DAILY OAIITAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREOONr THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 100G. DAM CAPITAL JOURNAfc -ti HOFEE -- BROS. v: OFFIOIAIi USNBUB BALEM. MAY, 1904, 13,287. . " Tins naiiT roR governor;. Of course, It is expected by Demo crats that any Ropubliean will havo a hard tlnio being elected ovor Qovornor Chamberlain If ho runs again. Firot Jn the field was 0. A. Johns of Baker 'City, Jtte is a man who Joes UtUo talking and has much ability. Noxt me Dr. James Wlthyeombs, who 1ms for many, ye&ip been at tho head of the U. 8. ikpefiWlcat station. Thow demo into tbi fll T. Gesr and 0. A. Seklbrede, both men of equally groat ability far the oflloe they seok. Tho strength of their position de pends on both baying public record's of equally untarnished and spotless character. In this reaped they will Mt only di vldo caeh others' votos but will invadtt iho precincts of some of the candl dates for other oflloe. This puts gentleman la the Hold for this nomination and they all have some strong point in their favor. Ttioy havo all bad mere oxporleneo In polltleo than Wlthyeembe, n asking ron Air accounting. Tho Oregon fair oommiMton has de cided to domnnd an nefOHtitlng and pro rata of earning from the Lewis and Clnrk fair corporation. The whole huinM will 1m gone ovor nnd a groat deal of legal audi clerical holp will 1m employ! to carry en tho neeeuuling. Of court, on top of that there will Im tho usual legislative Investigation that wiM BMPLOY A GRKAT MANY MORS P110PLB, "The people" empleyed: re the class -who do not labor at any common work, but must bo given emgloymoot or tho gov rnmoitt would osuso, Wbou It in all through with there will bo nothing roeovored, some of the hayseeds' good hard- dollars will lm Mattered, amft nil will 1m well. If It doos not cost tho taxpayor an other half million HE WILL OUT 01T BABY, ami ought to bo satisfied that ho is permitted to live and labor. Tho fair has ben a groat thing for Oregon, and it ought to bo wound up without any further lawsuits and Invos ligations, If powtihle. o TO INITIATR A TAX BILL. A tax eodtt ha Won prepared by the taxation oommittoe of the Farmers ' and Imippore1 Googremi named at Wood burn. Tho bill Is being printed and will bo ready for dMMribwUo and for signers to tho potlfoit carty noxt woek, Jt proposou a rrMoir1f tho went and taxation laws to tho end that torn larger part of otate revenue shall te doclvod from QR08H BARNINaH Or CORPORATIONS NOW UNTAXED Tho ewuMOulaled Inheritance tax that jHrodooeo little or no revenue has boon changed nome by tho fommittoc, so that tfco largo ooUUm eaostot all enonpe pay fug something. Tho state lovy that has boon from five to eight wllbj on am ootid values WILL BE OUT DOWN TO TWO OR three mills thj yST year. After twit oaah yer tho diroot tax. o property will grow low and tho In direct tax on lotangiblos will laoroaee until tho state tax to wtpod out. Tho bill hu boon ireprod by a eommRteo Of lawyer j)4 bntitnouu mom, tonroiout ing ali )Murto of tho Ante. Why Refer to Doctors Because we make medicines for them. They know all about Ayer's Cherry Pec toral, so they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, weak lungs, consump tion! They trust it. Then you can afford to trust it. Sold for over sixty years., Wtklff mmcrUI Wpifllth J. Oi'AnrOo., Ilia tofwalai at til our, aieJItltf u tMnl, Mm, 1 A Just Demand. (Oregon Oriano, Vnlo, Malheur County.) J .Eastorm Oregon shouljl, havo a Tfcltod States senator. Eroni .tho counties 'of Baker, Umatilla, Inrnoft Crook, Mal heur, Lnke (Srant $J10nm, Wicolor, Union, Wallofvn, Morrow or Shornwn, there shoultt' bo found) a "Davldl" to load tho 'Republican party of Orogon in the United Stat on senate. Wostorn Oregon lias a sonator ami should bo satisfied. The irrigation projeets aro by far tho most Important matter un der consideration in Orogon today. Portland soys she is big enough td have a