mm Ji ywji ,y "fw i TTTipTWt'f- "wammmmmmWtlllmmmm BHWKWBByWIHHW fAIB TONIOHT AND THURSDAY; PROBABLY LIGHT FROST TONIOHT TWO EDITIONS DAILY AT 23fr PAttT 0 A PTT ALJQffRN AL W1- SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7Um. " ' P.-M. AND 400 M. COAL iSEATTLE MINING . - HAS CLOSE LAST OF A GOOD SOLDIER HORSES BURNED TO DEATH DUBOIS FIRES A BLAST SCOTT MAKES A KICK PROBLEM ELECTION Operators Will Not Reco&nfze Moore for Mayor Elected upon Union but Will In crease Wages incmunicipaiuwner' snip Ticket New York, March 7. Tbe Mb , srftteo of anthracite operators, oenelr ring the demands of tke minors, is net likely to end its work before tke ond of the week. It is understood the eub committee Is composed of railroad pres idents. Baer and Wileox. find 1ms full pernor. It nation is problematical, but it is practically r-erraln tlie operator will flatly reject tke demand for lull Sohwab recognition of the union, and tko do or t for the institution of the "chock oft'' system in the nnthraclto region Seattle, March 7. In tke closest etcecten ever bold in Seattle, Moore, ftMMfate for mayor en tke municipal ownership tieket, wen by 16 veto. A recount la threatened. Out of IS coon oilmen It Itepuhttnans nre probably Washington, March 7.-Tke body of tke into General Sehofteld was "buried this afternoon with foil military lien or. Tke President and tke highest governmental officials participated in the sen-ices. Reported Dangerously Slok. Okienge, Marek ".There are ru mors on LaSalle etrete tkis morning of It is likelv It wilt grant tke demand , tl, n,RW o Ckarlos M. Sekwub, tkat for an increase vf v. iges, and nt'et tbe kit condition is alarming, and ke Is increase with a higher price for coal, .likely to die. At Gales' office it was announced tht a telegram had been re- AGAINST CHINESE COMING Fresno. On!., Marek 7.-Tklrty-Avc yuug draaght korses burned to death In a Are which feotroyed the stable at the Fresno City Hay Market, at 4 o'clock this morning. Two employes warny escaped witk tkfelr lives by Jwpg. Three hundred Um of bay were iicetroved. The lose is $18,000. They Want Wawlly. New York, Marek 7. The Philhar monic society is negotiating to make a eelred from Oates denying the rumors. e New York, Marek 7 Passenger bg contraot witk Waselly Sefaoff, Tn,M Mnnger John Sebastian, of the held of the Moecow conservatory, to "" "wta the conduct the society for two or three """ ornoen i " to- Mrs, ' F"rfc " " weawao ne was very a- - ' nd "ft not xpeoied to live ' ' th teiul.. Ma .Jul 4 .La """a" " "a- ' iiw mc Bridge for Keroa, Pittsburg, Pa., Marok 7. The Ameri Ma Bridge CemjHiny has received eon tracts from tke Japanese government iJer 14.000 tone of structural steel for the construction of bridges in Man thvria and Korea. rirod on Uio Crowd. Madrid, Spain, Marek 7. Four kun- 4el unemployed laborers bosleged the Birtpal butliMtiK At Frags, The o lice lired, killing four and wounding WMSl. effect that Sohwab is received here. dead have beea Denver, Marok 7,Sehwub is quite well, according to autbeatk reports here, and will reaoh Santo Hoes, New Mexico, tomorrow, Topeka, Kan., Marek 7. According to tko superintendent of tke Heck Island, of tkln city, Sckwab was mach better when he left Santa ltesa, X, M this afternoon. CHICAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE At Salem's Headqtate.t s fot SILKS 118,000.00 WORTH OP THK MOST nBAUTIPUIi BILKS THAT WAS SVBtt SHOWN IN SALBM, from all parts of the worW, They sparkle with Bewauu aad toauty. Sevoral of tho sw aro oxelusivo and sot Awm by any othtT house in Salem. Wo bavt hko