y i r.j 6 School News Htflh School. Tke elaee of keglaner riolred te tak an exarrtnaOo la grammar .yesterday. There were too maay for one teaikw to ha. tkey Mvlded Into two section, one aged br Mr Maria t and ! otktr by Mite IMrhnrdu Tilt examination was at 10: 10. Tke htflttntnf algebra laa also It to taint for mm rvnaei, It, afco waa dlvMtd. It wIM moot for ike second period In tke aftomoon. Tho atvnXitt aw H rirtfa to Dili rlaaatc dUereat from tkoee of Jajft tTM T nlr of cktsetes take daring tke klglr aekool eonrta la etgkt Two each year. Mo credit to given for the work, Wat It It r ftwliwt m a part of tat ItngUtk eoarte. Tat hooka art otdorai la tamo tots af the oafkltt, aad told to the atsdoata tor 10 etaU ttk. Soma of the oldtr students Save fta leked tbalr rlfki awl ot net aaw M alM rlaealra tfcls Item. A nnnalwr of atudenta coatt troM loo grant a distant to go boata for ktrn, aad o lunrb la Utt bnlleUag Tbay aw reanlrad to tat la (ha clans rooms tk bore la Mr. Smith's aad ths glrla la Mia twafferJ's. Yesttr day t of tko boya watt ntMmblsd ! 4- A Doctors Medicine under ke care of Mr. Smith at noon, tad tke fwa aad joke were plentlfnl Tkt Demoetkenee society baa Its regular meeting yesterday evening. A toodly number of members were present A ploa for getting up a coatt In tkt society waa considered ad adopted Tke aoefety, all bat a committee conalsllng of Harvey. Sla tr. Beta Harding. Mabel Mngoaan, urpn nmn n wmi - i divided Into two aides, aad tkt rivat ry sfcall be along tkt llnee of abat ... - - .-J ,ittmm daty of the committee mentioned n to coaaldtr tkO nantta preflmtod for Mtmbtreblp and terMe at to tholr el Iglblllty. The toting sl! It to girt an wvenlna's entertainment to the vio lent. After tke regvlar orar of boalnets waa dispaased with, tkt following pro gram waa given: HA Talk on lUureat Ing Machinery." by Olen Cooper; "How W Play llaaeball." by Verl Ooode, "The Hnmonms Hide of nin lag." by Harvey aMater; Tke Bicycle," by Beat 1 larding: 'Tke Phonograph," tag. aernnng new ipwmww n .! "-. -- programt. The captalae are Perry "one. Ra Utter, started In. Mo tjat Nlgkman and Margarita Mora. Tke the data la practically at It waa mat Read Very Carefully It May Be the Means of Your Winning $5.00 in Cash Start Right Away and Have Your Man uscript all Ready Before Feb. 20. Try for Both Prizes. Rules of OPPER NO. 1. A PRIZE OF U FOR THE BEST ARTI0LE OF 1000 TO MOO WORM ON "WHY IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE." THE ARTIOLE SHOULD COVER NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AND AT LEAST 300 WORDS SHOULD BE GIVEN TO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISIN6. OPFER NO. S. A PRIZE OF U FOR THE BEST ADVERTISEMENT ABVERTtStNC THE CAPITAL JOURNAL AS THE MOST DESIRABLE PAPER TO BE USED BY ADVERTISERS. ALL COPY MUST BE IN THE OFFICE OF THE JOURNAL BY P, M. ON FEBRUARY 90. NAMES AND ABDRBSSES OF CONTESTANT SHOULD BE ON A SEPARATE SLIP OF