Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 22, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Throo Trains to tho East Dally.
Through Pullman standard and
tourist sleeping cars dally to Olympla,
Chicago, Spokano; tourist sleeping
ears dally to Knnsns City; through
Fullman tourist sleoping cars (per
sonally conducted) weokly to Chica
go; reclining chair oars (soats froo)
to tho Bast daily.
ho Ctusge of Oir.i
FOR Vrora itnUAnd, Or, FROM
UfclQftftO "
JortlntHl tflt lake, Denver, tl.
BreeUl Worth. Oiaalia, Kama .
olSft, Ollr, It UnnU, UhleT !Mp
VUlIunt- J (
' .UUHllO - - -
Kzpron frit Lake, Denver Ft
Btl5j. ra, Worth, Omh, KtnMj 7il5, a
via Ilnnt Oltr, (ft. Urali, Chicago
lagton nd KMt.
" Ht. t'nl Walla WefliTle-finon, '
fl Mall Toktnn. Wallace, lmil-
V r. a. man Mlnnonjolli 81 Hi a. m
ru foul, l)tiluih,Mllwukw
flpokan 'ibliMrtt, iiirt Kmi.
Ocoaa nnd Rlvot Bchodolo.
For Ban Francisco Every fly days
at 8 p. m. For Astoria, way points
and North Boneb Dally (except Bun
day) at 8 p. in.; Saturday nt 10 p. m.
Dally servlcn (wntor permitting) on
Willamette and Yamhill rivers.
For fuller information nik or writo
your nearest tlokst agent, or
General Pnasengcr Agent.
Tho Oregon Railroad & Navigation
Co., Fortland, Oregon.
Oregon's Groatotrt Recreation and
Health Robots at the Newport
As a winter health ami recreation
rotor! Newport, In tho one par excel
Jenee. Itecognlalng this, and wishing
to give thn people an opportunity to
lircatho tho fresh, ptiro ocono of tho
ocean, tho Southern Pacific nnd Cor
vallls and Bastern railroads will ro
etima the anls of tiekots through to
Yaqulna bay Saturday, October 21,
am) will sell same throughout tho win
tor and spring on erery
Wodneeday and Ba turd ay,
Tho rates will bo tho saute as dur
ing tho summer ami will bo Rcod for
return SO days from dnto of sale.
Dr. Minthoru'a Banttary He Baths
will bo in operation duilng tho oatiro
winter, and treatments will be glroa
dally. Hot and eeld salt water baths
tin bo taken overy itny in tho sanl
tarium, and for nnyoao desiring rest,
jeerentlon tad health, no place on tho
l'aeifle Northwest can bo found equal
to Yaqulna bay.
Other Health Resorts Closed,
During the winter nearly all other
health rescrts aro closed or diflleult
to reach, ami none of them have the
advantages of Newport and vicinity ad
regards climate, points of interest,
recreation and amusement. For parties
desiring to enjoy fishing, hunting, t
aeelng the ocean In auaahlne and stem Li jKoif that David Warned has deae
this famous resort is unejualed, Tho.rHaetMag vrt' af thoagWful reaeg
surroundings are IdU beautiful sees
ry, climate mild, healthful and in
vigoratlag. Cottage and Bent Cheap.
Neat eleaa cottage, either furnished
or partly so, ean be rented la the Im
mediate neighborhood of the sanitary
baths at about $9 per month. Plenty
f fresh ilk, vegetables, honey, fruit,
and all household necessities ean be ob
tained at the lowest possible oes.,
while all kindtt eJ ia and the famous
reel, eystorq, eaa be had in abundance
ir the trouble ef securing them,
Peeale troubled with the leas of ap
petite, saeeasaia, rheumatism er run
rrn jtoto any eauae, will iad New
peri aa idol place to regain their
health and vigor, er for rest and pleas
ure. Full information aa to rates, check
ing of baggage, eto., ean be obtained
frea any S. P. or 0. E. agent, or from
A. L. Craig, general passenger agent
a P. Co., Portland ef J, a Mayo,
geaeral paaeanger agent 0, & It, Al
bany, Oregon.
Rates from Salem to Yaqulna, H50
Oood Boy, Ooorglo,
"Ob, Ooorgo, dear," eho whlsperod,
wbea ho olippod tbo ongagement Ting
on box tapering finger, 'bow owoet of
yon to remember jut the oort of stone
I prof-wrodl Nono of tho otbora vora
Yr eo thoughtful."
