iSSSSSSmmmmmmmmmmm DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, MABCH 6, 1000. A Wonderful Record. it madn up by Improved and exact A ' - 11- tttnr' Vivnrtlo li-ii.rln. PSfu a most efficient remedy forrcgu !! displacements, as prolapsus, nntovor lEfnanJ retroversion, overcoming painful rlod. toning up tho nerves and bring faff about a perfect state of health. It lures the backache, periodical headaches, gidrsgRlng-down distress In tho pelvic Miion. tha pain and tenderness over j!r abdominal region, dries tip tho ntlTlc catarrhal drain, so disagreeable jLi weakening, and overcomes every (S,j of weakness Incident to tho organs Auttnctly fomlnlno. favorite Proscription " Is tho only nfjklno for women, the makers of riwJi urn not afraid to nrlnt their r formula on tho bottle wrapper, thus Hiring thetr patrons Into thnlr full con tend It Is tho only raodlclno for women, every Ingredient of whleh has the rtrongusi posslblo endorsement of the mot eminent medical practitioners snd writers of our d$ reoommendlng It for tho diseases for which "Favorite Prescription" Is used. It Is tho only put-up medicine for women, sold through drugglsW, which doei not eon tain a larg percentage of alcohol, so harmful In the long run, especially to delicate women. It has more gsnulno cures to Its credit than all other medi cines for women combined, having sated thousands of sufferers from the operating tablo and the surgeon's knife. It has restored delicate, weak women to strong and vigorous health and virility, III"'! i"MWIIHAfW VV9IUIU TTIJUIU tllVIU I wsi barronnrst be'era. thereby brighten in iu iiirimk uvpt rnnnr tnousanus of homes by tho advent of little ones to itrctigthen tho marlul bonds and add lumhlno wherrf gloom and despondency sil reigned before. Wrlto to Dr U. V. Pierce. Ho will send rou good, fatherly, professional advice, in a plain, sealed envelope, ahaolulely tree. Address him at HufiMo, ti. Y. Dr, Pierce's Pleasant PelloU do not rrtpe. They effectually cleanse tho ays torn of accumulated Impurities. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, by Dr, Plorco, 100(1 pages, Is sent rrt; on receipt of stamps to pay oxpenso of mailing only. Bend at one-cent stamps for tho book In paper covers, 6r 91 clamps tr the cloth bound volume. Address u abovo. Stand By tho Ticket. (Sherman County Observer.) There l every reaaon to believe that JfepiiMieatui throughout tke state will eMO'l by tke ltepwblleaH noMtlnatbMM i-io attks iMreet primary in April. If Wy do net tke iatended- elTeet of le direct primary will be weakened, (er it will be elalmed tkat tke people let not a mack eeandeaee la tkeir era choice aa tke selection hm4 by eaVgiitloe la fenaer eeaveMlieft. It b il lo Ihi presumed that defeated 4sli late, kaviej tke future to eeeild- er, will not skew tkeir spleen for kav W; lieen temporarily turned dewa by U I- oftla. All wise men will Imw to lee will of tke majority, ami tke people will -rllm Me tkat tkelr direst prl muy prerogative U protected, far tt least rh state nad county officers see atmters of eengre are concerned. Buiiiu 1H M Yw Hit alr Baftl fi.u SIX ' ZLSaaT: Nef uty. -CMeAAC I Atfctable Ytt pornllonfor As simllatlng titcFoalondBctJuIa lutg ihc Stoaads andDmvb of rromolcs Dlgcellon-ChMf fur rtess nndluisUonlalits nellher Optoin.rorplUrvo nor0iu?raL ltoT"NAltCOTIC. t .ytefOUjy&tNUnrtKKft MxJmum 1 ZLjum, Aperiecl Romcdv for Cons Una i Hon, Sour Slomacl,Diarrhoca t orms .Convulsions .Feverish' neas atk Lo s 9 o F Sleep. LFacSuwlo Signature of EXACT COPY OT WRAPPER. ROSES -Field Tlvo beat eoat n nn mor than " MfiEADQUAETEES. We Pay the Express i ckiro. . it , aribor. BsbcI for illustrated ; Jogne today. A eolleitor wasted Smiles Would suffrage make women more oharmhgf It woulil about election time. Well, whale aw at the thick-headed and tblak-hldodi editor of tke Journal, lie can stand it. , Abolish all grafts, establtsk indirect taxation, direct oleetiea of senators, is tke Journal's program. The maa who pays you off in flattery is generally founts taking his pay in a more substantial manner. Col. Hofer will new flewl out wketker all the people who have been aiwslw' him mean It or Mr. Jeffersoa Bevlew. Wky not make Tom Blekardeea one of the United Staloe senators! He can't well have a better graft tkan that. Tho Polltiolaa. Now dotk tke busy promisor Ills deadly work get ia. He bands his friend a bunek ef air Iaetoad ef a ebunk ef tin. iSvery knock la a beert, awl tkose fellows wke kave tkelr hammers OHt for Hon. Wnlter I Teoxe arc kelplsg his eandldaey along more tkan tkey arc aware ef. Aurora llerealls. e It look like a pretty ekeap kebby for a maa wko kaa alselMtely m staaiHag la tke Itepwbllcaa jwrty ta Jump eato tke Preeidettt'a kobby ef railway rate legtetatleH aad try to ride late eoa greef a it. Joaee ef Maeleay la eaty a kiad of eoMMHoa farmer aaaeUeatte for tke) leg Mature, ItaetaW ke wasa'l bora yea torday aad kit aye teetk seem to bare beea eat tke V before. Port k ad aetata to be hmmIhmhm wkea It eoHtea to gottlag a aew rail road lata that elly froat aaywkere Imt tke Willamette valley. What kave we dose U be treated tkat wayt Well. tkey teem to tklak they've get mo, aay way, Tke Llaa eeaat grange aays ealy eae aermal eekeei. Well, tkat salt w and Salem U tke ki for It. Or do yta prefer (m kat It In Pertktad ami le 4ao with itf Many peepl ' ")' doa't waat a ay, and tkat wltl lie about tke rwtilt, If tkey try to eat It dowa to one. CASTORIA For Infante and Ohlldror. i ' ' the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Tmc Mimtua iKl, env Gtovm aay old tklBg." It will pay too to bay la erery town. f. vr Weall Stomach. A weak stomach is most fre quently caused by the over worked and exhausted nervous system. The power that runs the stomach is the nerve force sent to it from the brain through the nerves. When the nerves arc weak or exhausted the sup ply of energy is insufficient and thca action of the stomach is impaired, and results in im perfect digestion dyspepsia. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerv ine increases nerve force. It strengthens and builds up nerve tissue, gives vigor to the nerves and muscles of the stomach; this produces a hcalthv activity. Nervine allays the inflamma tion, heals the membranes, and makes the stomach strong and healthy. There is nothing that so quickly gives energy to the whole system as Restorative Nervine. , "l ean't ear enough for lr. Mltra Nervine, I don't knew what It wilt do for others, but It certainly eorvd ma of Memaeli trouble, and now 1 am na well a I ever was. Two phrslelana failed to relieve me, but In three or four days after taking Nervine 1 wna much relieved. Pour bottles maile me a sound man, at the eoet ot JAMK8 U. lIAltT, Detroit, Wleh. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by your druggist, who will tfurnte thst the nrst bottle will benefit, If It falls, ho will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind School News High School. Dr. Bptf ' hla tasesle elaes Monday aooa at litlO. Tki atteadaaoo was sjood. He apolee of tke Olee elab a ad Mild ke waa4ed a aeaay la k aa ke eaald paaslbly net, aa4 weald take tke eat Ire sekaat If It woaW setae. He eApetsseese ase prraai peaaiaire ai teaca Ink tke Madasita bare ersaalaed aa arekaetra, a ad aald ke "woald saral' He tt ia aoaaaetloa witk tke (Ilea elab." He ealted a taeetlag f tkeee Ia4ers4et) la tke Olee elab work at tke balkllng, Monday, at It-IS p. w, Mr. lljtley eiitpkaslaad kla owa Interest la tke masleal ndvaneetaent af tke atad eata, aad said we are k4'" " tke first eoiiMiieMeemewt week ef tke klgk seknel eae aaparalleled. Tka glrle kave made a good start toward ivtaalag Iwek tkelr reeeat Ihm katlmll laMea. Tkey woa aver Alba ay witk a aeore of R to 10, aad. by 4ayia. Tka naate waa a fast aad far loa) oaa. Haleea stewed a good deal tka bast team work. Tka siara of tke kome team were Oraee I4ek aad !.! ale lUwWfi of Albaay, Mlee Kelly. Th liaeati aad aaaeber of potato woa b tarb dayer aa aa follews: Martke Hobtndled, St Oraee Uak, -It TJaaU Hu-, 4; lteHka Dtraeaa aad Mable MagnM maklatr blaaka. rV Albaay, MIm Kelly, ( Mia AaaWeoa. 1 Miss Davie. t( MtM WUMsas Mtd Vim Starr aoiatatf. Tka ksMae aam ewe Albaay a vo4e of tkaaka for tkeir royal treat- meat, and will try to rvtara It wkea Akbaay semes to Sale. Tke Desaaetkeaoa eoeiety kad m reg ular meetlag Moaday eeealag. Tke atteadwae waa good aad It waa aoeee- aary for a aaaebr to staad. Tka baai mm seeaioa was koag aad tke time left oaly paratttUtl a abort Impromptu pro gram, wklek eaaaisied af two admit talka by: llarvajr Mater oa "lut lasr;" tloraee yke oa "Wky I IMudy Oatwaas'' Hta HarUa, "Praskmea;" Mr. Oaofrer. tViabtwi ' Mr. Ooo-I. Wky Mr. tykoa tmlsaa Oormaa." Tao aeeiety was favored witk maale by Mlaa Ptgler, Xaa Toatkaara aad Um IlardUg. Mi rtglar aad go Tooth aero are aw msenketa, aad this was tkeir first aetlve part la tka leebMy. Tkey wero greatad witk raeaaag ap 4aus. Tke matter af kaviaf a ksattet a eial waa Utaed aad- ksft oew aaiil a BMiimritta was appelated U se Mr. MftrkUt absatt gaetiag tka bsjUdiag akoald report. Mr. Switk ka rosieaed savies of papers la tke ketaay eiaea, w a kia l of review, ami ta atiasaiaio orlfiaal r sareb. Monday Rem UtUr Mad a paper oa " I'rotojdaieas " Tke botan .Use is alinaet tkrawgA witk tka teir book work; a adi It will beamoMk or before tkey eaa bagia field work, tkat it is a good sppartaalty for tbi work. Gives Health, Vigor and Teae. Ilerkiae is a bee fee sefferera frm aaaamia. By its the ksood ,a aaieWy regeaarated aad tke eelor b eemes aeteiel. Tka sVeapiag streagih is tevivad, Tke MBgiter is diialaisked Ueaiah, vigor aad teae predeiast Jtav Hf ami' kappy activity sesults Mas. BeUe 11. SkHel, Middiesborougb, III- wrstes: I kave beea troaWed w Hver eeeaplaiat ad peer Weed, aad kave feapd aeekiag U beaefit ase like Heredao. I hope sever to be witkoat it. I kave wished tkat I kad kswa ef it ia say hosbaa.r1 life Uta. SU. KgltetMhagBllrtllB10s1ltBMiMMlitlKfaJgeWWBMlHiBtWt'DltaM I