Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 01, 1906, SECTION ONE, Page 8, Image 8

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Sts r Irir i
WliiliJtmWKJvJL Wl'JLs
Greatest Clearance Sale
Begins Twesday Hlottung
II m4m M U JmWI wiowa to advert? tpwW eaiee all tke llmo.
""" u . i- 41 li . n .trnrt rvin't mo 1
" ". ? ? r. - Ti i- 4k- t HmmWI Don't you tkla Mth
MimiM t 00t ! """ IP"" - T "" " '. . -J-
m ii Mtt prioeitliag wdei our WW) wuw, ii yn , ""V"
SaTof Jo?;wke merenonie tbroogkoot tho mod aro taking etork and preparing for the
0r Klta( are kW I'M IMW pnwi ww'wuw ittt,..
What do r thlok of More
ioMt hove wwir
nt tke proper
arrival of new
dffiih) ' '
I )l1rV
I .aWlryJr
W have M ImmOOfO rtook
rowing, aad r lt rwo only
do we offer ti.00, l.M, I4.W
vawe for tM. Made of allk,
lortral moreen, alpeea end mer
termed etoo.
i'h colored
ftl ptt) to
Wg drivo In
ahirKSOe. Alt
bt from,
$1.00, flJO, ILM SMrti Eedoeed to
BJofl far below vow oifeeov
(tea MOO mH that dM mN t
I10.M to (MM. Oior ttae efmlo
ori jpw rffMAv
M MM priOO,
6 T a
vmo r t rJo
mm! redooed I t.M
0r"PJ PWWJ 001 VWW
A Idgeolleotleo of 10.00 M IS.OO
vowm avop owp oj wvpoy Hvv vbv
lrwMtNiiw mm wrtiy w ywN m
A Magnificent Building is the
Yerdict of the Throng
of Visitors
ui. nf twwmln have ben nflar-
lg thrMgfa the new klgk stlwel Mid'
iiw todr. iwetlg tke iMffrwit
room nm) tk iiMtiig 7a. Nothing
bat wonl of prlw were konnl for etv
wytklsg, wltk tk exfUo of the
rtowa wklk wwe fiUwl up mlk the
old dwk from tke oW Central buiM-Ir-jf.
The grent mftjority of tke petron
Wfre of tM opiMM (Mt vne imm
wontit knre rn jMfll In RMMng
lh Addition! expetKtltMre nottswry to
flt up rrrry room In the wilding with
new ffreka. One of tke teftekers, who
hne tanght In tk sekoote for ft nom
ber of ymti, nnd k vwr popnUr, nl
who w given m of the room Ittod
tip iritk tke oM dosha, knd nit k eonW
to tt prnriit her friend from fitting
up1 her room nt their own oxptneo.
The btribMntf, m & whole, Is oertolniy
n froiMt to tke lty.
Cured LtunliAgo,
A. 11. Ommr, OMngo, wrlleti March
4, 1WJ, "llnrlng m tronWl with
lamlMiiro nt Afferetit Uma nn4 tried
om pkylrln, nftor Mother, then dlf-j
foivnt ointment mhI IIwImhniU, gve It
no wtoitHhec So I trie4 on more
uJ ML M WtU tU)Unl &.AW T.i-
imnif wkiok gvo mm nlmoi liwfaiat
I rJW. I ran hr fnllr rtiemmeno! It,
1 wa will ihW my mum to your Hut of
offeror" Sol by D. J. Pry.
That the Chicago Store
Will Hold a Gtfeat
TOR Tim NBXT TimtTY DAYS tkd polloy of tho Chicago Btoro la to
oleor tbe oholveo at the bogtnulng of eaoh boosod, to xnako room for tho new
gooda which begin to arrive about the first of February.. Goods Bold re
gardloae of coot.
A fatal rrA) tf t 1(4m,
Mh4m, U MletM H w fat
mx, m Mmpl knh ethit Ml(k4
oMW nnj tWn ( town tki w!h4
IWi MmimtMM' wife tttt Ut
ho Itob bMrM ho Ii Uli U W
kK, ht w kj W. mi ro-
Mwkf m ! I- oil Jrtw IgMtr
Bi tbe fotVlflK,
The rr WuMtmy Dr 4hiU
Ml U romjtn4 ! rtf U torn ko
Ui Mt M Use luttrinlm V
wh4 Hmm M nmy M V MM i.
tt. tU4 MU wmy ifcor mn tigj
rtektf, tke wife of hi porerty le not
Ce4 eooogk n wife e hie wonlUi.
