T-sWPRP?.' THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY IIOFEB BROS. OPnOIALOBNaUB 8ALEM. MAY, 1904, 13,287. jiwilMMMHHBMMMMMM,",,MMMI"",J EDITORIAL TRUTHS 1 1 TERSELY TOLD The propeellUm Ui kar our county bat certain condition faror muiTt to another Portland able to their Mends, ther wonld be adrertitlaK pamphlet tboald be care- suppert: the law? faky looked M Mack oaant la U. doe. tkm ptora? TW a great ceatxibate la Ike seme war. and it deal of pereoaalltr aad not i mutkle of will make ai a tarn book akeet principle eaters Into (ka Sakt oa OrtRoa. Hut wkeikar oar coaaly will be ptoda o. 1 , IfLaw- tfrectir beaeaUod reaealas to ba reae llama wafa a caadidate for tka eeea. Wker so st U owdod United ftalee senate wader "" into eee pamphlet a flHnd oonaly la direct primary law, aad kla frlenoe lost la tka kW, a1 tH wkow ba- 'were taklac pMe Mo. 1, or T. T. oeaHM aa adTertleemeal lor tka oltjr Oeer, or many anotker aontiaaMa, tka of lHHtkutd. Kow la a eeeral way objomtons " rtUo rorilaed and Ike Whole state kaa baaa Mr Hoorae would disappear, aad la wait advarUeed br Uia fair aad by tka tkMr tea4 would b claiaoroaa laala railroad ewapaawe. Tka latter am tears oa tka eaforcement of tka law, aaadlaff oal beedroda of tkoaaaada of aad tka taklae; of tka pledaas. Tbat pamphlets, bat tfcay adrertkw oaa'waa tka Salem Stateeman's attltada Itfaea aa mark aa aaiKkar It Ma- la tka lefflalntMre of 1MB. wkta Oaar tUm eoaatr aay to tka wwrtd wa bare waa tka people's ckotee. It I traa aometklen; betlar tkaa ntty tHker aoaa- UU aaaer a dlffereat law. bat aiMd ly, and lot aa let oat aad ctreakOa at tka same perpose taklae; tka oar own NternUtre. Wbara Ittenttare ckotca of aetMlors oat of tka kaada of U not oat by Portnad or by tka rail- , malemrore. .How wa ballara la road peopla. ky dara Not aa? la aay tka prtadpla tkat tka people ara caa aark MiaraiarN tkat oaa part of tka abla of self-iorenimeat. aad capable etata baa ketler advwelaaas for tka, of aalaetla aenalore by direct rota. botaa aoaljar tkaa aay ntkr. aad tkat Jaat tka same aa rkey ara capable of la Jaat what wa meet aay, aad eaa ' eatectlne; aay otkar oMrlal, aad the aagr traikfally. If wa woaM laaba aayjery aboat Joaatkaa Woaraa betas: aa laaproMPkm fur oar owa beaelM. LM , aaat aad owaextoaa raadldata doaa not 1'orOaad aad tka railroad pmpla aay what tkay plaaaa aboat Marloa ana ly. Tkay raaaot aad will aot tratk fallr aur imrlUto IhmI mbtmi ua Yv W -w W . -- m w- g . raaaot bjaora tka fact tkat wa ara part , of tka atata. Mat for kaafaa'a aa;da to protart tkaataalwi ittjaiaat lw If wa aa to opaad aad at oa ay lot poatara, Tkay kava a IHUa aaaaa aa ga to aayfac aeantklag aatpaatla . aad ha Ua toag raa It la gaaarally pnod aad offaotiv Hkoat aanatraa, aad a4t oaoagk Ui aava tka roaatry frooi go- taotla IW atkar fallow ' bora all tka . liiaa. Miiiaj aoatatkiaa aarlar. Tka oaadMery af I. K. Xalkay for Ike abon taien Ualtad ttataa naaaaar aklft nmnmIb an lalitnHlliUF fMaluaa mt tka dlrwt prtamry law. Ua atamia fo. U " JJ1 lk ' tkat law aad aaakt kla