Goerga waa staggered for but a mo
wont. Then to emd laelc wi-h l,No
at all, derj you overrate xne. TiU is
ih ono I'vo alwayi use2." Lena
Tho Christmas entertainment given
last nigh by the literary society of the
bilml school wm a very creditable and
interesting affair. A large number of
friend and relatives of the students'
bad been invited, and all enjoyed the
entertainment. Perhaps the most inter
esting part was the society paper, read
by one of tne inetrusters, but edited
entirely by the pupils. In this there
were original patters oa interesting sub
jects, original Christmas poems, ami
any nwmlier of local "jollies," ami an
appreciation of that which makes life
worth living.
Following is the pregram:
Orchestra "Melody of Leva."
Chortle " Christmas Hells."
Keettatlon "CWrletme Morning,"
Myrtle Buna a.
Song "Bunny in the Clever," Ma
bel ttoeealmum, Marlon Culver.
Itesfeation "The Btves of OttriM
ma' Ttuth Jones.
Duet' ' Slumber Sea," Marguerite
Flower, Frank genders.
Iteeitation "Christmas Gifts,"
Marguerite Flower,
Piano solo "Boeause," John Foley,
ReeMation "Tho Bird's Xtrms Car
ol," Milen Sivorson.
Primary song "Popcorn Song."
Violin ow-"Shor," Will Bailer,
Recitation "A Nolo to Santa Oinus,"
Lawrence Skott,
Solo "Cradle Song," NeiUe Walton
Heading society paper.
Song Old IUaek Joe," Otee Okib,
Dlatogae "A Hasty Oetwlusien,"
Nellie WaRen, Will nailer, Lee Perin,
Frank King, Daniel Wilson.
rnuvf r uju t.ic in. n.. ta,..'
mini a era aiat w' iinv 9j wi
Orehestra March.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars ro
ward fer any easo of Catarrh that ean
net bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. OIIKNHV t CO., Toledo, 0.
Wo, tho undroslgncd, have known F.
J. Cheney for tho last Iff years, and bo
lloro Mm porfoetly honorable in all
business tranaaetlena and flnaaelally
able to onrry out any obligations made
by his firm,
Wholwnlo Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Ouro Is taken Inter
nally, acting dlreotly upon the blood
ami rauomis surface of the system,
Tofltlmonlnla sent free, Prleo 75 oonts
per bottle. Bob) by all druggists.
Take Halls Fatally Pills for constipa
tion. 1
Ovation to Warflold.
It U swtdom that an aotor reseiv.s
saea aa aa ttieH aa ivaa ncerdel to
I)aHd WarnaM, mar ef "The Mm1
Master." at the aaaaal dinner of tho
AmfirlenH DramatisU' Olab, at Dt4
mealea'a, aa 8m)ay aijeht. The tlean
af Awerlean draHtatlata, Breneeei How
ard. made the epeaiatr apeeeh at the
dlaaer, and he apoke admiringly ef
the way Mr, Warflald) carried eat his
eonoeptlea ef a eharaater whlea will
long live aa one. ef wonderful stage
typfti of twVi geaeratien, Stnoe Mr.
Warflebl waa the guwt af henor at
the dianer, it was aataral that the
uiulilint saoahl seak ia ' a eemdi-
meatary eia. Ow the ether han, it
aitiow when be ia madfe the imertaat
gaeat ef saea a bedy as tae Drawn
tieta' Cttst. Cemprielag Jtulta member
ship a1 the man ia America w4te have
writtea goedt ly, it is not AtTeriat;
ita praise and geed wit! te every aetor.
Laat year its guest ef heaor waa a
ttmmatiet. lbla time it oeuld net Ami
nay oae more popular, en aaoeunt tf
urtMie aehlaiHt, thaa this quiet
yuag aeter, with his gontle, thought
ful faee ainf eingukrly keen mind.
Warn) has a strong sense ef humor,
as he shows en the stage, in "The
Musia Master." It U a aateral poe
HwwioB, fer be had the whole' earn
I way at Delmonieo'd laughing up
roarieualy tltrottgfceut most of hla woll
eoatiidorod retdy to the toast to hla
A Pleasant Way to Travel.
Tbe above ia tho usual verdict of
the traveler using the Missouri Pacific
railway between the Puelfio coast and
the east, and we believe that the serv
ice nnd accommodations given merit
thla statement. From Denver, Colora
do Springs and Denver there are two
through trains daily to Kansas City
and St. Louis, carrying Pullman's lat
est standard electric-lighted sleeping
cars, chair cars and up-to-datu dining
cars. The same excellent service is
operated from Kansas City and Bt.
