Ik pi, 11 nnf. ii) 8e tt 'tWi iN HtV utc dwicfc d Fillings L 0Ure Pto, Chicken and Mush- paste, Tonguo nu wih Sua and Egg P&to, Porto do Oras, Anchovy Paste. A most do- , breakfast or luncboon dish. CORNED BEET HASH. j-ULIaBR & DOUGLAS. Ii' leading groecra, confectioners i i takorai 4ou-iow owm onuuk. Lr.es 1W and 187 tho best broad in Salem our make, A dainty lunch or disk of i ... ruilv fnr rnn. rters aiwujo .-.. -- ALFALFA MEAL Tim finest feed in the vorld for laying hens that Live no crass run. I akes he place of grass or other En-ton foods. This is used vilh Coufsen's egg food for )cst rcsulLs. DRY CHICK FOOD For small chickens. Makes them grow keeps them healthy. This contains all the necessary nourishment- no other feed needed. 50 lb sack for $1.85. Tillson & Co. 151,161 High Street Phone Main 139 SOCIAL EVENTS rormer Salem Olrl Wed. Frier. 's la thl elty will bo pleased kl'arn of the marriage of MU Helen fell, formerly of tk( olty, to Mr. V. C Boatman, which took place Wedaw fcr, January 3d, at tke Presbyterian lur?li In Enterprise. Mih Hall in tke daughter of Air. and I Mta. W. T. Bell, who far many yeara ttIM hero, and who, elneo tholr re- aum ttw tkU olty, often vlalted kerr, tae guest of ker aunt. Mra. Geo Burattt MIm Hell U very popular with ker friends at Hutorprtae and la tail (ilr, who join in congratulations. Mr Ionian la deputy county elork ef Wallow,! tounty, and formerly redded ta p.-ik fouaty. Entertained rrlendn. Mi"- Matilda and Mary IJekerWu (itertamed a few friend Saturday ov siag f.r MIm Akhh Ikiukley, a stu sVat cf the Sacred Heart Academy, o spent tke week's ead ae tkelr Sh "Five kuadred" wai tke amoeo Mat of the evening; la wklek Jlele Mult, won tke flrat priae and Olive Xitel, 1 tho consolation. Light re ffHi.a cots were served. Susan la Still In the Ring. Ae.-nt the suffrage leampalngtu Su "a p. Anthony has just donated om laadred dollars from ker perMaal Wa ti help ea tke goed work la Ore ta. The suffrage association, by the y, is working as it never worked kfore, And yet It Is hardly proba U ttcy will wia at tke county eiee tea, A FAMILY SAFEGUARD Dr Grtn images th the Niece of Dr Bo 'Mo harfl her fauou OuelCs Great TUtiMl an4 1jub cure. TThe it family safeguard ia a reliable aotehoid ine-ltcme that will cure croup, oouh-, colds, chilly sensations, running jii.I iius. sore throat and bronchial afev- ii that will keep the clitldreH Jjt against U contauious diseoes. ih tt Mictlunnc ia Boscltee's Gentwa yru;. hicU h m a roeord of 5 yoata in iure of coneunipiiott, catarrh aad all agia bruHchiei troubles. HihK f4me of Gorows Syrup aa a eon Jjunptne cure, oiace its THMpHOp by Pr. wen front the niec of Q ramoue Dr. . has cxlcucld to all part of the S111 If ui big dca every whore. IWo uea. 25c utul 75c. All druggUU. Roia ia Salem by S. 0. Stone. Gi?and Opera House JNO. F. CORDRAY, Mgr. Mil I I 1 1 IJ-H I j 1 1 1 ! , n, MONDAT, JAN. 29, 1906 E. J. OAEPENTER'fl Mttmmoth Produatioa "AT CRIPPLE CREEK" A groat success In tho East A greater success In the West. A story based on Nature Dealing with Bealltlog, It la unforgetablo. Prices, Me, 85, and Ue. Seats on sale at box office Monday at 9 a. m. iim'uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, t STATE SOCIAL NEWS niiiiiiiiiiininiiiiH, Sllvcrton Notes. T. K. Wray wont to Perlland 8a tar day, T. S. Una went te Albany Wedaea day. MIm Ida 1WIm was la Salem last week. MIm Leaem Dewa waa in Salem Uat weok, v Willie Sekom was ia tke elty last week. Mrs. J. B. Jermaa wettt to Portia ad Moadayv J. H. Moeer eame aa frem Dallas Monday. Prank Mariay went U Weedkura Satarday. Mrs. John, Oa vender we la Portland laai wek. MIm Ihm Smltk was la Mt, Angel laat wtk, Mrs. Kvw