Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 06, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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1 1
Stockton & Co.
The Old
Another skir-men of Boad'a &r Aw go arrived- yestonloy. It
prise Plain and" Wgwed Lanodowne, Panama, Itedona, Crepe, Sorgea,
Ornntteo, rWffo Panamas, MoMo1Ib(, Bnmdm, Wool Posh do, Sole,
1Mb Proofs, Motor OooUngo, Batiste, Mobnoni, Metong Mobnar, Wors
ted f Vm-do-Pnrio. nMetiKao. Albntro. Cashmere, Herlettoe, etc Every
to now. A great nsoertmoo! ranging la pre rrom
50c up to $2.50 pet ya,td
W ksrva made arrangement to
epeo op tf moot wp-MMOUe milM
rr HnwtrrfH in all Salem.
W hr rnsmned tbo meat of
not a Hrfi in manage th nSpsrb
New Suits
And Coats
Arrived yoriordsty, A Mill at ship
ment of IIkhm nwoll fcMngs yen have
been looking for. Stylish
$5.00 to 5 J 6.50
Norwich Union Fire Insur
ance Society.
Prank MrMUi, Meoident Agent.
Oflto with Wm. Brown it Co., No.
l InrV VSoWo aeampo ITr'Tt
Tm Sh Cko Mvroral jro4 odm
r!m k4Iv noil mtwrbnii proporty. (Vp-
Mo4 Ko4ioMU Itank. SHw
rw lrLJ luiuiii auAAt irr
. M .... ....
W. K. Fliiwr. iKtjtauit'Vftor of Ok
......7 , - , ,
Uto rmI M'xH My Im Ih44 Vor.
tko Hm4, owl tf imwo In nwUtortty -olotfo
to koto too lowrMHtOHl koto, tVa
vwh will proro mi ImoorUom tw kk
eft of IMow, wklok will Wo nnnk
(looil KojuU Meotltqr.
A oottr t 4vortl4 for Ukorty
U ovooioR to 4lwM tko TutUo not.
Mi try to otait r otornwwit to ot tip
)Ulto4M fr r rd fvooi Ukortjr to
Joffwooa m toot ptao. fooito pkro
ro Ritotrtteoi to k pmml romi pr-
In Honor of St, rtrUk.
TV ta4to of tko nri UiUtortoH
okorofc m pUmIm; r Wt. l'toikft
4y moUI. wbWk will V ptoMoat af
fair. Money to Loan
niOMAfl K. KOKl),
Ovor UnM k U' lk, BrImh, Or.
on 1mmoo (V. Joo KMo4 oW
ngoot. Mown It, Mown Moor, S Jim.
KotUof Wot tor, tmr r oJtoRpor t tkii
l4, htr U kto okftor of too
ooop 4-lf
of wmoot woUo. 8opM Rwr Uok,
fvokUooo m4 IUom, M8 Mrk
otfo. 5 tf
OroiriNi N'oltowU UmriL, wm In IaJom ,1, imim
THrofe? uMrUI ltM4oo4. TIi'Iuth,- muu
Tko ootiro AoM of soJoao noiWai V kjM on fiok potgtOM as
in tka ootoaoo of tko OpUos a4 Vo Mjatar of Hmw Qr oom In
Usio Mm la ia la n inoasoro to tko (not toat wo waboaoo orory ntortto
Wova W. Wo ooMUatl sok to 4)etoaU ow nwtkSM of ovo aBsa.ee
tlt vrikl wiH in aaj- vnr aJ4 us iu tko poaotlso of Aooinff omo,
White Corner
Drawers just like th.
a J. I
and other for
25 mp to $2.gQ
A swoti new Mm of duble breast
ed btoebs, MtHM ami noveilfai Jiwt
mhw in. It would do you good U
sea what eptomUd vamos we ors
giving in
?10 to 920 suits.
A nig Temperaneo Meeting.
The evangelMlr institute, wkleh
met in toe W. U T. U. kail Toosday
wm fnito well a I landed, about 90 of
Uhi promlMnt workor In Ike enose of
tiiiHfwmu being In Mtendaaoe from
soon, sosmrmjnsnw rrWW " WS oswesssanjnj oJ
dovoiioMl by Mm. I). J. Gfeode, of
Salem, pressjtont of the iHiM. Mm wm
follow4 br mi tut wort tuft pupor on
"Mow to Mwdv Uhi IMblo," r4 y
Mm. I). NrrMU of IMom, Mm. H. M.