senator; now why oan't east ern Oregon get out of her own light an soo that Portland and iho Willam ette valloy are not the wholo show. Wo want a dram major from eastern Oregon in the form of a United States senator, and the birds aro whispering to the editors of the Orlaho that thore will 1m one or- more on the taple be fore tho eandidnte season is over. Oponlng Now Y. M. 0. A. Bidding. Ltttlo Itosk, Ark., Dee. VS. The new Y. M. 0, A. building, whioh was recent ly finished horo, will be formally open ed this evening with n benefit eon sort. A fine musloal program has been arranged for the ooonston and several members of tho loard of trustees will deliver addromos. Next Sunday af ternoon tho first large mooting for men wilt bo hold la tho neiy building. On Mommy, Jnnnary) 1, will be children's day, ami children botwon II ami 1-i years will bo porntlited to Inopoot tho building. In tho nftomoea tho bolM- In wttl 1m ope for Inonootion by ladies. In the owning a mtbilo re- eeptioft will bo hold, to whioh evory body will bo admitted. ' .iO' UXOURSION TO OALXTORNIA. Under Ausplaoti of tho Oregon Develop- mout Loaguo Loaves rertUnd on flpoolal Train January 13th. Sooretary Tom Hehardson, of the Oro gon Development League, Is v&ry anx ious that the state at largo should bo well represented on this oxeurslon. Tho Ejrty, which will bo composed of UHm Md gentlemen, loaves Portland at mid night, January 13, 1000, stops bolng mado nt Saoramento, Ban Franelsoe, Palo Alto, Ban Joro, Paso Robloa, Santa Ikrlmra and Los Angeles. Special en tertainment will bo accorded tho party at these Mints. The rate from Portland will be $1 for one person, which In cindoo three moals to 1m served on diaor b4weon Portland and Baoramonto, and PnUnuin borth to Ioa AngCtM. A rata of 68 will bo ohargod whore two people oeonpy a donbU bortk. A deposit of t8 to nsssoeary on oaojh ticket to so enro rosorvatoon. WecMoa rosorvatlons will Im hold until Dcocmbor Mth. Tls m an oxooUont opportunity to visit Cal ifornia, an tho aoopiooo uador which it Is gtvon iMoros a moot onjoyabio out ing. The cxoHreioti U to bo ntn only pre vidod that not loss than Its persons nho tho trip. All communications in rafofOMoo to rosorvatioafand to the trip In goftoral, ohoold be addrosoed to Mr, Tom Mohardooti, maaagor, Portland Commoroioi OJoU, Portland, Orogon lS-18-6t m .! OIIINA BBCOMINO A TOWTIS, Tlw M0iH of tho Japanoso in thoir war with' R$!a has givon tho OMnoao ojmpire 04 n wakening wovor oxporiimood bofere. Tho I'hinoo notloo hi bontirrlng lUelf in hotooU diroo4io, ajitl may uooomo oho of tin world's powor to im rooktod with. ; Tho anlkforoign safltfmoot of tho Ohi noeo, is growing rupidly, and tho Umo Is ooming whou Mtronngo by ether no tyon will havo to stop. Tho troH?th of the orionUk, baohod by their fAtoliotio oontompt for donth hen H aiU, IIAS ONLY BBOUN TO MAlfTTSST ITSBLT. The t4m Is past whoa Chrhwhin ma tloss eob rid rough-ohod ovor tho OdeoMl nHViiropriate hl toa and ohm1 Mt&M oeoojtt his rUfioa. The iMyoott agaiwrt Amorliti goods is said to bo roaowod with groat vigor, atul oaatnet be coUod off by a little hap John flattory, Tho Aworiean nation must roaliao that TIH PRIOB OP OinNBSB KRADB WILL B TUB DBLUOB OF anZNBSB XMMIPRATION, that ia so muoh djjosdtt But it is o or all o tUe that fMlna has oo (f tho RtlHt, Tfharo she .7.. - . - 1. .. -IlUa . tfn.1 fin It llaiUA Will Bgv or nr Hg!i - t righto; oa hor oido. FROZEN MENAGERIES OF ALASKA Miner discovers a Great Herd of Mountain Sheep in the Center of a Peak' of Ice som NeUoo of Sale of School Buildings. NoUoo is hotoby give that tho hr doraignod will, up to TiM p, w, on sUUtrday, January 8, 1904, receive scaled hid for tho pwrohaso of Use two old school Wildings knows as tho Big Contra! School and LitUe Control School ' ildino now loostod or iho north half of Uoek S la tho, city of gajom, Orogon. OortiAod ehook of 9 per coat of tho arnoont of the bid mnst aooem pony