8 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1000. s M s m Tho Kind You Hnvo Always Bought, nnd which Ims Ticca In wso for over HO year, hns borno tho sIiml:iro of 9 iittd has boon innrto under his pcr- 457 soiml supervision slnco Its Infancy. wzr?, -ctCCAW. Allow no ono to deceive you In thin. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " JuHt-nH-rood"nro Imfc ISxporimonts that trlllo with and endanger tho hefl ..J of Infants nnd Chlldron Rvnorlonoo against Expod .cut What is CASTOR I A Gftfttorf.i M n harmless substituto for Cnstor OH, Pnro gorlr, Drops mid Soothing Syrups. It Is Picn.sont. Ifc contains neither Opium, Itlorphlno nor other Narcotic fliiliUnc. Its ngo is itn gimrnntco. It destroys Worms nnd rtllars Frvorlsh ness. It euros Dinrrlioou nnd "Wind Oolic ItreliBvos TauHting Troubles, euros Constiptitiou "nnd Flittutouoy. Tt nsHltuilutes tho Food, regulatos tho Stomitijh nnd Howe), gli Injr henhby uud natural sloop. Tho Ohildron's Puimcoa- f ho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sours the Signature of dZ&&Y7uc&M The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. twe etfiTun eotiMny, yt htkict. niw town err. BRICK Brick furaleked in targe or RMtnll quantities. Pressed brick made t r (for. Yard eu State street, south ef peal ton tlary. aJALIM XXIOK YARD. A. K. RUHTON, Prep Notice We knvt wit farms to real, chicken raaobctoirttMlutallmeutfdaN. Aloe keoeo and lots. If ye bare property to Mil or rout cull and so wc If you waal to buy any kiwi ef property or want a loan an rcl soUto or notary work of nay kiwi. If you want kelp or wnt wrk of any kind eaU nI reg FATKNT DOPB UNDHR BAN Medicine OmiUlnltHC Alcohol Cannot be Meld nt Retail. Patent modletoe MiiMiHf alcohol must not be aoM by drnggiats unices they have arm soared a regular aa Inoa lltcnuej, aeeordlaa; to a elrettsar Juat Issued by the latontai revenue 4 part moat The circular la aa fob lowat Umser date of XwramUr 14, 1W5, tb eoonaMotMr nf lutcrsml reveane Arc.it nti'l Malt, DufTey'e Mnlt "Whis key, Oilbufa Rejuvenating Iron; nml Nervo Juioo, Hoetetter's Stomach Bit tors, Kudros, Rockeandy Cough Cure Hinoe the ruling referred to was luaJo lnHtiufnelurers of prGimratloim rcforrwl to in that ruling, and whole aitlo driifrKlsta handling them have tfoinoiMtrHteil thiM, large lossos will no cruo to tliem if theruling whs made ef fective on Dee. 1, 1906. Oftlr a eare- ful coneirteraUon of Utie phaee of the eaae ami to protaet those who. in good faith kava angaftd in the wile of them preparatione, thie ofllee hoe de termined to make the order oflfeetlve aa ngalnet nmmtfaelurers on Jamiary 1, 100(1. "With regard to all handling tlie6 prejmraUofl aa retail dealers, both rfrtigiitafl ami other merehaata, the order will be made elTeetive on Aiwll 1, 1JM). The internal refeaae ofllee will con- Hnm to maka aMMlrate ef bker prep amtloae aimilar to bheee natned above and will KMJiottaee from time to time the eoaalttalona that thej have rwtoitvifa Until pttbMa noblea ie given of oth era than tnoaa above immed, mamifae tarera of the aame, drHgfiat and oth era nainy tul atHIng Umm rpar Uoaa wfll not 1m held liable for th apeeial tax for aay other arttetea than Ihoaa aei forUt haroin, irovided that tho eompottad are aoM in good faith Aa tha ruling