DAILY OAPITAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1005. i MMMMiMMWMWMMIMMWMIII1'l'i l ' I I I I HI t I MRS. PUTER MUCH AGITATED. I 19 Stockton The Pfcaiium Store OLD ST. NICK IS COMING FAST Only a few more days and he trill come dropping down your chimney. Don't get caught without tome gift for onch of your Mond. don't' alight any oih Something nsefut will be more upprecinted than a wortbleaa ar ticle Hint fads Kith the giving. OOMB TO TUB USEFUL STORE WHBRB BEST GOODS ARE SOLD FOR LESS MONEY THAN THEY OAN BE BOUGHT FOR ELSEWHERE. There is a Well Dressed Mara in Saleoi Whose wife always saves dp Iter odd change and gives him a Milt of olothca for a, Christmas present. His gift is always something equal ly as tMeful. A NEW HAT PAIR OF GLOVES OVERCOAT UMBRELLA BOX OF HANDKERCHIEFS SHIRTS, COLLARS TIES, BOOKS, ETO. e All make useful gift for men A ,rt4sincT fancy and 33 mJmM&&? Aprons nam i gphfif lEaSS The most beautiful assortment over 3 JB B shown in Salem. SSL .am I 25c to $2.50 uL T l JfZrl It I For Xmns Mvery sort ( ntrablo Is hrrc for your choos PURSES Oar hoi Way line of purse la by fur superior In quality and style. llowomWr the same low price that prevail In our ntore will l found in this department. Petticoats Nothing beats n nice Petti eat for an Xmas present. We have a fine assortment especially for the holidays. Price range $1 to $18 p-i Shoes and Holiday Slippers If you don't 1c now the site or mako a mistake wo will gladly exchange them for you after Christmas. Itamombcr our Premium Offer. Mvurv sash nmtnuwtr i-li a. uuium (a ilia FRFF sTIHFa BmM' Wl0,r I""" Coupon aro redeemable In high grade Seml-Por I IAL.L. ISlkJi IL.VJ oolalu, Qold Trimmed Dishes, or imitation Star Cut Olaiw. I Wftuta to Oo Two Miles n. Mlnuto, Now York, Do. St.-Alfred Owynno Vnnderbllt baa (inhered a wondorful Automobile for tho Ormond-Daytona Bench raoes ami expects It to run at a vpocdt oxeetHllHf- two miles a man nte. Tho Machine Is bolng designed by Francois -Howard, a French eagin car, and whoa completed Paul 8 r tori will run It. It will bo propelled by an eight-cylinder motor developing SoO horsepower and will weigh Mader tho required weight limit of StOl pound. Tat year Mr. VenderbUt's 00 horsepowet1 Mercedes racing oar made a disappointing showing at the Ormond-DaytonA raees. This year the name ear waa oatored in tho Vamkv Wit oup rase, but an early Accident put It out of ike contest. It Is Mr. Vanderldlt' aim to own the fastest automobile In tho world. Will Build Largo Steel Plant. Toledo, O., Dee. St. Preparation have bee begun for the erection of en of the largest and best equipped iron ami steel works la this country. to lo built by the Cleveland Cliffs Iron company. The location of tho new works will bo at tho ejetremo north ad of Hast Toledo, ntretohlng a mile nm) n quarter down tho Mauutee river front. AH tho necessary mills and furnaces to a eompleto steel mill will be built ami it Is estimated that tho Improvement will oefc (18,000,000. Whoa completed the worm will am ploy about 111,000 men, thus adding eonaUktrahly to tho population." The ground baa Im broken ami the ax eavatlag wlH be eon t limed during the winter, m that everything may be la readiae for the building In tke Tis EASY TO SELECT A Chrlstmiu alft. Just leek: tliwo Linen Over Yoa Aro Bare to Boo Something to Please You. JERSEYS BOXINa aLOVBS 8TRIKINO BAaS FOOTBALL GOODS BAfiEBALZi SUPPLIES MARBLES SHOT GUNS of ail niakea RITLBS of all makes rOOKBT KNIVES RAZORS AND STROPS POCKET KODAKS INQBRSOLL WATCHES IT'S BABY TO PLEASE FROM OUR LARGE STOCK -4aLJ. JtE&a3K jpfg.?7ir' - ' "" ' 4 fjJGyOi ' ftXliff,r,ilM F sssT mmmmmlr i jfBiJiSCS.tfSSaWSBBSaeBBBg" raj