BwBBSBSHBEHBHBBBBBBBK ?l WIPIPW 'l S H MHnBHHiBMHiHBBHHHiiHHBiMlwIMHiliiiBitfiiMiMflHMHHHHHMHIIHiBHaHlk gTT -- - -- "- - i w 1 mam trnmmmm 1 t ! THAI SATISFIED EX PRESSION h gOomoB only when tho oyo glass Iffbcn you frown. I Wo have tho neatest and best eye glass mounting at present on tho Jmaiket Wo aro changing other makos ovory day. It's tho only neat I mounting which will stay on In warm weather. No troublo to show It. It's our business to flt glasses, and wo do It corrcotly. Chas. H. Hinges New Jewelry and Optical Store 1 23 Commercial St MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Mako Salem a Qood Horn Msrkst" poultryAt Stclner'a Market Eggs Per doz., 13c. Chlokons 10oCll, Fry Oc. Ducka 10c, Poultry, Egos, Eta. Eggs Per doz., 13c. Putter, rotall 30c Hens lOflpllc Frys-lOc, Geese 7tfr8c Ducks-Do. Fruits, Vcactablat, Etc PotAtoes 203Ga Oaloee lV4c. Apples 11.76 per bushol. Carrots 36c per bushel. Beets-Jfc per bushol. Tropical Fruits. Bananas S l2c lb. Llvo StocK Market Steers - 2 l2c. . Cowi-1 MC2c Sheep- 4c. Drewed veal 6c Fit Hors-G&c. Qraln, Feed. Bsled clover It. Oi(t-10.60 07. 71roothyf99.G0. 0nla-8. Bran-fll, fterts-f21. Butter and Cream. Portland Market Wheal, Clttb-wyiCWH. Valley-Tle. BtaetM-70f73c Oats-Choice White, 28. Mllletult-Bras, 17. Hay-Ttwothy.neilS. Iot4oeMc, Poultry-Avers oli boos, 11013c, kd chlckees, 10l0Wc; broilers, oi7c; youag rooators. lOe: old roos. p. Iff; dresied chlckeni, 33014c; ktye, Uve, 1617c; turkeys, dressed -, 18C20c; geese, Hto, pound, flc; Kee, dressed, per pound, 18 Ml dttfkl 16tf?1Rz. nlinuin. 1tf. -..., ,-.., Tv,T, fsrk- Dressed.fl 7 k 9. fctf-Dressed, 26c "Hen -Dressed, 4P8tfc, fen-Oregon, 1906, 10011c; old IV. fol-19.5 clip, ralley, .coarse to ", ?iU!60! Rfttrn rtntrnn ftt. ' Ir-Komlnal, 2u W-Ubct onuimnrv 97U.ntn. -16c. JOE SALE yi ock of shoos for men re price. No old 'utnnv:. niniL. I MMmHa.i K shoes. Now's your JACOB VOOT, Opposite Patton Bros, 0- C. T.sCo's eri p.n... -j .,- 7J r Portland Monday, Wed jZ? " "ldf' 10 a, a. uy, Thursday .ad Satar- j - . , a. yer CorrallU J, Thnriday and Satnr "I Wt 6 30 n. ' BATDWIN, Agent. H r . .. . . xraae street. HOTEL OREGON "9WlER OF 8EUFWTU tun CT1DV CTRFPTft. PORTLAND. '" New d Modera HoteL Rates Pitta Free Ws tDally Capital Jounal oa file.) HTDICKINSON HOTEL CO, Prop. .. M clips hold tight whon you' amllo or Next to Capital National Bantr. Colonist Rates Cotnmonclng February 15th, and continuing dally to and Including April 7ti, and from Soptombor 15th until October 31, 100C, colonlit tick ets wlH bo sold from tho East to all points on Oregon lines via, Portland. Fol'owlng rates from Omaha, Mob., 36; -Council Muffs, In,, 825; Kansas City, Mo., $26; Denver, Colo.; 36; St Joseph, Mo., 826; St Louis, Mo., 190; Chicago, III., $33. If you desire you can mnko deposit with agontn and tlcketfl will bo furnished your frionds In tho Bast A. L. ORAIO, td General Passenger Agent - CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Alwajs Bought Sears the (Xt Signature YOUR MEALS Will always be right if you get them at the White House Restaurant GEORGE BROS. Proprs. Phone Main 2421. BtaU Street When You Want LIGHT BISCUITS You seed a baking powder that can bo dopoadod upon one tkoA Is tvre fa Ua remits at all times. You oan fool safe about reeulW with Eppfey's Baking Powde neeaHso It Is Absolutely pure ad eompouadod with apeolBi eare, e&ck iBgrUieai b4ag is tke rleitt propo Uoa, Put sp in sofsoaUBe B )ara ateO It WltL DO THE WORK. Notice We kftvo some f&nas to rent, ehiekea rasckes to sell oa Installment plan. Also houses and lots. If you kave property to sell or rest call and see as. If yon wast te bay any kind of property