Kf, ef Salem, la visiting In tke elty. Oirt Oeeley waa In tke elty Satur day evealag. Mr, Joka Hltt retwraH frm Pert land Tuesday. John Welfnrd was a nortkbaaad paa aeager Monday. J. K. Ueamer and wife went te Pert land laat week, MIm Katherlne Premaa weat U Mt, Aagel Satunky. Dolph Kerr made a bwelaees kip to Albany laai weak. ' Albert Olaoa made a bweJneM trip to 8abm Taeeday, Mra. Lala Itarakardt waa a paieeagwr for Salem TaeaiMy. . Mr. Rimer O'ICmt waa la Patilaail a few daya laat week, Mrn. WHIM Daaejtaa reiwraed from a vVH at Salem Meaday, There will be a leetore given at tka opera kauae Monday evealag. Tke entire ptwgram at tke eatertala meat lebnary Sd will be faraUhed by the pawlU. Mra. Tom Klekardoa and eklldroa, t PorUaad, vlalted at the a M. Wray The high sekooi orokoaim will far nlah ev ral aJoetloaa at the eatoriala MUMtt Pebnwry Sd. The "Holy City" wall be awg an a sola by Mr. Dlek Dowa at the' eater talameM February Sd. There waa a aeelal ball given at tke lu V. 0. hall Saturday evealag. A large number attended. Mm. Llanie Starret, af Portland, who has ba ia the elty imt some time, re turned to PerUaad Taeaday, There will be a valeatine seeml at the IUsaell building Tuesday evealag. February lath. Bverybedy lavlted to eeme. A party af Sllvertoa'a young folks attended the basketball game at Salem Friday evening. The par aoaHtd of the Ml&M Bmma HaU, Jeaale Barkhurst, Pauline Maseher, MyrUe DuaeMa, Ida Bdlsoa, Virgie Maaeher, Bra Marlatt, Oa Smith. STATENEWS A rich lead miae has beea dUeoverod in Coos county. Typhoid fever is boeemiag a meaaeo in Hugeoa. All the doctors are ueu lag orders to clean up yards, and watoh the food supplies. KlUod Two Swans. Jamas P. Feller aad Ralph Gene thle week shot two largo swans on Mr. Fol ler's field. Tho largest one measured T feet and 10 inahes from tip to tip, S feet and 9 laches from bead to foot, aad weighed 18 pounds. Tho other one Measured 6 feet aad 8- inches from tip to tio 4 feet aad 9 iaehea from head to foot, aad weighed 16 pounds. Mr Feller iatoado to kve tae Dirua mew ed. Swaa are wa ia this asetlea, and the two that were brought to town at tracted much attoatioa -Aurora Bore-alts. DAn,T 0ATOA1, JOPBKAI, FEAR HIGH WATER Already some of the papers of East em Qrefea are predicting extreme high Miter In the Columbia, next sum mer, ea aeeouat of tke unusunlly heavy snows. They point out that in 1604 there was a tremendous snow fail, not only in the country drained by the Co lumbia, but alee Is that drained by the Snake. As a matter of fast no one, ean predict anything about tke Colum bia river. Ia 1KM) there waa as heavy, if not a heavier, snowfall ea the head waters of both rivers, but the high water mark was searcely above tke average, though the river maintained a high stage mueh longer than usual. In order to have extreme high water In the Columbia, Its flood must eome at the same time as that of the Snake. A glance at the map will show that the Snake keada a thousand miles south of the Columbia. It's Hood period Is earlier, and generally It begins to fall as the Columbia rises. Itoth streams must rise together, or no flood In tho lower or middle river. That Is what happened ia 1S01, the reeerd flood year.. The spring was eold and back ward, and whea it did turn warm both stream rose together. In J00O the summer was eool. In the Green- hern H (mowed every month in the year, and' the ttd of August there was a fourdneh saowfall that stayed on the hlllaMe for three days, There Is un doubtedly snow enough ia the moun tains to eaus a groat flood, but with over a tkoueand miles of latitude be twoea tke kemtwuters of tke two mala stream, te Is little likltkood of their