n PAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TirUESDAY, JANUABY 11, 1000. ffiiHFili RIPE OLIVES DILL PICKLED MONEY PICKLES UMBO OLIVES of relishes to torapt tho ap- h. , fiMSSBnW a9BBc kors, 450-400 82 and 167. miniioa I snfl5ilnift rlPS1 rcMasBEAD J '" rgmm fe jjjj22iijji V f Personals 0. P. Bishop wont to Portland this morning. D. It Jamos li transacting business In Albany today. Com 25C I Mrs. W. B. Daggotfe, of Marlon, was TomatOCS 25C In th0 "V th" morning. i Xfr. nnil "MV tlAtMAltturt. .... - clal, Jt our regular. prlcoJ .--"-- ---- P- ' wwpjw.M v muvuv IVUUt & BOUQLAS. Miss Luay Shaw, of La Grande, is ding grocers, confeotionors visiting friends la tWa olty. ONE DAY3 BECORD. a I -- Sovon Now Members Rocelvtd Into tho Y. M. O. A. Yesterday. Btato etreot. ust tho bost in Sa- nil. TJNOH PARLORS Always orvo you with a dainty lunch. UT Sfc1 Y other druggists atellSgher than oar regular fiki mSme in and be convinced Postmaster Rlekes, of Silverton, was a Salem business visitor yesterday. Mrs. W. 0. Smith roturned' this morning from a short visit to Turner. Mby Famtio Smithy of Independ ents, is the guest of an attnt la this city. j,' . Ralph Kearney, of Reseburg, i vis iting friends in this elty for a few days. O. W. Griffin was la Salem yester day, returning to Bugono oa tho even train. State Printer Whitney is locking af ter his political fences la the metropo lis today. George Stniey oame up from Port land yest erdwy far a short visit with friends in this elty. Mrs. Albert Young, of Rugous, is the guest u -urs. ucwge 11. nae, on North Summer streto. Miss Murrak Hatch returned this Cerse: . tijgl P B x LEHMAN v Sat&Aakd doors. AH kinds of houss tnlAiig." Thonc 131 black. Also two floors of waxohouie for tent; elovator and twitching fAallruea, i"iL' "I TmTMg; 'rsnnsnnssa fBI Tneiie IttHireU jhalWg mmmn 425E ttJ,lxu MOX fieou SUtol wili -Ma TC!T .''JtoI pHOK ' futSlili EROSS PHARMACY i'"'.?10 iho kM H "TV T sniaiT iui fTVMU WU1U gnn & Ward, Props. Mrs. CalHe P. Martin, of Bugone, is .. .-., n. i., a, " " flf br " Attorney Oarsy ku ituu uvniuoiuini uiisots. xi M..M. f U.ll, T.II-- -i.i Mim Blaine DiHey reUiraeili to her duties at tho asylwm farm' this mora iaft aftoVftirhort -Wt to t40s tlty. Albert Shaw wt to Kge ysatsr dhy, whore ho wiM W e my toyed by ths PaeifU IHatos Totophoito sn4 Telegraph Lhy4 T. KeyaoWw reUtraod today from Portlainl, whore ho hao leo ia atteadwaew at tho sUto hortiovlUiral ottveoUott. Mr Ja4 Mrs. I, 8. Kobo, who have 1ho vMtfa at tho how of HkmoI OaUla, loft to4ay for tfcolr homo la Saa lrNloe. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Xorria rftaraed to Portlaa4 yontortlny aftoraooa, after tHakiag a whort vMt to frioodo ia tho OtHtl Olty. Mr. A1 Mrs. 0. 0. Morris, who woro HMrrlot) by Jtt4to Daraett yoslon iy Ik upon eonrt, woro pHKrs for PefOaadt thin moraiag. Mr. Prank Sullivan of Seattle ar rived la tho oll9' last ovoaing, aar is -UitiHg Mrs. H. Hofor. She 'ia oa route l Oallforsia, where ho will re main Our lag the wintor. H. 8. AndoraoK, w4o baa booa vWtlag tho w for several wtk toft yo ter4ay for ICaaoao, wkoro bo gW got k4a fawOly aw4 rotwr to Orogoa, MIm Amm 0'JCeofe, soporlatoadsat of iho Soworitaa bplUl, aa4 MIm Siooti, 4. af