bid. ffrmptaCul blddor must on. tor Into a oontraot to remove buildings within M days of aeoeptaaa of bid. Tho right to rojoot any or all bids is rosorvod. Dated at Solom, Orogon, this 10th day of Dooombor, 1. j, a OOQDALE, JRH dork of the school disUiet No. H iq Marion coonty, Oregon, lS-il-llt Ills Ouly Qhanjig, Itootoia Of eoMrto, yotl hove ' pioeo of oako, Johnny t Johswy 'Yoom; an' ploaoc glmmo tho olggoot pioco. v IlooUsa Whj', Johnny, I'm sor prieodl JohRH-WoU, ma told we net to ask; for a socaad pleoo. Cnthollo Standard and Times. four and DoR't hang thy hoau in shame. Bu marry tho girl that you lovo host Holtster's Rooky Mountain Tea will do te root. Dr. Stone's Drug StOr-, Tho worldr's most unlquo game mar ket is in Fairbanks, Alaska. If you will take the troublo to examine tho latest map of tho vast and valuable northwest territory purehaeed by Unolo Sfttn from Russia In 1807, you will find that Fairbanks Is en the Oholeim river, In tho rich Tanaaa, district, of which It is the thriving metropolis. It lies close to tho Arctic circle and In common with other communities in the valley of the Yukon has an average mean tempera ture of about 10 degroos below zero dur ing tho months of November, Decem ber, January, February and Marok, At intervals during the long winter season tho thermometer goes as low ns 75 de gree below tho r.oro mark, but sueh an oxsosslvo temperature is not absolutely neooftsary f or the suoeossful operation 01 the Falrbank game market, although it Is true the intensity of the Aretls cold Is the chief, factor in establishing and maintaining tho town's claim to did- tlnotloN In tho item of Its game mar kU It Is almost onporflHoos to soggost that tho market, operating no it doos only during tho months named, Is spared the expense of artificial refrigerating apparatus. Contrary to a widely prevalent Im pfefttion, the country round nbeut Fair banks is fertile and capable of produc ing the hardier crops In abundant. Tho sum mors are brief, but warm. The na tural grasses of the region are rich and untitle. Door, moose and caribou grano In tho valleys, while he higher Undo are roamed by numerous honk of mountain- sheep and goats. Bears also abound. The territorial gamo laws provide that moose, oarllwm and deer shnll not bo killed during tho Interval from January 1 to OotolMr 1, but that tho oaroaMSs of any of these animals killed between October 1 and January 1 may bo mar hot) up to March 1. Consoquently the hunting of tho big gamo that abounds In thio part of Alaska boglna at about tho time cold weather setu In. At this soason the gamo ia In tho host of condi tion, having waxed fat on tho summer vogoinUou. Tho hunters that go into tho wftdo bring down all sorts of gome, ami what they do not require for their own tmo, It is tho practloo to djspoeo of to tho gamo market at Fairbanks. Oasto Freeces Stiff. Now horo ia where tho novelty begins. Inotoa,d of sWnning tho gamo aa4 cut ting up tho careaw as in the ordinary, evory-day market, tho door, the moose or the boar, aa tho ease may be, Is sim ply stood up on tho floor of the market, whioh ia looatod ia one of tho principal buildings of tho town, and allowed to fiooao solidly, or, probably, it has frooon solidly within SO minutes after it was killed. Tho low temperature that continually prevail permits the keeplag of tho gome In this shape for months at a stxoUh, as onoo the carcass is well froson there ia no decay until the f root ing weather is ovor. One may outer tho market aad ordor a boar steak out from Bruin who has occupied a particular corner in the es tablishment, looking for all the worhl as if he wore sjlvo, for sovoral months) or a haunfh of venison from tho door that mi been In another corner for an oiiunuy icig perUMli or porofcanee a J ehoioo cut of tho lordly moose or kingly caribou that have, boon making llfeMke posoo 1h other sections of tho market. Or, If it Im a mountain sheep or a goat that tho