ttttvftj nmHiit'"' ' eiwe" DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREOON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1005. p,.,.,,""'"" RTPTBD ANGORA GOAT OLA Tl HKHHeiHM --- SffSratlisoKlDOT'claor imijutv-- .-.o nidoBllon.Checrful- SmSforpluc nor Hincral. oTAltCOTIC. irmtvi JVw AvxW wm r. .. IK.JW rtnW M WWt i r-i ilnmoilvr fnrrnnstlnn non,Sour Slotnach.DiarrJtoca orms.tonviii.'sioiis.rcwwaii ncssnmlLoss OF Sleep. MM I SWWWW WW Facsimile Sijnnlure or KBW YOttK. For Infants and. Ohildron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of SHOW ivli AW xW f Ifv EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA tmi of AUf aeMpnr fit o errr. To Be Held at Dallas, Polk County, Next Month FOR BALE. n . .1 a nnnnnin uu yarun ui "-"- BRICK BrUk furnished In largo or small Nititli. Pressed brick made to or iK. Yuri! ok State street, south of llnllftry. 8ALBM BRICK YARD. A. A. BURTON, Prop, Notice The Ontlng Magnalne for January. Jutt as the now yr U about to be gin tit Ottting Magnalne for January appears a a swond holiday number. From fortr to rovr It brrnthe the spirit of the holidays. There aw Are full-pa Illustrations In colors, and Mfk la aa aft study weil worth preserving. The wonderful laereeee In tb cirdatlo of this muhpuOim shewn that the Auwrlean people uppreelule tko gospel of clean aad wbdeacw Hr- ittar. In this nuwber alee appears the rank lax of tko eelleg football eleven by Caspar Wbltiwy. "Tke Sckael and Cot l. World." l ltalnk D. Fnlne. will Wo have sowe farmi to rent, chicken J MaAkAu Ia maII am IseaJ A 11 sal sin ( itlin AlftA . rvwrw W wot VN iHaiHHanvn jmMf. p - to tell or rent eall and ice us. If you vant to buy aay klad of property or want a loaa oa real oitato or notary wcrk of aay kind. If you want help w wiat work of aay kind oall aad reg Ww your wants In our employment iry We L -1 Mroe of Am bd tOMlk Mt ef to rout or mU U tmoU f Sor 1" rot, vrltk paywoaU of iff or WOdowu md 10 por Month uaiU paid i o' i " ent iatortftt aemi-aaaually, R. R. RYAN & Co. ar not forRottoN, for Dan Daarda toll thorn "How to IMM Bolt." Some tklNK for ovory oa aa4 all of tko boat aooMM to bo tko m4to for tko January HNwkor f tko Oatlait MagaalM. . o- Iu Mad C1M. MJllloM rin la wd okao aftor koaltk, frow oao xtroo of faMUm to aaotkor, wkoa, If tkey would oiy oat good food, and oep tkolr bowola regular wltk Dr. Klag'a Kow I4fe PUU, tbelr troubloe would all paae away. Prompt rollof aad Jek our for Uvor and atomaek trouble, tt, at J, C, Perry 'a drug torj guaraatood. Seventh Angora float sliow for the Matejf OreKn will bo held in Dallas, I'olk "eottnty, Oregon, on Thursday and Friday, January 18 ami 19, 1000, un der the aneplen of the Polk County Mohair association. The ehow will also 1 open In the evoulnt; of the flrtt day Dlplomne will be tfrm lo all prlae tin ners. The eowmlttee would lw pleased. to hear from thoeu Interested nml In what cm they will oaler, so that they way make their arrangement aooon lagly. No entranee feo will be charged, l'ted will m furnlshotl to oxhtbltow free. Tbo eommkteo le eomjMwed of W. A. Ayreo, II. h. 1'onHon, Jatnoo It Id dell, Q. W. MBo and J. I. Itoaeoaor There will 1 two grade of goals eligible for entry registered In one clam and unregieterod In another claw. The following 46 prlaos will bo awarded In the roajtsitred elaea, and the aanio numl)er of prlaea will bo awardel In tko unregistered elaiM, making 00 prizes in all. All aninmle, except kids, eom- Htlng for priaea ifHtst have been shorn in 1900: First, seeewl and third pre mium on buck letd born before Mareh 18, 1IHKS; aauto on buek kid born aftor Ctreh 13, 1000; saw on buek, 1 year old and under i same on buok, I years old and under 8; mm on buek, S year old and under 1( same on buok, -1 years old or over. 11 rot. soooad and third promlum on do k4d born boforo Mnreh 15, IWfli aamo oh do kid born after March 18, 19M