tho imn at (ho wnm IwMtotioa, are Ni4ag the day la Soporiatoadeai hm4 Mw, Otarko, who havo Won ai tho hoad of tho sokool for ttoaf mutea tor sovoral years, loft this morig for Vaaooovor, wboro thoy wiU tako a etiothr pooitloa at tho WaWgWa sohoo). Interest in the membership eontest at tho Y. M. 0, A. is inereaslng each day, ami both sldos are beoomlng on thuslastio. At present tho stflmling is aknost a tie, and strenuous efforts are being made by both to finish the sec ond! week of "the contest as leaders. ' Thor young men of Salem aro not slow to grasp tho spoeial opportunity given this month, when the entrance fee of two dollars has boea eliminated, j and thoy oaa have tho first year's membership for $6. This saving of $2 i just about pays for tho noseseary gym nasium slothing. This re4HoUoa of fee will positively ew) en January Slst and the old) rate of 7 bo restored. Any young man or elder man orer 17 is eligible to join the senior de partment of the association, with all its privileges. Intermediate, junior ami ladies ' department are also provided for. Ask the sooretory about tho foes. ssssssssasT fSi Xk,SBBBBBBiSl8Nr51t, 1 I fffm iWfflw II ft wl ' 'f il mftfmw ' m 7'f fh . ' . i JiWJf '. m il m " TwmtVi il mm:t m III li i I If il1' llnsfi H ISA' iK . KJBMv 'OaBI imil- IV, Annual Clothing Sale H'8 anTTErTO; TO SB Tim TUSH OP THU YEAS WHEN" BV 2YTHINa VmnTEBY MUST BB PDt ON THE J,EETIBBD U8T" BO TAB AB TBia STOKB IS QONOBttNED; YET THBBB TOLL WBABINO MONTBB ABB ABBAD. A BETTEB CBANOB TOR BUYINO MEN'S, BOYS' OB OHTJU3 BEN'S aLOTBINa POB IJBS3 TBAN AOTUAL VALUE Never Presented Itself YOU OAN OET JUST TUB SUIT YOU WANT HEBE AT JUST tied luairr pbiob 10.00 or ?b.oo will rrr you out vbby NICELY, OB PEBBATS YOU WISH SOMETBINO A LITTLB MOBE EXPENSIVE, BUOU AS $10.00, 12.00 OB $15.00. WB OAN SATrarY ANYONE WPTH OUE IMMENSE LTNB OP HIOU OBADB OLOT3HNO. BBOULAB PBI0B3, $10.00 TO $80.00, SALB PBIOBS, $0.00 TO $18.00. OAN YOU ATTOBD TO MISS A SALE WIIBBB TOB rBIOBS TOUOK YOUB rUBSB SO OBNTLY? Salem Woolen Mill Stote Marlon County Taxes. Jtik& Marlon oouaty tax levy or ths fm5)w(nMmt wao oom4etol by tho oners' court yesterday . In the fact that there wao a largo l tho valuation, as oontfarod year, tho levy is ttasJIer thaa on for a number of yearn. tal valuation, as shown by the was $10,374,910, and that oh roll, 0,8M,77i, a reduotlON M. otal tax levy as Axed; is 18Vi t year the levy was .9tt let rato is tUvldod. as fellewst 4 mills; state aehool tax, 0,3 nty tax 0.8 miMaj special road tax, iS mills; indigent soldier tax, ,1 still) lAthool library tax, .1 mill. Spoiled Hor Beauty. Harriet Ilowsnl, of W. 34th street, New York, at eno time had her beauty vpeUeJ with skin trouble. She writost tii had salt rheum or eosoma tr years, Sit Nothing would euro it, until I used iJuekien's Araiea Salve." A qulsk and ureealsr for outs, burns and sores. 