"" T7T ,F"'p"5'f DAiUY CAPITAL JOUiMM. W OIUWW. "" FEBRUAnY """' School News High 8chool. Th ebaotlll P t ni ranged te have been played betweon the high achool iMWartoa yeetsr 4ay evealnr wen called off by the home (m on ac-oont of the drowning of Harare! Catlln yesterday afternoon. $Tft ilfrertou efcm was not 'at all dls natlefled under ,n" clreumetaneo, nmd returned heme again yesterday even ing, it ) probable that the retHra gam wilt not be ptajred with Illrcc ion now. Howard Catlla, whe Itk n fatal accident on the river yesterday, wa one of the pomsmr young men of the ifchool and wHl be Terr generally jaieeeA He mi one of the football team a ett a aoe4 student H bad good credential, and would prob My have finished with the ftmlor olaM thl year Thin le the first Ihlng W the Kind that haa ever happened to the high Who!, and It la keenly felt by the students. A Ho waa rented from George 0 Wlb yesterday for the seoiety halL The Instrument to to be exomeivety for the sorkttlee, and will be looked while Hot being used by them. Heme wanted to have It put la the assembly halt mi m to give more room for no olety Joint meeting and entertain ments, Wet It It a good Instrument and ifiC.tyiflr would not rent It excopl on condition that It be tinea oxciuwyoi for the sooietioe and looked wane not ja uee. Tho societies will have mu lie as a part of their programs, whleh "will We a great Improvement. The debating teem la working hard now, with the assistance of Meeers. Marlatte. Iwers aad Smith. The manager, Harvey Slater, thlnka It poe- elble that It wiM be necessary to post pone the date a Bhort tlmo to give sufficient tlmo for preparation. He emphatically says that he will sot take a team to Itoeeburg only partly pre pared. - n croup t Ilegfas with tbesymptems ef a eemmen Mj there Is a sfcUHseM, eneemsg, sere threat, het skin, ,nlek pel, kearteneM Red Impeded reeplrallea. Olvo freeeeat small descs of Ballard ' Uefebeuad Byrup, (the ehlld will ery fer Jl) and at th first sign ef a ereupy sesfh, apply frequently Dal lard 'a new Mnlameat te the threat. Mr. A. VHet, Kew Castle, Oele. write. March IS, 101: I think Bal lard' Uereheend ivrep a wenderfulj remedy and te pleasant te take. Per tale by I). J. Vtj, Salem, Ortgen. The Salem-Sllverten Read. At the meeting of the Marlon county road supervisors It was decided that when the government experts come to direct the ronstrurtlon of a mile of sample road near this city next summer the work shall be done oa iha Balem-Sllverton road near the f4r grouads. The work will begin whore the road crosses the soutnern Paelflo track and extend a mite east ward. The date of the barbecue will be fixed so that thoee who attend may see part of the road completed, part with only the first or second layers of rock spread and part with only the grade thrown up. Tho rockoruther and steam roller will be put la operation. Fraud Exposed. A few eeaterfeliers have lately heea making and trying to sell lmita tlees ef Dr. king's New Discovery fer OenMmpMoa, CeMghs and Gelds, and ether modleines thereby defrauding the public. This Is te warn yeu to beware of seek people, whe seek to prolt, threegk stealing the reputation of rem edies whleh have been ineeestfaliy sr lag dteease fer ever M years. A mw protection te yen Is enr name en alt Dr. Klftt'a er Bneklen's remedies, all others are mere imitations, II. K. HUOKLBK k CO., Ohieage, 111., and Windsor, Cnmida. For Hale by J C. Perry, Salem, Or. Pleet Leaves Coronado. Coronado, Cal., Fob. 23.-Tho South Paclfle squadron undor the command (of Hear Admiral Goodrich and consist ng of the flagship Chicago, the cruis er Boston, the torpedo boat Perry, the OfWirinn. the Paul Jonee, tho Marb- lehead, sailed this morning for Magda- lena bay for their annual target prac tice. While the squadron was In this lKrbor the officers and mon were re ceived with the greatest enthusiasm and scores of social functions were ararnged la their honor, ' "O Recursions Every Hour, In order te give the people of Salem eflBertunlty to seo the beautiful eenatry south of Salem, and to eoo the development being made by tho com pany, the Cltlzena' Light & Traction Company will run cxuurslon oars to the reek quarry, south of Odd Fellows' cmeterr, leaving tho Willamette hetel en even hours. Enjoy a pleasant ride, and see for yourself. tf OASTOTIIA. BMiitfct Yw Hart Alwtrt Bft T(&aM 7&&UA Bids fer Feeding