VmHJorvort, of M oily, fok oh ' ' Otr
lHKi tWIUf 1 Wkntf" "The IMMe
" jiuihb hm m onhjmv 01 n
i l- tf .11 t -!-- -
rhr wJI tronkl ky Mr,' lhtriUk,
L' ..... ... .. . .. . ..
iwr, nnxm iwrti wr too UHrmwm
m Wft n14roM on
TtM lMUo itftl OovotmnohU'' TWe
pmyor mttWo wm M Wy Mr. K, M.
fltrflLa. iuf tW-naf k&Mk iiai n fi Wm
m wim orvo4 Wy Um iwomliam of Ike
IoomI hmUh. TVo ihooUok Ik U jho
Mtwh tfck oflorMMMi, wltk rn lrofto4
iRorodlblo JlruUUlty.
It wookl kvo boon looroolMo Wm
UUly If CStto. 1. IeMliorKor, of Qyra
oo0i K. Y, k4 not Ior tko Wot k
oookl' tt Ma inKtrrlng' mr. "Mf
bot" ko ooyv, "out a feorfol gok
oyor kla oyo, p I RppHl Ituokloo'
ArNloa Bv wMok qoJokly KmIoA U
rr4 mvo4 mo oy." 0ool for Wotm
r4 uUotr, too. 0iy Sm at J. 0. IVr
ry Droit oioro.
WohU B Comwlttoosuui.
Q. 1. TorroU, of Mokoota, rr4 Uootko
t. WIU, Wtk m4, kUtow. M ORMli-
jl4iM utW WMM4oott RMtklmluAaumJ.lfc iu
"" 0" RTO mrrw V0V0VW1 (TOOOOW 00) 00
tfcoir nmiotivn IwwHUni. rr4 HU4
tWt ooiko of winoloooy Toofchiy wm
tNC rourla Ward MoeUnc.
Tno foorik won! KapabltotM wt
lb etoK at tk ally noil to annate
r mwnVor of tk ootwly ooniiwi oow
wlttoe for tkatr preoinat. It is ro
portoa tkot A. W. PfMOt U Mntoo) for
tunii niPMTwMWtfiHfttot
Lrferry Stsu,
SakxQ, Ore
S. D. Wrlfiit, of Wortburs, J
Balm on boino todoy.
. 1'. Oookley, Of WotxlburB, wrs
r SaIori vWtqr yostoroV.
1L Soxwk, loeol ooBtrootor, Jo Rt
Bkm or Uootooos trip.
Mr. Jok HrdlK koa rotorood
from a akort Moy io Portland.
Mrs. Jokn Kirk, of Jeffrin,k tko
gMi of Solem friends tkls weok,
A. U Plynn, of Woodlmrn, w
tranoRetlRg bnolnoM In Rlm yootordR
Mrs. II. II. Howl, of Any, tfct
gnoit of Mm. W. A. Mooros tkU wk.
Attorney P. fk Sonn, of nMlvertoR, If
tninnnctioir logo4 bvolnow In tko city
D. H. Jromm, tko frniUir nmn, knt
rotnrnod front a okort tnwinoos trip to
MiM 7.4mm. ISittoo, of MnoJony, kntv
Kr to Son IMojro, CrU, for hr OKtoM
f. Tioit.
Kills PnrriM, of PtMlloton, l
pirat at tko koMo of Mor. W. C,
Kant nor.
Kntyrt on tko Callfomt sxproto tku
Mio Hoaoio Shuor Is m from Cor
vrIIIs, wkoro too kM Woo for tno post
1h days.
Prof. Horry Monro1, of 0. A. O, koo
roturnotl to C'ormlJK flftor a okort
vMt koro.
rRtkor ltorris, of MoMlnnvillo,
mmoo) tkrooffo tkh mornlRe, on kla
way to Alboay.
Mr. J. I. Puller, of Abordeon, Wak.
i vioitlni; Mt. niMbotk OlrtoR, a
MoWi at Unlvorolty.
II. K. ImnelMiry. of tko SoMtkorn Pa
el no Nollway OoMpnny, wns la Solom
yofttonlny on oMolal bnolnoM. "
Xor. T. P. Jtoyal, of tnis olty, r
oootly ntnoV n irift of Uooko to tko
Unlroroity Tkooloyloal Dvpnrtmont.
