artiat, ' tlii in bum mint a tkeia ia tlui umitM - n "- ------ - - - cr ----, lon't Ahow.' Detroit OUR Wall -:- Paper Will beat close inspection and criticism. The very large stock we cairy makes it an easy matter to select, even though, it be for an entire House. A Vienaeee eorreepoadent of a Ber lin papers sends the followiag Interest ing remlnleeenee of a woman wka onee filled a large pae ia tka pablia eye: "Wilkin a few weeks tke Prineees laallne Hetternlek wiU kava paesad tke Allot el epaa of three score ymta and ta Priaeeos lanllne, oft ldaarre nad aneoaveatlonal, always sprightly amiable, fall of new Idee, aad today stlU Vleaaa's society qneea, Jaet aa ske kas been for the past twenty years. From time to time there have not bean lacklag tkoee wko liked ta make fan of this arlatoeratle manager of Vb eaaa melety. bat nevertheless the Anal reealt of her eatertaiameats,' baaaara, rte.. has been that in the eoaree of time, ske ha been able to distribute 4,000, 0W kronen oat of tke profits among the poor of Vienna, aad witk ker ser- eatietk blrtkday sae will begin witk tke fiftk million. In tke Princes Paal ine tkero M aa iaexkaaatlble, aataral Jollity aalted wltk asoaadaad kealtky kamnn sympathy, sad wltkoat ker VI eaaa society certainly weald Iln4 life a grat deal mare monotone. Till 1S70 ske was a recoiralaed leader ef Parieiaa society, jaet as eke Is of s clety kere today a rale, kowever," wklck like certainly had to skare wltk tke brilliant yoang empreea. Tke em prees igoale now, at M years of age, la a reeigaed aad weary gray haired old laey, while Princes Paallae, at 70, U still fall af yoatkfal vigor. Tke emprees and tke princess ware tkoee wko set tke feekloM la tke frolicsome, gay Paris of tke tklrd Xspoleoa, often giving very free reins o tkeir gayety aa expreeeed la tkeir aew Ideas, "Ma rame la Priaecase" might be seea at tka wild bear kaat, riding elegantly aloag tke Itote do llelogne, dining in tka rertaaraat or la ker salon where popalar lady siagers weald appear ta eatertala tke gMMta all meet asiea laklag aadi almost aakeard af ikdagn la tkoM days. Hat la addition to all tkls ske Hill found time ta attend tka reg al r Monday receptions of tke empress aad tke emperor, ike saeoeeded la ob taining tko friendly asseat af tke Utter for tke performance of tke ejwa of oao of ker maslcal preteges, altkaagk tke composer aad bis work were tta ly naknowa. Tka maa was a certain IMckard Wagaer, aad Ids epera was called "Iokeagrla.'1 Pxlacesc Paallae bad tka satUfactioa ot seeiag ker wiak carried oat bat oa that kliterieal first aigkt a atarm of dlaipraval broke over tka werk, aad tke prlaeees was In tka klgkeet degree earaged at tke seaa daloaa sceae. "Ia five aadi twenty years Wsgaer wilt be applaaded la Paris," eke delard or leaviag tka opera how, Paah. loaaaUir, '0' Twenty YearA' Trial. There are lota of good things tka due tars know nothing aboat. Wa fro atanUy ewre people of disease after tka doctor have given tkem nti. If tka disease cemas from overwork, dis sipation or xpire, eaaeiate a weak and watery bla4 sad lass af Meek aad strength, we have the ojm eara remedy la Dr. Onaa'a liloed aad Nerve Teaie. Tkee taldeto kakvea witk meek tarn te food lata riek red Meed, making ttroag, steady nerves aad iaereaaiaf tke strength, prodaeiag vUd fieak at tke rate af 1 ta S ike fr weak. This Means With. Draagiies sell Dr. Ouaa's lUoad aad Kerve Toala for 78a per box or 3 kaxea far It. Yw aervoaa peeetration, lose of m emery, or a pale, e&liew eompiextoa, a belter red was aver wade. Doctors kaew natUag aboat this remedy aaly tke fact that we make aorea, wkiak we have beaa doing far M years. COAL IN CROOK COUNTY R view Tells of Valuable Dis coveries of a Good Bit uminous Coal Nineteen miles dae north of Prine vttle, st the head of Hay creek, a smelt Wand of men ia at work developing, or at bnt 4roapeetiaK, tke bitamlaoita eaal -Nsrovery meatioaed last week. A great .lost of Information coald be given- concerning tke Had If tke promot er were of a talkative dtspeeitioa; bat tkey teew it beat to keap tkeir secrets ant II suck time aa tke permanency or oeatlnulty of reins shall hare beea es tablished. MeeJdea, It is aot desirable tc ksve a crowd of prospectors locat ing end otherwise disturbing tke men