name oh do, 1 your old and under 2; mhm oh doo, I year old and under tj eM oh doo, I yonro old and under 1 5 mm oh do, 4 years old and over. Plrai, oteoiMl and third protnlMHM oh afod doo, on bok, on yearling doo and oho do kid. NoHtoMbor that tbo wnto lUt of pre miuM la oftrod In oaok elaits.. Mrsi, ooond and third tweopetake beat buok of any ago an4 tko aatHO for doe; mmo 1h oak olaee. Hheop. Bwliio aiul roultry. Froo imo will be given t all these wko (Mr to make An exhibit ef sheep, swine and poultry. Tko latter exhibits wttl be entirely Independent ef the goat shew, and thla arrangement la made Imply to give the sheep grower, swine and poultry rabwm an opportunity to how tkolr blooded atok. Rdued Railroad lUUw and rum. Tko Southern PaoiNo Gowtpany awl tko SoloHt, Falto Oky k Wootom IUU way Company will ekarg tkolr'uoual rat oh all animaU Mat t4 the akow for exhibits but upon premutation of a relpt from tko teeroUry of the aao eiatloH. tkoe eompanbM will roturn all anlmaia 10 tko point from whioh they wr shipped fro of ehargn. Tbo Southern Paollo Oompny and tko Sa low, FkUa City & VvoiorH HoJlway Compeuiy will grant a Mb roduotloK. Call oh your looal ngemt tt oorliaoato. Vnr Rain. Aliout hnnd oarpet In good condiUon, nnu a llrst-lfls9 orgnn. Call nt room over Geo. F. Rodgore' papor houso, Oourt street, betweon 2 and 4. o'olook P. m. M For Sale Flro proof safe for salo, with burglnr-proof chest, a bargain. Ohns. n. Hinges, tho jowolor. 12-8tf For SaleStump oord wood, 76o a cord, 2 mlloo from Solom, Routfl 2, W. M. Sohutt. IMMwk' For Salo. 00 aaros, ono and n n miles from Salem, 10 noros in cultiva tion. Balance uncleared la timber. Prlee $2500. Inquire nt 117 Commor olal street. 123-lwk food, oood bran, boy, flour At iod -.if i. Hictb otreot. adjoining etc. opora house. ol-yr. Say-Hnvo you tried IL B. Pil- JJ moatn) Ho has tho best onusago In town. Como ftnd try It, and bo con vineod. 4-10 Bart Stato otret. Hop Loo Co. Laundry-Dost woric uono with latcet Improved mnohlnery. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Opposite . W.l lamotto Uotol, Sftlo"1- Mg'w w- IJa WW . mm nmi NHftriflniKir a,u - Poteel, tinnor nnd plumbor. Hot air wator and Bteam heating a apeclalty, flalem, Oregon. 3-2- Bornardl & Dunsford, Wborf, rti rul anu fitters. All kinds of plumb. l- .nnM. No. 59 Btato Phono 118 Main. ARCHITECT. street. 10-2tf Sor Salo. Mlghty-fivo aeros, VA raWtt from Salem, 30 aerea ia cultivation, 10 noros In orokard, balaneo unolearod and Umbor. Several hundred oorde of wood In treej new houso and barn, one tlmught toajn, harness, wagona, harrow, plow, eix head of oattlo and five tons of hay. Prleo 4600. In quire at this offlee. 12-88-lwk Cheat Hay For salo, nbout 50 tons of eheat hAy, on fnrm, fivo miles from Salem, on MeMlnnvillo road, or dft llvored. Inquire nt Plum fnrm, noar Lincoln. Farm phono No. 10. la-M-lm 2?"JJf'?s''XJrIl(ltlnto of Kirka- jjr. . a --. --,. n, ,-,. vllo Mo-, unaor iouuum I V Jithy. Boom 2S-20 Broyman bldg-, Commercial St., phono 919. Roab denco 419 N. Summer at... phone 014. Treats ncuto and chronlo diseases. Bxamlnatlona freo. " 1 .. . ..-.. . ti-i.t. 33r. B. H. Wluto. uraanaio oj. - rllel, Mo., undor xounaor oi "--pnthy. ftoom 21 Dryinaii bldg.. Commercial st phono 8t. 590 Btato, cor. Church, phono Xiiu. Trnatn aeuto and chronlo dlioascs. Bxaminations froo. MX70IO STUDIOS. ffibTsKarsro Muirlcat Studio. Assoclato teafther Westorn Ooneorvatory, Chicago, DL, roprcaontlng Intcr-SUto Syotcm ftt Solom. OroKOO. In tho Gray block, room 3. Studio hours D to 12 and 2 to 5. 8-W-" Vw w T. iarl1Hii W. D. Pugh ArcWtoct anu uV tondont, plans fnrnishod for all class es of building and structural work, Offlco 110 Btato street, Tioga block, Salem, Oregon. IX)ST. j Lost A gold buokio ami "" marked with tho initials "O. B." ite turn to this offloo and) reeoivo roward'. 12-27-3t v DRAYMEH. and transfer business, meot all trains. 