TepataUoa ski being Satan, 's Bilk St-itws, and we will prove 'that awe oaolHeiery this soasoa. The priceH are as low as you eaa buy them la New York or OMeago. Read Waaktoptoa, March 7. Nearly 400 petition have beea received by Itepro eatotlve Jailor Kska of OallforHla. foromoet In the ght atmlNst tke amen laf of the pfeeeaf Chinese oxolwdeu laws, HrgiMg that everything possible be done to prevent aay eaariM la the existing laws. lt a proud day for the San Francisco set or when ho fathered tho Mil when It woo enacted Into law omo yearn nj, aad thereby broovht about his defeat at the next eogres- eal eltotlea at the QoMoa Oato olty. He wmt rotorned whoa the wisdom of tho mw became apparent to hm eon Mimeata and, how from alt along the one, In Oregon audi Washington, m well as k Oatlfornia, coma letters np. proving Ms oowrse. Th4 m tho reply be has sent to many of the labor otgaalaatlons that have seat petition to hlmt "I am Ming all of the petition in the hoaae of representative aa rapidly aa the' come. You may rest assured that wo will do all wo eaa to preveat any Weak in tke erietlng exclusion law. liar myself, I am more than lad that tke petition are coming In so rap idly, I look uoh It as a personal via dleatlou, 'The preuoHt exelosten law la the one that waa eaaetedi oh April M, lMt That hi the law which tho people of California do not want repealed. It is tke very la wwklok Andrew Purtmok and Hdward J. Llveruask ok I mod was no exeJwolea kw at all. It k the name law concerning wklok tkoy atUokod me ao tnMy and o Utterly. A I sUU-1 before those petition are myvindloal tloa," . WILL SELL COAL Wnohkfto., Mareh 7.-ke kouse to day pasted a Mil aMborlaing Taft to soil from tho military Mores at Pert Davis, Alaska, sack amount of coal as Is aoeeeaary to relieve suffering. Tells Wall Street Shark Some Plain Truth in Few Words (Four O'Oleek Hditien.) Washington, Marek T.-Seootor Du bole, of lentko, has received a letter from Fred W. Perry, of Now York, pro testing against te senator's views agalnet tko Philippine tariff. Perry k a member of tke stock exchange, ami an investment broker. Dubek answered Mm by saying! "1 notice you belong to a gambling Joint la New York, and I imagine you know nothing, andi oare nothing about the producers of this country, so long no you can Jeda la rob bing them." Another Commissi in Without rower. Wuahlugtoo, March 7. Tho Preddeat today seat a message to congress say In he had signed the TtUman-OiUee-pie resetutka demaMMng an Inquiry In to railroad discrimination and monop oMee of coal and oil. Ho said he boo Ikied becaaeo tho resolution, as pesaed, aehkved little or nothing. He aska ad tHtkftal legMation, provkoing money to carry oa tko Investigation and to provide for tko compulsion of witnesses to attend and answer pteetlene, and, to state denaitsly wkat Ike com ml salon may do, and now far it may go. He urges also tho poss4Me Ineetupatllrillty of such InvosUKnUon and criminal pro ceedings. i WHEAT P110SPE0T8 OOOD. Cereal Showa an Well aa Wheat Last Year in Lase County, NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS Thinks the Courts Could fix Rate but the Commis sion Could not WaoWngteu, March 7. Senator Scots, of West. Vlrtfwia, Is the senate thk afternoon, spoke, deals ring ho waa opposed to Riving the Interstate com meree eemmkeiea power to fix a eon tooted ralo without A provision In tho not for a broad general court review. He took she position that rato rcgula Uon was a ffcrm of gevernmoat owner ship. Ho sofcr ho reoognked tho de mam for rato regaktlos, but wouM have it rostrioteA MOO ydo. 