Louis to Memphis, Little Rock and Hqt
Springs. If yon are going east or
south, write for particulars, and full in
W. a M'BRIDB, Qen. Agt,
121 Third Bt. Portland, Ore,
Almost oae-half of the population of
the United States are workers. That
ie, they work to the extent (Stat the
Unlteds States government every ten
years sernm around to inquire how they
are getting along. There are a few
jobs, of eouree, where the principals
move around so mush that they- can
not be counted.
Bui the 80,100,000 every day work
ers who mean business and whose re
sultant effort amount to $18,100,000,
000 every ymt to this country 's wealth
are not to be snsened at anywhere.
They don't get ae raueh money a they
might, but they deliver the goode
$18,100,000,000 of it in gross Jtguree
to say nothing of the otM dollars
ami the mnaller ekange from Waives
down to copper.
Itaek one of these workers on an
avsrage produce Wis .fiMO and a little
more every ysar. And has wage, sal
ary, or whatever his earning may be
termed, averages just f87 for the It
months' period, wMeh is qujte a lit
tie short of ten per sent reooived on
his grow output. And? 30 years ngo on
a oommon first mortgage basis, mere
money, doing nothing so far ns the
owner of it whs eoneerned, paid as
raueh or more in fi600 block.
Doofl It Pay to Work.
Just look at tho people who, work
ing, ean average no mora than this
Free Free
100 shares Great Northern
1 00 shores Crooked Creek
thono aro all activo rrtoclai. Oroat Nortltorn is paying monthly dividends and tncroaalng ita capacity. Sterling
mill la running day and night with 10 etamps rutd la building a 00-toa cyanide plant, rrooland is working two
fthlf t4 vritb 82,000,000 worth of oro ia aight. Crooked Crook ia a placer mlno fully equipped, wiUt hydraullo olo
vator for net aoaaon'o run,
Tito J, O. Loo Co, la incorporated under the lawn of Oregon with a capital stock of 850,000, divided into BOO
RhATM of a par valuo of 8100.00. Thla company does a general conuniaalon and brokomgo buflinoas, boaiden pro.
pocting, locating, developing and operating mines, Ita aweta consists of uncnciunberod poraouai and real property
on a conaorvaUvo valuation of 850,000 (a schedulo of wbloh will bo furninbod ou applloatlon). Thla stock la bo.
ing sold to pay for a fully equipped mine with a 30-ton mill and 10,000 tons of froo milling oro in eight that will
plato 84.00 a tou. Thla property will pay a dividend of 88.00 per share, besides tho stock ia now paying a month
ly dividend of 2 per cent Our booka aro opoa for prospootivo purchaaora. Not moro than Ave aharea of thli
stock will bo sold to any ono person,
For further particulars call on or address
eenaiderable shortage ef 10 per eeatl
CategerieaHy they are the
Ne. ef workers
Farmers. . .... .. 10,881,7m
Manufacturers aa4 meaaalsa
., 8,4M1
Demeetie al peeaeaal Mrv
lU.ru n,l0,(MT
Trade aa4 traatrtaU .. 4,T84
PreftMsiaaat l,8itS,T3
Mining and quarrying ., ., 5S1,S1
Fishlat 88.177
Looking ever the list of oecupatloes
as llstel, It wlU be rewemberet) titat
in the salaried liet ef the workers are
the president and all the vlee-preai-deata
and general managers of things
Ilka the life insurance companies, the
steel companies, the banking houavS,
tho steak exchanges, the boards of
-trade and t' e railroads, where ealaries
range from $150,000 tsown to $10,000;
workers on the salary rolls; and tho
surgeons ami doeters, lawyers and ar
tists, and autkors and editors, and the
like, whose earning are aeeerding to
the same general scale, on down to
the poor eettoa glnnerpoorest paid
of all the masmfastwriBg worker-
who has to exist e his average of $137
a year.
Would you ask for a better showing
In justification, of Weary Willie, who
doesn't got anything a year save his
handouts and dog bites T Or for bis
hobo cousin, wfeo earns something only
when tho Kansas farmer abducts him
in the - harvest seasos and threatens
to blow bis head off with a shotgun
if he doesn't get busy and atay sot
Is Weary Willie Justifled?
Up to this point in the argumeat
Weary "Willie ia more titan justified.
But the truth will out, and we can't
etop with a half story.
For the workers to earn all this
money for so llttlo share in It tho
cnpitallstle class has to come down
handsomely, after nil. This capital
whleh allows the worker to iHg at all
has to sst tip 518,73-1 establishments
of assorted slaes, blowing the faetory
whistles at 7 o'clock in the morning
ami tooting up again, at 0 o'cloek at
night, and It takes eoal ami boilers,
ami smoke ordinances, and time keep
ers to do all thie. In fact, there are
so many of these incidentals ami small
necessities of business that capital baa
to set np a roumt $1,000,000,000 in or
der to keep the pot boiling in the
boulevards, drives ami avenues of ths
big cities where meet, of the families
are not at 'borne in summer, and in
writer and other chanee occasions.
