Fad and Fancies. (OregoulanO -rfce publication of the long Impend w iFfl(lK and IVneies" monleiJtnr!ly attention L relueiain urican phenomeno wWeh ii en l..tr "I'a'ls and l"anels" Is a to that lied eon- gleewra ti.m of binding, paper, gilt and 0gnrr1t. with Uw outward semblance 'TThoak! Internally it b nothing of .w. tiiro -f a 'wflk It poaeibly tlintV"lu'"011 V irr"' 1ttrlon Marrl-, DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2C, lOOP tWritMr In hiuiIIi.. i.-i 11 . tn . """ "hv irmi it hhio un- iiKiy When we remember how ty imM their time. What , ,- . smmble to enpoae H that 1015 of thw "ograpiiies are pretty mnry enoUffh to All out a volume of elegant oban uml sic, M ga itUtend a gaily ,1 rated toy Imlloon, The publishers lmvP doubtlea. divide .j. ,nt0 , of about thnt number, and, havin ' r--u u,-vn on, they will prcsonth I laoV-n upon Knottier. and n j.i.J . l. ...rnrUaa nun Ur and tlrara inir lhtn In l. ttr. -B.WD1CU M- - - "" n iwt inn pmvf wfleetlni? go of oomiiwn.aaocoeeeknof those edifying volutin,. -- - m" '" ! iMnaMiiMiiWiTMMnBiTimT""""" taw H acru ffBAaanas I awbu.v rr "macaw v an m.mma wnru i Mir HLt hv Mate jnciMin' " ..-.. -....B probaMv unintentional. The Bug M Iiidk111' eonkl ho word aufll jly exprpsolve of folly to ebnroc riH thiD thing, therefor It imet be uoktn t '" n ,00,c If Jt 1b sl0,C8n of t " h Its makeup U typical of the tltor in the skipoa of men and nJBnn whose qtmel-liunmM antics H nrMrts t" deeorfbe. Gorgeous with -Mf goM nnd sumptMoue vellum, or- MWa(ed with the prostituted kbora U lagrni"U nrUwMM HMl g4rtd nr 1 within it Ik ft mre blimk xeept for rtC'rt of Ufl t4tU-UtU Htid th fonlMi hitoripn of worlhloon Wn; jMt m the men him) womst who mk ta latmtriitlit.v of itllooy In it gibkd mm ft'lom hrfr ImhMm with lmlf th yuto of ft -oomntonweftlth whtl tfcir tonlt gilAr In vnmncy. Itoofa ta 105 mibMribers to the 1ook MiJ a lrg mm of tnonoy to ltn pub )Mff. Hvm pftid to hnve their fol Hm rttoHivl. Others rmld to hnv Mr Ut omllteil. The widow of MU r. UnntlngtoH givo 10,000 to tit hr oV'I ktttbftml's ploturo niHi Utfraphy itwltuWd In the lltomry enr- air) of vAtiity, whlok BemiM ft pity, Itt, wlmtT kin mwdeeiM, he wm at a fool. Mr. ClavefaiHl himI lra4 ket KovU ftre fthte iiielHdedi tmt wttkoat thfir eOBPeiit, oft gMUrat tad erro if thy permit It j Mrity will not bluiM them aevorely. 3akiad admit tmU even geat men mm oteaainnaUy inditlge 1m. felly. Why tht nuraber of Mbeeribere wee IMM to 1"5 l k ewrtetM qnwUon, It aT be that no other members of aeei ety w ullv enough to wnate their awery lo iufb a way, but thnt is kunb ly probablr, ootmideHsg how t4iey MWtUy tnd it. It may be Umi nomip or wr aiMl nooe bcftuae he k 44n had committed aeatwkla worth Mtm)rerel with the immorUk in art, ttnlem ft rait for blaekiMl timFlnlv cm-tuna the enterprite of the pnMUh n of 'ld and Inelta." Vlewwl a, th, mord, of wortWww Urea, the roiHeiHa of thi. book aro themeelrea wortblee,. bnt for all tbnt they hve a certftk itMeroat. American 1vli aoelety may be aeammlona phe eioii, bttt It enta too mnrh of a flu re in or natloimj life to U IgnoriHl. It follfee ra iMereet leeann thv re the conenmmate reward of effort U wMeh moai of m ftepire; or. if wr do not nmtlre to them, we awretly rttvy thm The eaptaltt of indnttry pltin dew Ma workmen and chenUi hi com petUow to give hla wife the meana to giimoie itJIrt Aetor'a partlw, ami W lw diamonde at dinner with Mrs. Stnyveeant Mah. The lawyer aelle bin bmln to twimNIng eornomtlona to en able km