OLASSIPIBD WMtrawtlBMeaWMMtaMMMOW FOR 8AUC ror Bale. 1G0 sore, in gram, or will out p Into 40-ooro tracts. Addroes M. I, Capps, Capital Improvement Co. l9 Front stroot,' 1-13-lm ror Sale. DeLaval separator, nearly sow. Itougkt for $00, will aett for 80 eh Inquire of A. W. Nusom, Gerva.9, Route 2, or pkoae Farm 60. ror Balo. Dry wxsoiki growth fir, $3.50 por eerd, delivered, Alao Jumbo stump puller, ia first cbun condition. Inquire ef Louis Laekmund & Oo. ooraer of Stato and Conunorolal streets. Tkone Main 72. M0-lra For Bale Cowe! Oowsl Cows. Frd ad soon to be freak, also ene roan mar. wtdfrtK about 1100 pound, prioe $M. Senea mlleei soutk of 8a loea, oa Jefferaa remk I. M. Wagaer. 3-3-3t Hop Land for Sale. 310 aorvs, rnost ly good bop land; 300 farm land, balance timber and pasture, woJl Improved throughout; prlco f 42 por nore, 2S00 cash, balanco at 0 por cent. 130 acres 1 mllo from Drowns vlllo , I Hi acroa In flno hops, all flno hop kind, CO aoroo la crops, most of balAnco in timber, good hop bouso, $67,(0 por noro, $2000 oasfi, brvlanco nt 6 por cont, 40 noros 3H nillcrt front town, land don't otortlow and la well drained, 30 acres In crops, new small kouso, $1C00. 100 aoroa rlgkt- at town, 10 aoroa In finest old hope, good hop houso, 70 aoroa In crops, $10,000; $2000 oaah, balanco At 6 per cent. All of tho abovo la river bottom land. Write for our pricea of atoek raaohea aad otty property. Tripp, tke land man, Ilrownvtlla, Or. .-IMni - ' " ' J aasaSSZT FOR RENT. for lloat, After April 1st, a 7room oottage, faraUked or wafaralsked. Appr- at 4tS CoUage atreet, or pkoao 14H Maia. 3-fi-St MUBIO STUDIOS. Music Studio. Frank E. ChurehiU, Musical Htudlo. Aaeoclate teacher Western Oonaerratory, Chicago, lib, representing Inter-Btate Byatem at Oalem, Oregon. In tho Omy block, room 3, Btudlo hours 9 to 13 and 8 to C. 8-10-tf Tho Beloy Btudlos. Thorough instruc tion In music, Mr, and Mrs. Frances co Boley, specialists in Voleo Produc tion, Interpretation and Harmony. Opera IIouso Building, looms 9 and 10, Reeidenco phono Mala 874. 1 11-1 1m TALKINQ MACHINES. at-Maa1s,a'-asNeNs' Bdlson Phonographs and Rceords (Dt4( raced fix anyw1iri oh roott qJ,,MM ltl prtw; kurgaat atook lUlaon r4orki wwt of noolsWti. smihI for oJrojueu-. ISstar BaelmeWal. 7S MIstdOH a-Vrirt, San Frasteiaeo. S-M-Ih DBEMAT0L00I8T. asays4taaaasWaWtaaasta Bmma B. Aahford OradaaU tiarHwvtel eglet aad sealp speilit. Rvery blewltk ef tka ktuaea faae eradiaat ed. Seleatlae facial aad sealp ma saga. All wwk gswraateed. KM ridge bleek, tOflkj OmwwareUl street. 3-1-bm LOST, akaatasSasaatatwaeatssaaiMWaiaai Lest. A pair of atoot bowed eye giaaa m, witk gold aote pieee. Ieave at Tke JoNnsai oMea. MM Peund. A goat's goM waVak. Oett aa B. P. tainywoa, 8kaw, aad pay) ax- 34-at" WANTED. Wasted. A ail sestad kerae skoor. Call at Ukersy atare, SYfr asilea seatk ef Salem S-lwk Waated-II)- a widow wamaa, pieee to ek oa a farm or kop raaok. Ad- I draw "K. A. C," ears JouraaL i lilt OO YEARS' EXPERIENCE THADt Marks nriisNl COPVRIOHTO AC . . .L.i.k .. il ..Ii Jinn hi, aUklr MerUJH oar ovinia t ree t beiMf m ,fUi tutU4, mHtunt A, la tt Sckntific Jlmcilcmi. Aka4JrMtlw.r l??lilir' HUHH&Co"""''NewYgrk ijTjnjra MI8CELUANEOU9. Bales) Iron Work Founders, raachln lets and blackaalth. Hanofaotarera of all klade of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stove, ete. IsaBofaetaroni of the Salem Iron Work Hop Preaa. ll-Cf-lm Hotel ecottNovrty turnlshod, errory thin cloftn and flrot elasc. Room at roacooablo prkwe. In Oottl block, Balem. A. Scott, prop. 74-t& Bay Have yea tried H. II. Faula for raeataf lie hw the beet oausage ia towa. Oerae and try It, and bo eon- Tineed. 