This capful has to buy $7,840,100,000
worth of material for these establteh
mewte to work' up, parnT 0Ht $6,718,
978 for salaries ami $t,9M,00O,00O for
the mors vulgar "wages" demanded
by these workers, ttven the Incident
al expenses of capital for a year foot
U $1,100,000,000 hi the 800,000 eetab
So it isn't all beer and skittle and
trips to ISurope wink the capitalist,
Who baa to remain on hand and pay
some of the freight
Somo Concerns Pay No Wagoe.
Neither oan the worker be set up
on an enduring pedestal of thrift,
economy and Industry. Some of these
men who are earning their average
of $-137 a man the year round really
don't get tli oi r money.
For Instance, 137 of these estab
lishments really are ponltentlarlee,
where tho greatest virtue in the work
er Is to turn out ns little as possible
to tho economic undoing of the man
who gets his dough, and who ean go'
1 00 Shares
out after the whistle blows and blow
the money. But this type of worker
tttuta out his aggregate of $4,800,000
every year fur aa employer who
deetxi t uk kha, but who eaa't fire
him ea any ground or protease.
There are 133 ebaritakie sorts ef
plant ia the country, tee, where the
need of rest and heme seeking. But
as the humane society wen't let the
etmrity bosses Imxu as well aa the pea
iteetlary warden am keepers do, these
aleemoevnary institutions Urn out
only about $1,400,000 worth of work
ia IS months. Still, eensldering that
a good many of these workers ought
to have been Oaltwlxed 15 or 90 years
ago, the showing might be a good deal
worse. And, good gracious! the edu
cational institutions of the country
last year haruewed up the atudonta
and turned out a clean $1,300,000
worth of miscellaneous stuff over and
above the endowment income. Borne
ef this, perhaps, was eeoklng school
pie, but all pie looks alike, anyhow,
unless it 'is the kind that mother used
to wake.
Whero the Workers Toll.
Whoa it comes to fixing up places
is whieh the worker oan lay off his
eoat, vest and top ehirt before buck
ling down to work toward a $60,000,
OOOaggregato or more in a year there
are some guesses coming to the lay.
man. There are 51,771 places in
whioh. blacksmiths and wheelwrights
may work and: turn out $S6,000,000
worth of work; but in only 60S pknts
in tho country tfeo ires and steel
workers turn out $810,000,000 worth
of products, taking the lead of all
manufacturers in the UniteI Statee.
Slaughtering and packing meats in the
great centers, exclusive of the retail
butcher's gory business, follows n
closo second to iron nnd steol with an
output of $708,000,000.
With Iron, and meate in the lend, tho
machine shop nntt foundry output, tho
sawmill ami its adjuncts, the flouring
mill, clothing, printing ami cotton man
ufactures follow In order of total fig-
Puree. With $70,000.000 worth of meat
we take $085,000,000 worth of bread
and itastries, ami men folk wear $486,
000,000 worth of clothes, tailored! and
hand-me-downs. What the women folk
have made far them has never been
set to official figures. FoFtyflve in-,
duetrlee turn out to exceed $60,000,
000 of gross products a year, of whldi
the liquor manufactures show $888,
000,000 worth of beer ami alcobolic
drinks, eontraetlng. with only $134,
000,000 worth of condensed milk', but
ter an1 cheese. Cigars, and cigarette
foot $158,000,000 . a year, while the
amount of tobeeeo for chewing, spit
ting, sauftlng ami eneentng makes an
other $105,000,000, to the everlasting
discouragement of Mies Luey Page
But Mies Gaston, m we reeal, has
never said mueh about 'the tobacco
worker, save as she has Implied Mmt
he dopes cigarettes. There are a lot
of jobs tbat den't par ns well, even,
ae figtng up tobacco for the lighted
pipe. Tho man who doos this gets $8-14
n year ns his nvorage, while the man
who makes steel pons that are might
ler tkti the sword received only $803
ns bis average Tho cigar nnd cigar
olto rollor gets bis $800 yearly a Wow
to the steel pen orusnde against tho
filthy wood.
Lapidary Bost Paid Workor.
The best paid man in nil the ranks
of the average worker is the lapidary.
Frccland Consolidated
Sterling Gold Mine
The lapidary, in the sense he ia used
here ae a skinikg. example, is defined
by Webeter (Noah, not Daniel as "an
artificer wWo cuts, polishes ami ea-
graves precious stones," The lapid
ary bunek have a snap in the work
ers' world. The man lapidary gets bis
average ef $1017 a year the only
$1000 in all the orafU as the govern
ment strikes the average. The woman,
lapidary gets only $810, while the
eWld la satisfied witir $171 and the
ahanses of getting away with some
thingswallowing it, say.
