j I Smyrna ?' 'fZ r ' t imported ? JMt lifer H" "' 0RBSCA - ,, lib aid 2 lb Backets rAircY siurrD rcas .. i.ik: The store that . ,,, hen--I""'"'" .- -- PULLER & DOUGLAS . ....i., .rrncer. Confectioners "g ' .-..' ., a..t. CtrecL' WtOUM Hiibk''f"- "' " Us!-'7- -. t...i ike beet In town. Ija" THAT'S Ala-. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER B2, 100P Gmnd Ope House JOKW r. OORDBAY, Mir. Stiturdny Eve., December 23 Melville B. Raymond's Successful Car toon Comedy. Buster Brown With the toy comedinn, Master Rice. By arrangement with Richard P. Out eault, John Lefflcr nnd tho New York Herald. ' Children should not fall to bring their parent to see this funny show. Prleea-BOc, 7fie i. Seat tale at box oAee Saturday nt 0 n. . Address Buster Drown pMisle answers to Frank Meredith, manager flrnnd Opera houee. fl 33h -. tifactIon site oh the of him who has the pleasure of tattle a La t'orona elgur. It looks -i .n cno.l. tastes reed In ov ... L. i.i-ii clours at double the Jm, U Corona from all dealers for ( ml. Christmas Groceries Are Here This store i ready to supply all ttofi stocsmry for the Christmas din atr table or tie Christmas stocking. Jlaeeg Many other things wo have a fsU Hm of JMs Spleen" Frshs RaMnn Cueies Currants Peril Mrs New Edison Theatre T. M. MBDLHY, Manager. Salem, Oregon, OLOSX, The table athlete. KAJUX YUILL, Talking Boagc. AJtTBLLA SUmiM, Singing and Dancing. BAiY XOM, Child Artist. New song story. BOYD WILSOX, Monologulsts and Conversalions)lts. itDiaoKooxAnr. Thrilling Motion Pictures. SHRiaMBHIBBHlBHHaiaNHRa AM1ISPMFNTS n BBBBRBBBBBBBflBBBBBBXBBBBI TONIGHT. Udlson Vaudeville. EVE'S COSTUMES Bve's Dostum 01. All this week we will soli two quarts Ugh grade cranberries for 95 cents.! As ta extra we have oemo very nlee uhKr pears that are just right for ettisg. Phone S10. A. L. Harvey rino Groceries. WENDS COURT AND inail BT8. There are some Af ty people engaged in tho representation of "Boater Drown," that Micbard P. Outeault boo Illustrated in tho funny pages of the Xew York Herald and Melville II. Ray CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, 111 Kind You Have Always Bought Kpaturo of GZi&zffi&A: UC Bdlson Phonograph Agency. 0atao Lawpo, MkaUte, QosoMim. T7P"Ttters, Xew, Swad-na4l. Root H Com'; St. Phono Main 401. p " mm 1 IfljIlMWI TB lilt. Stl.1 Mi Bmih 4U. tj llt''ilC''CO"'nT,'tJ"''A'" PA" 1 m - jnnPJnnkOM v BBMr uB&nnnnnnnnM ho nnKnnnnnnnBLriR ft. vn en inomojamr r t-M A Booom WBBflonlnBBMBK BPflPjflBj BfllnBflooBBflls ..- - BoW Is Balem by a 0. Btono Matr WalUr Riee, u Sorter Brow. woad'a 'BoMr Biwn" oomea Ve tho Grand Op. JIoooo on SaUirdoy or- jeolng, Dooombor . I Tho eompany laeMoa tho hwgo I ohorus ,a ballot and a nowbor of boa. ' tiful glrla, whooa oxolt modora 'foetuBHH were mode by Waaawahor's PIN TRAYS AT SPECIAL SALE have a large number of beautiful pla trayo that wo are golag to sU ? for a few days. Come and got one. 15 eh, 8 f or U. Hand Carved Nut Bowls are still sellbg tbesa at a redused prloo. They are all hand aarvod T Japtao, arsta. The jest of this week-, only 40 soato. ' . Don't Po7getY-Do-l wants to see you. You will like her. Dooo everything hot tolK. r take her "hem for 15 cents. Silk delllea aad Japanese hand drawn ry aheap. ORIENTAL IMPORTING CO. Branch Store W State. Street, Corner of Liberty, Balem, Oregen. ROSES Field Gowa The bt ooet you no more tbon any old thing." It W pay y t buy v '' ""UARTBRS. I Jf yno no moro than your next door noigbboi; Sd r lratod W,t A; gaieltorTMated in every owa. A.