PAPER AND ENCLOSED IN AN ENVELOPE. PIN THE ENVELOPE TO YOUR ARTICLE OR ADVERTISEMENT. THE TEN BEST ARTIOLES AND THE TEN BEST ADVERTISE. MENTS WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE JOURNAL. ADVERTISEMENTS MAY BE ANY SIZE FROM A QUARTER PACE TO A FULL PACE OF THE JOURNAL. ALL QUESTIONS ABOUT THE CONTEST ADDRESSED TO -THE 0ONTEST MANAGER," CARE CAPITAL JOURNAL, WILL BE AN, 8WERED THROUGH THE NEWS COLUMNS OF THE JOURNAL MAN. USCRIPT SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE SAME WAY. THIS OONTEST IS OPEN TO ALL EXCEPT SALARIED OR PRO FESSIONAL ADVERTISING MEN. IT WILL BE OF SPECIAL VALUE TO CLERKS AND STUDENTS. L: .-,- wm rnnuuirftic tnu MAVfc JUST AS GOOD A CHANGE AS ANYONE TO WIN A PRIZE. SOME OF THE BEST ADVERTISING WRITERS W THE UNITED STATES ARE LADIES. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM Aver v-u oral ' not " s,mp'e cough syrup. It It a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases. Especially rood In bronchitis, pleurisy, consump tion Ask your doctor all about this. ... ..-i-.. Lowell. Mi. U m by Mabel Manss; a aont;. by (tke Mfssea Doll and Mtra, and "Talk on Poetry," by Perry Relgtlman. Four nw namoa ware voted la, aad the to doty ctooed oat of lt meet Intree Inr iMtlowa. A very Inttreetlng ipor was read to' the Aaerican klttory data yoettrday on "Interaal ImprovtuienU," by Crla sle Clark. Probably tktre la lets rhange In tke American klttory data than any other In tkt echool this trm. Only oat member, William t.rkin drooMd oat. and oat new term. Dr. JOppley met his music claaa yet terday at lt:40. There are belwttn ii and 70 atndenU taking tkt work. He bad a quiet room to work la, owing to the Instructions of Mr. Marmtto who charted all that were not taking tke work (o remain on the lower floor nnd not collect In the hallway at tke rear of the atMiembly room, and not to keep up a confusion, na they bad done before. Floyd Utter performed tke exper iment for the botany rbua yaetorday Contest . eennllAnY 14. onEao"' , i -nrrr-ni -:555 It i. to prove kt giving off of mols ,re by a pkL tm c- -rn.au are all performed by the itii d.ta to famlllarlat Iknu much as oalblo wltk that klad of work. Two of the old sudents, who dropped out of botany last ttrm, turned to re aum the work. They are Bdns Mont gomery and Menrlc Itoherts MUt Nellie Sykea, who has been ab Mnt oa acconnt of troble with her eyes, kas returned to school. The sttttfonts are beginning to ttte th library lo a conalderable extent. lt probably will b neceeaary . - chairs to be piacea accommodations. tnere wr m Plating Memorial Tablets. - Santiago, Cuba, Feb. 14.