iIuKkHw night and Saturday, IT70 EDITIONS DAILY, A 230 P.M. AND 4:00 P. K. SOUTHERLY "WINDS. '..- V, e . W. .---" " ""?" - it A H.Y CAPITAL ,TOTTBN AL. SALEM, OBBOOlf, FBIDtY, JANUARY 12, 1000. NO. 1L TY OF PANAMA FLAME 'SBjOHBjtiBk. bib Jr wtifr- - SbbbI bbbbbbbbw mmmm , -ti: SUPPI5Y IS I Jf3f y J SHORT CMcWnivn Wiih Its Historic Churches Is Evidently Doomed IVuamoTsTJ 900000 Agfug, 3MI ivS VruOv-OnBBX, '- bJsbabbk UntoltaUg i, cflHHL It oritrfwrtjljin t tMtm Ot'AaM! 'flfffiJ ..Ts. ItMlfl ' lrois an. IS. A greet. Jiro is W city Is threntcned with lremon nro finding great Enlonding with the flame. the Chlneto shops, And .-was due to the earolesc- !$am la fumigating. The rig rapidly toward (he heart of iho city. Tho water pressure la poor on notount of defects in tho new ncquoduots. One block is already burned out. Santa Abba equnro, In Mebi tho hoart of the city is mennced. Are creating excitement, nnd peeplo Are greatly IncoAeed Against tho Amerl aba. The pellet Are hordly Able to maintain order. BP JhM4ri4jriAAxloa In Teaneesoe. j j(WirRM0 element was net pleased with H endows sytTcnn., Jab. 12. The son iterial W JAj" Ar n-d today In tho ,wMi$IjjBfttorIal district which emprises uJe counties of MAdlson. 2betof SjydLHcnOerson. The situation rtherIwveUng In this district, Jovoral prominent Democrats havo CN(lm to opjxxK) tho noraloA of TttP. W. Pope, of Madison ounty. Pop rcpronted thla district n, 1HikMP!o)tur(s And tho torn- hit roeerd And In, therefore, etroBgly oppoeed to bia return to tho senate. Among tho prendnonl Domoorata mon tlonod to contest hi nomination It Hon. J. D. Johnson, who rondo a bril liant record for hlmiolf In favor of tho oxtcnolon of tho Adams law. Tho re sult of the primaries Is awaited with considerable Interest, A strong vote 1 5a oxpoctcd, mMwhmiiw3IaV gt 1 OB cm Jsl BL ' iBAt BB" lBABSkSBBBBBB aiWfttoirsj& dionn Salp. CnntinupA - bLbw , . The pbfij of the OhUago Store Is this We do not ImIIoto In oArry tag goodsMVW from one ee&aen to another we taMero in haTlng now, p te 3SS goods for eaeh season as they eewe aleng that is the reason wJhMTw?W wonderful clearing eae to olwvr the ehelvns for our spring 0e4a. iSf& eold out at eost and lew. Head on. 3r ,mWP tviiai ' 3ra 7ysi W ltm t m tssm u m , i tljMtaWlillfl 1 -7& T A1.50 M3SM . 4...sSbV. - rf " vABkJKF JUS SOJiS J3mwt It B4. v " GOODS. Pre4 Goods, 5(5 , WS rw Plaids, yd.. 124c zed Suitings, yd.tOo Wool 8rge, 48 in. fS all eelers, yd... 48c itlngs, 4Mn, yd.. 40c Uh broadcloth, 54- $1.40 4k Drt-es Goods, 4Sfl pTT.WB- Haid WaiffUag Bilka 08c 11 colors, yd..20 Bilk Feau do Sole, 604 gtlks, all colors, yd. 40e Bilk Grenadine. 40 06 oire, now, yd,,.,..8Dc $1 Bilks for Waist, si tttfedfOOl WJTDSQ rULNNHLfl, '8 1 JfSSy Outing Plannels, y' jSH 5 .W iCannelettee, yd. Os Jias Jaimmm Crepe, yd 19H rOutiaff Flannel, y$. .OS Down runnel, yd 13 OAU00B8. ey OaUeoes, yd..34c yd...... ,...8 1-3 y SilkoUaos, yd.. 10 Striped 8crioi, , -...7Vje red Cheooa Cloth, yd U PXNaBAMS. Ohambrer, yd 0c Apron Ginghams, yd. 5c is&m Uiim innira Ma imSfla & 'iHsflH K iwn JHM 0 rtrfSWL .. 50tsBM6 sbBbI r ! UUe KT H lbs- Iflc IViaoy Dress Olnghaas, yd. 81-3C ZADTS' STJITfl. Ladles' $19 Suits for i 6.00 Ladled' $18 Boita for 0.00 ladies' fSS Salta fer 1100 Ladies' $10 Suits for 14.00 MHiLXNlTOY. Ladies' $S Polo Turban Hats.$l.S0 Children's $1.08 Trknmod UaU 0&) Ladies' $3 THroreod liata....$3.fi0 Faathera and Wlag.... .. .... lOo, 10, 8Ss and 88 Vanoy veils, yd 10 to 91M men'b axmxraa. Hea'e New $0 Bait- ftu. ...... $4.05 lien 'a New $11.90 Bolt tot.. $0.60 ln's Now $19 Balta fot..,.$.00 la'a $3 Bantu oar,,, ...Ota Boys' 0O Puts tot ,,.00 Boys' e3.60 Bait for $1.T6 NOTIONS. Best FaH Oounl Pins, pspc,..,le Beet 8aoty Ps, ao. ..,... Bo Best Shoo Laees, pair..,. ..,.,. Is 000 yds. Spool Tfaroad, spool.,,. So Beet Wire Htdrpiaa, S ppr,...l4 Beet 8s Wbito Poarl ButUns, doa 4c Beet Sous Bilk, baD U Best $10e Prill Garten laetle, yd Dq Oat Heal Socp, beet quality ,...3o Ladles' 20e Hose Bupporters, pr 10 IADZES' DNDimWXUB Ladies' 30o Wool Fleeced Under wow, price , fitfo Ladies' 7Cc TJnlcm Suits, prioo..40 Ladies' $1.25 Wool Underwear 75c Children 'a 25e Undrweur....lSH $1 White Wool Fleeted Under- wear, price.... 