Waltor Kirk, of JofforoOR, wko knu
boon vioitlnK rototivM kora for oovor
ni day, rotnrnod konto tkoa Hvorntaf,
Prank Holm, nne of Unlaw 'a prow-
Inont yonn Rttornoyo, rotornod yootor-
oOO"J 0 roRonn, nnynjnHnHBnjBPnna4j naa vV W
1). Y. Vmk.r, kbo all vor (or kop
nw and DowoomUo poHtWIan, la in
tko nlty lookinx after bolnaa lot or
IHnlo toportntOMront Aok-onnon kai
loon Inviloi) to lootwro bofora tko mw
wor sonool of tko Unlvorotty of Call-
Oeonr Mnnllkop, of Portia n4, a for
HtJ awoWI'H o7VST TwWaTCwN ItwIHfl vNvV
wornloK, oftor kovtoK apooA oovoral
4ny bora toaWag nftor Uolno In
tor sots.
P. H. UnanH n4 0. U Onrdnor loft
nnday for Itan4on, Coos aonnty, to
ooaitoat aotno Maok tnnd wlnlnK ornnrb
MonM. Tnoy nro wxporta la tkls line of
Tkonuis P. Otnr) fonnnriy of tk
Orogon Mate Mote febool, U In tba
Uy, renOMlng notpiainUnoo. Mr.
Oork Is mporln4onront of a aokool Aw
tka MMtos la tko otMo of Wasklnttoo.
Doro," an givo by tko Now York
Hwptr TtMnttrtoni Cnntpaa). l nikt,
wan a esMe4 snaoas. Too nnotaoon
wm a km4)' nn, and owd tnoir ap
provnl of botk play and aotiar. Ml
Kfeto Urokaw, wko took tko port of
. 4mhI a ooptk of fooHng
aa4 a MUaroinoM tkM mado om feot
U wm lwo kotMlf. Mr. W rooks, m
"WUttont Alton," in4 a typtoai
oMtorta otd ennniry RonilomnR, ami
tnn baktnao of too stuK wm all wU put
on. Tk sasmpany will roauUn for tke
wk. and oka wko liko a goad ploy,
watt ptayod, vU npptixtota a toMk
ftonumont and potkos will do wlt to
) too kVnpiro CVMOfaajr. Tooigai tk
pU MA lWoWa WMH.-'aplay full
of potkM aad soaUatont, bat wiU aasb
os of wit to onlivon It ItotwMa aots
kko apooiolttos mt Maw Itotk William
aad AUVod AHoa are good, and sarve
to waba it iatorosting wkito yon wvlt.
u .
How's TkUf
Wo offor One HunOred DoNara R
ward for any eu of OaUrrk tkat oaa
not bo awrod by HaH's CaUrrk pnra,
P. J. OUWOIY 4 CO, ToUoa a
W tko onWlta, kTo known P.
J. CnoMiy for tko last II ya, aad
bollovo k porrVotly konorabla in all
baataosa toanaooUoM and aanaoiaMT
ablo to iry oat any eUtgaUona wade
bvv kls ana,
Waktfae, RfRMb & Marvin,
Wbtteaaio Drssita, Toledo, Q.
Hall's Catarrb Caro Is tokna Inter-
BMy, Mtins dtrooaly npoa tka blood
and BMOttoua ovirfMeo af tka sywteaa.
TosUsMotolo oont f rvo. Prion U ta
par botUo. 6old by aX dragfuta.
Taia IUU'n Panulv PJUs far aoa-ttipaUoo,
Commander of Hie Grand
Army of the Republic
Colonel Hill, o'f Ashlana, commander
of tba Grand Army of tka HepnMfc,
risioR of Oregon, l la tko eity, and
will moat wiak 8edpvlk Post tkls ev
eniag nt Tnrnor kail. Tkoro will b
an oloSfnoblonod enmpnra, wltk an In
formal profrmm, and tko old voternas
and tbair India will U ont in full
foreo to waleoMM tba commander.