Prisoners. , The undereigaed will receive sealed bide for the feeding of prison ers la the oity Jail (meals to bo fur nished at the Jail la the olty imll) for the year 1906, up to 6 o'clock p. m oa Monday, March 6, 100C. Tho right la reeerved to reject any or all btda submitted. W. A. MOOM3S, J-ll-X Oity neoorder. y X 1 mtm '-& Don't Neglect This It May Be the Means of Your Winning $5.00 in Cash 4 Start Right Away and Have Your Man uscript all Ready Before Feb. 28. Try for Both Prizes. Rules of Contest OFFER NO. 1. A PRIZE OF to FOR THE ODST ARTICLE OF POO TO tWO WORDS ON "WHY IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE." THE ARTIOLE SHOULD COVER NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING, AND AT LEAST 100 WORDS SHOULD BE GIVEN TO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. OFFER NO. . A PRIZE OF U FOR THE BEST ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISINtt THE CAPITAL JOURNAL AS THE MOST DESIRABLE' PAPER TO BE USED BY ADVERTISERS. ALL COPY MUST BE IN THE OFFICE OF THE JOURNAL BY S P. M. ON FEBRUARY 38, NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CONTESTANTS SHOULD BE ON A SEPARATE SLIP OF PAPER AND ENCLOSED IN AN ENVELOPE. PIN THE ENVELOPE TO YOUR ARTICLE OR ADVERTISEMENT. THE TEN BEST ARTICLES AND THE TEN BEST ADVERTISE. MENTS WILL BE PUBLISHED INTHE JOURNAL. ADVERTISEMENTS MAY HE ANY SIZE FROM A QUARTER PAOE TO A PULL PAQE OP THE JOURNAL. ALL QUESTIONS ABOUT THE CONTEST ADDRESSED TO THE OONTEST MANAQER, CARE CAPITAL JOURNAL, WILL BE AN' 8WERE0 THROUGH THE NEWS COLUMNS OF THE JOURNAL MAN. USORIPT SHOULD BE ADDRES8EO IN THE SAME WAY. THIS OONTEST IS OPEN TO ALL EXCEPT SALARIED OR PRO. FE88I0NAL ADVERTISING MEN. IT WILL BE OF SPECIAL VALUE TO 0LERK8 AND STUDENTS. LADIES CAN PARTICIPATE AND HAVE JUST AS GOOD A OHANCK4 AS ANYONE TO WIN A PRIZE. 80ME OF THE BEST ADVERTISING WRITERS IN THE UNITED STATES ARE LADIES. l: , Ireland's Peat Fuel. It now look ae If Iroland has en tered upon a practical development, In a new fashion, of tho Vast reserve of r..i .tnrori in her does. Tho coal de posits, though worked to a small ex tent, do not at prosont oncourago n considerable Investment of capital. Professor Hull, when head of tho geo logical survey dopartmont, fixed the native coat resources at a substantial total, and the day may como whon, through the Improvident systom of English, mining, they will constitute a veny valuable proporty. Meanwhllo the peat Is at the surface and Invltos enterprise. The wondor Is that this great accumulation of potential wealth has remained so long almost ignored. It Is true that at least 3,000,000 of the population have used peat from tlmo Immemorial for heating, but they were merely touching the fringe, and the current methods of preparing it for burning were utterly primitive and In cidentally wasteful No one seemed to think until very recently that a ma terial to abundant might be capable of utilisation la some othor way and for other purposes than the domestic fire. Men of science active enough in various directions, Ignored mere bogs ae scarcely worthy of their study. They didn't even appear to be aware that GerauMsy wm experimenting with, this "brown coal" with a view of bringing it Into the domain of commerce, and that Sweden, Denmark and Holland had machine In use to compreee the clamnu- stuff Into hard and dry rakes which would meet the needs of manu facturing Industry. To the department of agriculture In Ireland it due the first attempt to grapple with the problem. Machines and men familiar with them were renuleltloned. and a syslematle effort m4e to ascertain hew far the com preeefon could he conducted a a beinM baeie. The Ami resulta, al though promising, were not conclusive It became obvious thut the ! needed imttrovemeat if the work was to attract capitalists. By degrees, however, the maehlnee and proceeeee were brough to greater omelency, and it in now beyond all doubt that the peat can be m-eoared ao an wvt oni to effect a large saving In tho flrnt cost, but abo to yield a much superior HHalUr of fuel. It In somewhat sen nuineiy estimated that at the rale of eo.oeo.oon tens per annum tho supply would last for 1000 years. An fuel the peat la reported to be verr nearly smokeless. It leaves none or the hard residua Incident to the consumption of coal, has high eakxiAe powjr, and deteriorate only allghtly la keeping. In these days of csaeslsea Industrial advancement, and literally a struggle ror existent, the Importance of so Immense asset will, it is to he hoped, he thoroughly realised throuih- out the country. It U a fortunate passseaion. however We la the day Is the discovery of the fat,-Boten Transcript MojAfcrs of Safet Are Your Children Thin, Puny J Aiungr it 00, Head This, "Vlnol will mako children ttr, ,uv - .