-.1-. oaL OALirORNIA ROSE CO,, Los Aagelof, oai. We Pay the Express New York house. Other costumes bare been made by Eves, which Include Hwte for a bathing bnllet. This bal let has a novel Jhden, tho dreoees Illus trating the fashions nnd regulations of vwrious bathing roeorto. The scen ery is elaborate aad requires two SO foot baggage fore for Its transporta tion throughout tho conntry and .a working staff nearly, twice tho sine of a large amjorlty of the travelings the atrical attractions. , At tho Mteott. The very best kind of entertainment is being offered the vaudeville pat rons this week at tho popular ftdlsoa. The Artella Sister are the best duet of lady dancers evor seen here; their character songs, too, are excellent. Close, tho table athlete la a star In his lino. Mario Yulll, tho pretty young lady of talking songs fame, la a fea ture well worth seeing; while last, bat in no wise Ions, are the elovor and gentlemanly moaoingalets, eonvoron tlonoHrts and monologiiiota and singers, Boyd A Wilson. This tonm hi without donbs the boot feature on tho bill, and wo believe wo are sao in saying the boot that hat ever appeared at tho ttdl son. No one can refrain from laugh ing all through tho net, e i r4HWHHH4-MHH'HJ, Tonuses is Bdnoators Moot, Kaoxvlllo, Tonn Doc tt.-Bdont-pattknlary la tho oaotorn part, met hero today at the First liaptiot church to attend the annual ISaot Tonnoeeoe Slocntional conferenoo, Tho confer once will lnt two day and will deal with mnny important (inuotiono of in tercet to the teachers and OMperlnlowd ents of this part of the state. Prof. Ctaxton, Superintendent Arynderwt awl other distinguished educator will ad drees the conferenoo. A strong effort will bo made to fomelate some mea-' nro to bo Introduced Into the legisla ture providing for better school ad bettor educational ndvnaUges la ail eouatios of the state. Murderer of Mrs. Lynoh Hanged. San Antonio, Tex., Dee. It. George If. Turner, who wan found guilty of having murdered Mrs. James Lynoh and sentenced to death by Judge ward Dwyer, wan executed by hang Ing today In the presence of a largo number of Invited witnesses, among them James Lynch, the haland of the murdered wanton, Sheriff Tebln, who wan In charge of the execution, bad given Lynoh permsVilen to attend the hanging upon Lynch' request. Tur ner once lived In Port Worth nnd killed a negro several yearn ago nnd teenped the seaffohh that time. PERSONALS i H-frHM-'M-Ml I 1 HhHHH-fr-H' Prof. J. II. Ackerman wen to Tort laitd this morning. Mies Lcla Rand, of Eugene, Is the guest of Salem friend. D. It Mooher hi spending the holl hL wiMi frtAtxln In Oretion City. Mr. V. Iioooardv of Yamhill county. bj riaiting Mr. aad Mra. Alex. Clarke. Ifrt. Stahl aaJ Mrs.' Ixonoy. of the reform eebool, are shopping in Salem ?. ' aebert Norwood rttwriiod yesterday mHmmaaan tram an OStaMOd Visit to California. Squire Farrar m lookiag after the bop interest la tho aorthern ed of tsi county today. . Mr. H. Parrkm ktft thk morning for Seattle, where he wilt rlett relaUres for some time. Chao, N. Ortowotd. of Safoao, pronl dent of the Orofon ChristUn Budnaror Society . is a Sakin rieftor today. John Relehen, a student nt the Uni rtrtity, loft this morning for PorUaad, where he will spend his vacation. Mrs. J. O. Graham and little daugh ter leave thm afternoon for Portland where they will spend the holidays. 0. It. I-f. a member of tho wtiwm otto football team, left this morning for CorvalUs to spend the hoHdays. Dr. T. Vf, Starr, of Hrownsvllle, who . H 1mm been In the dty on bueineM for.K nevoral days, retooa home Wis morn ing. Mrs, Moy Burton wiH I to Portland tewwrow to jHmd Ohrfotmas at te home of her sh-tor. Her kttslmwt will join her Sunday. Mm. J. D. Sutherland left last night for Leo Ageles, where sho will visit with her dnunkier, Mrs. Sehafer, for nlout a Mfontb. J. I). Atkinson, aUorneygeneral for the state of Waehingion, was in tho oUy yesterday on baelnees eenaeetod tho benmlary dispute betwoea "WneW lngtn and Oregon. IS. J. ltardtag, of OWnimls, Is In iho city on iHMdnoss, awl visiting old frtendH. IW, Harding ban bought out his imrtner, 1'raak lloworsex, awl Is now running the lrttsincsn alone. Mr. llewersox li temporarily