0. Perry's drug store. X-RAYS pin oanoi OosJl IsWM .iSTSi MloMmhI1 waujisMMV of the amuoiag dispatohos yos was to tho eiTet that Senator oa hal discovers! rooks in the up lumbia, and the chief oaginoor impropriated! $100,000 to remove cm. The rooks a4 the news are fare. ilem man reeeaUy got drunk bo- was afraid) bis mother would tar he beard that she was wad the get drunk again, and when he learned that that was :o he got drunk ffg&la because 't die. Be has aaothor com- BaBkctbi.,ll. The second basketball team of the University will go to Woedburn this evening to play the high school team of that plaoo. The following moa, ao Glow Unrwh, wiU make tho trlpi H. BolkiMp, tt. Wlnans, Jeknoon, G. Porbos, 0. Omndail. Tho Arot team will take tho boat for Kewberg tomorrow morning, where thoy will pky tho team from lVcltU College, lnoino College is reported to have a strong team hk year, but this wiU lo tho first real game that either inoUUittoH bao j4ayed. Mamrgor Itarph Moitthows wiM take down the following meat .Whipple Wmpten, Parco), Noj oa, Grannie, Gray and Moore. A partial sobediwlo of the team a ee far armngo 'r tho soason 1st University of Oregon, at Salem, Jan uary 19. O. A. Oh at CorvallU, January 6(f) wimsimf ai wrvgeii, nv HWgenv, PolM'uary t. O. A. 0 at Salem, February 10. Negotiations are ako potnltNg for (Samoa with- tho Portland Y. M. C. A., tho Multnomah siub and DaMaa cob logo. Will IncrowMj Capital Stock. MIlwAukoo, Wis., Jan. 11. Tho shoro holdora of tho Wisconoln National bank will mot lroro tbia afternoon for tho purpose of voting on tho proposition of tho toard of directors to Inoreaao tho capital otook of tho bank from $1,500, 000 to $1,000,000. Tho bank wna open ed on December 5, 180f, with a capital atoek of $1,000,000 and tho proposed I oroaoe, which wiU, undoubtedly, bo vet- od by tho shareholder, will doublo the original capital stock of tho bank in thlrteon yearn of lis oxistonoo. An Island of Iron. Tho Northumberland istambt belong to Queonnmnd1 nndi He off tho east cen tral eoaot Ia tho Psoitis between tho towns of Itoolehampton ami Maektfy. One of tho mmtMoet lataeda in the Duko group in this archipelago is Iron ismnd. Tho whole Umad is iron oro except a strip from 00 to ISO feet wide on Ud wont and) a sand Ikt or the Northern ond, Tho Island la 1M0 foot ia length mm) $7$ feet in greatest width, its hshet point being ltO feet nbor high wntor mark. It w estimaUnt by tho geelegieal sur vey thai tho amount of ore above high water mark U 10000 tona, and that tho additional or avalmldo lotwon "IR W$j$tJ IvTv W4VQ (oB aQQM Afff9HsTfl to 780.000 tons, making a total of 2.260,000 t of available ore. Tkii rook oa tho woMern aide of tho IMand la preealob, hignly altered trachyte, la wMeh thtvo hna bwa gat (Vvelop moni of east and west ocom quarts voina, prebnbly twml loforo tho Iron wan introduoed into the surrounding re gion. On the HHtbh. tddb of tho island nre threo eutorops of pure whlto slat- C1, ot woven wiro fencing. Bpeolal uary marldo, from ton to twenty ftot i tMOUB Jwy 3. Wo havo fenoo aoroM and twenty to sixty foot In PBt" fftos, l Jwn and poultry length, f onees of all kinds. All at lowest prices U JnioJitv by nemo Queensland I geelegsata that tho or motasamatloftt oastohia. ef c&amz&u JUST ARRIVED Smiles pbest poker pkyer in the elty is said to be tho strongest in fftvgriof suppresaiag gambling. ilsnding men ia the peaitoaUary &ping hiraeolf a Salem eorro- it of an Albany campaign sheet the record. Lreeest roast of a local poutici&l before the carpentos'o uaies strangely like the pages of stuff printed ia