Colonel Hilt is traveling over tke
nUto, mooting tko poots, and mnWBg
propnrntloM for tka anaool encamp-
mont nt Gmoto Pros, Iwglnnlng Jom
20tb, ami looting several days. Ho M
eonrod n oao fnro rnto for tko ononmp
meat, and tkoro will bo a, largo nttoad
naoo. Tm oammnaitor la nn entknoias-
tl Ornnd Army orwtniaor, and kns done
n grant donl for tko noMo, potriotia or
dor of waiek ko is tka bond.
Excursions Every Jloar,
In order to glvo the peoplo of Salem
an opportunity to sco tbo bonutlful
aonntry south of 8lera, and to eoo the
development being mndo by tho com
pany, tko Citizens' Light ts Traction
Company will run ezoursion cars to the
rook QUArry, south of Odd Pollorri'
cemetery, leaving tho Wlllaraetto hotel
no even hours. Enjoy a pleasant ride,
and see for yourself. tf
Bastorn People Coming.
(ieorfe M. Smith, of lioyioy, Iowa
wm ont Went tko post snmmor nttanar
ins; tka fair, and looking at tko conn try,
wltk a view to totaling boro. Ho wns
iK v4Vfp srJOaWsmlors OwSisW'5 aroonj snasvmj 09f aoOJloon
bar of yonrs In Iowa, and tkoogkt the
ekaotfo of allmnto woold bonoit bis
knnlta. IU wm no maok ptoaood wltk
It boro tkat bo rotnrnod bomo, sottlod
no kio bmdnssi, and will bo loonted
koro by April IH.
Mr. and Mrs. John King, of La
Ornndo, Town, wko kave booa in Cali
fornia for two bot two rnontka, arrive.1
In UtU olty lVtdny, nnd wilt looate,
Mr. lUng U tko motkor of Mr. Smith.
and a fttotor of W. C. Itoynoldst of North
lltgk ntroot. Mrs. King's dangkler rrI
kr kaudmnd, of Denver, Colo, wko kavo
boon spoadiat; tko winior In Xow York
City, nra axpoatod soon, nnd tkoy ail!
sottU koro or nt Portland.
A party of frioaaV and Mlgkbori of
Ooorno aWtk, nonr Hoyloy, Iowa, whi
nro toaring tko West, nro also axporlol
In a fow days, nnd tboy Intond to locate
Alt of tboso ii soid i aro wolllo-do
and nro wale am additions to tko Cap
itol City.
Snro Our for Piles,
Itonintr pilo prodaoo moltr nod
oaoM ItoUno;, Ibis form, as wall m
bMnd, Meeds ng or protruding pUos nro
onrod by lr. Ita-aan-ko's Pile Nomody.
Btopn itoatng and blooding. Absorbs
tttmoro. KV,a r at drwggiois, or eat
by mall. Treatise frro. Writo mo
aboat yoar onoe. Dr. Itooiako, Pbtln
itoipbia, Pa.
A OMpalah from Sonttto m Mt.
Maintor io tarHia aat largo votnmos
of imono. It U probobty f tko
sonoko of to Soaltla olty atootioo,
(aptoU tamnoi Kaluw, ngad 101
yoart, and Mrs. few JaoUoa, agod
IsXI, of lraia ooaaty, Onto, wre mar
Mod a few day ago, aad yot tkoy nro
old onoagb to bnww btlor.
Qawb Madtoa, tbo aatfaM. baa
broagjit Mit for MMN agalnat MU
Itoaairo Potor Dsrm af Kontnoaa-.
"Mmdo tbo moa" m a oaK.. i.
btigbto4 adaotloas, aad a bmad"
giaaand. A man won tan damage M
aotroW1 koart tMA0 woe tk Is a sore
ponor Jaaa sRmaHOOjjmjna
Strticoa Ulddoa Books.
Warn yaw snip af kaakta strike tka
bidden rooba af CoasnsnpUaa, Paav
monia, etL, yaa are tort, U yaaaomt
got kolp from Dr. King' Naw !).
oovory for CoMwaptioa. J. Vr. Mo
Klnaoa, af Talladaga Springs, Ala.,
writeot "I bad beoa ill with pnoncao
nia, undor the ear f twa doators,
but wm getting m better wkaa I bo-
C to take Dr. King's New Dtosoverr.
Tko arafc dooe gave roUof and one bot
Ua oared ma." Sure oera far tk.
bronekitis, eongu and oolda. Oaaran
tood at J. a Porry'a drag stare, Prioe,
5a and $1.00. Trial bottle free.