60 75c Derby Bibbed Wool Undo. wear, price , ,,Q GAVE STREET A GAME ONE MORE TRIAL CASSIE REACHES THE PEN New Yerk, Jan. II. The fourth at rest In the ease of Charles A. Seton, accused of counterfeiting securities of the Norfolk & Westorn railroad, is ex pected to olear up tho mystery a to tho Identity of all connected with what will provo to be probably tho greatest swindle Wall street has known in many years. It now dovelops that $1,300,000 worth at tho present value of the stock has been issued. Following tho nrrwrts of Scton and Humphries, tho polleo npprohonded John Bough, Aged 00, n broker, of Brooklyn; Jurdon Scelcy, n lAwyor, nnd formor judge; and Thomas Gib bons, a olerk ef this eity. Bough and Boolcy nro oxeonvlots, having served terms fer forgery and embeulemeHt. Bttll another arrest is expected. Be ton wa aarralgMe! in eeurt this morning, nad remanded to all with OHt ball uatll ealny. The Assistant district attorney declared that ttet had a yaeht nt his disfOMO, And in ready to (lee to fcenik AwerisA At the first opWtBlly, s Medal of Honor Awarded. WAshingtoB, D. 0, Jan. 11 Utal lotcrost Attaches to tho nmmens te this city of Captain James It. Church, of tho . medical department Of tho army. Ho comes hero to receive n modal ef honor for gAllantry At Quae Imas in Juno, 1809. At tlmt tlmo Cap tain Churoh was tho metHcnl efllcer with, the Bough JUder regiment. On that oeeaslon Captain Church, At great peril to his own Hfo resoued a wound ed man beyond tho firing line, an ( the presenoe of the entire eourt. After achievement, of course, which was the solemn shureh eer wnonlw the young New Yerk, Jan. It, Sir Thomas Llpten is making plans fer another campaign AgalBst tho Now York Yacht Club next year, and tho bono of con tention will be tho America's cup for which the popular Irish baronet nlready has tried three times. A letter received In this city from Bir Thomas says ho still has hopes of eaptttrlng tho fnmouo trophy, and it considering plans fer tho building of n now challenger, which ho hopes io havo hero aomo tlmo in 3007. Jutt what plans ho is making ho will not cX vulge, but ho is pleased to think tho next time ho comes ho oan bring a good, wholosome type of beat, nnd will bo met by one built tinder certain re strletloas that will bar iesivo ever hanging and freakish features. It is said en good authority that Mr TheUMw may bring ever a seheenor, ani that the new beat will bo built up te the limit ef the type of yacht nl lowed under the term ef tho deed ef gift whieh I 118 feet en the'-water line. Kln Alfonso's Bister Married. Madrid, Jab. lO-TnfantA Maria Terena, the younger sister of King Al fonso, and Prinee PVrdlnand, of Bnvar l.i, were married here today with dab orate ceremonies, And In the presence of the entire court nnd reprcecntn Uvea f all tho othr Hurepean court. Tho ceremony was highly imposing and brilliant, A proceaaioni wan formed at the royal castle and moved to the en thedral, where the wedding ceremony was performed by tho archbishop in WlrtlsWIrifcWtriMfcl Tryoat Debate at High School. Worn an Suffrage Question. Good Program - . - Admission 0c DEBATE- HwiiiiWwMwwfcn quite out of his line as a Medical ofll eer. It is notable (hat in the presen tation of the Victoria Crete in the British army a large pereentago of re cipients have been metHeal officers, and naturally the selection of Dr. Church fer tliia distinction in our army pleases his associates. In addition te that fact, Captain Church is the first officer of tho army to receive a medal ef boaor under- the deohdos ef the President made aomo months ago, and the proven taVlon will be with "formal and lav preotdvo seremenial." The Preeldest, In this ease, will confer the medal at the White House with appropriate r- marks to bis former Bough Bidor aao- oiate. Captain Church, who la at pre eat on duty in Nebraska, is a gradu ate of Prineeen and of Columbia "Uni versity, Washington, D. O. He entered the regular amyffroax the Distriot of Columbia aa a surgeon in December, 1803. sGfeatestGrowiiigStoife AV RDAC Corner of Commer U I DKUO da! and Court Streets nnAnanwMHsisfWBBHBBsi t - UMSg1-.-.