the Albany Ar- Vermont Bdooatlenal Ceafereoee. Burolngtoiu, VU, Jan, 11. BduoaWru, roprosentiag aohools in ali part of tho state have arirvedl hero to attend a coaferoaee with tho faculty of tho University of Vermont for tho Burpee of ooasidering various educational matters. Tho oonfereoee will last two days, and tho first session wiM bo hold this afternoon. It wiH be devoted to & aympoeiue oa tho aoaferoaeo idoa u a moans of otiauktfng and perfect ing We educational system of tho state and as a means of ee-ordinatlsg the odueational forced of tho atato. Tho various phases of the subject wiU bo treated by Presidoa M. H. Buskham, BuporinteBdont Mason & Stone, Prin cipal G. IT, Morritt of the Baadolpb Ilighr Sehool, and Prinoipal Isaac Thom as of the Bdmuads high school of this ovdty. Those addressee will bo fol lowed by a diseussioB, to bo opeaod by Profeseor a P. Emerson of the University of Vermont. Thia evening another meeting will bo bold, at which Dr. P. U. Sykea of tho toaohera' col lege, Columbia university, will deliver an address es "Bsglisb la tho Second ary Schools," Here will bo a mora- lag, an si toraooa and an evening ses ly replaced limestone and eJato, ami that tho formatloni of ore mmiv saltl be A Q rim Tragody. i,,,,, i, u u,. tjiUh. t la doily enaotod In tbouaaiHW of homes, 'pj. flrW i, V0n4atio, w ., in MM ens, anosnor idwwing tlaU luring Hwtor U atlM roaoh vlcUm of consumption or pneumonia. iwg tk t t w1 -ni But when coughs or ool.w are preHokieny of oryHorytsdiino magnoUto orly treated, the trago.Vy la averted. V. itk . nonmtito and has aoaroo ul i? paUandeu, IndwrlteeritK impnrky. It apcoilU "My wife had tho ceauumptleR, and' -.vUv u 41 i- 4t iil-v. hreo doctors gave her up Finally she Mp to ,0 fwt , k j4Ui took Dr. King's new Discovery for . t)M, Uaao f y Na assumption, coughs and colds, which Mwk h bo done, but there wi be cured her, and today she Is well and , M ainumitv in mining t HA WALTXB MORLBY 00 Court Street, Salem. strong." It kills tho germs ef ail dis eases. Oao dose relieves. Guaranteed at 0 and $1.00 by J. a Perry, drug gist. Trial bottle freo. Tho Oaar has been so busy dodging that be has not had time to suggest that the whole matter be takes to The Hague for settlement. Attorney Piles Quaar Complaint, Oao of the queerest aorephUaU ever filed in the stote circuit court was Oat in tho ease of J, Kerts and John Muebew va. the City of Portland, re corded yesterday. The eemplaiat sots forth that ICertz worked 869 bourn over time in the city garbage crematory at 60 cents an hour, and has tfeus earned $1318, Muehew is claimed to have worked 700 hours overtime and earned $1400, or 60 coals an hour. Tho two amounts were added, and in tho com plaint the total is given J1718. The eemplaiat la not signed at all, but u& dor the blank for the signature appears tho wordu, "Attorney for Defendant," 1oym To work below that loval a wall of ore wiN havo to bo loft to prevent tho eotmnee of tho sea water. Ameri- nan anAsUM. nolnetAJ VnrfkssJ $1.00::: $1.50 OORVALLIfl & BASTBR B. R, Timo Card No. M. &. t for Ysqulaa Ieaes Albany 1SM8 P. M, Ieaves CorvallU li-tS P. M, Arrives at Y,aqulna .... i00 P. M. No. 1 Itoturning Leaves YaqulnA ....... 0i4 A. M. Loaves Oervallls ....'