-, . .. .vuirn jt money Is thore a mothor in Salem J will lgnoro audi a gonoroua otfe,. Ihls7 You risk not ono cent r 1 for all tho Vlnol yjour child t j it doos no good. Thore arc plonty of children nround us who arc thin, puny, ujl and tired all tho tlmo. Don't wa do this, and don't wan't to do tiJ Do not blamo tho children; theyhiJ no strength, no blood, no vlt&htii rapid growth takoe all their atresgtj Vlnol la Just what your child need It Is a dollclous cod liver ell ptvp tlon. and children love it, It erMt( strength, makes rich, red blood ul vitality as nothing olao can, an4 sfiti a severe slckrioss there Is notottg that will build up your child :tll Vlnol. The following letter Is only oee hundreds which we have reeefredi from mothers tolling what Vlsol hal done for their ohlldren: Mrs. IS. M. Oswalt, of Mafik'J Ohio, writes: "My little daughUr b came so poorly that I was obliged tj take her from school. Sho was thlfl no appotlte, tired all the time aj weafe. We had- trlcnt several mii cine without bonoflt. Since UVltl Vlnol, howevor, sho Is as well ever; she has galnod In flesh, at rosy cheeks arid good nppoMto ass going to school every day." We want to nay to every molhw ll Salem that Vlnol will build your Utli ones up Into atrong, robust, he&h children. We liavo never told thine eeual to it in our I tore for purpose, and we will return yofl mow If It fall." O. W. PUTNAM CO,, Drugjini Salem, Oregom 9 anil All le ef OMo. OMy ef TeMe, Lneas Cewaty, m Prank J. Cheney amkw ea Mmt he w senier parnMr ef ft irm ef P. J. 0Mmy k Ce, .Wag bwdiMm J, y OHy ef TV0J eeeae smd einte nfere kO.1, aa4 UM the mid arm wUI pay the ram ef ONK UITKDKKD D0I4JW fer Uk and every eM ef ea4rrh Ibat saamot he swred W nk f UaH'aCMesrrhOmM, FXAXK J. CHhSKtY. Ut herere bm sad mUmWIwU m my praMaes. U nt dev f IW. Ur, A. D., 1SSC A. W. OLKAiON. () Xeisrv PLMi JUsl'i CWsaerh Cure U taka. l.w. nally, 4 . Ue jj -- -waaw wriMM t the anfe. Sw tar tMitasMsass tnt, V. J. CHKKJty, Jk ca Telede a Md hy Jrnwtete. Tf. tU W. rVmll,- PHI, t sw. B Tlic Fashion Stables reraerty BiapMa'. 8taW. Up-te-date llverv aaa k u aeral taraouU a .peoltJty. TaUy-ie ". bmi rrep, U1 M High Street. 00 YEARS EXPERIENCE IISEE Traoc Marks uretami iSieieMKSa jj-.t iKsrk'rrie-.. fckBlS, "" r5vrKi? LypSrwwaJISSE iSRBSaSBJIst CJLIS'FOXlXAi BmtsU ltnliWYMlililWnytBwl tf jTiT ft W5&t BRICK Ilrlek furnished In larffo er aS quantities. Pressed brick mads t der. Yard on Btate street, souls penitentiary. 8ALEM DMOlt 7AILD. A. A. BUBTON, PrnJ COUVALLia & EASTER It. V. 1 TIME TADLE NO. S1. Trains From and To Yaqulna. Na 1- Ieavee Yaqulna 7:00 a. H Arrives at Corvallls 11:38 a. A Arrives at Albany ........13:11 p. i j No. 2- Leavea Albany 12:15 p, Ieavee CorrnlHe ......... 1H6 p tj Arrives nt Yaqulna 6:00 P Trains To and From Detroit. No. 1 Iavee Albany 7:99 a. Arrives at Detroit 12:30 p. 9 No.4- Leavee Detroit 1:60 9, ( 1 Arrives at Albany 6:40 p. Trains for Corvallls. No. S- Leaves Albany 7:M a. Arrives at Corvallls ...... 8:M a. No, !- jVim Albany , 2: SO p. Arrives at CorvalHs 3:10 P- No. 6- LeavAa AUutnv 7-SE D. Arrives at CerraWe .,.. 8:1 P- Trains for Albany. Ne. I- LAaves Corvams 6:3 a Arrives at Albany ,. 7:10 a. No. 9- f leaves CorvalMa 12:0 p. t Arrives at Albany l- P-'f 1 LTe Corvallls 6:00 p, 1 Arrive at Albany 6:10 p ncguiar ounoay Train. No. 5 I Leaves Corvallia 6:30 a. Arrives, at Albany 7;3 a- f xve. 111 ! Leaves Corvallln 11:30 a. Arrives at Albany 12:16 p. f '- . I Leaves Corvallls 6:00 p. Arrives at Albany 6:46 p. I No, 8- Leavee Albany 7:55 a. I Arrives at CorralUs 8:35 a. j No. 12- Leavea Albany 12:46 p. Arrives at CorvalMa 1:33 P No. 6- - Leaves Albany 7:35 p. arrive at Corvallls 8:15 p. ! All of tho above Mnaeet with Bout em Paolflo commfir tndnSL both Albany and CorraBls, an well as tin for Detroit, gdvisg direct service j Newport and adiaceat beacnos, as w A as BreKeahuahi Hot Borings. w m - For furtker lBtorBaaUea. apply J a MAYO. Gen. Pass. B. H BOLS8, Affeat, Aay. H. H. CRONISB, ajreat, CorTlU