- -SJh iBBBBx Sf iHBU',yiBBBBBBT SSbbbL, Vermont Spirittulistd Meet Burlington, Vt Jan. 12. Spiritual ists from all parts of the state are in attendance at the annual meeting of tho Vermont State Spiritualists Asso ciation, which convened here today. The attendance is unusnally large. The meeting promises to be of mno than ordinary Interest this year. W. J, Col- vllle, a lecturer of international repu tation in tho spiritualist world will give several lecturers during the three days of the convention. Mrs. Bie Webster Chapman will be the test medium. Salt Lake Next. Salt Lake, Jan. IS. The Decerot Manufacturing society announces it "will hold an Inter-mountain eta tea fair hero in 1007. Communications are be ing mailed to all the governors of the stAtee west of Colorado, seeking cooperation. eouplo drove back back to the eastle ami wu eaihutAtieal).v cheered by tile many thousands who lined thfe streets on both aides. The municipali ty ef Madrid had uwdb extensive prep aration for tho event, and the eity, partloularly the streets through which the precetHtion moved, whs gorgeously desorated. The day was generally b- served as a feast day, and there were public cntertalRBuinta everywhere, ar ranged by eU municipality. n II,:. Interested In Oregon's Develop ' meut. Portland, Or., Jan, 1IA Joint meeting of the Oregon Preec Aaaeoin- tioa and the Oregon Development League is held here today, which writ eo to speak, form the prelude te the commercial excursion to California to lie undertaken under the auspioe ef tho Oregon Development League. Tho oxeureion will start from hero in a special train tomorrow. At tho meet ing, which, convened here today, va noun matters pertaining to the com mercial, industrial nnd intellectual development of tho etate of Oregon will b dieoussed. The good roads question, various agricultural and her tioultural questions, traffic matters and other important subjects will come up for consideration and) plana will be considered to affectively boom the various interests of this state. The attendance is very largo, and among those present are many prominent newspaper men from all parts of the etate, an well as a largo number of prominent merchants and manufacturers. ROGERS CONCLUDES TO ANSWER Gteveknd, Jan. IS. Cawie Chad1 wick was taken to Columbus peniton tiary this morning by the United States marshal. Sho was heavily veiled Tho last thing oho did here was to ar range for tho purchase ef a rug for her coll. Columbus, O., Jnn. HMadamo Do voro Is back in her old home, la tho atAto penitentiary, from which sho was paroled In December, 1880. Sho re turned this morning n Mm. Chndwlok. Tho matron mnfo no special Arrange ments for her comfort. Tlw Oorbott-Hcmra Fight Lot Angeles, Cat,, Jan. IX, Tho twenty round prleo fight between Young Corbet t and Aurello Herrera, which wan to be held in Deoomber, but m postponed wIH take place this evening. Many prominent epertumen from this state And ether Western state Are here io witBees the fight Beth men Are said to bo in exoeHent condition nnd a lively contest Is ex pected, ricld No Worse. New York, Jnn. It, Dr. James Is sued a bulletin or tho eenditlen ef Marshall Field this morning readlngt "The patlentn condition continued about tho same. He la no worse. And passed n fairly comfortable night." The attack Is mere serious than was nt first Admitted. It It said tho dls otfso Jtas Attacked bvth lungs, Physi cians refrain from publishing his tern pernturo and Heart action, which, in pneumonia, tetl the story. It is un derstood his heart Action Is nil that could lx deoired. Opening ef Poultry Show, Otsego, Mich., Jnn. 11 The annual poultry show of the Allegan Poultry and Pat fttask AsmoUIIob rmmMim's today with a largo list of exhibits! and a big attendance. ' J?ew York, Jan. II. Whoa tho ques tion whether II. H. Bogers should an owor questions propounded by Attor noy General Hodley, of Mwtouri, bo foro Commissioner Sanborn, enmo up for argument bofero the supremo court this morning, tho Standard attorneys sought delay. Tho court decided) tho caso to "bo reody." Bogora' Bntwor divides tho questions Into classes, cm bracing ownership by tho wltncM of stock in respondent companies, of stock in companies ether than respondents, by pari It other thnn the witness of stock in respondents, and by parties by othor than witness in stock com panies other than respondents. A pern lien ef tho respondents In ether states thnn Mlesouri are Involved. The an swer declares the questions refer