aomlaatloa aad , "T " , HT4 . ,tt wr- alaettoa aaaar tkat law. aad there la ?'" ta rtrt W,U Hot a word af dtaeeat T U ear, tka ! '"V " "H ',r (arm ke aaaka la abort, only far akaait I ?" "J- A trmi how", twa maalka. or fwm tka maatliK af , pw",,Jr " " oal tka goaatal aaaambly to tka foarU af ,,to" whU w rtoa Marea, bat Ike boaar la aa.ally great ""M'' M Mtl " wKk aay aikor Uvw of a eaaMlorablp. i P"11" oppuaad to Tooae Mow It U aatniraat tkat be la a Nt maa ' " M,rto" cami "" " for Ike pMoa, kaa tka ainirurr aaa). ' To MIJr wlM h0 ' altaatraa laaauana. aa4 kaa aoi araaaad tka aa ! ' "' " lanaHp ur koatlMty of nay tHoUoti (Mr " 1MIM ii"' WJlr him u apply eader tka primary law r,to U mmAH ,wM lk for la all rtgkt rw Mr goera U all " Uwm ' ,,0, far to wHr u wraa uaemr tk nealyeta of earmlTu,, N ary oaa of Ike mwaaa aatWaaaa Kuw If tka laa la all rtgkt ' ta t1 M rt"r aad graftar lor Mr. Mulk. 4o It aot prove If I4" lU0 aialM Tooaa la tka amao maa wtmiiiy i-nj,, tlraakla to, ladlcattow tkat be will aot tke rrHlia uf Mr. Ituarao vara lo ka- lwVl ' Ui ,k rtasa 4 fk rail- a vaauiidai for tko loaa im. ikar waald ka ao aktaKtoa ta tka tawt (Mr Inmate , If aaaaa Hapakll raa. who kaa aot kaea la aH aa taaay Mmatarkvl mftapa af tka pa4 wara aa aa reaaiaw taiea4 of Mr Haurao. or af tka crlllM of Mr. Moarm. weak they not ho aula tha taw m u rtkiT iNmi tkay aot mm' Eruptions Tbtj only way to got rid of plmplos and other orup tlons is to cleans? the blood, Improve tho digottion, stim ulate the kidneys, liver and akin. The medicine to tako is Hood's Sarsaparilla Which has cured thousands. Pause and Consider Wt WIN We yr nmmi Man tea ymr feom toiyf Tum u mat kava aarad a 'a wwiMtiei pawn, kai tf i wot tMgaa w mU aava oal wear mtm a dav u damojlt It auaMklr Ht aar m.tae Baak tta lawtaaaat. yaa wUI bav to yoa ciedtt la tan jaaar tka nrm aaaa ef HHM. Ya wtU kava more tka aWt-aK yoa win kava ae ajairad a hit f aartiaj uut thrift tkat w4H w f ari rkankli rahmv Hr i mar aaajt takireat aa de paaMa of a dadar r taaoa, mma Jmbssmmrr mBMmX&BEU ?g , alfart aa la oar Javotloa to tka prta rlpla. lat tka paopla artaad to tkat a kaa It la up to tkata. Tka paopla do aay aapartor raalaa la a aawapaar oMra to tall tkaat wkat to Ia to tka daatallloa bowwowa, reaa Are with Him, Cbaat Mall: Waltor U Tooaa kit tka aall oa tka kaad la kla apaack at Klaiaatb PMU wkoa aa ald tkat If era ia Uaal Ike aort of we aaat All tknawk tha dUtrlat yoa will lad Ua old Maa kuaipalatora. wko Ilka to Ik tklaaa theaaaalvaa. lo pat ap the akwea eka tka people um to ratify, are "lo"M Ttaaw. Thla ! aaaoabudly la Naa with their Idea tkat tha paopla ar haraiy aaaUlad to ago pai.tc agmim. aa4 tk maa who ma dlrwt i the people la behalf of hlmw'r or hla pulltUe la a "dataa atmuo " Hat dowa here oa (mm Bay. '"u ah rooalaaraUoe akoald aot w-j. .Kir promlaaat ina rrom eapport tug ih only caaaideea wko haa aaa nuu.iir phalgad hlaswlf. to a fair deal lor (Vh lay l eplie of Hortmad. n i CeMtratlmj St. VUW. Day. Wakhlagtoa, Pak. lt-ll waa to ba eKMned thai tka aamaroa friaada of mim Alice