V. LeGaH'a Art Studies
Ordfera tako for portraits in ctt,
watec colons, pastes aad orayco.
Prtcoa roae fresa 6 axd ap. L a O
P Ttoafdo, room 8. 3.5$
alCoMmnfTTslWl II
Qaalty Reigns Supr cmc
Where the? lines are shown.
They nre the very best m tho
Anifrirsn market today. In tho
We hsve a wheal tkat Is ia a
elsM by itself rs r medinm-priood
wheel, tel with steel or eomMaa
tlon woo'l anl aluminum rims.
A eomplrto lino of bnsobnlt sap
plies nnd athlril- gvo.l duns and
Wr TrJ cJr Ans
Trains From and To Yaqulna.
No, 1-
Loaroa Yaqulna 7:00 a, m.
Anavoa at CoovaJiii Il:l8.wm.
Arrlvoo at Albany 13: 1C p. m.
No. 2-
Loavoa Albany ..; ISMS p. ra.
Loavoa Corrallla 1:4S p. ro
Arrive at Yaulsa 8:00 p. m.
Tralno To and From Detroit.
No. 3-
Uavoa Albany 7:30 a. m.
Arrivos at Detroit 15: p; m.
No, 4-
Loavoo Detroit 1:M p. m.
Arrivoa at Albany 6:40 p. hl
Trains for Corvallls.
No. S
Loavo Albany 7;W . m.
Arrive at CrvaHii :3i a, m.
No, 1-
Iotoo Albany 1;M p. av
Arrlvoo at CorvaWa Jtin p, .
No, 6
Loavoa Albany 7:3 b. hl
Arrives at QorvaW :H p. m.
Trains for Albany. '
No. E-.
IoavM Corralllo 6;3o a. m
Arrlvoa at Albaay ...,,,., 7:1 r, b.
No, 9-
Loavo CorvaW -..12:40 p. m,
tnmmRmnBa V I vrfYri
(AvvnsBsHHsai1 PfW 4
Bicycles $25 to $75
Why not get a now 1&06 lur,,
enjoy tho full soasorta riding, w,.
all modols with prleos to uii
$25.00, $30.00, $35 no
.p-xw.vv, .pw.uu
Wheels flttotl with nny tire, ,(,!
die or hftndlobftr. Where w.ll j91 .
ft better lino of bieyleof
Wilh tko best eqnlppctl shop si
a complete ntook of all make at
tires, rirno, aoastor brakes, k,
along witb oxporieneed workmea
aids tt to gdvo tke boot workaita
skip and prompt delivery. If it ji
for a bloyolo wo kavo It ii otoek.
not on papor. Call up Mala Ml
and lot your wants be known.
Wo kavo just received our
lino of flaking tackle
All our stork is fresh tint mtiM
Arriroa At Albany ,s 1 '25 p.
No. 7-
Loavaa Corrallls t):00 p.
Arrivos at Albany 6;40 p.
Regular Sunday Trains,
No. 6 .
Leaves OorvAllla 6:34 a.
Arrlvoa at Albany 7;M a.
No, 11-
Loavoa Corrallla 11:90 a.
Arrlvoo at Albany ,3 Mils' P
No. 7-
Loavoa Corrallla 6:W p.
Arriwa at Albany : P- '
No, 8-
Leavea Albany 7:SS H
Arrlvoo at Corrallla ...... 8: u.
No. 13
Loavoa Albany 12:46 p m
Arrlvoa at CorvalUa 1:M F- l
Leavoa Albany 7:6 P,
Arrlvoa at Corrallla 8;la P-
All of tbo abovo connect with 8oatl
era Paoltto company tralaa. botk '
Alhanv nn flnmHim KM well RO trak
for Detroit, givins direct norrleo U
Newport and adjacoat boacaoo, as w.
an Breltenbuaa Hot Springs.
For further Information apply to
J. a MAYO, Oon. Pa. Agt
B. H. BOLES. AranL Albany.
. If, CRONI8E, agent, CorralMs.
If yo have that tired feeling wbea
riding, bring yonr. bioyelo t o
have it eleaaed, and) it -will run Uko i
saw bika. aa.1 tkat tirJ faaliae Willi
Or lot us put on a New Dopaxtur
Coaster Brake, and yon -will live happy
ever after. Bioyoleo called for and
duhvered. Boat work at honost pries-