410 Bast SUU otret. Wanted. Turkeye, geoee, duoka, chick one arxl all farm product. Hlgbeat cash prico paid for sua. Capital Commission Compear, 207 Oommer olal street. Telephone 179. A Good Investment. Some ono with $13S0 can loan that amount on flrat class roal oatato aoourlty, at a good rato of Intoroet Address "M, O. F," caro Journal. 6tf At Your Stepmother's Bho can steam clean or dyo thorn, and lavo you a now null, press and topair, rollno, furnish buttons. Tho most dollcato fabrica can bo cloanod by hor dry cleaning method without Injury. It doe not shrink or cbango lta color. It Is noxt to Tho Journal offlco, 231 Oommorclal atrooh. rxuMBnita. Theo. M. Barr fiocceesor to Darr A Petsel, tinner and plumber. Hot alt water aad steam heating a specialty, Balem, Oregon. 3-2- Bamardl k Donaford. numbers, steam and gas Altera. All kinds of plumb log supplies. No. C9 State street. Tame lis Mala. 10-2tf BAKBHXBS, - -- Capital Bakery-Fresb bread, plea and cakes daily, candles, nuts, etc. Deliv ery mado to any part of the elty. O, Ullom, proprietor, 439 Court Bt. TONflOBIAL. Bvana' Barber Shop, Hverythlng new and up to date. Finest porcelain baths. Shaving, 15c, halrcuttlng S3o baths 25c First elaas bootblacks. a W. Evans, Proprietor. LIVEBY AKD 8ALH BTABIX3. Bod rront Btabloa Mrst-claas livery, boarding and sale atablea. Itubber tired buggies and flno driving etoek. M. Ij, Harrod, proprietor, 271 Obo mekeU street. Fkeno Main 73. 12-14-lyr Food Barn, Bpeclsl atteatlen to tran. sieat teams. Farmers' patroaago so lleited. Waiting rooms for ladles. We also earry a full lino of feed, Located at Club Btables, corner Lib erty and Ferry streets. Fkoao Main 7. Prunk A Darby. 12-14-Om LODQes, Foresters of Amerioa Court Bkerweed Ferestera, No. 19. Meets Tuesday In Hurst hall, Btate street. U. 8. Bider, a B.j A. L. Brown, F. 8. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. CaU Hall in Holmaa block, corner Btate and Liberty streets. Tuesday of eoe week at 7:30 p. m, J, O, Graham, d. a W. L Bteley, K. ef B. and & Modern Woodman ef Amarlo.u Ore gea Cedar Camp, No. 0240, Meets yrf Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, Hobaaa HaM. W. W. Hill, V. Cj F. A. Turner, Clerk. Woodman of World, Meet ovory Fri day night at 7:30, la Hoi man Hall A. J. Baauy, a a P. L. Frader, clerk. MO-tf ii a eata'w"'- -f-ag-- saa--- n PIANO TUNTNO. MjT?L?TsTnwn-- VWII tke piaao Hwa," U a Ukleugo maa, wko kaa bwiH piaa-w for years witk tke kugtwt ptaa-i, orgaa aad pipe organ kuasee ia hke weeM. He set oasy tuaee ymr piaao aseerdesig to tka eoreet lavttent mettwsila, but tusM aad fagwiatau ymr iaetru meat, aad thereby takes eat tkat me U!U siriagy toae. My reaU be irg looatadf ia tee valley, I kave da i.i.H to penniia entry leeaie kere. Pleasv your frleaiki, aa well as your self lc kaiviag your piaae put ia firat ektM order. Leave orders at Oo. C. WtHs laswMe keeae. S e-3t m FRENCH FE2WIE OPILLS. AaA, Cuiu. muu aS.ririiM.wNB.ww. MIMk hi MalkMMuwliMHtllf k. Um n.Nfp)im t Urn UHrftMC0tC4l,COu4T4.LaUTfa. fA. 1 SeU ta faton by M. O. sHea. OSTEOPATHS. Dr. W. I Mercer. Graduate of Klik Tile, Mo, under fouader of oeteo pathy. Boosm &5-20 Breymaa bldf Commercial 8t, phone 919. Real dence 419 N. Bummer tt.