nt their work Thl mack eaa bo given, tkeugki Tke principal vela kas already beea an- eeverr.l for nearly 100 feet, aad tke seam so far Is distinctly bilamtaeas, la becoming thicker aad is eaatlaueaA. There is a total abeeaae of pyrites, or salphnr. wklck ie a good featare, as aaal rnataiaiag aaipkar Is wartklses far commercial purpose. Tke coal Is be ing need oa tke ground for cooklag mr paeea aad ramp fires aad Is said te be tke beet ever. Tke land containing tke scams kas beea filed upon for purvkaec sad tke purekeee will probably be eonsuiinnwt etl witkia tke regalatloa period af (M daya. ladieatlouM kavs beea uaeartk ad npoa six ejaater sections all la a line and enek of tkeee ia taken. If any farther discover ie are made It U prababss that tkey will be filed upea Immediately, aa It la tke diepeeitlon af tka locator to dMteiefie tka wkole dis trict If coadltloaa are faund ta war rant It, Titles to tke lands will be vested la Individual wko kavs farmed a earn mny wklck will be laearparated shortly- I.lgnttle feature la tka mala seam, wklck were promiaoat la tka entcrtip dnga, disappear eatircly aa tke shale eeverlng fartkar ta Is rceaaved, tka coal beeeming entirely bttwminaas and ef goail aemtaarcial valee. Aacertalaiag tka oentlalty aad parmaaaacy la a matter af development, wkiak Is (ro grewdng as fasti aa tke weather will permit. Ilia ground is so maddy that lumber cannot be keeled jaet now to balk! beakers, aad aa there U ao ab ject la removing tke coal wltkout a piece ta stare, it la roaetructed, Utile w being taken from tko seam, tke proe- peetara aaataatiag tkssnielvaa witk tak ing off tka eapeeek aad driftjag lata tke kill aaaVr tke seaea. wkiak ia five feet la tMelHHMte. VaW fftN'oraWe transportation so iMUase mainly, tke advaat af a rail road tkls' disaavary will peava ta be oae af Greek eewuty's meet valuable assets. Wkftn tapped by a railroad tke ladaetry af miaiag tke aaal will be af the kltjksst mafjBitude and give ploymaat ta msaay kaadreda af aad balag a waalrk producer beyoml the draaass of avarice. Priaesrille Me- i w. Wc Arc Out For Business AND VE OET IT. REASONS ARE PLAIN. WE HAVE OUB OWK 1 ORINDINa riiANT. VE USE ONLY rmSTTLASS LENSES. WE CARRY ONLY FIRST-OLABS MOUNTINGS AND FRAMES. OUR EX rERIBNOE IS Or 88 YEARS PAST WE ARE GRADUATES OF TIIE BEST OPTICAL SCHOOLS IN NEW YOllK, OinCACO AND THILA. DELPHIA; rOST-ORADUATE OF REST SCHOOLS IN NEW YORK CITY. OUR METHOD IS NEW, OUR INSTRUMENTS ARE THE LAT- EST AND COSTLIEST, OUR TESTS ARE ACCURATE AND QUICK LY MADE, AND OUR PRIORS ARE THE LOWEST. ENDORSED BY THE MOST PROMINENT PHYSICIANS OF THIS COUNTRY. OUR "KEEP STRAIQItT" EYE GLASSES AND NEW MODEL "SURE ONS" ARE THE BEST MADE, AND WILL NOT COME OFr IN WARM WEATHER. BIFOOLE LENSES OF T1D3 NEATEST AND BEST MAKE. NEXT TIME YOUR BYES NEED ATTENTION COMB TO US, WE ARE BBPT PREPARED TO GIVE YOU TROPER ADVICE. " g g a i a o i uici!. ii. iimges I New Jewelry nnd Optical Store 1 23 Commercial St. Next to Capital National Banfc KmBrnmammammmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmammmm I State News O. A. C. basket ball men won from tke Dalle team Friday eveatag by n seare ef 17 to 11. Tke Itageae klgk sckoel basket ball learn will play against tke Cklaage Meteors Wedaesday cvealag. Tke Utt'stara team are eka widen players ami have dayed M games, hmlng aaly ! VHrS 4t91sswcc John AckeeeM, a graduate af Allmay College, w4M graduate from Ike tkeo- btgleal seminary at Allegkeay, 1., tkla saiiunsr. fUwtig wkiak ka will ga ta Part llreu, Mick., where ke kas aaeapted a call aa peeler aftke United Praebyterlaa ekureh. Wsgle Oreak, Clackamas county, kas bee la tke tkroea of a eMpklkeria epl demia tor nearly two meatks. Tko pubile sckaoM are eiesed. Joffersea Is having aa epidemic af mump. A committee kaa beea appelated ta teok after tke water supply. Promi aoat rltlseas are Interested aad several lya will be taken ta looking over tke situation aad proposed sources of tke aew water supply. Tko Distinction. Correspondent ll a safe gases, sen ator, Isn't it, tkat a fairly decent rato bill will AAS. Itmlasnt 8talemaH0, yesj It's n safe eneugk gaees, but 1 wouldn't can elder It a safe gamble, n Tortnro by Savages. "Speaktag af tka terturo la wkiak same af tke savage tribes In tke Phil