mwmwmmmmmwmwmmwmwmwmmMmwmmam Sterling Silver For Gifts When you buy sterling ware, the qaesMen af quality is sattled by the mark '"sterling." If you are looking for silver gifts soe our aeortoat ad mako your aelectlea eorlyj Sllror bought now will be oagraved fr?a. Knives, forks, spoons, and tablo piesos of orery sort. A first-iato varioty to choow from, and tho fairat rleee that aro askd anywhere. Tea epooos, $1.00 per sot. Cold moat forks, $8.50 each. Bon Bon epoontf $1.00. Berry spoons, $3.50. Snuvll moat carving kaifo and fork, $5,00, Ko Borvor, $3.50. State and Liberty Sts., SalefQ. Ore MBBJ-BBl-s-riBBasBiBBaawsiaiiiaBmBBBssrsaaBisBBsas apring. rur Sweet Cream QuafNMtiHMl ttmii, lae a pt. Com mwtjlal Oream Oo, St Hard Coast BtortH. Sm Pranolseo, Dn, St. The ateam sohaonr Iaqaa, lamber kdoa, raek1 this plft this morniag aftr a wen days' 4ormt- vayMgo from Wills pa harbor aadw a JMry ntiUor, hr mh dor bftvlag bM wasintd away. Tho wImmhwc T4de. from Tasoiim, ami th Hteamor Umatilm, from lut Sound, akM arriol aftar a trytag x )MriiM with keav sons. Pure Sweet Cream Rocaived frwm rrj- day 18e por pint, at (.'ommwrotal Oream Co. St Dining Proiideot and Mrs, Roosevelt. WashiafUH D. C, Dee. 8S. Prasi dt and Mrs. Roosevelt will .bo the gucsta of hoaor at a tHaner givaa by Vieo Preaideat ami Mrs. Fairbanks at tkoir magaifiseat now homo on Parra J gut Square, A large number of in vi.aueas save ueon eeat out ny tae hosts ami a brllMant party is ozeted to g&thw arouad iho festive board to night. Puro Sweet Cream. Ftfteou eoats a jvlat, Commerelal Croam Co, ' St Of National Importance, PiUrtwg, Dee. 8S, Mrs, Corey id at tho homo of her husband' father, A. JA. Ooroy. It ia believed Corey will be 'prodoat ChrUtmas, and it ia said of forte at roeoaoiliatiea will be euoeesa- fuJ. Tho older Corey ntoontly visited bis ooa la Now York, and reported tie lvwult; was a possibility of reuniting tho couple. Chicago Markets. Chisago, Dec' M. Wheat, 83 89; oorn, 50i9; oata, 303O?4. I i Money to Loan l THOlLafl K. FORD, Over Ladd A Busk's Bank, Balem, Or. Seoret Servfca Men Wntoking Her Mansion at Berkeley. Hvrkoley, Cal., De, 22. Althongh it wns given out by Mrs. S. A. D. Pnlcr Wtxlnewmy nlgbt thai her haiand, who Is waatod for sow fmads hrrolving Oregon )ans k in ilendlclno county, secrtt servieo mea, representing the Un'ted States governmoni, nre watch ing ths lhrter nvtmilon, at 1017 Spruce street. Pnter has not been located in Mndleino tonntys and it is thonght that he might be In hiding in his Brk- ( elev residvnoo. ' Ms. Paler is eesoiderably agitated over the sitnatioas and telle all eomers that) ahe has notoing to say. The plain clothes hmn at Borketoy a-re known to be la possession of warrants for Fnt-I er 'a arrest on a now ehurge sworn to by Hiram Godfard) of I- Cross, Wis. An Oregoniatt jorreepottdtni Thurs day says! A new question arose In the state ItVtttl fraud situation today, when Thos. X. Strong, of Portland, appeared bo for the stal land) board with 15 forged eertlHeotos of sale, hold by tho Fenwoodl Luutbor Co- of Waueau, Wis. The comjuwy seeuro! these certificates from S. A. D. Puter, a collateral for a loan of about $0OO. The eertlflcntes were duplicates of originals which nre stilt outotamllng, ami in the hands of persons unknown- to the state land of floials. Tho atrange and unusual features of this latest bunch of forged certificates is that Puter made payments upon the certificates ami soeured genuine re eeipta from ike slate land office. In the other inetaueea ko forged reeeipts to show that tho money bad been paid. The question that a riots Is. To whom should tho state land board repay the moftey paid upon tho forged eertlA