30o KAI KAI CRYSTAL CORD WASH SILKS, all eolors, yd SSc KKMj yK INDIA SILK8, Wt quab H?; will wash llk Bnudiaa, all sWa,y Wc MOO yVte. 75c DOMBSTIO PONGEE SILK, pkia aad aBr, all shadee, yi 48c 1 IMPORTBD RAJAH PONOBB SILKS, taa, ercaai, gray aad it, yd 60 S6 WABHABLB HABUTIA SILKS HINDI PONOBB AFGHAN SILK at all prices, from 49 yd i 08AKI RAW S1LK8 at all price 5 CRHPB DR CITTNR AND 7Sc HKAVY BLACK TAFPBTA SILK, yd 4i 1.4 PANOY PLAID M0IR8 SILK, yd eS Mk FANCY DRBSS SILKS, y4 Wtat4 7oo 1.M SCOTCH OliAN PLAID SIIJvS, yt)....6e, Ht and UM $IM lEBAVY BLACK PBAU DB SOIB SILKS, beautiful, bMreus qualioy, yV 8o 85o FANCY FLOWBRBD DRAP BRY SILKS, yd 59c TUB FAMOUS K0O IRISH SILK POPLINS sold today for $1.35 yd. 500 yds. LINING SATINS, all ol- ora oad qualities fro 48 yd. up A Kidnaping Case. Now York, Marok 7. Antonio Hoc anal, aged 14, son of a private Italkn banker, who was reported aa kidnaped and hold for ransom of $4,000, re trat4 hoNU) thk worn tag. Detective are iavootlgUng the elroumttanoes. (Daily Bagoao RogUtor.) ttsrmora ooiaing into toa state that there k ovary ovldoawo throughout the county that shore will bo as muck wheat, If not more, barvsMod next full no but. Wheat roaahed she top price kH September whoa Lane county farmers wara paid 70 coots a bushel and far mors who hoM rholr grain for a higher price loot moaoy, aa maay of them are 41 posing of tikir supply now at 00 oonu. Hut tho amount of wheat that is riMl la thk seellea now is not near so much as a few years back. Hop protlwotktr has kkon tho pkoo of raking wheat. Other grain 4 farm products are So Says J. Ogden Armour to Uncle Samuel's Special Examiner (Four O'Cleck Bdltlon.) Chicago, Mnreh 7. T. M. ItaWrtson, eokI oxamlnor la the Imreau of ear poratkM, tsoilAed In the packers' ease tkk morning tkat J. Ogden Armour refused to disckse tke n (fairs of Ar mour ie Company, because ke did; sot "believe It aay of the government's business, nn they Incorporated for ooh venlenoe, ami merely for private fami ly booinese." Tho boy said he bad beea irivoa nothing to oat during hk Imprison-1 being pkateri la tho samo proportion moat. He said bo eoawd whoa hU thk year as last aad th farmoro kok m . - j euptofu left tho room. Serleiw fer tho IndependeRk. ' Topoba, ICa, Mtireh 7-Tho actku of tho railroads entering thk state, Ih tkoMing to dkconUnuc transporting crude oil at tho rates named In tho nMuhmum freight rato kw eaaetod by the state kgtskturc a year ago, has caused coaotornalloa among the inde pendent reflnoro of thk state. Tho railroaaV ekohuo that tba rate named In the kw are discriminative sad eon nooatory, and that they would lose money should they transport oil at Ft HfWrvr The maximum freight rato kw was one of four enacted by the Kaneee leg kkture aStrlng the height of tho anti Standard Oil Company arusade a year ago, aa4 has ben the most serviceable of tho four. It cut the freight rates en oil squarely H ture anl onaldod the In dependent trotkieers to dnd a market for tkoir low grade r fuel oil. It also aanblet) tho Independent refiners to mar ket their product on a partly with the Standard Oil Company in Kansas. Ileth the state reHuery kw ami the act mak ing oil pipe linos common carrier have nlieudy beim nVwkred unoooHltuUoaal. Tho indeHndout producer and refiner will now make a dotormined effort to obUin from tho supreme court a do okioa ooanrmkg the validity of the Mas I tm. lu tu f aktl.. . - l.a a from Waehlagtoa to romsoo all T"" """"h "wpoiHoal pea- iu tho way af .oalutouuaoe, Knd 7 ? ? " ' to dkeharifo maay of tho omnloyes, to uuTT. CL , .7 . "" brlag