..lltSO A. M Arrives Albany Itil6 P. M. No. 3 for Albany-Detroit Lavv Arbany for Detroit 7i30 A. M, Arrives Detroit IStSO P. M. No. 4 from Detroit leaves Detroit ItOO P. M. Arrives Albany tiiM P. M. No. 6 for Albany leaves CorvalK 6i3 A. M. Arrives Albany 7tl0 A. M. No. 7 for Corvallls Leaves Albany 816O A. M. Arrives Corvallls St-fO A. M. Wrestling With Desertion Problem. jWaahington, D. 0,, Jnn 11. Tho mil itary RUlhorltloo in Now York and other places oontinuo to liavo trouble with desortorn, whom thoy deoiro to ro gord la no such light, principally that tho government may bo eared tho ox peneo of paying rewards and 00 avoid tho ronponolbiltty for making dlsburso monto of thin sort. There baa always boon more or 1M trouble in detenu Ining between nboonoo without leave ami desertion in a ease where t4w cul prit has boon oapiurtd and returned for (rial. One of tho latest eases to onajago tho attontion of tho war depart moat m that of Private K. K. MeDuf fi a, of tho 4nUi company of eoaot or ttb cry, who treI to got away from Port Wadrtwwlh, N. Y., and who was captured at llnrrWrnrg, lan on n train going westward. The Fort Wndnwerth court merely fined MeDuftle (ti for ab aonoo without lea-o, 1ml General Grant dimtiqtroved tho nontonao on the ground that MnDunie- wao guHty of deeertloB. Have You Scon It? Wkero and what Is itf At Dr. SMft's building, 480 Court street. A railroad devlco that will prevent acci dents at tho switches, am) also tho switches aro aotuatod by the moving train. 110-31 As a Dolltleal moralist he was stronger in precept than exam-lsioa tomorrow, with interesting pro- Ige&we xer au taree. OSES Field Gown 1 "Tho bost eoet you no more than " any old thing." It will pay you to boy tHEADQUABTEBS. We Pay the Express charge yao bo more than your next door neighbor. Bend for illustrated today. A solicitor wanted ia orory town. CALIFORNIA BOSS CO Los Asgolco, OaJ. of couroe, drew up the complaint. The papers were filed' by Harry Ivaaeeriei, a student in tho Oregon law school, who was given permission to appear ia the circuit court as an attorney. ' 3ur money, ami oven more ia seme in- sUaeos, on vry piano offered in this lowing ant sabj. Licinnl You nan jet a genuine $180 KomMo-Wnrd Co. piano In this aalo for $188 ; an Aoollan, mahogany oaoe, for $.107; a beautiful sample Bailey, tho now Pre oil finish, Teg ular $480 value, now for $888, and so instead of attorney for plaint!, who,! "P 'T instrument goes at sao- rinoe prtcos, antf.on oaoy payments. Yon can't afford to pa this ftpper busily up. Soon a she nee amy never bo offered in- Salem agaia. It would pay even to buy at the prices we are now soiling and hold your purchase as as investment. Tho Salem store has proven a losing venture, and wo aro etesiag out every piano in stock at oven loss than whole sale. Here's where $1.00 wiM buy $1.50 worth, and even more. Do yourself justice, and come while tero is a largo assortment from which to select. Later, you will ha,ve to take what is loft. We positively wiM or der so more stock. Remember the ptaeo, the Y. li. C. A. bults!s& and the nam, BTLrTRa PIANO HOUSE, P. N. SMITn, Spoeial Salesman. Can you figure it out I Where is there aaothor place in town where vou are f