Noimevelt. aad aha kaa taoaaaaua of them In every etala at the HMoa. would aot allow aM Valea j Uoa'e aajrio paaa wHkoat tklakteg of tka krtdattt-ke. her chantta. Ilttk ru maace aad cage lag wetdlag and gtTtng aaaaa atpraaeme) of tketr tataraet la her Tho HakiaUM poalal aatkor ttwa fa ajagta nanliiai tkat tka White teaoee aaatl. uaaaaMlly kuaja M oMt Hsaa. wakl ka raaaUorebly la "Mai by ruaatla tokaoa aaat to MWm amoaavaat. kttt tha aaormuqe aaasher watch aMtaHly cjgaa tkrowjh the meiU froai all aarta of tka eooa iry atmoet auggorad ikeam. Tka a$ at anajhar of tka raleattaaa taai to liaa RoMOVeU ta aot kaowa, hot aervatlva eaUaMue pmca It at more (a au T-siaaa- ir mail eamtaiaed a aamker of thaaa missives. aaUa ttm i of ka taitml tuuaa. from large ettlea M lakjaJaVM vtllagea. aad ad tsae4 la every klad of aklragragky. Iraat tka mature kaad wtttiag of a kMaaas maa to the mliaaattsd scrawl ft aaaaa cvatra Kkool aJrL Boat fk oct'aaa mcmwl la. v prj ffaitfi.iJ MMga U larM. aaaay covere, aja tke tot waa I DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, - . . ii.ii... n? iaa alalmr even a iar spnninmR . ata Talantlna of a decoraUve char artar. Tka arrlral of thlt anormotn and ratkar Mnaxpwjed addition to the rag wlar wall raofd oatatlaR Hhe eon taraatloa at the Tilta Hoaaa. Serar al clarka datallad by Sacratary Ib for that parpoaa wara kapt hvmy op enlng aad aortlwf tka malf. Ml ltooaeralt foond tlma to drop in oc rationally aad hugaly aajoyed look ing orar aoaia of tha valaallnaa, par tlcularly tkoaa of a haraaroua cbar actar. Some of tha haadMmaat aad wlttlaat aha pat aalda to ahow to bar flaaaa. Xaw Tork. Pb. U.-8L ValeatlBa'i day waa okmrrtA here aad through oat tka coaatry aa aaaal, but there dW aot aeawt to ba aa maeh Interest In tka day a la fonaar yaara. Valaa tlaca of all ktnda wara told In the hope during tha paat few weeks, bat tka demand waa much Uahter than la former year, aad the walla were not b any rneana orer hardened with work on account of ralenUnee. Front all parta of the country It la reported tkat the demand for valentine waa far aiaaller than over before. The greatest demand waa for vary expen sive plecea and for the eheapeat meetly comical valantinaa. Compara tively few of the medium grade were old the cuatom of tending valentine aetata to be gradually dying out. DYSPEPSIA-PROOF. Haw Any Meal Can Dc Thoroughly Bnjeyed by Any Stomaoh. Men, aa a rale are fl ret dwowerad by Ikalr aaeaalaa. Their aHtagoalata turn oa the aenrckllgkt. aad tha proof of merit wM Ha la being nkk to man! tka Saak. It waa only la thla way tkat Mr. WkMe ever knew tkat dyapepefo waa oaa of Mr. Hlark'a worn anemia. Mttlag face to fare at a Lwebyrour takla. ka kaaded hla aatletad frtead tka bill of fare. Oyater Oocbtala Stuffed ONvaa Moatoa Cktm Ckowdar trained Oamko Irlola leank with Maakreoma NoHod Ox Toagua with Vauorkraat ioaater a ut awborg United Pork aad llaaaa OoaaMaaUoa Crab Salad Hot Mlaee 11 Pineapple Prltier Mr. HTttta ordarad a "HtlU of eark." Mr. Dyapepata kkek ordered eraebara aad a gktaa of