of the Gommfcarfoftor nnaW date of SenteatlHM' II, 1900, hae eanaed muh itnry, this ofllee dwtme it to th pobUe Intoreat that aa wld nnblleiljr aa jwanlWa, throttgh the pub lic preaa, of 4he present etaUta of thle rnling afaall 1m given. Am no mannfaetnrer of tho alwv llaUni prarallon live or manufaetura ia thle dtetriet it will not beeomo ef feetlva on Jamiary 1, 1M6, aa to them and an to tho retail dealer, are given nntll A)ril 1, 1MM, before the tax be eowea dint, m ehaage la the praaeot propoaltioa of tho doalern boeomlHg tax paytra hi rffrvllve jjnlll tha4. tlnto. o- ROM8KlCR0CICSKeKtlKll9ltMBieiMH9ieitieBReH9Hai9KeM99l9R0aHttB9ReB 9 M o) m 0 OLASSIPIBD R9R9VeReRRReR9RRRReRReR0HRRH!3aRReRRR-l-HtRHRRRH190Il9R0M FOn 8ALC. For Sola About CO ynrde of occonxl- hand oarpot, in good condition, and n first-ohuw organ. Call at room over Geo. F. Rwlgors' paper house, Court street botwoen 2 nod 4 o'clock p. m. l-18tf Xmaa Turkey Dlnuor At "VHlamotto Hotel. Tolophouo number of plates, COc por pinto. 12-21-tf For Sale We liavo n numbor of small farms in and near Bast Salem, Fruit Farm addition. Also somo town property. II. J. Qoodo, agont, Salem, Itouto 0. For Solo. Tho old homo of ox-County Judgo T. O. Shaw, on Front strcot, 'also North Salem proporty. Boo C. W. Oorby, administrator, 884 State etreoU 11-21-tf For Sale. Christmas trees, all Blzes. Itlng up Main 1372. All trow dollv ered Clarence and Percy Blundoll. 12-0-tf For Sale. lire proof safe for sale, with burglar-proof chest, n bargain. Cbas. II. Ilingoe, the jeweler. lt-8tf Fer Sole. Stnmp eord wood, 76e a eord, SV4 mljoa from Salem, lloute 2. W. M. Sehutt. lMllwk For Moats Dressed chiekens nna gro oerloe oalt on W. D. Wheeler, North Commereial street. Phone 008. 12-21-3t Notlco. Get your China, lilies for Christinas of Kolph Mason, 211 Mil lor street, South Salem. Phone 308. 12-21-3t Dee & Simpson. Butchers, 277 Com mereial street. 12-21 3t LODQEO. Vnrnnlnra nt Amnrtn. n...i .-,, . .M.w.VN vuun oncrwod jrorostors no. iy. Jloots Frl.!& iiiruur uiOBK. irn JorgonaoD c, A. L. Brown, Boo. Cnntrn.1 Tjidcm Nn m ir n - -,. , , U4 xr.-jjj. unu in liolmnn block, corner stati and Ijlborty streots. Tuomlay of m weok nt 7:30 p. m. T. J. Cronlsa , C; W. I. Btnloy, K. of R. anl a I OSTEOPATHS. Dr. W. L. Morcor. Graduato of Klrks- vllo, Mo., undor founder of osteo pathy. Booms 25-20 Broyman bldg., Commercial St., phono 010. Itesl donco 410 N. Suinmor st... phono 014. Treats ncuto and chronic diseasos. Bxaminations froo. Dr. B. H. Whlto. Graduato of Klrke- vilel, Mo., under founder of osteo pathy. Boom 21 Drayman bldg., Commercial st., phone 87. Residence GOO State, cor. Church, phono 1110. Treats ncuto nnd chronic diseases. Bxaminations freo. FOR RENT. For nont-"Tho Oakcs," North Cap ital street, with or without tho ad joining noreago. Inqulro of Dr. B. A. Pieree, 310 Commereial street. 12-7-lf For Beut (Store room In MeCornaek bloek now ocenpled by W. Vf, Elan. Apply to B. P. MeCornaek. 12-12-lm rHriotM righting. "For atvan years," writos Gee. W. Hoffman, of Harper, Waak., "I had a bitter battle with ehroale stomaeh and liver troabW, bat at laat I won, mi enred my dleaaaoa by the ae of Me trie nittora. I Mahamtatlagly retom mead them to all, and don't Intend la the future to U Wllhaut Ik aw ! iko . m .t " ..