family to ape In tbeir Inlnnd eity the maalg)eM expenee of Xew York eoelety. The eaehier robe hie benk, the trtmtee Iretraya hie trott. the eeimtor etenle, Ue Immniaee president awliMilee, Ie nrtlet pa4itM and the au thor wrltee-ftll not merely for monty but for enough of it to Mr hia wv into aoeiety. MngHeh eoeMy make muek of mI entlfle men and lioaiaee natbora and he roee. l'reneh aoeiety cultivate wit and footer art. Amerienn aocifty k s notWag of the eort. It valnM art on! im aemetklne: to upend money on with pompoue display. Of literature It kmowfi nothing. It ente too muctr to bo witty, ami drruk too mueh to be doeewi. The only monfiil effort It makofj i In gambHng- the only tribute k my to monUily.le to frequent the tMvore eourt. No man gnine etftnd ing in Ameriena, aoeiety beeauee he baa done ureftt deede In eUteeman- EiBOO Holiday Ideas in Plenty i. i.i- mt.M Uvn nn tllO fkP All .,, nrw ,,, In Chrletmae Jewelry nwatt ye,r inipietien .1 Mr. tboT IU i. 7 W -- T , , u fliil, f.at with TKvmlB to bo laid away uirfll ObtSeimae. proval of an mmy giftboyera already tkat tmr larg Iflre and Dwrgmr prwf etfe In Mm " i"? ..,. .r boydav creedd le ur atore, Come while th dy y88 ana lh.t there it roim for many more ef ether glfto to be eieteft from eur IffUlMt army of hoH4y is oar more, the erowde are not yet donee, and aallofy yereif that ail yeu hear abost Hlngee la tr wltWa the limit of faetv Make Any Comparison You Like You will be rpr.,d at Mr.' priee for dtamond rlnge, earring, or broaebe, Our lea-hip in tb, waUh tra4e In due to to Pn.Uoal kwl e.lge, to the eaceful Inapeetor of eiek movement received, and perfect timekeepers only are sold over oar counters. OoM gnr,l ehains, vet cklM, nnd lo.ket. are of equal merit, and will do as wo eay, wear loager Urna mm. & !" I gnarnntiHd afffliiBu1 anHHBLJtLBiuVvBjBi4iH F-o23 ENGRAVING FREE. Chas. H. Hinges 123 Commercial St. ..aBBBWaW"! ' 1 flJBl9eBBBBBV bBPCv 1 0 MnaaW aelonee or literature, If hM aehleve mewta make kirn riek enougk, W la ftdmttted. If (key do not, he U oxelud' KanMa. IvAMma la tho only state that over DOX'T TintOW AWAY C100D MONEY roOLIBIELY, DRIB. LDa ABOUND ATTEIl USELESS ICNIOK KNAOICfl, TOYS, AND TJD3 LIKE, V1TH WHICH MONEY YOU CAN MAKE A """ """ r aaalal wuaaBan ta (Vnm taritMi Tbv nUWlTANTIAL PAYSNT ON A WANO, AND MAKE Tina are ft good riowmeb, m tough oeaaolenee and ft long pure. Tint VniT TftvrTTO rnmTDmrio rt at.t. a nrT.TrtT nn. I Illlle ruoh In mad elwiM lifter hoalth, frem ene ctrrae ef faddiim te another, when, If they would only 1TVAO TTXTrtTo nriunr i nriun nnmnummrTna . "' U '""I rm "T "" """ .w,v, 4uwu.( " w wW -, rejpUr w,k Dr K,Bgfi NMT Lf0 P0ETUN1TY AWAITS YOU AT TUB OREAT EXHIBITION Or 0AM, BTO AT EILEBS PIANO HOUSE, THB PIANO BROUOIIT HOME OinUSTMAS EVE WILL e OLADDBN THE HEARTS Or TID3 VH0LB TAMILY, TOOM THE OLD FOLKS DOWN TO TIDES LITTLE TOT; AND TID3N IT IS NOT A USELESS ORNAMENT, BUT A MODERN NB0B8 SITY, A SOURCE 01 PLEASURE AND MEANS Or EDUCA TION, AND A STEPPING STONE TO HiaHBR CULTURE AND RlFDfBMENT. tuinb: seriously over Tins before it is too late; IT IS NOW, OR, PERHAPS NEVER, MANY HOMES WILL BE ADB HAPPY THIS XMAQ. WHY NOT YOURS7 OUR DD3PLAY IS THE GREATEST WE HAVE EVER iADB, BOTH IN MAGNITUDE AND MAaNOTOENOB. 8BB THE BEAUTIES FOR $836-48.00 DOWN AND $8.00 A Month, they are worth ?i75, see what $186 will DO. SEE WHAT A NICE PIANO $164 $6 A MONTH WILL SBOURB, " i" o THE PLACE TO GET THE BEST OF XMAS PRE3ENTS LS AT THE HOUSE OF Trrr.