nt Ashland. Disk: Wipgn was taken la by tho oflb com last night, ami, not being ablo to convlnoo tho poHeo judgo thin morning that ho wan not drunk ami disorderly when arrested, ho was givon a flno of 5, la default of which bo will bo fed for two and a half dnytt at tho oxpomto nTTbo olty.' Mereles Ohapel Inaugurated. Mexico City, Dec it,-Teday Is (he anniversary of the execution of Palm er Johi Joes Maria Mareloay Paen one of the heroes of she lnle4ndaee, nnd it U celebrated by the altlsens In all parte of Mexico. This day ban been selected for tho formal inaugu ration of the magafUeent national aha pel erected here in honor of tho mar tyr of liberty. The chapel baa been erected at San Ohietobal fieatepee, in the stream of the parish ahurah, on the spot where Morelos was executed by the Spaniards. Offlso Hours Christmas, General delivery window, carriers' window, stamp aad) register windows wilt all be open at 8:3K a. m., and re main open until the 11 o'clock mall arrives at eMee, when they will be closed for distribution of that wall, aad will opea agaia until 1 o 'sleek. The rural carriers, will make their regular trips. The eity carriers will make oae trip la the residence district. Parties expecting anything by regis tered) mall wiH please call at the efiicc There will be no money order business transacted. Sea the New Cabinets. We have jest received a shlwweat of new cabinets for talking machine res erda that are very attractive. We will be giad to have you see these. We have also a number ef the new Marning Glory Herns far Bdisoa machines. These are ornamental audi suitable far parlor m, . ORO. 0. WILL, The MwaU Storo, 1x1 South Commer cial Street, o Hotal Willamette. Families eaa get their Christmas (Ma nor at the WiHametto Hotel. It will be above tho ordinary 6s30 to 7j30 p. h. Telephone for number of plates. . c HollUter's Rocky Mountain Tea is simply liquid electrisity. It goes to ov ery part of your body, bringing nw blood, strength and new vigor. It make you wel and heps you well. 35 cents. Dr. Stone 'a Drug Store, o What Do You Think of That? "Didn't I tell yer that BUI was too slew to live!" "Why, what's 'e bin aad dene sew." "He's gena aad get run over by a hearse! " -London Sketch, I MP- .f N jBTiJih i i a d BVV!3eTiBiM sS II M Pf 'GIFTS' - I .... ..- .-(- for ma.. Ta-pioKn It is to oarly t wi5 yiu i is better now than it will be later. Everything's Fresh, Ideas New ' Yen oan nnd mm " "t . Koeaar, Olovoe, UolUs, Sdrta and tlfo ntany otor tblngn go to oompleto a man wardrobe Not tho oominonplaoo fnrniabinga that every storo aolls. We've Smart, Snappy Things. Our prices aro alwaya reasonable, wo know no fancy prices. Wo aro alwnyo the friend of tho Bey, w. aro looking out ior him now. And to inako Buro tba every boy wlU bavo a present wo bavo 'mado a largo reduction In our Bop' Department. Our suits from ago 3 to 8 wo bavo reduced to just ono-nalf. Our totta from ages 0 to 10, abort and long panta wo bavo reduced In tho following manner: . . ..!.. . a-i VK. 11. to 84.00 Buna now ....bou S Z nn.7B Bulta now ....3,1.85 to 7.00 Suits now .. And similar reductions up to fl.00 to 14.00 SUITS NOW $9-45 ' '" ' 4-35 TOMORROW TOR TVO HOURS BBaiNNTNO AT 0 O'CLOCK AND BNDINO AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M. SATURDAY, DBO. SW, '05. PROVIDBD THEY ABB NOT ALL aONB AT THE BLBVBNTH HOUR THE YOKOHAMA TEA CO. WILL. SELL STATE HOUSE PLACQUBS TOR 10c EACH, THESE SOLD REGULARLY TOR 35 CENTS Nena will bo sold at this prlco bo foro and nono after tho tlmo named. Not more than two to a purchaser YOKOHAMA TEA CO., FRANK 0. rEROUBON, Manager for Creditors. FLAX FIBRE WANTED A representative of the Baa t era Iin en trust is in the city, and will come lw foro the Qewwerelal club this evening m imortMi mo people of Salem and vb oinlty in the growth of flax for fibre purposes. Thero are several