YetkM wi4 4lvre hi wife to
mnrry a woman, wM by eeUg (
Ike nrraneenmit oVi W4f ft bril-
ww 0vftrte,
A tillbrtr mHrlowlre offrm ttH,-
M twHl wUWWrfftu ft JWl of
rHmmo," wW tatWM of profler
mttW be mm4 fm fr tkein in
my. U fofyvt tke leir eom
hmo wM AH hM of Mm hit
It m new iurtW tlmt M. Sun
fe4 keH m pwrM l Sm Ptnn
moo. Tk Mr wur wW tkemeelvoe.
pt )HH, m Uo UmnitM Umt thy wtN
W onw "ftW( W HI VB
14 MWMn OkfimiM SoioMeMa for knv
wtf MttrtiMtnWj
1 ej nnpw
A month om mW wmk. imv.
U wn mf Uko n ymir.
A4 U wt WM4M, nll mmI amy
AM WM 4 Mt Mt,
tVMbvy Um tmitt. Ml wtol hWx,
Mo kmirr Mklkiiftli,
Por MmkkM Mn4 efl hoiow
mi U mimJ tho tMin.
scon-s EMULSIO,
i more than .1 fat food.
There is no nnimnl fat
that compares with it in
nourishing and building
up the waited, emaciated
body. That is why chil
dren ami aiuemlc girls
thrive and grow fat upon
it That is why persons
with consumptive tenden
cies gafn flesh and
strength enough to check
tlie progress of the disease.
P,.. limy M , Or-Thm. W
Mm. BM7 K. jtMwt,
f kor M(L y. C. Lmi. at Uud.
M OrMa, iVMmhor W. lots, ai
W jn-, 1 MMtke a4 n aya.
Xon. Ktrk w w kmwn u UkW
oily, who ah rM (mc mi; yM,
or on Ken mom mm Buy Met
t tolilwwuwnii OariL
4. UM. She wju
yearn, whw, in lMt, they oomm to the
InoiM eoat by way of the ItkMM of
lVkMMm. Tkoy flrt Mttled In Hm
boMt ooonty, Oilifornio, wkore Mr. !
rt wmtt Ini tke lompiog boelneoft. In
llff tkoy om b 0mm ooonty, vrkoro
they ttroA nt Bmnnor for ft Mmbr of
ywwa. Mr. Lvr 4lo4 In IMA. In
IfM Mm. Lvar wm married to Kor.
John If. Ntmrk, of Kulem, nnd tkoy
am hero tw r44. Kr. Mootk wot
fter of tho Lm4l M. X. ihotoh for
imo yM, no m4 rohriiory 18,
IMS. Mm. Moork eMrtinno4 U lire In
tkk oity nntU 1000, when mmtK
MhMhJiM W lWe wUk kor aon, P. 0.
Ivor. Her hwiltk wm gmeinlfr ox
eottmii nntil nboot tw yaH ni.
wkwt mW wm Mrioaaly IB. Sinoo thmi
ho flkj4 HOMtimUr. twill the etui
Im wm a Ufo-hM wrnnltr of
0j amn) nmnjnrvan nma.
fffamfc In UOe elty.
19M fWMMl WM koU MttONkw ftt
Wnltor Lyotm nd S. I Domou, t
Imtepowdoimo ore Mom bxloy.
Hoy HweUiHiMm U Mtemlinr tho
day Mp4oy np nt tho rofom fohool.
Mm. X. J. Hen4rwW nul kor mother.
Mm. (Moiy, ore po4ig tke doy nt tke
O. 0. IrebuuL noooiimanUd W hi
ommta, MiM Dabi Itth, rotwno4 to
uorvnwe toony,
X. C. Olover In bowM turn aponding
tlM OfcrieiimM holiday with kU po
root in Albany.
XtUk XtilUwM k mmmM. . t-
dnyn with kor frwne Mb- Stono, Mar
too rWom Mhool
OnptaJn mmk Mw. D. C. )fowr4 nr
In tho etty, vUoimc tho fna of tkoir
oa, S. O. Kw&
Mr. Md Mm. U O. CWagh. of T
oor ro tho mjooia of their dnmijr.
Mm. XL X. YTIimmm.
J. I. Themanwi n4 wife haft tkia
loorniiHf fV Cnllfornm, whoro tkoy,
wiU npond the winter.
MJm Xirtk OnWioUM rotntMd UL.
orHc from a vioit to I ha Jmm
km nt "Labi Mondown,"
J and Mr. KmiiL aiLmv
font Xow Yoara in thin Uy w4th Mre.
mpwih -n mmer, Wh, W. A. Meta.
Mkm Km Miller. 1m mii.1..
ftlom tmphoeiat, mm returiHMl ffw.