- . , r.w- an www- iwarueta mm umh uy raaaow or mer w, -rij- Rre eortalaly n weader raro glvoa la tba luwlyota oalaokolle f, mMnt t4, klky Mrd j, B Ud MMpoumM. iaHowv aa mmmin ami ttim M m tMA Hmr giMraMtM " l0 lk rw, nmUm for ( rf m, t,t yH( hy J a p-rry 1,1 " l,, UW 9om' ArnngiM, at B0 a botUa. Try thorn ptete tho examlaatloa of all aaoh com-. tAmV For ItenU Five-room oottage, with baeomont; piped throughout. Fine well water. A. Sehrelber, 090 High street. 110-tf HHySICIAN AND 8UKQCON Dr. Oartwright Has resumed general praetiee, nml will bo found in room 10, over Ladd fc Bush's bank. Ofllee hours 11 n. in. to 4 p. m. Ofllee phone Main 10, reeldento phone Main 107. It-tO-tf WANTED. wautod. Posltien by thoroughly com petent woman as heusekeoper, mat ron or seamstress. Best refereaeea. Addrew, eare of Journal, "M. M II." ll'M'tf Modern woodraon of Ajuiotictu oJ gon uounr Uamp, No. C246. Mri ovory Thursday ovoning at 8 o'dot uuiuiun iihii. m. ii. juatten, v cJ A. u. Brown, Clerk. t ASU AND DOOR FAOTORIE8 YttV" vTTSSffZiTSSacz..-. -- .. --"...... .uiuciurtr ol sush, doors, mouldings. All kmJs 0 houso finish and hardwood wotk Front street between State an 1 ('our LIVBRY AND MALE STABLE3, ... .wu ,.,. 1 irni llil -J ' WjJ Imartlfnf and sale slsblc I iii(. utreu iraggtea ni one irrivulF, ,),( .. w ..n..m, -ij.iiviuis, .n hta meketa street. Phone Main 73 12 14 lJf Feed Barn. Bpeelal attention U tn stent teams. Farmers' pntronajj i netted, waiting rooms for hi wealso carry a full line of fcjj. Ioeated at Club Stables, corner Lib !.. m1 T.. .I.j.l ill. . .. " J oiiwcm. i-ng"o Mai 7. Prnnk & Darby. 12 1 1 C i MIBCELLANEOU8. aaa Salem Iron Works Founders, naehin lets aad blacksmiths. Manufacturers of all klads ef sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers ef tho Salem Iroa Works Hop Prees. 11-M-lm (tar yoar agency, waata la oar omploymoal R. R. RYAN & Co. poMds now on tho mar hot; thai tho aaaJyolai of tho foUowlag uroparaiioaw have boe eompleiod and they ant withla tho terma of tho rullag of Bop lembar II, IMftt A I wood-'m I Orlppe 8lfli-, Cuban (Hagorle, DoWitt'a Htomaeh Bitlnrm, rr lewdly OotNHttmeMt. Ofayeo With telb) wo that Ooofgo ealfe her "ufar." Oladgra Sugar! Qrajre" Yea, hie lump of Mffr. Otadyo Should ho oe her at her Dr. ItoNvler'a Huehu Ota, Dr. t'owUr'a tollot he'd ehueify hor aa balag of tho iotol Seott Nawlr furalihed, ovory thing olenn amJ first class. Rooms at rwuonnblo prleoa. In Cottle btook, Snlern. A. Boott, prop. 7--tf. wniei. two or three good yoaag work horses. Mat bo oheap and woigiit alnml 18O0 pound. Write, givimr weight and prtoe, to 0. G. Jawteeon, Jefferson. lt-M-It Waited. My Oregon manufacturer, maaagor for Portland. MofereaoM ami aoearlty roitulrod. Addreas Weaver & WttlllNf, box 17, Now Imm-K, Ore. 12-21-l PLUlkD3BRS. tj Thoo. M. Barr liuroeesor Petael, tinner nnd plumber water nnd steam heating a scnlt Salem, Oregon. 3 2 liirr 4 ti 1 lit Bonurdl k Dunaferd. Plumbers, vnm nnd gns fitters. All klads of jlumh lag sunpllee. No. M State Hrett l'heae lie Mala. 10 if HOSPITAL At Your Stepmother 'a-Tho Salem Dye work Is where you can get your elethM cleaned, dyed, pressed and rollaed, buttons sewed on an rips aewod up, from a pair ef gloves to the meet elaborate silk gewns. " All gooda paid fer If Injured. Mrs. a II. Walker, Prep. Phono Main 1WS. U. J. LEHMAN gosh and doors. All kinds ef house ialsktag. 