or wast a lean on rttl estate or notary work of any Idnd. If you want help or want work of any kind call aad reg ister your wants in our employment agency. We kftv CS seres of fine land sooth east of depot to rent or sell in tracts of 5 or 10 acres, with payments of $5 or $10 down and $3 per month until paid 00V 6 per eeat interest semi-ansually. R. R. RYAN & Co. $1 psr Day and Up. European Bus. DAILY OAPIJAI. JOinafAIBALEM, OREQoy, WIUNESDAY, FEBRUAEY SALEM HIGH SCHOOL What Is Doing in the Other Departments Mr. Marfoi4, Wore epeatag somIah yesterday, eaatfoaed tho students te e tke exkcWt werk that la la ttto hall with ewe. ire to gto to seo the stu dents studying tie werk, and gkul W have It la Uie lmUOhvg, but It must be fetkoa earn of, bMM It la a Reed, ox WWfc tnl rejK-pggata a vt amount of wwk. Dr. Apiey (mht 14 Mwrle okw tm9 d- itM4fwl of roMl-y tke regular day. The s4ddft4 are takJac a great iaterpsi In Uw wwk and a large mra lw in Kolair t Ml Uto beka rootn Hteli by Dr. Kploy. Pow very weM prpjmreil pajwrs were read lo the mHeval hlatory skas yes trdny. jrargrlt KM read ono on "OUrer OroMwrfl" Ba Phoher on "lUwy of Yavarre;" Mdwln Kaalam, oa "Owvttd Adelpbtts," and Hot Im Klfy eae a "Cailierlm) dw .Ve d4ei." Tho entire ekm was required K do ouMda mtMng no n le bo abfc to erltMse t4ra mpg, and wns requlrwl le rert wkat aetkeHtlM tWy bad rMt. Tfce Jester oaw Wal a laretlHK yes terday ev4(r la Mm ae4ty reem, TUo eHiaf wm eMied te armej(e fw Ret out thf jwwter Iwee of the CUrtea. whlek wl be mat meeM. After hhw dleeeeirfea the ehtM deeided te ikihuo a Jtmlor rwiwW, aad elee() LeeMne kft. editor, wUi Iaa 0atMe, nt Ham Molt, Carrte MaffneM, Alia. AJU eiv CtmWeH HerrW, Kon MelaMre aad ItetUek Ckrk, aM4i(. Iaa OosMaWe tetwKvreJ her retdgaa tlea as eUk-mAM ef t4e seelal eemmit (, lmt it waa rajeettd. The ihm a-1-jouraotl te Mttet at seek time as I key fHtjdH lo eaUed by tke edller. Tke aU tadHtHro aa geoi), Tke Oermaa elan are getting along an wwll as ea be wkkel fw. Osrtaau I aot a reMUt1 itily, aal yet tkero aro 101 In tke Hret term eku. An It la aew tkrw are three ole), v4 Tl flrat term, tke wmd; tone al tW fowrtk termw Tke 4da kave xm require! to aae nete boeks 1wm Vke be tfiHiiKff of tke lent term, ettd It teakes a wMrked iw)reveH)eat la tke werk. Central School. Tke peptto ef tke Ceatra! hmuUi are allowed to jead tWr tbao before 9 aad 1 e'etoek i tkeir reetaa. Tkey kave a jetty (Ism talklafr aad pkysetf. aad d dp aot get disorderly. Mr, XeokaH wke kae a sea la kke ID akM, visited Mtoe Ceeper'e reeta kwt week. A awaber af Mtee Caeper'a pepito Uveas far away a tint atrtaa4were mm1 to attWl eekoel dartog te re seat bad weatker. Bast Soheel. MIm Harw-aed. Ike Raet" toaek- er, wko kas beea kat oa aeeawit of eiekjwee, to reeoverias faster tkaa eeefcl . ke rjx-oid. Sao kad ta (f aad.w a ya4ete, to edadaet a fjeaeeal bfokr sevora eperailoa, aad It waa feaivd d tml eeiate buaiaeM. OMfdtal tkat see w-ewtt aot be aide to tk ker '" lVHj laeorpeeators, K. I ela aa4a tide year, bat see wfM d JtoM; O. ('. Albnftkt a a I h. C To ably be able to teaek a part ef tke Una. . '"" Mrs. Real's reea to aotedt for H. '' - very aeat ad kema Hke apfworaaee. The walto are decorated videh a oolUe tiea ef ptetatrea, aad eae eoraer aeraag ed as aa art eoraor, aad tke wialowe iltod with flewariap 4aaU. Tke rar beard to d?erated with a patrioUe eal eadar, aa Amertoaa nag deeiga drawa with eeloredi erayoaa Mia 8ebiadler'e room is atoo noted for azeeHeai deearatioae. Tke froet board baa a border along tke top of UiUe eblaka iat various poeitioas, thrown witk eolored rayows, aad tke rear board displays a very arttotie calendar eeae aietiag' ef