-Hundrtdt of American rttldenU of Havana and other cltlta of Cuba art In this ctfy today to wltneta the memorial ex ercises on the baitltnelds In this vi clnlty, which will be held under the nsplctt of tke Saatlago battlefield rommlMlon. Tke eommltalon arrived here a few dayt ago and had trary. thing prepared for the unveiling of the various tablets and monuments today. Among, the historic spots thus marked are Ml Caney, Fort San Juan, San Jnau Kldge and Saa Juan de Ma.mraa Hill and Kettle Hill. At the unelllng ceremonies the govern ments of the United Stales aad of iCuba. the United siaiee army ana I 1 1906 . THU. oviw w- fVA 1jFV; .-. TT fW ' b lt 1 Yo mwt m off nr MbHltnl o CTFortv million bottles of Augutt Mowaf wld in the Unlte-l States alone Mice IU iiitnluctioi I An1 the denwtHl for It i still growing. Isn't that a fine showing of rjccewr Don't It prove that Atigusl Flowtr has had unfailing success in the cure .f in Htfe-tlon and flvsper a-the wor-t enemie of health and hntiplneas? 01 it n.t afford the wt exidettce that AuKit Plowrr is a speciliC for all stonai'!t nu'l intetlnal ilitwli r r-that it i the Iwt vt ail liver rrgu'atora ? 5Aujr't Pl-wer has a matchleaa record Mr uHt in curinK the ailing mil 1 - of t'. tirtrrit cotntdaints. qTwv u. t$c and 75c All drnggUm Sold In Salem by S. a Stenc. navy, and the Society of Santiago de Cuba will be represented by dele- gales Dr. Stone's Drug Store does a ttrJaUy eaah twilnew, owes no one, aad ae oae ewes It carrlca large sleek; Its shelves, counters and show eases are leaded with drags, medlelnoa, aetleas, toilet articles, wince and limners of all Wads fer medical pur pes. D. Stese is a regular graduate la medtelao aad has had many years ef axperieaee ia the praetisa. Consult Ueas are free. IVwwrlplisss are free, aad ealy regular prUea fer medielne. Dr. Steae ana bo feaad at bis drag store, Salem, Oregen, frew 6 in the mtralag until 9 at nlghL OA8TOIIIA. Btu.Ua lMKdYlklWMniBeaM MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY MMake Salem a Qood Home MarkaL" "Make Salem a Oeed Hemt Market," PetiHry-At Stelner'e MarkeL fckqrs-Per doa, lie. Cklckena 10c. Prya-Se. Ducka tc Peiltry, Eggs, Eta, Ngg-pr dos, , Bwttar. ra(aUM. iUa-Wlic. rrya-Mo. Ostat Ttc Dttcka le. FrulU, Vegetablts, Etc. PotMoea-UCMc Oniona lMc Appm-SS r ksMkti. Carrots-Me pr btwkti, Be-t par bwaktj. J-U par twt Trepltal Fruits, Baaaaas-l Me g. Oeanea-t1f,Ta. l.vo.a-tft Live Statk Market. I'WK-tMf CoTi-lMtite. Skaep-te. Ureea4 val-. Pat Vtaal4ie. Grain, Feed. Baled clover JS, ffcaat-tMtjT. TtaoUy-SI.H, Orala- Itraa-Jtl. Skaru-Stl. Butter and Cream. Portland Market Wkeat, Clnk-a7o4. YaUoy-TSe. BhtaMata 7o7S. Oau-Ckok White, $8, MiUaUitt-lireB( jn. Ily-Ttnotky,J9jis. Potato tfy 6Qc Poaltry- Average old kens. 1113- nUx4 ekiekMs. Itl0e; brollora, llte; yoaBg rooaters. l&e; ojd ,00 tera, Sfc; drsd ekickans. 1314. turkeys. Ura. Hi7e; turkeys, dressed 10c. g, dreastd, per pound, 120 ". atacks. lftflSo; plgeoM, itJ: sedans. SS. Pwk - IteeKNi.6 $7 vi 6. Be-Dre6ed. I5c Mattoa-Dweaed. 48ttc. ltopa-Oetoa. 