the ooot of otkm and pro- iwiiw ih wwiity wiwii ims iiMNion i Naval Service Cripple. Waehlagtoa, D. CL, March 7. The navy depart men t has begun to boar from the commandants of navy yank, who have Jaa received Jnatructloas amount required by the refusal of coa rtsm to peovido the urgent deficiency appropktka for tho remainder of the AmbUiI VJsanr Roar-Admiral Coghkn, commandant of the Brooklyn avy yards, says' "The effect of the reduction a fund Pish OomtalHtenera Meet, Tho monthly mooting of tho ekto Ah oommisidoa waa bob Tuesday aft ternoon, an4 Fish. Warden H. 0. Van Duson prewnto Ms report for Febru ary. Among tho arooto and Nrosooutkas for u pfoorinroas year. Thoy .tate that the proMmt year would have bee pwperost U thoy kad not boea bold up for taxes, which are oonsidcrod Coal Operators Stand Fat, CkieoM. Marah T.ItllittLi oporatora hoM a meeting in thk cit)v0 M- mcom of the Ux eol today to ooasldor the minors' demands, ketlag soasoa approaoUnK' a go" it w stated there was a uaaalmous agrswnoat that no further oeaoadomi wool) be mado. 1 1- ..luJ,, (I.. utmU., , V, Ual. aaso k lasniikkat to carry oa mainio- ""T "T f ,L t"' ttmmn , work in as. ellkiont manaer." ! T ArT 'T "' -vmill naneo a SVK IjRMinva VHI 9VW o f 1.58 FANOY FOULARD SILKS, Py, pink. io.vauW. ....75c - SOFT MESSALINE RH.K, Jl eobxnt, a beautiful quality. J1 89e U5 LBNSINB SILK, a beauty, U colore, tt. 9c Hit TOSKIKO WATBRBD-SILK .J '. 95e " GRBNADINH SILKS, 46 in. f 98c ' 3 in. CHIFFON TAFFETA JJLKS, yd 95e l6yd. 95 CHANGEABLE TAP ETA SILKS, a beautiful range eolora, a fia heavy quality, yd 59c 0. yds, PLAIN COLORBD $L00 ATT TAFFETA SILK, yd 69c yd See 85c Polka Dot aad Fasoy Peagee. yd 75e Dolly Vardoa Feagee, yd. . . .He 7U COLORBD AN BLACK OHIF FQNS, double width, prices ..., We, 48e aad 4S $3.00 PONY COVHRT JAOKBTS, the k&es sale price. $4.95 aHLLXNEEY. NBW HAT8 at SMALL PRIOBS. THB LITTLB NAPOLEON. THE ASTOR SAILOR. THE MILAN STREET HAT. THB DBWBY TURBAN. THE FAVORITE TURBAN. THE MODISTE TURBAN. ALL 3 50, SALE $1-95 Qermany Is for Peace, Berlin, March 7. The foreign owoc states that ooaoiliatory lastruotkas have boon soot to the German represee tativeu at Algeclras, whkh it k ex pected will facilitate aa agreement. Transport Not Hurt, (Four O'clock Edition.) Maaik, March 7. Tho intor-kknd transport lagalls, has been refloated, anor k apparently undamaged. Bhe wont asboro Marok 4th, off Southern Lnaon. many of tho fames are aaipostag of their grain so that taxes will not have to bo paid oa that. M. M. Gilkepie, a prominent farmer living near the junction of the Me KenoJe ane) Wilksaeete rivero waa la town yoHordiiy and In reply to a quos- tkn as to the prospoeta for a good Sktikr eomeitkna aro reported from "' Al,t f H to bo other yarok and statkos ovorywhoro. I "T,T 'T-,'"- l """" ww. Frm IIimW ii u .-j .L .1.-' 0t, O ff having i money at tho dkpoMl of the navy yard T'? !? lh-f WMMt'- U" wlU not soMce for tho operaUea of thea'; " o miH e Hi okotrk pknt nkue tt six months, to say nothkg of doing other work de volving upon those In charge of pro tooting pohlk property. In additkn, It k reported, that tho statka Is left without the mean of proteetkn agaiast an outbreak of yellow fover in the spring a Ml summor, and this Is a feature whkh baa more than local effect. There y-ar with the fnmor. said, "Out laju m mt tbe imu c,,. j --. p tmw wiitf anatiT look mnoh the same as it did kit gross has made no provltka for meet log tho defiotoaoy, aad there is nothing Suit Is Dismissed. Now Yojkv Marok 7. Tho wit of Sarah MadoWn, fer M.00O for broaoh of prsiaUe against Peter