As a second eheiee at the bost v
erage pay one needs to take up with
the manufacture of iron and steel
doors and shuttera at $753 a year for
tho men, $250 for the women, and $130
for the reet of the family, Tho $007
for tho cash register workor looks
mighty good in tho list; the caster of
bronze figures gets only an even $600
for his craft. The malt liquor work
er averages his $053 right along.
Woman's Pay Lower Than Man's
Working Isn't all that It is eraoked
up to be, that's certain. But eome
body has te Io it that's the rub.
Then, when the man worker realises
what a big bulge 'he has over tho wo
man workor ia the matter of salary
or wages ho gets eo aubamed of him
self that he tucks ia so industriously
that he risks losing his job because of
overproduction in his special lino.
Tho Average man, with his average
earnings of $437 a year, is in clover
compared with tho spinster, who digs
along more hours than he for her
$872.00 (two hundred and seventy-two
and no one-hundredths dollars) a year,
Thero is just one thing, however,
that ought to make amends for the
woman worker la "man's field." She
bos lnndod in nenrly ovory placo who-,
men aro earning tholr bread by th
swont or tno timoitooper, and In r t.
of those pkoee. whero she isn't e m"
state legislature 1ms had to n.Lo
""' "' u" uuw xen tnousand'
j mil a hjjo lima WHfl limning nor o 6li
tlio work, whether eho wanted to or'
not. If now she insists on buttf J
nt imlt rates, the young man w 01
jeets still may go just west oi' sai
roeke, nt San Francisco. The -j ,'
good deep plce there about fortj ft(k
O jOl. J3 X O XI. X J. .
Dears tho ) IM KM TW lllW Ali,l Eflur
Tv 4m mmmmrmmmm '
"Make 8alem a Good Home Market"
Poultry at Btolncr's Market,
Bggs Per doson, 30e.
liens 0 Vt 0,
Frys V4c
Ducks Oc.
roultry, Eggs, Etc.
Bggs Por dor.cn, 30c,
Buttor, retail 35c.
Honn 8.
Frys 8c.
Fruits, VcgotAblcs, Etc.
Potatoes 25c.
Onions lUc.
Applos 85o per bushel,
Carrots 35c per bushel.
Boots 35o por bushol.
Pears $1.00 per owt.
Tropical rmitn.
Bananas GVo lb.
Oranges $4.00,
Lomons $,60$6.00.
Live Btock MAtket,
Bteoro 2W. 1
Cows lW2c.
Bhcep 4e.
Dreeeod veal 0c
Fat hogs 6c
Q rain, Food.
Baled Clover $7.00$7.G0.
Cheat $0JX)$7.
Timothy $9$0.60.
Grain $7$7.60.
Bran $82,
Buttor and Cream.
By Comtnorclal Ctoam Co
Butter fat 30c nt station.
Flour, wholoaalo $3.75 per barrL
Hour, retail $1.05 per sack,
Portland Market.
Wheat, Club 7670c.
Vnlley-7375 ,
Oats-Oholee White, $850f $88.80.
Millstuff Bran, $18.
Hay Timothy $11$15.
Potatoes &0dJ70c.
Poultry Average old bens, lllk;
young roosters, loifflle springs, 11H($
layjo; drcd chickens ISdJMej tar
keys, live, 1710o; turkeys, dre,
choice, 0fc3ci geese, live, per peuaJ,
80cj geetfo, dressed, per pound, 10
lie; ducks, 14($14tfo)f pigeons, $19
$1,55; squabs, $2BJS.50.
Pork Dressed, 07e,
Beef Dressed, 14Vi0.
Mutton Dressed, 07e,
Hops Contract, 1005,HX812Wej W
Wool 1905 clip, valley, coarse to
medium, 25 27c; Eastern Oregea,
Mohair Nominal, 30c
Butter Fancy creamery SOfSSWej
store, 16(10e.
For sale, seven old buggies, firtv
class order; new and aeoondhand ttm
ar-d spring wagons, also one nearly sew
Studobaker srorrey, and a top express
or baggage wagon. Werner Feasol,
proprietor, North liberty Bt. 11 -tf
A Fishing Rod,
Basket, Fly Book
or a dozen nice Fly Hooks would
make a very nice present for your
friend who likes to fish. Coma to
our store and wo will suggest some
thing that will be suitable.
Hauser Bros.
,11 '
1 Tt