rising at tke same time. A Famous Remedy for Slak Headaoho. Tke eaute of tkls oomplalat la net In tho kead at alii is eemes from tko atemeek, A atomaek that has beeemo elegged by overeating, drinking or abuse la any manner, will warn you by bringing en aiek headache. Curo tho pain and dlttre4 In the atomaek and tko headache will stop ef itaelf. All bilious attacks, dyspepsia, belching, bad tasto In tke mouth, muddy complexion, ami yellow oyea are cured by this rem. ody. It Is celled Dr. Guaa's Improved Liver Pills, eae for a dose, and Is sold by druggists all over tho U. 8. for Sic per box. THE HOP GROWERS ORGANIZE Tke Wep grower of tbla vleiaity held a moot lag ia this elty Saturday atoraooa and perfected aa orgaaiaa tloa. A .eoNatitatioa and by-law were adopted aad arraagomeata maem for the iaeorporatioa of tko orgaalaatioa. Tho name aoleeted for tho corpora ttoa m tko Otegou i(0Brewrs' Aaeo elailoa. Tko capital sleek waa ixed at $10,000, divided into 10,000 shares of $1 cask. It la provided hbat at each member must owa at least one share aad my not own more than one share for each aore of bvad ho has pleated to hops. No ooo will be permitted to owa stock ha tho corporation unlaw he la actively engaged In tko produoiioa of; Thre waa a Urge attoadaaoo at the mooting, aad, la tko absence of J. K. Seam, who waa choice) temporary chair man somo time ago, H. 0. Fletcher waa appelated to preside at the mooting. John Coleman waa aloe elected to act aa nonrotary. After the adoptloa of tko ceaatitu Ua ami by-laws It was ordered that eoulaa be prepared for elroulaUoa, so tkai'gtowea may subotHbe, for stock. Another meeting wW ha hold February 10th, la this elty, at which time those who have subaeribod for stock will complete the organisation by eleetiag Oieers, Tho officers will be a pros! dent, viee-preeldoat, secretary, treaeur or aal nine director. Tho director will have goajwaJ charge of the business of the aweala tie. Oae of tho polaeipal purposes is to establish a bureau of Information A FAIR CHANCE U all we ak ta order to dewoastrats the woWerful merits of Heetetter's Stomach Bitters ia eases of Stomach, Liver or Bowel disorder. Yen 11 be agreeably surprised aad wonder wky you suffered so long wke the moaUiac to euro you was within reach. HOSTETTERS . SrOMACH BITTERS Is the only naediefue jjou need to cure Poor Appotite, FUtnlenay, HearthurB, Indigestion, Brspopala, OallbT, Colde, Orlppo, Costtvonosa or EUIoasnosa. SALEM, OEEOOK, MONDAY, JAKDABT e ns a means of keeping tho members of the sMociatiou supplied with rellnblo iMformatbta ns o the condition of the markets In this and ether countries and the condition of growing crops and probable supply and demand. Tho dt reetors will be Intrusted with tho work of organising tho information bureau and employing a manager. Another purpose of the aosodlatioa is to se cure the enactment of pure food laws, which wilt prevent the use of substi tute for hone ta the manufacture of beer. Spelled Her Beauty, Harriot Howard, of W. 3ith street, New York, at one time had hor beauty spelled with akin trouble. 8ho writes! "I had salt rheum or oosetaa for years, but nothing would curo It, until I used Iluekleu's Arnica Salve." A quick and auro healer for cuts, burns and sere. Ms at J. C. Perry's drug store. Tito Now Edison Theatre Will be closed until Thursday evea lag, whet the bill will include some new and up-to-ilata specialties. The bill will be mentioned later. ROSESField Gown Tho beat coat you no more than "any eld thing." It will pay you to buy at H8ADQUAXTRRS, We Pay the Express And charge yua no mere than your next door neighbor. Bead for Illustrated catalogue today, A sollelter wanted in every town. CALIFORNIA ROSE 00, Los Angeles, Oat. THESE SALE PRICES ARE WORTH READING. Here are a few mere prison to shew you the genuinneea ef our big reduction sale. These prices will posiUvdy bo withdraws at tho end of the sale, FURNITURE Quartor-Oak China Ctosot, regular W-M, now ,,,, ..