$1 Fine UmbrolM, prioe 00
70 Silk Fln4ohff4 Velvet, yd. . . .40
OOo Albntroot, all oolorf, yd ,..48
M India Silk, all oolore, ytl....M
6t Colored TaffeUi Silk, yd ....48c
700 Paacy Dtem Hike, yd MU
$1J6 IVwy Wletlng Volvoto, yd
7m Ilbvek DrM Ooodo, yd. 40
00 Colored Dreat Qoode, yd..,.S0
Fancy liaid Dreao 0oe4, yd. . . .Mo
aiv jireaMototfi, w ln yil....io
$1JK Xiilnproof Ctotk, yd Wk
Sotted! Comfort, onok ON
Sotted Blank, pair 40c
lietter om at oak prweo.
Ifto CamrM Lining, yd Oo
ilWWPWSiil. t4 VOfVrPi JSj e iiiii
Jm Orepo Oloih, yd Jl
Jm Cboviott SWriinu, yd 10
Odillot of Ht and 7fc oaHoooa,
1IK CroUmi, yd S 14
V IXoaokod MnoHoc, yd Ofte
Unbleaokod MUan, yd M and M
Towokj at any prioe
.....He, 5e, (Vie, S l8o
JSVfco Shakor FMnnol, yd.. ..8 14
60e Wool BtdorJown, yd......,.3e
60 Bleaehodi Tablo Llnon, yd.. Kg
16o I'lMow Oneeo, cooh lo
16 AU Linen Whito Nnpkln;cnch
76o Klmonaa, nalo prlco i&j
76o Oatlng IIa&boI Nlglitgowna ifo
Ladloa' iMk Wool Floecod Uudor
wear .... .. ,. Ut
Chicken 'a Ut WMlenroar ....12
lOo Pearl INUom, do2 it
m Somo Silk, epool I
10 PrHlod ftMU, yd
Ladioe' M Havy Hooeed IIom,
tr mfc
LadiM' U Patent Leather Bel to lfc
10 Xalnooaio, eaek .(5M
Prioon nmofbtoro! in thin to-
J0 Trinrmod JTats, mIo prlee fl.dS
K.00 Trimmed lint, ml0 price SO
Ladloe' 804 1mh1 Ik, prio..S6o
Ladwo 8 Uand lw, prlco. .4ftt
Ladleo J0 Wool MUte, prioo.,10
La4a' 8 11. S. Wklto IWkfo.,Jo
Moii'o 80o Hvy Undonvoar....M
Moii'a W bkok and white ntrJped
Working mirU, prlee Vk
LndiM' and Mea'o 8koe At dear
inc Mle prleoJ.
Mort'ii OtotkinK half prlee.
Swo Onto for PiW.
OMMa Xohinm tUh foow, m woU m
VXad, hMdt or moreff pilaa. r
owod by IV. KmaUlte file -
Soomt Mohiaw and -'- -"-- iu.iy
w i -r . w twmB iwm a
imooa. toe a Jar at or a "oothNi vMt in Idnko with kor ami
kf mOL TW ffm. Write mm M. Charbm H. hu. t a. J
ew . u. BominXe, rhifc,.
wo4 U rVohMid yoHooday morning U
vik her oiotor, Mm. 9m. for a fw
Har rHMT TMbur. ti . . .
With! tomt ,k -L- ,i . 'wl. - .uT7 , . " "S
km, al th, WWd4, ,try, a.'Urted - hie mro . KtoZTh, Si
woU m tk. n-,4. .mmrally, bare had "do. "'U U'
ohMtndvhnVmHtbwnrnrt INMmy ZTZ-Tt
mm am-, ami ao,ro tho Aar . Hiwc. whst. h- m- JL. X T
- I -"" "ww qmuu ikd
v 1 1 ii '
MCEVOY BROS SfnerJ nf Comnier
"lLTUI umo. cial and Court Streets
man, of Valdo, Alaoka, ia in the oity
tor a row day. Mr. Kala mm that he
U oompoUod U pay mbororo 10 por
7, m that board k M por day in
Yaldoc Ho oxpeoto to roturn to Abu
ka tho loot of Jatwary,
Norwich Union Fire Inst
ancc Society.
rraak Merodith, Beaidont Agtet
Offleo with Wm. Brown t, rv n i
Oomffloreial fltxoot. '
Xxooroiomi Hvory jror,
la ordor la give the mobm of Salmm
a oppormmity W Uo bonnUfid
amity mmth of Salem, ad U e the
oovotopmoai beong mado by tho eon,
paay. tho CHUmm' Lie4t k iwit
Omnpany will r esenfebMi oar to the
relc onarry, wU af Odd Nkw'
ory, brnvinf tke rTiUamotu botal
on ovan konra. xbr a kMa ,u.
and Me for yoawelf. it
Jejre iriaAMa u L w w- ..... . .