eateei Tho boartl does not want ie re pay it to Puter, ami will not do so un i it must. Mr. Strong argues that, since iho paymts were mad upon iho eerriHoato which his eMeai hold, ami upon which they have lost money, hho mouoy should be repaid to thorn. Tho original oortlnoatos of which theoe aro duplicates, were Issued to the following named' persona, some of whom are k-nowu to bo residonta of Port la ml: Harry Merkie, Thomas 11. Coole, J. 11. Osmum), A. It, Cooley, Al. I). Mackeu ale, John Joaos, Jack Powers, K, J. Wise, B. V, Murry, Minnie It. Parker. Mios A. C, Smith, Mm. 0. H. Brown. OMo ICacki, It. Board. Thoa forgod oortlfloatea purport to bo natdgaad to one D. It. MvirpWy, the aaalgnmenU iMilag oxoouted by P. II. "ard, who aoiodi as notary for Putr ia many mtlaueos. By Murphy these forged eerUfloatea wore awlgaod to the Psitweod liumbor Company', la Itameoy eouaty, Mlnaosota, Um aigumoat bo lag mad- bofore Wehard A. Walsh as notary. Tho wkneonw war J, A. ftwoa sow sad R, A. Walsh. The arguments woro mads July Si, 1WM. , Tho thoory of tho stato land boatd la that K, D. Murphj la a noUkui per aoa, hho aamo aa II, IT. Bigg, who waa the motM urn through whom many forgod oortinoales pasisd. 8Uto Iand Agaat Woot. boliovos that Putor uaod the naww of lUffga nml Murphy for the purpoao of thoao dsjala, rsprasowtlag thnw moa to bo elioaU of bis. By so diag ho could keep his own name out of the aeotgaiuentin. Tho ataio mud board baa rofsrrod to Attrneygoaoaal Csawford tho qusetloa wlHthor tho moaoy paid by Putor, or' Murphy, if there bo such a person, afcepld bo repaid to tho rVawood Iim bor OoHipaay. No paymoats have boea malo by too hoidom of tho original ear tiioatort, so If theas payment bo re funded, tho original eorHloatea will not bo in pood ataadlag, but will bo subject to eaacelmtioa. Tho holders of fck original may not have made their payment beoaueo the payments mak on tho forgorieo woro oradlUd oa tho eiato land ofllee book to tho original eoruifioatos. Tho reoordo, -thorofore, showed no paymoat-s due. f7 m 'AtJIXfV? .! UXkl JREOJPJLE3 JBAMGAW.JiOOrSJ ... PT USEFUL OintlSTMAS PRESENTS NOW ON EXHIBITION Wo bftvo put tito prioos bo low tliat by Saturday jiight wo axpect to liavs closed out our entiro Christmas goods. Look over tills list of goods and pick out what you waut. FINE SILKS LADIES' COATS LADIES' SUITS FINE FURS SILK WAISTS SILK PETTICOATS WOOL WAIBTS MERCERIZED PETTICOATS MILLINERY CHILDREN'S CAPS KLMONAB DRESSING SAOQUES WRAPPERS WAIBTINaB BLANKETS MEN'S CLOTHING MEN'S HATS MEN'S SHOES MEN'S UNDERWEAR MEN'S NECKTIES MEN'S GLOVES MEN'S SILK HDKFS. MEN'S LINKKUADKFS MEN'S SLIPPERS LADIES' SHOES TOILET CASKS DRESSED DOLLS KID BODY DOLLS RUBBER DOLLS MECHANICAL TOYS LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS 3c, 3c, 6c, 8 l3c, 16c and 96c. riiLow Tors TANDY ALBUMS OUTING FLANNEL NIOHTaOWNS CHILDREN'S SHOES LADIES' SLIPPERS LADIES' SILK 1IDKFS. LADIES' LINEN HDKFS SILK MUFFLERS WOOL GLOVES COMFORTS KID OLOVES UMBRELLAS JEWELRY LADIES' HAND BAGS LADIES' BELTS TOYS OF ALL KINDS TABLE LINENS FINE TOWELS LINEN NAPKINS RIBBONS FINE LACES LADIES' TANDY COLLARS LADIES' UNDERWEAR LADIES' TINE HOSIERY CIEtLDREN'S HOSIERY LADIES' HOSE SUPPORTERS TANOT HAIR COMBS BOYS' CLOTHING BOYS' rANTS OVERCOATS MEN'S rANTS BOYS' SWEATERS MEN'S SWEATERS MEN'S WOOL OLOVBS MEN'S SHIRTS LACE CURTAINS BOYS' SHOES RUBBER SHOES Saiem'sGtfeatestGowingStotfe Corner of Commer cial and Court Streets McEVOY BROS. High School Completed, Tho Salem bchoel board met this morning at tha saw high eehool bu.h ing with tho direotors, for tho purpose of Intjpeotiag and accepting the new ediflae. All tho members of tho beard woro praeeut, as wore ,alao