'Pkeuo 131 black. Also two toon ef warehouse for rent; elevstor nd switching ffcollltlM 2ISRCMMaSMSORSH0oejHe)aleR)ieBiaHOMRRCX-ilieKKvt S Holiday Sale of Bulbs N powdwrod variety I Tailor. In order to sell our large stock of Ilyaeiaths, Tulips, Crocus, Nar eiaaus, haowdropa, Japaneeo aad Ohlaa I41y Rolbe, we have placed them on sale at greatly reduced price. These bulbs are all lrt ftlaa and guaraateed to be true to name aad color. SAVAGE & FLETCHER 3 i 2-322 Commercial St. A raarnil rate. It la a fearful fato to have u oa dure tho terrible torture of pUee. "I oaa truthfully say," write Harry Oat soa, of MaMuvlUa, hu, "that for blind, blooding. Itohlag aad protrudlag pllea, IJueklea'a Araloa Salve la the beet euro made." Also bost for eats, burn, and injuries. Sflc at J. 0, Par. ry'a drug store. q B)RRlHOXasXCHRs;loisX0Bci9ieiSH9RS10lRCKeXall7 HOUlTER'S Rooky Mountain Ton Nuogots A Bur KtduiM W Smjt IWaU. gy 1 o.is vva nww aa mnw f tgSf, M' Aii iU f..rt 1. 1-0M.1.. )u.id.iiol, jf SI?'' '.,"J.Tr",V'' '""i'1 Koaine. ImpuM 14 H.' IU-1 llivaih siurfu ,-ii ....-u, H.todta A I an Ilia V. II. l '.Ji.L, 'I ..ulrt.u TUU a ' forin h ,Yiii h i. t li.-iuiiurt iiuula by 0 II 'Uuih ii,i I'uiiu.i, M .ai.ii, WU BlKDCN NUaCETS roi 8A I.0W PEOPa y-Havo yeu tried H. II. Pauls fer meat I Ho has the best sausage in town. Come and try it, and be eon viased. 410 Bast Stnto atret. Wanted. leed milk eowa, part Jer noy, not over S years old, to be freak after February 1st. Writ what you havo to J. H. Hatdorf, Oregon City. ll-Sl-lwk sBOOJSnBJBBBBSBBBJBJSJBBJBBBJSa DnAYMEN. and transfer business, meet all trains. 'Phone, down town, Main 170. Stand 110 Commercial street. 8-12-lm Samaritan Hospital. Salem, OrrgM Nea-seetarlaa. Kates, $1.00 to SM per day. MIm Agaes O'Knfe, Si perinteadeaU Mies Anna Stout, AmU Bupt. 11 0n TONSORIAL. tt!Ci?e'?r(irY- xtvnm- jjniun- bhoh. Kverytmng bw and up to date. Fluent porrrMs bat ha. Shaving, ISe, balrcuttin,;! batha too. First elate b.itt.Ti-hi 0. W. Kvana, Proprietor The TUUen Co. Dealers in chopped feed, seed bran, hay, flenr dried fruit, eta. High street, adjoining apera house. 0-1 -yr. Feather RoHovator, Makes old beds and pillows new, taklag out all im purities, maklag them perfeetly pure aad healthy. All work guaranteed, called for and delivered. J, Ripley, 4W Cottage street, Salem, Or. l.l.8wk abbsa bbm bbbI bbb nbbo bbbbk. bbb! Rh lass bbbi aan aai MV Has .sssH Ba n Ibbh Wanted. Turkeys, geeee, dueks, ohisk- eas and all farm produse. nigheat cash nrioe paid for same. Canltal CommlMion Company, 887 Ceamor.l " elal street. Telephoae 170. MUSIO STUDIOS. gfuiro""waifig.rK;,Y-a, flaurehttt: Musical Studio. Associate teacher Western Conservatory, Chicago, III., representing Inter-State System al Salem, Oregon. In tho Gray Mock, room 3. 8tudie hours 9 to 12 and t t J. 8-H-tf ARGinTBOT. - - -- w 1 W. D. rugh Architect and rupetls tendent, plans farnlahetl for all elm ea ef building and structural work OMse 110 State street, Tioga blwk, Salem, Oregon. Tho Beley 8t(Uea,-Therough J ast ruc tion la music. Mr, and Mrs. Prances- 8e4ey, sfodalists ia Voice Produv m tlon, Interpretation aad Harmony, Opera House Building, rooms 0 and 10. Residence phone Main 874. 