-RTm- ' PIANOS DELIVERED AT ANY TLME DESDttED, COMB, JTE OR TELEPHONE EILERS PIANO HOUSE, 0. W, 8b M, MOR., Y. M. O. A, BLDG. .. - , .. ... , ed. Roelety demand of ltn neophrte'w mw"U" wimai. .a one i. u money, and nothing eiee. It V of M '"'- ' w than a wek man neitbor ekaraefr nor mankod;ffr MH,B- W0Wftn i o),m en it nek of a woman neitker beauty nortbo Z0 f tU K'0"0 rftm " 0rIent virtue. Virtue, In faot, 'weuW le a'!0 ,ho H"t rom OreonWu.a"a dMIaet Impodlment In our very boat ibU1r ' wl etraad. aIm1v ii w-awlil wait iiima h uit. i " ' o only atatA thnt, on a pinoli, pear pulmr even If It did not wolte n ,T,H0 t4, P''t" tho frigid, aonadal. An oxjwt of long experlenee, tw,ftrte " torrirt BM- 8,4, ,8 baa loiminid up the real eaeoHtlak to' ' H'1'9 ltU4a M Iwurti oaa inrnMa uitwue vuiioii lo (HO Mate 01 tho leeman from TeelanO, tho Tele from J'owimI, tko IM frojH irelaixl, or the tyjvleal mago from Dornoo la kk ua trammeling twit of mMHtkiae. Kaaoaa m tho ofy state that oan mix in tfc eAmmoreo of Yry olimo, ami whera the hot wind will ftifeet tha mar Iwta of OrMewdom. Wtkln thVlaet ton year tko ek4e baa ralaed mmoioNt eora to fatten owougk caUlo to drink up tho vatwa of l,ake iuporior, aad enougti bogo to furawk bam Rrnvy to float tho United Stated aVy. She baa enough, natural gaa to supply tho fur- New Pietoroa in Century. " f civilisation, and enouob mlt Tho January Century bogimi the year ,a1'a plekHng briiw out of all the with no letting down of Ita atandHnw freak watra of tho Hlobe. Tom Me- f llwetratioa. The eoiorml fronti ' Plllfl, tboir traublea would all rM away. Prompt relUf and qAlek eure fer liver and MomAek troubla, OSo, nt J, 0. Perry'a drug iure; gunranteel. marknble for It aeeuraey, to Ike groat dlaguat of the roan In nttomtRnee, whom tip .'wan generally regulateil by tho alto of tho bag. "Dear mol" nt lat oxoklmed tho ortmnn, "but the blrik aeeiu oxaop tlenally strong on Uio wlnj; Ma yoar." 'Not nil of 'em. sir' onmo tho rv iimrks. "Yott'vo tbot at tho aamo Wnl about a doxow tlmoa. 'K'h a follorln' you about, air." "Hollowing jno about? Nonaenael Wky ahould blnD do that?" won, wr," mhho tho reply, "I dunno, I'm eure, uuloaa Va 'angin' rouu you for oafety.''-Tattler. GO YEARS' EXPERIBNClE imTra A TfiADt Marks Dcstort CorvniQMTa Ac nrono tondlnf a aketAli and (1eor1rtlqn wr in pur opinion nit wnntnsr ka untr. uwu U "Tim SHing Kaom.'' Abm Ih eokr k too printing, with deeorat Iv deeigaa by Ikatrko fltophena, of tho aM Mafikb roHgtomi lyrle, "Yet if Ilk Makeejr Our 8ovorig4i Lord." There are four Ineota In tint, one drawing for Mm. Ward 'a novel, an other group of "Amorieu." Of the pagea in bkek and white, of apoekl ia4rwt k a portrait of Thackeray, puwNMoa ror the am time rrom a photograpk of the erayon drawing from life. Redueed Round Trip Ratee. Te all peiaUi ea Southern Paeifla linea in Oregon, Aoeeunt Chrlstraaa and New Yeara holidays. Per the above occasion the Southern Paaifle Company will sell tlekets on Deeember 83, ii, 5, 30, 31 and January 1 to all pointa on Oregon linea at rate of one and one-third fare fer the round trip. Return limit Janu ary 2, 1006. Btepovera will not bo per mitted. 12-10td Notice of Sale of School Buildings. Notieo Is hereby given that the un dorolgaod will, up to 7:30 p. m, on Saturday, January 6, 1006, reeeive sealed bids for the purchase of the two eld sehool buildings knewa an the Big Central Sehool and Little Central Sehool buildings now loeated on the north half of bleak 3 in the' eity of Salem, Oregon. Certified check of 25 per cent of the amount of the bid must accom pany bid. Successful bidder must en ter into a contract to remove buildings within 30 days of acceptance of bid. The right to reject any or all bide ia reserved. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 10th day of Deoember, 1906. J. a GOODALE, JR., Clerk of the school district No. 24, in Morion county, Oregon. 13-21-llt A Natural Result, It Is very reasonable to suppose if the foundation ef a structure was remoTvd that the building Itself is bound to eeme dewn. This simple principle can bo applied to disease. Take medicine late the astem that will remove the eauao of tho akkncM, and illness will leave of itself. Dyspepsia, iadigeotlon, sick Jjeedaebe and billonns i..- their foundation in stomach dleordera. Remove thk wealcneaa and the other symptoms are no more. There U one jure for this that all druggl.ta eel! for Me per boxj it i. Dr. Ounn'a Im- Uo beginning of the disease and make the cure by taking away the oauae. Not too Right One, curing tao National Civic fodere, tlon'a convention Ia Now York Samuel wVm.,.W4D, uppropoa of a mistake, said "It mitrbt hav . .u.' ... . aa e aa9aaBBBaBBBb .A anlekir MMcuin oir ownlon ne wlioihor l(iTnll(ifi ) irutib)r jMiMitAbta ComMunln Ilontulc(lrn0deii(lt HAMQBO0K oa Patau wnl fiv. Ulileat ttoucf fufnoourlfl imtoiiu. Piui4 ukio ttiruuiU iiuiiu A Uo, rtre tytUl ntU4, without cliro in the Scientific jnmricatt. bandomtlrllluitrala4 woklr. lrttl elr. ilailmi of nr ianiida lounikl, Trim, II a MUNN & Co iBrodr. New Yorfc CepymoHT GONE BACK ON THE LADIES We have decided to quit bundling ladies' ahoee, and tberefora will ejpgo out at ono,) our elegant lino of up-to-date Ladiea' Shoae, and a largo lot of OhUdren'a Bhoea at prices ae low n,i. lower than cost. JACOB VOGT w mate Street. 1 W ' might have beea embarraselnir as the position at n young maa of Toledo whom I hoard about the other day. "Ho had been calling now and then o a. young Toledb lady, and one night aa he oat in the parlor waiting for her to oomo down, bor mother entered tho room inatead, and asking him, Ia a yiry grave, ctern way, what hie. in toations wore. "lie turned very rod and was about to otasnmer como inwl.rJ,n v, 52 y Mr called .."l!r JT" f tha rtal: ,, p nmnia' tt ia not tho Chicago later Ocean. Discerning Kind. A eity gentleman m. - -.i . with the bird." xat . . ' u. ,o.u7 srs one. BEEP IS BETTER itVSrtrr thla ra . -A. :. vr tnma i - -vko xa9 satu wo partake. A vonn on the Christ- rlaht Vm T...L . Porker ohould alwaye to oiaa table. a. o. osojw, Btato Street Market. Phone 201 Our Qhrlstraaa Laundry Work will please the most fastidious, aa It doea at any time, nd those -who see tho axbio. tic work on a eollar, aklrt or cuff from our establishment can't reai8t having It done on their linen aa soon a posl. ble. Torfect aatlsfaoUon I m... tood in color, flnlah and tho perfect oou altlon la which -your Hnan i T,..i by tho Balom Stoam Laundry. Family work, rough dry, 5o per pound A handeomo calendar given to o&ob customer having work ih thla week. Salem Steam Laundry .wo-mo 8, Liberty St Phono 25. FOR SALE Fifteen acres, all in cultivation, within one mile of Salem. Hbus barn and a acres of fruit. This is the flneet kind of river bottom land and r?b2ooo.o,ve:yeMytemafo'- Don't forget our COOS BAY LOTS w $35.00. Buy ono end in a few yoaru it will make you some money. Deriby and Wais on Tic Fasnion Stables tTp.to.dato Hvory and cab IJne, 1, ST i Vta 1Wty. Taily. 247 and 249 High Street. H I, w