- " '"" w rr oomm wm ft) twr mud
STLT T"" rtST1 - " """ - -aC
Pu,"Mt K tMk w laLU fiuUM u l,
a4 we wm 4M,t,.le . faa. W.VednTrTL. '
State and
LfcertY Sts.,
SAlwn, Ore
ww tkjlr fMMima.
i' toloa to what w
4km vUMiU mn rrtuputuj
yr On loot, n Jjrmd tedny baa
od a nar f paM., i- u
W4U m fmmd inoeMmaiituaM fai m.
V a f tuwr pw . lt
ray ywt t NMl IMW an
mntg mMrdty. M timy eoaaln
nttnamnuiaai av lama a ....
, i ' in a4dtnkM ta
.ir w'Jrl -Hphio n,
V an I MtMkM MVO bOM
a, and mak UktetMthmg ioadia
m ma w ja nt mmi.. .- t.
oaJ rognlwiy. Wo Hi , lk- ,
fi - .J Tot? bTLS:
to eoiw boik ---"- mu
T . " ... -""" or If
li UJ...
rizrjrr -
PH fow feya. '
Mom My Sitk, wh
wday, nfVN- iMadiM tk.
Prikml. ar j,H , iJTZi H
tke km their mLm-ILm
r J0od, w baa bow ,
Oity. ' " w "
JaTfiJ? 3 Ura
' - PBVH j . ..
L. J
hwimai et jcm ,
Met. Ctiaatr Mi.
rl dajs aa
VU lit.. J. ..
unw - - -- . .
m vwtw . .:rr ,
M aABft af TOHU
"",w to mmMbaratoiiWa. ..
I7aUVAido - m. "
O. XIU, w. b bean
kJ- .I T TT" kooae af
--" pmcamnm m n-J..
od there
Under ApUe f the Orogoa Derelop-
"" Jayee Pertlaad on
Bpooial Train Juxury 13th,
Bweiary Tom Wehardaen, iU 0r6,
Ba Derekprnwit Lwgo, U very anx.
t the ttate nt large ebeld be
w ropeweatej ty, exeuralan. The
party, whiak wHl be empo4 of Udieo
d cUmB, leTe PortlaDd at mid.
algal, Jana&rT IS. lBOfl - v
at SMraaeato, Baa PraBio,
rata Alto, B Joao, r. Bb Santa
wfeara tvad Lee Abit!- w..i
lUinet win u aardd the paHy
at those pelata. The rate from PorUnsd
Will bo (03 for ODO TWiraan ..V
oladVe tbre meala to b erved oa diner
tween Portland ai 8aeraaeaU, and
Pleaa berth to Lee AimIu a ...
f W will U okarged wkore bwo people
116 " ary e eaeh tiftket f
iTaT11"- BTatieM
U an ftxeeXett apfMrUnitr u ..;. a.,
rrf ::T " ""tioM la
" general, ekid be addreMd t r
WantAl n.i
. unHnwK or lfMy yrllh g
i w travel for firm of $2S-i
000 eapltal. Salary $1078 per ywl
aad oxpeneee; ealary paid woeklt.F
a orpeAMa advaneed. AAlre,
wtk etap, J. a. Aloxandar, 8alotj
wrLtn. ii,i.
for Balo-JC. ! 4- , .- ,
' sawed, Tbia wertl
l. Pkwie 1419, r jj at g,,
ami ltk etreeta. M. P. D
Waatttl-iMtnU.wM mUooIc. frl
aoroknndiea aenBU; good ealan .
al wpwm Addroos Otebo Coav,
pr n cnoatRHt street. PhiUdarA"
P. I M.3t.
t-trday an, a watw j
Up roK probably M State 8tre
Beward far rotora to this offi,o. -
OroaOjr in Dm..,.
'ftking i, 3 jft
S4? " -oder requk.
4o fer a Wood aad ey dean
wek M Dr. King'. Nw jj. p.
aro wbnt yon Hwdtoeowt
AtJ.aZL,:! Trythoa
astwd. J"Un,ffstore- ,P
Bwitv, imi;s:7r.r . .J
BWu. -ny "'"""MwffMaP
w -' A -!
f CT6-i
PHI 1 e
il IH TJfili aMO?OOTWi
tW la.u. - !.. i .177
u. j r,"J!l!I! .! U4 L m.
LE!!E"io7 m7m..
JllifWoMrMISlliii wmmtti rav
Pe-rarw. -
Money to Loan
-m ..,r PfwaiBeat tt.- B-
"ror Ladd A bj,,, gj