to op erations ef individuals and eerpera tioM other than the respondent Men tion is made of the extreme publicity and eenaatlenal taking of flashlight photographs, which Set repugnant) to Itogorm Tho final statement that Bogers would Answer All statements of tho court (teemed proper, but did not mean that the oourt shall havo final do olslen, tta the Wsuee raised wcro en tirely new, and must go te the highest oourt in tho land. ABOUT CHINESE MURDERS rioating Dock rioata. Norfolk, W. V Jan. 11-Vho first wail from the floating dock Dewey ar rived today, and was posted at Ber muda, when her consort ut In. Oap tain Wood, commander of the Dewey, says that in eno bad -storm the dock fared better than any ship In the fleet Debate on tho Bzllroad Bate Question. Salt Luke City, Utah, Jan. 12. The debate which has been arranged be tween the University of Utah and the University of Colorado, will bo held hero this evening. Tho question to bo debated is, "Bosolved, Tthat the Interstate CemaJseiea should have -Jap General Honored, Tokio. Jan. 12. General Oku. who commanded tho loft wine of tho nrav'P8" to ftU railway freight rates. in Masohuria, during tho war, made a Blx fflea eaa uaiversity wJB bo ar triumphant entry into tho city today. n7& aoit eb otjier In thla do Tho people showed the greatest eathu- tele, and aa interesting contest ot ttmt argument io expeoted. JUDGE MAKES VERDICT Washington, Jan. 11 A full report reoeived by the state department from the eemmletrfen headed by Consul Gen oral Lay, At Canton, which isvectt Hated the massacre of the American missionaries At Lien Oltew, China, In November. The result is W arrests, three, Including Buddhist monks, wcro sent snout ta decapitation, Tho resi dents greatly aided in apprehending the mob. Lay rooomwondt a medal of honor for the ObiHaman, who, at tho risk of Ms life, saved Mlta Patterson, and piloted hr to safety. The Pros bytorlen missionaries In -China havo aV ready taken up a subscription for tho China man. Wlladelphia, Jan. 11 Judge Au denreid) this morning instructed the jury in the bearing of tha ease against the former filtration' chief, Hill, ac cused ef grafting, to acquit him. The charges against H(U were brought as a result of the Weaver reform movement. DIJEAU SKIMMED THE PAN Tho Dam Thing Went Out, Santa Booa, Oal., Jan. 1S Last night the 40-foot dun on Big Sulphur creek, near Geyser, went out as the re-1 cult of tho heavy storm. Several won in the vicinity had narrow escapes, owing to the sudden rush ef waters. The wao owned by tho Socrates Quick silver Mining Company, and was used for the storage of electrical power for tho mine. The loco is about $30,900. o Herrera a Favorite, Los Angeles, Jss, 12. Horrora opened as a favorite this morjiing over Young Corbett at edda of 10 to 0. Both are is flue condition for tho battle to night, and will make their weight with out trouble. Tho winner will meet Kid Herman, of this oity, on February Otb. ' 6an PranoUoA, Jaw, 11 Alexander DijcAM, the third Intonation! vice president of tho Brotherhood of Team sters, left eeteaoibly far IndUnapolli this morning to attend the executive board mooting. It is belioved ho will Hover return. Tho milk wagon driv ers ' union, of which he waa dictator, has deposed him, charging him with the acceptance of bribes. Blew tbo Safe, San Fraselsee, Jan. 12. The safe in the building ct the Trades Council, at 017 Miosioa otreet, was blows open between 11 p. m. anil 7 p. u and about $510 wao takes. Tho safe waa blown to atom. There is bo clue to tho robbers. China Boys Axo There, San Francisco, Jan. 11 Tho Pacific Mail linor Siberia, bearing tho Chi none commissioners, detailed to study the Industrial conditions of thla coun try, arrived at 1S30 from the Orient via. Honolulu. Professor J. W. Joako, specfal representative at the state de partment, together with army and navy officials, are prepared te welcome tho commiasien upon its landing. o . . Has a Broken Leg. (Four O'Oleck Edition.) 'Washington, Jan.- 11 Tho war de partment is informed by Colonel Col ton, receiver of customs at San Do mingo, that Morales is a refugee at the American legation, with a brokoa log. It is expected that he will resign and leave tho country. Chicago MaxkeU. Chicago, Jan. 11 Wheat 88U 881 corn, 4545Hj ! 3 3tt.