a tulip deeigv. Tke otker ot-kar toardo are atoo decorated1 with various drow4ag& Tkeea are very in threat isfl to tko amoSer pupils, aad teade to ereate ia tktm a Ukieg for tkJr sekool room. ' Mr. Orakaw to arraagisg a eoMee tioa of lkmetratieas o bo used ia eoa aeetieaj wish the aokool work, wkiek, wka ke gets it completed wiU be very useful and iateretdiBg. ITe to eoSeet iae picture ef as iaetnMnVive Wed1 from every available aowee. He kas a geeat aesber of old magazines, sad tke pu pile are furntobiag a groat many more, . whioli eoateJa' valuable pietoree for seek a eolleotioni Tkey wiM be mouat- j ed, tadoxed and ptoced is oiaereat box es, wbtoa wH repreees etw greaior divtoieas. Tkera wiH be boxes for tke feXewiag: Tke Bevototioaary war. tfce Wr-r of 181x, tko OW war, tke Spaa iskAmoriesji war, tor iaveaters, poeta, explorers, aetors, politieiaas aad gener ale; for art, eeieaeo aad literature, tor plaees of iaiereet, aad iBiseeManeoua. Tte ooUoetioe is to be so arraaged that tke teaoher eaa tura to asy pioture de- aired is) uj. iasUst, as2 oaa readtty have GOOD for OLD and YOUNG 1lJDLtf)0 ttTH VWmtt kttf the eWWrtn hftthr and Uiui ' 8e wIwiiIawhm m4 mhkc Owy iwX It, hit h 1e. Aim! rfKmt m ihc enwtot Wee eixt It tc QlnaWlltr to get up brisk and freh In tke morning. Tuck of apatite, ior, nitakly Cvaitlextva awl peer aidtlu tlteM all in.Itcmt a dUonIed atomadi and bad (lluMtioll in xiulia anil iliil.r too. Thry aim (ndirate Ui Mrjrent nreii of takiitK Orrrn a Autruiit Plower iogu Urly for a few days, flit ol.f rciMMly forallatotnacl triHiMea, never falls to CMnr iiHllKtlon dvprpft nml chronic constipation, ami i a natural tonic for body and mind, it qTwo bum, jjc and 75c All druggiits field In Salem by B. C. Blone. It ea Hand io akow tke ekMMi. Mr. Ora kaaa Kim now erer 1000 pletarM aiwl exjHNHa by tke ed ef tke term te have bHweea three aed tew tbeemiHl. Te wmt exteni ke skaN exteal tke eel lertfoa ke deea net kaew. He says ke eeex aa aawe-i lattskaettlble aewree te iWw from la tke iKtideate aad eeker )de-) free wkiek pleterea eaa- be elh Ua4. Having ittoairatlewi at kaad te sUnny in eeaaaetioa witk tke Mtbjeet, w4H adl HreeU te Mm Inter. Tke eoMoeilen us ana ten (detaarea ef all tke prenldmt, iArtr wlvee and famiHea, every SHpreme jeeUee of tke U. 8, eeerr, a eefn)dete eet ef UtoWraUoau ef Hiawatha, aad rdetttres of akt. everytklnK of intereet la exitteaee. Tkls to aemeadag new, bat It eamMt hee bet W a pied tMng. Mr. Orakam to very aaMaanlaiafs ever It Aad vrtll iKHtbtteaa Make H ef ereat vatoe to tke pMfdto. rraod Exposed. A few seuntorfolters kave Jntoly beea waking and trying to sell Imltn lions of Dr. King's New Discovery t or j ueaiuRipuen, ueegss ana ueius, anu eiaer metiioiDre mereuy uerrouianc iu ... mi . t . public Tkto is te wsra yeu te beware ef such people, who seek to profit, through stealing tke reputation of reav eJlee which have beea sueemfully sur lag disease in erer 98 yearo. A sure preteetlea te you to ear same on all Dr. King's er Bueklen's rewedlee, at all etkers axe mere Imitations. II. K. nUOKLHN & CO., OkUage, 111., aad Wadter, Canada. Per Sale by J. C. Perry, Saletn, Or. Aaethor Oorapaoy. . f laeorperatlea were filed y - 4dNgp ky tke Www York Piaeaeieg WlSfzffik OP 7 Campaign Rates To new suhsctibets to the Daily and Week ly Capital Jofnal Help sustain Republican National Policies and elect the ticket in Oregon fey ci dilating the TotitnaL e Daily Journal 4 mos on trial $L00 Weekly " 4 mos on trial 25c One copy free to person getting up the clufc Iff sMl'iiTlllMilglBBissaaMss 28, 1900. VOTERS COMING TO TIME Awake to the Fact That They Have Duties to Perform as Citizens lterfatmt4ea at