ippines subject tkeir eatlves, remind me af tke Intense suffering I sndured far tkree meatks from laAauMaallea af tka kidstoys," myn W. M. Sherman, of Ouftklag, Me. "Jfatkiag helped ma until I tried Kleclrlc Hitters, tkrea bet Ilea af wkiak completely eared me," Cures liver complaint, dyspepsia, blood diearders aad malaria aad re store tke weak aad nervous to robust kealtk. Oaaraateel by J. 0. Perry, drugadet, Belem, Oregan. Pries, 0a. ' o m Ioblenutioal, "Mie Keekaa, If I skauld call soma evening arat week mlgkt T expect ta find you at kerne' "Wky, tkat would would depend upon whdker or not I kwew wkat ov ening vwi were coming, Mr Tklxkall. No Operation1 Mrs. Mnllndn Akcrs, of Bnshnin, Vn,, writes: "I had what doctors call 'prolnpso,' nnd couldn't stand straight. I had nln In my buck and shoulders, and was very Irregular nnd profuse. Doctors said nn operation was needed, but I couldn't bear the thought of the knife. After tak ing three bottles of Wine of Cardul, I could walk around. Can now do my housework and am in splendid health." Girdui is a pure, vegetable, medicinal essence, esrvcially adapted to cure women's diseases. It relieves excessive periodical pains, regulates irrcguiuriiies, ana is n At tka Wvmsm's Osaa, Mva. Way How sweetly eaateated Mrs. Itjeavk kaaksd Mrs. lerawue Yea, did yea sae ker ki.uk tkat little Maa. Weatkecavy Just n..wl slnmerville JoarasJ. TheHOUSE FURNISHING CO 177 liberty Street. The Store that Pleases Colonist Rates Commencing February 15th, and continuing daily to and Including April 7th, and from September lflth until October 31, 1906, colonist tiok eta wlH be sold from the East to ail points on Oregoa line via. Portland, FoPowing ratea from Omaha, Nob., 35; Council Bluffs, la., K; Kansas City, Mo., I3C; Denver, Cola; tf; St. Joseph, Ma, f2S; St Louis, Mo., ISO; Chicago, 11L, $33. If you dasira you can mako doalt with agents and tickets wHl be furnished your friends In the East A. L. CRAIQ, td Geoeral P&sseager Agent. SHOE SALE My stock of shoe duaod 1b price lag out ladies' efcanae. for mob re- No old Heck. Gtos thees. Naw's your i safe, pleuaant and re liable remedy for all sick women. In suc cessful use for over 70 yesrs. Tr' it. rilEE ADVICE WnM w MH UuMUt M yr trwjiuwi. J mM m4 IW AMp, Ie sMa rWM fmt Atmttt; lMr 'A4vtMy IVfwMlcai TttCMHmiwHlt(t( u.,1 twiu At Svery3rLj Gtore in 1.00 Bottles. &wmj OF JACOB VOQT, Opposite Patten Bros. HOLLtSTEft'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A. Buy XfrJMs U Suy Fsl. Brfift GsUta HtsM sal Bi 7tfr. X tpfita tor Oouimu., iBdiiMUes. Lite um! KUwr Troatitae. HouiMa. KeMOM. Iimut Wool Had Snath Muxt&h BowrU. UiicL aad Rtctwtut Ji'eK . r HouaMm To Is UU Ut fvna 5 oesTa b x ttrautas mad lf Uoluvtm Dsco (ionrui, MJUoo WU, GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPa. Notice We have some farms to rent, ckiskea rsaakea to sell on installment fdaa. Also boee and lota. If you have property to sell or rent call and see as. If you srant to bay any kind of property or want a loan on real estate or notary work of any kind. If yos wast kelp or irant work of any kind call and reg ister your wants in our employment agency. Wo have W acres of fine Itnd soath east of depot to rent or sett la tracts ef 5 or 10 acres, witk payments of $2 or $10 down aad IS per aoatk until paid out 6 per cent interest scad-asaaally, R. R. RYAN & Co. La Huie Wing Sang Co.j nig sale new llae Furnish lag Oooda. We wake up all kinds of wrap para and wklte underwear and silk waists, kliaonas, dressing gowns, silk and wool aad cotton dress goods, Keats' and ladle furnlsklag goods, pants, coats, underwear, shirts, shoes, overalls, blanketa, under, silk skirts, dresa skirts, lace embroidery, heae, waUlnn, trunks, china ware, handkerchiefs. All kinds goods sew oa sale ekeap. Want room. Chinese and Japanese Bazaar 345 Court St., By Alley Oregon Salem. JfsiSfiiKJ? i III ' T QLfl W Jcwclty Goodness Wo buy from the beat manufac turers. It la our Intention to aell the highest grade of jewelry. If a ring, a pin, a watch or any or. tiole of jewelry whatever goes from hero which Isn't aa repre sented, we are here to give satis faction to make amends. We want your jewelry trade we aaall try to deserve It C. T. POMEROY Jeweler and Optician, 318 State St. a