milk. MI aad aark a kit kraakfaat thla morning." ba aald. "tkat HI Jwat take a bite to keop jroa eoatpaay." Rut Mr White could aot ba dooerved; "l am afraid you raat ataad tka gleam. Mr. Black. Why doat yoa aa yoa kava dyepepeta aad ba doaa with ItT You'll alwaya have that kaagry look aaykow aa kwg aa yoa kava dyapepala. Xow lUtoa. My atoaaarh wna la Jaat aa had coadl Uoa aa youra at oaa time. But now I tan eat aaythlag. at aay time. )k laauuwa. thla clam t-howdar or alrlota ateak or avea tke lohatar would ka hut aa welroaaa to my atomark aa yoar rrackora aad milk. You deat raaltae how tkU dyapepala bueleeee U robklag yoa of yoar spirit, of your eaergy u4 aMHty lo tUak qalckt)'. I raat help notice It. Yoa havea't tke ckoer aad aaclakllliy yoa had tkraa moatka ago. Kow rtl tall yoa wkat to do." Aad tkareat tka caaarfal Mr. WklU Uok a vial from hla pocket aad extracted a waa tablet. Tkert, tkoee la a taklet tkat eoatalat aa la. fdloat oaa graia of wkkh dlaaata kM gmlaa of food. For even tka woret dyopeptla It'a tka oaly tklas tkat really gtvea roHof. Tka reaaaa w H rattavaa tka atoamck of nearly aU raa work It haa to do, gtgeeta avary tktag la tka atoaaarh aad atlmamtaa tho gaetrtc jaioa. 1 caat gat ateag wltkoat tkam Thoy are Staari'a Dwimaala Takkaa, Yoa caa got tkaai aajrwejara oa eartk far lAc a packafa.'' Yea. It It tree. Btmufa nmunk. TakkHs akaokJtel I aton kMHtuira I dysaopata of tka woiat tw. euar etoatack bKiaty (aal-l lag aad all emrtaMoM aad irrltoUoa aad fraakoa aad tevtgorat. the ark. Tkay ckeer yoa up and Make' ZTcSXEZXXX: seaaam-k lo worry you Mw. aweay Maar Uir?.'i:'rtS:Mof fins and Boston aaaatry teeth ef Salem, aal te t the 13 Y wlgfBjiat aalag made b the earn DrOWll OrCad made mJ wUI raa earaUa ear. te the k aaarry, tea af Odd Pallawt' . -, . nuiamette kM aa even keara. imJoy , l.Mll m aad e fee rusiMir I aad fee yvawelf . CASTORlAlAiie juva aaa u&uaxea. T8 M Yen Hara Always Bwglit Bears tke Stguaturo of Z&ffi , -- """1M. WEDNESDAY. READ AND VOU WILL LEARN -rw th fading mrdteal writers and S" h.T? o ) I tlia, wveral hoola of 2KV . wKinrv and, wsommf nd In tho ihr..nirMt f-rm' !"" IW17""-" """ ' .TA,', catarrh tornid lUr. or Wliouant-w, chronic oowei ioV-'tK n. and all catarrhal dlwawa of li.-ivnr rwrlon. nam or.iiattirc. It Is hriilc howel or mngaunillngcaeai of caUrrhal alT ti..n " itid thel ' P-sn tanta. aa bronchial, rt tionaccmpaW with swyprf wmghs. it mtZ t3r for acti cold. "?," Mil for flnerrlrtif. or chronic caw It Is mvu ma. Itronuln Itlack flmrrvlmrk. floldon oal root. IttooUnwit. stone root. Mumlrake root ami Qnren a root-all nt mln.h jre hUhl) tral-laSAromlMfor .11 ,1... shnvii mvtiit lotwo n-no'iB j -n ii pmlnont mrtilcal writer ami tca'how as I'rof. Ilartholow. ot .icncrawn .-j. -loo; I'n.f. Itaro. of the I n y. of fa.; Prof. Flnaw fcniiatwrMl, M. I .. of IIb nit Ml. College rhh-aao; Prof. John K'o. M. P.. let" of Cincinnati ; Prof. .tt.,t M. -oddr. M. 1).. Jala of Cincin nati : !'nf. Bdwln M. Hair M. I)., of llnlinrman:! NM. Collngr. fh..-ago. and ror-of rtthrrnqiallr eminent In their aevYal chool uractli. Th"Oidd.