Duyroa, waa dkoiksed toduy oa'applioatioa of tho dofensknt. from thk form of economy will bae to be borne later, SalemsGifeatestGfowiagStofe CEV0Y BROS. fS&&SSS& Boko, Idaho, March 7. Attorneys Hawjoy, for tho proseoutkn, and Mil ler, or she defease, were the only pas sengora for Caldwell this morning. There aro no developments in the BtouBonberg murder ease. It k be lieved all indictments have been re turnod. No reason k given for not takifig the prisoners into court to plead nnkss tho preaeeutiea plans to not servo tho warranto until after the bear ing of the habeas corpus proceedings by tbe supreme court Friday. Tbe graad .cry is investigating the coadittoa of j I tie aecou ats of Canyon county officials. ' season at thk Um There are sovoral!,. 4o wt ,t 4WJ Uc M good siaa of fall wheat that arejwkU avil,UWe tuii4. .. looking good, I recently took a ikortltWy mfm VhlUwwr wtt ,- rftHlU Hf- 0.-M i-9f-;iiip ai riH imi mm stands of wheat in that oeotloa are looking fine and the entire country as far as I observed point towards a good season for the farmer." e New Joint Candidate. K, N. Donnelly, of Richmond, baa akd tor ioint ropresoatatlve from the StMu-Man-aUiiam-AVheokr dktrkt lla wRl vote for the eandidato for Patted States senator receiving the most Ropnbjioan votee. J. J. Hauer, of IMsiae, Tilkmook eeunty, flies for joint represeatntive from the Tillamook-YambiH district. He will vote for the Republican re ceiving the Mgbest number of votes; for United States senator. Preoinet Committeeman. M. a Deny, from Sublimity, has kd. B. A. M. Cone, of Bottevirie, has withdrawn. Chicago Markets, (hirago, March 7 Wheat, 75 77i corn, 439s,43, oats, 30130. ANYTinNG OOB8 IN IDAHO. An Idaho Mother BaSlea tho Mcdloal AutsoriUes. Last week wo reported tko birth of a son to Mr. aad Mrs. Wittkm Rash in this city aad this week wo have to amend it and report the birth of twins, tho boy being born en Monday, Jan uary 9, and the girl en Thursday night, February 1. Both children are doing nicely and while tko mother hao been dangerously III, we aro glad to announce her as now out of danger. This la the most curious ease we have over hoard of and one but seldom met with in modtoal circle These children were born four days apart and tho birthday of one falk in January and tho other in February and yet in a way they may bo called twins. Cottonwood Chrcalde. ana com, whkh were pai4 II. Morgan for having received and sMpped two smell sturgeon to tho Part kad Fish Oumitany, February Mb. Tho MoKoMia river hatohory sta tka turned out the kst salmon fry February Mth, after whkh time tho statka eksee) for the season, 1,773, 71 try of tho early cblnook variety were rakod am 11 bent ted la tho vicin ity of the statka. At the Yatwlaa bakhory 7HJM9 eggs wore cotlceted, of these ti8e000 wore sllvorsido eggo and 1,(W1,M' wore CWBoelc oggn It k the latontkn to eolleet 1,008,000 nteelhead eggs, 1,800, WO egge af tbe silvoraido variety will be turned Into Drift creek, a tributary of tho Akoa. IN4 have boea called for the bulkV Ing of a now hatchery for tho South Ceee river. The building k to Ua a one-story frame structure. Mi lot with an 8-foot coiling, aad will bo ntjulppod with ICti hatching troughs. Dktriot No. 1 Piaea am) penalties HJ9 84lo of ilsh iitd 4,00 Liceasofl ksuoi 74TJt District No. -. Licensoi) isouoi 8M Total IJ808.M Dkbursomonto IMfijf e ProbleraAtioaL "Mke Kookooi If I ahould call some evening next week might I hope to Had you at homof" "Why that "would would depend on whether or not I knew what evening you were coming, Mr. ThixkulL"- Chi cago Tribune