Ike eeawty eterk ' of flee to steadily iMreeetau, aad at tke same time Hamoe are earning la from tke eatetde preefnets faster tkaa tke reg4irat4 elerk can eater Ikem, A large bwaek ef blanka from DreiteabHok IHreeiaei prevetl te be defeetlve, ami kad to be returned te tke notary for eemplettaw. Tke aetary kad failed to nt kto seal en tkem, Tke total refatraiien te date to JM81, ef tkto atMeber 1MX are In the Salem preeiaeta, aa) 1106 la tke eeuKtrly. Tksa to 60 por eeat ef tke total regtetriUJen for 1004. Tke jmrt- registration it 111 attews tke ItepabMeaan to bo' In the majority by about feer to ene. Tke registration preoiaete fWlewat oaieni ro. 1 .................... SS BhImh Xo. tSt Salem Ne. 3 ltd BaletnNe.4 , W4 Ifti tMem Xe. tf , 1M Salem Xe. 7 ...,..., Ill iPW4rvttlj Jn4l e t ; t MiMieiieti 4Pw Aweavitle .... 118 Atorera .. .,...... M ItretleabwAk 1 Hreelm , , .......117 Itttt.evtUe fc 1 Okamfeeg ,. ...,,, 0 WnWtm ! JVw Htkkera.. , , 3 Palrftetd U Uervnto .....141 -ieb 61 Hbbard .. .. ,. Ed Itoll .. ...... M Jeflferaen . ... 32 I-lbert) 100 MaeWy". 48 Marion 41 Mokatan ,. 41 Mealier ...... .......... ........ 13 Meant Angel 80 Heotta MHIn 47 84daoy m, ., ,. ... 90 Oliver "a4e ... ...... ..... 30 wiveriea ileata ............ .... 48 HllvertOH M Bjiverlea, NVrt pMHj a( gu H.uft ... ". a .... 0 . ... .....jai Seldleatty , st Twraar ... ., , 4 Woedtowa MO BmhOs ? Iti UU Ym Km Ahwjt BeM Liberty Store Where you can sell your farm products at Satoa prices. Reeds of all kiade for field- aad garden. E. W. SMITH, Prop HOFER BROS. For Sprains f 53 CifsiSBruisQS Slop's rinimara PricQ 2JfJ0r&tf.00 China Is a Powder House. Conors, Hwitaertoml, Feb. 88. ML Habkawet, a former direoter et tke geveraovent powder faelory, wko weet te Ctriaa, to eeaetraet jwwder factories at Pekln and Tletsla, wrltre tkat Ue werk to nearty completed. Ho says PeMa to made a Madvra mhV Impreg nable fertreMS aad etker towan totve Iteea etreaxtkfed. Ho eays Ike stHm ttoa la Japea to extremely daaaereas for MorejteeaH, ami ke expeeta a revolt ia tke spring. THE 8ALEM STEAM LAUNDRY Is doing family washing at tho low rate of five cents a pound. At this prlco wo wash ororythlng, wo starch ovorythlng Intended to 'bo starohod. Wo Iron and flnlsh ovorythlng that oan bo dono by mnohlnory, Including knit flannel and woolen underwear; also all flat work, such as sheets, slips, tablecloths, napkins, counter panes, towels, handkerchiefs, tray sloths, dollies, etc Ilalanco hand work Is returned roiiffh dried. Tko fuel, the soap, the starch, the blueing and othor uteaells, lo say nothing of human toll required for tko washing at homo, on a act be bought cheap enough to do all this work at so small a pflee. Telephone U, or drop us a oan and our solicitor will call and oxplat about tills work In dotal). THE SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY Special rato for regular family work for sixty days. FOR SALE Fifteen acres, all In cultivation, within one mile of Balrm, Houee, barn, and 8 acres of fruit This Is the finest kind of river bottom land and can be had 0 1 rtry easy terms for on Jy 92000. Don't forget eur COOS HAY LOTS '" 935.00. Duy one and la a few years it will reaks you some money. Derby and Willsoa BRICK TUIek furnlihed ia large er satsli quantities. Pressed brick mads to or der. Yard ea State street, south of penitentiary, BAxaar. bbick yasld. A. A. IUJRTON Prop. XflC FasfalOn Stab JcS Formerly Simpson's BUM. Uptodato livery and eab line. Fu neral turnouts a clalty. Tallr-ao for plealss snd excursions. Phone 44. Okas. W. Yanake, Prop, 347 ssd S40 High Street. M I I " B j I ft. V I . B "1 V 't x ii: 9, ill i 1 :.r j". " . I 4k- - - i MMI