19. isnc. old Sre, ' "" ". TOswy, aearso to Jia. ; Baxter Oregon Mokair-XocaUal 3 fG0!Qil (gp) Stffitpigj' Tht TVntna . .. ... ZH I Through Pullman stand4 'J ImirUt alivinltitT iun ,1I1- i. . nVili-niVn Rnnlrnnna t. i. .' Tl cars dally to Kansns Cltyj tJjl Pullman tourist sleoplag trt (J,1 sonalljr conducted) weeklj to C goj roouning cnnir ears (it, J to tho Bast daily. ', 70 HOURL POkTLAND TO Ctt -jkCO V tto Chute ef C' ' V DKPAttT roft TIMBSiniBDULDB Krera vrUn.t, Or illN rwi, CbIcoro mniaud Bceelal oils. Tia Uant In (ton "AtlanUo Ktprni IslS p. m, la Hunt Inntoa 'oL'panl-' rant Mall e V r. m, via Bpokan -4 m Lk. tnrar, north. Omak.. Ktiu.. it Ottr.it ttK caictM umata, d Kau ai ti Ult u llMTM FL Worth, i Omi fttak. tutu M.sl Cttr, Ht. tfflll, t Meat. nd Kmi. Walla WatlaiTowmea, dfwiVana tVallaiwi t.tt pui MlnnoapoUi 8t1 I rani, Daluih,Milwui(i 1 1 unicMo. ana jiui For fuller information aik rrHt I your nenreat tlekot agont, or A. V. fflMtn "i General FftweEger AMt. Tho Oregon Itnilroad & NarigtUq' Co., Portland. Oregon. COUVAXLIS it I1A8TER B, E. Timo Card No. M. 11 No. S fer Yaquina Leaves Albany 12;U r. W. leaves Oervnlllt ltM P. K Arrives nt Yaqulna .... (:B F. U No, 1 Returning ; Leaves VnqfifnA MIA. U. Lcavos Corfalli 11:90 A. il Arrives Albany 32:15 r. U. No. 3 for AlbanyDelroit 1av Albany for Detroit 7:34 A. K Arrives Detroit 1S30 P. It No. i from Detroit . Ioares Detroit ItOOP.U Arrives Albany 6;0OP.XJ No, fi for Albanj l leaves CorvAllls 0:10 A. Wl Arrivra Albany 7:10 Alt No. 7 for Oorvnllls Imves Albany fl 00 A It Arrive Corvnlll 8 0 A . No. 7 for Albany Ieavea Corvnllls 5 00P.lt Arrives Allxvny 5,40 P. It Ne. 0 for Corvnllla Leaves Albany 7Plt Arrives CorvallU S.UP.lt Train No. 1 arrive In Albayh tine te oennoat wltb tbo 8. P. beuad train. Train No. 2 Mac?a tke 8. P- trains at CorvnlHs ana Albany, &H dlraet servieo to Newport and s1 tent beaches. Train No. 3 leaves Albany fer De troit at 7t30 n, to,, arriving tkore l amjlo timo to reaeb tho UreiteaBSti ket eprings tho same day, Train No. 4 between Albany aad De troit eonneetn with Bugone loeal at Al bany, aha wltk loeal fer CorvalUi- Train No. 5 leaves Corvallis at 6 a. ., trrives at Albany 7j10 a Unto to oatsh Bugene loeal to FtUl and train to Detroit, Train No. 8 leaves Albany fer Cf vallla at SiOO a, H after arr.val f nertbbanad Bogene loeal. Train Na. 7 Jeavea Carvalhs at a w p. nt arrives in Albany at 5.40 p. av. In time to connect with the loeal tT Bugene and way paints. Troin No. fl leaves Albany for Cfcf vaUla at 7i35 p. ra., aftr tho arnval ef the a. P. loeal from Portland. For further Information apply to J. G, MAYO, Oen, Pa. AK T. COCKItBLL, Agent, Albany. H. H. ORONIflE, Agent, Corvall'a. Steel Soled Shoes Metft S3.0O, Boys' S2.50 and S200 The beat wearing shoes told In Salem. 345 State St, Opposite Patton's. JACOB VOGT .-MMMntaaBaaPaSIa' nn YEARS' EXPERIENCE MetfrM.H4att sUreoBf PkUeu Uk.a IbrouKb Uusa it ttM fltfl H&l 7cat uu Uhet ebart. to HHT T-udc MAR s:iaNa 'PIIH C5aVRiaMT c- Stkkttilc JHirtrlcit. a AH Ex Inf. GOI 9tll am Co nn BU Tl) CE ( Inwh Ok. 8U TfaWBl - ffjjfj0il0mmmmmmn,tim 1 1 nmmmm niti-