1 1-8-11 ra OASTOIIIA. BmiiUs TMNYNltAIcM Notice for Bids, Sealed ropoaals are hereby rr4 t ed for furniablag the Oregon Htat 11 form School with Mppliea for tl nut six months, ending June So, P-k5 I. t(i with apoelAoatloaa will be fun. -'' upoa applloatlon to the sujrii't... n.t Itiddora will take notice there s appropriation available far n s aaaeo of the State Meform . '1 therefere claims for supplies nm nly bo audited by the secretary of siit and oertlaeAtM of ovldeaeo of s'W anc ieeued to alaimanta. As t;-n u there is an appropriation avai'lls warrants will bo fwraiaked upon rpl' cation to tho secretary of state, AH bids must bo in by Deeember 27 J '" N. H. LOOM , 18 15-lwk Superintend rt Will soon be here and we have an extra large assortment of goods to select your holiday supply from. We make it a specialty of keeping the best brands of Bourbon and Rye whiskies made by our largest United States distileries. Also some of the choicest imported, and domestic wines. We would be pleased to have you call and inspect our large stock and get the holiday prices on any goods wanted. tandard Liquor Co. Patronise Yoar Home In dustries and keep your mon ey at home. Not a new bwetaees, but the eld bUck smith, wsgen and paint shop ef Jacob k Arthur very mush enlarged. We axe prepared to do all kinds of fancy paint ing, sign painting and buggy, carriage aad wagon painting; repainting and re-. pairing furniture aad musical Instru ments, A first-class painter employed. Light and heavy wagons and buggies en hand and made to order. Work jailed fer in any part of the city and returned free of charge by G, W, Johns fer William Cross. JACOB & ARTHUR. Phone 1463 Mi.in. 380 N. Front St. 9-22-tf sUUlMMUMRIIHlRBRgUBlRlg O. C. T. Go's s NontHwcst Nurseries PhonelMain175 148 to 156 South Commercial St. Salem, Oregon YOUR MEALS Will always be right if you get them at the White House Restaurant GEORGE BROS. Proprs. Pbene Mala 2481. State Street Wholesale and Retail. Fruit trees aad shrubbery of all ! ktmJfL All ai&aV f.u mi. null an J Hi.. n , ... H diseases. Large stock of best w.nt" Steamers Pomona and A tona S , Uu k SSI " T'ifS ? Slavered free iTsaleT Now is . poaches, T. D, JONES, Salem, Or, Proprietor Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at 7 a. w. For Corvallis Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day about 6:W p. , M. P. BALDWDN', Agent. S Dock Foot of Trade Street HRIHlRlRRHlRlMUHIRRRRHHlLl New and second-hand Geods bought and seld. 170 South Commereial St. lO. L. McPEEK, Phone 1233 Main. 170 Commercial St fte.WMee)4MWtWcSe4 Gold Dust Flout Mado by THE 8IDNEY POW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore gon. Made for family use. Ask your srocer for it Bran and shorts cIw&tb on hand. 9 i WATER COMPANY. Vv vv THWIIWM xmw SALEM WATER C0MPAFO OFFICE OTTY HALL. For water' service apply at office Bills payable monthly in advance Make all complaints at the office. P. B. Wallace AGENT I BMefA-aeaoa NEW LANGE HOTEL When you visit Portland, Ore., b sure and stop at The New Lange Ho tel, next door to the Imperial. Rates Me, 7Se aad $1.00 per day. Eleetrls lights, call bells, elevator, steam heat, free bath nl free bus. All outside roams with ranaing water. .? w . y " -