fancy graven, the snmo eppor Unity is ouWmi for soleotlon. Tho an Imulo appear Just as they did Ik Jifo. and tho person who visits tho place for tho irot Umo is apt to Imagine himself in a monagorie rather than a mark. Tho flavor ami quality of tho game under such conditions ia said to be un excelled. The frooalng process and the length of Umo that io allowed to ompe botwoou the killing and oaUng of the animal sootns to impart to tho flesh a tendoruofjS and a rlpoposo that is ohar aatorlstlo. Frozen Bear for a Sign. Tho markot attracts attention to its looetioa by placing oa tho sidewalk be fore its door, just as the oigar mas pus out bio woodou Indian, a boar, a moose, a stag or same other animal from its steak la trade. Last season tho soma boar was used or tho purpose evory day for five months, and was then out up into stoaks that woro pronouncod to bo tho most delicious that had ovor boon oaton In n locality that Is famous for its woll-flavoifod boar aloaks. Tho sign of tho Jjoaikwas rosptfnilblo for sovoral Intorcstjng incidents in Fairbanks last winter.! A tondorfoot who saw tlio dead boar standing on tho sidewalk decided that ho had pressing business elsowhorc. A moro ypurngcous visitor to tho town took a shot at tho beast and was surprised at tho indlffer onco with which bis builds woro ab sorbed by Bruln Tho dogs of, tho plnco wore also very -much exorcised, ovor the preson6Sof tne'bear In tho street, and It took a olisld'orablo tlmo beforo thoy oould bo Induced" to pass tho market without barking their remonstrance. Birch ami fish aro treated in tho same way ns tho larger game, with oqually satlsfaotory results. Ptarmigan are so plentiful in tho country that it Is not unsual for two or throo hunters to bag a hundred birds in n day's trip. Tlioso members of tho grouso family consti tute n groat dolleaoy many months after thoy have beon brought down by the hunter's gun. Herd Bhoop in Xco. It sometimes happens that tlo ani mals of the country fall victims to tho frightfully low tompornturO of tho land without the intervention of the hunter, A striking Instanco of this was discov ered recently by Henry W, Bracken, n prospector who has latoly rotnrrrod to Ban Frnneisoo from tho frozen North. Whilo traversing n mountainous section of tho country ho oamo upon a mam moth lee formation, In which oould bo plainly seen the outlines of a herd of hundred of mountain sheep, Tho nnl malo bad been oaught In a blinaord In 0 high gup in tho mountains and froson to death, no thoy buddied together be wildered, and had afterward beon In eased in the loo. How long they had boon In their Icy rison It wno, of course, Impossible to toil. Possibly bin years; not impotsildy a thousand your. Thoy had probably boon there a vty long time, and) when tho man's attention wao drawn to tho unusoal spectacle the mo had moiled ns much as It probably would during tho (Mason, which ban boon exceptionally warm. Itoalining that conturlM must havo opsod since they.ha.tl Imm frooea la, tie reflection gave iho man-, a sort of creepy feeling. The mountain sheep and tho goats usually hnvo their habitat along the hlghost mountain ran goo of tho coun try, in droves o.f SO more. Tfjay seem to profor tho highest altitude and tho most precipitous slopes. Other instnnoos of similar ohnraster, hut not of tho samo magnitude, are on rooord, and from tlmo to tlmo natural history specimens of vnluo havo beon secured by means of such dlsoovcrios, The midwinter ellmato of tho Interior of Alaska Is anything but balmy, but tho adventurous spirits who are wooing I Do M now I L That the boot Printing and Ollloo Stationery oosta but 11 few cents more tbau the ootnuion kind, and tho sat isfaction you derive from ita BUSINESS GBTT1NG qualities la Immense? DO YOU KNOW? That KLLIOTT oa soUafy you with the BBSTr Phene: Main UM3 217 South Commexoial St mmmmwmmwaamtmmam U.J. LEHMAN Baah and doors. All kinds of house finishing. 