important matters coming before the organization, and & Urge representation- is desired to bo In aWendtinae. I Salem Woolen Mill Stoe Harrison Oroen. Harrison A. Green wan laid to rest Irt Olty View cemetery today, vd ft largo munlwr of aorrowinu relatives and frlendn nttondod and paid their last tribute of oymiwthy to ono tho v. bad loved. Rv. W. 0. Knntner road tho short aorvlao, ami Rev. Ilrrett of. ferel prayor. Harrison Groan wan born in this olty 8ft years ago, and lived bore a part of bin youth, after which be, with his parent, moved to Portland, whore ho grew to manhood. Ho wan a member of tho Pattern MAkero' League, being head pattern maker at the Willamette Iron Works, of Portland. live yearn ago, In this olty, he wen tnarnied to Miss Doll Harrltt, they mak lag 'their homo In Portlands Their, mar. rled life waa one of Ideal 'happiness. He leaves, besides hia wife, a mother and ono sister, who live in Portland. Tho pall bearer wero Z. J. Rlgga, Milton Mayors, Harry Albert, George Brow, Harry Molr and' Mr. It. Strauo, of Portland. TJw grave waa oovored with beauti ful flowers, which allowed tho love and esteem la which he waa hojd. Many of the flewera eamo from Portland. Tho many friend bore extend their deepest sympathy to the bereaved ones CITY NEWS see 0) - A Collection of Important Para graphs for Yoor Consideration. Tho last olmnco to havo good broad Monday; Buy Wild Bono llour tonight. The big doll In attainting attention at tho Ohlnft Hall, Stat street, Tlila store Iwh a oboleo stock of China, at low price. v Ohojvt for breakfast ant Farrlngton 1ms good onetf. Try some for Sunday, Keep up your ropuWatton aa a cook. Wild Rose Flour will help. Boyn, see ywir mother got VfiUl Boo Wmir, If yon want 8XHr things. Don't deapalr if tho flour's In faultv Uso 711d Roao Flour. Santa's Hoaaquartors, All tho poor children of this city who aro intending to writo to 8anta Glaus, should address their lottero to tho Salvation Army, aa that is bis stopping place this year. The tlmo la limited, nnd Santa Glaus Is very busy this time of the year M you had better harry and got your lot ters in. Call at tho Salvation" Army hall Christmas night, and get an an swer to your letter. Oas Stand Lamps, Tho Oitlxeaa' Light & Traction Co Is just In receipt of a largo assortment of gas stand lamps. They are just, tho hkg for Christiana presents for your rtcntu. NotWng more appropriate. Im.., Notblne would ha mn .nnM.f?iA.i Ii Hxamlno the assortment. 12-8O-0t te o Holiday Excursion Bates. Tho O. 0. T. Co. will make a rate of ono and one-fifth faro for round trip excepting where faro ono way is 50 cents, the round faro will bo 75 cents. Tickets on sale beginning December aotb', good returning until January 7tb. M. P. BALDWIN, lMMwk Agent. Boys' Express Wagons. A Bplondid lot of boys' e-r- wagons at MitchoU,' Lewis & SUvor's rtxeet store. Prices 1.60, 81.75, $2.00 and 82.25. ' STOrai" jt. Old Pioneer Dead, Ligo Hunsaker, one of tho pioneers Oregon, died at the Balem, hospital tbbi morning. Ho eamo across the plains in 1803 with Davo Pickens ani Barney Ponnpellv. whd W, i. him. : ""uv" Bunning a Biak. Hia. Ijams How aro you eottina r l-r -.. T0r ftTr!!Bb, mignt l D ', - , nil B aTRiBnr Here's That Ma chine Yoar Wife Wants , Lay Ido some of yoitr cigar mQaoy for awhile and-got thla for hor.' Sho deserves it. If you had to get along with some machine aa inefficient as that old) ono oho trioa to use, you'd Mr every atitch sowed outsido tho houso. - Corao and boo our plan for eollljg this to you on installmonte. It will bo -jr ur jt,u anl you will feel Hko a chine! yU,W 80nt UP the tho celebrated "Whlto Botary. you know, with a beautify M. IS! stand that bouse. boautif al giaen U an ornament to" any P- A. Wiggins IMPLEMENT HOUSE. Implement House, 265-257 liberty . Farm Implements, meals, AhWo, WIee, gewteg UuUbm mUI iiwUea. 1 - T -II I t H