- phoae Oli. Treats acute and chronic dieeasea. Rx&mlnatlone free. Dr. B. n. "Whlto, Graduate of Klrka- vilel, MO;, under founder ot oetoo patky. Boom 81 Breymaa bldj, Commercial St., phone 87. Bosld4ac BOO Btate, eor. Ckurah, phone 1110. Treats acute and ehronJo dlaeaaea, Examination free. Hop Loo Oo. lAondry Beat work doae with latest improved Machinery. Bat lafacttoa guaranteed. Opposite Wil lamette Hotel, Balera. 2-S8-tf PHYSICIAN AND SUrtQEON. Dr, OartwrignV Has rteumed geaera practice, arl will bo found In room 10, over Ladd A Busk's bank. Office boors 11 a, m. to 4 p. m. Omoe phone Main 10, rosidenee pheaa Mala 107. 18-20 if AROHTTBOT. W. D. rugh Architect and superla sSsiim tendent, plans furnished for all class es of building and structural work. Offlee 110 Btate street, Tioga block, Balem, Oregon. I ABU. AND DOOE rAOTOKlES, luiacturer or siah, doors, mouldings. All kinds of houae finish aad hardwood work. Front street between Btate and Court WATBR COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OrrZCB CITY HALL. For water service apply at office, Bills payable monthly In advance. Make all complaints at the office. kkak4.aasbkSkrfaArfaeavM THE 8ALBM 8TBAM LAUNDRY Is doing fAtnlly washing at tho low rate ot five cents a pound. At this prloo wo waah ovory thing, wo starch everything intondod to bo starched. Wo iron and finish ovorytlilng that o&n bo dono by tnnohinory, Including knit, flannol and woolon undomoar; also all flat work, aueh as ahoots, slips, Ubloclothi, napkins, counter panoo, towols, liandkerohlofs, tray oloths, dollies, etc Halanco band work Is roturnod rough drlod. Tho fuel, tho soap, tho starch, tho blueing and other utensils, to say nothing ot human toll required for tho washing at home, cannot be bought aheap enough to de all tfcls work at so small a ptioe. Telephone H, or drop us a oard, and our solicitor will sail and e-xplaii about this work la detail. THE BALEfd 8TCAM LAUNDRY Spealal rate for regular family work for sixty days. FOR SALE Fifteen aeres, all In cultivation, wttkln oao B)ile ef Balem. House, bars, and S aeres of fruit. This Is ths finest kiad of river bottom land aad ean be bad o I very easy tortus for oa r 92000. Don't forget eur COOS BAT LOTS tor 935,00. ,ur " ,n ttnf years tt will make you seme meaeyi Derby and Wiilson BRICK Uriek furaUked la large er smsJI (ItwutiUes. Prtel brick imi to rfar. Yard oa Btate street, seatk pf l-eaitealiary. SALEM BBIOK YABD. A. A. BUttTOM, Ptftp. The Fashion Stables Formerly Blmpeon's BtablM, Up-to-date livery and eab line, Fu neral turnouts a specialty. Tally-bo for plsBles and excursion. Phone 44. Ohas, W. Yaunke, Prop. 247 and 240 nigh Street, NEW LANGE HOTEL 'When you visit Portland, Ore., be sure and stop at The New Lango Ho tel, next door to the imperial, uaios 60s, 76e aad $1.00 per day. Electric lights, call Delis, elevator, steam teat, free bath ial free bus. Ail outside rooma with rmnning water. U. J. LEHMAN Sash and doors. AU kinds of botuM alsblag. 'Phone I3l black. Also two floors of vaxahotue for xent; elrratw ao4 tiCrteklsMI faoOrUSS. OAHTOaNTA E08S 00, ! Aoi, For sale by B. J. Fry.