uMy aaUeAed you oaa buy one ' 7 '" Albany- dollar awl a half's worth for one dot- Loaves Corualtla St 00 P. M. lar Arrives Albany 640 P. M, Strange as H may seem it is true ' Corvallta that wo are giving you this value for Leaves Albany 7t3f P. M. HOUIBTgivs Rocky Mountain Toa Nuggets A titir KJMs fir Btiy rwl Bfliji 044 UmIw ss4 Kmi4 Vlrtr merf J4 HMih. nluHiti Howi. IfoAtMtM M form M iniii a U-t unuiu 11149 bv n'H.tKTn ls-.i curmx M.iw...i Ww C0L0CN NU8QET8 F0H SAI LOW rE0P.fc mm. Sure Ouro for Piles. Itching piles prod use moisture and causa itching; this form, as well as blind, blooding or protruding pike, are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Remedy. Stops itching and blooding. Absorbs tumors. 60o a Ian at druggist or seat by mall. Treatise froe. Write me about your ease. Dr. Bosaake, Phila., Pa, Got Two Yean. Molvia Buk was brought to the penitentiary yesterday by Sheriff Tay lor, of PoadietoB, and wiM servo two years for the larceny of a horse. Arrives Corvallls 81 IS P. M, Train No. 1 arrived la Albany in time to eonncot with the 8. P. south bound train. ,, Traia Kg. 8 connects with the B. P. trains at Corvallls and Albany, giving direct serviee to Newport und adja soat beaches. Train No. 3 leaves Albany for De troit at 7t30 a. m., arriving there in ample time to reach tho Breltoabush hot springs tho same day. Train No. 4 between Albany and Do- trait connects with Bugese local at Al bany, also with local for Corvallls. Traia fo. 5 leaves Corvallls at 6:30 a. m., irrives at Albany 7tI0 a. in. in time to oatah Bugeae local to Portland sad train to Detroit. Train No. 8 loaves Albany for Cor valMs at 8:00 a. ra., after arrival of northbound Bugeno local. Train No. 7 leaves Corvallls at C00 p. m., arrives in Albany at 5i40 p. ra., in timo to connect with the local for Bugeno and way points. Train No. 0 leaves Albany for Cor vaMis at 7:35 p. ra., after the arrival ef the S. P. local from Portland. For further iaferraation apply to J. 0, MAYO, Cos. Pass. Agt. T. COOKBBLL, Agont, Albany. H. H. OBONISB, Agent, Corrallia. , Urtios PACIFIC! Throo Trains to tno Bast Dally. Through Pullman standard and tourist sleeping ears dally to Olympia, Chicago, Bpekano) tourist sleeping cars daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeplsg cars (per sonally conducted) weekly to Falea go; roeUning chair ears (seats free) to the East dally. 70 POkTMhD TO CHICAGO no bauis or C TQ OKPAET tOH C&leo HKIu4 BpeoUl 15 a. to AtUatlo KxprtiM liU p. a, via uunt- tnctoa TtTPaaT rMtMnU V . m. via Bpokans TIMB BOyCpULBS Item hHUaaa, Or, Bait Lake. IVn?r. ft Worth, Omaha. Kanaw Cltr. St. Louh, Ohleace auo mm Klalt Lake. Dsarar rt worm, oaaaa, Kaaau Cltr, St. Louis. Chleaso Cltr. St. L andxatt. Bpokans. Wallae. 11iB ataa, UtanaaroU at. Paul. Dulelh.UllwaukM Ofiloage, ami Ka4. ABU VI 3Sp at 7:15 a, o a k Ocean and Elver Schedule. For San Francisco Every five days at 8 p. m. For Astoria, way point and North Beach Daily (oxeopt Bun day) at 8 p. m,; Saturday at 18 p. n. Dally servico (water pcrmittiag) on Willamette and Yamhill rivers. For fuller information aak or write your nearest ticket agent, or A. L. OSAIO, General Passenger Ageai, The Oregea Railroad & Navigation? Co, Portland, Oregon,