-n Mllcal Diacovery" I the onlv medicine tt l for sal" throtigh dromrlsta for like rv- that haa any nrh inriiwIniMi ttdormcnt worth more tnan anv nnmlier of ordinary to-t monlaU. 0ten publicity of It- fttrmo mi tha twtttle wrajcr la Urn bat meai . puranty of in merit. , A glance at this iMiilmhri formula wllrshow thaftrnhien Mmliral Discover " ciMiUln no iiolnon on. or harmful aganu ami no alcohol i-homlrally iwre, tiiple-rrllnc! glrrctln Iming new Iwtaad. (Ilycarlne Is entirely unoiilaetlonaMa ami healdaa Is a tnot niwfiil Iwatadlant in tha etiraof all stom ach aa wall us bronchial, thnMt ami lung AtartlntM. Tliere Is the blghat maili.-al anlhoiity for It nsa In all auch caaa. The "l)lseovery"ls a cimcetratail glr arte extract of native, medicinal roola awl kt safe ami rallaMe. A bwdtlat of axtracta front eminent, mrdlcal atithorlUea, eadortdnK IU Innre dlwnu atallwl rva on request. Addreu T)r. R. V. Iree. Htilfak), N. Y. How Much Is A Hen Worth? Soma kena make 11.00 a year for you soma don't It depends on kow you feed the hen. .A Satom maa baa eight kaa. lie got Ave eex par day. Ifa fad COULSON'S EGG POOD Nvery moral ag. He mieaed It three moral nga. He got two aaga per day. SUrted up aaala, aad bark lo ttva . Ck tkou aad do Ukawiae. Tillson 8c Co. 151,161 HiKh Street Phone Main 139 AerleultuHttt te Meet. Macon. Oa.. r"ob. II. -The enecuttve committee of the elate agricultural society met at the Hotel Uaier today for tke purpose of datermlalug upon a ekoka of the cities where tka state fair Is to ba held thla year. The at teadaace Is very large, nearly all tat mowkers of tha committee being pre. eat Macoa, Columbus gad Aitmn are tha tkree elUee wko ara making a kM for tke fair aad Kpraaeatatlvea of tketkrtMcaMeaarepraiamt to sah mat to tke coaualttae tke advaatages of Ikalr raapecUva clttee. Are Yoa Xeatsaaa at Xlgkt. Aad aarraseed ky a bad seagh) Ballard'a Hareheaad Syrapi It Use will aeare yea seaad alee aad afleat a prompt ami radleal re. Pec aal by D. J. Fry, 2 Medals awarded by tlie LeWlS flT1r4 Pfa!. --a. TC? r XpOSltlOn tOi4 U&bt Swcet, appc- , . - tiding lorriddle Cakes f fOfll Attend R R AfU1U XXiiCn S . U. TJ X71 A JO. JlOtlr. ASK VOT vrwi grocet for it. t B. B. B. sn s Flour Co. PaaMs Oaatt Paotory, Saa Jo, oal. tor the run. of ,ak Uah.iTV'Jfiti m virvniaf ... n.. m -A.K..te "iirar niniii nuik FEBRUARY 14, 190, QUALITY CO UNTS And that is why tho Business Man always relurus after onco getting his office station ery printed by ELLIOTT Phene: Main 1243 223 South Commorotnl St. The Fashion Stables Formerly Simpsea'a Stab!t. Upte-date livery and oab line. Pu serai turaeuU a ApIaltjr Tally-'ao for plcatea and excarsioas. Phone 44. Oha. W. Yaanke, Prop. S47 aad 240 High Street. A OOOD DEAL In the coast ruction of (be building depende upon yoar lumber being of good quality and wall seaeoaed. Whan wa ara dea!erj yoa are assured of the bar quality that eaa ba produce.. You are also aura of Retting tha beat quality at tke lowest prices. Kttlr aad square dealings, good gooda and tow prlre It our success. Near S. 1. paacnoer depot. Hum Main 52. QOOOALK LUMBER CO. CHOI AND STEAKS That art- t.t:drr and juicy tut frow gralr.