$2200 Combination Hardwood Boekoase, regular $19M now , ., 1025 Solid Oak Bookoaae, regular 1JW, now ........ 1-100 Solid Oak Hall Troe, regular tJM, now ...... ,...., $00 Solid Oak Sideboard, regular MM, now , .... 10-75 Five-Drawer Obeflooior, love! plate glued, swgll top aYawej-, flWH) now .. 4jj .. 8-50 FiveDrawer Chetfoaier, without glasa, rogultfr &Jmw , 7,00 Flveipjvftr Qhgior, Spruoa, with gta, rogular lfi.W, svr... 750 All our other furaUura prises are out in equal proportion. Come In and examine our extensive stook. X-pl' all-wool lagraia, regular 1.00, now .. S-ply aU-wool lagraia, regular Tie, now ; t-pty Oottoa Chain lagraia, regular 6fe aw ., V4nol ingrala, regular Ave, nw ,.,,, .... Praalto eajp regular Me grade, bow ,, Tapottey Bjuoioli, regular fc grade, now Tapo4ry Hjnmsejs, regular 9Se grade, now ....... jfaxoay Axmtaer, regular $1.48 grade, now ,, All other eaxpets and stair oarpeta are sold at tho same great redactions. xll Velvet Art Squares, fine design, worth $S7.00, now $194)5 8xl Axmiaistor, regularly sold at ISO, row $521.00 8x12 Tapestry Bruosow, regularly sold at $17.00, now 914.05 DxlStt Tapestry Bruwmls, regularly sold at $14.00, rojv .., $10.95 Also a largo fine Una of Ingrain Art Squaree, 'which wUl be sold at great reductions. I have 1M reUs of Ohiaese aad Japanese Malting nearly 100 dpsfgaatbat are iaoludod la this great sale. All the Me grade goes for SOe; 20e value to be sold for 17 cents. Better grade also reduoed ia the same pro portion. Every item ia this advertisement is ehoee from sew stock received in the store slaee December 1, 1905, aad there iafe't a shop-wora artiele ia too lot- Borne of the ruge have sot yt beea hero a week. IL. U. JUbbC, 270 Commercial Street. fLaWaVHMsnHslaHHflSSWa 29. 1900. SUITS FOR YOUNG MEN Wc have been giving the men all the bargains. Now will do something for the BOY. YYe have on hand about 200 young men's long pants suits in ages 14 to 20 years which we will place on sale at $5.00, $7.00, $9.00. This is a great opportunity for the boy to get a nice all-wool suit at the smallest possible price. $7.00 to $8.75 suits now $5.00 $9.00 to $1 J.75 stiits now $7.00 $12.00 to $15.00 suits now $9.00 YOUNG MEN COME AND SEE. Salem Woolen Mill State THESE PRICES ARE LOW Just look at tho liot below. There are a lot of bargains that are bard te beat! t cans Table Peaches .tfc 3 cans Tomatoes tfa 3 eaaa Sweet Oorn .............. 10th sack Cera Meal .. Ma 1 quart bottle Maple Syrup He 7 pound-! Fancy Ueaas ,.v,. ...... to 8 pound Good Itlce Sic 3 pounds New Currants Me 3 pounds Muscatel WaWas ......15c Sultana, raisins, pet pound lOe 101b box No. 1 Macaroni tOc California Wbito Honey ISO The txnt Oatau,p la town, per bottle 80s 1 gallon Tomato Catsup 60c We deliver good promptly. Phono 210. A. L. Harvey Tino Oroeorieo, CORNER COURT AND HIGH BTS. CARPETS ART SQUARES s BEN BLAIR '"pHIS Is a picture of the yeung: ranchman who came out of the West like another Lochinvar after the girl he loved. CL He looks as If nething: could stop him which Is the quality that we like best in the hero of a story, after all. C "Den Blair" la making tremendous stir. Five edi tions thirty thousand cop les have been printed, X Nothing more vigorous, fresh, aad exciting, or tnoro Western has been published In years Aak your book seller If this Is not so. BEN BLAIR a- uu 44 f .20(i os i f i 1 ': ! 1 f .! f (A t ?l i 4 9