'Phone, down town, Mala 175. Stand 150 Commercial stroot. 8-12-lm PHYSICIAN AND 8URQE0N FOR RENT. For Rent. Storo room in McCbrnack bloek now occupied by W. w. ZInn. Apidy to, B, P. McCornack. 12-12-lm Tor RouW live-room oottnge, wun baMMOHts pipe! throughout, Flao well water. A. Sokrelber, iOO High atreot. I" For Ront-Houeo, on Wok from Com- morolal street, SultaWo for two famOles. Inquire of O. A. Newsomo, gowtk Salem. lt-M-Hf WANTED. Wautod. Position by thoroughly com petent woman nn housokoepor, mat ron or seamstreM. Best refercares. Address, oaro of Journal, "M. M. H." 11-20-tf Tho Boloy Studios. Thorough Instruc tion in music. Mr. and Mrs. Francos- co Scley, specialists In Volco Produc tion, Interpretation and Harmony. Opera Houso Building, rooms 0 and 10. BetldenCo phono Main 674. 11-2-llm Dr. Oartwrigbt Has resumed general prnctico, and will bo found Ja room 10, over Ladd & Bush's bank. Offlco hours 11 w w, to 4 p. nu Offlc phono Main 10, residence phono Main 107. IMP " 1S3C! LIVERY AND SALB STABLBS. H . . A Holiday Sale of Btflbs a la orler to sell our large stock of Hyacinths, Tulips, Croctu, Nar- g tun.., Bnowdropc, Japanese and China Uly Bnllw, w kave placed M ttea on sale at greatly reduced prlc. Tks bulbs are all rst ! m ui cuaranteed to bo true to name aad color. H i SAVAGE & FLETCHER Si Wanted, By a young woman, a plaoo to fo general keuiework, or work nt 'hotel or boarding house. Address MIm Hannah Welly, Bouto 7, 8fllcm, Oregon. 12-28-3t MIBOBLLANEOUO. Saleru' Iron" Works Founders, machin ists and blacksmiths. Manufacturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hep and fruit drying stoves, etc Manufacturers of tho Salem Iron Works Hop Press. 11-SD-lm Front SUbloa Flrst-olaM livery boarding and sale stables. Rubber Ured buggies and fine driving stock. Pratt & Harrod, proprietors, 271 Cho rneketa street. Phono Main 73. 12-14-lyr Food Barn. Spooial attontlon to trarv siont teams. Farmors' patronago so licited. Waiting rooms for ladies Wo also carry a full lino of feed. Looated nt Club Stables, corner Lib erty and Ferry streets. Phono Main 7. Prunk ft Darby. 12-14-0nt Notico of Bftlo of School Buildings. Notlco is hereby given that tho un designed will, up to 7t30 p. m. on Saturday, Jnhuary 0, 1000, receive noaled bids for tho pttroknso of tho two old school building known as tko Big Central Sakool and LltUo Central Seko! buildings now looated on tko north half of blook 3 la tko oily of Salem, Oregon. Crtlfled okesk of 24 por ecnt ef tho amount ef tme bid must aeeotn paay bid, Suooeoaful bidder must en ter Into a eeatraot to remove buildings within 30 days ef acceptance of bid. Tko right te reject any er all bids is reserved. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 10th day of Dooembor, 1005. J. O. UOODALT2, JR., Clerk of tho school district No. 21, Itt Marlon county, Oregon. 12 21llt Lopacs. Foresters of Amorica Court Sherwood Foresters No. 10. Meets Friday is Turner block. Ira Jorgensen, O. B.J A. L. Brown, See. -. 5 3J2-322 Commercial bt. ry's ? M UlIieE9KeieMHBIIMBIBfas)Iaile)18M81 A i'oarful Fate. It is a fearful fate U kave te en dure tke terrible tertwre ef piles. "I oaa truthfully say," writes Harry Cab son, ef Masenville, la., tkat for blind, bleeding, itcklng and protruding piles, Buekloa's Arnica Salve Is the best cure made." Also best for cuts, burns, and injuries, fee at J. 0. Per- drug store, q aITIBS soon be here and we have an extra large assortment of goods to select your holiday supply from. We make it a specialty of keeping the best brands of Bourbon and Rye whiskies made by our largest United States distileries. Also some of the choicest imported, and domestic wines. We would be pleased to have you call and inspect our large stock and get the holiday prices on any goods wanted. tandard Liquor Co. Hotel Beott Newly furnished, ovory thing olean and first