Messrs, Welsh and Mower, the eontraetere, but for seme reaaee; the architect was ab sent from" tho city. After going tbroagh all the rooma, ami making a cursory osaminaiioa of the work, and condition of the building, the boartl ad journ d to meet next Tuesday evening at tho city hall. Tho clerk waa in structed to eead notice to tho architect, Mr. Pugh, askiBg him to bo present, and prepared to mako a report of the condition of the work, aa the board did not feel justified ia accepting or re jeeting the building without his ad vice. Swoot Cream For Chrktmaa k'naer at 15c a pint. Commercial Cream Coompany. at MRS. FAIRBANKS SNUBBED. 81io Id Not Asked to Stand In Rooelv ing Line. Washington, Dos. i-Waoklngtou society waa groatly mrpriaed whea it wao loarnod that a now rogirne had boon iaewgumtod' in regard to the re eeiviag lino at oMalal levoos at tho Whits Ileus. Mrs, Fairbanks, wife of the vice preoidont, has not boon asked to stand besldo Mru. RoosovoU at tho Now Year reception, nor will she bo expootod to appear other' than . guest at any of the other levees during tho season. Mrs Palrbaaks will make no expression on tone now ruling, but tho impression is that she believe a feeling exists agalaot her social prominence at pres ent, especially among cabinet wemea. Wives ef aabluyt etteers say she haa no more right to tho social domicile of honor wink Mm. RoosovoU than tha -icoprotment haa with the President 'a affair. Mm. Fairbawk la popular, and ntace she began her Wednesday "si homes'" this seaeoa she baa had hundreds of oalleru. It in understood that in consequence of the new Tullng, Mrs. Fairbanks is plaauiag one of the most elaborate ro eeptiono givea ia yeara for New Years day, ami she kas'secured the aaslstaaae of the most promiaont women in the of ficial and resident set, Mr. am Mrs. Fairbanks will give a dinner to President and Mrs; Roose velt on Deaeraber 98d. This, of oourse, will be a formal affair. ILLINOIS CASES Owloago, I), SS. Government ''' -- utoe spent tho night in invest gat-tgi the roeordti of tho vanirmen ar. tl by the defease (a the packers' eaw. T I day Morrleon jtorewptorily cbalpgd tkreo. -o-- Beautifying methods that injure tho akin and health are tdangerous. Bo beau tlful without discomfort by taking Helister's Rocky Mounts in Tea. Sun shiny faces follow Its use. 35 cents. Dr. Stone's Drug Store, ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. Will Myers and wife, of lone, epent last night in this city. L F, Templeton. of Brownsville, is spending a few days is thia dty, R. Strauss, foroman of the Willaia- otti Iron Works, o& Portland, attended tha funeral of H. A. Green today. Mlmue Alice Townsend and William 0, Biugham woro granted a marriage license this afternoon. Mien Lillian Metschan, of Portland. came up to this city today to attend the funeral of tho late H. A. Green. Plnkertona Always Wrong. Harry Wilkes, the man who was ar rested at Jfforoa yesterday bv Depu ty amorin Mlnto, em advice from the Portland detective, waa turned !" this nftornoea. Tha Portland onWrt thought that he waa a man b th ia&4 of Roger, who wa wanted in tl V but the Piakertea deteetives wl o an c after him failed to identify him t.s f man wanted Our store is fairly bubbling over with the spirit of Christmas time pervade every nook and corner, sad Orange ami Candy values tread upon the heels of values. Baker, Lawrence & Baker Successors to Harritt At Lawrenea Norwich Union Fire Insur ance Society. Frank Meredith, Resident Agent Office with Wm. Brown it Oa, No. 123 Commercial Street. NEW TODAY Lost.- An abstract of property, mads by tie Union Title Abstract Cc, a bluo cover. Return to Journal of fico for reward. 12 22 St