-fad ttoi-k-at prices tkat ara eaay oa tka pocket book. Oat tkam from as. K. C. CROCS. tale gi Market. Pkoae Ml Notice We kaTe seme farms M rt, abiekea raaeAaelaatUealauiutpj. Alw aa a4 lata. If yoa have property ta Mat er raat sail aad sae a. If ya want U bay aay kind af property er want a bma s real estate er aetary " f aay klad. If TOBt Belp t want work af aay Vd salt aad reg. Mar year waato la ear empley,t ageaey. We ha. M w u uu wtk H af deaat ta raat er tail la traets f er 10 aetat, with paymeat, af K M 10 dow. and S par mantk natU paid out per eeat iatarest seml-ausally. R. R. RYAN & Co. aaaaaaaaaamaammaaaaaammaaaaaaamam f- ;n ' raTJeitaaaarirV-aKJ- vVtaTr fsBa'i '(taa?ii!smk5J5siyi i miLartT '- i A. L. FRASER Cornice Work, Heating and Estimates Made and Work Guaranteed Murphy BJk State St. i alem, Oregon FOR SALE Fifteen .acres, all t . , within ono mlto of fci, nV barn, and 3 acres of frutt -n. i finest kind of river bottom UW can bo had o i very eaay tr7 lyS2000. ,f$ Don't forgot our C008 BAr,Vi tor ?35,00. Buy one ujgj years it will aako you ao. .'fl ueroy and WJK& KiniKIHEflflSKSBSi O. C. T. Co's Btoamers Pomona an! A!uM loavo for Portland Monday. We. nctday and Prldny at 10 , Tuesday, Thursday and 8at. day at 7 a. m. For fomlBi Tuesday, Thursday an,i 8llf. day about Ct30 p. m, M. P. BAXDWDf, Agent Dock Foot of Trade 8t?Mt rainiMMiiiiiinrnnmBj Patronise Yoar Home I dtfstrics and keep yoar rW ey at home. Not a now builnesi, bat the M bU4 smith, wnffon and paint atiop i & Arthur rory much onlarrl' rt prcparod U do allklndeof futjfd8(. In& algn painting and buffer, ttrAi- and wngon painting; rpa.nUngu4if, pairing furnlturo and mualeal !adr monlo, A flrat-olaat painter ea(lr(i Light and hoary wagoat and btrVa on hand nnd mado to order YT 11(h1 for la any part of the city uj returned fro ,of charge by (LW.Ma or William Great. Pbeno 1463 Mx.In. 2224 K, Frat&J 0-tt-U YOUR MEALS Will always be right If you get them at the White House Restaurant GEORGE BROS. Proprs.1 Phone Haln 421. State BUM I Gold Dust Flow Made by THE SIDNEY POW ER COMPANY. Bldner, 0r son. Mado for family at. AU I your Kronen for It Ursa tt i iborta always on Hand, P. B. Wallace" AGENT aaoaaeaaaasvaoa New and second ban 1 Goods bought and i:!l 170 South Comwereia! 8 O. L. McPEEK, Phone 1233 Main. 170 OomaereW! BRICK Brisk furnlihsd la large er nimnfiM.. rr,t Krlck made t w Jr. Y.rd on Stata atreet, MUtk fl penitentiary, BAXEM BMOK YASD A. K DUBTOK, ml Gladiolus Bulbs! Several thousand very chce, ftJ ttraina and varieties. Orespn gW! bulh nlinnf ivrift, th alzA Of Eltj or Imported bulbs, and pro3t tMl finest flowers, two to four Inches eI aad 12 to 20 on a ttalk. The Id JJ ef two grades. Largest, selected. nr iIauh 1 fil n hundred, M'fB larffft balba S5a ner dozen, I- r hundred. E. Hofd PLUMBING TINNING AND ROOflNG, Building Work of ail Kinds; Phone 1511 h' r iiimiiiiim , S -51 I am il