class. Rooms at reasonable prices. In Cottle blook, Salem. A. Boott, prop. 7-6-tf. At Your Stepmother's The Salem Dye works is where yeu eas get your clothes cleaned, dyed, pressed and retlned, buttons sewed on nn rips sewed np, from a pair of sieves to the most elaborato silk gowns, All goods paid for If Injured. Mrs, C, H. Walker, Prep. Phono Main 1845. Wanted. flnrkeje, gse. ducks, chick eas and all farm produce, nighest oasky price paid for same. Capital OemmlMleR Company, 807 Oewmer elal street, Telepheno 179. Central Lodge No. IB, It of P. Csstl Hall in nolnmii blook, cornor State and Liberty streets. Tuesday of oaok weok at 730 p. in, T, J. Cronlso, C. O.J W. T. Staloy, K, of R. and B, Modern Woodmen of Amertoe Ore gon Cedar Gamp, No. 5340. Meets ovory Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, Holmnn nail. B. B. Matton, V. 0, A. L. Brown, Clerk. TONSORrAL. Evans' Barber Shop. Kverythlng new and up to dater Finest porcelain baths. 8having, ISo, halreuttlngSfio bathB , First class bootblacks, C. W. Brans, Proprietor. ASH AND DOOR FACTORIES. .irai iuwu aiunuraetiirar n stsn, uoors, mouldings. All kinds of house finish and hardwood work, grant street between State and Oourt TicFasIiion StaMcs Formerly Simpson's Stnbles.. Upto-dato livery and cab line. Fu neral turnouts a apeclnlty. Tally-ho for plenloo and excursions. Phono 44. Oiias. W. Yannko, Prop. 247 ami 40 High Street. Gladiolus Bulbs Several thousand very choice, finest strains aad varieties, Oregon-grown bulbs, about twice tke slae of Kastera or imported bulbs, and produco tlit) finest flowers, tW5 to four inches across, and 12 to 20 on a stalk. The bulbs are of two grades. Largest, selected, 50a per doten, 43410 per hundred. Medium large bulbs Sec per doen, $2.50 per hundred. E. Hofcr Patronise Your Home In dustries and keep your mon ey at home. Net a new busiae&i. hut the old blaeV smith, wagon and rwiat sher of Jacob & Arthur vary much enlarged. We are prepared to do all kinds of fancy paint ing, slcra palntinc and bui?ev-. eari-Ia and wagen. painting repainting and re pairing furniture and musical instru ments. A first-das painter employed. Light aad heavy -wagons and buggies on hand and made to order. Work jailed for la any part of the city and returned freo of charge by O. W. Johns or William Cross, JACOB & ARTHUR. Phone 1483 Mtln. 2888 N. Front St, 9-22-tf S PhonelMain175 148 to 156 South Commercial St. Salem, Oregon Iyour MEALS Will always be right if you get them at the White House Restaurant GEORGE BROS. Proprs. Pnone Mala 2421, State Street. EiaBMHMKMMMMIMIMlMEK O. C. T. Go's N Steamers Pomona and Altona S lM$a fsjr Bertland'Monday, Wed- Hasdjy sjd Friday a 10 a. m. g Tuesday, Thursday and Satnr- 8 y Jt 7 , w, Fox .Corvallis S Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- g day abeut 0:30 p. m. g M. P. BALDWIN, Agent. M Dock Foot of --Trado street sfllMMRIMEKHKllIKlllllBaiJU JjUST ARRIVED Car ef wovoa wire feneli. Speeial dsseouat till January 8. We have fence posts, gaUw, and lawn fences of all kinds. and poultrv All at lowest prieed WALTER KORLBY 00 Court Stret, Salem. mf iajBH4jBjl New and seeond-hand Goods bought and sold. 170 South Commercial St. IP. J,. McPEEK, Phona 1233 Main. 170 Commercial St WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPAQ OFFICE OTTY HALL. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly ia advance. Make all complaints at the offlco. i Gold Dtist Flot i? I Made by THE SIDNEY paw. ER COMPANY, Sidney. Ore gon. Made for family use. Ask your grocer for It Bran and i nhorta always on hand. P. B, Wallace AGENT w8sinsaaMjBaataa NEW LANGE HOTEL When you visit Portland, Ore., b sura and atop at The New Laage Ho tel, noxt door to the Imperial. Bates f&.75 itttnv l'00, Per 5y- Electrie lights, call bells, elevator, steam iiea4v free, bath i fro bU8, jui oatebS rooms with ranuiig water. m e- le jiwriMinnTr-" ' -f-