'Phono 131 black. Also two doors of warehouse for tent; elqvstox and switching fscUmes rrrETT'a HankMaBaaBiuaal To cr stahre your good resolution Into actions, and. at the very start of tho year enjoy tho refreshing and many monoy-aavuig opportunities wo offer to ovorybody in tho way of groceries. Baker, Lawrence & Baker Successors to Harritt & Lawrence. tho floklo goddess of fortuno In tho mining camps of that Inhospltablo ro gion often see sights and undorgo ox norlonccS' worth while", IhaHRicdplo whtf llvo thofrllvos in morjwcomfortnblo quarters 0' tho globo mut nocossnrlljjj forego. " t "Tho Orogon Oriano." This-Is tho namo-oL tho newspapoj established at Vale, Mainour eounty, Orogon, by Hurlcyt & Heath, .publish ers. Tho first numbor i' thoroughly characteristic of tho southwestern cor ner of tho inland .empire, and voices tho demand for tho development of that part of oastorn Oregon. Mr. O. A. "Hurley, who rccontly wont thoro from Independence, whoro ho had a law prncttco, Is a public spirited oltlren. Ho wns ono of tha loaders of organ izing tho Willamette Valloy Develop meab league, and Is ft young man of nbllity and ohnraotor. His partner wo aro not acquainted with, but naturally suppose that ho would "hltoh up" with a man of tho samo caliber. On behalf of tho Willamette valloy, wo oxtend tho section of tho country represented by tho Orlnno our greet ings ami hearth co-operation. OASTOXlIAt Bars tbs j9 "& K1- w ,,art W"0 NlW STOVE FOUNDRY FIXI Extensive Improvemd Made by the State Repairs rind alterations at tho fd dry buildings at tho penitentiary just beon completed nt nn exponas $1280.82. Sevoral months havo consumed in Cho making of thosol pairs, and during this tlmo a Is numbor of prisoners woro left wit! anything to do. Sovoral thousand square feet of! roofing has been put on, new floors all tho buildings, skylights put In.' oavatlons mado, and a new flumo b3 Tho money for tho Improvements paid out of tho rovolvlng and bot'l mont funds. Tho greater part 10,080, wa paid out of tho rovolvl fund, nnd tho remainder out of bettormont. OAOToaaiA. Start lbs I M WM W Hart Atari BIBtnre S' , yVy wy.s& ef lra-JetxMrk I s For Making Boston Brown Btea Orlddlo Cakes, Mufllns and Plur Pudding. Ask your grocer for It. Mall us flvo two-cent oiomps nnd wo wdl send n snmplo pnekago prepaid. emnb B. B. B. Flour Co.! rAOIFIO OOABT FAOTOaY, BAN JOBS, OAL. 28 MADS OF TID3 PDUBST AND DI18T INailBDIENTS THAT MONEY OAN HOY. Eppley's Perfection. Baking Powder TRY A r-AOKAan YOU WILL ED BUItPItIBED AT Tim ItESTJLTa BOLD BY ALL OR00EH8. I I urns tDevq 2Rho Hi - Arc you tired of paying Bltmde Taxes? Many a business man pays as much meney for the luxury ef blundering aa a steam yacht or a private touring oar would coat, 'Blunder Taxes" cannot bo evaded whatever else waits, tbeso must bo paid. If a business man gets into tho habit ef making tho samo blunders mere than ease, the taxes will soon amount to confiscation. "Blunder Taxes"" aro levied with asang frequency upon store advertis ers. Among tho blunders whioh aro as eeeaod at "full valuo" in advertising are theset Selection of poor mediums; Using too little space in good modi. urns; qpng loss attention to preparing s dally? store advertiser eat -than the storing of some mpty boxes in the. basement; Stopping' the ad altogether for one or mere days new aad then; Figuring tho advertising appropriation on tho basis of what yg can "af. ford" after all ether expenses aro provided for; The use of "programs," eohesies, cir culars, posters, fenee-slgna, placards and jim-cracks, under t&o impression that you are securing real publicity, and that Bomewhere, somehow, some time someone will bo influenced by soma of these things to come to your atoro and buy some thing. YOUB "BLUNDEE TAX" BILL OBOWS SMALLEB AND SMALLEB AS YOUB UBS OF NEWBPAFEB PUBLICITY GBOWS BIOOEB AND BldOEB, Continuous Publicity In The Journal WfU(preven paying "Bkm- inwiwin Jtaeaaawq OTIMllMMtlMWai y